Competency - Based Learning Materials For Organic Agriculture Production NC Ii
Competency - Based Learning Materials For Organic Agriculture Production NC Ii
Competency - Based Learning Materials For Organic Agriculture Production NC Ii
Remember to:
Work through all the information and complete the activities in each
Read information sheets and complete the self-check. Suggested
references are included to supplement the materials provided in this
Most probably your trainer will also be your supervisor or manager.
He/she is there to support you and show you the correct way to do
You will be given plenty of opportunity to ask questions and practice
on the job. make sure you practice your new skills during regular
work shifts. This way you will improve both your speed and memory
and also your confidence.
Use the self-checks, Operation Sheets or Job Sheets at the end of each
section to test you own progress.
When you feel confident that you have had sufficient practice, ask you
trainer to evaluate you. The results of your assessment will be
recorded in your Progress Chart and Accomplishment Chart
You need to complete this module before you can perform the next module.
5. Raising OrganicAGR612302
This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to
produce organic concoctions and extracts which include tasks prepare for
the production of various concoction, process and harvest concotions.
At the end of this module you MUST be able to:
1. Work and storage areas are cleaned, sanitized and secured.
2. Raw materials used are cleaned and freed from synthetic chemicals.
3. Tools, materials and equipment used are cleaned, freed from
contaminations and must be of “food grade”
4. Personal hygiene is observed according to OHS procedures.
5. Raw materials are prepared in accordance with enterprise practice.
6. Fermentation period is set based on enterprise practice.
7. Various concoctions are fermented following to organic practices.
8. Concoctions are harvested based on fermentation period of the
9. Concoctions are contained in sanitized bottles and containers.
10. Packaged concoctions are labeled and tagged in accordance with
enterprise practice.
11. Packaged concoctions are stored in appropriate place and temperature
following organic practices.
12. Production of concoctions is recorded using enterprise procedures.
Computer, LCD, Shredder
Measuring cup, wooden ladle, pail, slicing knife, chopping board,
Molasses, alugbati, clean stone, empty plastic container, strainer,
Manila Paper, string/rubber band, Marking Pen, Masking Tape,
Apron, Rags, hairnet, face mask
Assessment Method:
Group Discussion
Written exam
Learning Experiences
Learning Outcome 1
Process concoctions
4. Perform Task Sheet 4.2-3 on Task Sheet 4.2-3 will help you
Ferment Various concoctions practice your skills
6. Perform Task Sheet 4.2-4 on Task Sheet 4.2-4 will help you
Harvest concoctions practice your skills
Raw materials are materials or substances used in the primary
production. It is the unprocessed material or unrefined natural resources to
produce finished goods for farm-owned and not for selling purposes. It is
found in surroundings that is simple, economical, farmer centered and
viable alternatives.
Raw Materials
Nitrogen Potassium Calcium
camote tops
banana trunks
bamboo shoots
animal bones
egg shell
sea shell
kuhol shell
Self- Check 4.2-1
Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the letter of
your choice on your answer sheet.
1. A
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. D
Information Sheet 4.2-2
Set fermentation period
Learning Objectives:
1. Define fermentation
2. Enumerate the uses of fermentation
Fermentation is process that produces useful substances (alcohol,
amino acids, organic acids, and anti-oxidant substances) for humans,
animals and plants through the metabolism of microorganisms.
Why Fermentation is Healthy?
The active cultures that pre-digest the food as part of the fermentation
process actually generate nutrients. So there are more vitamins — especially
B-vitamins — and minerals like iron are released from the chemical bonds
that prevent them from being assimilated. In effect, the nutritional value of a
food goes up when it has been fermented.
Alcoholic beverages are created when yeast gives off ethyl alcohol
and carbon dioxide as by-products of sugar consumption.
A loaf of bread is added with yeast and sugar to the dough and
when it is set the dough aside to rise, the yeast consumes the
sugar and gives off carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide gives the
bread bulk and texture that it wouldn’t have otherwise.
Gasohol is a fuel made from gasoline and alcohol, such as
ethanol and methanol. It also vaporizes quickly and can add
ozone to the air in warm weather. In the upper atmosphere,
ozone protects life from ultraviolet radiation; in the lower
atmosphere, it is a component of smog.
Self- Check 4.2-2
_______________ 3. It is created when yeast gives off ethyl alcohol and carbon
dioxide as by-products of sugar consumption.
1. Fermentation
2. Yogurt
3. Alcohol
4. Active cultures
5. Fuel
You should have an open place like container to place the prepared
concoctions and give some time so that micro-organism can activate. Since
humidity must be maintained during this period so that the growth of
microorganism becomes more.
A. Materials
3. Basin
4. Cooked rice
B. Procedure
1. Collecting IMO
a. Place cooked rice into pot or bamboo trough. Let it cool first before
placing into the trough.
c. Place the container in a cool place away from the heat of the sun.
d. Leave pail or jar for 7 days then collect by straining the liquid
extract, leaving the substrate to the compost area.
3. Application
• Spray the IMO mixture into the leaves of the plants or the soil early
in the morning at 4:00-6:00 AM or in the afternoon at about 5:00
PM until sunset
• Use IMO every 7-10 days on newly planted seedlings until maturity
for rice, corn, vegetables and fruit trees at the rate of 2 tablespoons
per liter.
A. Materials
B. Procedure
3 kilos molasses/muscovado
sugar (crude sugar or kinugay)
7. Leave the pail in an undisturbed cool place for 7-14 days away from
D. Benefits of FPJ
A. Materials
B. Procedure
C. Application
D. Benefits
A. Materials
1. Chopped fish or fish trash such as gills, entrails, golden snail (shell
removed) or meat scrap and rejects
4. Muscovado sugar
5. Plastic straw
B. Procedure
3. Cover with Manila paper and tie securely fastened with plastic
C. Application
2. Use 2 tablespoons FAA per liter of clean water. Use new sprayer,
otherwise clean the sprayer thoroughly before using.
D. Benefits
4. Food of microorganisms
A. Materials
5. Muscovado sugar
B. Procedure
2. Used as natural anti-biotic for plants and animals. Garlic has high
level of sulfur which is a good fungicide.
D. Benefits
Eggshell – 20 days
A. Materials
1. Any of the following: pork, fish and beef bones, eggshells and
kuhol and/or any shells
5. Coconut vinegar
6. Griller
B. Procedure
3. Transfer the mixture into a bamboo trough or clay jar, cover with
Manila paper and tie up with plastic straw.
4. For bones: Allow to sit for one month or until bones soften or
dissolve completely. For eggshells: Allow to sit for 2 weeks (14 days)
or until dissolved completely.
C. Application
D. Benefits
A. Materials
1. Rice wash
B. Procedure
1. Pour rice wash (solution generated when you wash the rice with
water) into a container.
5. The rice bran will be separated and float like a thin film on the
liquid smelling sour.
6. Strain the liquid with a cheese cloth or wheat flour bag cloth. Put
liquid in a bigger container.
7. Pour ten parts milk (the original liquid has already been infected
with different types of microorganisms including Lactobacilli.
Saturation of milk will eliminate the other microorganisms and
pure Lactobacilli will remain.)
8. Ferment in 5-7 days. Carbohydrates, protein and fat will float and
leaving a yellow liquid (serum) which contain the lactic acid
bacteria. Dispose the coagulated carbohydrate, protein and fat.
Add them to compost pile or feed them to your animals.
C. Application
1. To use, dilute this pure culture with 20 parts water or 1:20 ratio as
basic lactic acid bacteria concoction.
Use: 2-4 tbsp/gal of water (clean water) spray or add to water and
feeds of animals. For bigger animals: use 2-4 tbsp of diluted lactic
acid bacteria serum without diluting it further with water.
D. Benefits
Matching Type
Direction: Match the activity from the column A against to the sequence of
steps in column B. Write only the letter of your answer in your answer
Column A Column B
1. C
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. E
Title: 2. Ferment Fermented Plant Juice
1. Wear the proper Personal Protective Equipment
2. Prepare all the materials needed
3. Gather plants before sunrise
4. Weigh 2 kl of alugbati and 1kl of molasses
5. Chop and/or shred the plants into small pieces or at least/ one (1)
6. Mix properly the following at a ratio of 2:1
7. Transfer the mixture into a pail
8. Cover with manila paper and tie securely
9. Label with pentel pen and masking tape
10. Leave the pail in an undisturbed cool place for 7 days.
Assessment Method:
Demonstration with oral questioning
Oral interview
Performance Criteria Checklist 4.2-3
Did you….
1. Wear the proper Personal Protective Equipment
2. Prepare all the materials needed
3. Gather plants before sunrise
_________________________ ____________
Trainer’s signature Date
Information Sheet 4.2-4
Harvest Concoctions
Learning Objectives:
It is important to apply good harvesting procedures to be able to get
the best end-result/output.
Direction: Enumerate the steps/procedure in harvesting extracts.
Answer Key 4.2-4
C. Store the basic and pure extracts in the containers. Extracts is now
ready to use.
Title: 2. Ferment Fermented Plant Juice
1. Wear the proper Personal Protective Equipment
2. Prepare all the materials needed
3. Harvest microorganisms by straining the fermented liquid
(extracts) using mosquito net or any straining materials through a
funnel poured into the plastic containers.
4. Store the basic and pure extracts in the containers.
Assessment Method:
Demonstration with oral questioning
Oral interview
Performance Criteria Checklist 4.2-3
Did you….
1. Wear the proper Personal Protective Equipment
2. Prepare all the materials needed
3. Harvest microorganisms by straining the
fermented liquid (extracts) using mosquito net or
any straining materials through a funnel poured
into the plastic containers.
_________________________ ____________
Trainer’s signature Date
Training Regulations on Organic Agriculture Production (OAP) NC II
Module/Learning Materials on OAP
Evidence Plan
y standard:
Unit of
Ways in which evidence will be
Oral Interview
Third Party
The evidence must show that the
Records production of
concoctions using enterprise
NOTE: *Critical aspects of competency
Performance Test
Specific Instruction:
1. Wear the proper Personal Protective Equipment
2. Prepare all the materials needed
3. Gather plants before sunrise
4. Weigh alugbati and molasses
5. Chop or shred the plants into at least one/ 1 inch
6. Transfer the mixture into pail
7. Mix properly the following ratio
8. Cover with manila paper
9. Label with pentel pen and masking tape
10. Leave the pail in an undisturbed cool place for 7 days.
Supplies/Materials Tools/Equipment
Qty Unit Description Qty Unit Description
1 kg Molasses 1 pc pail
2 kg alugbati 1 pc Chopping board
1 pc Manila 1 pc knife
1 pc string 1 pc Measuring cup
1 pc Net 1 pc Weighing scale
3 pcs Clean stone
(100 grams)
1 pc Wooden
Written Test
Multiple Choice: Choose the best correct answer and encircle the letter of
your answer.
Tell whether the given statement is true or false. Write (T) if the statement
True and (F) if the statement is False. Write your answer to a separate sheet.
Multiple Choices
1. D
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. C
6. B
7. D
8. A
9. B
True or False
1. F
2. T
3. T
4. T
5. T
6. F
7. T
8. T
9. T
10. T
Questions to probe the candidate’s underpinning knowledge
Extension/Reflection Questions Yes No
1. What are raw materials in processing concoctions?
2. What element is present in the different concoctions?
Safety Questions
3. What is the process in making concoctions?
4. Why is there a need to follow proper hygienic practices?
Contingency Questions
5. What will you do when someone got hurt during
preparation of raw materials?
6. How do you ensure that your concoction will not be
Job Role/Environment Questions
7. Give one effective way in conveying instruction to the
8. What can you contribute for the attainment of your
organizational goals?
Rules and Regulations
9. What is the PNS on Organic Agriculture that deals with
Organic Concoctions and Extracts?
10. What is the law that is considered as a landmark in
Organic Agriculture?
The candidate’s underpinning Satisfactory Not
knowledge was: Satisfactory
Extension/Reflection Questions
1. Plant parts, sweet fruits, fish trashes
2. Nitrogen, Potassium, Calcium
Safety Questions
3. Fermentation
4. To minimize physical, chemical and microbial contamination
Contingency Questions
5. Always have a ready first aid kit in the work area
6. Establish 5s in the workplace area