Competency - Based Learning Materials For Organic Agriculture Production NC Ii

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The key takeaways are that the document discusses producing organic concoctions and extracts through fermentation using various raw materials. It provides information on different concoctions and their elements as well as the standard fermentation process.

Some of the main raw materials used in producing organic concoctions include plant parts, sweet fruits, and fish trashes.

The main elements present in different organic concoctions include nitrogen, potassium, and calcium.










AND EXTRACTS. This module contains training materials and activities for
you to complete.
EXTRACTS " contains knowledge, skills and attitudes required for

You are required to go through a series of learning activities in order

to complete each learning outcome of the module. In each learning outcome
are Information Sheets, Self-Checks, and Task Sheets.

Follow these activities on your own. If you have questions, don't

hesitate to ask you facilitator for assistance. The goal of this course is the
development of practical skill. To gain these skills, you must learn basic
concepts and terminologies. This module is prepared to help you achieve the

This will be the source of information for you to acquire knowledge

and skills in this particular competency independently and at your own
pace, with minimum supervision or help from your instructor.

Remember to:
 Work through all the information and complete the activities in each
 Read information sheets and complete the self-check. Suggested
references are included to supplement the materials provided in this
 Most probably your trainer will also be your supervisor or manager.
He/she is there to support you and show you the correct way to do
 You will be given plenty of opportunity to ask questions and practice
on the job. make sure you practice your new skills during regular
work shifts. This way you will improve both your speed and memory
and also your confidence.
 Use the self-checks, Operation Sheets or Job Sheets at the end of each
section to test you own progress.
 When you feel confident that you have had sufficient practice, ask you
trainer to evaluate you. The results of your assessment will be
recorded in your Progress Chart and Accomplishment Chart

You need to complete this module before you can perform the next module.

Organic Document No.

Date Developed: Issued by:
Agriculture December 2019
Production NC II
Produce Organic Developed by:
Concoction and Roxan F.
Derada Revision # 00
List of Competencies

No. Unit of Competency Module Title Code

RAISE ORGANIC Raising OrganicAGR612301


PRODUCE ORGANIC Producing Organic


PRODUCE ORGANIC Producing Organic


PRODUCE ORGANIC Producing Organic

4. CONCOCTIONS AND Concoction and

5. Raising OrganicAGR612302

RAISE ORGANIC Raising OrganicAGR612303


Organic Document No.

Date Developed: Issued by:
Agriculture December 2019
Production NC II
Produce Organic Developed by:
Concoction and Roxan F.
Derada Revision # 00





This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to
produce organic concoctions and extracts which include tasks prepare for
the production of various concoction, process and harvest concotions.


At the end of this module you MUST be able to:

1. Prepare for the production of various concoctions

2. Process concoctions
3. Package concoctions

1. Work and storage areas are cleaned, sanitized and secured.
2. Raw materials used are cleaned and freed from synthetic chemicals.
3. Tools, materials and equipment used are cleaned, freed from
contaminations and must be of “food grade”
4. Personal hygiene is observed according to OHS procedures.
5. Raw materials are prepared in accordance with enterprise practice.
6. Fermentation period is set based on enterprise practice.
7. Various concoctions are fermented following to organic practices.
8. Concoctions are harvested based on fermentation period of the
9. Concoctions are contained in sanitized bottles and containers.
10. Packaged concoctions are labeled and tagged in accordance with
enterprise practice.
11. Packaged concoctions are stored in appropriate place and temperature
following organic practices.
12. Production of concoctions is recorded using enterprise procedures.



1. Prepare raw materials

2. Set fermentation period
3. Ferment various concoctions
4. Harvest concoctions
Assessment Criteria:

1. Raw materials are prepared in accordance with enterprise

2. Fermentation period is set based on enterprise practice.
3. Various concoctions are fermented following to organic
4. Concoctions are harvested based on fermentation period of the


The participants will have access to:

Computer, LCD, Shredder
Measuring cup, wooden ladle, pail, slicing knife, chopping board,

Molasses, alugbati, clean stone, empty plastic container, strainer,
Manila Paper, string/rubber band, Marking Pen, Masking Tape,
Apron, Rags, hairnet, face mask

Assessment Method:
 Lecture
 Group Discussion
 Written exam
Learning Experiences
Learning Outcome 1
Process concoctions

Learning Activities Special Instructions

1. Read Information Sheet 4.2-1 Read and understand the
on Prepare Raw materials after information sheet and check
Reading yourself by answering the Self –
check 4.1.1 and compare your
answer Key 4.2-1
2. Read Information Sheet 4.2-2 Read and understand the
on Set Fermentation period information sheet and check
yourself by answering the Self –
check 4.2.2 and compare your
answer Key 4.2-2

3. Read Information Sheet 4.2-3 Read and understand the

on Ferment Various information sheet and check
concoctions yourself by answering the Self –
check 4.2-3 and compare your
answer Key 4.2-3

4. Perform Task Sheet 4.2-3 on Task Sheet 4.2-3 will help you
Ferment Various concoctions practice your skills

Evaluate your performance using

the Performance Criteria Checklist
before showing it to your trainer
5. Read Information Sheet 4.2-4 Read and understand the
on Harvest concoctions information sheet and check
yourself by answering the Self –
check 4.2-4 and compare your
answer Key 4.2-4

6. Perform Task Sheet 4.2-4 on Task Sheet 4.2-4 will help you
Harvest concoctions practice your skills

Evaluate your performance using

the Performance Criteria Checklist
before showing it to your trainer
After doing all activities of this LO,
you are ready to proceed to the
next LO.
Information Sheet 4.2-1
Prepare raw materials
Learning Objectives:

After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:

1. Define raw materials

2. Identify raw materials
3. Enumerate the nutrients present in the raw materials use

Raw materials are materials or substances used in the primary
production. It is the unprocessed material or unrefined natural resources to
produce finished goods for farm-owned and not for selling purposes. It is
found in surroundings that is simple, economical, farmer centered and
viable alternatives.

Natural Growth Enhancer-Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ)

At least three kinds of plants but not limited to
- kangkong, camote tops
- alugbati
- malunggay
- banana trunks
- bamboo shoots
- other fast growing green plants
- Molasses/mascuvado/ brown sugar
Natural Taste Enhancer- Fermented Fruit Juice (FFJ)
Ripe and sweet fruits except Vitamin C sources but not limited to
- banana
- Papaya
- Watermelon
- ampalaya
- tomato
Kuhol / Fish Amino Acid (KAA/FAA)
- Trash Fish and gills
- scales, offal of big fishes
- golden kuhol meat
- Molasses/mascuvado/ brown sugar

Natural Immune Booster – Oriental Herbal Nutrient (OHN)

- Garlic, ginger
- Pure coconut vinegar
- Mascuvado
Natural Calcium Phosphate Micro Nutrients (CALPHOS)
- animal bones, egg shell, sea shell, kuhol shell
- Natural vinegar
- Beneficial Microorganism
- 1 kl. cooked, cool rice
- Molasses/mascuvado/ crude sugar
Natural Enzymes – Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum (LABS)
- fresh milk
- clear liquid from fermented rice
- molasses/brown sugar/mascuvado
List of Raw Materials and Nutrient Content

Raw Materials
Nitrogen Potassium Calcium

Kangkong 

alugbati 

malunggay 

camote tops 

banana trunks 

bamboo shoots 

fast growing green plants 

trash Fish and gills 

scales, offal of big fishes 

golden kuhol meat 

banana 

Papaya 

Watermelon 

ampalaya 

tomato 

animal bones 

egg shell 

sea shell 

kuhol shell 
Self- Check 4.2-1

Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the letter of
your choice on your answer sheet.

1. These are materials/substances used in the primary production?

A. raw materials
B. row materials
C. scrap materials
D. out materials

2. The following are rich in nitrogen except

A. kangkong
B. papaya
C. alugbati
D. banana trunks

3. The following are rich in potassium except

A. papaya
B. watermelon
C. ampalaya
D. malunggay

4. The following are rich in calcium except

A. animal bones
B. egg shell
C. fish bone
D. sea shell

5. The following are rich in Vitamin C except

A. apple
B. guava
C. pineapple
D. mango


1. A
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. D
Information Sheet 4.2-2
Set fermentation period
Learning Objectives:

After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:

1. Define fermentation
2. Enumerate the uses of fermentation
Fermentation is process that produces useful substances (alcohol,
amino acids, organic acids, and anti-oxidant substances) for humans,
animals and plants through the metabolism of microorganisms.
Why Fermentation is Healthy?

The definition of fermentation is “breaking down into simpler

components”. Fermentation makes the foods easier to digest and the
nutrients easier to assimilate. In effect, much of the work of digestion is
done for you. Since it doesn’t use heat, fermentation also retains enzymes,
vitamins, and other nutrients that are usually destroyed by food processing.

The active cultures that pre-digest the food as part of the fermentation
process actually generate nutrients. So there are more vitamins — especially
B-vitamins — and minerals like iron are released from the chemical bonds
that prevent them from being assimilated. In effect, the nutritional value of a
food goes up when it has been fermented.

Different Uses of Fermentation

Yogurt is made from fermented milk. It is created through the

combined action of the bacteria. These bacteria consume the
sugar in the milk and create the chemicals lactic acid which gave
its distinctive taste.

Alcoholic beverages are created when yeast gives off ethyl alcohol
and carbon dioxide as by-products of sugar consumption.

Cucumbers, other fruit and even meat can be preserved through


A loaf of bread is added with yeast and sugar to the dough and
when it is set the dough aside to rise, the yeast consumes the
sugar and gives off carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide gives the
bread bulk and texture that it wouldn’t have otherwise.
Gasohol is a fuel made from gasoline and alcohol, such as
ethanol and methanol. It also vaporizes quickly and can add
ozone to the air in warm weather. In the upper atmosphere,
ozone protects life from ultraviolet radiation; in the lower
atmosphere, it is a component of smog.
Self- Check 4.2-2

Identification: Identify the word/group of word that best describe the

statement. Write your answer in your answer sheet.

_______________ 1. What is the process that produces useful substances

(alcohol, amino acids, organic acids, and anti-oxidant substances) for
humans, animals and plants through the metabolism of microorganisms?

_______________ 2. It is created through the combined action of the bacteria.

_______________ 3. It is created when yeast gives off ethyl alcohol and carbon
dioxide as by-products of sugar consumption.

_______________ 4. It used in the pre-digestion of food as part of the

fermentation process that actually generate nutrients.

_______________ 5. Gasohol is a ___________ made from gasoline and alcohol,

such as ethanol and methanol.

1. Fermentation
2. Yogurt
3. Alcohol
4. Active cultures
5. Fuel

Information Sheet 4.2-3

Ferment various concoction
Learning Objectives:

After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:

1. Determine the steps/procedure in processing concoctions

2. Familiarize the steps/procedures in preparing concoctions.

You should have an open place like container to place the prepared
concoctions and give some time so that micro-organism can activate. Since
humidity must be maintained during this period so that the growth of
microorganism becomes more.

Various Concoctions Steps/Procedures:

I. Indigenous Microorganism (IMO)

A. Materials

1. Clay pot/Bamboo trough

2. Manila paper (unprinted)

3. Basin

4. Cooked rice

5. Muscovado sugar/molasses (generic or crude sugar)

6. Clean water (no chlorine or other chemicals)

B. Procedure

1. Collecting IMO

a. Place cooked rice into pot or bamboo trough. Let it cool first before
placing into the trough.

b. Cover container with fine wire screen to avoid rat

disturbances and tie up using any tying material.

c. Place container face down or slant

position in an area where
decomposed crops such as corn, rice
straw, etc. or in banana/bamboo
plantation areas. Cover container with any material to protect from

d. Collect container after 5-7 days when presence of molds can be


2. Culture and production

a. Transfer the molded rice with collected

microbes into a basin. For every kilo of
cooked rice add 1 kilo of
muscovado/molasses sugar. Mix well.

b. Transfer the mixture into an old pail or clay

jar. Cover with unprinted Manila paper and tie
up using any tying materials. Fill the pail up to
75% only, leaving 25% air space. Label the extracts using masking
tape and pentel pen.

c. Place the container in a cool place away from the heat of the sun.

d. Leave pail or jar for 7 days then collect by straining the liquid
extract, leaving the substrate to the compost area.

3. Application

a. The use of IMO as foliar fertilizer

• Mix 2 tablespoons of IMO per liter of clean water when directly

sprayed to plants. Use clean sprayer (the sprayer must be new and
not used previously with chemicals, otherwise clean thoroughly the
sprayer before using).

• Spray the IMO mixture into the leaves of the plants or the soil early
in the morning at 4:00-6:00 AM or in the afternoon at about 5:00
PM until sunset

(when micro-organisms are very active).

• In rice fields, spread immediately newly threshed rice straws, to

avoid burning, and spray the whole area with IMO at least 2 times
before land preparation or plowing, at 8 tbsp./liter for this purpose.

• Spray IMO immediately after leveling with the same dosage.

• Use IMO every 7-10 days on newly planted seedlings until maturity
for rice, corn, vegetables and fruit trees at the rate of 2 tablespoons
per liter.

• If you find white materials in the soil it is an indication of the

proliferation and good production of micro-organisms in the soil.
C. Benefits of IMO

For plants and soil

1. Good soil conditioner

2. Restores plant vitality

3. Reduces plant stress on seedlings

4. Collects nitrogen from the atmosphere, thus promotes faster plant


5. Controls pests and diseases

6. Serves as foliar fertilizer spray to cut flowers and ornamentals

7. Reduces growth of weeds and grasses seeds

For Animals: Poultry, Piggery and Livestock

1. Arrests foul odors and minimizes flies proliferation in poultry and

piggery houses.

2. Improves digestion of feeds and helps better nutrient assimilation

when the good bacteria create enzymatic reaction by converting
nutrients into minerals (mineralization) and other vitamins needed
for animal growth.

3. Serves as probiotics to prevent diseases, pathogens and epidemic

development in poultry and livestock thereby reducing the use of
biologics and antibiotics to animals.

4. Additive for drinking water of poultry, livestock and pets. Improved

appetite and feed conversion ratio (FCR) of chickens resulting to no
left over feeds on the feeder.

5. Eliminate foul odor of slaughtered hog’s internal organs when

regularly used as mixture in feeds and drinking water.

6. Improves water quality and serves as water conditioner when added

in fish aquarium, fish ponds and lagoons.

7. Has anti-fungal and anti-septic property on dogs and pets. Very

effective remedy for scabies (kagid), otitis media (boog) and other skin
ailments of pets.

8. Removes odor from animal wastes and urine if added on feeds or

drinking water.

On Household Use and Environmental Quality Improvement

1. Used as sanitary spray to eliminate foul odor in toilets, drainage
canals, slaughter houses, septic tanks, garbage, markets, etc.

2. Improves sanitation and produces a pleasant sanitary environment.

II. Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ)

A. Materials

1. Use any of the following plants: Trichanthera leaves; kangkong;

banana trunk; camote shoots; carabao grass; hagonoy (Chromolaena
odorata — used for crops only); alugbati; etc.

2. Old or used pail

3. Manila paper (unprinted)

4. Plastic straw (for tying)

5. Molasses/Muscovado sugar (crude sugar)

B. Procedure

1. Gather plants before sunrise (when

plant’s energy is at its peak and
microorganism is available)

2. Chop and/or shred the plants into

small pieces or at least one (1) inch

3. Mix properly the following at a ratio of


3 kilos chopped/shredded plant


3 kilos molasses/muscovado
sugar (crude sugar or kinugay)

4. Transfer the mixture into a pail. Leave 25% air space.

5. Cover with manila paper and tie securely.

6. Label the extracts using masking tape and pentel pen.

7. Leave the pail in an undisturbed cool place for 7-14 days away from

8. Harvest by straining the liquid extracts with a mosquito net or any

strainer using a funnel poured into a bottle.

8. Store in plastic bottles.

C. Application

1. Mix 2 tablespoons of FPJ per liter of clean water.

2. Spray on the leaves of plants or on the soil using a clean sprayer.

3. Spray early in the morning at 4:00am—6:00 am or in the afternoon

at 5:00pm until sunset when the microorganism are very active.

4. Use on the following:

• On rice: 7 days after transplanting up to booting stage

• On corn: 7 days after plant germination until flowering stage

• On vegetables: every 10 days after planting until harvesting

• On bananas: 10 days after planting up to blossoming stage

• On fruit trees: every 10 days to maintain plan vigor

D. Benefits of FPJ

1. Helps maintain vigor in plants and resistance against pests.

2. Can be used for livestock bedding sprays(pig pens and poultry

houses) to produce more colony of microorganism

3. Can also promote resistance against illnesses for human

III. Fermented Fruit Juice (FFJ)

A. Materials

1. Any of the following fruits: mango; papaya; marang; jackfruit; or

banana (but not pineapple); etc.

2. Old or used pail

3. Muscovado sugar (crude sugar or kinugay)

4. Manila paper (unprinted)

5. Plastic straw for tying

6. Clean water (no chlorine or other chemical compound)

B. Procedure

1. Collect fruits before sunrise (when fruits energy is at its peak)

2. Cut or chop the fruit finely

3. Mix properly the following at the ratio of 1:1:1

3 kilos chopped fruits

3 kilos muscovado sugar

3 liters natural water

4. Put in a pail and leave 25% air space.

5. Leave container undisturbed in a cool place for 7-14 days.

6. Harvest FFJ liquid extract by straining with a mosquito net. The

substrate shall be composted

7. Store FFJ in a plastic bottle. FFJ is now ready to use.

C. Application

1. Mix 2 tablespoons of FPJ per liter of clean water.

2. Spray on the leaves of plants or on the soil using a clean sprayer.

3. Spray early in the morning at 4:00am—6:00am and in the afternoon

at 5:00pm until sunset when the microorganisms are most active.

4. Spray on the following:

• On rice: from panicle initiation until a week before harvesting

• On corn: as soon as tassels appear until a week before harvesting

• On banana: as soon as blossoming starts until a week before


D. Benefits

1. A good source of potassium which can speed up plant’s absorption

and results to sweeter tasting fruits.

2. Helps maintain vigor in plants and resistance against pests.

3. Adds to soil fertility and the advent of good colonies of


IV. Fermented (Fish) Amino Acid (FAA)

A. Materials
1. Chopped fish or fish trash such as gills, entrails, golden snail (shell
removed) or meat scrap and rejects

2. Old or used pail

3. Manila paper (unprinted)

4. Muscovado sugar

5. Plastic straw

6. Clean water (no chlorine or other chemical compound)

B. Procedure

1. Mix properly the following ingredients at a ratio of 1:1:1

3 kilos chopped fish, snail or meat scraps and rejects

3 kilos muscovado sugar

3 liters natural water

2. Put into a pail and leave a 25% air space.

3. Cover with Manila paper and tie securely fastened with plastic

4. Put in a cool undisturbed place. Leave for 14 days.

5. Harvest FAA liquid extracts using a mosquito net to strain.

6. Store in plastic bottles. FAA is now ready to use.

C. Application

1. For foliar spray to orchids, ornamentals, vegetables, cereals and

fruit trees.

2. Use 2 tablespoons FAA per liter of clean water. Use new sprayer,
otherwise clean the sprayer thoroughly before using.

3. Spray the leaves of plants or the soil.

4. Spray every 7 days on newly planted seedlings until fruiting stage.

Spray early in the morning at 4:00am—6:00am or in the afternoon
at 5:00pm until sunset when organisms are most active.

5. Spray on the following:

• On rice: 7 days after transplanting up to panicle initiation stage

• On corn: 7 days after sowing and every 10 days thereafter until
milking stage

• On fruit trees: every 10 days to maintain vigor

D. Benefits

1. A good source of nitrogen

2. Serves as “growth hormone” for plant growth and development

3. Used as foliar spray

4. Food of microorganisms

V. Oriental Herbal Nutrients (OHN) / Herb Medicine Nutrient (HMN)

A. Materials

1. Ginger, garlic and bulb onions

2. Manila paper (unprinted)

3. Crosscut bamboo or clay jar or glass jar

4. Plastic straw (for tying)

5. Muscovado sugar

6. Coconut vinegar, Beer or Gin

B. Procedure

1. Finely chop half-a-kilo each of ginger, bulb onion and garlic.

2. Transfer chopped spices into a bamboo through or clay/glass jar

and pour 2 liters coconut vinegar. Mix well and cover with a clean
Manila paper and tie with plastic straw.

3. Preserve for a duration of 12 hours then remove cover and add 1

kilo of muscovado sugar. Replace cover.

4. Place container in a cool place away from direct sunlight.

5. After 4 to 5 days of fermentation add gin.

6. Replace cover, return to storing place and retrieve after 7 to 10

days. Strain liquid from container and place in plastic bottles.

7. OHN is now ready to use.

8. You can extract liquid 5 times from this preparation. Add beer or
vinegar into container and ferment using the same procedure.

C. Uses and Application

1. Add 2 tablespoons of OHN to every liter of water. Spray mixture into

leaves or soil, at both ends of the day (4:00-6:00 AM or 4:00 PM)
when microorganisms are most active to the following crops:

• Rice, corn, Vegetables, Fruits and Bananas — from planting up to

bearing stage. (Apply twice weekly upon indications of insects
infestation and aphids.)

2. Used as natural anti-biotic for plants and animals. Garlic has high
level of sulfur which is a good fungicide.

3. Used on chicks, chickens and sick animals.

4. Sprayed to plant leaves to fortify phyllosphere microbes.

5. Treatment for fungal problems of plants: downy mildew, powdery

mildew. (See application on number 1)

6. Used as herbal tincture which is highly medicinal and highly


7. On humans: a) used as a remedy for rheumatism; and b) a

treatment for coughs, fever and flu.

D. Benefits

1. Serve as insecticide and fungicide at the same time.

2. Provide more vigor and vitality to the plant.

3. Use to treat skin diseases of hogs and other animals.

4. Use as energy drink for humans.

VI. Calcium Phosphate (Ca Phos)

Animal bones – 30 days

Eggshell – 20 days

A. Materials

1. Any of the following: pork, fish and beef bones, eggshells and
kuhol and/or any shells

2. Clay pot or cross-cut bamboo trough

3. Manila paper (unprinted)

4. Plastic straw (for tying)

5. Coconut vinegar

6. Griller

B. Procedure

1. Broil bones. Roast eggshells until they turned into ashes

2. Pulverize bones. Transfer in a container pulverized bones

or shells and add equal volume of vinegar.

3. Transfer the mixture into a bamboo trough or clay jar, cover with
Manila paper and tie up with plastic straw.

4. For bones: Allow to sit for one month or until bones soften or
dissolve completely. For eggshells: Allow to sit for 2 weeks (14 days)
or until dissolved completely.

5. Harvest, strain the preparation and bottle after a month or until

when bones are completely dissolved.

C. Application

1. Dilute the juice extracted in 20 parts water.

2. Spray mixture into leaves or soil, preferably at both ends of the

day (4:00-6:00 AM or 4:00 PM until sunset) when microorganisms
are most active. Apply every 7 days to the following crops:

• Rice: from booting stage up to a week before harvesting

• Corn: 45 to 90 days of tenure

 Fruits, Vegetables and Bananas: from bearing stage upto a week

before harvesting

D. Benefits

1. Can induce flowering among plants

2. Promotes higher yield

3. Induce longer shelf life of fruits

4. Give added resistance to plants against pests and harmful insects

VII. Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum

Lactic acid bacteria can be collected in

the air

A. Materials

1. Rice wash

2. Fresh milk (skimmed or

powdered milk can be used)

3. Used or old pail or plastic container

4. Manila paper (unprinted)

5. Muscovado sugar (crude or generic sugar)

B. Procedure

1. Pour rice wash (solution generated when you wash the rice with
water) into a container.

2. Allow 50-75% air space in the container.

3. Cover container loosely (not vacuum tight, allowing air to move

into the container). Put container in a cool area with no direct

4. Allow rice wash to ferment for 5-7 days at a temperature of 20-25

degrees centigrade.

5. The rice bran will be separated and float like a thin film on the
liquid smelling sour.

6. Strain the liquid with a cheese cloth or wheat flour bag cloth. Put
liquid in a bigger container.

7. Pour ten parts milk (the original liquid has already been infected
with different types of microorganisms including Lactobacilli.
Saturation of milk will eliminate the other microorganisms and
pure Lactobacilli will remain.)

8. Ferment in 5-7 days. Carbohydrates, protein and fat will float and
leaving a yellow liquid (serum) which contain the lactic acid
bacteria. Dispose the coagulated carbohydrate, protein and fat.
Add them to compost pile or feed them to your animals.

9. The pure lactic acid bacteria serum can be stored in the

refrigerator or simply add equal amount of crude sugar (kinugay)
or molasses and dilute with 1/3 water. Crude sugar or molasses
will keep the lactic acid bacteria alive at room temperature at 1:1
ratio serving as food for the bacteria to keep alive.

C. Application

1. To use, dilute this pure culture with 20 parts water or 1:20 ratio as
basic lactic acid bacteria concoction.

Use: 2-4 tbsp/gal of water (clean water) spray or add to water and
feeds of animals. For bigger animals: use 2-4 tbsp of diluted lactic
acid bacteria serum without diluting it further with water.

2. Use as spray to plant leaves to fortify phyllosphere microbes. Spray

to soil and compost to build-up good microorganism colony.

D. Benefits

1. Promotes intestine movement

2. Regulates the balance of the intestinal bacteria

3. Prevents growth of harmful or pathogenic bacteria

4. Improves immune system

5. Contains anti-aging properties and/or antioxidants

Self - Check 4.2-3

Matching Type
Direction: Match the activity from the column A against to the sequence of
steps in column B. Write only the letter of your answer in your answer

Column A Column B

1. Fermentation days of FPJ A. 12 days

2. Fermentation days of FAA

B. 20 days

3. Fermentation days of IMO

C. 7 days

4. Fermentation days of Ca (eggshell)

D. 14 days

5. Fermentation days of Ca Phos E. 30 days

Answer Key 4.2-3

1. C
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. E
Title: 2. Ferment Fermented Plant Juice

Performance Objective: Given the supplies/materials, tools and

equipment, you should be able to ferment
fermented plant juice following the given steps or
Molasses, alugbati, manila paper, string, net, clean stone, wooden

Tools and Equipment :

Pail, Chopping board, knife

1. Wear the proper Personal Protective Equipment
2. Prepare all the materials needed
3. Gather plants before sunrise
4. Weigh 2 kl of alugbati and 1kl of molasses
5. Chop and/or shred the plants into small pieces or at least/ one (1)
6. Mix properly the following at a ratio of 2:1
7. Transfer the mixture into a pail
8. Cover with manila paper and tie securely
9. Label with pentel pen and masking tape
10. Leave the pail in an undisturbed cool place for 7 days.

Assessment Method:
 Demonstration with oral questioning
 Oral interview
Performance Criteria Checklist 4.2-3

Did you….
1. Wear the proper Personal Protective Equipment
2. Prepare all the materials needed
3. Gather plants before sunrise

4. Weigh 2 kl of alugbati and 1 kl of molasses

5. Chop or shred the plants into at least one/ 1 inch
6. Transfer the mixture into pail
7. Mix properly the following ratio
8. Cover with manila paper
9. Label with pentel pen and masking tape
10. Leave the pail in an undisturbed cool place for 7


_________________________ ____________
Trainer’s signature Date
Information Sheet 4.2-4
Harvest Concoctions

Learning Objectives:

After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:

1. Determine the steps/procedure in harvesting concoctions

2. Identify the steps/procedures in harvesting concoctions.

It is important to apply good harvesting procedures to be able to get
the best end-result/output.

Steps and Procedures

a. Prepare plastic containers (mineral water bottle, softdrinks bottle,
b. Harvest microorganisms by straining the fermented liquid (extracts)
using mosquito net or any straining materials through a funnel
poured into the plastic containers.
c. Store the basic and pure extracts in the containers. Extracts is now
ready to use.
Self - Check 4.2-4

Direction: Enumerate the steps/procedure in harvesting extracts.



Answer Key 4.2-4

A. Prepare plastic containers (mineral water bottle, softdrinks bottle, etc.)

B. Harvest microorganisms by straining the fermented liquid (extracts)

using mosquito net or any straining materials through a funnel
poured into the plastic containers.

C. Store the basic and pure extracts in the containers. Extracts is now
ready to use.
Title: 2. Ferment Fermented Plant Juice

Performance Objective: Given the supplies/materials, tools and

equipment, you should be able to harvest
fermented plant juice following the given steps or
Plastic container 1 ltr with cap

Tools and Equipment :

Funnel, strainer

1. Wear the proper Personal Protective Equipment
2. Prepare all the materials needed
3. Harvest microorganisms by straining the fermented liquid
(extracts) using mosquito net or any straining materials through a
funnel poured into the plastic containers.
4. Store the basic and pure extracts in the containers.

Assessment Method:
 Demonstration with oral questioning
 Oral interview
Performance Criteria Checklist 4.2-3

Did you….
1. Wear the proper Personal Protective Equipment
2. Prepare all the materials needed
3. Harvest microorganisms by straining the
fermented liquid (extracts) using mosquito net or
any straining materials through a funnel poured
into the plastic containers.

4. Store the basic and pure extracts in the



_________________________ ____________
Trainer’s signature Date
 Training Regulations on Organic Agriculture Production (OAP) NC II
 Module/Learning Materials on OAP
Evidence Plan
y standard:
Unit of
Ways in which evidence will be

Demonstration with oral questioning

[tick the column]

Oral Interview

Third Party

The evidence must show that the

 Cleans, sanitizes and secures  

work and storage areas
 Cleans and frees raw materials  
used from synthetic chemicals
 Cleans and frees tools, materials
and equipment used from  
contaminations and must be of
“food grade” quality
 Observes personal hygiene  
according to OHS procedures.
 Prepares raw materials in
accordance with enterprise   
 Sets fermentation period based   
on enterprise practice.
 Ferments various concoctions   
following to organic practices.*
 Harvests concoctions based on
fermentation period of the  
 Sanitizes concoctions contained  
in bottles and containers.*
 Packages, labels, tags  
concoctions in accordance with
enterprise practice.*
 Stores packaged concoctions in
appropriate place and
temperature following organic
 

 Records production of
concoctions using enterprise  
NOTE: *Critical aspects of competency

Know Comp Appli Ana Syn # of

Objectives/Cont Evalua
rehen items/
ent area/Topics ledge cation lysis thesis tion
sion % of test

Prepare raw 1 1 2/10%

Set fermentation 1 1 2/10%
Process 5 3 2 10/30%
Harvest 2 2 2 6/50%
TOTAL 6 6 2 1 5 20/100%

Performance Test

Specific Instruction for the Candidate


Title of PBA Ferment Fermented Plant Juice


General Instruction: Given the necessary tools, materials and equipment,

you are required to perform the following activities on produce organic
concoctions and extracts. (Allotted time: 4 hours)

Specific Instruction:
1. Wear the proper Personal Protective Equipment
2. Prepare all the materials needed
3. Gather plants before sunrise
4. Weigh alugbati and molasses
5. Chop or shred the plants into at least one/ 1 inch
6. Transfer the mixture into pail
7. Mix properly the following ratio
8. Cover with manila paper
9. Label with pentel pen and masking tape
10. Leave the pail in an undisturbed cool place for 7 days.

Supplies/Materials Tools/Equipment
Qty Unit Description Qty Unit Description
1 kg Molasses 1 pc pail
2 kg alugbati 1 pc Chopping board
1 pc Manila 1 pc knife
1 pc string 1 pc Measuring cup
1 pc Net 1 pc Weighing scale
3 pcs Clean stone
(100 grams)
1 pc Wooden
Written Test
Multiple Choice: Choose the best correct answer and encircle the letter of
your answer.

1. The following are rich in potassium except

A. papaya
B. watermelon
C. ampalaya
D. malunggay

2. The following are rich in nitrogen except

A. kangkong
B. papaya
C. alugbati
D. banana trunks

3. What is the fermentation period of Fermented Fruit Juice

A. 12 days
B. 14 days
C. 10 days
D. 7 days

4. What is the fermentation period of Fish Amino Acid

A. 10 days
B. 12 days
C. 14 days
D. 16 days

5. What is the process in processing concoctions?

A. Transpiration
B. Respiration
C. Fermentation
D. rejuvenation

6. It is used as compressor in the process of fermentation

A. net
B. stone
C. rubber
D. manila paper

7. It is the standard size for chopping a raw material for process

A. 5 inches
B. 2 inches
C. 3 inches
D. at least/ 1 inch

8. What is the main food of microorganism during the fermentation process

A. molasses
B. raw material
C. juice
D. peel

9. In harvesting concoction, what consideration is applicable?

A. follow procedure according to experience
B. follow proper procedure using manuals
C. follow housekeeping

10. It has the longest fermentation process

C. Ca Phos

Tell whether the given statement is true or false. Write (T) if the statement
True and (F) if the statement is False. Write your answer to a separate sheet.

___________1. One of the raw materials in processing of Fermented Plant

Juice is papaya.
___________2. Ampalaya is a raw material in making Fermented Plant Juice.
___________3. Fermented Fruit Juice is also called natural taste enhancer.
___________4. Oriental Herbal Nutrient is also called natural immune
___________5. FAA is a good source of nitrogen.
___________6. LABS is a good source of potassium.
___________7. FPJ can also promotes resistance against illness for human.
___________8. R. A. 10068 is otherwise known as the “Organic Agriculture
Act of 2010
___________9. KAA is rich in calcium.
__________10. The fermentation period of IMO is 10 – 12 days.
Answer Key

Multiple Choices
1. D
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. C
6. B
7. D
8. A
9. B

True or False
1. F
2. T
3. T
4. T
5. T
6. F
7. T
8. T
9. T
10. T
Questions to probe the candidate’s underpinning knowledge
Extension/Reflection Questions Yes No
1. What are raw materials in processing concoctions?  
2. What element is present in the different concoctions?  
Safety Questions
3. What is the process in making concoctions?  
4. Why is there a need to follow proper hygienic practices?  
Contingency Questions
5. What will you do when someone got hurt during  
preparation of raw materials?
6. How do you ensure that your concoction will not be  
Job Role/Environment Questions  
7. Give one effective way in conveying instruction to the  
8. What can you contribute for the attainment of your  
organizational goals?
Rules and Regulations  
9. What is the PNS on Organic Agriculture that deals with  
Organic Concoctions and Extracts?
10. What is the law that is considered as a landmark in  
Organic Agriculture?
The candidate’s underpinning  Satisfactory  Not
knowledge was: Satisfactory

Extension/Reflection Questions
1. Plant parts, sweet fruits, fish trashes
2. Nitrogen, Potassium, Calcium

Safety Questions
3. Fermentation
4. To minimize physical, chemical and microbial contamination

Contingency Questions
5. Always have a ready first aid kit in the work area
6. Establish 5s in the workplace area

Job Role/Environment Questions

7. Attend staff meeting regularly
8. Always maintain commitment and develop competency

Rules and Regulations

9. PNS 2016
10. R.A. 10068 The Organic Act Law of 2010

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