MCT Math Lesson Plan7.
MCT Math Lesson Plan7.
MCT Math Lesson Plan7.
I am working on:
Make the lesson more interesting and attract students by using real things instead of
presenting them on PowerPoint or other presentation tools.
Focusing more on the rules to make sure all the students are focused in the lesson.
Lesson Focus
90% of the students will know count forwards to 10 and backwards from 5, sorting,compare the
fruits with color.
Lesson Outcomes
Critical thinking: Students will use critical thinking when they will match the colore with
fruits and objects.
Creativity: Teacher will ask the students question about compairing the fruits, shape to
Communication: Teacher will have communication with the students when she ask them
questions, also the communication is by open the camera and see the students.
Technolgy: when the students use the teams app, and watch the vedio during the lesson.
Key vocabulary
Some students cant count Teacher will fucose in the lesson to practice
backwards. with the students by asking them to count
Some Students don’t know how to backwards.
sort and the meaning of the Teacher will explain for the students the
sorting. meaning of the sorting and do activity about
sorting with them.
Resources/equipment needed
White board.
White paper.
& Time
Students will: Teacher will:
Laptop. See with the teacher Explain to the students what the
what they will study lesson will be about.
Ask the students about the
Answer the day,date and the weather of the
questions about day.
day,date, and the What is the day today?
weather. What is the date today?
What is the weather
Sing with the today?
counting song.
Answer with the
teacher when she ask Open couniting song.
them to count with
frome 1-20 forwards Ask the students to count from
1-20 forwards and 1-10
and from 1-10 backwards:
who will count with me
from 1-20 forwards?
woh will count with me
from 1-10 backwards?
Main activities
& Time
Students will: Teacher will:
10 Minutes
Answer the question about Show the students picture with
how many objects can you many objects and ask them :
see in the pictuer? How many objects do you see in
White boards.
the picture?
Think about the missing Chose the missing number with
White paper.
number from. couniting backwards to guess
Pincel. what is the missing number.
Follow the teacher when she Ask the students to match the
show them how to write the fruits and leaves with the right
numers in the right way. color.
Count with the teacher from Show the students the right way
1-10 backwards and to write the numbers from 1-10
forwards. Count from 1-10 backwards and
Ask the students to write in their white board or white paper numbers from 1-10 and
draw anything they want math with the numbers ,For example: 10 Apples, 10 circle, 10
Teacher will ask the students to bring any 5 objects near to them and ask the to sort it by
& Time
Students will Teacher will
5 minutes
Students will match the Ask the studnets how many
numbers with how many objects that they can see in the
objects that they can see in picture and chose the right
the picture. number from the numbers that
show in.
Think about what the
numbers comes next. Ask the students to think what
the number comes next the
Watch the Five little number.
monkyes song and sing with
it. Teacher will open the Five little
monkeys song for the students
Answer the questions that and ask them to focuse in the
comes after the song. song because there arw a
questions after the song.
Homework -
Assessment -
☐ ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral ☐ Peer assessment
Observatio assessment questioning