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Original Article

International Journal of Audiology 2002; 41:3–26

Robyn M. Cox* Translations of the International Outcome

Dafydd Stephens †
Sophia E. Kramer ‡ Inventory for Hearing Aids (IOI-HA)
*The University of Memphis,
Memphis, TN, USA, Traducciones del Inventario Internacional de Resultados

Welsh Hearing Institute, para Auxiliares Auditivos (IOI-HA)
University Hospital of Wales,
Cardiff, UK,

Vrije University Medical Center,
Department of Audiology/ The International Outcome Inventory for Hearing Aids (IOI-HA) was developed
Otolaryngology, Amsterdam, as a product of an international workshop on Self-Report Outcome Measures in
The Netherlands
Audiological Rehabilitation (Cox et al, 2000). The workshop participants recog-
nized a need to be able to combine and compare data from different investigations
Key Words and clinical service models. Thus, the inventory was developed to facilitate co-
operation among researchers and program evaluators in diverse hearing healthcare
settings, including across national boundaries. By design, it is brief and general
enough to be appropriate in many different studies. The goal is to append the IOI-
HA items to other self-report outcome measures that might be planned for a
specific application. The IOI-HA items will then provide directly comparable data
that will allow combination or comparison across otherwise incompatible projects.
For this plan to be successful, it is essential to generate psychometrically
equivalent translations in the languages in which hearing aid research and
treatment assessments are performed. Elsewhere in this issue, there are two reports
that reflect psychometric assessments of the original English version of IOI-HA in
the USA and in Wales. A further report gives an assessment of the characteristics
of a Dutch translation of the IOI-HA, used in The Netherlands. It is encouraging
that all three investigations produced data reflecting similar inter-item correlations
and two non-overlapping separate factors that were essentially identical across the
These papers were presented at the meeting of the International Collegium of
Rehabilitative Audiology (ICRA) held in Cardiff in May 2001. A number of the
contributors to the original self-report workshop were present, and it was decided
to organize members and their associates to generate translations of the question-
naire into a number of different languages. It was also decided to explore other
applications of the questionnaire, of which a preliminary approach is presented in
this issue by Noble.
The present article reports a set of 21 careful translations of the IOI-HA into
other languages. All translations were performed by individuals who are well
versed in the academic discipline and have the target language as their first
language. Each translation was checked by at least one additional qualified
individual to ensure that each item captures the nuances of the original English
wording. Each translator carefully followed the design principles of the original
version. There are seven items in the inventory, each accessing a different self-
report outcome dimension. The items were written to be unambiguous, with few
cognitive requirements and at a low reading level. Negative statements and reversed
meanings were avoided. An attempt was made to eschew any cultural bias. All
items were designed with five possible responses. The response categories for six of

Received: Robyn Cox

July 12, 2001 Memphis Speech and Hearing Center,
Accepted: 807 Jefferson Avenue, Memphis, TN 38105, USA
September 27, 2001 E-mail: [email protected]
the items were chosen so that their semantic distinctions (in English) were roughly
equal (Levine, 1981). The seventh item requires an estimate of hours of daily use.
To maximize the comprehensibility of the inventory, each item has a separate
response continuum, and the responses are presented so that the most favorable
item appears on the right. It is intended to present the translations in the appen-
dices in copy-ready format so that they can be used immediately. These translations
and any others that might have been generated are also available as downloadable
files from the website
With the exception of the Dutch translation, none of the non-English trans-
lations presented here has been studied to determine its psychometric properties.
The next appropriate step would be for each of the translations to be used with a
group of native speakers of the target language. The psychometric properties of the
translated inventory should then be determined and compared to those of the
English version. The original English version should be used as a criterion, and
changes should be made to the wording of translated items that do not appear to
replicate the characteristics of the criterion.
This article presents translations of the IOI-HA only. However, this inventory
represents the first in what was envisioned by workshop participants as a series of
inventories. Other IOI versions could be used to assess and compare the outcomes
of audiological rehabilitation using devices other than hearing aids. In addition, a
version that addresses the rehabilitation result from the point of view of other
individuals (i.e. significant others of the hearing-impaired person) could be very
useful. Progress has been made in devising suggested wording for the English
language items for these IOI offshoots (Noble, this issue).

We are most grateful to our various colleagues from ICRA and elsewhere who
provided the translations attached as appendices, and whose names are included
with the appendices.

Cox RM, Hyde M, Gatehouse S, et al. (2000) Optimal outcome measures, research priorities and
international cooperation. Ear Hear 21:106S–15S.
Levine N. (1981) The development of an annoyance scale for community noise assessment.
J Sound Vibration 74:265–79.

4 International Journal of Audiology, Volume 41 Number 1

1. Piense cuanto ha utilizado usted su(s) audífono(s) actual(es) en las últimas dos semanas. En un día
común, ¿cuántas horas ha usado usted el(los) audífono(s)?

Ninguna Menos de una De 1 a 4 De 4 a 8 más de 8

hora al día horas al día horas al día horas al día
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

2. Piense en una situación donde usted realmente hubiera querido escuchar mejor antes de obtener su(s)
audífono(s) actual(es). En las últimas dos semanas ¿cuánto le ha ayudado el (los) audífono(s) en esa

No Ayudó Ayudó mo- Ayudó Ayudó

Ayudó poco deradamente bastante mucho
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

3. Piense una vez más en la situación en la cual usted realmente desea escuchar mejor. Cuando utiliza
el(los) audífono(s) actual(es), ¿cuánta dificultad tiene todavía en esa situación?

Mucha Bastante Moderada Poca Ninguna

dificultad dificultad dificultad dificultad dificultad
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

4. Considerándolo todo, ¿Piensa usted que su(s) audífono(s) actual(es) vale(n) la pena?

No vale lal Vale la pena Vale la pena Vale la pena Vale la pena
pena un poco moderada- bastante mucho
mente t
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

5. En las últimas dos semanas, con el(los) audífono(s) que utiliza actualmente, ¿Cuánto ha afectado su
rutina diaria su dificultad auditiva?

Afectado Afectado Afectado Afectado Afectado

mucho bastante moderada- poco nada
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

6. En las dos semanas pasadas, con su(s) audífono(s) actual(es), ¿cuánto piensa usted que su dificultad
auditiva ha molestado a otras personas?

Molestado Molestado Molestado Molestado Molestado

mucho bastante moderada- un poco nada
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

7. Considerándolo todo, ¿cuánto ha cambiado su manera de disfrutar la vida el(los) audífono(s) que
utiliza actualmente?

Empeoró Sin cambio Mejoró Mejoró Mejoró

poco bastante mucho
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

Spanish Version

24 International Journal of Audiology, Volume 41 Number 1

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