52-Backyard Grasscutter Keeping PDF
52-Backyard Grasscutter Keeping PDF
52-Backyard Grasscutter Keeping PDF
Agromisa’s mission is to strengthen the self-reliance and food security
of small-scale farmers in developing countries worldwide, but with a
focus on Africa. Agromisa dedicates itself to sharing experience and
exchanging knowledge in the field of small-scale sustainable agriculture
and related topics.
It is Agromisa’s belief that the gap between formal (scientific) knowledge
and informal (farmers’) knowledge should be bridged. To achieve this,
Agromisa makes existing information accessible for farmers and their
intermediary organisations, using a network of experts that have
considerable field experience.
© Agromisa Foundation and CTA, Wageningen 2014
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by print, photocopy,
microfilm or any other means, without written permission from the publisher.
This guide to grasscutter farming could not have been written without the
valuable contributions of Wouter Joenje (University of Groningen) who
provided a first draft as basis for the present text and Richmond Tegbe
(Principal Research Assistant, University of Ghana’s College of Agriculture
and Consumer Sciences Soil and Irrigation Resarch Centre CACS-SIREC)
for his contributions on the ‘Profitability of Grasscutter Production’.
Agromisa volunteer Marg Leijdens must be mentioned for her advice on
Marketing and valuable editiorial contributions.
Wageningen, 2014
1 Introduction 7
1.1 The scope and focus of this guide 7
1.2 Structure of the Agrodok 8
1.3 Advantages and disadvantages of grasscutter farming 9
8 Administration 63
8.1 Financial administration 63
8.2 Stock administration 64
8.3 Farm administration 65
8.4 Record-keeping for selection 70
8.5 Use and examples of records 71
10 Marketing 77
10.1 Place, product, promotion and price 77
10.2 Getting organised 79
It targets farmers wishing to diversify their farms as well as their families’
diet, and those considering growing grasscutters for the market.
The name grasscutter is preferable to cane rat, which refers to the ani-
mal’s reputation as a marauder of planted crops (sugar cane!). Its popular
name grasscutter (or cutting-grass) better befits a species on its way to
1 Introduction
Note: this Agrodok uses the metric system of weights and measurements
throughout; temperatures are expressed in degrees Centigrade.
• There is a good market for the animal’s tasty meat. As a type of bush-
meat, it is highly valued as well as pricey. It therefore offers a good source
of income that requires relatively modest efforts.
• Farmers may profit from the experience of and research results on grass-
cutter rearing from well-established grasscutter farming ventures in
Cameroon, Gabon, Ghana, Nigeria and Benin.
• Grasscutters are naturally clean animals; they urinate little and their en-
closure is not smelly, so they can be kept near the house in a quiet place.
• Feeding costs can be low, since grasscutters mostly eat forage that pos-
sibly can be harvested in the wild.
• Docility. Grasscutters are not (yet) established farm animals, though do-
cility seems to be a heritable trait that might be improved through se-
lective breeding. This may also be true for a number of the following
• Relative low productivity. Average effective litter size is 3-4; they have
a long gestation period and hence on average fewer than two litters per
• Stress prone: Stress-related injuries are a major cause of death. A fright-
ened animal may panic and jump from one corner to the other, often
injuring itself. Stress can be caused by noise and wind, to which grasscut-
ters are very sensitive. In suburban zones, the difficulty of finding a quiet
site for the grasscutter pen might be a limiting factor.
• Choosy feeders. They do not eat soft, powdery food and reject forage after
lying or urinating on it.
• Sensitive internal organs. The animal may die if held with force around
the abdomen; this requires the use of a catch or restrictor.
• High initial investment. Grasscutter farming demands a considerable ini-
tial investment, particularly for the animals’ housing (see Chapter 4).
• Expensive breeding stock. The initial breeding stock (1 male + 4-5 fe-
males to start a breeding unit) must be bought from other farmers, breed-
ers or poachers, and they are not cheap.
• Slow returns on investment. Initial returns, in the form of youngsters
ready for eating or sale, will not accrue until after about one year.
• Feeding. Many guides advocate using the cheap ‘feed (grasses) from the
wild’, more specifically cutting (elephant) grass from empty lots and/or
roadsides. Apart from the risk that this grass may be contaminated with
dung, garbage or litter, the ‘would-be grasscutter farmer’ is competing
here with fellow farmers who use the same feed source for their cattle,
goats, rabbits, etc. A farmer should consider where and how to get feed
for his animals before embarking on grasscutter farming.
• Price competition. Grasscutter bush-meat is still (readily) available in
some rural areas. Its selling price sets a maximum on the price of farm-
reared grasscutters grown for the market, limiting the feasibility of grass-
cutter farming in rural areas.
1 Introduction
Reconsider why you would opt for grasscutters instead of other live-
stock before starting to invest. Did you weigh the pro’s and con’s of
other options for using available time, space, fodder, materials and
Define your objectives before starting. Do you plan to raise a few an-
imals for household use, to farm grasscutters for sale on the market,
or to start a larger undertaking to supply specific markets, possibly
under contract? Inputs and efforts obviously grow in accordance
with your objectives.
Space. Raising grasscutters requires space for housing and –
possibly – for growing forage to feed them.
Grasscutter housing must be sturdy, quiet, well ventilated and well
protected from the elements. At least three cages are needed to start
with and the number rises quickly.
If you cannot cut (enough) grass from the roadside you may have to
grow your own grasscutter forage.
Farming grasscutters for profit demands that time be spent on man-
agement (and on bookkeeping!) in addition to the tasks already car-
ried out by you and your household members. Grasscutters demand
a strict feeding and tending schedule every day of the year. Calculate
labour needs and how and by whom they will be met. Keep in mind
that total annual family labour hours are restricted!
Grasscutter farming requires an initial investment in housing and
breeding stock. If you start from scratch no income will accrue for
about one year. Housing, breeding stock and labour during the start-
up period must be pre-financed from your own resources or through
a loan.
2 Biology and distribution
Figure 1: The greater grasscutter (Thryonomys swinderianus), the species commonly used in
grasscutter farming
2.2 Reproduction
In the wild, grasscutters reproduce year-round, although births seem to
peak at certain times of the year, correlated with weather conditions. One
2 Biology and distribution
male takes several females, and the family group has more than one gen-
eration of young. The average gestation period is 152 days. Litters nor-
mally contain from 3 to 11 young. Newborns are fully developed, their eyes
are open, they weigh approximately 80-150 g, have thick fur, and quickly
become accomplished runners; they can launch a biting attack an hour after
delivery and start eating forage not long after.
Females may be ready to copulate soon after delivery, though an interval
of 6-8 weeks between delivery and new mating is generally recommended.
Captive grasscutters can be kept in cages or boxes or in open areas enclosed
within walls or other fencing material. Males and females can be kept to-
gether, but not all the time. Depending on the size of cages used, stocking
rates of one male to five females are possible. Pregnant females must be
isolated to avoid the males killing the young.
Figure 2: Male (left) and female grasscutter in a cage; note difference in size: the male (buck)
is larger and heavier than the female (doe).
3 Selection, handling and
Selection criteria for choosing good animals for breeding are listed below.
Grasscutters have to be handled carefully to avoid internal injuries. (See
the final paragraph of section 3.2 for advice on grasscutter domestication.)
A good grasscutter male should:
• have a big body
• have strong hind legs
• be able to stand well
• have two testicles of the same size
• be able to mate with and impregnate females without causing casualties
(some males are bad-tempered and easily kill any females brought to
them for mating).
3 Selection, handling and domestication
Grasscutter handling on the farm
A grasscutter farmer needs to handle his/her animals manually for a num-
ber of reasons:
• sex determination of young animals or of grasscutters brought in from
• pregnancy check;
• moving grassscutters from one cage to another, for copulation, delivery
etc.; or
• isolation and treatment in the event of a (suspected) disease (Chapter 7).
3 Selection, handling and domestication
Figure 5: Grasp grasscutter by its tail and lift hind feet off the ground
Figure 7: Turn grasscutter upside down for examination
3 Selection, handling and domestication
Grasscutters bought from another farm or a certified breeder have been
born and raised in captivity, so they should quickly settle down in their new
environment once accustomed to their cage and their keeper.
Wild grasscutters bought from hunters need special care after arriving at
the farm. When put into cages they may race around and injure them-
selves. Their immediate environment should be shaded and quiet without
other animals or people around. Feeding and handling should be done on a
regular basis and by the same people, so the animals become accustomed
to their attendants.
For domestication the grasscutter farmer should provide similar conditions
as in the wild. The cage should be fully stocked with grasses before a newly
acquired, wild animal is put into it. This prevents the animal from injury
itself as a result of running and hitting its head against the sides of the cage.
Aggressive males should be paired with matured tamed female(s), which
are ready to be crossed and vice versa.
Feeding new, wild grasscutters with sugar cane, cube sugar and salted cas-
sava has proven very effective in taming them. The housing unit should be
constructed to allow enough light into the cage so the grasscutter can see
the attendant, especially during the day.
Domesticated grasscutters exhibit the following characteristics:
• They are able to feel at ease and eat well in the presence of the caretaker.
They are docile; that is they are amendable to stroking or accepting feed
from the farmer’s hand.
• They are able to reproduce in captivity and to care for their pups.
Agitated grasscutters tend to run as if they are blind. If the keeper wants to
catch an animal from its cage or from the ground he should set it moving
and quickly block all escape routes except the one into the metal restrictor
or the nylon mesh restrainer.
Some grasscutter experts prefer the netting restrainer to the all-metal re-
strictor, which might injure the animal if it runs in at high speed.
4 Housing: the stable with cages
A farmer raising a few grasscutters for household use just needs a few su-
perimposed individual cages with a thatched roof on top. Any more ambi-
tious grasscutter farming venture requires one or more stables/sheds with
hutches or cages inside.
(Note: some publications speak of ‘hutches’, others of ‘cages’. The words
mean roughly the same thing: an enclosure for housing individual animals
or small groups of animals. This Agrodok uses ‘cages’).
Good grasscutter housing should give the animals conditions comparable
to those in the wild, while offering accessibility and easy handling to the
farmer. Good housing is indispensable for animals and farmer alike. The
grasscutter stable should protect the animals from bad weather (wind, rain,
high temperatures), poor ventilation, noise (busy road, rumbling trucks,
market, disco, etc.), predators (ants, snakes, cats, dogs) and thieves.
• Local materials should be used wherever possible, such as bamboo, wood,
thatch, bricks, cement blocks, mud blocks, zinc sheets, wire mesh, etc.
Materials must be solid and easy to clean.
• Moist or swampy environments should be avoided because cement plas-
tering is easily destroyed by moisture.
• The location must provide protection from noise, predators and thieves.
• Roofing must be safe from leakage. The gradient of a thatched roof
should be steep. A zinc sheet roof should be laid with an adequate over-
lap between the sheets to prevent leaking. Zinc roofing may become
unbearably hot during the dry season, in which case it should be covered
with thatch.
• Good grasscutter housing should be spacey, dry, and well ventilated,
maintain normal temperatures and be protected from direct wind. It
should provide light during the day and darkness at night – the animals
need both for metabolism and growth.
• Grasscutters are very sensitive to dust, which causes respiratory problems
and mortality (see section 7.2). Stable and cage construction should re-
strict dust entering from outside. Stable(s) as well as cages must be kept
dust-free as far as practicable.
• A corridor of at least 1 m wide is needed to allow easy passage of persons,
wheel barrows, etc. without frightening the animals.
• A forage farm around the house is sometimes necessary.
The stable’s outer wall should be at least 1.2 m high to minimise the risk
of animals escaping and predators or thieves entering. If constructed with
cement-blocks the outer wall may double as the back wall of cement-block
The stable floor should preferably be plastered with cement to facilitate
proper cleaning.
4 Housing: the stable with cages
Cage arrangement
The arrangement of cages within the stable has to meet two requirements:
• It should make efficient use of stable space while providing adequate ven-
tilation and sufficient room for allowing easy passage of a wheelbarrow
and other equipment.
• It should enable farm labour to work professionally, efficiently and in a
comfortable position. Labour, whether hired or your own, is expensive;
it should not be wasted by working with poorly constructed and badly
placed cages or poor-quality equipment.
Both cement-brick and wood + wire mesh cages are customarily construct-
ed in layers of three or even four on top of each other (see Figure 11). This
forces the attendant to stoop down or kneel when working on the bottom
tier, which is uncomfortable and inefficient!
It is better to limit the number of superimposed cages to three tiers, with the
bottom one raised sufficiently above the stable floor to permit easy tending.
The space underneath can be used to store feed and equipment. The floor
of the top cages should be below eye level, allowing the farmer to inspect
every cage.
Special cage types have been developed to facilitate cleaning. Figure 13
shows a three-tiered wood + wire mesh double-room family cage arrange-
ment, where the roof of the bottom- and second-layer cages doubles as a
collecting tray for droppings and forage scraps falling through the wire
mesh cage floor.
Grasscutter stable photographs often show such cages placed with their
back against the outer wall, and with the waste-collecting trays slanting
upwards towards the front. This makes good cleaning difficult. Dust and
debris accumulating against the outer wall may easily cause respiratory
problems and grasscutter mortality (see section 4.1.8 and section 7.2 on
respiratory problems).
Figure 11: Two types of cages in a grasscutter stable: a single-layer, ground-level cement-
block cage at right and a three-layer concrete cage with iron-rod doors at left. Note metal
wire restrictors next to the attendant’s leg. The cage arrangement on the right is not
recommended because it uses available stable space inefficiently and all tending and
cleaning (such as scooping out droppings and unused feed) has to be done in an
uncomfortable position. The cement-block, iron-rod door cages at left are preferable
because more grasscutters can be housed within the same stable area. For the sake of
labour efficiency the bottom space should not be used as grasscutter cage, but for storage
(see Figure 12); the individual cages could be lower to allow the same three-layer cage
arrangement. The iron bars should be positioned vertically instead of horizontally, to prevent
grasscutters from getting stuck when trying to gnaw the horizontal bars.
4 Housing: the stable with cages
Figure 13: Three-layered wood + wire mesh cage; the slanting multiply cage tops facilitate
removal of spilled food and droppings. Cages must be placed with one side against the outer
wall, with adequate space between them to allow the attendant(s) to work.
Figure 14: Steel + wire-mesh cage, three-tier cage with two cages at each level, placed back
to back and with their narrow side against the wall. The forward-slanting steel plates
underneath the second and top tiers facilitate cleaning. Note exterior drinking bottles and
boxes for concentrates. The cage doors’ iron rods should be vertical, to prevent grasscutters
from gnawing on them to keep their teeth filed; see Figure 15. The partitions between the
right – and left cages, as well as the front and back cages should be closed, to make the
animals feel at ease.
Cage types
A grasscutter farm needs individual cages and group cages.
4 Housing: the stable with cages
• housing pregnant females about to give birth (the male may kill the
• isolating a sick animal from the healthy ones, for observation and treat-
ment. Obviously the quarantine cage(s) should be situated away from the
other cages.
Cage dimensions
Cage dimensions recommended in various grasscutter booklets differ.
They depend in part on the construction material used for the cages (ce-
ment blocks or wood + wire mesh).
another to facilitate cage cleaning. (In some designs the two-section cage
width is just 100 cm or even less.)
Over the years two main types have emerged: brick or cement-brick cages
and cages of (ply-) wood + wire mesh.
Providing a list of materials and cost estimates is beyond the scope of this
Agrodok. These factors depend on the planned number of animals on the
4 Housing: the stable with cages
farm. The farmer should check and compare availability and price of differ-
ent building materials, and calculate cage construction costs before decid-
ing what type of cage to use.
Cement-brick cages
Cage dimensions are more or less dictated by the customary size of the stand-
ard building block, often 10 × 20 × 40 cm. Floors and roofs of multi-layer
brick cages have to be constructed in reinforced concrete, because hori-
zontal brick masonry will collapse. Cage floors and, preferably, the walls
as well should be plastered with cement, to facilitate cleaning and good
hygiene. Ventilation must be provided through the top lids (or slats cover-
ing) of single-layer floor cages, or by the vertically hinged steel rod doors of
superimposed cages. Note that the cages’ back wall should have a ventilation
hole as well, fitted with nylon mesh to prevent vermin from entering.
A cement-brick outer stable wall may be used as the back wall of a cement-
brick cage, to economise on construction costs. Figures 12,16 and 17 show
different types of cement-brick cages.
Figure 15: Two-layer concrete + cement-brick cages in a stable. Cages are constructed well
above the floor to facilitate cleaning and tending. Cage height (above the floor?)is usually
determined by the standard size of the cement-blocks; it could also be lower to allow three
layers instead of two. Note marker tags on the cages.
Wood + wire mesh cages
Basically this type of cage consists of a wooden frame (boards or plywood)
fitted with wire mesh to protect it from gnawing by the animals. Walls are
made from 3 cm crimp square wire mesh; and cage floors are made of 1.5
cm crimp mesh to protect the animals’ feet if the floor is not fitted with
plywood underneath.
Steel wire mesh is sold in fixed heights. The farmer is well advised to adjust
cage size to the dimensions of the construction materials available in the
market, to avoid costly waste of material. Figure 18 shows a wood + wire
mesh cage.
Figure 16: Grasscutters inside a wood + wire mesh cage. The cage can be divided into two
sections by inserting a partition into the vertical slot.
4 Housing: the stable with cages
Transporting box
The farm must have at least one transporting box (see section 3.2, Figure
4) for moving grasscutters safely to the farm, or from the farm to market.
Each stable should have the following tools:
• wheelbarrow;
• dustpan + broom;
• waste bin;
• a bucket or watering can;
• at least two catchers or restrictors, of different dimensions, depending on
the size of the animal (see Figure 9 – the catcher is used for holding and
restraining a grasscutter when moving it to another cage, for weighing
it, in pregnancy diagnosis, or for examination and treatment in case of a
• a weighing scale;
• a (small) sprayer.
Each individual cage needs the following accessories:
• A drinking trough (rectangular, e.g. 18 x 18 cm, 10 cm high or round) and
a feeding trough for concentrates (similar dimensions). Both should be
made from cement, preferably, to prevent them from being toppled over
by the animals and for easy cleaning. See Figure 20, Chapter 6.
• A rack (horizontal or – preferably – vertical) for grass or vegetable feed.
Drinkers and feeding racks might be placed on the outside of small cages.
See Figure 14.
• A stick, bone or stone for the grasscutters to gnaw on and thereby keep
their continually growing incisors under control (see Chapter 7).
Final advice
Stable(s) and cages make up a substantial part of a farmer’s investments in
grasscutter raising.
Remember that grasscutters resemble other farm animals in that their
health and welfare are closely related. Well-housed animals that feel at ease
eat better, grow better, procreate better and are less prone to diseases than
poorly kept and fed ones. Better growth, less disease and lower mortality
mean higher profits from the grasscutter farming venture.
On the other hand ‘animal welfare’ costs time and money: money for stable
and cage construction and maintenance and time for tending the animals,
cleaning their cages and providing proper feed.
The farmer has to balance benefits and costs.
5 Reproduction and growth
Sexual maturity
Females (does) can be mated when about 6 months old and weighing some
1.5 kg. Male grasscutters (bucks) become sexually mature at the age of
6 months, but it is advisable to start using them for copulation at 8 to
9 months or when they weigh at least 2 kg. Grasscutters show no clear
signs of heat.
It is advisable to use males from different origins for mating to compare
breeds and avoid incest. This provides variation in the offspring and gives
the opportunity to select for desired characteristics (fertility, docility,
growth rate, maximum weight, etc.).
To initiate mating first place one male in an empty group cage (see
section 4.2).
One day later, when the buck feels at ease, bring 4 to 6 females – depending
on cage dimensions – to the male. The buck should be larger and heavier
than any doe brought to it for copulation; but small females, especially
virgins, should not be given to oversize bucks.
The farmer should observe the level of aggression between male and fe-
males from a distance. Buck and does may have to be separated if serious
fighting develops.
Female grasscutter ovulation is reflex, or induced, ovulation; the doe re-
leases eggs only after a successful mating. For that reason it is usually
advised that the females are left with the male until clear signs of mating
and pregnancy are observed.
Mating studies at the University of Ghana showed the highest rate of female
sexual receptivity, conception and parturition during the first three days.
This supported the conclusion that the customary prolonged mating period
is not necessary.
5 Reproduction and growth
Figure 17: Pregnancy test on a female grasscutter being held in a wire mesh restrictor.
Several females at the same stage of pregnancy may be kept together in
a group cage, though each should preferably have its own separate cage
towards the expected delivery time.
After four months of pregnancy sufficient clean grass should be left in the
cage for the expectant mother to make a nest.
Do not disturb females showing strange behaviour (e.g. not eating) just
before delivery.
5 Reproduction and growth
• There is generally a long interval between deliveries. This is also a point
for improvement through selection.
• Litter size ranges from 2 to 11 pups, with an average of 4. Though the
still-born rate and pup mortality probably increase with the number of
pups a doe has to suckle, average litter size may well be increased through
doe selection.
• The pup mortality rate of 11% between birth and weaning is high. In this
respect too, some does turn out to be better-than-average mothers; these
should be selected for breeding.
6 Nutrition and feeding
basically herbivores they are known to consume insects and small rodents.
Even cannibalism is not uncommon.
In captivity grasscutters need feed (forage and concentrates), water and
A grasscutter is a rodent; it holds its food in its paw/hand before eating it.
Therefore, its feed should be solid and not powdery. Powdery feeds tend
to block the animal’s respiratory tract due to the closeness of its nose to its
6.1 Water
Grasscutters drink very little because fresh forage supplies them with some
of the water they require. Nevertheless clean water should be available
in the cage at all times, its quantity depending on the number of animals
housed together. Pregnant or suckling females need more water.
6 Nutrition and feeding
Water should be provided in small troughs that should be emptied daily and
washed before being refilled with fresh water from a clean source.
6.2 Forage
Grasscutters are mainly herbivores so about 70%-80% of their feed should
be forage. Other types of feed, including fruits, cassava and maize, should
be given in smaller quantities.
Grasses, legumes, leaves and crop residues may all serve as forage. Forage
may be dried (hay) or otherwise conserved (e.g. by silage) for use in the dry
season(s) when green forage becomes scarce.
A wide variety of grasses can serve as forage (see the list below). Grass
may be harvested from a forage farm lot and/or from ‘nature’: roadsides,
vacant plots, etc.
Forage must be cut well above the ground from around noon, when insects
have moved downwards. It should be allowed to wilt in the shade for at
least 24 hours to prevent grasscutters from developing stomach problems.
Before being fed to the grasscutters, the wilted grass must be shaken well
to make insect eggs and larvae, bacteria and some worms fall off. It should
then be tied into boats (bundles) of about 30 to 90 cm in length to minimise
the space it will occupy in the cage. Putting the bundles against the cage
wall prevents the animals from lying or urinating on the forage, which they
will then reject.
Forage must be free of dry leaves and flowers and it should be replaced
Grasscutters prefer the basal parts (stem) of grasses even though they are
less nutritious than the leaves. Therefore the caretaker should feed more
leaves than stems.
In many cases forage grasses will be harvested along roads and other com-
mon places. There may be a shortage of such grasses in areas where many
farmers keep grasscutters or other grass-eating animals, e.g. near villages.
A farmer could grow his own grass for feeding on a small plot or in hedges.
Figure 18: Grasscutter eating grass put upright against the cage wall. Note the sturdy
drinking vessel and (empty) trough for concentrates.
Dried forage
In the wild, grasscutters consume both dry and fresh grass; and some
grasscutter farmers obtain favourable results by feeding them both fresh
and dried forage. Checking for insects and worms remains necessary.
Feeding dried forage is an option in the dry season, when fresh grasses are
not easily available. Hay, supplemented with other feed and concentrates, is
a good replacement for fresh forage. According to information from Ghana
(Richmond and Nyalemegbe, 2006), grass silage is rarely used, though grass-
cutters will probably eat it if they are hungry and some salt is added to it.
6 Nutrition and feeding
or lactating females should never be starved. The best time to start training
the grasscutters to eat local feeds is when they are very young. The follow-
ing types of grasscutter forage could be used:
Grasses (Poaceae)
Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum), also known as napier grass
Guinea grass (Panicum maximum)
Maize (Zea mays): cob, leaves, husk
Sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum): leaves
African giant star grass (Cynodon sp.)
Gamba grass (Andropogon gayanus)
Sheep grass (Brachiaria decumbens)
Bamboo (Oxythenanthera abyssima): young shoots
Rottboellia (Rottboellia exaltata)
Wild sorghum (Sorghum spp.)
Figure 19: Elephant grass growing beside a grasscutter stable
6 Nutrition and feeding
Cassava (Manihot spp.): tubers, stem
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas)
Taro (Xanthosoma sagittifolia)
Yam (Diascorea sp.)
When feeding the animals fruit, make sure it is hard enough for the grass-
cutters to hold in their paws.
According to several manuals, fruits should be fed preferably in the after-
noon. Train your animals to accept fruits of high nutritional value common
in your locality.
Grasscutters in their natural habitat eat not only grasses but also oth-
er feeds like fresh groundnut hull, plantain pseudo stem, sugar-cane,
cassava tubers/stem, oil palm and cocoa-nut seedlings, shells and rice
(leaves, stem and grains) to obtain extra protein, minerals and vitamins
that their bodies require for growth and reproduction. Therefore, grass-
cutters in captivity should be given these nutrients in the form of con-
centrates to supplement those obtained from grasses in order to enhance
Concentrates contain more digestible material than water and fibre. They
are fed to the animals in the form of grains, chips or pellets placed in the
feeders; large lumps should be sliced into chips. Concentrate must neither
be dusty nor pasty. Whatever is left uneaten by the grasscutters should be
collected so that the feeder is completely empty before new feed is intro-
duced. The leftovers can be fed to chickens. Feeding should never be done
during resting/sleeping periods.
You can formulate your own concentrate from locally available ingredients
like (roasted) groundnut, maize, wheat bran, shells, salt and minerals and
vitamins. Compact the concentrate into small pellets before feeding it to
the animals. Annex 1 describes the ingredients and procedure for making
Concentrates should be introduced tactfully to grasscutters that have never
eaten them before to avoid putting unnecessary pressure on the animals,
especially on pregnant or lactating mothers:
• Add sugar or some salt to the concentrate to make it more appetising.
• Starve the animal from morning and give it only the concentrate and
water. Never starve pregnant or lactating does.
• Pair grasscutters used to the concentrate with those being introduced to it.
• Introduce concentrates early to very young grasscutters from two weeks
old and above.
As explained above, captive grasscutters need minerals in their feed,
• salt
• calcium, from ground egg shell, ground oyster shell, or burnt snail shell
(Achatina spp.)
Minerals can be given through the drinking water or in the form of pelleted
concentrates in a separate trough.
Coprophagy is a special form of grasscutter feeding. During its sleeping
time, especially around 4.00 in the morning, the grasscutter recycles its drop-
pings, moving them directly from its anus to its mouth. This peculiar prac-
tice recycles a part of its intestinal bacteria that is indispensable for cellulose
breakdown and protein synthesis. It also provides the animal with vitamin B.
6 Nutrition and feeding
Supplement /
Forage / grasses supplementary feed in
Age (twice daily) pellet (solid) form
Young 100-150g (1handful) 10-50g (1milk tin of
(1-3 months) concentrate)
Adolescent 150-250g (1.5 handfuls) 50-100g (2 milk tins of
(4-6 months) concentrate)
Adults 250-400g (2 handfuls) 100-200g (3 milk tins of
(6 months and concentrate)
(Source: Grasscutter training manual MoFA & SFSP, 2002)
Grasscutters are wasteful feeders, regardless of whether they are eating
forage or pelleted concentrates. To minimise waste, they should therefore
not be fed more than twice, or at most three times, a day.
A strict schedule is in any case essential; all work in the grasscutter stable,
whether feeding, cleaning or tending, should be carried out at set times, in
a regular sequence and by the same attendant(s). No one should be in the
stable in between these set times.
• Always give feed during fixed feeding hours.
• Remove leftovers of the previous feeding before giving any new feed.
• Allow harvested grass to wilt in the shade for 24 hours before giving it
to the animals in order to prevent diseases. Fresh grass must also be in-
spected thoroughly for insects and worms before being fed to the animals.
7 Health
Grasscutters are naturally clean animals in the wild and they are less sus-
ceptible to disease than most other farm animals. Nevertheless crowding
animals on a farm always increases the risk of ailments or diseases.
This chapter categorises the various types of ailments a grasscutter farm-
er might be confronted with, describing symptoms, cures and preventive
Note: antiseptics and antibiotics are regularly mentioned. Farmers should
consult their local veterinary officers to select the best and cheapest medi-
cine while keeping in mind the general caution on indiscriminate use of
antibiotics, which can lead to multi-resistant bacteria (see box at the end
of this chapter).
7.1 Prevention
Prevention is better than the cure! Some general measures to prevent dis-
ease and trauma are the following:
• Always give your animals adequate and complete feed.
• Make sure the feed is clean and free of dust or mould, and that forage has
been allowed to wilt in the shade for at least 24 hours.
• Fresh forage must also be inspected well for insects (eggs, larvae) and
worms before being fed to the animals.
• Inspect your animals visually every day.
• Regularly check their excrements (dry excrement in the form of coffee-
like grains indicate that the animal is healthy; wet excrement or excre-
ment that is not in pellet form indicates that the animal is sick).
• Separate a sick or wounded animal immediately from the healthy animals
and put it in the quarantine cage for observation and treatment.
• Provide a healthy environment by cleaning cages daily, and by disinfect-
ing eating and drinking troughs once weekly and the cages once monthly
with products like alkali or soda.
• Prevent fights by not overcrowding your animals in the cages, and by
separating young bucks into individual cages from the age of 4 months.
• Disinfect any cage occupied by a sick animal.
• Thoroughly disinfect the quarantine cage after use.
• Install an antiseptic foot bath at each stable entrance. (Note: Ghana grass-
cutter expert T.E. Richmond considers this a good idea, though he has
rarely seen it applied in Ghana).
• Construct a perimeter fencing around the entire grasscutter compound to
prevent unauthorised visitors or stray animals from entering.
7 Health
This underlines the need to:provide a clean and quiet environment for your
animals; avoid overcrowding;
• separate young bucks;
• follow a strict daily feeding and cleaning routine carried out by familiar
attendants; select and breed your grasscutters for docility!
Wounds and abscesses are easily diagnosed. Fractures are diagnosed by
observing the animal’s movements or by gentle palpitation.
Treatment of wounds
• Treat light wounds affecting only hairs and skin with an antibiotic aerosol
spray, e.g. Pedospray or an antibiotic powder.
• An animal with deep wounds that affect its muscles will need to be iso-
lated. The services of a veterinarian may be necessary as well.
• In situations where suturing is necessary, anaesthesia is required.
• In the event of serious wounds, like exposure of the viscera, slaughter is
Figure 20: Serious cut resulting from a fight between buck and doe during copulation.
Treatment of fractures
• Isolate young animals to restrict their movement. Let them grow to
slaughter weight if they eat. If they lose appetite slaughter them.
• For (nearly) fully grown animals slaughter is recommended.
• A veterinarian may treat and heal the fracture; the farmer will have to
decide whether benefit outweighs cost.
Treatment of abscesses
• Abscesses may result from wounds or from inf luences like blood-
poisoning. Hygiene is important in their prevention.
• Incise them when they are ripe; apply any antiseptic afterwards.
• Avoid overpopulation in the cages.
• Constitute groups of animals of roughly the same weight.
• Separate males, from each other and from females, when 4 months old.
• Maintain a calm attitude when feeding or cleaning.
7 Health
Cough can be treated with the sugar-lemon-water solution, or by giving the
animal small chips of ginger and garlic in its feeder.
Bacterial pneumonia possibly requires antibiotic treatment, e.g.
Oxytetracycline or Tylosine (at the recommended dosage). Put the affected
animal into the isolation cage.
Avoid dust, both in the forage/feed and in the environment.
Do not give spoilt or mouldy feed to your animals. Cut and dry forage in the
way described in Chapter 6, to prevent the animals from ingesting insects,
harmful plants and worm eggs. Regular de-worming every four months is
recommended by injecting an Ivomec solution (e.g. Ivermectine, against
roundworms and parasites).
Stable construction must permit fresh air circulation, while avoiding cold,
dust and moisture from entering the stable. The stable may even have to
be heated during cold nights with a kerosene lantern. Covering a stable
or cages with polythene sheeting might be preferable, to avoid noxious
k erosene fumes. Prevent grasscutters from coming into direct contact with
the polythene sheet. Clean out the cages regularly.
Digestive/intestinal problems
Diarrhoea, constipation, loss of appetite, eating but still becoming increas-
ingly weak, weight loss. The cause might be (1) eating spoilt or mouldy
feed, (2) a protozoa infection (Coccidiosis), (3) bacterial infections like E.
coli, Salmonella, etc., or (4) intestinal parasites: worms, nematodes. Worms
may be suspected or seen in the faeces; feeding insufficiently dried grass
is often the cause.
Diarrhoea caused by eating spoilt or mouldy feed may be cured by feeding
dried paw paw seeds of unripe, but matured paw paws. The same cure is
recommended for worm infections. Coccidiosis can be cured by applying
coccidiostats-containing Amprolium at the recommended dosage.
Do not give spoilt or mouldy feed to your animals. See recommendations
on cutting and drying forage and on regular de-worming above.
Ticks are treated with a 0.5% Bromocycline bath rubbed on the affected
animal’s skin against the grain. Usually the other animals within the same
cage must be treated as well. Mange is treated by rubbing the whole body
with Ascabiol powder mixed with palm oil. All in-contact animals and
those suspected of having had contact with the affected animals should be
rubbed in as well.
7 Health
Tick infestation can be prevented by drying and shaking forage before
feeding it to grasscutters.
Dental problems
An affected animal grips feed, then drops it. General lethargy and loss of
weight are other symptoms. Dental fractures do occur; and they are easily
Grasscutter incisors grow continuously and would overlap and cause
wounds to the gums if not controlled. A hard object, e.g. a bone or stone, in
the cages allows the animals to control incisor growth by gnawing. Incisor
filing may be necessary in severe cases. Treatment of fractures: if healing
is considered possible, feed young forage and provide soft moistened feed,
e.g. boiled cassava or potatoes. If the fracture is inside the gums requiring
a long period for regrowth, slaughter is recommended.
A stick, bone or stone in the cage is the first line of defence against dental
problems. Providing correct forage and feed and stress-free conditions are
essential as well.
Figure 21: Injecting a medicine under the grasscutter’s tail
Pharmaceutical products
• Betadine as a local antiseptic
• Antibiotic aerosol spray for wounds
• Piperazine against worms
• Broad-spectrum antibiotic, e.g. Banoecine (in powder or injectable form)
• Oxytetracycline 20% (in powder or injectable form)
• Imalgine as an anaesthetic
7 Health
• A sharp blade for incising abscesses, etc.
• Gauze for cleaning wounds (cotton would leave fibres in the wound)
• Pliers
• Teaspoon for administering medicaments orally, or for mixing
• Syringe for administering medication orally or intra-muscular
Be careful and restrictive in the use of antibiotics. Indiscriminate use
of antibiotics on farm animals has already resulted in multi-resistant
strains of bacteria in many parts of the world. These potentially dan-
gerous bacteria may easily pass into the human food chain if the
animal’s meat is not thoroughly cooked/heated before consumption.
Final advice
Chapter 7 systematically describes ailments, their prevention and cure. As
underlined in the final paragraph of section 7.1 stress or trauma is a major
cause of grasscutter disease and mortality. Animal welfare experts speak of
‘grasscutter signals’ – the animal shows that it is under stress by panicking,
running around or cowering in a corner of its cage. Stressed animals grow
slower or die more easily than animals that are content and at ease.
8 Administration
Fixed costs
Animal sheds, cages, durable equipment and tools, building up the grass-
cutter stock, land for growing forage, etc., are fixed costs. They demand
care, regular maintenance and, possibly, payment of land rent and/ or inter-
est on a loan. Annual maintenance costs of buildings and cages are usually
calculated as a fixed percentage (e.g. 5-10% for buildings) of the original
investment. Fixed costs continue, whether your grasscutter farm provides
any income or not!
Variable costs
Direct or variable costs are directly linked to running the farm; they in-
crease or decrease with the level of production. Labour, whether hired or
your own, forage and concentrates, cleaning chemicals, hand-tools, drugs,
veterinary services, etc., are examples of variable costs.
A sound financial administration is essential for keeping track of expendi-
ture and income – not just for knowing ‘where the money goes’, but also
for taking management decisions on where and how costs might be reduced
and income improved.
For more information on farm administration consult your local extension
service or study a handbook on the subject (e.g. Agromisa publications
Agrosource 3, The farm as a commercial enterprise, and Agrosource 4,
Farm accounting. Both were published in 2006 and can be ordered from
8 Administration
ity. Here again, accurate stock records will indicate when to replace your
breeding bucks with fresh ones, brought in from outside (taking care not to
import siblings of your own stock!).
Keep a daily diary to record all ‘events’ in the daily work routine immedi-
ately when they occur, because information is easily forgotten.
Financial events are purchases of inputs (the variable costs), and sales, each
with total value and unit price.
Farm events include breeding data (copulation, delivery, litter size, etc.),
information on operations (animal a transferred to cage b for reason c, etc.),
feeding records, veterinary treatment, and so on.
Be precise in recording such events in your diary and regularly transfer-
ring them to permanent stock records and financial records (see informa-
tion on record-keeping below).
A farmer just keeping a few grasscutters for family consumption might
well argue that detailed records are not necessary. But do not forget that
you need a reasonable estimate of the production cost of 1 kg grasscutter
meat for the household pot, to decide if it would not be wiser to invest your
labour and money in some alternative crop or livestock and simply buy
meat in the market.
In order to keep track of all the different financial and farm events the
farmer must be able to identify the stables/sheds, the different cages in each
stable and the individual grasscutters.
Stables are simply identified by a painted letter or number near the door of
each one, in order of construction, e.g. A, B, C and so on.
Cages are identified by numbering them clockwise from the stable
door, from top to bottom and from left to right in the case of superimposed
The numbers, e.g. A.1.1. (top cage, first column of cages on the left in stable
A) can be written or painted on individual tags (made of plywood or card-
board) hanging on a nail at the top corner of each cage. They could also be
written on the cage with writing chalk.
Identifying individual animals is important to keep track of breeding and
growing performance, and of each animal’s parental lineage to avoid in-
breeding. The following identification methods can be used:
• Record visual characteristics, such as the animals’ size, shape, coat colour
and natural marks. This is practicable only on small farms.
• Paint a specific colour on the animal’s fur. This is a temporal solution as
hair is lost and the mark eventually disappears.
• Tattoo the animal. A code number can be pierced on the skin with a spe-
cial iron, and then rubbed with a special ink. The imprint lasts a long time,
but it can be difficult to read because of the grasscutter’s thick fur.
• Notch the animal’s ears. This involves making ‘v’-shaped cuts in the ani-
mal’s ears with a very sharp, thoroughly disinfected knife or pincer (see
Figure 22). Location (left or right ear) and orientation (top, side or under-
side of the ear) of the notches indicate a numerical code; see Figure 23.
Notching is an easy and cheap identification method; however the time
involved in learning to decode the notching patterns is a disadvantage.
Moreover, hairy ears may make the notches difficult to see; and fighting
between the animals may destroy the markings.
• Attach ear-tags. Ear-tags are metal or plastic tags with a number or other
information that are clipped to the ear. This is a useful method, although
it is more expensive than notching. The same disadvantages apply: the
tags are difficult to read quickly, and the grasscutters may destroy their
ears in a fight. Figure 24 shows ear notches and a pincer used to apply
8 Administration
Figure 22: Pincer to make ear notches; they could be made with a sharp (disinfected) knife
as well
Stock records
Cards are a simple way to organise your grasscutter administration. Each
animal has its own card with relevant information (identification number,
sex, age, etc.). Cards are sorted into a box (e.g. one for each separate stable).
Within each box they can be sorted by cage (or row of cages), sex, age, etc.
by vertically placed sticker cards. The cards can be rearranged easily when
animals are moved or sold.
Some experts recommend two types of record cards: breeders’ records and
weaners’/growers’ records.
Note: data on mating behaviour and breeding performance are essential for
selecting the best animals for further breeding.
8 Administration
• ID# of parents
• date of weaning
• sex
• cage number (in pencil, see above)
• date of and reason for removal, e.g. dead, sold or kept as grower
• remarks
Samples of such record cards are shown at the end of this chapter. They can
be modified to suit your wishes.
Operational records
Some booklets suggest that separate operational records be kept, for ex-
ample of animal transfers on the farm (date, reasons, observations, etc.).
Since this information should be registered on the animals’ record cards a
separate register seems unnecessary.
Keeping an up-to-date, single page-per-month calendar is sometimes sug-
gested to keep an overview of upcoming activities on the grasscutter farm.
Such a calendar lists the expected/necessary events in the coming months,
such as mating, kindling, weaning, vaccinations, etc.
This makes sense for fast-breeding animals kept in larger numbers, like
rabbits (see Back-yard rabbit keeping in the tropics, Agrodok 20).
In view of the slower growth and longer pregnancy period of grasscutters,
a single-page-per-month calendar seems less useful. All of the necessary
information is on the animals’ record cards. If a calendar-type overview of
upcoming work is required or expected, ‘farm events’ like copulation, ges-
tation and weaning might be registered on any ordinary household calendar.
8.4 Record-keeping for selection
The records on grasscutter growth and productivity are essential for draw-
ing up a selection plan to identify your best future breeders.
For does the size and weight of the first litter at weaning is a selection
criterion. If the litter is small and/or of low weight at weaning, the breed-
er doe should be replaced. Littering interval is an additional selection
criterion for older does, besides litter size and litter weight at weaning.
Keep does with good litter size and weight and short littering interval as
For bucks docility and weight gain from weaning to first mating are the
main selection criteria. Docility is first tested when bucks are separated
at the age of 4 months. If they fight or are difficult to handle they should
be replaced. First mating at the age of 8 months is the next docility test-
ing moment; bucks that fight with or wound the does brought to them for
mating must be culled. The same applies to bucks that have failed to put
on sufficient weight while growing to maturity. Keep the most docile and
fastest-growing bucks as breeders.
Breeding males have to be replaced after a few copulation rounds with
fresh bucks from outside to avoid inbreeding. Bucks bought from another
farmer must be well-documented to make sure you do not bring in siblings
of your own grasscutter stock!
8 Administration
• expenditure on housing, forage/feed, labour
• diseases and periods of incidence
• productive output of the grasscutter farm as a whole
• copulation, delivery, weaning
• reproductive ability
• final weight
What to tell a new caretaker or technician in case of a change.
Always keep in mind that comparing the past with the present
in order to improve the future is the main objective of keeping
accurate records!
Examples of breeder cards (female and male) and weaner/grower cards are
shown below.
Breeder card male Stable no.: Cage no.:
No. and Number
ID of Litter successfully
Date females Date of size by weaned by
ID# Origin mated mounted parturition sex sex Remarks
9 Slaughtering and processing
Note: slaughtering and the subsequent dressing and processing are needed
only if your farming objective is to sell grasscutter meat in the market or
to restaurants. The subject is of little interest if you plan to market mainly
live animals.
Slaughtering weight
Farm-grown grasscutters are usually slaughtered when they have attained
a weight of 1.5-2 kg (does that have to be culled for some reason) or 3-3.5
kg (bucks). Daily growth rate of does slows down from the age of around 6
months when they have attained an average weight of around 1.5 kg. They
attain their maximum weight of around 2 kg at approximately 10 months
of age. The daily growth rate of bucks starts declining from around 10
months, when they weigh about 3 kg on average; at 12 months they have
grown to around 3.5 kg.
Apart from your prime breeders it does not pay to keep grasscutters once
their daily weight increase starts declining, because the return on their
feeding and tending costs will start declining as well. The only exception
is if the market demands larger animals and is willing to pay for them!
Slaughtering grasscutters resembles slaughtering rabbits, but grasscutters
are usually heavier and stronger and therefore potentially more dangerous.
Arrange (a) a clean working area, (b) a bucket with scalding hot water, or a
fire, to skin the grasscutter or burn off its fur, (c) a bucket or bowl to catch
blood, intestines, etc., and another one for the carcass, (d) a sharp knife and
(e) a way to hang the grasscutter during slaughtering and cleaning, plus a
string to hang the carcass.
Stun or kill the grasscutter by a heavy blow to the head with a machete or
club. Make sure the animal is thoroughly stunned (or dead) before proceed-
ing, otherwise the next steps could be hazardous.
Hold the animal by its hind legs or hang it immediately if possible, and cut
its throat and jugular veins with the knife. Allow it to bleed; eventually cut
off its head to allow further bleeding. Press the bladder empty to prevent
the urine from spoiling the meat.
Skin the carcass with hot water or burn off the thick fur over a flame.
Hang the grasscutter from its hind legs. Cut off its front paws. Cut open
the abdomen starting from the navel, first moving up and then downwards.
Be careful to avoid puncturing the stomach and intestines whose contents
could spoil the meat. Carefully pull out the lungs, stomach, intestines and
bladder. Then remove the edible organs: heart, liver and kidneys and keep
9 Slaughtering and processing
them separately. Finally cut off the animal’s tail and the hind paws, leaving
the clean carcass. The dressing out percentage (weight of carcass plus ed-
ible organs as a percentage of live weight) is around 64%. The tail is usually
considered edible as well, so its weight should be included.
The meat is now ready for preparation, sale or preservation by drying,
smoking or freezing.
10 Marketing
Grasscutter meat is in high demand as people know and like it. When start-
ing a business it is advisable to focus on the local market where there are a
range of outlets, such as the village/town market(s), roadside stalls, restau-
rants and even wholesalers. Demand in the local market is a known factor.
This is an advantage, as it enables farmers to prepare the right quantity of
grasscutter meat for sale, avoiding the risk of unsold produce. You might
prefer to run a roadside stall yourself, selling prepared grasscutter meat,
smoked or in the form of tasty dishes. Of course you must adhere to the
general and/or municipal regulations (by obtaining a permit, adhering to
sanitary regulations, etc.) when starting and running a grasscutter kitchen.
Once your local business runs well, you might explore more distant market
outlets, starting in a nearby town and spreading out from there. Keep in
mind that meat is a perishable product, so transportation entails risks of
quality deterioration, spoiling and financial loss. (Of course this applies
equally to long-distance transport of other perishables like fruit, vegeta-
bles, fish or chicken/ goat/ rabbit/ etc. meat). For that reason you should
thoroughly explore the marketing potential before starting. Once you have
decided to go ahead and start deliveries, meat quality maintenance is of
the utmost importance. This may imply refrigeration or preservation by
drying or smoking.
There are three product options:
• selling grasscutter meat
• selling live animals, to be slaughtered by the buyer
• selling live animals as breeding stock
10 Marketing
(Note: specialised farms that only raise chicks for sale to other farmers are
well-known in the poultry sector.)
Promotion means attracting clients. Finding buyers is probably not diffi-
cult at the local level. But you may be competing with other suppliers, for
example in the case of supplying local restaurants; so you have to promote
your product. Consider how to make a restaurant prefer your grasscutters to
those from other suppliers. Apart from delivering a good-quality product,
you have to look at the quality of your service, your communication with
the client, etc.
Price is determined by consumer demand and quantity of supply. The price
will be known in a market where others sell grasscutter meat; however, an
increased supply may lower it. If you find an outlet where supply is limited
you may get a better price.
You can use price setting in your business strategy. When you are new in
a market, you might consider lowering the price slightly to attract clients.
Once you are known as a reliable supplier of quality meat you may raise pric-
es gradually. You may offer a discount to regular clients to tie them to your
business, e.g. a restaurant ordering a certain quantity periodically. Regular
sales at a modest price might be preferable to irregular sales at a higher price.
Finally: whatever your business strategy, make sure that important clients
do not play off you against your fellow farmers by forcing you and them
to sell a product below the cost of producing it. Cooperation is in this case
There is a solid demand for grasscutter meat in local and regional mar-
kets. To serve such markets well the grasscutter meat should be produced
in commercial quantities and under good hygienic conditions. This is
achieved best when individual farmers join forces in production groups, or
if they set up or join a certified cooperative.
10 Marketing
11 Profitability of grasscutter
Prices in FCFA, naira or other currencies have been converted into euros
(mid-2010 rate). Fluctuating exchange rates therefore contribute to the un-
certainty of the cost and profit data presented. Would-be grasscutter farm-
ers should thoroughly check local costs and prices before starting.
Investment in stables/cages/stock
All authors stress the importance of using local materials as much as prac-
ticable in constructing stable(s) and cages.
Widely different investment costs in construction are cited by various au-
thors; ranging from 5 euros per animal housed (Gabon, 1999), through
about 32 euros per animal (Nigeria, 2007) to more than 50 euros per animal
(Ghana, 2006/2010; see section 11.2 below).
Quoted acquisition costs of the initial breeding stock range from about 24
euros to 48 euros per animal.
Labour requirements
Labour in grasscutter farming should not be underestimated. A BBC report
on Ghana grasscutter farming states that tending each animal requires only
10 minutes a day. This may seem like a small effort for a farmer raising
some animals for household consumption, but it compounds quickly to
sizeable labour requirements on a semi-commercial farm. A grasscutter
family of one buck plus four does would require 50 minutes of care per
11 Profitability of grasscutter farming
The tending time per grasscutter per day cited above agrees well with the
section 11.2 profitability forecast that calculates labour costs of 4 man-
hours a day for a 20-animal farm. Obviously ‘economies of scale’ may
reduce labour time per individual animal, but the conclusion remains the
same: calculate your labour requirements before starting!
Research by national extension services should develop cheaper methods
of grasscutter production and facilitate the transfer of appropriate technolo-
gies to small-scale farmers.
11 Profitability of grasscutter farming
Table 2: Estimated costs for starting a grasscutter farm: 3 males and 17 females
Table 3 shows that the farmer can make enough money and thereby pay
off his initial investment cost at the end of the second year of production.
The venture is profitable if feed/grasses are available and easily accessible
all year round, coupled with good breeding stock and good management.
Table 3: Expected output per year over five years.
No. of Output
Year females (Sales) (€) Unit price (€) Revenue (€)
1 (litter once=4 /doe) 17 68 24 1,632
2 (litter 2x) 17 136 24 3,264
3 (litter 2x) 17 136 24 3,264
4 (litter 2x) 17 136 24 3,264
5 (litter 2x) 17 136 24 3,264
This case is based on a farm unit keeping 20 grasscutters and selling the rest at the end of
the year.
The author adds that a would-be grasscutter farmer is well advised to situ-
ate the farm near a source of free access to grasses and/or other forage.
Consequently it is most economical to rear grasscutters in the village and
sell them in the city.
Appendix 1 Growing elephant grass for grasscutter fodder
Types of elephant grass differ with respect to the presence or absence
of hairs, differences in resistance to diseases and in stem thickness.
Experience gained by grasscutter farmers in your area is the best indicator
of which types are best as fodder for grasscutters.
Where it grows
Elephant grass requires high, well-distributed rainfall of at least 800 mm
annually but preferably more. At altitudes above 2100 m, growth is slow
because of low temperatures. It thrives best on deep fertile soils supplied
well with manure, and prefers well-drained soils, but can grow on almost
any soil. Without good nitrogen and potassium fertilisation (or, as an al-
ternative, regular dressings of good compost), yield and persistence will
decrease after 1-2 years.
Plant elephant grass in well-prepared, weed-free land at the beginning of the
rains. It can be established from root splits, which is the more labour-inten-
sive method, or from cuttings. Root splits from an uprooted plant without
leaves establish rapidly if there is enough rain. For cultivation from cuttings,
cut a well-matured cane into pieces with 3-4 nodes. The leafy top part should
not be used. Cuttings can give good results, even if rains are irregular.
How to plant
Figure 26: Elephant grass can be established from A: cane cuttings or B: root splits
Appendix 1 Growing elephant grass for grasscutter fodder
To obtain high yields, the grass will also need additional fertiliser. How
much and when depends on soil, climate, cutting management and the
amount of manure. For example, in the case of adequate rainfall in two
consecutive rainy seasons, 250 kg of NPK fertiliser (20-10-10) can be ap-
plied per ha, during the middle of the long rains and at the start of the short
rains. In between the long and short rains, a top dressing with 50 kg of
CAN (or 25 kg urea) per ha should be applied after each cut. Applying com-
post instead of artificial fertiliser is preferable in the long run, to prevent
gradual deterioration of the soil structure and groundwater contamination.
When to cut
The optimal cutting interval in the rainy season is about 6-8 weeks at a
height of 60-90 cm. Fodder quality of the grass declines if it grows to over
1.20 m.
Appendix 2 Preparation of concentrates for grasscutters
Appendix 2 Preparation of
concentrates for grasscutters
Formulation of concentrate
Some commercial grasscutter producers who cannot formulate their own
concentrates buy concentrates meant for goat and sheep in pellet form from
commercial feed producers. The composition below could be fed to grass-
cutters when prepared in pellet form.
Protein % 14
Energy Kcal 2520
Fibre % 12
Calcium % 1.5
Phosphorus % 1.0
Lysine % 0.6
Methionine and cystine % 0.5
Trytoplanm % 20
Source: GAFCO (Ghana Agro Food Complex), 2009
Farmers can also formulate their own concentrates locally by following the
steps below.
• Concentrates should never be given in a powdered state in order to pre-
vent respiratory diseases and feed wastage.
• Do not feed grasscutters only concentrates; they should be given as a
supplement to grasses.
• Never feed your animals mouldy concentrates.
Further reading
Further reading
AbdulAzeez, I. Grasscutter farming in Nigeria. 2012. Internet Forum,
answering questions, images, video’s. http://grasscutter234.proboards.com/
T: +2348023050835
Jori, F. and P. Chardonnet. Cane rat farming in Gabon status and per-
spective. 2001, Proceedings of the 5th International Wildlife Ranching
Symposium, March 2001, Pretoria, South Africa, pp: 33-51.
Mills, G., L. Hes. The complete book of South African Mammmal. 1997.
Capetown: Struik Winchester. ISBN: 0947430555.
Useful addresses
Useful addresses
Bureau for exchange and distribution of information on minilivestock.
Is a non-profit making international organization devoted to identification,
processing and diffusion of information and data concerning animal spe-
cies related to minilivestock and their products.
Faculté universitaire des Sciences agronomiques de Gembloux, Unité de
Passage des Déportés 2, B-5030 Gembloux, Belgique
W: www.bedim.org E: [email protected]
Centre for the Environment and Rural Transformation. Cameroon. Seeks
to provide practical solutions to local problems by applying participatory
approaches involving all stakeholders and based on existing local, national
and international policy frameworks.
T: +237 33 33 22 47 F: +237 33 33 22 47 or 33 33 23 00
E: [email protected] W: www.cerut.org
Institut National des Recherches Agricoles du Bénin. Institut responsable
de la recherche agricole au Bénin.Centre de Recherche Agricole à vocation
nationale basé à Agonkanmey.
0 1 BP 884 Recette Principale, Cotonou, Bénin.
W: www.inrab.bj.refer.org
E: [email protected]/[email protected]
The International Livestock Research Institute works with partners world-
wide to enhance livestock pathways out of poverty, principally in sub-Sa-
haran Africa and Asia. The products of these research partnerships help
people in developing countries keep their farm animals alive and produc-
tive, increase and sustain their livestock and farm productivity, find profit-
able markets for their animal products, and reduce their risk to livestock-
related diseases.
P.O. Box 30709, Nairobi 00100, Kenya.
E: [email protected] W: www.cgiar.org/cgiar-consortium/
Animal Research Institute.
P. O. Box AH 20, Achimota, Ghana
Grasscutter Domestication Programme
T: + 233 264 785 992/+ 233 285 012 228
W: www.csir.org.gh
Abdomen: Belly
Buck: Male grasscutter
Cages: Individual housing units that are situated inside a
house or stable
Catcher, restrictor: A small wire-mesh cage to hold a grasscutter for
transport, inspection or treatment
Coccidiosis: Intestinal parasites which occur quite frequently
in grasscutters but cannot be seen without a
Concentrates: High-quality feed, like grains, tubers or mixed
Copulation: Mating, the coming together of male and female
Coprophagy: Eating droppings in general
Delivery: Giving birth, another word for kidding, kindling
Doe: Female grasscutter
Drenching: Giving medicine to the animal by pouring it down
its throat
Ecto-parasites: Parasites like lice or ticks in the animal’s fur
Feed: Whatever animals eat, in the wild or in captivity
Fodder: Green plants or plant residues eaten or used as
Forage: Forage refers to feed which, in its green state,
contains more water and fibre than digestible
material. Grasses, legumes, leaves and crop
residues may all serve as forage. Forage may be
dried (hay) or otherwise conserved (e.g. by silage)
for use in the dry season when green forage
becomes scarce.
Gestation: Pregnancy
Inbreeding: The mating of close relatives (e.g. father and
daughter, mother and son). Inbreeding may result
in abnormalities such as reduced litter sizes, weak
young, deformed animals.
Kidding, kindling: Giving birth to young
Lactation: Period during which the doe produces milk for her
Litter: All young born after one gestation, whether alive
or dead
Palpation: Examination to check for pregnancy or injury
Pup: Young grasscutter (from birth to weaning)
Reproduction: The ability of a male and female to produce young
Roughage: Grass, leaves and other greens, as well as
hay, straw and stover. (Note: according to the
dictionary definition ‘roughage’ refers more
specifically to the indigestible portion of plant
foods/feeds that ease defecation.)
Scabies: Mange, a small mite causing the skin to become
flaky and crusty
Stable: Building containing several or many cages
Stover: Standing crop residues (e.g. bean stalks, straw,
etc.) that can be used as fodder
Stress: A condition in which the animal is pressured by
negative factors. In this situation diseases can
easily attack the animal.
Suckle: Feeding the young with milk from the mother’s
Trough: Feeder or water container in the cage
Viscera: Intestines, guts
Weaning: Separating the young from their mother
permanently; stopping them from drinking their
mother’s milk
The Agrodok series
The AGRODOK-SERIES is a series of low-priced, practical manuals on small-scale and
sustainable agriculture in the tropics. AGRODOK booklets are available in English (E), French
(F), Portuguese (P), Kiswahili (K) and Spanish (S). Agrodok publications can be ordered from