Aesthetics in Complete Denture - A REVIEW
Aesthetics in Complete Denture - A REVIEW
Aesthetics in Complete Denture - A REVIEW
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Aesthetics is derived from a greek word. produces attractiveness beauty of an individual (7). Color
aesthetics plays a major role in modern dentistry. places an important role in aesthetics. Hue intensity values
Complete denture should have great esthetics and are three components of color. (4).
patient must be satisfied with the overall esthetics. The
present article reveals about impact ofaesthetics in Orientation of occlusal plane:
complete denture. During vertical dimension the degree of jaw opening
must be remembered by the patient while attain the tactile
Keywords:- Aesthetics, Complete Denture, Occlusal sense. Mandible is at rest during vertical dimension the
Rim,Vertical Dimension. maximum closing force is obtained. The pressure of vertical
dimension may vary. These serves in between the speech
I. INTRODUCTION of interocclusal distance and position of the occlusal plane8.
Orientation of the occlusal plane is done in saggital view.
Aesthetics is derived from the esthetics a Greek word The occlusal plane should lie parallel to champers line.and
(1).Aesthetic starts at the time of diagnosis of patients and in frontal view it should be parallel to inter pupillary line.
completes with acceptance of patient( 2 ).Websters defined Fox plane which is designed by Dr.frank fox is used to
aesthetics in third new international dictionary, and he also measure this relation.(2). If the plane is very high correction
said that beauty lies in the eyes off the holder. Hierarchy of of position of Lower lip is difficult and when the plane is
dental needs was given by doctor priest, and he said that if very low the lip will enhance labial side of the maxillary
the patient doesn’t have fit prosthesis. He may not have teeth, and this might affect the speech.(1).
satisfied desire with the function of prosthesis(3). Aesthetic
dental treatment is considered as an artistic and subjective Occlusal rim:
design of components which is used to create beauty( 4). The occlusal rim is fabricated in such a manner
Aesthetic of denture consist of two components supporting resemble the natural occlusion. The occlusal rim should be
denture and teeth (5).Aesthetics plays an important role fabricated fulfilling space occupied by the natural
in prosthodontics. Prosthodontics and surgery treatment are teeth Artwell and Rahm suggested mandibular teeth is more
done to improve both aesthetics, and oral health (6). The visible with age, and Vig says that about 1.23 mm
present article empathizes on Aesthetics in complete mandibular teeth is visible in men while 0.49 mm is visible
denture. for women.(2).orientation of occlusal plane plays a major
role in providing aesthetics the plane forms an important
Patient evaluation: part in a concept of balanced articulation. In mandibular
Cosmetic index play an important role to achieve region the occlusal plane is related to mastication
aesthetics in patients. Old denture immediate denture and all functionally some landmarks used in orientation
records on the preextraction radiograph photograph Plays a of occlusal plane in mandibular region
major role in bringing aesthetics in complete denture(2). In are buccinator groove lip commisures lateral borders of the
1939 Baker and Smith classified personality into three tongue, retromolar pad region. (9)
groups Group1: are people who are adjustable these type of
people are ideal patients, and they are successful in both life Selection of anterior teeth:
and career. Group2: people who have inadequate There are many concepts for teeth selection such as
personality. Group3: Psychotic come under group 3. whites concepts, H Pounds concepts, dentogenic concepts,
Winkler’s concepts, leon william’s concept. The factors for
Aesthetic in denture: selecting the size of the tooth include, size of the face, size
Smokers can given special consideration as they have of the maxillary arch, incisive papilla and the canine
stains in their oral cavity for these cases yellow gray brown eminence or the buccal frenum maxillomandibular relation,
shades are given. There are different type of shades contour of the residual ridge, vertical distance between the
available for Complete denture, removable partial denture ridges, lips, nasal width as a guide, inner canthal distance as
which gives appearance of natural teeth(3). Aesthetic of a guide. (2). There are some anthropometric measurements
denture can be defined as cosmetic produced by denture that reported like philtrum width, nasal width, and inter