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Role of Teacher and Teacher Education in Multicultural Society

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Volume-04 ISSN: 2455-3085 (Online)

Issue-01 RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary

January -2019 www.rrjournals.com [UGC Listed Journal]

Role of Teacher and Teacher Education in Multicultural Society

Dr. Reetu Sharma

Assistant Professor, Bhavan’s Leelavati Munshi College of Education, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, K.G. Marg, New Delhi (India)


Article History Cultural diversity or multicultural society has been the main challenge in imparting the
Published Online: 20 January 2019 education. It is challenging task for the teachers to cope up with students belonging to
different societies. It becomes the responsibility of the teacher to meet the needs of
Keywords students from the culturally diverse societies. Teachers need to be trained in such a way to
Multicultural society, Cultural overcome these difficulties that they face because of the persistence of cultural diversity. In
Diversity, culturally diverse society, this paper discussion is made upon the role of teacher and teacher education in culturally
Role of teacher, Role of teacher
diverse society.
Corresponding Author
Email: reetusharma25[at]gmail.com

1. Introduction traditions and even there are significant variations in the way
The process of acquiring knowledge, skills and experience societies organize themselves, in their shared conception
by an individual is basically known as „Education‟. Education of morality, and in the ways they interact with their environment
makes an individual civilized and cultured. Cultural diversity or too. “Different groups have different needs and groups are also
multicultural society has been the main challenge in imparting made up of individuals with differing needs. However,
the education. Cultural diversity is basically the quality of recognizing similarities means that individuals can come to
different cultures. There are different societies that differed know that they often have something in common with
distinctly from each other and many of these differences persist individuals from other groups. Everyone is a member of a wide
till today. As cultural diversity is a challenge in teaching learning variety of groups, but no one group solely defines a
process, it is not an easy task for a teacher to educate an person. Learning about the diversity within groups helps break
increasingly diverse student population in school. It becomes down the propensity to stereotype. Identities are complex and
the responsibility of the teacher to meet the needs of students layered: and every individual has differences from others within
from the culturally diverse societies. Teachers need to behave their groups, as well as commonalties with those from different
in such a way to overcome these difficulties that they face groupings.” (DICE, 2008:29–30).
because of the persistence of cultural diversity. Hargreaves
(1993) emphasized on the importance of teachers by 3. Teacher’s role in Multicultural Society
mentioning that the teachers as the ultimate key to social Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam has marked in his book “India
change and school improvement since they define, develop 2020: A Vision of the New Millennium‟ that “If you are a teacher
and reinterpret the curriculum.This makes the role of teachers in whatever capacity, you have a very special role to play
more challenging. Many challenges are faced by the teachers because more than anybody else it is you who are shaping the
and teaching learning process in this ever changing society as future generation. A teacher has a higher responsibility as
a teacher has to deal with different student having different compared to other professionals as students look upon the
culture. So it becomes important to understand this cultural teacher as an embodiment of perfection.” This makes the role
diversity because “Understanding of the cultural diversity of of teachers more responsible and challenging. A teacher may
contemporary society means increasing the possibility of have the following role in a multicultural society –
communication between people of different cultures, creating
positive attitudes towards cultural diversity, increasing social 3.1 Fostering cultural awareness
interaction between culturally different people and groups” Teachers should actively exhibit that they actually care
(Sedano, 2002:268). about all the needs of their students i.e. cultural, emotional, and
intellectual needs to foster a cultural awareness in their
2. Cultural diversity classroom. This can be used to build trusting relationships with
Cultural diversity is basically the quality of different diverse students.
cultures. It can also refer to having different cultures respect
3.2 Having Interest in the ethnic background of students:
each other's differences. Cultural diversity is sometimes used
to mean the variety of human societies or cultures in a specific Teachers should encourage their students to research and
region or in the world itself too. There are different societies also share information about their ethnic background in order to
that differed distinctly from each other and many of these develop a gullible relationship with their fellow classmates. They
differences persist till today. The more obvious cultural should analyze and celebrate differences in different traditions,
differences exist between people such as language, dress and

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Volume-04, Issue-01, January-2019 RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary

beliefs, and social behaviors which are very important to students have either little or no exposure to the people of other
develop an actually culturally responsive classroom. cultures. “Teachers' attitudes and perceptions about students
from diverse cultures play a major role in their expectations of
3.3 Transaction from instructor to facilitator: students”(Gollnick& Chinn, 1986; Hernandez, 1989), Education
A teacher should shift his / her role from instructor to students must understand as well as appreciate human
facilitator to create a nurturing environment in culturally diverse diversity in order to be effective and impartial teachers.
classroom. Students may display negative behaviors as a result
of a perceived sense of social injustice in an authoritarian 3.9 Cross-cultural communication:
classroom. So the teacher must acts more like a facilitator than The opportunity of direct interpersonal contact and gain
an instructor. knowledge of the history and culture of diverse groups should
be provided to the teachers in order to evolve appreciation and
3.4 Sensitivity to language concerns: better understanding regarding culture of diverse groups. A
In classrooms some students are not native English teacher must act as effective cross-cultural communicators.
speakers. They often feel marginalized. They even feel Cross-cultural communication skill needs an understanding of
pressured to discard their original language in favor of English. the interrelationship between language and cultural meaning.
Diversity of language is celebrated in a culturally diverse “Understanding how culture shapes what can be
classroom. The level of instructional materials provided to these communicated, how much is assumed to be known by the
students is tailored to level of their need by the teacher. Other listener, and how much must be overly conveyed promotes
study material is also provided in the primary language of effective cross-cultural communication” (Hall, 1989; Bonvillain,
student by the teacher. 1993).

3.5 Incorporation of self-testing methods: 4. Teacher Education and Culturally diverse society

As in traditional classrooms testing is usually linked with Teacher education plays an important role in culturally
grades, a teacher can use some non-graded tests to check the diverse society. The main goal of teacher education is to train
progress of the students in a culturally diverse classroom the future teachers thus it becomes the responsibility of teacher
keeping in mind their diversity education to inculcate the capabilities to deal with culturally
diverse society in them. As cultural diversity is a challenge in
3.6 Maintaining an “inclusive” curriculum : teaching learning process, it is not an easy task for a teacher to
educate an increasingly diverse student population in schools.
A teacher should maintain an inclusive curriculum that
Effective teaching in culturally diverse classrooms means-
remains respectful of differences for culturally diverse class. A
 To use culturally sensitive content and strategies
culturally responsive curriculum is that which ensures that all
 To ensure equitable opportunities for individual
students are included within all aspects of the school. A
fulfillment, academic success and personal
culturally responsive curriculum encourages the understanding
development for every student
of teachers about different cultures as well as the recognition of
 Need to be "knowledgeable about how minority
cultural life of every student.
children perceive the world, and process and organize
information" (Irvine, 1990)
3.7 Need to become a reflective practitioner:
A reflective practitioner or a reflective teacher applies The main objective of teacher education is to train the
observational, empirical, and analytical skills in order to future teachers by developing specific skills of teaching in them,
evaluate and revise their own teaching practices (Irvine, 1990). to prepare them for facing the diverse situations in their real
Reflective teachers develop the awareness of their own cultural class room. „It is more important for educators to understand the
perspective and realize that it is not the universal norm which is cultural norms of the community than to learn specific skills‟
the perspective of their culture and even it is not the only right (Wiggins and Follo, 1999). Teachers need to be exposed to a
one. Teachers need meta-cognitive strategies for being aware combination of multicultural course work, field experiences,
of their own knowledge and skills in the classroom as well as modeling by successful practicing teachers (Baldwin, Buchanan
the efficacy of activities done by them on students' learning & Rudisill, 2007). The multicultural education is to give equal
(Cardelle-Elawar, 1992). opportunity experience to the students from diverse racial,
ethnic and social class groups.
3.8 Cultural competence:
Teachers must have cultural competence i.e. the ability to While providing teacher education these qualities should
function effectively in cross-cultural settings. They have to be inculcated in a teacher who is dealing with the culturally
interact pleasantly with people from different cultures which diverse society -
differ from their own. According to (Giles, Coupland, Williams, &
Leets, 1991)“culturally competent individuals (a) cope  A teacher needs to become a reflective practitioner.
effectively with the psychological and emotional stress of Teacher candidates need meta-cognitive strategies for
dealing with the unfamiliar, (b) quickly establish rapport with being aware of their own knowledge and skills in the
others, (c) sense other people's feelings, (d) communicate classroom as well as the efficacy of activities done by
effectively with people from varying backgrounds, and (e) them on students' learning (Cardelle-Elawar, 1992)
respond adequately to miscommunication”. Many education

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Volume-04, Issue-01, January-2019 RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary

 Teacher candidates must have cultural competence i.e. about the needs of different types of children and should
the ability to function effectively in cross-cultural settings. be prepared for the challenges he/she would be going to
So in teacher education the teacher candidates should be face in inclusive classroom.
provided with the opportunity to develop their cultural
competence. 5. Conclusion
A Teacher needs to have the specific skills and training to
 Many education students have either little or no exposure adjust in their real class room situation. Cultural diversity is a
to the people of other cultures. “Teachers' attitudes and challenge for teachers to manage in the class room situations.
perceptions about students from diverse cultures play a The role of teacher in cultural diverse society can be- Fostering
major role in their expectations of students” (Gollnick & cultural awareness, Expressing interest in the ethnic
Chinn, 1986; Hernandez, 1989). Education students must background of students, From instructor to facilitator,
understand as well as appreciate human diversity in order Maintaining strict level of sensitivity to language concerns,
to be effective and impartial teachers. The opportunity of Incorporation of self-testing methods, Maintaining an “inclusive”
direct interpersonal contact and gain knowledge of the curriculum, being reflective practitioner, having cultural
history and culture of diverse groups should be provided competence, cross cultural communication skill, understanding
to the future teachers in order to evolve appreciation and and appreciation of other culture etc. in order to deal with the
better understanding regarding culture of diverse groups. culturally diverse class room.

 In teacher education, there is need to train future teachers A teacher has to face the challenge to deal with the
as effective cross-cultural communicators. Cross-cultural students from different cultural in the same class room. Teacher
communication skill needs an understanding of the education provides the future teachers with specific skills and
interrelationship between language and cultural meaning. trains them to adjust in their real class room situation. Cultural
“Understanding how culture shapes what can be diversity is a challenge for teachers to manage in the class
communicated, how much is assumed to be known by the room. The role of teacher education in cultural diverse society
listener, and how much must be overly conveyed can be to preparing future teachers for dealing with the
promotes effective cross-cultural communication” (Hall, culturally diverse society by developing the qualities like
1989; Bonvillain, 1993). reflective practitioner, cultural competence, cross cultural
communication skill, understanding and appreciation of other
 A future teacher must be aware with the concept of culture etc. in them.
inclusive education. He /she must have the knowledge


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