Final PDP Draft 1

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Jorji Winston

Professional Growth Plan – PART 1

1a. What data did you review to guide the development of your professional learning goal
(e.g. reflections on teaching, teaching observations, mid-program evaluations, student feedback)

The three data resources I reviewed are the ESOL assessment C, the Reading Assessment C and
the Social Studies Assessment C. The ESOL Assessment C was completed by Dr. Shankar-
Brown, the Reading Assessment C was completed by Dr. Oslick, and the Social Studies
Assessment C was completed by Dr. Parks. I did not receive specific feedback or comments from
my cooperating teacher or fellow peers. I will not be using any self reflections as many of the
reflections are not current or up to date.

1b. What did the data tell you? Describe your areas of strengths and weaknesses based on the
data collected above.

After reviewing the data, I see that my strengths are creating an establishment culture for
learning, designing coherent instruction and demonstrating flexibility/responsiveness. The
feedback I received concerning these categories showed strong development had occurred. My
challenges include communicating effectively with students, using questioning and discussion
techniques and engaging students in learning and managing classroom procedures. The feedback
I received concerning these categories showed further improvements were needed.

2. Using the information from question 1, what is your focus area (write both the Danielson
domain and the component that you have identified as having the greatest potential for
increasing student learning below)?

Domain 2: The Classroom Environment | Component: Managing Classroom Procedures

3. What goal will enable you to strengthen your practice (write your goal statement below)?

(Domain 2 | 2c ): Managing Classroom Procedures – My goal is to ensure instructional time is

maximized due to efficient and seamless classroom routines and procedures to create a smoothly,
functioning classroom. Additionally, my other goal is to have students also take initiative in the
management of instructional groups and transitions, and/or the handling of materials and

4. Describe what will you do to build professional background knowledge related to the domain
and component that you have selected in order for you to achieve your goal (e.g. what
articles/books will you read, what Internet resources will you use, what workshops will you
attend, will you interview or observe teachers)?
I will read informational articles like Determine Classroom Procedures Before School Starts
from the National Education Association on how to effectively transition students to the next
activity, so that instructional time is not lost. I also plan to attend professional development
workshops or classes, so I will be able to gain first hand insight on new techniques to use.
Additionally, I will ask for support and information from my cooperating teacher and my
professors about how to implement better classroom transitions and procedures.

5. What specific activities/actions will you implement to help attain your goal (e.g. administer a
student interest inventory, develop lessons that include multiple project options for students,
include the use of formative assessments during instruction, video tape and critique one’s
practice, establish procedures for the distribution and collection of materials and supplies)?

I will create a rewards system with my CT’s permission or utilize a system already established to use
for my students who are demonstrating excellent student behavior while doing class procedures.
Additionally, a system involving repercussions for unacceptable student behavior will be used to limit
the misbehavior during transition time. I also will be videotaping my lessons, so I will be able to see
which students are actively misbehaving. Therefore, I can tailor the rewards/ repercussion systems to
students specifically who need additional support.

6. How will you collaborate with other professionals to meet your goal?

I will discuss with my cooperating teacher and other grade level teachers to see which techniques are
working effectively with the students after the implementation of a lesson. I also would like to ask my
peers about their field placements and how they are managing enforcing procedures in their

7. What evidence/artifacts will you collect to demonstrate that your goal is being met?

I will ask my students through discussions on how well they think they are executing transitions
during class. I will also have my cooperating teacher time how fast students transition, then compare
the results to see if improvements on time have been made. Additionally, I will display an eye-
catching chart to show the progression of time it takes to transition between activities or to complete a

1. What did you do to build your professional background knowledge related to the domain
and component that you selected? Did you add any new professional learning
opportunities during your internship?
In order to build my professional knowledge about classroom procedures, I read two resources
that provided me with techniques to improve classroom procedures. The first text was Teach Like A
Champion by Doug Lemov. This text provided academic and non-academic strategies that can
improve implementing effective classroom transitions. The second text was the Comprehensive
Classroom Management by Louise S. Jones and Vernon F. Jones. As well as strategies to implement,
this manual offered behavior management techniques for students to have in order productively
partake in procedures. Unfortunately, there were no professional learning opportunities regarding
classroom procedures during my internship. I did attend two professional training sessions about
developing instruction, however; neither of these opportunities related to improving procedures or
the classroom environment.

2. What specific activities/actions did you implement to help attain your goal? Describe at
least 4 specific activities.
Action 1: The first action I implemented to help attain my goal was using a timer for
procedures. When students were given a task, they were informed of a specific time frame
they were given to complete the task. The time would be displayed through a stopwatch on
the projector so all students could see. This strategy helped with slow moving students as
their pace would increase, as many of them recognized they had limited time. Using this
strategy also made student readiness of materials grammatically increase.
Action 2: The next action I implemented to help with improving classroom procedures
was the use of hand gestures. During the first week of school, students were informed of two
important hand signals: the give me five signal and the bathroom signal. The give me five signal
was utilized when the teacher needed the attention of the entire class. Students were informed that
whenever this signal was used, students would put down any materials, raise their hand and sit
quietly to wait further directions. Students were also informed of the bathroom signal. Students
knew that to use the restroom during class, the bathroom signal needed to be used. The bathroom
signal was to twist the first and second finger together, which would indicate to the teacher who
needed to use the restroom. Students were informed to keep their hand up until the teacher gave
permission to use the restroom.
Action 3: Another action I used to help attain my goal was using call to responses with
students. As well as hand gestures, students were taught that certain calls to responses would mean
different things. Students were informed that when the teacher would clap four times in a row,
students would switch their chairs so they were sitting with their shoulder partner. This would be an
automatic procedure for students to follow and would eliminate the loss of instructional time.
Additionally, when the teacher would clap twice, pause and clap twice again, students were taught
that this meant it was time to clean up or put away any materials. This was also planned to be an
automatic procedure and would help minimize any loss of instructional time.
Action 4: The last action I used to help attain my goal was using positive praise with
students. Students did receive the opportunity to see examples and non-examples of how to existure
certain procedures. However, some students require front and center examples of how certain things
should look like. Whenever I would consistently see the same student following procedures
correctly, I would explain to the entire class that they were a model student and how they are a
model student. The praise would include specifically what the student did and how they constantly
did the right thing. Many students would realize they wanted attention and praise from the teacher,
then follow the example of the recognized student. It was a chain reaction that allowed all students
to eventually follow all procedures and to be on task.

3. Did you meet your intended goal? Describe the evidence and artifacts that demonstrate the
professional learning goal was met (include at least 5 descriptions of evidence). Two pieces
of evidence must be the focused observations by your cooperating teacher in your selected
area of growth (attach the feedback provided by your cooperating teacher). Label and
describe each piece of evidence and explain why each piece helps meet your intended goal.
Attach the artifacts to the end of the report.
Artifact 1: The first piece of evidence to show that my professional learning goal was met
is the PGP Focused Observation #1. On this day, the observation took place during a math
lesson. The observer noted the strengths of the lesson was writing the directions for
completing the assignment on the board and having students repeat the directions.
Additionally, the observed described appropriate timing was given to inform students of the
directions. Areas of improvement were to include CHAMPS, so students could have specific
procedures to follow such as voice level in the classroom, movement and what to do if help
was needed. This artifact assisted me towards meeting my goal by providing me with
established components to work on throughout my internship.
Artifact 2: The second piece of evidence to show growth towards my goal is the
Danielson Assessment #2. The observed described the following as areas to work on:
procedures were exhibited successfully by most groups, while one group did lag behind with
procedures. The observed described the following as positives seen during the lesson:
procedures were in place and were practiced during the lesson; materials were also ready for
each group; the teacher encouraged all students to complete procedures in a certain time
period. This evidence aided me towards my goal by permitting me to become more proactive
to try different techniques. At this point in my internship, I had to alter my approach to
handling classroom procedures as it was not showing to be extremely effective in the
Artifact 3: An additional artifact to show that my professional learning goal was attained
is my Mid-term evaluation. Both professionals had uniform ratings in my practice of
implementation classroom procedures. The professionals expressed the following as my
general evaluation during the midway point of my internship: the teacher is familiar with and
can employ homeroom teacher established routines; the teacher shows confidence when
explaining procedures; and 100% of application of procedures is developing for the
prospective teacher. This evidence aided me towards my goal by allowing me the opportunity
to reflect and evaluate on the feedback given to me. As this evaluation required two other
professionals to supervise, it gave me more opportunity to think about which portions of
classroom procedures are consistently a struggle for me.
Artifact 4: Another piece of evidence to show that my goal was met is the PGP Focused
Observation #2. On this day, the observation took place during a science lesson. The
observer reported that strengths of the lesson included using many attention signals to
transition students, giving additional time for students who need help with transitions/
procedures, and using proximity control to keep students on task after giving procedures.
Areas of improvement include using faster attention signals and implementing CHAMPSs
more than once to give students specific procedures to follow. This artifact helped me
towards meeting my goal by allowing me to identify patterns and recognize what areas that
will need enhancement eventually.
Artifact 5: My last artifact to show development in my professional goal of improving
classroom procedures is the Danielson Assessment #4. The speactor described the following
information as strengths during the lesson: the teacher had established procedures to allow
transitions to be efficient; daily routines are practiced by the teacher and show very little loss
of instructional time; and students know what is expected of them regarding procedures. This
artifact aided me towards meeting my goal by allowing me to see growth over time with my
classroom procedures. At this time, I know I possess at least four observation forms that
display information about my current implementation of procedures, which can be used for
comparison to one another.

4. How did you collaborate with other professionals to meet your goal?
I was lucky to collaborate with many professionals to aid my path in meeting my goal. First, I
discussed with my cooperating teacher on the many different classroom techniques that are
considered highly effective for improving transitions. The homeroom teacher even provided me
with some resources like teacher manuals that also gave additional strategies to improve
classroom transitions. As well as my teacher, I collaborated with my peers on strategies that could
push me towards meeting my goal. My peers and I have shared ideas on what techniques that we
have found that works well and what strategies worked not as well.

5. What new learning did you acquire as a result of the professional learning opportunities in
which you engaged?
The new learning I attained from having professional learning opportunities was that in order
for transitions to be effortless, students need repetition of the directions or procedures. If students
are told only the directions once from the teacher, the likelihood of students needing guidance
after the release is much higher. Based on personal experience of actual implementation of
transitions, transitions were smooth and trouble free if students were told the directions, repeated
by another student then written on the board. With students hearing the directions in kid friendly
terms and written on the board to refer back to, there was little to no loss of instructional time.

6. What impact did the changes in instructional practice have on you as a professional?
The changes in instructional practice have impacted me positively as a professional. The
opportunities to practice classroom transitions have provided me with more withitness and
awareness of the events happening in the classroom. These improvements have strengthened my
management skills and have enabled me to be more focused on providing an explementary level
of instruction to students. Therefore, my professional abilities have increased as minor issues are
not prioritized over the goal of educating students.

7. What impact did the changes in instructional practice have on your students’ learning?
Based on student assessments and observations, I can conclude that student learning was
maximized from improving transition times. With little to no time lost to transitions, students were
provided with more time for instruction and assessments of learning. Students, who are distracted
easily, had less time to be off task and more time to be engaged with the lesson provided by the
teacher. Therefore, student learning was positively impacted on account of gained instructional

8. How will you continue to develop in this area?

In order to further develop my skills in this component, I will continue to read and research
articles that explain effective methods to improve classroom transitions. Additionally, I will
consistently collaborate with other experienced professionals to gain more techniques that can be
implemented in the classroom.
PGP Focused Observation #1
PGP Focused Observation #2
Danielson Assessment #2
Danielson Assessment #2 (Continued)
Mid-Term Danielson Assessment
Mid Term Danielson Assessments (Continued)
Danielson Assessment #4

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