No Items Book 1 (Handbook) Book 2: Critical Book Review (CBR) Group Ii
No Items Book 1 (Handbook) Book 2: Critical Book Review (CBR) Group Ii
No Items Book 1 (Handbook) Book 2: Critical Book Review (CBR) Group Ii
- Weaknesse -The weakness of this chapter - In presenting the material in this chapter,
s just one, there is the theory of the author uses the terms and abbreviations
experts about the categories of as IT, ICT, OECD, EADS, PCW and others.
translation, use a difficult It may not be understand by the reader, so
technical term and less readers will find it difficult to understand the
explanation, it make the readers material of this chapter. It will be better if
little bit can’t understand the author use illustration and pictures to
meaning of the theory. complete the material.
4 Concluison After we read the book For the conclusion of the second book, we
( handbook), we can make can found that the book give the explanation
conclusion aabout the book about the materials is clearly especially in
especislly in the chapter 1. In the the terms of discussion or in the chapter 4.
chapter the authors have more The author give the explanatio in the focus
expplanation about definition of of materials discussion so that can make the
translation, difference between readers improve their knowladge about
translating and translation, the translation, especially in the terms kinds of
terms, translator, and translators. But in the explanation of
collaborative work. But In the discussion is still nothing of illustrations or
explanation of materials specific examples in the terms, it is can
discussion in the boo, especially make the readers still less understanding
in the chapter 1 the authors still about the materials discussion. So for the
less of theory to support the future, we hope that the author can make
explanation of materials some illustration of speaciall terms in the
discussion. We as the writer of part of discussion, because it’s can improve
this paper hope that in the future readers understanding about materials
the author of Translaion as discussion.
Profession book can give more
theory by experts, so the readers
can understand more about what