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Section 122
 Definition of Gift :-
(i) “Gift” is the transfer of certain existing
movable or immovable property –
(ii) Made voluntarily and without consideration;
(iii) By one person , called the donor, to the
another person , called the donee; and
(iv) Accepted by or on behalf of the donee.
(v) Such acceptance must be made during the
lifetime of the donor and while he is still
capable of giving.
(vi) If the donee dies before the acceptance, the
gift is void.
Essential Elements
 There must be a transfer of ownership of a
 The property must be in existence.
 The transfer must be voluntarily made and
without consideration
 The property must be accepted by or on
behalf of the person to whom it is
 The transfer must be effected in the
manner prescribed by law.
Transfer of Ownership
 A gift necessarily involves transfer of
ownership. In this the whole of the interest of
the person in a property is transferred in
favour of another person.
 The person transferring the interest is known as
“donor” and the person to whom the interest
is transferred in a property is known as the
 It is permissible to make conditional gift of
property also but the condition must not be
repugnant to any of the provisions of section
10 to 34 of the Act.
Existence of Property
 For a gift , it is necessary that the property
must be in existence at the time of making
the gift, although its conveyance may take
place either in present or in future.
 A gift of a future property is void ( Sec 124)
 A gift comprising of both the existing and
future property , is void as to the future
Voluntary Transfer , without
 The gift must have been made by the
donor voluntarily i.e, with his free will and
 The consent has been given due to
coercion or undue influence , the gift will
not be a valid gift.
 Section 15 and Section 16 of the Indian
Contract Act, 1872 define Coercion and
undue influence respectively.
 In coercion, the donor is forced to
execute a gift deed by threat of
committing any act punishable by the
 Example : Where a gift deed was
executed by a lady and her son under the
threat of her husband that he will commit
suicide and they will not gift their property
to his brother , the gift was held to be not
a valid gift.
 Undue Influence ( Section 16 of Indian Contract
Act , 1872)
 The court dealing with such a case has to ask two
questions –
(i) Whether the relations between the parties are
such that one is in the position to dominate the will
of the other person?
(ii) Whether the position has been used to dominate
the Will i.e., whether the undue influence has been
actually exercised ?
 The gift deed must be without
consideration. The word “consideration”
has been defined in section 2(d) of the
Indian Contract Act, 1872.
Acceptance by donee
 Acceptance of the gift by the donee is
necessary. In certain circumstances, the
donee , he may refuse to accept the gift.

 Example : Where the gift is onerous or

non- beneficial to the donee, he may
refuse to accept it. Onerous gift is a gift of
such a property which is burdened with
liability like liability of tax or revenue etc.
which exceed the market value of the
 Acceptance of the gift may be express or
implied. Where the donee accepts the
title-deeds of the property gifted, it is
implied acceptance of gift.
 Where the donee is incompetent to
contract i.e., he is minor or of unsound
mind, the gift must be accepted on his
behalf by a competent person.
Lakhwinder singh Vs. Paramjit Kaur,
2003 (4) RCR (Civil) 26 P & H
 Transfer by minor is not valid because he is
not considered to be competent to enter
in to a contract.
 Therefore , the transfer of property of the
minor without following the procedure
provided for that purpose by the
Guardian & Ward Act, 1870 would not
transfer any title to its vendee.
 Incase the gift is accepted by a guardian
on behalf of the minor word, the ward
may on attaining majority avoid the gift or
accept it.

 Where the gift is made to a juristic person

, the gift must be accepted by a
competent authority representing such a
legal person.
SECTION 123 Transfer how

 Mode of Transfer
(i) Immovable Properties

Gift of immovable properties, corporeal or

incorporeal, of value less than Rs. 100 or
more, must be signed by the donor or on his
behalf someone else must have signed it,
attested by at least two witnesses and must
also be registered.
 Where the donee has taken possession of the
gifted immovable property without a
registered gift deed, he would not be
allowed to protest his possession under
section 53A of this Act.

 Section 123 provides that a gift of immovable

property can not pass any title to the donee
if it is not registered.
(ii) Dedication for Religion or Charity

Motilal Jain Vs. Prakash Bharatitya

AIR 2007 NOC 377 MP
A dedication of his property by a Hindu for
religious or charitable purposes was held to
be neither a gift nor the creation of a Trust.
A religious endowment does not create a
title in the property in the strict legal sense.
Such dedication does not require
(iii) Movable Properties

Registered Instrument
By Delivery of possession
(iv) Gift of Actionable Claims

 Actionable claims are intangible movable

properties .

 They may be transferred by an instrument

in writing signed by the transferor ( in the
case of gift by the donor) or his duly
authorised agent ( Section 130)
 In the case of actionable claims
registration and delivery of possession is
not necessary.
(V) Gift of Idol

Mannu Lal V. Radha Kishenji, 36 IC 989 (All).

Debisaran v. Nandlal, AIR 1929 Pat 591

There is a conflict of opinion among the courts regarding the

mode of effecting gifts to an idol. Allahabad and Patna High
Courts are of the opinion that gift to an idol must be made
through a registered document.

Where as Madras High Court

Narsimhaswami V. Venkatalingam, AIR 1927 Mad 636

Gift to an idol is outside the scope of this Act.

 Gifts under Mohammedan Law

 Theessential requirements of a valid gift

under Mohammedan Law are as follows : -
(i) A declaration of gift by the donor.
(ii) Acceptance of the gift by the donee , and
(iii) Delivery of possession, if possible.

 The provisions of Section 123 do not apply

under Mohammedan Law, and therefore , a
registered instrument is not necessary to
validate a gift by a Mohammedan of an
immovable property.
 In the case of gift of immovable property,
registration is compulsory but it is not
necessary that it must be registered by the
donor himself.
 Once the deed of gift is delivered to the
donee, even before its registration gift
becomes irrevocable.
 Once the deed is executed and the gift is
accepted during the life time of the donor ,
the deed may be registered even after the
death of the donor.
Section 124 Gift of existing and
future property
 The property which is not in existence
cannot be gifted.

A gift comprising both the existing and

future property is valid for existing property
but void for future property.
Brindaban Bihari V. Oudh
Bihari AIR 1947 All 179.
A gift of a property not in existence is a
promise to be performed in future and
since it is without consideration, it is void
and unfoceable.
Section 125 Gift to several of
whom one does not accept
 Gift may be made to two or more persons jointly.
For the validity of the gift it is necessary that it
must be accepted by all the donees.
 Where one of the several donees does not
accept the gift, the gift is void only for his part of
interest which he would have taken, had he
accepted the gift.
 Where the donee is unable to accept due to his
incompetency, his guardian must accept the gift
on his behalf.
Example :

A gift is made to four persons jointly A,B,C and

D by a person named X, without specifying
their shares in the gift. Each will be entitled to
¼ (one-fourth) share in the gifted property.
Suppose D does not accept his share of gift,
then his share will revert back to donor X. It will
not be added to the share of other donees.
Cheria Kannan v. Karumbi
AIR 1973 Ker 64
 where the gift is made to two persons
jointly with the right of survivorship, then,
upon the death of one donee the
surviving donee will take the whole gift.
Section 126 When gift may be
suspended or revoked
Suspension or Revocation of Gifts

 A Gift can be made subject to certain

conditions. It is necessary that these conditions
must be valid conditions according to the
provisions of this Act.
Thakur Raghunath ji Maharaj V. Ramesh
AIR 2001 SC 2340
Where an unconditional gift deed and an
agreement between the donor and donee
were executed on the same day, it was
held that the condition prescribed in the
agreement would attach to the gift as the
gift deed and the agreement formed part
of the same transaction.
A gift is once made is irrevocable , except
in the following two cases provided by this
sections : -
(1) A gift is revocable if the donor and the
donee have agreed that on the
happening of a specified event ( Non
depending upon the will of the donor),
the gift should be suspended or revoked.
(2) A gift may also be revoked in any of the
case (save want or failure of
consideration) in which, if it were a
contract, it might be rescinded.
Tokha V. Biru
AIR 2003 HP 107
 Where the donor made gift or immovable
property in favour of donee in lieu of services
to be provided to her by the donee and
subsequently after 3 months another
agreement was executed that in case the
donee failed to maintain the donor the gift
would be revoked
 It was held that the deed of gift and
agreement would not form part of the same
transaction and could not be read together
and given effeect to.
Thakur Raghunath ji Maharaj V. Ramesh
(2001) 5 SCC 18
The property was gifted for a specific charitable
purpose . The condition attached was that if
the college building was not constructed within
six months, the donor would be entitled to the
property. The condition was held to be
The donee remained as a trustee under
fiduciary relationship with the donor. The donor
was allowed to claim back the property on
breach of the condition mentioned in the
agreement executed along with the gift deed .
The donor’s suit for possession of the land was
 Revocation by Rescission

 Coercion
 Undue influence
 Fraud
 misrepresntation
Kinds of Gifts
 Void Gifts

Onerous gifts
Void Gifts
The following are included under the category of
void gifts
(a) Gifts depending on unlawful purposes ( Sec 6)
(b) Gifts made upon a condition , the fulfillment of
which is impossible or forbidden by law. ( Sec. 6)
(c) Gifts by a person incompetent to contract
(d) Where the donee of the gift dies before
(e) A gift comprising both the existing and future
property is void as the future property.
Section 127 Onerous gifts

 A gift is said to be onerous when it is

accompanied with a burden or obligation.

 This section is based on the maxim “ qui sentit

commodum sentire debetet onus” which
means that he who receives advantage must
also bear the burden.
 Where as a gifts is in the form of a single
transfer to the same person of several things
of which one is , and the others are not
burdened by an obligation, the donee can
take nothing by the gift unless he accepts it

 Essential Elements : -
(1) The gift must be in the form of a single
(2) To the same person
(3) Of several things ( properties)
(4) Of such thing only one is burdened with
obligation and others are not.
A shares in X, prosperous joint stock
company , and also shares in Y, a joint
stock company in difficulties. Heavy call
are expected in respect of the shares in Y.
A gives B all his shares in joint stock
companies. B refuses to accept the shares
in y. He cannot take the shares in X.
 where a gift is in the form of two or more
separate and independent transfers to the
same person of several things, the donee is
at liberty to accept on of them and refuse
the others , although the Former may be
beneficial and the latter onerous. Thus , if a
gift is made in the form of two or more
independent gifts to the same person, the
donee may accept the beneficial one and
reject the onerous property. Here the gifts
are separate and do not form the part of the
same transaction. The donee is not bound to
accept both the gift.
 Disqualified Donee

 Section 127 provides that a donee not

competent to contract and accepting
property burdened by any obligation is not
bound by his acceptance. But if after
becoming competent to contract and
being aware of the obligation , he retains
the property given, he becomes so bound.
Section 128 Universal Donee
 Universal donee is such a person who gets the
whole property of the donor under a gift. Both
movable as well as immovable properties.
 English law does not recognise the concept of
universal donee.
 Universal donee is liable personally for all the debts
due and liabilities by the donor at the time of the
gift to the extent of the property comprised
 His liability is only to the extent of the property
comprised in the gift.
 Equitable Principle : one who gets
certain benefits under a transaction must
bear the burden also.
 Object : to protect the interest of the
creditors of the donor.
Section 129 Saving of
donations mortis causa and
Muhammadan Law
 gift which are made in contemplation of
death are known as dontis mortis causa.
Sectin 129 exempted such gifts from the
operation of this chapter.
 Muslim Gifts where the gifts are made by
muslims is also exempted.
Shaik Pathanama Bi V. Venkata
Chalapathy Finance Corpn. AIR 1978
AP 401
 Andra Pradesh High Court, the provisions
of section 128 are applicable to Muslims
also in the absence of any rule of Muslim
law regarding the liability of a universal

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