Rosebud Lip Shimmer Stick - 1086 Ingredient Function Percent WGT (G) WGT (Oz) Vol (TSP.) Phase A
Rosebud Lip Shimmer Stick - 1086 Ingredient Function Percent WGT (G) WGT (Oz) Vol (TSP.) Phase A
Rosebud Lip Shimmer Stick - 1086 Ingredient Function Percent WGT (G) WGT (Oz) Vol (TSP.) Phase A
Add phase A into a disinfected glass beaker and stir until uniform. Add then phase B one by one to phase A and
stir well. Heat phase A/B to 185F/85oC to melt the waxes. Remove from the heat. Grease the lipstick mold with
little plant oil and close the mold. While still hot and liquid pour the mixture carefully but in one drive into the
lipstick mold, (press the mold together to avoid leaking or use a rubber band around the mold). Wait 2 minutes
until the lipstick has hardened some, place it into the refrigerator for 30 minutes. If you like to change the color
melt the lipstick again and change the shade by adding more pigments. How to remove the lipsticks: separate
the mold and push the lipstick carefully with low pressure out of the mold, if the lipstick gets a dent by doing so
then you may need to add a higher amount of waxes, in total by ¼ to 1/2tsp. Use a sharp knife with an even
blade to cut the top off the lipstick to give it its typical shape or rub the tip against a hard paper surface as you
would color. When out of the mold place the lip shimmer into lipstick containers. To give it a professional look
"flame" the lipstick shortly with a cigarette lighter, but be careful not to melt it. The recipe (50g/1.8oz) gives
about 5-7 lipsticks. Alternatively, you can also pour the hot mixture into a lip palette or a lip gloss jar instead of
using a lipstick mold.
Lip shimmer with just a hint of color. Gives smooth and softened lips with a nice shimmer. Contains a sunscreen
(OM-cinnamate) to protect the lips (SPF 12-15 approx). Instead of pearl-white mica, golden mica or bronze can