A Serious, Unexpected, and Often Dangerous Situation Requiring Immediate Action

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Emergency: A serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action.

Emergency signals or alarms on a ship are installed all over the vessel's various systems and machinery to
notify the crew about a dangerous situation that can arise due to different types of emergencies on board

Emergency Signal: Seven or more short blast followed by one prolonged blast

Emergency Stations: Rush to muster station with life jacket, immersion suit, and act according to
the vessel's Muster Lists.

1. Overall Control Team (Bridge Team)

 Master: Overall in charge-Co-ordinates all emergencies, maintain internal & external
communications, keeps records and plan overall strategy as required
 AB: On steering, carry out Master’s command
 Deck cadet: Messenger
2. Emergency Team (On scene Team)
 C/O: In charge on Deck & Accommodation, report to Bridge team, assist in Engine
room in charge 2/E.
 Bosun
 Rating Deck
 Cadet Deck
 2/E: In charge in E/R, Assist C/O on Deck
 Rating Engine
 Cadet Engine
3. Support Control Team (In Engine room control)
 C/E in control of Engine room
 4/E
 El/E
C/E: In charge of engine room, responsible for E/R normal service, report to Bridge
control team
4. Backup Team (On Poop deck)
 2/O: In charge of backing up in first aid, medical purposes
 3/E
 J/E
 Sr. Rating deck
 Rating engine
5. Reserve team (Boat deck)
 3/O
 Sr. Rating
 C/Cook
 Steward
Ready for L/Boat, L/Raft preparation as instructed by Bridge Control team

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