DC Universe RPG - JSA Sourcebook PDF

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The passage provides a historical overview of the emergence of costumed heroes known as mystery men during the 1940s and the formation of prominent early superhero teams such as the Justice Society of America.

Some notable events that occurred in 1940 according to the passage include Hitler recovering the Spear of Destiny, Winston Churchill being elected Prime Minister of Britain, FDR being re-elected to an unprecedented third term as US President, and the formation of the Justice Society of America.

The Justice Society of America is a group of heroes sworn to defend American ideals. It was formed in 1940 and includes heroes such as the Flash, Green Lantern, Hawkman, the Atom, Hourman, Dr. Fate, and the Spectre.

Saurcellaak DESl6N

Craig Carey, Jack Emmert, Geoff Johns, Steve Kenson, Scott McCullar,
Chris McGlothin, Aaron Rosenberg, Jim Spivey, Nikola Vrtis


Fred Jandt & Nikola Vrtis

Tom Grummett, Rick Magyar, MADA Design

Eric Battle, Sergio Cariello, Tomm Coker, Tom Grindberg, Tom Grummett, Steve Lightle,
Marshall Rogers, Paul Ryan, Stephen Sadowski, Joe Staton, Mike Wieringo

Christian Alamy, Mike DeCarlo, George Freeman

Co11ER & 6RAPH1c l.ArouT

Fred Jandt & Nikola Vrtis

Jaye Gardner, Dorothy Crouch, Cara Lustik, Sandy Resnick, Trent Duffy, Steve Korte,
Paul Kupperberg, Ron Perazza, Patty Jeres, Stuart Schreck, Allan Asherman,
and all of the folks at DC Comics; Quim Ball-llosera for the block basics,
and Sean at Caps for his Who's Whos.
The information in this sourcebook is current through May 2001.

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This supplement to the DC Universe Roleplaying Game pays tribute to the heroes of the past, while
looking at those who have stepped up to become the heroes of the future. You will learn about the heroes
of World War II, their greatest adversaries, their descendants, and the newest group to honor the title of
the Justice Society of America.
* Chapter 1 explores the history of the Justice Society and its legacy.
* In Chapter 2, learn more about the original JSA members.
* Chapters 3-6 examine some of the other super hero teams at the time of the original JSA, the All-Star
Squadron, Young All-Stars, Freedom Fighters, and Seven Soldiers of Victory.
* Chapter 7 contains descriptions of the most wicked individuals of the Golden Age.
* In Chapter 8 view the bases of the JSA and All-Star Squadron and some other Golden Age equipment.
* Chapters 9 and 10 take a look at the descendants of the original JSA, Infinity, Inc., as well as their
most notorious adversaries.
* The new JSA is the focus of Chapters 11-13. Get information on their members, former members,
allies, adversaries, their new base, Dodds Mansion, and the awesome Steel Eagle.
* Chapter 14 contains new optional rules for the DC Universe Roleplaying Game, as well as more
Dramatic Effect cards, and the all new SubPlot Cards!
*Chapter 15 gives guidelines for Narrators who want to run adventures in the Golden Age.
*Chapter 16 caps off the book in stunning fashion with a classic adventure filled with drama, intrigue,
and action-not to mention Axis Amerika!
Although this supplement is intended for use with the DC Universe Roleplaying Game, all fans of DC
Comics can find plenty of interesting information, even if they aren't familiar with the game. Not only do
the character descriptions include physical details and background information on each character, but
you'll also find statistics that can be used to compare various characters or to play an adventure. To help
those inexperienced with the game, this introduction offers a glossary of terms that are in the entries of
most characters.

Bl as sa w
Page numbers in each entry refer to locations where you can find more information about the topic in the
DC Universe Roleplaying Game rulebook, unless otherwise specified.

Advantages/ Disadvantages: These are benefits P/ l bonus: Physique/lifting bonus; this value rep-
and quirks the char acter has acquired. Ad- resents the amount of additional damage a char-
vantages have negative signs in fro nt of t heir acter can inflict because of his or her strength
values , while Disadvantages have positive (pp. 38, llO).
signs. (See pp. 21- 27 of the rulebook, pp. 21- Powers: These are extra abilities that a member
26 of the Narrator's Book, pp. 122-1 23 and
of the character's species wouldn't normally
128-130 of the JLA Sourcebook, p. 126 of the have. (See pp. 56-90 in the rulebook, pp. 103-
Gotham City Sourcebook, and pp. 6-9 in this 122 in theJLA Sourcebook, pp. 9-17 in this book,
book for explanations of Advantages and Dis- and the Directive on Superpowers for explana-
advantages.) tions of various powers.)
AV: Armor Value; the value of how much protec- Reflexes, Coordination, Physique, Knowledge,
tion an item provides (p. 110). Perception, Presence: These are attributes
BDV: Base Damage Value; the value in dice of how which represent the character's natural physi-
much damage an item inflicts before any other cal and mental abilities (pp. 27-28).
factors are taken into consideration (pp. 109- A list of skills in which the character has experi-
110). See also Unarmed Base Damage Value. ence or training follows each attribute. Abilities in
Body Points: This value represents the amount of parentheses are s pecializations of the skill they fol-
physical and mental damage a character can low. The value next to the specialization is added to
take before failing unconscious (p. 38). the skill's value when figuring out how good a char-
acter is at that skill specialization. Values that are
Character Points: This value describes experience
agumented by powers are shown in parentheses af-
and the ability to reach goals. Values for some
ter the base value (pp. 42-54).
characters may seem low, because Character
Points are spent for improving skills, powers, Speed: The rate the character can move (in feet
and actions (pp. 38, 102-103). per round) (pp. 36, 106).
Hero Points: This value conveys the exceptional Tech Level: The maximum level of technology this
potential it takes to be a super hero. The more character can use (pp. 36, 233).
Hero Points the character has, the more heroic Unarmed BDV: Unarmed Base Damage Value; the
he or she is. Hero Points are also useful for im- value in dice of how much unarmed damage the
proving actions (pp. 38, 103). character can inflict. If there are two values, the
Natural abilities: A section included for those who first refers to how much damage the character
aren't human, natural abilities refer to charac- can inflict when using the brawling skill; the sec-
teristics that are innate to the character's spe- ond refers to how much damage the character
cies. These could be descriptions of what the can do when using the martial arts skill (pp. 38,
ability can do or they could be represented by 110). See also Base Damage Value.
powers. Villain Points: This value represents how evil a
PDV: Passive Defense Value; a value that measures character is. The more Villain Points the char-
the character's innate ability to avoid harm (pp. acter has, the more villainous he or s he is (pp.
36-38, 107-1 08). 38, 110).

Legen d & Legac y
It was 1938. The official beginning of World War II was dable odds, the combined skills of America's mystery men
still almost a year away. Yet the tremors of the holocaust to soon proved to be too much for the warrior maidens. In a
come had already begun as Hitler and the Axis alliance drove final desperate measure, Hitler ordered a bombing run on
their way across Europe, Africa, and mainland China. Mean- Washington, D.C., with the valkyries serving as guard. Rac-
while, in New York City, newspaper publisher Lee Travis, clad ing back across the Atlantic, the heroes thwarted the attack,
in a red mask and calling himself the Crimson Avenger, be- and the Atom personally saved F.D.R. from a valkyrie assas-
came the first recognized "mystery man," a costumed vigi- sin. At the President's behest, the seven chose to perma-
lante operating for the good of all. This was the beginning of nently band together as the Justice Society of America. The
the Golden Age of Heroes. Flash briefly served as the team's chairman until Hawkman
Over the next two years, the Crimson Avenger was joined was formally elected to t he post.
by a veritable host of mystery men. Debuting in 1939 were, In 1941, the JSA inducted its first new member, Johnny
among others, the Sandman- who also stalked the streets Thunder, and Hawkman turned over his duties as chairman
of the Big Apple-and Opal City's costumed protector, to Green lantern in May. Meanwhile, Dr. Mid-Nite, Liberty
Starman. The following year, Keystone City's hyperspeedster, Belle, and Johnny Quick joined the swelling ranks of
the Flash; the ring-wielding Green Lantern of Gotham City; America's mystery men. Unfortunately, the United States was
the winged avenger Hawkman; and the Spectre-the undead not alone in the metahuman mobilization race. In Germany,
embodiment of the Wrat h of God-made their debuts. Also, Albrecht Krieger was the first successful Axis attempt at cre-
young Johnny Thunder gained control of the genie-like ating the ultimate Aryan super soldier. The Fuhrer himself
Bahdnisian Thunderbolt and chemist Rex Tyler discovered dubbed him Captain Nazi. A Prussian nobleman, one of
the wonder drug Miraclo and became Hourman, Al Pratt Hitler's favored few, was transformed by German scientists
fought back as the mighty mite called the Atom, and Kent into the psionic ultra-human known only as Baron Blitzkrieg.
Nelson assumed the mantle of Dr. Fate. On the island of Japan, a man named Sumo was given samu-
Four key events marked the latter months of 1940. First, rai training and the ability to tap into the body's hidden po-
Hitler recovered the fabled Spear of Destiny-an artifact ru- tential. Later, in 1942, all three Axis powers pooled their
mored to have been the weapon that pierced the side of metahuman resources to create the team code-named Axis
Christ on the cross. Second, Great Britain elected Winston Amerika.
Churchill as its Prime Minister. Third, Franklin Delano In June of 1941, the JSA thwarted the plans of occult sci-
Roosevelt was re-elected to an unprecedented third term as entist Ian Kar kull to murder 10 seemingly unconnected
president of a still neutral United States. Lastly, the Justice men-men who, in the future, would become American presi-
Society of America, a group of heroes sworn to defend Ameri- dents. In a climactic battle, the Spectre caused Karkull's
can ideals, was formed. shadow body to shatter, bathing Hawkman, Hourman, Green
In November of 1940, British Intelligence contacted Lantern, t he Flash , Sandman, Johnny Thunder, Dr. Fate, the
Roosevelt, alerting him to a Nazi plan to invade England. Still Atom- along with their allies Starman, Dr. Mid-Nite, and
morally bound by his campaign promise to keep the States Hawkgirl-in an energy that would prolong all their lifespans
out of World War II, F.D.R. gave the British the means to con- for years to come. But, having failed to save one of Karkull's
tact America's mystery men. Two such heroes-the Flash targets, Green Lantern not only stepped down as JSA chair-
and Green Lantern-were dispatched in an effort to halt the man, he also resigned from the Society, becoming its first
invasion, but they were defeated and taken to Berlin. Sens- honorary member. Hourman took a leave of absence at the
ing their demise, Dr. Fat e gathered Hourman, the Atom, same t ime, as he had discovered that he had become ad-
Hawkman, and the Spectre together to set out and free their dicted to Miraclo. Starman and Dr. Mid-Nite replaced the two
comrades. Upon reaching Berlin, Fate and his allies managed departing members, while Hawkman re-assumed the chair-
to halt Flash and Green Lantern's execution. However, they manship of the JSA-a position he held until his death de-
couldn't stop Hitler from tapping into the latent power of cades later.
the Spear of Destiny and summoning an army of valkyrie- The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7,
the mythical Nordic choosers of the slain. Despite the formi- 1941, was the grim catalyst for the next evolution of America's

mystery men. Realizing that the United States would

ThB II/I-Star
need greater protection as it entered World War II,
President Roosevelt issued an edict that united all
known costumed adventurers to form the All-Star
Squadron. Charged with protecting America's shores
from Axis threats, and co-
chaired by Hawkman and Lib-
erty Belle, the All-Star Squadron
boasted a peak membership of
over 50 heroes. The squadron
also served as the crucible that
forged such new mystery men as
Amazing-Man and the second
Firebrand. The squadron's first
major battle was against Per
Degaton, a megalomaniac who
used time travel to aid in his con-
quests-a paradox-laden vic-
tory, as the Squadron defeated
a Degaton who had already been
beaten once by the JSA in 1947.
The All-Star Squadron and
the JSA were not the only ones
who fought for the cause of lib-
erty during the dark days of
World War II. Splintering off from
the larger All-Star Squadron, the
Crimson Avenger, his compan-
ion Wing, the Shining Knight, the
Vigilante, the Spider, the teen-
aged Star-Spangled Kid, and his
adult sidekick, Stripesy, created
the Seven Soldiers of Victory
(later known as the Law's Le-
gionnaires). Meanwhile, Uncle
Sam formed the Freedom Fight-
ers-a group dedicated to pro-
tecting the factories and ship-
yards of the American West
Coast. On the Pacific front,
Judomaster and his young ally,
Tiger, held their small island
home against Japanese invasion.
Likewise, several heroes who
lacked only the special skills and
powers of the mystery men
made their mark overseas.
In the wake of the brutal mas-
sacre at Pearl Harbor, several of
America's champions chose to
take the war to Nippon and show
the Japanese the error of their
tactics. However, they were un-
aware that Prime Minster Tojo's
agent, the Dragon King, had
found the Holy Grail. When its
power was combined with that
of the Spear of Destiny in Berlin,
they created two magical domes,
one over Japan and the other

Cha111sr 1- lsgsnd & legacy

~--------------------- JSllSOURCEBOOK
covering much of Europe. Once the more mystically based

sauadron heroes were exposed to the dome over Europe, their minds
were warped and made them switch their alliance to the Axis
cause. The effects quickly passed once the heroes were lured
outside the barrier's radius, but it effectively prevented the
most powerful of America's costumed
champions from bringing World War II
to a swift end.
The year 1942 not only heralded the
first public appearances of the hard-
hitting Wildcat and the champion of
"fair play" Mr. Terrific, but was also
filled with surprises for the JSA and the
Squadron-two of which came from the
distant future. Originally traveling into
the past on a mission to defeat the de-
mented Dark Angel, Queen Hippolyta
of Themyscira chose to remain behind
after her mission was completed. She
was quickly inducted into the JSA un-
der the name Wonder Woman and was
part of the group until she returned to
her native era in 1950. Perhaps the
most mysterious of travelers from the
future was Infinity, lnc.-a group made
of several of the sons and daughters of
the JSA's members . The young
Infinitors had come to the past to save
their future parents from the Ultra-
Humanite. The last major event of 1942
was the creation of the self-dubbed
"Young All-Stars." Made up of young AI I-
Star Squadron hopefuls, the Young All-
Stars soon proved that they had the
same courage and drive as their adult
The year 1944 brought with it one
of the greatest Allied offensives-
D-Day-and one of the JSA's oddest
battles as they allied themselves with
the mystical mystery man Scarab to
defeat the King of Tears and his emis-
sary Johnny Sorrow. That year also saw
the resignations of both the Sandman,
who decided to scale back his activi-
ties after suffering the first of many
heart attacks, and Dr. Fate, who felt
unworthy of the power of Nabu and
chose to practice medicine instead.
As World War II reached its climax
in 1945, the Axis powers became more
desperate. A firm believer in the power
of the supernatural, Hitler charged the
Black Occult Fraternity, a group of Fifth
Columnists who served the Fatherland
through runic mysticism, to summon
an agent that could deal a severe blow
to the United States. Though the Fra-
ternity appeared to succeed, the crea-
ture they brought forth was far more

Cha11teT 1- legend & legacy

dangerous than they had realized. Called Stalker, the Soul- Other heroes remained semi-active. Some, like Wildcat,
less One, it was a being that traveled from world to world, started training the men and women who would become the
dimension to dimension his only goal to end all war by end- next generation of heroes. A few, like Max Mercury and the
ing all life. Their fight with Stalker and his minions was one Flash, mysteriously disappeared.
that nearly cost several JSA members their lives-and was While several groups, such as Task Force X, tried to fill
perhaps their greatest home front victory. the gap left by the JSA's sudden departure, it wasn't until 12
With the end of the war in 1945, most of America's years ago that the heirs to the Justice Society's legacy fi-
super heroes breathed a collective sigh of relief and en- nally surfaced. First came a new, younger Black Canary. The
joyed the thanks of a grateful nation. The All-Star Squad- daughter of the original, she helped found the Justice League
ron was officially disbanded on December 7, 1945-the of America, a team of heroes that drew its inspiration from
anniversary date of the bombing of Pearl Harbor four the example set by the JSA.
years prior. The JSA once again took its p lace as the pri- A short while later, Barry Allen (Flash II) freed his prede-
mary defender of America and its allies. However, there cessor, along with all of Keystone City, from a strange limbo
were still casualties to be tallied. state the Fiddler had held the city in since 1956. It was this
In 1946, Ted Knight (Starman) suffered a nervous break- event that heralded the first return of the JSA and their con-
down, as his guilt over having contributed to the creation of temporaries. Initially drawn out of seclusion by the league's
the atomic bomb became more than he could handle. Sandy battle with Locus, they soon lapsed back into semiretirement,
the Golden Boy was placed into suspended animation after preferring to leave the spotlight to their successors.
an experimental "silicoid gun" exploded and turned him into The second meeting between the two teams wasn't quite
a rampaging monster in 1947. Then in 1948, the Seven Sol- as cordial, however. The JLA was believed to have been
diers of Victory were apparently killed fighting a bizarre murdered by Wotan, who sought retribution for all the de-
monster called the Nebula Man. feats served to him by the JSA. Rattled by JLA's subsequent
One of the deadliest threats the JSA ever faced also sur- "resurrection," the JSA began to question the newer team's
faced in 1947-the Injustice Society of the World. The evil methods, leaving them all vulnerable to a potent spell of
crew was assembled from the best of America's homegrown Wotan that put the two teams at each other's throats. It fi-
villains. It brought together Brain Wave, Vandal Savage, the nally took the near-death of the second Black Canary to snap
Wizard, Per Degaton, the Thinker, and the Gambler. Though her mother and some of their teammates out of the belliger-
the Injustice Society was defeated, the group continued to ent trance Wotan had placed them in. Once all were free and
plague the JSA in many different incarnations. Its ever-rotat- Wotan had been imprisponed, Hawkman suggested that he
ing roster eventually included the original Icicle, the Fiddler, and Hawkgirl join the JLA and act as liaisons between the
Tigress (who had once been a member of the Young All- two teams, hopefully preventing such miscommunications
Stars), the Shade, Sportsmaster, and Solomon Grundy. in the future, as well as lending their experience to the rela-
But all was not bleak. Late in 1947, the blonde bomb- tively neophyte super team. The JSA remained only semi-
shell known as the Black Canary was inducted into the JSA. active for the next two years, and it was during this period
In 1948, the Atom discovered a newfound "atomic that Sandy the Golden Boy was released from suspended
strength"-the result of an earlier battle with the villain animation and cured of his monstrous transformation.
Cyclotron, which was only augmented by a later exposure The JSA made their official return 10 years ago when they
to atomic fallout in 1945. once again collaborated with the members of the Justice
The harshest blow that the JSA ever had to face by far League. Learning that the Seven Soldiers of Victory did not
came in 1951, as the paranoia of the Cold War gripped the perish decades ago in their battle with the Nebula Man, but
nation. Ironically enough, it was not dealt by any of their rather were scattered throughout the time stream, the two
many foes, but rather by power-hungry representatives of teams traveled across the eras to free the time-lost heroes
the government they had faithfully served for years. After and return them to the present day. Searching for a new role
capturing a known agent of a hostile foreign power, the JSA in a new world, one of the recovered Soldiers, the Star-
was brought before the Combined Congressional Un-Ameri- Spangled Kid-now armed with a "cosmic converter belt"
can Activities Committee and interrogated about their con- created by Ted (Starman) Knight-becam e the first of two
nection to the agent. Stunned that their loyalties were be- new recruits of the JSA in decades. The Atlantean-descended
ing called into question, the JSA was further shocked when Power Girl was the second. Both aided the JSA in defeating a
the committee asked them to reveal their true identities. revitalized Brain Wave.
The JSA respectfully declined and vanished from the public The JSA's next meeting with the JLA was perhaps the most
eye for years. tragic. At a party onboard the JLA's orbiting satellite, Mr.
With the end of the war and the disappearance of the Terrific was brutally slain under suspicious circumstances.
JSA, many of the heroes of the Golden Age figured their he- The murderer was soon revealed to be the Flash of the JSA,
roic careers were over. So, they turned to more mundane who had been possessed by Mr. Terrific's archenemy, the
pursuits, finally marrying their long-time sweethearts and Spirit King. Hard hit by Mr. Terrific's death, the Justice Soci-
building remarkably normal lives. One such example was ety again went into semi-retirement, feeling that the Justice
Jonathan Law (formerly, the Tarantula). His book on mys- League was better suited to deal with the challenges of the
tery men, Altered Egos, was published in the 1960s and was modern age. Over the next several years, most of the JSP.:s
enjoyed by a receptive audience. The book's fame was un- activities were limited to adventures with the Justice League.
fortunately short-lived. They engaged in a titanic battle against the evil New God

c11a111e' 1-legsntl & lsgacll

Darkseid, they thwarted a mass assassination attempt or- Spear of Destiny to unleash Ragnarok, the "Twilight of the
chestrated by old-time JSA foe the Ultra-Humanite, and they Gods," upon the cosmos. In order to render the spear power-
went on a journey into the past to face the time-traveling less and repair the timeline, the JSA had to go to the mythical
Per Degaton alongside their old comrades in the All-Star city of Asgard, assume the roles of the Norse gods, and replay
Squadron. the events of Ragnarok for all eternity. Of all the JSA members,
Not long after the battle with Degaton, several of the sons, only Dr. Fate (who soon joined Justice League International),
daughters, and other relations of Society members-several the Spectre, the Star-Spangled Kid, and Power Girl were spared
of whom had been friends since childhood-decided to start the JSA's everlasting duty. Even the induction of Hourman II,
their own super-hero careers. Led and funded by the Star- Dr. Midnight, and Wildcat II into Infinity, Inc., and the Star-
Spangled Kid, the group called themselves Infinity, Inc., and Spangled Kid's transformation into Skyman, did little to lift the
was based out of Los Angeles. Infinity, Inc. quickly made a somber spirits of those left to mourn.
name for itself by defeating such foes as the Ultra-Humanite, Regretfully, the days that followed were not completely
Solomon Grundy (who the team sort of adopted), the Thorn kind to the JSA's successors. Hourman II accidentally killed
(who shockingly turned out to be the mother of lnfinitors the Wizard during Infinity, Inc.'s battle with Injustice Unlim-
Jade and Obsidian), and Helix (a collection of mutagenically ited-an event that revealed that he, too, has fallen prey to
altered youths led by Mr. Bones, who later joined Infinity, Miraclo's more dangerous side effects. Hector Hall (the Sil-
Inc.). But, the greatest accolade by far that Infinity, Inc. re- ver Scarab), was transformed into an inhuman entity by Dr.
ceived in its early days was the praise and pride of their Rock-the reincarnation of Hawkman's ancient foe Hath-
parents and mentors in the JSA. Set-and apparently died, leaving his wife, Fury, pregnant
While Infinity, Inc. had often thought that they would some- and alone. However, the ultimate blow came when Mr. Bones
day take their place as the new Justice Society, the aftermath accidentally killed Skyman, their founder and guiding light.
of the Crisis forced the team to face that concept far sooner Disheartened and disillusioned, Infinity, Inc. disbanded.
than any of them would have liked or anticipated. In the wake With the dissolution of Infinity, Inc., it seemed as though
of the Anti-Monitor's assault, time was fractured to a point the Justice Society and its legacy were gone forever. But, all
that an alternate history was created wherein Hitler used the the world was surprised when three years ago the JSA was

lntlnllJl Inc.

Chapter 1-lsgsnd & lsgacv

JSASOURCEBOOK - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - c:-~·A·~ •

freed from their mystical prison and once more ret urned to saving the Fat e child from the Dark Lord, Mordru, the babe
active duty to fight their old foes the Ultra-Humanite and mystically matured before their eyes, and the team was
Kulak. The team also bore witness to the public debut of treated to their first surprise-a resurrected Hector Hall, now
Jesse Chambers-the daughter of the JSA's old allies Lib- the new Dr. Fate, and the team's first recruit.
erty Belle and Johnny Quick-as Jesse Quick. The team's mettle was further tested when they were
Sadly, this brief return was destined to be the last hur- stalked by one of their own- Sentinel's son, Obsidian, who
rah of the original JSA. The Atom, Dr. Mid-Nite, Hourman, had become corrupted by the dark energies at his command.
Dr. Fate, Hawkman, and Hawkgirl were among the first ca- In the end, Obsidian was seemingly consumed by his own
sualties of the temporal crisis called "Zero Hour," while the ebony energies, but his sister-Jennie Lynn Hayden, once
Sandman, Wildcat, Johnny Thunder, Green Lantern, and the known as the lnfinitor Jade-still senses her sibling's sinis-
Flash were stripped of their supernatural vitality and re- ter presence. A near fatal encounter with the terrorist zealot
vert ed to their natural ages in the same conflict. Emotion- Kobra and a manhunt for Extant (the temporal villain who
ally drained, and now physically incapable of carrying on slew the original Atom, Dr. Mid-Nite, and Hourman) forced
their heroic careers as they had, the five survivors officially some hard choices upon the fledglin g team. Several of their
disbanded the Golden Age JSA, leaving their chosen suc- members departed in the wake of these events. Though pos-
cessors to carry on in their place. sessing less manpower, the JSA was still able to stand up to
Carry on they have. Brought together by the death of the challenge posed by an all-new Injustice Society, led by
Wesley Dodds (the Sandman) and the murderous rampage Johnny Sorrow, and prevented the second coming of Sorrow's
of the mystic known as the Dark Lord as he sought out the master, the King of Tears.
Fate child, a number of the original team's children and Their membership now consisting of their chairman Sand,
proteges have chosen to recreate the Justice Society of Black Canary, Dr. Mid-Nite, the Flash, Hawkgirl, Sentinel, the
America for the modern age. The new team's initial roster Star-Spangled Kid, Wildcat, and newcomers Mr. Terrific II and
included Sand (formerly Sandy), Black Canar y II, Atom Jakeem Thunder with his Bahdnisian Thunderbolt, this new
Smasher (formerly Nuklon), the current incarnations of JSA is well on its way to making good on its promise to bring
Hourman, Dr. Mid-Nite, Hawkgirl, Starman, and the Star- the legacy begun on that special day in November 1940 into
Spangled Kid, with the original Flash, Green Lantern (now the new millennium.
called Sentinel), and Wildcat at their side as advisors. Upon

Justice SacielJI atllmerica

Cha111sr 1- Legend & Legacv

Golden Age
Justice Society
of America

Thelltam 1 the All-Star Squadron. The Atom later AtoDl
gained enhanced strength and agility,
as well as an "atomic punch," from Reflexes 30 (60): Acrobatics SD (8D),
exposure to the radiation-based pow- athletics SD (8D), brawling 9D (12D)
(arm pin, bear hug, haymaker,
ers of the villain Cyclotron. These
headbutt, knockout, pin, slam, throw,
abilities lay dormant until the Mighty
uppercut +lD each), climbing 4D
Mite's further exposure to atomic fall- (70), dodge 6D (9D), sneak 6D (9D)
out during the JSA's encounter with
Stalker in 1945. Coordination 2D (5D): Catch 30 (60),
thrown weapons SD (80)
Al retired his Atom identity when
he and the rest of the JSA faded from Physique SD (lOD): Leap 60 (I 10), lift-
the public eye in 1951. He married ing 80 (130), running 60 (I 10)
long-time sweetheart Mary James. He Knowledge 20: Medicine (sports medi-
also stayed true to his vow to help cine) 50, scholar 30, science 3D
raise Terri Rothstein, the daughter of Perception 20: Engineering 30, hide 40,
Cyclotron, and Terri's son, Albert, shadowing 5D, streetwise SD
who grew up to be the hero Nuklon Presence 2D:Bluff4D, interrogation 6D,
(later Atom Smasher). When the JSA intimidation 8D, persuasion 60, will-
returned to active duty, Al became the power 9D
Atom once more. He remained active ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Ally (JSA)
until his death during the "Zero Hour" -20D, Ally (All-Star Squadron) -240,
crisis. Regrettably, he perished not Charismatic -30, Courage -20, Hardi-
knowing that his son, who he thought ness -40, Youthful Appearance -20;
died in childbirth along with Mary, Dependent (Mary James) +10, Em-
was actually kidnapped by long-time ployed (Student) +40, Enemy (Injustice
JSA foe Vandal Savage for genetic ex- Society of the World) +SD, Enemy (Axis
periments and eventually became the agents) +6D, Extremely Competitive
RE.AL NAME: Albert "Al" Pratt +20, Impulsive +10, Secret Identity +3D.
hero known as Damage.
Occt.:PATIO~: Student
SP££1): 30
BASE OF OPERATIO~s: Calvin College STRATF:GY & TAcncs: A scrapper by
PDV: 3 (5)
H£1GHT: 5'1" nature, the Atom tends to act first U NARMED BOV: SD (6D)
WEIGHT: 150 pounds and think later. This was especially P/L BoNUS: +2 (+S)
EYES: Blue true in the days before he gained his HERO POINTS: 23
HAm: Red powers, when he considered him- VILLAIN POINTS: 0
RACE: Human self the runt of the JSA and was con- CHARACTER POINTS: 183
TECH LEVEL: Modern (I) stantly out to prove himself. But, BODY POINTS: 49 (72)
even when he had meta-powers, the POWERS: Energy Projection ("atomic
Al Pratt was the stereotypical 98- Atom was still out to prove that he
pound weakling. He was, that is until wasn't a pushover. It is this quality punch") 120 (limitations: Limited
Range [Touch] -30 , Rechargeable
he met Joe Morgan, a former heavy- that made him easily one of the
[must wait at least an hour after each
weight champion, down on his luck. JSA's most courageous, and most use] - 4D), Environment (atomic ra-
For the promise of a place to stay and bullheaded, members. diation) 12D, Longevity 10, Superat-
an honest job, Joe agreed to train Al tributes: Reflexes 3D (bonus: brawl-
and turn the college sophomore into ing specialization), Superattributes:
the man he'd always wanted to be. Coordination 30 (bonus: improved
However, rather than following his catching), Superattributes: Physique
mentor into the boxing profession, Al 50 (bonuses: increased P/l bonus vs.
was inspired to become a costumed inanimate objects; lift objects with-
mystery man, using a nickname the out collapsing).
bullies had once taunted him with-
the Atom. He went on to become a
charter member of both the JSA and

Cha111er 2-60/dBn Jigs JS/I

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JSASOURCEBOOK

Black Canan1 1
tures quickly brought them together Black Canary
lovers. For a time, she also
teamed up with Justice Society Reflexes 3D: Acrobatics 6D, brawling 6D,
member Johnny Thunder. When climbing 4D, dodge 70, driving 4D
(motorcycle +2D), martial arts 6D,
Thunder left the JSA in 1948, she
sneak 6D
was accepted for membership in his
place. Coordination 3D: Thrown weapons SD
Dinah remained with the JSA un- Physique 2D: Leap 6D, running SD,
til the Un-American Activities swimming5D
Committee Hearings forced Knowledge 30: Criminology 4D, security
the group to disband in 19Sl. 4D
After that, she retired her cos- Perception 30: Artist (florist) 6D, hide
tumed persona to become Larry 6D, search 6D, shadowing 6D,
Lance's wife and partner in his private streetwise 4D (Gotham City +2D). sur-
investigation business. Dinah also veillance SD
gave birth to a daughter, Dinah Lau- Presence 20: Charm SD, disguise SD,
rel, during this time. intimidation SD, willpower 6D
In the 1960s, Dinah resumed her
Black Canary guise, this time in part- -18D, Attractive Appearance-2D, Cour-
nership with Ted Knight (Starman). age -2D, Observant -2D; Dark Secret
This led to a brief affair between (affair with Ted Knight) +10, Dependent
them, but a blackmail attempt by a (Larry Lance) +10, Employed +4D, En-
private investigator convinced them emy (figress I) +2D, Secret Identity +3D.
both to end it and return to their re- SPEED: 30
spective spouses. POV:4
When the JSA reunited, Dinah par- UNARMED BOV: 40/10
ticipated in a number of their cases, p /L BoNUS: + 1
including a battle with a cosmic-pow- HERO POINTS: 11
ered villain known as Aquarius. Dur- VILLAIN POINTS: 0
ing the skirmish, Dinah fell wounded, CHARACTER POINTS: 89
REAL NAME: Dinah "Diana" Drake Lance and Larry Lance gave his life to save BODY POINTS: 28
OcclPATION: Florist her from the lethal radiation emitted EQUIPMENT: Canary Amulet (conceals gas
BASE OF 0PERAT10:>1s: Gotham City by Aquarius. Shaken by her loss, capsule): smoke (clouds a 20-foot ra-
HEIGHT: S'S" Dinah retired for good from crime- dius for 10 minutes indoors or S min-
WEIGHT: 126 pounds f i gh ting and left her now-grown utes outdoors) or tear gas (fils a 20-foot
EYl::.s: Blue daughter to carry on as Black Canary. radius for 20 minutes indoors or lS
HArn: Black (concealed by blond wig) minutes outdoors; everyone inside
RECE:'iTLY: Dinah Lance died from can- must make a Very Heroic Physique roll
RAcE: Human
cer while her JSA colleagues were or be incapacitated.). Motorcycle (size:
TECH LEVEL: Modern (1)
trapped in another dimension pre- 6 feet long; crew: 1; passengers: 1; cargo
Gotham City Police Detective Ri- venting Ragnarok, the Judgement Day capacity: 1 cubic foot; maneuverability:
chard Drake raised his daughter of Norse mythology. The disease was 3D; speed: 60 mph; DV 6; BDV 3Dx2;
Dinah to follow in his footsteps, but apparently a lingering after-effect of Body Points 50).
in 1947, the police academy rejected her battle with Aquarius.
her application. Her father died soon
STRATEGY & TACTICS: Dinah relied on her
after, and Dinah devised her Black
formidable martial-arts ability and
Canary identity as way of fulfilling his
her amateur detective skills. Even so,
dreams for her. she was not above using her attrac-
The crime-fighting Black Canary tiveness to distract male opponents.
soon gained a partner, private inves-
tigator Larry Lance, and their adven-

Chapter 2-6olden Age JSA

JSllSOURCEBOOK - - -- - - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - --

Br.F ate' the duty of bat-

tling chaos as Dr. Fat e
Doctor Fate. Reflexes 20: Brawling 60, dodge 80,
Very early in his piloting (self) 70
mission, Kent Coo rdination 2D: Marksmanship
met ln za (spells) 80, sleight of hand 6D
Cramer, who Ph ysique 3D (60): Flying SD (8D), re-
went on to be- sistance SD (80)
come his aide
Knowledge 40: Arcane lore 8D [130 ],
and later, his medicine 60, research 8D, scholar4D
wife. [90) (Egypt, archaeology +10 each)
Shortly after
Perception 30: Shadowing 40, know-
helping to found
how (Wizardry) 8D [13D]
the JSA, Kent dis-
covered that his Presence 20: Command3D [SD], intimi-
personality was dation 4D [6D], per:5uasion 60 [8D],
willpower 70 [9D]
being usurped by
wore his helm. Though it greatly -20D, Ally (All-Star Squadron) -24D,
reduced his powers, Kent put the [Magically Adept-lOD], [Magical Resis-
Helm of Nabu aside in favor of an or- tance - 100], Renown - SD, Sixth Sense
-20, Special Equipment (Helm of Nabu)
dinary helmet for a time. The Helm
- SD, Status (medical license, M.D. de-
of Nabu was later stolen by Or. Fate's gree) -10 each, Wealth -2D, Youthful
foe Kulak and lost with the villain in a Appearance -2D; Dark Secret (the in-
dimensional rift. Kent eventually re- fluence Nabu exerts over him) +2D, De-
covered the Helm of Nabu. He returned pendent (lnza Cramer) +10, Enemy
to wearing it as Dr. Fate, in spite of (Wotan, Ian Karkull, Kulak) +3D each,
Nabu's growing influence over him. Enemy (Injustice Soc;iety of the World)
Dr. Fate remained active even after +SD, Enemy (Axis agents) +60, Hides
the JSA disbanded in 1951. He rejoined Emotions +10, Secret Identity +3D.
R EAL NA.\1E: Kent Nelson
the team when they later resurfaced. SPEED: 30
OccuPATION: Archaeologist, physician Both Kent and lnza Nelson perished PDV: 4
BASF. O F OPERATIONS: A tower just during the "Zero Hour" crisis, but the UNARMED BDV: 4D
outside Salem, Massachusetts Helm of Nabu has been passed on to a P/L BoNUS: +1 ( +3)
H EIGHT: 6'2" new bearer, Hector Hall. HERO POINTS! 20
WF.rGHT: 197 pounds VlllAIN POU\'l'S: 0
E~: Blue
STRATEGY & T AC'l1CS: Truly a victim of CHARACTER POINTS: 162
HAIR: Blonde destiny, Dr. Fate was a man often BODY P 01l'\'TS: 48
RAc£: Human driven by an agenda that was not his POWERS: Superattributes: Physique 3D
TECH LEVEL: Modern (1) own. Though in his heart Kent Nelson (bonus: increased P/l bonus vs. inani-
was a devoted friend and loyal team- mate objects), Immunity 4D, [Longev-
As a young boy, Kent Nelson accom- mate, when he wears the Helm of ity 10], Invulnerability SD, Wizardry 30
panied his archaeologist father on a dig Nabu, he can often be pulled away [210; Enhanc ement: Maste r y +6D]
to the Valley of Ur in Mesopotamia. from one battle to another-one that (Limitation: Conditional -3D [Without
There, Kent found the tomb of Nabu- has been deemed more important by the helm and amulet, Kent can only levi-
who was an ancient Lord of Order ly- the spirit of Nabu. While he is Doctor tate objects with his magic. With both
ing in suspended animation. Unfortu- Fate, such acts of abandonment are artifacts, he has full access to the Wiz-
nately, Nabu's revival proved fatal for ardry power.]).
of no consequence. But, when he re-
Kent's father, leaving Kent alone to be- moves the helm, Kent feels the full
come Nabu's disciple. After many years impact of what he has done. It was
of training, Nabu presented him with a this effect, more than anything, that
helm that held the Lord of Order's es- drove him to stop wearing the helm
sence and charged the young man with for a number of year s.

ChB/llBr 2 - Goldt:n llOB JS/I

Br. Mid-NilB 1
EQu1PMENT: Helm of Nabu (AV 45 for at-
sumed the costumed identity of Dr.
tacks to the wearer's head only, Body Mid-Nite and, for his first case, cap-
Points 1000; enhancement modifiers: tured "Killer" Maroni.
arcane lore +SD, scholar +SD, know-how One of the later recruits into
(Wizardry) +SD, Presence +2D; advan- the JSA, Dr. Mid-Nite remained
tages: Magically Adept-lOD, Magic Re- active on the team until they
sistance -lOD; powers: Longevity 10, disbanded in the 1950s. Like
Wizardry 18D [Enhancement: Mas- the rest of the team, he came out of
tery +6D]; all powers have the retirement years later but in a reduced
Limitations: Removable [only capacity. He also mentored Beth
usable by Nabu's chosen suc- Chapel (Infinity, Inc.'s Dr. Midnight).
cessor] -10, Side Effect
[wearer can be possessed by
Unfortunately, Charles McNider died
Na bu after extended use] along with several of his JSA comrades
-4D. For more information on at the hands of Extant during the "Zero
the Helm of Nabu, see page Hour" crisis.
121 of the Magic Handbook) . STRATEGY & TACT1cs: A healer first, and
Kent has also worn a nonmagi- a crime fighter second, Dr. Mid-Nite
cal half-helmet [AV 20 vs. physical or
would go out of his way to solve
energy attacks to the head only].
crimes using his wits and stealth be-
NoTE: All characteristics in brackets are fore resorting to violence. However,
those of Kent when he is wearing the when it came to a fight, Dr. Mid-Nite
Helm of Nabu.
was quick and effective. Using his
"blackout bombs" to give himself the
advantage, he finished off his foes in
short order. A generous and likeable
fellow, Dr. Mid-Nite was a consum-
mate listener. Often, he was the one
REAL NAm:: Charles McNider his JSA teammates would turn to
OCClJPATION: Former physician, author when they needed a willing ear.
Eastern seaboard
BAsF. OF 0PF.RATIO'.lis:
HEIGHT: 5'11" Dr. Mid-Nite
WEIGHT: 179 pounds ReOexes 30:Acrobatics 60, brawling 70,
Evr.s: Blue dodge 8D, sneak lOD
HA1R: Blond Coordination 30: Thrown weapons 4D
RAcE: Human (blackout bombs +40)
TECH LEVEL: Modern (1)
Physique 3D: Leap 6D, lifting 4D, run-
Physician Charles McNider was ning 40
called in by the police one evening to Knowledge 40 : Criminology 70, medi-
save the life of their star witness cine lOD, research 6D, scholar 8D,
against mobster "Killer" Maroni. As security SD, science 6D
McNider was treating the man, one of Perception 30: Artist (writer) SD, engi-
Maroni's thugs threw a grenade into neering 6D, hide lOD, invent 6D,
the room, killing the witness and search 8D, shadowing 1OD, streetwise
blinding McNider. Force d to leave 6D, surveillance 8D, tracking 6D
medicine, McNider became a maga- Presence 2D: Animal handling (owls)
zine journalist, penning articles that 50, charm 50, interrogation 7D, in-
exposed leading criminals . Shortly timidation 8D, persuasion 100, will-
after the accident , McNider discov- power 8D
ered that he could see perfectly in the AovANTAGFS/01sADVANTAGFS: Acute Sense
dark. He then developed a special pair of Direction -20, Ally (the JSA) -18D,
of goggles that enabled him to see in Ally (All-Star Squadron) -240, Charis-
the daylight as well. McNider as- matic -3D, Courage -2D, Mechanical

Chanter 2-Colden Age JSA

Tiie Flash 1
Aptitude -20, Observant -20, Status
first chairman of the JSA. Jay also
(M.0. degree)-ID, Wealth-2D; Depen- became the first member to marry,
dent (Myra Mason)+ ID, Employed +40, · when he and his college sweetheart
Enemy (Injustice Society of the World) Joan Williams were wed in 1947.
+50, Enemy (Axis agents) +60, Physi- After theJSA's disbanding in 1951,
cally Limited (blind in daylight) +60 , the Flash pulled a disappearing act-
Secret Identity +3D. though it was not by choice. The
SPEE.D: 30 Flash , along with his hometown of
PDV:4 Keystone City, was placed under sus-
UNARMED BDV: 4D pended animation and erased from
p /L BONUS: +2 the memories of the world by his old
H ERO POINTS: 22 foe, the Fiddler. Barry Allen, the sec-
ond Flash, eventually freed Keystone
BooY Po1NTS: 36
and the original Scarlet Speedster.
S ntATF.GY & TAcncs: Although his
NAnJRAL ABun1FS: Perfect vision in the
dark (negates any darkness penalties , codename implies a certain degree of
unless caused by magical darkness; if impulsiveness, the original Flash was
exposed to a bright light, including day- anything but. In fact, Jay's academic
light, he must make a successful Very Dif- background sometimes led him to
ficult willpower roll or be blinded and get overthink a situation-a tendency
-40 to all actions for a number of rounds that his hyper-speed more than com-
equal to the difference between the roll pensates for. However, though he was
and the difficulty). far from impetuous, he loathed inac-
P OWERS: Longevity ID. tion or undue hesitation. One of the
EQu1PMENT: Goggles (Body Points 18; en- most dedicated of the JSA's member-
able Dr. Mid-Nite to see perfectly during ship, the Flash will no doubt be wear-
the day, and lower the difficulty for the ing his distinctive costume and hel-
willpower roll to recover from bright light met until his dying day.
to Moderate), blackout bombs [break REAL NA~fE: Jay Garrick
upon contact filling a 90-square-foot area OccuPATIO:-<: Research scientist
with a cloud of thick, black smoke ( +4 to BAsE OF 0PERATm-;s: Keystone City
the difficulty for all actions unless their HEIGHT: 5' 11"
sight is aided) that lasts for 10 minutes WEIGHT: 179 pounds
indoors or 5 minutes outdoors or in a Ews: Blue
windy area).
HAIR: Brown
Hootie the Owl RAc£: Human
Reflex es 30, brawling 60, piloting 5D, TECH LEvu: Modern (1)
Coordination 2D, Physique 20, Knowledge As a struggling student at Mid-
ID, Perception 2D, search 30, tracking 4D, western University, Jay Garrick acci-
Presence 20, willpower 3D. Speed: 120
dentally dropped a flask of hard wa-
(flying)/60 (gliding). POV: 2. Physique
bonus: +l. Body Points: 12. Natural
ter that had been subjected to atmoic
Abillties: wings allow Hootie to fly or vibrations. The fumes from the spilled
glide for several hundred miles or as long fluid overwhelmed Garrick and he
as there are thermals to keep him aloft; passed out. When he came to, Jay dis-
his flight is almost completely silent ( +2 covered that he had the power to
to the difficulty of Perception rolls to hear move at superhuman speeds. Inspired
them); ability to see unerringly in dark- by this turn of fate, Jay became the
ness and dim light; able to swivel their first costumed adventurer to call him-
neck to see 270° around themselves ( +2 self the Flash. One of the first mys-
to the difficulty of sneak rolls to catch tery men, the Flash led a long and
them unawares); Acute Senses (hear- colorful career and even served as the
ing); beak (BDV ID); talons (BDV 20).

Chanter 2 - 60/dsn Jigs JS/I

Breen lantern Over the years, the lamp passed
through many hands, rewarding the
Reflexes 30: Brawling SD (clothesline, good and destroying the wicked.
disarm, spin attack+ lD each), dodge
"'''''\'J'/''1,1/ Eventually, it ended up in the
SD ~\ \ /l~Y care of an inmate of Arkham
Coordination 30: Catch 7D, thrown g:::: _ ~ -=:: Asylum, who remodeled the
weapons 4D (helmet +2D) ~ ,,- ·' J ~ lamp into a train lantern. The
Physique 20: Running 8D ~ ~,:§' lantern flamed green for the
I I~~'
Knowledge 30: Research 4D, scholar ' ' 1 ' second time and restored the
4D, science 4D man's sanity. Later, engineer Alan
Perception 2D: Engineering 4D, invent
Scott discovered the lantern
4D, know-how (Speed Manipula- just in time for it to save his
tion) 6D, repair SD, search 8D, life when he was about to be
streetwise (Keystone City) 7D murdered by a business ri-
Presence 20: Charm SD, com-
val. A voice from the lan-
mand SD, disguise (blurring tern instructed Alan to
facial features) 7D, persuasion create a ring that would
6D, willpower 7D allow him to tap into its
power. Alan used the ring
JSA) -20D, Ally (All-Star Squadron) to forge his mystery man
-24D, Charismatic -3D, Contact (Key- identity of Green Lantern.
stone City government) -3D, Courage As Green Lantern, Alan was
-2D, Fast Reactions -4D, Leadership a cornerstone of the JSA and a mem-
Ability-2D; Dependent (Joan Williams) ber of the wartime All-Star Squadron.
+10, Employed +4D, Enemy (the Shade, Alan soon left engineering to be-
the Fiddler, the Thinker) +3D each, En- come an executive at the Gotham
emy Qnjustice Society of the World) Broadcasting Company and eventually
+SD, Enemy (Axis agents) +6D, Secret to become the company's owner. He
Identity +3D.
Rt:AL N .\MF.: Alan Wellington Scott slipped into retirement along with the
SPEED: 30 Ot<.:rrA110:-.: Former engineer, broad- rest of the JSA in 1951, only to return
POV: 3 (13 while running) casting executive with his colleagues over a decade ago.
UNARMED BDV: 3D BASE OF OP1-:n.\110:-;s: Gotham City Shortly thereafter, he discovered that
P/L BONUS: + 1
HEIGHT: 6'0" one of his old foes, the first Thorn, had
Wac;m: 201 pounds been a lover of his (as her alter ego
EvES: Blue Rose Forrest) and bore him two chil-
Boov POINTS: 30 HAIR: Blond dren, who grew up to be Jade and Ob-
R\cE: Human sidian of Infinity, Inc.
POWERS: Longevity 10, Sustenance SD
TECH U\U.: Modern (1)
(Limitations: Linked to Speed Manipu- SrRATf.GY & TAe11cs: As someone who
lation), Healing 3D (Limitations: Linked In order that part of it might sur- was accustomed to using tools as part
to Speed Manipulation, Self-Only), vive and be wielded by a true hero, of his profession, Green Lantern
Speed Manipulation lOD. the Green Flame of Life-the sentient wielded the near-limitless power at
EQUIPMENT:Winged helmet (BDV 2D as core of the mystical Starheart-willed his command in a similar fashion. He
thrown weapon only, AV 18 vs. over- part of itself to fall to Earth as a me- generally preferred to rely on his
head physical attacks only, Body Points teor over two centuries ago. Found by brains and brawn and save the ener-
24). a Chinese man named Chang, the gies of his ring for those threats be-
meteor intoned, "Three times shall I yon d his natural abilities. Even
flame green! First-to bring death! though he gained more control over
Second-to bring life! Third-to bring the ring's energies and the possible
power!" Chang fashioned a lamp from applications are limited only by his
the meteor. He was saved when it imagination and willpower, Green
flamed to kill a group of assailants Lantern still regarded his ring as but
who feared the power of the lamp. one of the many tools at his disposal.

Cha111sr2- llolllsn llge JS/I

Green Lantern pendent (Molly Mayne) +10, Employed power Alan has seen in use) +6D), all
+4D, Enemy (Solomon Grundy, Harl~ powers have the Limitations: Ineffec-
Reflexes 20: Brawling 40, dodge 50, quin I, Thorn) +3D each, Enemy (Injus- tiveness (wood) -20, Ineffectiveness
melee weapons 40, piloting (self) 8D, tice Society of the World) +5D, Enemy (killing) -20, and Rechargeable (once
sneak 40 (Axis agents) +6D, Secret Identity +30. every 24 hours from power battery)
Coordination 20: Marksmanship (ring) -40] and the Enhancement: Magically
70 PDV:3 Empowered +8D. Power battery: Body
UNARMED BDV: 3D Points 500; powers: Energy Manipula-
Physique 30: Flying 60
p /L 8oNUS: + 1 tion (charge power ring) 160 (Limita-
Knowledge 3D:Arcane lore 5D, naviga- tion: Duration Change: Activated takes
tion 50, scholar 40 (mass media 10 seconds to recharge ring] -2D),
CHARACTER POINTS: 210 Light Manipulation (Invisibility) 9D
Perception 20: Engineering 6D, know- BODY POINTS: 34 (Limitation: Linked to Energy Manipu-
how (ring creations) 7D, search 5D, lation), all powers have the Limitation:
surveillance 5D PoWERS: Longevity 10. Ineffectiveness (wood) and the En-
Presence 30: Charm 5D, command 8D, EQUIPMENT: Power ring: AV 100 (when hancement: Magically Empowered +8D.
intimidation 5D, persuasion 7D, will- charged), 10 (when not charged); Body
power 12D Points 1000 (when charged), 100 (when
not charged); powers: Energy Manipu-
ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Ally (Doiby lation 16D (Limitations: Duration
Dickles)-8D, Ally (JSA)-20D, Ally (All- Change [Concentration] -2D, Remov-
Star Squadron)-24D, Charismatic-3D, able -3D, and Side Effect [most uses of
Courage -2D, Leadership Ability -2D, ring are green)-10), Mimicry 80 (Limi-
Special Equipment (power ring & bat- tation: Linked to Energy Manipulation;
tery) -5D, Speed Draw (ring) -10; D~ Enhancement: Mastery [can access any

Maniuu1a11nu the
Power ol the Starheart
The Starheart is a semi-sentient mystic orb that was created by the Guardians of the Universe in an effort to purge the
cosmos of magic. A storehouse of immense magical power, the only three known focuses for the Starheart's powers are
the original Green Lantern's ring and the energies possessed by Jade and Sentinel. Since it is a creation of the Guardians,
it acts in very much the same way as the scientifically based power ring energies used by their agents, the Green Lantern
Corps. However, the Starheart's energies still should be considered magical.
To create energy constructs using the power of the Starheart, the wielder first makes a know-how (ring creations) roll
(or other related know-how roll) to determine whether or not he can create the construct (erect a wall, create a giant
baseball bat, and so on). The Narrator determines the difficulty of the roll; some examples are listed here. (For more
extensive details, see the "Creating Manipulation Constructs" sidebar in the JLA Sourcebook on page 111 or the section
about Manipulation constructs in the Directive on Superpowers on pages 97-99.)
Sample Ring Creation Base Difficulty
Wall 3
(AV equal to three times the die code of the power)
Simple energy construct 3
(baseball bat with BOV three times die code of power)
Construct with powers 3
(a bulldozer or crane)
Complex construct 4
(giant fist that grabs a target)
Once the construct is generated, the Starheart wielder makes a willpower roll each round to sustain it. The difficulty
of the roll is the same as the difficulty to create the construct, modified by how tired, in pain, or distracted the user is.
At first, Alan Scott could only use the Starheart energies to mimic the powers of his fellow mystery men, such as flight
or passing through objects. As his mastery over the ring's energies grew, he could create constructs, which tended to be
r~creations of implements and tools he was familiar with. Jade, on the other hand, could make constructs from the very
beginning. Even so, she generally created objects she was familiar with, or had seen her father or one of his peers create.

CllB/llBr 2- 60/llen Age JSA


Hawkman Hawkgirl 1

HawkmanI Centuries later, wealthy archaeolo- men, Hall then chose to launch his ca-
Ru\t NAME: Carter Hall gist Carter Hall came to own the same reer as Hawkman.
OccuPATI01'i: Archaeologist knife with which Hath-Set had slain A founding member of the JSA,
BASE oF 0rERATI01'iS: Chicago Khufu. While awaking from a vivid Hawkman served as the origina l
HEIGHT: 6'1" WFJGllT: 195 pounds dream, he realized that he was the re- group's chairman for most of its his-
EYES: Blue HA1K: Blond incarnation of the ancient prince. Later tory. He eventually married Shiera,
R.\cE: Human TF.CH LE\ n.: Modern (1) that same day, he bumped into a who had since become Hawkgirl, and
woman named Shiera Saunders, the re- the two had a son, Hector, after they
In ancient Egypt, Prince Khufu was incarnation of Khufu's lost love. Know- retired with the JSA in 1951. When the
the sworn enemy of the god Anubis's ing that Hath-Set must have also been JSA returned to action over a decade
high priest, Hath-Set. Khufu discovered reborn, Hall forged the Nth metal into ago, Hawkman was at their side. Regret-
a crashed space exploratory vehicle a belt and harness that would enable tably, both Hawkman and Hawkgirl
from the planet Thanagar, powered by him to fly. Then, fashioning a pair of perished at the hands of Extant during
a mysterious substance known as "Nth artificial wings and arming himself with the "Zero Hour" crisis.
metal." Jealous of Khufu and intent on archaic weapons from his collection, S1"RArEGY & T ACTICS: An expert combat-
conquest, Hath-Set captured the prince Hall went hunting for Hath-Set, who ant and a natural leader, Hawkman was
and his beloved, Chay-Ara. Hath-Set had been reincarnated as Dr. Anton perhaps the JSA's most versatile fighter.
sacrificed Khufu to his god, but not Hastor. Hall fulfilled his past incar- Though his abilities lent themselves
before t he prince swore that they nation's vow by defeating Hastor. In- more naturally to ranged combat,
would both Jive again one day and he spired by the exploits of other mystery Hawkman usually preferred to take his
would have his vengeance.

Chanter 2- IJolden Jigs JS/I

fights directly to his opponents- In the days of gods and pharaohs Acute Senses
swooping down on them like a bird of in ancient Egypt, a girl named Chay-Ara (sight)-2D, Ally (Hawkman) - lOD, Ally
prey, armed with nothing but an an- planned with her lover, Prince Khufu, (JSA) -180, Ally (All-Star Squadron)
cient mace and his courage. to halt the meglomaniacal schemes of -240, Animal Friendship (birds)-20, At-
Anubis's high priest, Hath-Set. But, be- tractive Appearance -2D, Contact
fore they could stop Hath-Set, the ("Speed" Saunders) -50, Courage -2D,
Reflexes 30: Acrobatics 6D, brawling priest learned of the couple's inten- Observant-20, Status (press pass)-lD,
lOD, dodge 8D, melee weapons IOD, Wealth -2D; Dark Secret (reincarnation
tions and had them captured and sac-
piloting SD (self +4D) of Shiera) +lD, Enemy (Anton Hastur)
rificed to Anubis. Some centuries later,
Coordination 30: Catch 6D, missile a young journalist named Shiera +20, Enemy (Axis agents) +6D, Secret
weapons lOD, thrown weapons 8D Identity +3D.
Saunders awoke from a dream to real-
Physique 40: Flying 6D, lifting 6D ize that she was the reincarnation of SPEED: 30 PDV: 3
Knowledge 30: Arcane lore 8D, lan- her ancient Egyptian namesake. UNARMED BDV: 4D P /L BoNus: +1
guages 4D (ancient tongues +3D), Shortly after meeting Carter Hall, the HERO POINTS: 18 VIU.AJN POINTS: 0
navigation 8D, research 4D, scholar reincarnation of her beloved Khufu, CHARACTER POINTS: 146 BoDY POINTS: 28
6D (archaeology +4D) Shiera was captured by Dr. Anton PoWERS: Longevity ID.
Perception 30: Engineering 4D (aerody- Hastor, who was Hath-Set reborn. Hall EQUIPMENT: Nth metal belt (see sidebar),
namics +ID, Nth metal +2D), Invent saved Shiera from dying a second time, wings (see sidebar), winged helmet (AV
SD (Nth metal +2D), repair SD (Nth and he fulfilled a vow made centuries 20 vs. physical attacks to the head
metal objects +2D), search 6D, sur- ago to defeat Hath-Set. only), and various archaic weapons.
veillance 80, tracking SD As it was in ancient Egypt, the two Her usual weapon of choice is a cross-
Presence 3D: Animal handling (birds) 70, fell in love once more, and as Hall be- bow (BOV 4D; range: 30/7S/130; ammo:
command 8D (JSA +2D), intimidation came Hawkman, Shiera eventually be- l; rate of fire: 1), and she often carries
80, persuasion SD, willpower lOD a gladiator's shield (BDV 3D; AV lS
came Hawkgirl. The couple retired in
[when used to block) vs. physical at-
AoVANfAGES/DJSADVANI'AGES: Acute Sense of 1951 when the JSA disbanded and tacks; Body Points 45).
Direction-2D, Acute Senses (sight)-20, settled down, eventually raising a son,
Ally (JSA)-20D, Ally (All-Star Squadron) Hector. When the JSA returned to ac-
-240, Animal Friendship (birds) -20,
Charismatic -3D, Courage -2D, Follower
tive duty years later, Hawkgirl also re-
turned to semi-active duty. Her final
Hawkman & Hawkgirl's
(Hawkgirl)-1 ID, Leadership Ability-20,
Preparedness -40, Speed Draw (mace)
adventure occurred in the "Zero Hour"
crisis, during which she perished fight-
- ID, Wealth -6D; Dark Secret (reincar-
ing at the side of her eternal beloved.
nation of Prince Khufu) +ID, Enemy Nth Metal belts
(Anton Hastor) +2D, Enemy (Injustice So- STRAn.ra & TAmc:s: Unlike her partner, Body Points 30. Enhancement modifi-
ciety of the World) +50, Enemy (Axis Hawkgirl was less of a personal fighter. ers: Flying +ID, lifting +20. Powers: Grav-
agents) +60, Secret Identity +3D, Sworn Highly adept at the crossbow, Hawkgirl ity Manipulation (flight) 12D (Limitation:
Enemy (Anton Hastor) +2D. usually soared through the skies to Removable -20).
SPEED: 30 POV: 4 provide covering fire for her allies. But,
UNARMED BDV: SD P/L BoNUS: +3 when the need arose, she was just as Wings
HERO POINTS: 26 VILLAIN POINTS: 0 capable of taking the fight to her en- Body Points SO. AV 12 vs. physical at-
CHARACTER POINTS: 209 BODY POINTS: 40 tacks only if used to block. Enhancement
emies as Hawkman.
modifiers: Piloting (self) +SO, flying +SD.
PoWERS: Longevity ID. Hawkgirl Limitation: Removable -20.
EQUIPMENT: Nth metal belt (see sidebar), Reflexes 30: Acrobatics 50, brawling 60, The Nth Metal is an alloy that is capable
wings (see sidebar), winged helmet (AV dodge 60, melee weapons 70, pilot- of defying gravity. When fashioned into a
20 vs. physical attacks to the head only), ing (self) 80 belt or harness and worn, it enables the
and various archaic weapons. His usual user to fly. However, unless this harness
weapon of choice is a mace (BDV SD). Coordination 30: Marksmanship 4D
(crossbow +50), missile weapons 7D, or belt is used with some type of steering
thrown weapons 70 mechanism, controlling one's flight is a dif-
Hau;kgirl I ficult endeavor. After discovering the
Physique 20: Flying 40 metal, Carter Hall fashioned a set of giant
REAL NMtE: Shiera Saunders Knowledge 20: Arcane lore SD, naviga- wings to use both to pilot himself and to
OcCLPAIIU"\: Journalist, archaeologist tion 7D, research 6D, scholar4D (ar- utilize use as a makeshift protective shield
8A.'ff or OrrR .mo~s: Chicago chaeology +2D) (he later created a pair for Shiera). Carter's
Hamn: 5'4" Wumrr: 114 pounds Perception 30: Artist (writing) 60, search son, Hector (see Silver Scarab), eventually
EYEs.: Brown HAJit: Auburn 8D, shadowing SD, streetwise 40 fashioned himself a suit made solely of Nth
RAcE: Human 1'Ec11 Lnu: Modern (1) Metal, which he controlled using solar-
Presence 2D:Animal handling(birds) 60,
powered, gyro-stabilizers built into the
bluff 60, charm 90, persuasion 60,
shoulder pieces.
willpower 6D

Cha111er 2-6oldsn Age JSA

Hourman 1
to become the costumed hero Hourman
Shortly after Hourman helped Reflexes 2D (7D): Acrobatics 3D (8D),
brawling SD (lOD), climbing 3D (8D),
found the JSA, he began to suffer
dodge 6D (110), driving 4D (9D),
from the side effects of Miraclo, in-
sneak 3D (8D)
cluding hyperactivity and depres-
sion. He chose to take a leave of ab- Coordination 20: Catch SD, thrown
sence from the team until he could weapons6D
find a way to combat the sinister side Physique 20 (100): Leap 4D (12D), lift-
effects of his creation-which in- ing 4D (12D), running 4D (12D)
cluded a brief experiment with a Knowledge 40: Medicine SD, research
Miraclo Machine that used a ray to ac- 9D, scholar SD, science 7D (chemis-
tivate the Miraclo residue already in try +SD)
his bloodstream. Perception 20: Engineering (pharma-
Besides being a member of the ceuticals) lOD, invent(pharmaceuti-
JSA, Hourman was likewise one of cals) 8D, shadowing 8D
Uncle Sam's original Freedom Presence 20:Bluff6D, intimidation lOD,
Fighters. He also served in the All- willpower 70
Star Squadron. AovANTAGES/01sADVANTAGES: Ally (Free-
Retiring some years before the dom Fighters) -110, Ally (Minutemen)
JSA disbanded, Tyler married ac- -12D, Ally (JSA) -20D, Ally (All-Star
tress Wendi Harris and had a son, Squadron) -24D, Charismatic -3D,
Rick. He also became president of Courage-2D, Hardiness -1D, Impulsive-
Bannermain, which was eventually re- ness -ID, Status (doctoral degree)-10,
named Tyler Chemical Company. His Wealth -2D; Dark Secret (addicted to
son tried to follow in his father's foot- Miraclo) +2D, Dependent (Wendi Har-
steps as the second Hourman, initially ris) +10, Employed +40, Enemy (Dr.
against Rex's wishes. Togg) +20, Enemy (Injustice Society of
the World) +SD, Enemy (Axis agents)
Due to the physiological problems
+6D, Psychological Disorder (addicted
that arose whenever he used Miraclo
to Miraclo) +20, Secret Identity +30.
in one form or another, Rex donned his
Rex "Tick Tock" Tyler
RF.AL NA'\1F.: SPEED: 30
costume rarely after his retirement. His
foRMF.R AuAS: The Man of the Hour POV: 3 (6)
final adventure was with the .JSA dur-
ing the "Zero Hour" crisis, when he was
BASE OF OPERATIONS: New York City P/LBoNus: +2 (+6)
killed at the hands of Extant. HERO POINTS: 2S
HEIGHT: 5'10"
Wr.rc;m: 181 pounds STRATEGY & TAcm:~: Hourman was one Vlu.AIN POINTS: 0
who enjoyed the rush of selfless hero- CHARACTER POINTS: 198
Evi::s: Blue
ism. Always one to throw himself into BODY P OINTS: 30 (70)
HAIR: Dark Brown
RAcF.: Human the fray to save the day, Hourman's POWERS: Longevity 10.
T ECH LEnl.: Modern (1) natural bravery was often heightened EQUIPMENT: Miraclo pills (see sidebar on
by Miraclo and could lead him into next page).
Rex Tyler was a young chemist
even more dangerous situations. None-
working at the Bannermain Chemical
theless, in spite of all the trauma and
Company when he developed an ex-
damage Miraclo caused, Rex continued
traordinarily powerful steroid that he
to use it solely in the name of justice
dubbed "Miraclo." Realizing the good
and right.
works he could do using the drug, Tyler
sought out those in need and offered
his services as the mysterious Man of
the Hour. Tyler ran into the Sandman
during one of his exploits, and it was
this encounter that helped inspire him

Cha111sr 2-60/dBR Age JSA

PowERs: Superattributes: Reflexes
5D (bonuses: Acute Balance - 2D;
Mr. Terrific
Finding no new worlds to conquer,
brawling (Haymaker +10), Super- by 1941 Sloane became depressed
attributes: Physique 8D (bonuses:
and suicidal. Yet, instead of taking his
Increased P/l bonus vs. inanimates;
lift large, heavy objects without them own life , he prevented Wanda
collapsing), Invulnerability 4D. Wilson's own attempted suicide. Wil-
LIMITATIONS: Duration Change (Acti-
son was distraught at her younger
vated) -2D, Rechargeable (once an brother's involvement with organized
hour) -4D, Conditional (pill must be crime. Sloane, seeing an opportunity
ingested) -ID, Self-Damaging (if an- to find the challenge that had eluded
other Miraclo pill is used without wait- him thus far, disguised himself in a
ing at least 6 hours after the first one colorful costume and eradi-
has worn off, or the user is not of the cated the mob's influence.
Tyler geneline; Body Points lost in this Dubbed "Mister Terrific"
way are from hero's base score, not by the boys who now idolized
from those gained by the Miraclo) him, Sloane continued fighting
-4D, Side Effect (addictive; any user
injustice. He founded the Fair Play
who takes Miraclo over any extended
period must make an Extremely Diffi-
Club as an alternative for youths who
cult willpower roll [or higher, depend- might otherwise turn to crime.
ing on frequency of use] with each Wanda Wilson became his personal
use, or else they gain the Disadvan- assistant in this endeavor and, even-
tage: Psychological Disorder (ad- tually, his girlfriend. During World
dicted to Miraclo) +2D)-3D, Side Ef- War II, he joined the All-Star Squad-
fect (Miraclo leukemia; if the total ron, and later the JSA as a reserve
number of Body Points lost due to member.
Miraclo use in a character's lifetime After 1947, Sloane retired as Mis-
are more than is base Body Points, he ter Terrific and became a Gateway
is -2D to Reflexes, Coordination, and University professor, though he re-
Physique and all Body Points lost due
sumed the role a few times in the
to Miraclo after this point become
permanent; this Side Effect cannot be modern day to assist the reunited
counteracted in any known way)-3D.
RJ::AL NA:\11::: Terry Sloane JSA. On one such occasion, Sloane
OccuPATlON: Businessman, college was killed by an arch-enemy he was
ENHANCEMENTS: Mastery (lose professor tracking, the Spirit King. However,
unenhanced Body Points first, but if BASF. OF OPERATIONS: Gateway City
unenhanced are zero or below at the
Sloane's ghostly spirit proved instru-
H£IGllT: 5'10" mental in defeating the King before
end of the hour, the enhanced Body
WEIGi IT: 175 pounds departing the mortal plane.
Points are added to the unenhanced)
+6D. En:.is: Blue
STRATF.GY & TACT1cs: With his superior
HA1R: Blond
The Miraclo drug is the creation of intellect and physical prowess,
RAcE: Human
Rex Tyler. One of the most potent ste- Sloane could overcome any normal
roids ever manufactured, Miraclo
Ttc11 Ltvi::L: Modern (1)
threat. Given sufficient time, he
grants the user enhanced strength, Terry Sloane accomplished more would find a way to defeat many ex-
stamina, speed, and limited invulner- before turning 21 than most achieve tranormal menaces as well.
ability for one hour. However, this in their entire lifetime. Sloane com-
boost comes at a terrible price. pleted high school at age 11 and
Miraclo is a highly addictive sub- graduated from Harvard by age 12.
stance, and once a user is addicted, it
Next, he turned his attention to ath-
is a tough habit to break. To make mat-
ters worse, if two or more Miraclo pills
letics and became a three-time Olym-
are taken in succession, the user can pic medalist. Still searching for a chal-
suffer severe physiological damage lenge, Sloane entered the business
and will eventually succumb to a dis- world, and even during the Depres-
ease not unlike leukemia- an ailment sion, he accumulated a vast fortune
for which there is no known cure. in the endeavor.

Cha11ter2- Bolden /lge JS/I

M i s t er Terrific
Sandman investigations his dreams led him on
Reflexes 40:Acrobatics 90, athletics 90, were ultimately more rewarding than
boating60 , brawling90, climbing60, helping the team. However, after he
dodge 90, driving 60, escape artist and several other members of the JSA
60, martial arts 60, melee weapons were bathed in the dispersed energies
90, piloting 60, riding 60, sneak 60 of Ian Karkull, Dodds threw himself
Coordinatio n 40: Catch 80, lockpick- into the role of mystery man. He
ing 60, marksmanship 60, mis- created a new costume and
sile weapons 60. sleight of allowed Dian's nephew,
hand 50, thievery 60, Sandy Hawkins, to join
thrown weapons 90 him as his sidekick.
Physique 40: Leap 60, lift- Even with its magi-
ing 60, resistance 50, cally enhanced vitality,
running 60, swimming Dodds's body eventu-
60 ally betrayed him. Af-
Knowledge 50: Arcane lore ter Dodds experi-
60, criminology 70, demo- enced his first major
litions 60, forgery 70, lan- heart attack in 1945,
guages 100 , medicine 80, navi- he retired. Dodds
gation 60, research 80, scholar 90, tried to resurrect his Sandman iden-
science 90, security 70 tity after the JSA made their return,
Perception 50: Artist 60, engineering only to suffer a stroke. He then perma-
90, hide 60, invent 90, repair 90 , nently retired as the Sandman. He
search 90, shadowing 60, streetwise settled down with Dian to live out the
60, surveillance 70, survival 80, remainder of their lives in peace.
Rtn:xm·: Though retired, Dodds wasn't
Presence 30: Animal handling 50, bluff unwilling to come to the aid of his
40, charm 60, command 50, disguise
former JSA comrades- or their de-
40, interrogation 60, intimidation 60, Rw. NAMF: Wesley "Wes" Dodds
persuasion 80, willpower 90
scendants. His last two great adven-
OccuPATION: Entrepreneu r, adventurer
tures were when he helped the current
ADVANTAGF.S/DISAOVANTAGES: Ally (the JSA) BASE oF 0PERxno,-s: New York City Starman-Jack Knight, the son of Ted
-180, Ally (All-Star Squadron)-2 40, At- Ht:1G1rr: 5'11" WEIGHT: 172 pounds (Starman 1)-solve the mystery of the
tractive Appearance -20, Charismatic EYF.'i: Brown Hi\tR: Brown
-30, Courage -20 , Fast Reactions -40, murder of investor John Blaine, and
RAet:: Human Tr.cu Ll::rn..: Modern (1) when he died helping to protect the
Gifted in Le.arning --80, Hardiness -40,
Mechanical Aptitude -20, Obscure Driven by strangely prophetic infant heir to the Fate legacy.
Knowledge-20, Observant -20, Photo- dreams, Wesley Dodds found that the S tRATEGY & TAt11<..'5: More at home when
graphic Memory -40, Status (numer- only way he could abate them for any solving a crime than beating the crimi-
ous doctoral degrees) -100, Wealth amount of time was to venture out and nals responsible, the Sandman spent
--80; Dependent (Wanda Wilson) +10, attempt to right the wrongs he had
Enemy (the Spirit King) +30, Enemy
much of his career finding clues that
seen in his visions. In order to remain would lead his more powerful team-
(Axis agents) +60, Moral Code (fair anonymous, Dodds chose to don an
play) +60, Secret Identity +30. mates to the villains behind the caper.
old gas mask (which also served to However, after the JSA's battle with
SPEED: 30 protect him from the gases emitted by Karkull, he made a point of playing the
POV:5 the gun he had created) and become part of an adventurer to the hilt, fully
UNARMED BOV: 50/10 the mystery man known as the Sand- enjoying what he knew would be a brief
P/L BoNUS! +3 man. Right after he started his noctur-
time in the spotlight.
nal crusade, Dodds met Dian Belmont,
VIUAIN POINTS! 0 daughter of the district attorney. The SandJDa n
CHARACTER POINTS: 154 two soon fell in love. Dian eventually Reflexes 20: Acrobatics 60, boating 40,
Boov POINTS: 44 brawling 70, climbing 60, dodge 60,
learned of Dodd's dual identity and be-
came his aide. driving 60, sneak 80
The Sandman was at first a reluc- Coord ination 30 : Lockpicking 80,
tant member of the JSA, feeling that the


JSASOURCEBOOK ---------------------~

the Bolden Bov

marksmanship SD (wirepoon gun,
gas gun +5D each)
Physique 20: Leap 6D, lifting 4D, run-
ning 4D
After the war ended, Sandy was
Know led ge 30: Criminology 90, medi- the victim of a terrible accident with
cine (first aid) 7D, research 6D, an experimental "silicoid" gun. The
scholar 6D, security 8D first time the gun was activated, it ex-
Per ception 40: Hide lOD, invent 6D, ploded and somehow transformed
repair6D, search 8D, shadowing lOD, Sandy into a rampaging silicon mon-
streetwise 8D, surveillance 9D, track- ster. With Sandy weakened by the
ing 7D
sudden change, the Sandman was
Presen ce 20: Bluff 9D, command 8D, able to imprison his former sidekick
interrogation 8D, intimidation 8D, in a glass chamber that would keep
persuasion lOD, willpower lOD Sandy docile.
ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES! Ally (JSA) Guilt-ridden, the Sandman
-20D, Ally (All-Star Squadron) -24D, did everything in his power to
Courage -2D, Follower (Sandy) -7D, cure Sandy. Dodds eventually
Mechanical Apt itude -20, Obscure succeeded-leaving the boy
Knowledge -2D, Observant -2D, Speed only slightly older than he was
Draw (gas gun, wirepoon gun) -10
each, Wealth -4D; Dependent (Dian
when he'd first been changed.
Belmont, Humphries) +lD each, Enemy STRATEGY & TACT1<.."S: Sandy
(Injustice Society of the World) +SD, constantly sought his idol's
Enemy (Axis agents) +6D, Hides Emo- approval and this often
tions +10, Medical Problem (weak drove him to dangerous
heart; all Physique and related skill rolls daredevil acts . Somewhat
are automatically at +1 tpo the diffi-
selfish of the time he spent
culty, two or more consequetive criti-
cal failures means he suffers a heart at-
with the Sandman, he could
tack) +60, Secret Identity +3D. get touchy when other mystery
men horned in on their cases.
SPEED: 30 POV: 3
UNARMED BDV: 4D P/L BoNUs: +2 Sandy, t he
HERo Ponvrs: 23 VILLAIN POINTS: 0 Golde n Boy
CHARACTER POINTS: 186 BODY POINTS: 29 ReOexes 20: Acrobatics SD, brawling SD,
Powms: Longevity 10, Precognition 8D climbing 4D, dodge 6D, sneak 6D
(Limitation: Side Effect [Nightmares Dis- RE..\1. NA\1E: Sanderson Hawkins
Coordin a tion 20 : Marksmanship 3D
advantage] -4D, Uncontrollable -3D). OccrPATIO:'li: Student, adventurer
(wirepoon gun +ID)
EQUIPMENT: The Sandman originally car-
HEIGHT: 5'9-1/2" WEIGHT: 143 pounds Physique 2D: Leap SD, lifting 3D
ried a gas gun (ammo: 6, rate of fire: 1)
that shot a thick fog of gas able to fill a EYFs: Blue HAIR: Blond Knowledge 20: Criminology 4D
six-foot-square area in one round. The RAcr.: Human TECH LE\u: Modern (1) Percep tion 2D: Hide 6D, search 5D,
gas makes targets drowsy and extremely Sanderson "Sandy" Hawkins was shadowing 6D, surveillance SD
susceptible to suggestion and question-
the orphaned nephew of Dian Presen ce 2D: Bluff4D, charm 40, intimi-
ing (-10 to Reflexes, Coordination and
Perception, +4 successes to any interro-
Belmont and ward of Wesley Dodds. dation 40, willpower 6D
gation or persuasion roll) for u p to 10 An admirer of the Sandman and his ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Ally (All-Star
minutes. He also wore a gas mask (pro- exploits, Sandy trained himself to be Squadron) -24D, Courage - 2D, Obser-
tects against gas gun attack and gives a superb athlete, hoping that one day vant -2D, Patron (Wes Dodds/Sand-
+3 resistance vs. other inhalants). When he'd be able to fight at the Sandman's man)-4D; Age: Young (12-17) +10, Em-
he donned his purple and gold costume, side- completely unaware that ployed (student) +4D, Secret Identity
he gave up the gas gun and mask for his "Uncle" Wesley was the Sandman. +3D.
"wirepoon" gun. The gun could fire up Moved by the boy's courage and dedi- SPEED! 30 PDV:3
to 125 feet of nylon cord (able to sup- cation, Dodds revealed his dual iden- UNARMED BDV: 3D p /L BONUS: +I
port up to 200 pounds of weight; more tity to Sandy and allowed the youth HERO POINTS: 10 VILLAIN POINTS: 0
than that for short periods of time) with to join him in his crusade. Along with CHARACTER PorNTS: 77 BODY POINTS! 23
a sharpened spear-point grapnel at the
the Sandman, Sandy was a member EQUIPMENT: Wirepoon gun (see listing
end (a successful marksmanship roll is
of the wartime AU-Star Squadron. under Sandman I).
needed to attach the grapnel securely).

ChBlllBr2-llo/den Age JSA

The SllBClrB Patrolman Percival Poplaski wit-
nessed Corrigan's supernatural ven-
geance against Benson and urged him Reflexes 3D [6D]: Boating 40 [70) ,
to become a crime-fighting mystery brawling SO [80), dodse 60 [90),
man. Called the Spectre, Corrigan did driving4D [7D], [piloting(self) 100],
sneak SO [80]
just that, and he was a founding mem-
ber of both the JSA and All-Star Squad- Coordination 3D [6D]: Lockpicking SO
ron. However, Corrigan drifted away (80), marksmanship 6D [9D], thiev-
from the JSA after World War II when ery 40 [7D], thrown weapons 40
the JSA prevented his harsh punish-
ment of all Ger mans for the Nazi Physique 3D [250]: [Flying 30D], lifting
death camps. 4D [26D], running SD [27D), swim-
Corrigan then spent 20 year s ming 4D (260]
oblivious t o his life as the Spectre Knowledge 20 [9D): [Arcane lore 200),
due to a spell cast by his arch-en- criminology 70 (14D), forgery 30
emy Azmodus, until a seance re- [ lOD), [languages lOD], research 30
st ored his memories. However, [lOD), [scholar 120), security 40
Corrigan learned his powers were
greatly reduced, and he could only Pe r ception 40: Hide SD, [know-how
focus on his mission so long as he (powers) 150), search 50, shadow-
had a human companion to keep ing 60, streetwise 70, surveillance 6D
him anchored to the mortal plane as Presence 3D (120): Bluff SD [140),
Percival Popp had in the 1940s. [command 15DJ, interrogation 6D
For a time, this role was filled by [ 150), intimidation 6D [ 15D], persua-
his girlfriend Kim Liang, until sion 4D [13D], willpower6D [15D]
Cor rigan discovered she was Ma- ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: (Ally (JSA)
dame Xanadu in disguise, attempt- -200) , [Ally (All-Star Squadron)-240),
~~~~~ ing to usurp the Spectre's power. Charismatic -3D (as Jim Corrigan),
Freed of Xanadu's influence [Contact (the Mystical Community)

<11:!!~~1L>JJ11U•U&L11~!!.->-':fh'.::~ii!.!...~V~~~~!M', the Spectre regained near-om~

-40], Courage-2D [-40 as the Spectre;
includes Superattributes bonus) , (Fast
nipotence and with help from a
Reactions -4D), Hard iness -40, Intimi-
succession of new anchors, Corrigan dating Grin - 20 [-4D as the Spectre; in-
at last began t o fulfill both aspects of cludes Su perattributes bonus], [Ob-
REAL NAME: James Brendan Corrigan
his mission, understanding as well as scure Knowledge -4D (Superattributes
OccuP,mo:-.: Police detective punishing evil. bonus)], Observant-2D, Patron ("The
B .\Si:: Of 0PER.\Tlo!\s: New York City
RECE.\TLY: Having finally accomplished Voice")-40, [Renown -SD], Status (po-
Hamir: 6'1" lice powers) -30 (as Jim Corrigan),
WEIGHT: 184 pounds his mission, Corrigan was allowed to
Youthful Appearance - 2D (as Jim
EYF.s: Blue enter Heaven. A new individual, Hal
Corrigan); [Arrogance +3D] , Dark Se-
H.\tR: Red Jordan, has become the host for the cret (double life as the Spectre) +2D,
RAcE: Human/ spirit composite Spectre. Enemy (Azmodus, Kulak) +3D each, [Fa-
TECH LfvFL: Modern (1) STRATEGY & TACT1rs: Before inflicting natic ("spirit of vengeance") +3D) ,
Hides Emotions +ID, [Obsessive Ten-
Detective Jim Corrigan led a mer- final, poetic justice on unrepentant dencies +20), Secret Identity +3D.
ciless crusade against organized wrongdoers, Corrigan attempted to
crime until mobster Gat Benson ar- comprehend their motives by enter- SPEED:30
PDV: 3 [5)
ranged his death in 1939. Deserving ing their psyches. He would select a UNARMED BDV: 3D [4DJ
of neither Heaven nor Hell, "the Voice" means of death for them most appro- P/L BoNus: +2 [ +13)
bonded Corrigan's soul to the spir i- priate for their evil motives and deep- HERO POINTS: 29
tual embodiment of God's wrath. "The est fears and then alter reality around V1LI.AJN Po1NTS: 4
Voice" then gave them a mission to each criminal to fulfill the chosen C HARACTER POINTS: 260
comprehend and confront evil on mode of execution. Boov POINTS: 35 [ 149)

ChB/JIBr 2-llolden Age JSA

JSASOURCEBOOK - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - - -- -l m '

Starman 1
role in developing the atom
NATURAL ABn.mES: Immortality (the Spec-
tre is the living embodiment of the bomb. Coupled with the
Wrath of God in a spirit form that murder of longtime girl-
has been bonded with the body of friend Doris Lee, Knight
a reincarnated person. The Spec- had a nervous break-
tre may not be killed, although it down that curtailed his
may be harmed). appearances as Starman
POWERS: While inhabiting the for several years.
body of Jim Corrigan, the Spec- Ted returned full time
tre had the following powers: as Starman in 1951, with
Superattributes: Reflexes 30, his spirit renewed by
Superattributes: Coordination new love, Adele Doris
30 (bonus: improved catching),
Drew, whom Knight later married and
Superattributes: Physique 220 (bo-
nuses: increased Pl/ vs. inanimate ob- had children with. A later crime-fight-
jects, lift objects without them collaps- ing partnership with Black Canary led
ing, increase throwing range), Super- to a brief affair, but the Knights' mar-
attributes: Knowledge 70, Superattrib- riage endured.
utes: Presence 90, Reality Manipulation Knight later joined the reformed
450 (700 from about 1970 to recently). JSA, and he was imprisoned along with
All powers have the Limitations: Inef- the rest of the team in another dimen-
fectiveness (cannot act against others sion, staving off Ragnarok (the judg-
empowered by The Presence) - ID, ment day of Norse mythology) .
Magical Transformation (deep thought, Starman was also present with the JSA
less than a round; becomes the Spec-
during the "Zero Hour" crisis, in which
tre, gaining all powers and natural abili-
ties, plus the skills, Advantages, and Knight rapidly aged and several of his
Disadvantages in brackets)-20, Vulner- teammates were slain. As a result,
ability (the Spear: of Destiny) -60; En- Knight retired and passed the Starman
hancements: Magically Empowered mantle on to his sons.
REAL NM1E: Theodore "Ted" Henry
+80, Mastery +60. RECt::NTLY: During the attempt by the
NoTE: All characteristics in brackets are Astronomer
OccuPATJO'.'j: dwarf Culp and Ted's old nemesis the
those of Jim Corrigan as the Spectre. BASE OF OPERATIONS: Opal City Mist to decimate Opal City, Ted and
HEIGHT: 6' W EIGHT: 177 pounds the radioactive villain Dr. Phosphorus
Evr::s: Blue HAIR: Brown came head-to-head in a climactic
~CF:: Human TECH LEVEL: Modern (1) battle that left Ted inflicted with ter-
minal cancer. In h is final act as
Millionaire playboy Ted Knight pur-
Starman, Ted lifted the Mist, along
sued his interest in astronomy as an with his arch-foe's doomsday bomb,
escape from the boredom of his sed- into the stratosphere. Ted and the
entary life. By 1939, Knight had devel- Mist both perished in the ensuing
oped an alloy capable of collecting and detonation.
amplifying stellar energy, from which
he constructed the Gravity Rod. STRATEGY & TACTrcs: St arman was
At cousin Sandra Knight's urging, among the first of the true science he-
Ted became a costumed crime fighter roes, often using brains over brawn
in late 1939, though Starman acted only to defeat his foes . His Gravity Rod,
within Opal City until 1941. It was then and later the Cosmic Rod , was his
the JSA invited him to join. After ac- equalizer against those enemies that
cepting, Knight participated in a case surpassed him in brute strength or
where he absorbed mystical energies raw power. While the Gravity Rod was
that kept him young for decades. able to lift objects at a distance,
Knight left the JSA in 1945 due to project force beams, and allowed
a series of a personal crises. Most no- Starman to fly, the Cosmic Rod func-
tably, Ted felt immense guilt about his tioned much like a rudimentary Green

Chaster 2-So/den Age JS/I

Jahnnv Thunder Thunder grew up to be a good-
Lantern power ring. It could create
basic energy constructs, as well as natured but bumbling soul. He re-
duplicate those effects displayed by mained unaware of his true poten-
the Gravity Rod. tial until he accident ally sum-
moned the Thunderbolt in 1940.
Starman During Thunder's subsequen t
Reflexes 3D: Brawling 6D, dodge 6D, misadventu res, he worked at a va-
piloting (self) 7D riety of jobs, wooed girlfr iend
Coordinatio n 3D: Marksmansh ip Daisy Darling, and adopted the
(Gravity/Cosmic Rod) 7D rambunctio us Peachy Pet.
Physiqu e 2D: Flying 4D After serving as t he JSA's
mascot, Thunder won full mem-
Knowledge 4D: Research 7D, scholar
bership in 1941. During one JSA
5D, science 7D (astronomy, phys-
case, Thunder absorbed mysti-
ics +2D each)
cal energy that kept him young
Perception 4D: Engineering 5D (stellar- for decades afterwards. However,
energy devices +2D), inven t 8D,
as the years passed, he felt over-
know-how (Gravity/Cosmic Rod) 9D,
repair SD (Gravity/Cosmic Rod +2D),
shadowed by the Thunderbolt. In
streetwise (Opal City) 5D
1947, he ceased calling upon its aid.
This led to greater feelings of insig-
Presence 2D: Bluff 4D, charm 3D, com· nificance, exacerbated by his unre-
mand 4D, intimidation 4D, persua-
sion 6D, willpower 6D
quited affections for Dinah Drake.
Thunder left the JSA the same year.
When the JSA reformed, Thunder
-20D, Ally (All-Star Squadron) -24D,
readily rejoined and once again called
Contacts (Billy O'Dare , FBI Agent
Woodley Allen)-3D each, Courage-2D,
upon the Thunderbol t. Along with his
Mechanical Aptitude - 2D, Wealth -8D; JSA teammates, he was imprisoned
Dark Secret (affair with Dinah Lance) fighting Ragnarok (the judgment day
+10 (after World War IO. Dependent of Norse mythology) for a time. Upon
(girlfriend, later family) +10, Enemy his return, he learned of Dinah
(the Mist I, Dr. Droog) +2D each, Enemy Lance's death and the Badhnisian
(Injustice Society of the World) +5D, diaspora. However, his sadness eased
Enemy (Axis agents) +6D, Secret Iden- RFAL NAME: John L. Thunder after he adopted the last Badhnisian,
tity +3D. OccLP..rnoN: Adventurer Kiku, and learned Peachy made them
SPEED:30 New York City
B.\SE 0 1' 0PER..\TI0:-<5:
both a fortune investing in a frozen
PDV: 3 HEIGHT: S' 11" yogurt chain during his absence.
UNARMED BDV: 4D WErGm: 176 pounds Thunder eagerly accompanie d the
P/L B ONUS: + 1 En:.s: Blue JSA during the "Zero Hour" crisis.
HERO P OINTS: 22 HAtR: Blond However, in the midst of a battle with
VILLAIN P OINTS: 0 RACE: Human the genocidal Extant, Thunder was
C HARACTER POINTS: 1 72 Tt:CH Lf.vF.r.: Modern (1)
aged to near-death and forced into
The timing of Johnny Thunder's retirement as a result. He has since
PoWERS: Longevity 10. birth gave him the potential to com- developed Alzheimer's disease and
EQUIPMENT! Gravity Rod(1939-1951): AV mand near-limitle ss power, and the no longer controls the Thunderbol t.
10; Body Points 40; powers: Gravity high priests of Badhnisia, a far east- S·1RATEGY & TAcncs: Thunder relied on
Manipulatio n 15D (Limitations : Re- ern country, kidnapped him in neither strategy nor tactics, instead
chargeable [stellar energy) -2D, Re- hopes of someday harnessing those
movable-30 ). Cosmic Rod (used after
getting by on dumb luck and the
abilities. However, an attack by an- Thunderbo lt 's near-omnip otence.
1951): AV 10; Body Points 60; powers: other countr y led t o Thunder's es-
Energy Manipulation 120, Gravity Ma· The Thunderbo lt is basically a genie
nipulation 150; all powers have the
cape. After the crew of an Ameri- in a bottle and will do anything its
Limitations: Rechargeable (stellar en- can freighter found him, he was re- ordained master commands it to do.
ergy) -20, Removable -3D. turned to his parents.

Chapter 2-6oldBR AgB JSA

JSASOURCEBOOK ----------------------~

Johnny Thunder
Reflexes 2D: Brawling 40, dodge 40,
sneak 30
Coordination 2D
Wildcat' The death of Grant's father left
Physique 2D: lifting 30, running 3D, him penniless and unable to com-
swimming3D plete a college education. He took a
Knowledge 2D: Arcane lore 3D, naviga- loading job in the warehouse district
tion 40 of New York City. Ted's life changed
Perception 2D: Hide 40, know-how (odd one fateful night when he happened
jobs) SD, streetwise 3D upon a couple of thugs. They were
Presence 2D:Animal handling4D, bluff assaulting some fellow who turned
40, charm 40, command 3D (Thun- out to be the world heavyweight
derbolt +30), willpower 60 champion, "Iron" Mike Muldoon
("Socker" Smith).
-18D, Ally (All-Star Squadron) -240, After Grant helped Smith run off
Charismatic -30. Contact (Badhnisians, the thugs, he recognized Grant's box-
prior to their diaspora) - 30, Follower ing talent and took Ted under his
(fhunderbolt)-120 (see sidebar), Ob- wing as his sparring partner and
servant -2D; Dependent (Peachy Pet) protege. Soon, Ted began having his
+2D, Dependent (Daisy Darling [until own pro bouts. A natural, he put to-
194S]) +10, Enemy (Injustice Society of gether a string of knockouts and soon
the World) +SD, Enemy (Axis agents) became the undefeated heavyweight-
+60, Impulsiveness +10, Uncoordinated boxing champion. In 1942, the public
screamed for a match-up between
SPEED: 30 PDV: 2 Ted "The Wildcat" Grant and
UNARMED BDV: 3D P/L BONUS: +1 "Socker" Smith. The fight was set to
HERO POINTS: lS VILLAIN POINTS: 0 be a great match, but crime boss Vic-
CHARACTER POINTS: 122 Bonv Po1NTS: 28 tor Moretti tried to bribe the fighters
NATIJRAL AB1U11ES: Johnny Thunder is the into throwing the match. Honest and
only person who can summon and com- unwilling to take a dive, both men
mand the mystical Badhnisian thunder- refused.
bolt by saying the magic word "Cei-U" The crime boss wouldn't be de-
(pronounced "Say you"). See the
nied. He bought off Grant's managers,
sidebar on the Thunderbolt.
Flint and Skinner, who arranged for
POWERS: Longevity 10. Ted's second, Fain, to secretly place
an easy-to-find poison on Ted's gloves
Rl::AL NAME: Ted Grant to make him appear he had murdered
Yz the Thunderbolt OcctPATIO!li:
Prizefighter, later gym his opponent. The police arrested the
unwitting Grant, but Moretti wasn't
Reflexes 60, brawling 7D, dodge 100, pi- BASE OF 0PERATIO~s: New York City
loting (self) 15D, Coordination 6D, catch 80,
satisfied. As Grant was being taken to
HEIGHT: 6'5"
marksmanship(powers) IOD,Physique 130,
the local station, an accident was ar-
WEIGHT: 250 pounds ranged that veered the squad car off
flying 200, lifting 15D, Knowledge 4D, arcane
Ew.s: Blue an embankment, killing both cops and
lore 120, Perception 4D, know-how (Wiz-
HMR: Black presumably Ted.
ardry) 20D, Presence SD, Willpower 100.
Advantages/Disadvantages: Courage-20,
RAcE: Human Secretly, Ted survived and be-
Fast Reactions -4D, Intimidating Grin -20; TEcn LF.\'EI.: Modern (1) came a fugitive. Wandering the
Employed (to his master) +40. Speed: 30. The son of Henry Grant wasn't go- streets, he stumbled upon a kid who
PDV: S. Unarmed BDV: 40. P/l bonus: +8. ing to grow up weak, taken advantage had been reading about the mystery
Hero Points: 18. Villain Points: 0. Charac- of, and scared like his father. With that man Green Lantern. Inspired by the
ter Points: 148. Body Points: 97. Natural
in mind, Henry raised his son to stand story and in an effort to clear his
abilities: Flight 300, Density Manipulation
120. Powers: Wizardry 240 (Limitations:
up for himself and become everything name, Grant created a black cat cos-
Conditional [Thunder must summon Yz he had failed to be. Ted Grant was tume for himself and Wildcat was
with the magic words "Cei-U" once every trained in the art of boxing as a child born.
hour or Yz returns to the Fifth Dimension) so that he would be able to take care Grant had no problem in his new
-3D; Enhancement: Mastery +60.) of himself. He more than met his guise getting the real killers to con-
father's expectations. fess to their crimes and Ted's inno-

ChB/llBr 2-60/llen Age JSA

cence. His strong sense of morality
and love of action led him to pledge
his life to a duty of justice by keep-
ing his role as Wildcat.
He continued to fight in the ring
Reflexes 4D: Acrobatics 60, athletics 60,
120 (backhand,
blindfighting, elbow, haymaker,
headbutt, instant stun, knockout, up-
as Ted Grant and in the back alley percut +20 each), climbing 60, dodge
streets as Wildcat. He took on a part- 80, driving SD (motorcycle +10),
ner of sorts with a private investiga- sneak 60
tor named Hiram "Stretch" Skinner Coordination 4D: Catch 60, thrown
(not be confused with his forme r weapons SD
manager, also named Skinner) in his
solo cases. Nonetheless, he became Physique SD: Leap 60, lifting 60, resis-
tance 6D, running 70, swimming 60
a team player when he was asked to
join the Justice Society of America Knowledge 20: Criminology 3D, medi-
during the Second World War. cine (sports medi-
cine) SD, scholar3D
Wildcat entered a period of retire-
(boxing +6D)
ment a short time before the House
Un-American Activities Committee Perception 30: Hide 6D, search
forced many costumed heroes to do SD, shadowing 6D, streetwise SD
(New York City +2D), surveillance SD,
so. Ted continued boxing as the un-
survival 40, tracking 40
disputed Heavyweight Champion of
the World for many more years until Presence 30: Bluff SD, charm 4D, inter-
opening his own gym and doing so- rogation 60, intimidation 8D, will-
power 80
cial work with kids. Grant also trained
some of the world's greatest fighters, AovANTAGES/DtSADVANTACES: Acute Bal-
including Batman, Black Canary, and ance -20, Ally (the JSA)-18D, Ally (All-
even Catwoman. On rare occasions Star Squadron) -24D, Contact (boxing
he donned the costume and got back community) -SD, Courage - 20, Fast
Reactions -40, Hardiness -40, Intimi-
out into action as Wildcat to fight dating Grin -20, Speed Draw (fist)-10,
criminals such as the Tigress, Sports- Wealth -20; Dependent (Hiram
master, the Icicle, and others. "Stretch" Skinner) +10, Enemy (Golden
STRATF:GY & TAc:ncs: Wildcat utilized Wasp) +20, Enemy (Injustice Society of
his street smarts matched with his in- the World) +SD, Enemy (Axis agents)
nate boxing ability to size up his op- +60, Secret Identity +3D.
ponents. He looked for their weak- SPEED: 30 R EAL NAME: Queen Hippolyta
nesses to exploit while ducking the PDV: 4 OctLPATtoN: Adventurer, queen of the
punches that they threw. He was a U NARMED BDV: 60 Amazon nation
P/ L BoNus: +3 B.\sE or OPERA! m:-..~: Gateway City in the
forthright man who preferred a direct
approach. Both his opponents and HF.Ro PorNTS: 19 past, Themyscira in the present
VIU.AIN POINTS: 0 ffuGHI: 5'10"
allies respected him for his gutsy bra- CHARACTER POINTS: 148 WUGHI! 143 pounds
vado and fists of fury. Boov PotNTS: 4S fai.;s: Blue
EQUIPMENT: Motorcycle (size: 6 feet long; HA1a: Black
crew: I; passengers: I; cargo capacity: R.\t c Amazon
I cubic foot; maneuverability: 30; TECH l..F.\ fJ; Modern (1)
speed: 60 mph; POV: 6; BDV 3Dx2; Body
Points SO).
In the year 1200 s.c., the Greek god-
desses of Olympus, inspired by
Artemis, created a race of females
who would be their ambassadors in
the world of men. Reborn from the
souls of those women whose lives had
ended by the ignorance of men, the

ChB/llBr 2 - 60/t/Bn Age JSA

Amazons were everything their pa-
trons had hoped-their queen, Wonder Woman EQUIPMENT: Sword [BDV 90 (edge)/2D
flat], shield [BDV 50; AV 22 (when used
Hippolyta, chief among them. Reflexes 5D: Athletics 70, brawling 100,
to block) against physical, energy, and
Some years later, Hippolyta's dodge lOD, melee weapons lOD, pi-
loting (morphing ship) 8D, riding 8D
magical attacks; Body Points 90], Lasso
daughter, Diana, was created as one of Truth [BDV 5Dx5; AV 7S; Body Points
of the Amazons. Diana event ually be- Coordination 5D: Catch 7D, missile 245; lasso can magically grow to any
came the heroine Wonder Woman, weapons 100, thrown weapons lOD size to fit around target; power: Mind
against the desires of her mother, who Physique SD: Leap 9D, lifting 8D, resis- Control (truth telling) lSD (Enhance-
only wished her to be safe from harm. tance 8D, running 6D, swimming 6D ment: Magically Empowered +80, Mas-
Plagued by dark dreams of Wonder tery +60)), morphing ship (see
Knowledge 4D: Arcane lore 8D, lan-
Woman's death, Hippolyta called for sidebar) . Upon returning to the
guages 50 (English +3D, native lan-
a second contest to determine who present, Hippolyta relinquished both
guage: ancient Greek), medicine
would be the Amazon's ambassador the Lasso of Truth and the morphing
(first aid) 70, navigation SD, scholar
in the Patriarch's world. She cast a ship to her daughter, Diana.
70 (Amazon lore, classical military
spell that would make Diana lose. The strategy and tactics +3D each)
consequences of Hippolyta's spell Perception 4D: Artist SD, search SD,
proved to be far-reaching and led to
the death of Diana's replacement,
surveillance SD, survival 6D, track-
ing 6D
Wonder Woman's
Artemis, as well as Diana herself. As Presence 5D: Command 120, interroga- Morphing Ship
penance, Hippolyta was charged by tion 60, intimidation 100,persuasion
the gods of Olympus to continue her Crew: 1. Passengers: variable.
9D, willpower 100
daughter's crusade as Wonder Cargo: variable. Maneuverability:
ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Ally (JSA) 50. Speed: variable (depending on
Woman. -200, Ally (All-Star Squadron) -24D mode). PDV 12. BDV 10Dx7. AV 70.
Shortly after assuming her (past only), Attractive Appearance-2D, Body Points 700. Powers: Projectiles
daughter's mantle, Hippolyta fol- Charismatic -3D, Courage -2D, Fol- 12D (Limitation: Self-damaging -40),
lowed the demonic Dark Angel into lower (Amazon nation) -210 (present Shapechanging (vehicle modes) 60,
the past and fought the demoness at day only), Hardiness -4D, Leadership Environment 30, Light Manipulation
the side of the JSA. She was asked to Ability - 2D, Status (queen) -2SD, (invisibility) 110, Size Manipulation
join the team after Dark Angel was Wealth -80 (present day only); Dark (self-only) 40. All powers have the En-
defeated, and she agreed. Hippolyta Secret (responsible for her daughter's hancement: Remote +4D.
remained in the past for almost eight death) +20, Enemy (Dark Angel) +3D
A gift to Hippolyta's daughter,
(past only), Enemy (Injustice Society of
years, returning to the present-and Diana, from the hidden subterranean
the World, dark gods of Olympus) +SD
her throne-after her last encounter race known as the Lansinarians, the
each, Enemy (Axis agents) +6D (past
with Dark Angel in 1950. morphing ship is quite a wonder it-
only), Hides Emotions +ID, Sworn En-
self. The ship can automatically sense
STRATEGY & TACTICS: Not as pacifistic emy (Dark Angel) +3D (past only).
the needs of both its pilot and the en-
as her daughter, Hippolyta was a SPEED: 30 vironment, and it will shape itself into
woman highly t rained in the arts of PDV:S the appropriate vehicle--from air-
war. She willingly used the consider- UNARMED BDV: SD plane to submarine to spacecraft. It
able skills at her command to com- P /L BONUS: +4 can operate in practically any envi-
plete her goals. She was unaccus- HERO Po1NTS: lS ronment and can even wrap its pas-
tomed to taking orders from others, VILLAIN POINTS: 1 sengers in individual cocoons for op-
so she often questioned, or outright CHARACTER POINTS: 122 erations outside of the craft. The ar-
Boov POINTS: 43 tifact can also fire projectile weapons,
ignored, any she was given.
Immortality (all Ama-
NATURAL ABILITIES: created from its own substance. How-
zons of Themyscira do not age, but they ever, this function has to be used with
may be killed). extreme care, as doing so depletes
the craft's material.

Cha111er2- Bolden /lge JS/I

- - - -- - - - - -- - - JSllSOURCEBOOK


llirWaue 1
Originally, Jordan wanted to
Air Wave
help apprehend criminals that es-
caped formal justice, but he was Reflexes 2D: Acrobatics 4D, athletics 4D
soon forced to use his Air Wave (roller skating +3D), brawling 5D,
identity to clear himself of the mur- climbing 3D, dodge 50, sneak 30
der of Brooklyn's district attorney. Coordination 2D: Catch 4D, thrown
After exonerating himself, Jor- weapons3D
dan was appointed to the now-va- Physique 2D: Leap 4D, lifting 40, run-
cant DA position, a job he held for ning 4D
the remainder of his life. His career Knowledge 3D: Criminology 4D, re-
as Air Wave continued successfully search SD, scholar SD (criminal law
as well. He employed an ever-ex- +20), science SD
pandi ng arsenal of gadgets and Perception 3D: Engineering 7D, invent
joined the All-Star Squadron within 7D, repair 70, search SD, slzadowing
months of its founding. SD, streetwise 4D (New York City
Jordan's activities after 1948 re- +20), surveillance 6D (radio +2D),
main largely unrecorded, though he tracking SD
is known to have married and had a Presence 2D: Bluff4D, charm SD, inter-
son. Unfortunately, Jordan was slain rogation 7D, persuasion 6D, will-
~;;::,. protecting his family from an es- power SD
' caped convict he once helped send ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Acute Bal-
to prison. ance -2D, Ally (All-Star Squadron)-240,
STRATF.GY& TACTICS: Typically, Jordan Contact (New York City Police) -30,
would eavesdrop on suspected Courage-2D, Mechanical Aptitude-2D,
crooks with his special radio. If he Observant -2D, Status (district attor-
overheard something incriminating, ney) -SD; Dependent (family) +10, En-
emy (Axis agents) +6D, Secret Identity
he would rollerskate to their location +30.
to apprehend them. After magneti-
cally disarming them, miscreants
REAL NAME: Lawrence Jordan would become easy marks for his
Ocet:PATIOr-. : Legal intern, later fists. P/L BoNUS: +2
district attorney HERO POINTS: I 0
WEIGlfl : 175 pounds Boov POINTS: 29
EvE.S: Brown EQUIPMENT: Radio belt and helmet (AV
HAIR: Brown 10; Body Points 45; can receive and
RAcr.: Human transmit radio and telephone signals;
Ttrn LF.\ EI.: Modern (1) powers: Magnetic Manipulation (move
objects) 6D (Limitation: Removable
Frustrated law clerk Larry Jor- -lD]. boots [contain hidden roller
dan first became Air Wave in 1942, skates and magnetic soles (adds +4D
using specialized radio equipment to his climbing rolls); powers: Electric-
that he had developed in high ity Manipulation (riding telephone or
school. The equipment could tap electrical lines) 9D (Limitation: Remov-
into phone lines, radio signals, and able -ID)].
similar forms of communication,
allowing Airwave to overhear crimi-
nal plans.

Cha111sr 3 - Al/-Star S11uadron

~--·.r..... ------------------------ JSASOUBCEBOOK

Amazing Man Endowed with the metahuman

Amazing Man
ability to transform himself into any
material he touched, Everett was Reflexes 3D: Acrobatics 40, athletics 70,
dubbed Amazing Man. He be- brawling 60, climbing 40, dodge 40
came the Humanite's unwill- Coordination 3D: Catch 40, thrown
ing lackey in exchange for weapons6D
the promised safety of Physique 4D: Leap 60, lifting 50, run-
Everett's hometown of De- ning 60, swimming SD
troit. This brought Amazing Knowledge 2D: Scholar (athletics) 40,
Man into conflict with the All- science (Chemical Mimesis) 100
Star Squadron.
Perception 3D
Once Everett realized
he had been misled by the Presence 3D: Willpower 60
Humanite , he joined ADVANTAGES/D ISADVANTAGES: Acute Bal-
them in defeating the ance-20, Ally (All~tar Squadron)-240,
Humanite's latest world- Contact (Olympic athletic community)
thre a t e n ing scheme. -40, Courage -20, Fast Reaction -40;
Amazing Man then served Enemy (Axis agents) +60, Enemy (Ul-
honorably as one of the tra-Humanite) +30, Extremely Competi-
tive +20.
Squadron's core members. It
was in the course of one of SPEE0: 30
their adventures that he gained PDV: 2
magnetic abilities in place of
P/L BoNUS: +2
his old powers. HERO POINTS: 10
After World War II , VILLAIN POINTS: 0
Everett put aside his Amaz- CHARACTER P OINTS: 75
ing Man role to start a fam- BoDY P OINTS: 40

Rt::.u N~\IE: Will Everett ily. The date and circumstances of his P OWERS: Prior to May 1942: Chemical
death are unknown. Mimesis 70 (Limitation: Side Effect
Oen PATIO~: Assembly line worker
8 .\SE OF OrERAno~: New York City STRATEGY & TA.cues: Everett was adept (transforms into a form resembling sub-
H t:IGllT: 6' l" at quickly transforming from sub- stance touched) -20). After May 1942:
W EIGHT: 185 pounds stance to substance as each became Magnetic Manipulation (move objects)
more or less advantageous. He was 70.
Ems: Brown
H\1R: Black just becoming acquainted with his
lhtr: Human magnetic abilities at the close of his
TEtH LE\ a : Modern (1) recorded exploits.
Will Everett first came to public
prominence during the 1936 Berlin
Olympics, where he was a multi-
medal winner in track and field
events. However, harsh economic
times greeted him upon his return
home, and he was forced to take what-
ever work he could find. One such
odd job, a janitor in the laboratory of
Dr. Terry Curtis, caused him to cross
paths with the super villain known as
the Ultra-Humanite. He selected
Everett to be a human guinea pig in
his latest experiment.

Cllaptsr 3 - All-Star Squadron

Commander Steel ful operations. The process consisted Co1I11I1ander Steel
of rebuilding him from the skeleton
up, finishing with a new form of flesh Reflexes 30 : Acrobatics 6D, athletics 6D,
fashioned out of the bioretardant. brawling9D (clothesline, haymaker,
Heywood soon realized that he slam, uppercut +20 each), climbing
SD, dodge 9D, melee weapons 6D,
was now much stronger and faster
sneak SD
than he once was, as well as practi-
cally indestructible. Donning a cos- Coordination 20: Catch 6D, marksman-
tume made of mesh armor, ship 60, thrown weapons 7D
Heywood became Steel, the Inde- Physique 30 (60): Leap SD (8D), lifting
structible Man-the Allies' newest 6D (9D), running SD (8D)
weapon against the Axis threat Knowledge 20: Demolitions 4D, lan-
both home and abroad. guages 4D, science SD (biology +3D)
As one of the few mystery men Per ception 20: Hide SD. know-how
resistant to the magical Axis bar- (military procedures, military intel-
rier, Steel was dropped behind en- ligence) 70 each, search SD, survival
emy lines in 1940 as part of a plan to 6D
abduct Adolf Hitler. However, Steel Presence 20 : Command lOD, interroga-
was captured and brainwashed to tion 7D, intimidation 8D, willpower
assassinate Winston Churchill. He 8D
was later freed from Nazi control ADVANTAGFS/DISADVANTAGFS: Ally (All-Star
by the All-Star Squadron. He re- Squadron)-24D, Charismatic -3D, Con-
turned to duty and was rechris- tact (Dr. Gilbert Giles) -30, Courage
tened as Commander Steel. -20, Hardiness -4D, Leadership Ability
REC£:"1Tl.Y : Most of Com-
-4D, Preparedness -4D; Enemy (Axis
mander Steel's post-war agents) +6D, Extremely Competitive
+20, Obsessive Tendencies (patrio-
activit ies remain classi- tism) +2D, Secret Identity +3D.
fied. He did eventually marry and be-
came a successful industrialist. How- 30
R EAL NAME: Henry "Hank" Heywood I PDV:5
ever, the war had not been kind to his
OccuPATION: Former U.S. Marine, UNARMED BDV: SD
mental state. He forced his grandson,
adventurer P/L BoNus: +3 ( +4)
Hank Heywood III, to undergo the HERO POINTS: 16
BASE or 0PERATio~s: Mobile
same process he had. Unfortunately, VrLLAIN P OINTS: 0
WEI GHT: 378 pounds
the elder Heywood outlived his grand- CHARACTER P OINTS: 126
EYES: Blue son, who was slain by a vengeful Pro- BODY P OINTS: 54

HAm: Black
fessor Ivo. A complete recluse, Com- PowERS: Superattributes: Physique 3D
mander Steel is presumably still alive. (bonus: increased P/l bonus vs. in-
RAcE: Human
T ECH LE\"EL: Modern (1) SmATF.GY & TAmes: Fiercely dedicated animate objects), Nat ural Armor
and loyal, Commander Steel was the (bioretardant flesh and steel frame)
Hank Heywood was a talented col- 8D.
ideal patriot. However, these traits
lege student and the intern of noted EQUIPMENT: Armor mesh costume (AV 18;
also made him stubborn and single-
scientist Dr. Gilbert Giles. Heywood Body Points 65).
minded almost to the point of fanati-
joined the Marines when Germany
cism. His indestructibility also made
invaded Poland in 1939. While on his
him the perfect front-line soldier, a
first tour of duty, he was caught in an
role he enjoyed and performed with
explosion that left him more dead
than alive. Volunteering to be the test consummate skill.
subject of Dr. Giles's new bioretardant
process, he spent the next several
weeks subjected to a series of pain-

Chanter 3-1111-Star sauatlron

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JSASOURCEBOOK

Occult first advertised his services
Dr. Occult
as a "ghost detective" in 1935. With
Rose's assistance, he struggled Reflexes 2D: Brawling 40, dodge SD,
against the dark minions of chaos, driving 4D, melee weapons 4D, sneak
primarily a malefic creature called SD
Koth, whom they were nearly sacri- Coordination 2D: Marksmanship 4D
ficed to years before. During World Physique 2D: Resistance 4D
War II, he also assisted the All-Star
Knowledge 4D: Arcane lore 8D, crimi-
Squadron when esoteric help was nology SD, languages (ancient) 6D,
needed. research SD, scholar SD
In 1945, Occult assembled the Jus-
Perception 3D: Hide SD, know-how
tice Society to save the world from an
(powers) lOD each, search 6D, shad-
evil magical being known as Stalker. owing 6D, streetwise 6D
During this battle, Occult surrendered
his immortal soul in a desperate bid Presence 2D: Intimidation 6D, persua-
sion 6D, willpower 7D
for victory. However, Rose intervened
and shared her soul with his, merg- ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Ally (All-Star

ing them into a composite being. Squadron)-24D, Courage-2D, Follower

(Rose Psychic)-70 (until 194S), Hardi-
S RA 1a 6> T\( rKs: As a trained inves- ness -4D, Observant -2D, Patron (the
tigator, Dr. Occult often uses his keen Seven) - 2D, Renown-4D, Special Equip-
mind and sharp wits to solve his ment (the Symbol of the Seven) -SD,
cases. He does, however, have a num- Status (investigator's license) - ID; En-
ber of magical abilities at his disposal. emy (Koth) +3D, Enemy (Axis agents)
He can change into an astral form, +6D, Hides Emotions +ID.
cross vast distances by traveling SPEED: 30
through the astral plane, create illu- PDV:3
sions, do limited telekinetic feats , and UNARMED BDV: 3D
control minds through a mystical kind P/L BoNus: + 1
of hypnotism. He also carries the Sym-
bol of the Seven, a talisman that can
repel and exorcise supernatural crea- BODY POINTS: 30
RE\I NA!m:: Richard Occult tures and assist a number of other
OctrPA1 m;-i: Private investigator mystical tasks. PowERS: Longevity ID, Astral Form lOD
BAsF or OPERA• O'\S: New York City [Enhancements: Additional Effect
Hnmn : 6'l'' (changes physical form to astral form)
Wnmn: 189 pounds +4D, Mastery +6D], Illusion lOD [Limi-
EHs: Gray tation: Limited Range (eye contact)
HA1R: Black
-3D], Mind Control !OD, Telekinesis SD,
Dimensional Travel (astral plane) 8D.
R4-n:: Human
All powers have the Enhancement:
Trrn I..nn: Modern (1) Magically Empowered +8D.
In 1899, members of the mystic EQUIPMENT: The Symbol of the Seven
Seven rescued two infants from a sa- [Body Points 700; powers: Wizardry 8D,
tanic ritual sacrifice. The children, Spirit Manipulation (control spirit) lOD,
who were given the names Doc and Exorcism 1OD; all powers have the Limi-
Rose, were raised by the Seven and tation: Removable -2D].
taught to use their innate magical NoTE: These stats reflect Dr. Occult be-
abilities to battle supernatural evil in fore he merged with Rose Psychic.
the outside world.

Chapter 3-Al/-Star S11uadron

Firebrand 2 returned home. There, Danette
learned Rod was secretly the cos-
tumed vigilante Firebrand, and de- Reflexes 30: Brawling 40, dodge 50,
cided to substitute for him during his piloting (self) 60
convalescence. Shortly thereafter, Coordination 30: Marksmanship (fire
she discovered that her magically in- blasts) 60
duced plunge into the lava had en- Physique 20: Flying 30
dowed her (presumably) with fiery Knowledge 20: Research 60, science SD
powers. (vulcanology +30)
Firebrand II was a core member of
Perception 30: Know-how (fire Manipu-
the All-Star Squadron throughout her
lation) 60
recorded exploits. During one
Squadron case, she became Presence 20: Bluff 30, charm 40, per-
reacquainted with her suasion 60, willpower 6D
former lover, Terry Curtis. AovANTAGF.S/0ISADVANTAGFS: Ally (All-Star
He battled agains t the Squadron) -240, Attractive Appear-
Squadron as Cyclotron, ance -20, Wealth -40; Enemy (Axis
but later he heroically agents) +60, Secret Identity +30.
sacrificed his life in order SPEED: 30
to save others. As a re- POV:3
sult, Reilly took it upon UNARMED BOV: 30
herself to care for P/L BoNus: +I
Curtis's orphaned
daughter, Terri, whom Danette CHARACTER POINTS: 62
helped raise to adulthood. Boov POINTS: 28
Over time, Reilly and Sir
Justin, the Shining Knight, POWERS: Fire Manipulation 130.
became romantically in-
volved. Their relation-
REAL NAME: Danette Reilly ship endured until Sir
OCCUPATION: Vulcanologist Justin's banishment into time in 1948.
New York City
BASE OF Ort:RATIOl'is: Sometime thereafter, Danette Reilly
Hmcnr: S'S" was slain by the knight's vengeful
WEIGHT: 118 pounds arch-enemy, the Dragon King.
EYES: Blue
STRATEGY & TAcnes: Reilly used her
HAm: Red
RACE: Human
flight to keep opponents at a distance,
TECH LEvu: Modern (1)
from whence she could safely scorch
them with her flames.
While conducting research on a
volcanic Pacific island in December
1941, Danette Reilly was captured by
a band of costumed criminals led by
Per Degaton. During her captivity,
Reilly a mystic energy bolt stunned
Reilly, and she tumbled into a pit of
molten lava. Impossibly, she survived
the ordeal.
After being rescued from
Degaton's clutches, she learned her
brother Rod had been gravely
wounded at Pearl Harbor. She quickly

Chanter 3-1111-Star S11uallron

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- JSASOURCEBOOK

The6ua11 by neighborhood
toughs. Angered,
Harper acquired a Reflexes 20: Acrobatics 60, brawling 70,
costume and shield dodge 60, driving 4D, melee weap-
ons 40 (shield +40), sneak 40
from a local shop and be-
gan safeguarding the Coordination 20: Catch 30, thrown
slum as the masked weapons 30
1 7'3~::::::::::::::,....._J Guardian. He also Physique 30: Leap SD, Lifting 40, resis-
received custody tance 40, running SD, swimming 40
of four would-be hood- Knowledge 30: Criminology 40, medi-
lum boys known cine (first aid) 4D, security 40
as the Newsboy Perception 30: Hide 4D, search 40,
Legion. After help- shadowing 4D, streetwise 4D (Me-
ing them steer tropolis+ 10), surveillance 4D, track-
clear of lives of crime, Harper and the ing 4D
Guardian became beneficiaries of Presence 30: Command SD, interroga-
their often unsolicited aid. tion 40, intimidation SD, persuasion
The Guardian later joined the All- 40, willpower 6D
Star Squadron. He was active through AoVANTAG£S/01SADVANTAG£S: Ally(All-Star
at least 1947. Age eventually Squadron)-24D, Charismatic-3D, Con-
caught up to him and he hung tact (Metropolis Police) -10, Courage
up his shield permanently. -2D, Leadership Ability-20, Prepared-
R.1-:cE:"rrLY: The grown Newsboy ness -40, Status (police powers) -30;
Legion, now working at the ul- Employed (police officer) +4D, Enemy
(Axis agents) +6D, Dependents (the
tra-scientific Project Cadmus,
Newsboy Legion) +20, Secret Identity
transferred Harper's mind
from his aged body into a youthful
and improved cloned one. He soon af- 30
ter returned as the Guardian. (See
pages 15-16 of the Metropolis Source-
P/L BoNus: + 2
REAL NA~m: Jim Harper book). HERO POINTS: 12
OccuPATION: Police officer 0
afforded him enough protection to CHARACTER POINTS:
HEIGHT: 6'1" Boov POINTS: 40
close in on his foes and dispatch them
WEIGHT: 203 pounds
with his trained fists. His greatest EQu1PMENT:Golden shield (BDV SD; AV
EYfs: Blue 22 [when used to block] against physi-
desire was to help those who could
HAIR: Brown cal and energy attacks; Body Points
not help themselves and provide a
RAcE: Human 100).
positive inspiration to youngsters.
TECH LEVEL: Modern (1)
Jim Harper grew up in Metropolis's
Suicide Slum. He avoided a life of
crime when Nat Milligan offered to
train Harper as a prizefighter. How-
ever, Harper became so appalled by
Suicide Slum's worsening state that
he left Milligan's tutelage to become
a policeman.
In 1942, rookie patrolman Harper
was assigned Suicide Slum as his
beat. He soon endured a brutal attack

detective, he appeared less fre-
quently as the Jester. Finally, af-
ter the Jester tracked down
wanted criminal Jake "Bobo"
Benetti to Opal City, Detec-
tive Lane permanently retired
his costumed identity in 1954.
Snn1 G\ & 1 ,u1c ' · Lane pre-
ferred to wade into his oppo- _
nents swinging, relying on his
remarkable agility and the con- ~~~~=:=~.
fusion sown by his arsenal: y f'
gags to see him through. His formi-
dable detective s kill s
served him well when
searching for information
on his criminal foes.
J ester
Reflexes 30: Acrobatics 80 ,
brawling 70, climbing 60, -====:~§~
dodge 80, driving 60, me-
lee weapons 60, sneak /
Coordination 30: Catch 60,
Rur NA~n: Chuck Lane lockpicking 60, marksmanship 60,
sleight of hand 60, thievery 60,
Ocu PATIO\: Police officer
thrown weapons 60 Rr \L NA\11': Johnny Chambers
B.\St: or. OPr·tt.11:110:\s: New York City
Hr.rmrr: 5'11" Physique 30: Leap 40, lifting 40, run- Ont'PA1 10': Newsreel photographer
WFJ<•HT: 179 pounds ning SD 8Asr oi O••Utmo:-;s: New York City
Evi:s: Blue Knowledge 20 : Criminology 60, re- Hr.mm: 5' 11" WEIGHT. 170 pounds
HAtR: Black search 60, scholar 50 (jokes & gags En.c;: Blue I IAJR: Blond
RAcr: Human +20), security 60 \CT: Human Tmr LF.\n: Modern (1)
TEcu LE\l·:r: Modern (1) Per ception 30: Hide 60, search 60, Professor Gill, the guardian of
shadowing 60, streetwise 60 (New Johnny Chambers, discovered o n a
Inspired by the newly prominent
York City +20), surveillance 60 piece of papyrus a secret formula de-
costumed mystery men, as well as a
medieval ancestor's vocation, rookie Presence 20: Bluff7D, charm 60, com- veloped by an ancient king named
police officer Chuck Lane first mand 40, interrogation 60, persua- Amen. The parchment claimed that
sion 60, willpower 70 speaking aloud "3X2(9YZ)4A" would
donned the Jester's colorful garb in
1941. His reputation for using slap- Advantages/Disadvantages: Acute Bal- give a person the power to move at
stick gags and practical jokes to hu- ance-20, Ally (Freedom Fighters)-180, extraordinary speeds. Knowing he
miliate criminals soon began to pre- Ally (All-Star Squadron) - 240 , Charis- didn't have long to live, Gill told Cham-
matic - 30, Contact (New York City Po- bers of the formula, asking that he use
cede him. Evildoers grew wary of the
lice) -10, Intimidating Grin-20, Status it in the fight for right. Chambers hon-
sound of his belled costume and ma- (police powers) -30; Psychological Dis-
niacal laughter. ored the professor's request by becom-
order (practical jokes) +20, Employed
The Jester was one of the many ing the costumed mystery man Johnny
+40, Enemy ("Bobo" Benetti) +20, En-
costumed adventurers who joined emy (Axis agents) +60, Secret Identity Quick. He soon founded the All-Star
the All-Star Squadron in 1942, but ul- +30 . Squadron. Chambers split his time be-
timately his closest affiliation was tween fi ghting the homefront war
with the group known as the Freedom against saboteurs and filming the news
Fighters. Lane continued to pursue HERO P OINTS: 10 VILLAIN POINTS: 0
for Sees All/Tells All News with his as-
criminals, but after his promotion to CHARACTER POINTS: 80 BODY POINTS: 35 sistant and friend, Tubby Watts, who
knew of Johnny's secret.

While a member of the All-Star
Squadron, Johnny met and fell in
love with Liberty Belle, and the two
were married in 1942 in their civil-
Judomaster &
ian identities.
Once the war ended, Chambers
and Libby Lawrence (Liberty Belle)
retired their costumed identities.
Their daughter, Jesse, was born some
years later. The couple drifted apart
after Chambers became a self-help
guru, and they eventually divorced.
Johnny continued to be semi-active
until his death at the hands of Savitar.
STRJ\TEGY & TAc·ncs: Johnny Quick was
the ultimate trickster. Relying more
on luck and misdirection than actual
skill, Johnny's usual tactic was to
keep moving and wear down his op-
ponents before knocking them sense-
less with a hyper-fast blur of punches.
Johnny Quick
Reflexes 20:Acrobatics 3D, brawling SD,
dodge SD, piloting (self) 3D
Coordination 20: Sleight of hand 3D
Physique 20: Flying 40, running 70
Knowledge 20: Research 3D
Perception 20: Artist (filmmaking) SD,
know-how (journalism) 6D, repair
SD, search 7D, streetwise SD
Presence 20: Bluff 7D, charm 70, per-
suasion 70, willpower 6D
Squadron) -240, Attractive Appear-
ance -20, Contact (fubby Watts)-3D,
Contact (JSA)-SD, Fast Reactions -4D, Judomaster land and befriended the locals,
Observant -2D, Status (press pass)
-10, Youthful Appearance -2D; Em- REAL NAm:: Rip Jagger whose leader honored the American
ployed +40, Enemy (Axis agents) +6D, OcccrATJO'.'i: Sergeant, United by teaching him the secrets of the
Secret Identity +30. States Army martial arts. Jagger immersed himself
BASE OF 0PERATto;-.;s: Pacific Theater
in his studies. After mastering his
POV: 3 (11 while running with Speed of Operations martial training, Jagger was awarded
Manipulation) HEIGHT: 5'11" Wmcm: 190 pounds a colorful outfit and made the island-
UNARMED BOV: 30 p /L BoNUS: +I Evrs: Blue HA1R: Blond
ers' symbolic leader. Thus, Rip Jagger
became the Judomaster. He eventu-
CHARACTER POINTS: 146 Boov Po1NTS: 29 Ti::CH LEVEL: Modern (1) ally freed the island and returned to
PowERS: Speed Manipulation 8D (Limi- a nearby army base where he was re-
While serving the Pacific theater assigned to a new company. Inform-
tation: Limited Ability [the Speed Ma-
of operations during World War II, ing his new commanding officer, Gen-
nipulation die code drops by an amount
Sergeant Rip Jagger learned that a eral Hawkins, of his Judomaster per-
equal to the die code in Gravity Manipu-
lation when he is in flight] -2D), Grav- small island of Japanese natives was sona, Jagger was made into a one-
ity Manipulation (flight) 40 (Limitation: being overrun by a Japanese com- man task force. He was sent on clan-
Linked to Speed Manipulation). All pow- mando force led by one Major Yoku. destine missions throughout the Pa-
ers have the Limitation: Duration The natives had fled their homes in cific, where he worked from time to
Change: Activated (he must speak the opposition to Nippon's war policies. time with the heroes of the All-Star
formula "3X2(9YZ)4A") -20. Jagger went to the South Pacific is- Squadron.

Chapter 3-1111-Star sauadron

JSllSOURCEBOOK ----------------------~

R ECENTLY: After World War II ended, outside the States with him, and the
6D each, search SD, shadowing SD,
Jagger tried to bring his young ward, two set off to find the legendary city
surveillance SD, survival 6D, track-
Tiger, back with him to the United ing 4D of Nanda Parbat. But the years proved
States. However, current anti-Japa- difficult for Tiger, and he ran away
Presence 2D: Command 6D, intimida-
nese sentiments back home pre- from Jagger, hoping to find a home
tion SD, persuasion 6D, willpower
vented him from doing so. Jagger then lOD that he could call his own. All Tiger
chose to renounce his U.S. citizenship found, however, was the suffering the
and take Tiger with him on a search war had left behind. His bitterness
Squadron) -24D, Contact (General
for Nanda Parbat, a mythical holy eventually led him to India where he
Hawkins)-3D, Courage-2D, Fast Reac-
land where time stood still. But, by tions -4D, Follower (figer) -8D, Hardi- discovered the forbidden temple of
the time they reached India eight ness -4D, Leadership Ability -20, Ob- Parashrama. There, he found the Ar-
years later, Tiger had tired of the scure Knowledge-20, Sixth Sense -20, maments of the Lost God and the
quest and ran off. Jagger spent years Status (U.S. Army sergeant)-30; Depen- Elixir of Soma, which transformed
searching for the boy, but he ulti- dent (islanders) +10 each, Enemy (fhe him into the maniacal super villain
mately gave up and continued his Acrobat, Mountain Storm, the Smiling known as the Avatar. Judomaster and
quest for Nanda Parbat. He did even- Skull) +2D each, Enemy (Axis agents) the other heroes of the L.A.W. team
tually find Nanda Parbat. Soon, he +60, Secret Identity +30. soon defeated h im, and he has not
became the favored citizen of its pa- SPEED: 30 PDV: 6 been heard from since.
tron deity, Rama Kushna. However, UNARMED BDV: SD/lD P/L BoNUS: +2
STRATEGY & TAc.11cs: In his youth, Ti-
Rama was forced to banish Jagger HERO POINTS! 14 0
ger was a natural martial artist, who
from Nanda Parbat some decades used his small size and slight build to
later to save the outside world from its maximum advantage, allowing his
Tiger, who had become the villain
known as the Avatar. After helping to
Tiger opponents to underestimate him be-
fore delivering the deciding blow.
defeat the Avatar, Judomaster once REAL NAME: Unknown
again left to wander the world. OccuPATION: Student, adventurer Tiger
STRATEGY & TACUCS: During the dark BASE OF OPrnAno:-is: Pacific Theater of Reflexes 3D:Acrobatics 70, brawling 40,
Operations dodge 80, martial arts 100 (arm pin,
days of World War II, Judomaster was
HEIGHT: 5'0" WEIGHT: 111 pounds disarm, flip, flying kick, leg sweep,
easily the finest living master of the throw+ ID each), melee weapons 60,
martial arts. He was such an adept EYES: Brown HAIR: Black
sneak SD
fighter that his movements and reac- RAci::: Human
TECH LEvt::L: Modern (1) Coordination 3D: Catch 60, thrown
tions were near-perfectly flawless and
weapons 60
instinctual. As learned student of The orphaned youth who was to
both the martial arts and Eastern phi- become Tiger was living in a Japanese Physique 2D: Leap SD
losophy, Judomaster was extremely relocation camp in Wyoming when he Knowledge 2D: Languages 40
methodical and patient, always look- first met Judomaster. Tiger had been Perception 2D: Hide SD, knourhow (gue-
ing for the ultimate moment to strike. conned by a Japanese agent known rilla tactics) SO
Judomaster as "The Cat" to smuggle U.S. military Presence ID: Bluff SO, intimidation 40,
secrets from the camp to Japan. How- persuasion SD, willpower 60
Reflexes 3D: Acrobatics lOD, brawling ever, Judomaster's bravery and skill
lOD, dodge 110, driving 4D, escape ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Ally (All-Star
impressed Tiger so much that he
artist 6D, martial arts 14D (arm pin, Squadron) -24D, Contact (General
blindfighting, disarm, flip, slam, turned on the Cat and helped Hawkins)-2D, Fast Reactions -40, Pa-
throw +2D each), melee weapons Judomaster defeat him. Tiger stowed tron (Judomaster)-40; Age: Young (12-
lOD, sneak 6D away on Jagger's plane back to the 17) +lD, Enemy (fhe Acrobat, Moun-
Pacific and was adopted by Jagger's tain Storm, the Smiling Skull) +20 each,
Coordination 3D: Catch 8D, marksman-
ship 6D, thrown weapons lOD army unit. In spite of his age, Tiger Enemy (Axis agents) +60, Impulsive-
proved to be skilled in martial arts, ness +ID, Secret Identity +30.
Physique 3D: Leap 7D, lifting 4D, run- so he was presented with the costume
ning SD, swimming SD SPEED: 30 PDV: 4
he would wear as Judomaster's side- UNARMED BDV: 30/lD P/L BONUS: +l
Knowledge 2D: Demolitions 4D, lan- kick, Tiger. HERO POINTS: 4 VIUAJN POINTS: 0
guages 3D (Japanese, Chinese, Ko- CHARACTER POINTS: 34 BODY POINTS: 30
rean +2D each), navigation 3D RECENn:v:When the war ended, Tiger
was denied immigration back into the NOTE: These characteristics are for Ti-
Perception 2D: Hide 6D, know-how ger when he was Judomaster's sidekick.
United States. Not wanting to aban-
(military procedures, guerilla tactics)
don Tiger, Jagger opted to remain

Chapter a-1111-star sauallron

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- JSASOURCEBOOK

li/Jenv Belle To help promote morale at home

Liberty B e lle
and slow the activities of Nazi
subver sives and saboteurs , Reflexes 3D (SD): Acrobatics 50 (70),
Lawrence became known as the athletics 6D (80), brawling SD (70),
heroine Liberty Belle. She soon dodge 50 (70)
learned her belt buckle, a rep- Coordination 3D (SD): Catch 40 (60),
lica of the real bell forged from marksmanship 4D (60) , thrown
the same metals, would chime weapons 50 (70)
when her confidante, Liberty Physique 2D (4D): Leap 50 (7D), lifting
Bell guard Tom Revere, rung the 40 (60), running 50 (70), swimming
actual bell. She would then get 60 (80)
an adrenaline rush that tempo- Knowledge 2D: Medicine (first aid) 40,
rarily boosted her strength and research 40, scholar 40
speed. A later encounter with Perception 3D: Artist (broadcastjournal-
Baron Blitzkrieg and a machine ism) 70, search 60 , shadowing 50,
he had designed left her with streetwise 40
the power to project powerful Presence 2D: Charm 60, command 80,
sonic pulses. persuasion 70, willpower 90
A founding member of the
wartime All-Star Squadron, she -30, Ally (All-Star Squadron)-240 , At-
also served as its co-chairman tractive Appearance -20, Charismatic
for the duration of the team's -30, Contact (fom Revere) -30, Con-
existence. It was as a member tact (JSA) - 50, Courage -20, Fast Re-
of the Squadron that she met and fell actions -40 (Superattributes bonus),
in love with Johnny Quick. The two Leadership Ability-20, Observant-20,
were married secretly in their civilian Status (press pass)-10; Employed +40,
identities in 1942. Enemy (Axis agents) +60, Secret Iden-
tity +30.
RECENTLY:Libby and Johnny divorced
sometime after the birth of their SPEED: 30
PDV: 3 (4)
daughter, Jesse. Though she retained
REAL NAME: Libby Belle Lawrence U NARMED BDV: 30 (40)
her extranormal abilities and eventu- P/ L BONUS: +2 ( +3)
OccuPATION: Newspaper columnist, ally learned how to tap into her
radio and television commentator H ERO POINTS: 19
adrenaline-enhanced strength with- VILLAIN POINTS: 0
BASE OF OPERATIONS: New York City out having to ask for the Liberty Bell C HARACTER Po1NTS: 154
HEIGHT: 5'6-1/2" to be rung, Libby retired her super- Boov POINTS: 29
WEIGHT: 123 pounds hero identity and began working as a
EvFs: Blue POWERS: Superattributes: Reflexes 20,
talk show personality. She hosts and Superattributes: Coordination 20 (bo-
HAIR: Blonde produces her own current political
RACE: Human nus : improved cat ching ability),
events program. Libby is a silent part- Superattributes: Physique 20 (bonus:
TECH LEvEL: Modern (1)
ner in Quick Start Enterprises, a com- increased P/l bonus vs. inanimate ob-
Libby Lawrence was in Poland pany started by her former husband ject s), Sonic Manipulation (sonic
with her father, a U.S. military attache, prior to his death at the hands of pulses) 70. Superattributes powers
when war broke out in 1939. A star Savitar. have the Limitation: Duration Change:
athlete most of her life, Libby was Activated (initially this was only when
STRATEGY & TACTICS: Liberty Belle was Liberty Bell is rung, but later she could
only able to escape from Nazi-occu- a practical and no-nonsense type of activate it at will) -20.
pied Europe by swimming the English woman. This made her prone to tak-
Channel-an act that turned her into ing the most logical and direct course
a celebrity overnight. She quickly of action. It also meant that she was
rose to even greater prominence as a not one to sit on the sidelines and was
newspaper and radio commentator, one of the first to lead any charge.
one who strongly advocated Amer-
ica's entry into World War II.

Chapter 3-Al/-Star S11uadron

ISllSOURCEBOOK - - - - - - -- -- -- - -- -- - - - - -l M

Manhunter 1
In his costumed identity as
Manhunter, Richards apprehended
the real killer. He continued Reflexes 3D:Acrobatics SD, athletics SD,
stalking criminals with boating 4D, brawling 7D, climbing 40,
Thor's aid (and later, that of dodge 7D, driving 60, melee weap-
the All-Star Squadron and ons SO, sneak 7D
the Freedom Fighters). Richards Coordination 30: Catch SD, lockpicking
retired his alter-ego in 1950. SD, marksmanship 4D (handguns
+2D), thievery 4D, thrown weapons
REc.:E:\TLv:After leaving the police SD
force, Richards published two crime
Physique 3D: Leap 4D, lifting 4D, run-
novels. Five years ago, the
ning SD
Manhunters (Thor included) be-
trayed him. The Manhunters Knowledge 2D: Criminology SD, re-
turned out to be robotic cre- search 4D, scholar4D (known felons
+3D), security SD
ations of the Guardians of
the Universe who had Perception 3D: Artist (novelist) SD
turned against their mas- (post-WWII), hide 8D, search 8D,
ters. They had secretly in- shadowing 7D, streetwise 7D, surveil-
lance 7D
filtrated the lives of many
of the heroes of Earth by Presence 2D: Animal handling (Thor)
duplicating friends or 9D, bluff4D, charm 4D, command SD,
family members. Thor intimidation 8D, interrogation 8D,
persuasion 7D, willpower 8D
- was in fact a robot sent
to spy on the hero. AI>vANTAGES/D1SADVANTAGES: Ally (Free-
Though Richards survived the dom Fighters) -18D, Ally (All-Star
Manhunters plot to stop the evolution Squadron) -23D, Contact (Washington
D.C. Police Department) -2D, Courage
of humanity, his subsequent activities
-2D, Fast Reactions -4D, Follower
are unrecorded. (fhor) -7D, Hardiness -4D, Observant
Real Name: Donald "Dan" Richards S1"RATF.GY & TACT1cs: Richardsrelied on -20, Status (police powers) -30 (as
Occupation: Police officer his detective skills and criminal files Donald Richards); Dependent (girl-
Base of Operations: Washington, D.C. to track his prey. Once he found them, friend) +10, Enemy (street thugs) +4D,
Height: 6' l" Manhunter's fists and Thor's fangs Enemy (Axis agents) +6D, Secret Iden-
Weight: 202 pounds tity +3D.
combined to end most fights favor-
Eyes: Blue ably. SPEED: 30 PDV: 4
Hair: Red UNARMED BDV: 4D P/L BoNUS: +2

EQUIPMENT: Supersonic Whistle (to sum-

After graduating from the police
mon Thor).
academy in 1942, Dan Richards
sought to exonerate classmate Jim Thor the Thunderdog
Kelley (his girlfriend's brother) from Reflexes 3D, brawling 6D, dodge 6D, Co-
a murder frame-up. Desperate, ordination 2D, Physique 4D, running 4D,
Richards agreed to use a canine com- Knowledge 20, Perception 20, search 4D,
panion named Thor and an extensive tracking 6D, Presence 2D, intimidation
criminal database provided by the SD, willpower 5D. Advantages/Disad-
mysterious Grandmaster, leader of vantages: Acute Senses (smell, hearing)
the equally mysterious Manhunters -4D, Dark Secret (android transmitting
organization. data to the Manhunters) +3D. Speed:
85. PDV: 3. Physique bonus: +2. Body
Points 2S. Natural abilities: teeth (BDV
3D), claws (BDV 2D).

Cha11tsr 3-1111-Star s11uadron

Midnight Miss
on-air confession from owner Morris
Afterwards, Clark continued to
portray Midnight, both on the radio
and in real life whenever the need
arose. In the course of his adven-
tures, he befriended the eccentric
genius Dr. Wackey and his sentient
ape, Gabby, who became his allies
in crime-fighting. During World
War II, Midnight joined the All-Star
Squadron (and subsequently, the
Freedom Fighters). He remained ac-
tive after the war until at least
through 1949.
STRATEGY & T.\c11cs: When trouble
appeared, Midnight relied first on
his own wits, fists , and guns. Failing
them, he turned to his friends and
connections for help.
Reflexes 3D: Brawling 50, dodge 60,
driving 50, melee weapons 40
Coordination 3D: Marksmanship 50
(pistols +20), thrown weapons SD
Physique 3D: Lifting 40, running 40
Knowledge 3D: Criminology 60, re-
search 60, scholar 40 (boxing +ID)
Perception 2D: Artist (acting) 50, know- REAL NA~u:: Joan Dale Trevor
how (radio announcing) 70, search OccuPATJO:-i: Newspaper reporter
60, streetwise 60 (New York City BASF. OF OPERATIONS: New York City,
REAL NAMt:: Dave Clark +20), surveillance 50 later Washington, D.C.
O<:(XPAnO'<: Radio announcer Presence 3D: Charm 40, interrogation HEIGlll': 5'7" WEJGllT: 123 pounds
BASE OF OPERAl'IONS: New York City 50, intimidation 60, willpower 60 EYE.'>: Blue HA1R: Black
HEJmm 6' WF1mrr: 190 pounds ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Acting Ability RACE: Human TECH Lt:vu: Modern (1)
EYES: Blue H'\IR: Black -20, Ally (Freedom Fighters)-180, Ally In 1941, reporter Joan Dale re-
RACE.: Human (All-Star Squadron)-230, Contacts (Dr.
ceived an anonymous tip originating
Tt:cH LE'n.: Modern (1) Wac key & Gabby; UXAM Radio) -30
from the top-secret government
Dave Clark left the Midwest and each, Courage -20, Observant -20,
Speed Draw (pistols)-10, Wealth-20; Project M, which attempted to create
his boxing career behind in 1940 to extranormal operatives for military
Employed +40, Enemy (rogues gallery)
become an announcer (and occa- +40, Enemy (Axis agents) +6D, Secret use. Arriving at the Statue of Liberty
sional actor) at radio station WXAM Identity +30. to meet the informer, she was seized
in New York. When a building myste- by Project M agents and used as an
SPEED: 30 POV: 3
riously collapsed, Clark decided to in- experimental test subject. The experi-
vestigate it disguised as the title char- HERO POINTS: l 0 VILLAIN POINTS! 0 ment apparently destroyed Dale's
acter from a popular radio drama, The CHARACTER POINTS: 84 BODY POINTS! 33 mind-or so the project scientists
Man Called Midnight. As Midnight, thought.
EQUIPMENT: .45 Auto-Pistol (BOY 5Dx3),
Clark discovered that the willfully vacuum gun (fires a suction cup and
Released by the scientists, the still-
negligent Carleton Construction Com- cable that can reel in targets with lift- comatose Dale had a vision where the
pany was responsible for a series of ing 8D). Statue of Liberty bestowed her with
building disasters. He then forced an transmutation powers with which to

Chapter 3-1111-Star S11uadron

defend America. Awakening to dis-
cover her powers did exist, Dale was
inspired to use her newfound abilities
as the costumed Miss America. After
America's entry into World War II, Dale
Mister America The government gave Thomson the
left her newspaper job and took a sec- code name "Americommando" in 1942.
retarial position at the FBI headquar- Disguised as an SS officer, Thomson's
ters in order to stay informed of new mission was to spy inside Germany. In
wartime developments. 1945, he was apparently killed while
Mostofhersubsequentadvent ures saving innocent German civilians dur-
are unrecorded, but she is known to ing the fire bombing of Dresden.
have served with the All.Star Squad-
STRATEG\ & TAmes: A natural athlete
ron. Dale's powers began to fade by the
end of the 1940s. When they vanished, and actor, the government honed his
so did her career as Miss America. skills before he was renamed the
Sometime thereafter, she married Ad- ~f!'JCI~~ Americommando. He often used a
whip, with which he disarmed his
miral Derek Trevor and adopted the ff, ~
enemies, struck them down, or en-
original Fury's daughter, Lyta. \ ,~
tangled them.
R.t:ct.'VILY: The Trevors are now retired ~~:,
and living in Virginia. M r. Am.e ric a
& T.\CTICS: Dale was quick to
Reflexes 3D: Acrobatics 70, boating
6D, brawling 70, climbing 60, dodge
neutralize her target's weaponry by
70, driving 70, melee weapons 70
transmuting it into flowers, paper, etc. (whips +20), piloting 70, riding 70,
While she Jacked scientific and techni- sneak 60
cal knowledge, Dale was capable of cre-
Coordination 3D: Catch 60, lockpicking
ating any change she could visualize.
5D, marksmanship 70, thievery 50,
Miss Am.e ric a thrown weapons 6D (whips +20)
Reflexes 2D: Brawling 3D, dodge 4D, Physique 3D: Leap 60, lifting 60, run-
driving3D REAL NAME: Tex Thomson ning 40, swimming 4D
AuAS: The Americommando Knowledge 3D: Criminology 50, demo-
Coordination 2D
Ocet.:PATIO~: Businessman, private in- litions 50, languages 50 (German
Physique 2D: Running 3D, swimming 3D vestigator, government agent +50), navigation 60, research 70,
Knowledge 3D: Research SD, scholar4D BASE OF 0PERAno -.s: Texas, later security 50
Perception 2D: Artist (journalism) 6D, New York City Perception 4D: Artist (actor) 60, hide
know-how (Matter Manipulation, Or- HF.IGHT: 5'11-1/2" 6D, search 7D, shadowing 60,
ganic Manipulation) 8D each, search \VruGHT: 187 pounds streetwise 50, surveillance 6D, track-
40 EYES: Blue ing 60
Presence 3D: Bluff 40, charm 40, per- HAtR: Blond, dyed black Presence 3D: Bluff 60, charm 40, dis-
suasion 50, willpower 50 RACE: Human TECll UYEL: Modern (1) guise 60, interrogation SD, intimida-
ADvANTAGES/DJSADVANTAGFS: Ally (All-Star Oil baron Tex Thomson and pal tion 60, willpower 60
Squadron) -240, Attractive Appear- Bob Daley began solving mysteries to- ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Acting Ability
ance -20, Charismatic -3D, Contact gether in Texas in 1938. He eventually -30, Acute Balance -20, Ally (All-Star
(New York newspapers) -10, Status joined Special Prosecutor Mahoney's Squadron)-240, Contact (U.S. Govern-
(press pass) -10; Employed +40, En- efforts against New York's organized ment)-40, Courage-20, Fast Reactions
emy (Project M agents) +40, Enemy crime as private investigators. -40, Follower (Bob Daley) -70, Hardi-
(Axis agents) +60, Secret Identity +30. ness - 40, Observant -2D, Speed Draw
In 1941, Thomson nearly died as a
SPEED: 30 PDV: 2 (whips) -10, Wealth -60; Dark Secret
result of Nazi sabotage. After his re-
UNARMED BDV: 3D p / L BoNUS: + 1 (as Americommando: Allied agent) +30,
covery, he began stalking subversives
HERO POINTS: 6 VlLLAJN POINTS: 0 Enemy (Axis agents) +60, Secret Iden-
as Mister America, whistling "Yankee tity +30.
Doodle" and leaving behind red,
PowERS: Matter Manipulation (matter SPEED: 30 PDV:4
white, and blue feathers as his trade-
transmutation) 80, Organic Manipula- UNARMED BDV: 40 P /L 8oNUS: +3
marks. Soon after, Daley, disguised as
tion (matter transmutation) 80. All HERO PorNTS: 18 VIUAlN Pooos: 0
Fatman, once again became his part- CHARACTER POINTS: 142 BooY POINTS: 38
powers have the Limitations: Others-
ner, and the All-Star Squadron ac-
Only-40, Specialist (inanimate objects EQUIPMENT: Bullwhip (BOY 20; extends
only) -30. cepted Thomson for membership.
to 12 feet).

1Juicksi/11er cepting a magical gift from the tribe's
shaman, he was instilled with a con-
nection to the mystical "Speed Force" Reflexes 3D:Acrobatics 6D, brawling SD,
and became Ahwehota (Windrunner). dodge6D
With this power, he prevented an even Coordination 3D: Catch 6D, thrown
greater massacre from happening. weapons4D
Soon after, Windrunner felt he was Physique 3D: Lifting 4D, running 8D
being "called" by a higher power and
Knowledge 3D: Languages 4D, scholar
used his lightning speed to answer 7D (Native American history & cul-
the summons. However, a split sec- ture +2D)
ond of fear held him back from be-
Perception 2D: Know-how (Speed Ma-
coming one with the source of his
nipulation) 8D, search SO
power, and he was catapulted forward
in time. Since then, he has tried sev- Presence ID: Command 4D, intimida-
tion 4D, persuasion 40, willpower 7D
eral other times to merge with the
Speed Force, only to drift from era to ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Acute Sense
era. Now in the 1940s, he fights the of Direction -20, Ally (All-Star Squad-
good fight as the hero Quicksilver. ron)-24D, Fast Reactions -4D, Obscure
Knowledge -2D, Observant -20, Pre-
REci,;.vrLY: Quicksilver simply vanished paredness -4D; Dark Secret (displaced
at the end of World War II. Jay Garrick, in time) +lD, Enemy (Axis agents) +6D,
the Golden Age Flash, brought him Enemy (rogues gallery) +4D, Hides
out of his voluntary exile to stop Pro- Emotions +ID, Obsessive Tendencies
fessor Zoom who had been masquer- +2D, Owes Favor (to the Golden Age
ading as the late Barry Allen-calling Flash) +SD (1949 to two years ago), Se-
in the favor Quicksilver, who now cret Identity +3D.
called himself Max Mercury, owed SPEED: 30
from their encounter with the Scream- PDV: 3 (IS with Speed Manipulation)
ing Skull in 1949. He has since decided UNARMED BDV: 30
REAL NA~tE: Max to remain active in order to teach the
ALIASES: Ahwehota, Windrunner, Light- current generation of speedsters
ning, Blue Streak, Whip Whirlwind, about their gifts and the inherent per-
Thunderpace ils that come along with them. Boov POINTS: 34
OccuPA1'10;1;: Crime fighter STRATEGY & TAc11cs: Though hardened PowERS: Sustenance 7D (Limitations:
BAsr or OPERA110:-;s: Mobile (based out and bitter after countless years of Linked to Speed Manipulation, Self-Only
of a hideout in Oakwood Park during being denied entry into the -20), Healing 40 (Limitations: Linked
World War II) speedster's equivalent of Heaven, to Speed Manipulation, Self-Only -2D),
Hmmr: 6'2" Quicksilver experienced a renewal of Speed Manipulation 120.
WEIGHT: 177 pounds sorts during World War II. Nicknamed
EYFs: Blue the "Laughing Robin Hood," he com-
HAJR: Unknown bined his swiftness with his amazing
RAa::: Human acrobatic ability to dazzle and disable
TECH LEvF.r.: Modern (1) his opponents. He p redominantly
A man of mystery even to the worked as a loner, but sometimes
other mystery men of World War II, teamed up with fellow speedsters the
Quicksilver was once a U.S. Calvary Flash and Johnny Quick and, on rare
fort messenger in the late 1830s. He occasions, the heroes of the All-Star
had befriended a local Indian tribe but Squadron.
was unable to prevent their massacre
at the hands of his regiment. By ac-

c11a111er 3-1111-Star s11uadron

JSllSOURCEBOOK ------------------------ ~AS.

Subsequently, Raleigh became the
Typical Bee
Red Bee whenever the situation de-
manded it. After World War II began, Reflexes ID, brawling 20, piloting (self)
he became a member of the All-Star 40, Coordination 10, Physique 10, flying
Squadron and the Freedom Fighters. 30, Knowledge ID, Perception ID, sur-
veillance 2D, search 2D (food/nectar
Sadly, Raleigh died under
sources +20), Presence ID. Speed: 90
unrevealed circumstances some- (flying). POV: 1. Scale Modifier: 7. Phy-
time in 1942. sique bonus: 0. Character Points: 1.
S TRATEGY & T ACTlCS: Raleigh re- Body Points: S. Natural abilities: Can-
lied foremost on his hand-to- not see red; sting (Victim rolls resis-
hand fighting skills . He tended tance vs. the number of stings he has
to save his weapons for more received thus far. If successful, victim
dire situations. is at -1 to all action until sting is
soothed. If unsuccessful, victim takes
Red Bee damage equal to the difference be-
Reflexes 30: Acrobatics 6D, brawling 6D, tween the sting total and the resistance
climbing 6D, dodge 6D, sneak SD roll. This resistance check must be
made every turn until stings are
Coordination 30: Catch SO, marksman- treated. Rolling a critical failure indi-
ship SD cates that the character is allergic to
Physique 30: Leap SO, lifting 4D, resis- the sting and not only takes damage but
tance 4D (bee venom +20), running also gets a difficulty modifier to all ac-
40 tions equal to one-quarter of the dam-
Knowledge 30: Criminology SD, re- age taken. Once the victim fails a resis-
tance roll, he may not do anything else
search 6D, scholar SO (criminal law,
bee keeping +20 each), security SD
except try to get rid of the bees.). Note:
Honeybees die after one sting; all other
Perception 20: Hide SD, search 6D, bees can sting multiple times. These
shadowing 6D, streetwise 4D (Supe- characteristics are not for africanized
rior City +20), surveillance SD bees, which did not exist in the 1940s.
Presence 20: Animal handling (insects)
100, interrogation 70, intimidation
Rut NA~tE: Richard Raleigh SO, willpower 6D
OccurAnos: Assistant district attorney AovANTAGFS/0 ISADVANTAGFS: Ally (All-Star
BASE or OPERATIONS: Superior City Squadron) -23D, Ally (Freedom Fight-
liEJGHT: 5'9-1/2" ers) -180, Animal Friendship (bees) -
Wm;m : 147 pounds 20, Contact (Superior City Police De-
EYF.s: Blue partment) -20, Courage -2D, Obser-
HAIR: Reddish blond vant -2D, Status (assistant district at-
RAcr: Human torney) -SO, Wealth -4D; Enemy (Boss
TECH LEvu: Modern (1) Storm) +20, Enemy (Axis agents) +60,
Secret Identity +3D.
Assistant District Attorney Rick
Raleigh first appeared as the Red Bee
in 1940. Raleigh and District Attorney UNARMED BOV: 40
Tom Darrow suspected one "Boss" P/L BONUS: +2
Storm of heading a corrupt political HERO POINTS: 12
machine, but hard evidence eluded VILLAIN POINTS: 0
them. This prompted Raleigh to go CHARACTER POINTS: 98
outside the boundaries of the law. As Boov Po1NTS: 34
the Red Bee, he acquired the informa- EQUIPMENT: Stinger Gun (BDV 8D), Bee
tion necessary to convict Storm. Belt with trained bee swarm.

Chanter 3-1111-Star Squadron

Ro/Jotman 1
ing others as Robotman in an effort
to foster goodwill. Crane also dis-
guised himself as Paul Dennis in or- Reflexes 3D: Brawling 70, dodge 5D,
"' . der to remain close to his girlfriend, piloting (self) 6D
Q) . \Joan Carter. In the course of his ad- Coordination 4D: Catch 7D, marksman-
~ - ventures, Robotman became a core ship 5D (flame thrower+ 10), thrown
member of the All-Star Squadron. weapons6D
~ . Later, he teamed with Robbie, a Physique SD: Flying 5D, leap 140, lift-
U robotic canine. ing lOD, running 9D
,.o Sometime after 1953, a mine Knowledge SD: Scholar 8D, science 8D
\1 1 I collapse imprisoned Robotman
Perception 4D: Engineering 80 (robot-
underground. Unable to be un- ics +20), invent 80 (robots +2D), re-
earthed, Crane remained pair 70 (robots +20, self +3D)
trapped in a state of suspended
animation for years. Presence 3D: Intimidation 60, willpower
RF.cr.~TLY: Decades later, ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Acute Senses
Robotman re-emerged and (sight, hearing)-20 each, Ally (All-Star
learned Grayson had died of Squadron) -24D, Contact (Chuck
a brain tumor. However, Grayson) -3D, Courage -20, Follower
Grayson left his body cryo- (Robbie the Robot Dog)-70, Hardiness
genically preserved to house -40, Mechanical Aptitude -2D, Photo-
Crane's brain. With the brain graphic Memory -40, Wealth -40; De-
transplant successful, pendent (girlfriend) +10, Depression
Crane now teaches robotics +60, Enemy (Axis agents) +60, Hides
at Ivy University. Emotions +10, Secret Identity (Paul
Dennis, Robert Crane) +3D each, Unat-
STRATEGY & TAcncs: Robotman 's tractive Appearance +20.
strength and resistance to harm were SPEED:60
enough to overcome most adversar- PDV:3
ies. Crane utilized specialized equip- UNARMED BDV: 4D
REAL NAME: Robert Crane ment when needed. P/L BONUS: +5
AuAS: Paul Dennis HERO POINTS: 14
OccrPATIO"i: Crime fighter VILLAIN POINTS: 0
Hr-:JGm: 6'1" Boov POINTS: 65
WEicm: 487 pounds NATURAL ABILITIES: Android package,
E\F.S: Red Emotions, Attribute Improvement, Ma-
HAIR: None terial Bonus (Av 30 vs. physical attacks;
RAcE: Human AV 25 vs. extreme heat and cold), Un-
TECH LEHi.: Modern (1) usual Speed. (See pages 126-127 of the
JLA Sourcebook for details on the an-
In 1941, Dr. Robert Crane was mor- droid package and upgrades.) The ro-
tally wounded during a botched rob- bot body also has extendable arms (up
bery. His brain, however, was pre- to 25 feet) and enhanced sensors (ne-
served by his assistant, Dr. Grayson, gates darkness penalties; adds +20 to
inside a robotic body the two had con- all sight- and hearing-based Perception
Worried about public reaction to EQUIPMENT:Jet pack (allows flight for 12
his new form, Crane called himself hours before needing to be recharged),
Robotman and kept his real identity flamethrower (BDV 180).
secret. He dedicated himself to help-

Chapter 3 - All-Star s11uadron

s rgan the Sorcerer guised his gifts as the work of a stage Sargon the Sorcerer
magician. Sargent made his first pub-
lic appearance under the stage name Reflexes 2D: Brawling 4D, .climbing 30,
Sargon. Accompanied by his assis- dodge 4b, sneak 30
tant, Maximillian O'Leary, he battled Coordination 30: Marksmanship
evil-doers of all kinds, including (spells) 40, sleight of hand 6D
their most persistent foe, the Physique 2D: Resistance 30, running 30
evil sorceress Blue Lama.
Knowledge 3D: Arcane lore 40 (legends
Sometime aft er 1949, of the Tiparanes +30), criminology
the ruby's influence made 40, languages (Spanish) 4D, research
Sargon increasingly 4D, scholar4D (archaeology +2D)
amoral and , eventually, Perception 20: Artist (stage magic) 5D,
criminal. Years later, he freed hide 3D, know-how (Wizardry) 3D,
himself from its influence and know-how (Ruby of Life) 7D, search
quietly entered semi-retire- 3D, shadowing 3D, streetwise 30
Presence 20: Bluff 4D, charm 40, dis-
RECE'l'Iu: Sargon returned to de- guise 40, persuasion SD, willpower
fend Earth from an attack by the 40
Shadow Creature who threatened AovANrAGES/DJSADVANrAGFS: Acting Ability
Heaven itself. He died heroically dur- -30, Acute Manual Dexterity -20, Ally
ing the battle. (All-Star Squadron) -240, Contact
STRATF.GY & TACTICS: Sargon relied on (magical community) - 50, Contact
(Maximillian O'Leary) -40, Magically
the power of the Ruby of Life to work Adept -50, Renown - 20; Enemy (the
most of his magic, although he was Blue Lama) +20, Enemy (Axis agents)
careful to disguise most of his effects +60, Hides Emotions +10, Moral Code
as mere stage magic. In later years, (Magician's Code) +60, Sworn Enemy
he more openly and more diversely (Blue Lama) +20.
used his abilities. SPEED: 30 PDV: 2
REAL NAMF.: John Sargent UNARMED BOV: 30 p /L BoNUS: + 1
OccuPATION: Stage magician
HE1G1rr: 5'11" POWERS: Wizardry 2D [Limitation: Com-
WEIGHT: 176 pounds ponents (Ruby of Life)-40].
EYES: Brown EQUIPMENT: Ruby of Life: Body Points
HAm: Brown 800; enhancement modifier: Know-how
RAci::: Human (Wizardry) +3D; power: Animation 150
Ti::cH Li::vi::L: Modern (1) [Limitations: Removable (only usable
by the chosen successor who has spo-
John Sargent's archaeologist fa- ken the incantation rites)-10, Side Ef-
ther recovered the Ruby of Life in fect (spiritual corruption)-40 (On any
1917. Unaware of its power, he pre- critical failure when using the power,
sented it to his family as a gift. From the character receives a phantom Vil-
that moment on, John unknowingly lain Point, which goes away within a few
began to fulfill the conditions neces- weeks unless the character uses the
sary to unlock the ruby's tremendous point; in that case, the Villain Point be-
mystical forces. comes permanent.), Limited Range:
Touch (the user must touch an object
Once he discovered the ruby's in order to control it)-30].
forces, Sargent vowed to use its pow-
ers for good. Anticipating the fear and
mistrust of mundane folk, he dis-

Chaater 3-1111-Star sauadron

<..;;..r._;;A~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - JSJISOURCEBOOK

The Tarantula
Reflexes 30: Acrobatics 9D, brawling 7D,
climbing 9D, dodge 8D, sneak 8D
Coordination 30: Marksmanship 6D
(web gun +2D)
Physique 30: Leap 6D, lifting 4D
Knowledge 20: Criminology 3D, re-
search 7D, scholar 6D (mystery men
+10), science SD, security 3D
Perception 30: Artist (writer) 7D, engi-
neering SD, hide 8D, invent SD,
search 6D, shadowing 8D, streetwise
4D, surveillance 7D
Presence 20: Bluff SD, intimidation 70,
persuasion SD, willpower 6D
Squadron) -24D, Courage -2D, Obser-
vant -2D, Speed Draw (web gun) -10,
Wealth -2D; Dependent (Olga his
housekeeper) +10, Enemy (Axis agents)
+6D, Secret Identity +3D.
P/L BoNus: +2
lb ~L NA : Jonathan Law 0

<Xu~'" \: Pulp mystery novelist CHARACTER POJNIS! 89

s . . .E 01 New York City
0PUAnOV•1: BooY Po1NIS: 39
HEIGHT: 5'10" 1 • A relatively young man dur- EQUIPMENT: Suction cup boots (Clinging
Wma11: 180 pounds ing World War II, John Law survives 60), web gun (Shoots out a strand of a
Eu": Blue to this day. His first book on the mys- sticky nylon that can entangle a target
ll.\IK: Blond tery men of the 1940s, Altered Egos, from head to toe; multiple targets can
R\C'I : Human published in the 1960s, proved to be only be hit if all targets are in the di-
~ «. l u1: Modern (1) his only real nonfiction success. His rect line of fire. The nylon has an AV of
follow-up novel, Justice Is Served: My 7 against cutting or slashing attacks and
Best-selJing mystery novelist John lS against all others; scale modifier of
life as the Tarantula, was met with a
Law was inspired by the mystery men S, and 30 Body Points. Shoots a line that
lukewarm reception. He eventually the Tarantula can swing from; +20 to
who began appearing in the late
moved to Bli.idhaven, where he ekes acrobatics and +lD to climbing rolls; will
1930s. He decided to research and pen
out a life as a serial mystery novelist. support up to 300 pounds of weight
his first nonfiction work on these new
celebrities. So taken was he by the R' t 1. • The Tarantula is a without snapping).
lifestyle that he soon decided to be- mystery man who knows his limita-
come a mystery man himself. He tions. Really just a writer looking for
opted for a spider motif and designed hands-on research experience, he
a a unique "web gun" and suction tends to go after those opponents he
discs for his boots that would enable knows he can capably handle, as op-
him to climb walls. Calling himself the posed to really challenging himself
Tarantula, he was a member of the and possibly getting in over his head.
wartime All-Star Squadron. He contin- However, this instinct in no way di-
ued his career as a mystery man until minishes his dedication to fighting
the group disbanded in 1945. crime in its many forms.

Cha11tsr 3 - 1111-Star s11uadron

T.N .T.
Reflexes 3D: Brawling 40, dodge SD,
driving 40, sneak 40
Coordination 3D: Marksmanship (En-
ergy Projection) 6D
Physique 2D (5D) : leap 3D (6D), lifting
30 (6D), running 3D (60)
Knowled ge 3D: Demolitions 40, re-
search 60, scholar 40, science 60
(chemistry +2D)
Perception 2D: Engineering 40 (chemi-
cal + 10), invent SD (chemically-
based items +2D), know-how (Energy
Projection) 6D
Presence 3D: Intimidation SD, persua-
sion 70, willpower 6D
Squadron) - 24D, Courage-20, Follower
(Dyna-Mite)-70, Mechanical Aptitude
-20; Employed +40, Enemy (Axis
agents) +60, Secret Identity +3D.
P/L BoNus: +1 (+3)
REAL NA~1E: Thomas "Tex" N. Thomas BoDY P OINTS: 30 (42)
OccliPATION: High school teacher Calling themselves T.N.T. and Dan
BASE oi: OPERATIONS: Denver, Colorado; PowERs: Superattributes: Physique 30
the Dyna-Mite, Thomas and Dunbar
(bonus: increased Pll bonus vs. inani-
New York City sought to aid the American war effort mate objects), Energy Projection (ex-
HEIGHT: 5'11" by rounding up criminals and plosive punch, explosive blast) 70. All
WEIGHT: 175 pounds subversives on the home front. After powers have the Limitations: Condi-
EYES: Brown several successful crime-fighting tional (must touch matching Dyna-Ring
HAIR: Brown months together, the duo joined t he to activate chemical process that pro-
RACE: Human All-Star Squadron. In April 1942, they vides powers) -2D, Duration Change:
TECH LEVEL: Modern (1) were asked by that group to investi- Activated -20, and Rechargeable (the
gate reports of Nazi spy activity in more the powers are used the quicker
While working o n a chemistry
Colorado. Their efforts paid off when they are depleted) -SD.
project together, high school teacher
Tex Thomas and his star pupil Danny T.N.T. and Dyan-Mite thwarted an at- EQutPMENT: Oyna-Ri~g.
Dunbar were slowly and unknowingly tempt by saboteurs to destroy a dam.
irradiated. As a result, their bodies Despite the successful outcome, Tho-
were charged with polar-opposite mas was killed during t he mission. He
energies. Discovering these energies was posthumously awarded t he Con-
flowing through them, Thomas and gressional Medal of Honor for his
Dunbar designed two rings that would heroism and sacrifice.
allow them to tap into the power. Af- STRATEGY & TAcncs: Using surprise,
ter touching their "Dyna-Rings" to- stealth, and teamwork, Thomas was
gether, they became stron ger and adept at using the duo's powers to
gained the power to project explosive subdue opponents quickly and with
blasts from t heir hands. a minimum of force.

Chaoter3 - AH-Starsauadmn
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JSASOURCEBOOK

TllB Wllill
Revered by the locals, Gaynor
battled corruption and injustice
throughout the American South- Reflexes 30:Acrobatics SD, brawling6D,
west for several years after- dodge 6D, melee weapons 5D (whips
wards with his stallion Diablo +8D), riding 7D
and Seguro Sentinel reporter Coordination 30: Thrown weapons 5D
Marissa Dillon as his allies. With (whips +8D)
the outbreak of World War II, Gaynor Physique 30: Leap 4D, lifting 4D, run-
moved to New York and continued ning 4D
his crime-fighting and anti-subver- Knowledge 20: Languages 3D (Spanish
sive activities. He later became part +9D), research 4D
of the All-Star Squadron. Gaynor's ac- Perception 30: Search 5D, shadowing
tivities since 1944 are unrecorded. 5D, streetwise 5D, surveillance 4D,
STRA"n:c\· & TAcncs: Gaynor survival (desert) 6D
could outride and outfight Presence 20: Animal handling 4D
most criminals. His mastery and (horses +4D), bluff SD, charm 6D, in-
versatility with a bullwhip terrogation 4D, intimidation 6D, per-
were unmatched. He truly suasion 5D, willpower 6D
lived up the legend of El Castigo. AovANTAGFS/OISADVANTAGFS: Ally (All-Star
Squadron) -24D, Animal Friendship
-2D, Contact (high society) -3D, Fast
Reactions -4D, Follower (Diablo) -70,
Speed Draw (whips) -lD, Wealth -6D;
Dependent (Marissa Dillon) + lD, En-
emy (rogues gallery) +4D, Enemy (Axis
agents) +6D, Secret Identity +3D.
SPEED: 30 POV: 3
R.t::AL NA~tF:: Rodrigo Gaynor EQUIPMENT: Bullwhip (BDV 3D).
Millionaire socialite
O cct:PAT10:-;:
BASF. OF 0PF.RAT10:-;s: Seguro, New Diablo
Mexico; later New York City Reflexes 3D, brawling 5D, Coordination
HEJGm: 5'10" 20, Physique 4D, leap 7D, running 7D,
WF.1G1rr. 174 pounds Knowledge 2D, Perception 3D, intimida-
EYEs: Blue tion 4D, willpower4D. Speed: 110. POV:
HAIR: Black 2. Physique bonus: +2. Body Points: 24.
RACE:: Human
Natural abilities: hoof (BDV lD), teeth
(BDV lD).
TFCH Lr.vF1: Modern (1)
In 1939, millionaire socialite Rod
Gaynor stopped over in Seguro, New
Mexico, and was moved by the plight
of the oppressed townsfolk there. He
also learned about a masked cham-
pion called El Castigo (Spanish for
"The Whip"). After discovering the
legendary crusader's raiments,
Gaynor assumed the mantle of the

Zatara Taking the stage name John
Zatara, he and his manservant
Tong solved their first case in Reflexes 2D: Brawling 30, dodge 40,
1938. For more than a decade af- sneak 40
terwards, they battled gangsters, Coordination 3D: Catch 40, sleight of
evil sorcerers, and mad scientists hand70
of all types. Zatara also joined the Physique 2D
All-Star Squadron. He assisted that Knowledge 3D: Arcane lore 70, crimi-
team whenever his mystical abili- nology 40, languages 40, research
ties were needed. 40, scholar40 (stage magic +20)
Sometime after 1951, Zatara
Perception 4D:Artist (stage magic) 70,
met and married another mage, know-how (Wizardry) 70, search 50,
Sindella, who bore him a daughter, streetwise 50
Zatanna. Sadly, they were togther
only a short time before Sindella Presence 3D: Bluff 4D, cha:-m 50, per-
suasion 6D, willpower 7D
was apparently slain. Later, a mys-
tic curse prevented contact be- ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Acting Ability

tween Zatara and the then-adult - 3D, Acute Manual Oexterity-20, Ally
Zatanna. Short ly thereafter, (All-Star Squadron) -230, Contact
(magical community) -40, Follower
Zatara retired from both the stage (Tong) - 7D, Magically Adept -50, Re-
and active adventuring. nown -40, Moral Code (Magician's
RtctNnv: Decades later, Zatara Code) +6D.
regained at least a measure of 30
his former happiness when the PDV:2
curse was lifted and he once UNARMED BDV: 20
again saw his daughter. Eventu- p / L 8oNUS! + 1
ally, Zatara and Zatanna also re- HERO POINTS: 12
united briefly with Sindella before VILLAIN POINTS: 0

she met her final end. CHARACTER POINTS: 98

Boov POINTS: 29
In his final heroic act, Zatara de-
fended Earth from attack by the POWERS: Wizardry 130 [Limitation: In-
Shadow Creature. He perished during cantation (speaking backwards)-4D].
REAL NAME: Giovanni "John" Zatara the battle.
0cCUPA1lON: Stage magician STRATEGY & TACTtcs: Initially, Zatara
BASE OF OPERATIONS: Mobile used his powers conservatively, thus
HEIGHT: 5'11" making them far easier to disguise as
WEIGHT: 170 pounds mere stage magic. In later years, he
En:s: Blue used his abilities more conspicuously
H AtR: Black and with a greater flair.
RAet:: Human
Ti::c11 LEVEL: Modern (1)
Inspired by his grandfather Luigi,
young Giovanni Zatara set out to fol-
low in his footsteps and become a
stage magician. While looking for
ideas to add to his act, Zatara discov-
ered the transversed writings of Da
Vinci. From them, he learned that by
speaking commands backwards, he
gained the focus and concentration
necessary to work true magic.

Cha111er a-All-Star Squadron

C/..;:::A""-' - -- - -- -- - - -- - - -- - JSllSOURCEBOOK

All-Star s

avna-Mite into their powers and gained increased Dyna-Mite
strength and the ability to project ex-
plosive blasts from their hands. Reflex es 20: Brawling 4D, dodge 6D,
Calling themselves TNT and Dyna- sneak 4D
Mite, Thomas and Dunbar sought to Coordination 20: Marksmanship (En-
aid the American war effort by round- ergy Projection) SD
ing up criminals and subversives on Physique 20 (SD)
the home front. This led them to join Knowledge 20 : Scholar 4D, science 4D
the All-Star Squadron, but while on a (chemistry +ID)
mission in April 1942, Thomas was
Percep tion 2D: Hide 4D, know-how (En-
killed by Nazi saboteurs. Dunbar sur-
ergy Projection) SD
vived their attack.
After learning to activate his pow- Presen ce 20 : Intimidation 4D, willpower
ers alone, he continued the good fight SD
as part of the Young All-Stars until the ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES:Ally (All-Star
end of World War II. Once the war was Squadron)-24D, Ally (Young All-Stars)
over, Dan found little respect as a -20D, Courage-20, Patron (T.N.T. [un-
young costumed hero. He quit the til his death]) -SD, Wealth (wealthy
parents) - 2D; Age (12-17) +10, Em-
business and tried to live a more nor-
ployed +4D, Enemy (Axis Amerika) +SD,
mal life. Enemy (Axis Agents) +6D, Secret Iden-
R Ec E:-1 T1.v: Dunbar re-emerged as tity +3D
leader and spokesman for Old Justice. SPEED: 30
This group of 1940s-era costumed PDV:3
sidekicks now work to prevent youths U NARMED BDV: 3D
from becoming young heroes as a re- P/L BoNus: +1 ( +2)
sult of what difficult experiences they H ERO POINTS: 9
had while growing up. V ILLAIN P OINTS: 0
STRAnmv & T Acr1cs: Dunbar followed B ODY P OINTS: 24
TNT's lead in fights during their part-
P OWERS: Superattributes: Physique 3D
nership. Even so, he always used his
REAL NAME: Daniel Dunbar (bonus: increased Pit bonus vs. inani-
powers quickly and directly with little mate objects), Energy Projection (ex-
AuAs: Dan the Dyna-Mite subtlety to subdue miscreants. plosive punch, explosive blast) 7D. All
OccuPATlo:..: High school student
powers have the Limitations: Condi-
BASE OF OPERATIONS: Denver, Colorado; tional (must touch matching Dyna-Ring
New York City to activate chemical process that pro-
HEIGIIT: 5'5" vides powers) -2D, Duration Change:
W1::1GHr: 127 pounds Activated -2D, and Rechargeable (the
En:s: Blue more the powers are used the quicker
HAIR: Brown they are depleted) -SD.
Rt\ct: Human EQUIPMENT: Dyna-Ring.
TECH LE\-a: Modern (1)

While working on a chemis try

project, Danny Dunbar and his teacher,
"Tex" Thomas, were s lowly and un-
knowingly irradiated. As a result, their
bodies were charged with polar-oppo-
site energies. Realizing they needed a
way to access the power, they devised
their "Dyna-Rings." By touching the
rings together, they were able to tap

Chapter 4 - Young All-Stars

FlvingFax Fu111 1
with the cape and cowl's mystic gifts.
The shaman then sent the renamed
Flying Fox to the United States to aid
in the war effort. Once there, he be-
came part of the Young All-Stars. Af-
ter the War's end, it is presumed that
he returned to Canada and to his

Smm:Gv & TAcncs: Flying Fox was a

soft-spoken and spiritual individual.
Only Hawkman rivaled his maneuver-
ability in the air, while his magical pow-
ers made him an awesome foe.
Flying Fox
Reflexes 30: Acrobatics 7D, athletics 6D,
brawling 6D, dodge 7D, piloting (self)
8D,sneak 6D
Coordination 30: Marksmanship (Wiz-
ardry) 6D, missile weapons SD,
thrown weapons SD
Physique 2D: Flying SD, leap 6D, lift-
ing 6D, running 4D, swimming 4D
Knowledge 3D: Arcane lore (shaman-
ism) 60, medicine (natural medicine)
5D, navigation SD, scholar 4D
Perception 2D: Hide 6D, know-how ·
(Wizardry) 5D, surveillance 6D, sur-
vival SD, tracking 60
REAL NAME: Unknown Presence 2D: Intimidation 70, persua- RF.At NAME: Helena Kosmatos
Occt:PAT10:-o: Apprentice shaman sion 6D, willpower 6D OcccPATIOI'<: Adventurer
BASE OF 0Pt::KATIO:'llS: New York City ADvANTAGES/D1SADVANTAGES: Acute Sense BASE or 0PERAno~: Miami, Florida and
HFJGHT: 5'10" WEIGHT: 128 pounds of Direction -2D, Ally (Young All-Stars) New York City
EYF.s: Brown H \ rR: Black -20D, Courage -20, Sixth Sense -20; HFJGm: 5'6"
R\CE: Human Tt:CH wu: Modern ( 1) Enemy (Axis Amerika) +50, Hides Emo- WucHT: 118 pounds
tions +10, Secret Identity +3D.
The youth who would become the En:s: Blue
SPEED! 30 PDV: 4 H AIR: Blonde
Flying Fox was the son of the chief of
UNARMED BDV: 40 P/L BoNus: +3 RAcE: Human
a hidden tribe of Indians living in
HER.o PotNTS: 6 VrUAJNPo1NTS: 0 TECH LF.v..:1.: Modern (1)
Canada during World War II. During CHARACTER PorNTS: 46 Boov PorNTS: 27
this time, the Nazis learned of the Helena Kosmatos's father was
tribe's existence and attempted to get POWERS: Wizardry (spells) 4D (6D with
cape and cowl). killed during the Italian Fascists' in-
them to work against the Canadian vasion in 1940. The very next year, her
government. When the tribe refused, SPELIS: Fireball SV 6 [Energy Projection mother suffered a fatal heart attack
the Nazi agents killed the chief. Grief- (fireball), Increased power ( 4D), Ritual
when Helena revealed that her
(simple gesture, less than a round)),
stricken over his father's death, his brother Michael had been collaborat-
Invisibility SV 6 [Invisibility, Increased
son followed the d irections of the power (4D), Ritual (simple gesture, less ing with both the Fascists and the
tribe's shaman and obtained the cape than a round)]. Nazis. Blaming Michael for her
and cowl of the magical flying fox from mother's death, Helena hunted after
EQurPMENT! Fox fur cape and cowl [Body
a lost cavern. When the youth re- him, but she ended up being pursued
Points 75; Powers: Flight !OD (En-
turned with the talismans, the sha- by German troops herself. She fled to
hancement: Magically Empowerd +8D),
man painted the symbol of the flying Wizardry 20). the Areopagus ("Hill of Ares") where
fox on the boy's chest, endowing him she unwittingly released the Greek

Chaoter 4 - Young Jill-Stars

gods of vengeance, the three Furies.
She was asked by one of them ,
Tisiphone the Blood Avenger, if Hel-
ena wanted to kill her brother. Helena
Reflexes 20: Brawling 6D, dodge 80
Coordination 20: Catch 80, thrown
replied that she would be willing to weapons 7D
pay any price to avenge her mother's Physique 20 (100): Leap 50 (130), lift-
death. Tisiphone then touched Hel- ing 30 (llD), running 3D (110),
ena on the shoulder with her scythe, swimming 3D (110)
endowing the girl with some of the Knowledge 20: Arcane lore 5D, lan-
Fury's godly might. Now garbed as guages (English) 5D [nat ive lan-
Fury, she overcame the Nazis who guage: Greek] , scholar 40 (Greek
had been chasing her. Helena's anger mythology +40)
then transformed her into an incar- Perception 2D: Search 40, surveillance
nation of the Blood Avenger. She 3 D, survival 40, tracking 30
found Michael piloting a boat carry- Presence ID: Charm 4D, intimidation
ing more agents and killed him. 80, willpower 80
A reverted Helena was found float- AovANTAGFS/D1sADVANTAGFS: Ally (Young
ing in the Aegean Sea by Johnny All-Stars) - 20D, Attractive Appearance
Chambers, who took her to America -20, Hardiness -40 (Superattributes
to live with his aunt and uncle in Mi- bonus), Patron (Johnny Quick) -20,
ami. Although she thought her meet- Patron (Hippolyta) -3D, Self-Healing
ing with the Furies was a dream, she -4D; Dark Secret (transformation into
was soon proved wrong when she "Blood Avenger") +2D, Dependant
once again transformed into the hero- (George & Rose Kosmatos) +10 each,
ine Fury and aided the All-Star Squad- Enemy (Axis Amerika) +5D, Low Self-
ron in stopping Axis Amerika. There- Esteem +2D, Secret Identity +3D.
after, she joined the Young All-Stars. SPEED: 30 POV: 4
She and Hippolyta, the JSA's Wonder UNARMED BDV: 4D P /L BoNUs: + 1 (+ 7)
Woman, formed a special bond. The HERO POINTS: 9 VILLAIN POINTS: 1
Amazon queen became like a second CHARACTER POINTS: 72
BODY POINTS: 24 (65)
mother to the orphaned Helena.
P OWERS: Superattributes: Physique 8D
Rrn." m·: At some point after the end (bonuses: increased P!l bonus vs. in-
of World War II, Helena gave birth to animate objects, lift objects without
Hippolyta Trevor, who later became them collapsing), Speed Manipulation
the second Fury and joined Infinity, (superactions, supermobility) 60 each. lb:.u N.\\11::: Arnold "Arn" Munro
Inc. A few months ago, she resurfaced All powers have the Limitations: Dura- Oc.u l'ATio~: Adventurer
under the seductive thrall of the leg- tion Change: Activated -20, and Side n..sr OF Orr.R\TIO"tiS: New York City
endary general Alcmaeon and came Effect (Blood Avenger transformation; HFJCiHT: 5' 10"
to blows with her former patron's if Fury expresses any kind of extreme Wnrn1 : 162 pounds
daughter, Diana. rage, she must make a Very Difficult fau: Blue
willpower roll to prevent herself from HAm: Black with white streak
STR.\tEG'r & TAcuc~c;: Fury was a pas- becoming the "Blood Avenger." A fail- R.An : Human
sionate and emotional individual. ure means that she has become the Trm l..nl:'.l.: Modern (1)
However, she constantly strove to Blood Avenger. She becomes a
keep her more violent urges under Narrator's character for the duration of Hugo Danner was born with super-
control, for fear of releasing her Blood the transformation, which equals the human strength as a result of experi-
Avenger persona. This did not keep difference between the roll and the dif- ments his father performed on his
her from being one of the All-Star's ficulty times 10 minutes, with the fol- mother while she was pregnant. Hugo
lowing powers: Superattributes: Phy- left home at the age of 18 when his
strongest powerhouses.
sique+ lOD, Microwave Projection 12D, high school sweetheart, Anna Blake,
Invulnerability 110, Flight lOD. The married another man. Hugo's unique
Blood Avenger will do anything to right
powers enabled him to experience a
the perceived "wrong," including at-
tacking teammates and committing number of adventures, but they for-
acts that will earn Fury Villain Points ever set him apart from other men.
when the transformation ends.) -4D. Eventually, Hugo staged his death in
the Yucatan and disappeared. But,
EQUIPMENT: Body armor (AV 12 vs. physi-
cal and energy attacks). before he vanished, he visited Anna

Cha11ter4 - Young All-Stars

and the two shared one last night of
passion. Nine months later, Arnold
was born and led to believe that he
was the son of Anna and her husband.
Iron Munro
Reflexes 2D: Brawling 6D, dodge 6D
Coordination 2D: Catch 4D, thrown
At 10 years old, Am's powers mani- weapons4D
fested and his mother insisted that he
keep his powers a secret, lest they
lead to the same isolation Hugo suf-
Physique 3D (12D): Leap 4D (13D), lift-
ing SD (14D), running 6D (lSD)
Knowledge 2D
Perception 2D: Streetwise SD
In April of 1942, Arn rescued Dan
the Dyna-Mite from Nazi saboteurs. Presence 3D: Charm 6D, intimidation
This act of heroism eventually led to 8D, willpower 6D
him joining the All-Star Squadron's ADvANTAGF.S/DISADVANJ'AGF.S: Ally (Young
youth auxiliary, the Young All-Stars, All-Stars) -20D, Attractive Appearance
using his high school nickname, -2D, Charismatic -3D, Courage -2D,
"Iron" Munro. Hardiness -4D, Youthful Appearance
Arn and his fellow teammate Fury -2D; Dependant (Anna Blake Munro)
+ID, Enemy (Axis Amerika) +SD, Impul-
shared a romance during their days
siveness +ID.
on the team, but they broke up
shortly after the war ended. Arn then 30
joined Argent, a division the Office of PDV:3
Strategic Services, where he met
p /L BoNUS: +2 ( +7)
Sandra Knight, the original Phantom HERO POINTS: 8
Lady. The two married on the spur of VILLAIN POINTS! 0
the moment while vacationing in Mo- CHARACTER POINTS: 6S
naco. Sandra did have a son by him, BODY POINTS: 34 (72)
but the baby was born while she was POWERS: Longevity ID, Superattributes:
a captive of Baron Blitzkrieg and sto- Physique 9D (bonus: increased P/l bo-

~t ' ~.
len by the villain. The two split soon nus vs. inanimate objects, can lift ob-
after, and Arn retired. jects without them collapsing), Jump

1 a';~
RECE:'iTIY: Iron Munro resurfaced 7D, Immunity 80, Invulnerability 9D.
briefly when clues to his missing son
\\ ~ 1, ~"j ~ ~
came to light. For a time, he even ·. 1:
thought that the young hero Damage
was his lost child. The mystery of his ~~ '. . ·~ l;i
son's disappearance still unsolved, ~ <--'\ ·\~ '(?;
Arn has decided to live out the rest OccUPATION: Author
of his life in semi-seclusion aboard a BASE OF OrERAT10:...s: New York City
houseboat in Florida with his old Hr-.1G11T: 6'0" WmGtrr: 187 pounds
friend Roy Lincoln (the Human EYES: Blue H AtR: Black
Bomb). R4-cE: Human TECH LEVEL: Modern (1)
STRA"IEGY & TA<.T 1cs: Iron Munro was Neptune Perkins was born essen-
very much the reluctant hero. How- tially a "human dolphin" with a need
ever, once he is convinced to take to constantly immerse himself in sea
action, he did so whole-heartedly. He water. He quickly adapted to an am-
relied heavily on his Extranormal phibious lifestyle, though he could
abilities. This often made him over- only spend brief periods on dry land.
confident, thinking that they could get Once Perkins reached his late teens,
him through any scrape he got into. Nazi agents killed his parents and he
retreated into the sea, becoming a
marine explorer. While working on a
book about marine life, he had the
first of several encounters with the
All-Star Squadron. Eventually, he
joined the team's junior contingent,
the Young AU-Stars.

ChBPIBr 4- Young All-Stars

RECENTLY: Perkins survived the end of
World War II and had a daughter named
Deep Blue with his Jover, Tsunami.
Perkins currently serves as a U.S.
senator. He was involved in both the
Tsunami whom she had come to respect. So, she
near invasion by the alien Hunters fled and briefly disappeared. She resur-
and the recent scandal concerning faced some months later and reluc-
the junior JLA team Young Justice. tantly joined the Young All-Stars, even
STRATEGY & TAcr1cs: Since he is more though she still had no love for the
of an explorer at heart, Nept une Americans and their attitude toward
Perkins was really a thinker rather her and her fellow nisei.
than a fighter. However, even though RECE~TLY: After the Japanese surren-
he possessed no extraordinary abili- der in 1945, Tsunami and her then-
ties he was never afraid to follow his lover, Neptune Perkins, had a daugh-
fellow Young All-Stars into battle. ter, Deep Blue. The couple has since
Neptune Perkins split under bitter circumstances. Tsu-
Reflexes 2D: Boating SD, brawling SD, nami is now in semi-retirement in an
dodge6D undisclosed location.
Coordination 3D STRATEGY & TAcnes: Tsunami was an
Physique SD: Lifting 8D, swimming 70
arrogant and self-centered person. As
(lOD) such, she had difficulty taking orders
and usually tended to strike out on
Knowledge 3D: Navigation (undersea) her own. Since her powers required
70, research SD, scholar4D (marine
life +3D), science 40 (marine biology
that she be near a large body of wa-
+30) ter, she would only reluctantly to un-
dertake dry land missions.
Perception 2D: Artist (writer) 70, know-
how (marine exploration) 100, sur- Tsumani
vival 30 (marine +60) Reflexes 2D: Athletics ("surfing" waves)
Presence 20: Animal handling (under- 80, boating 4D, dodge 60, martial
sea creatures) SD, intimidation 40, arts SD
persuasion 60, willpower 8D REAL NA.\m: Miya Shimada Coordination 20: Thrown weapons 4D
ADVANTAGFS/DISADVANTAGFS: Ally (All-Star Occ1..i>AnON: Adventurer
Physique 2D (SD): Swimming 40 (1 OD)
Squadron)-240, Ally (Young All-Stars) BASE or 0PERAT10;-;s: New York City
-200, Animal Friendship (undersea HEIGllT: 5'6" WEIGHT: 121 pounds Knowledge 2D: Languages 3D (English
creatures) -20, Obscure Knowledge Em: Brown HAIR: Black +6D, native language: Japanese),
navigation 40
-2D; Enemy (Axis Amerika) +SD, Hides RAcE: Human TECH LEVEL: Modern (1)
Emotions +10, Medical Problem (has a Perception 20: Know-how (Water Ma-
severe deficiency of sodium salts ne- Miya Shimada was born an Ameri- nipulation) 100
cessitating a constant exposure to salt can citizen oi Japanese descent, or
nisei. However, the racial prejudice she Presence 20: Intimidation 60, willpower
water; if he doesn't replenish his body 60
of its salts every few hours, he falls un- experienced when the United States en-
conscious and dies within a short pe- tered World War II drove her away from ADvANTAGFS/D1sADVANTAGFS: Ally (Young
riod of time) +6D. America and to Japan, where she of- All.Stars)-20D, Attractive Appearance
fered her unique powers to the Nippon -20; Argumentative +10, Enemy (Axis
SPEED: 30 PDV:3 America) +SD, Hides Emotions +ID,
UNARMED BDV: 30 P /L BoNus: +4 government's cause. Named "Tsunami" Shady Background +20.
HERO POINTS: 10 VILLAIN POINTS: 0 by the legendary Admiral Yamamoto,
CHARACTER POINTS: 82 BODY POINTS: 37 she was secretly brought back to Cali- SPEED: 30 PDV: 3
UNARMED BDV: lD p /L BONUS: +1 (+4)
NATURAL As1L1T1ES: Webbed feet and fornia by submarine and soon faced off
hands ( +3D to swimming), water-resis- against Liberty Belle and Starman of CHARACTER POINTS: 68
tant and pressure-adapted skin (all dif- the All-Star Squadron, the first of sev- BooY POINTS: 2S (S2)
ficulty numbers for deep-sea survival eral clashes with the team. After a
are at -2), can hold breath for up to botched mission to steal Starman's POWERS: Superattributes: Physique 60
seven minutes. (bonuses: increased P!l bonus vs. inani-
gravity rod, Tsunami found herself ap- mate objects, lift objects without them
EQUIPMENT: Costume (Body Points 12; palled by the ruthlessness of her Japa- collapsing), Jump 40, Water Manipula-
allows him to spend up to 24 hours out nese superiors and lack of honor to- tion (breathe underwater, tidal wave cre-
of water). ward the heroes of the Squadron, ation & control, ride waves) 120.

Cha11ter 4 - Young All-Stars

~ -------------- JSllSOURCE

Free dom
Figh ters

The Black candor 1
raged, Richard avenged his loved
Black Condor
ones' murders by bringing the
tribesman to justice. Then he left Reflexes 4D:Acrobatics 60, athletics 50,
to find his parents' homeland. brawling 50, dodge 70, piloting (self)
Arriving in America in 1941, 70
Grey continued battling injus- Coordination 3D: Marksmanship 4D
tices as the mystery man Black (Black-Ray Pistol +30)
Condor. Physique 3D: Flying 6D, lifting 40
As a dying request, crusad- Knowledge 20: Navigation 60, scholar
ing Senator Wright asked the 50 (politics +10)
Condor, his exact look-alike, to
Perception 30: Tracking60, survival 60
assume his identity and struggle
against corruption. Abetted by Presence 30: Animal handling (con-
Wright's friend Dr. Henry Foster, dors) 90, persuasion 60, willpower
Grey inherited the senator's office 60
and later fell in love with the former ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Acute Sense
senator's girlfriend, Wendy Roberts. of Direction -20, Acute Senses (sight)
Soon after, the Condor answered the -20, Ally (Freedom Fighters)-200, Ally
call to join the All-Star Squadron. He (All-Star Squadron) -230, Animal
Friendship (condors) -20, Contact
later left in favor of its splinter group, (U.S. government)-50, Status (senator)
the Freedom Fighters. -100, Wealth -40; Dependent (Wendy
Sometime after 1943, Richard Grey Roberts) +10, Enemy (Axis agents) +60,
left America to join the Society of the Secret Identity (fhomas Wright) +30.
Wing, an organization dedicated to SPEED: 30
bioengineering a race of flying hu- PDV:4
mans. UNARMED BDV: 30
STRATEGY & TAcr1cs: A superb aerialist P/L BONUS: +2
and flyer, Grey used these abilities HERO POINTS: 14
and his Black-Ray Pistol to surprise
and harry opponents. CHARACTER POINTS: 110
Rt::At NAME: Richard Grey, Jr. Boov Po1NTS: 35
ALIAS: Thomas Wright POWERS: Flight 80.
Occu PATION: U.S. Senator
EQUIPMENT: Black-Ray Pistol (Body
BASE OF 0PERATIO!'IS: Washington, D.C.
Points 42; BDV 80).
HEIGHT: 6'2"
WEIGHT: 196 pounds
EYES: Blue
H.\IR: Black
RACE: Human
TECH LEVEL: Modern (1)
Richard Grey, Jr.'s parents led an
archaeological expedition to
Mongolia, but an attack by maraud-
ing Yakki tribesmen left only their in-
fant son alive. A mother condor nur-
tured Richard, and it was this wild up-
bringing-or perhaps radiation from
a meteor-that unleashed Grey's gift
of flight.
Father Pierre, a hermit, befriended
and educated Richard before falling
victim to those same marauders. En-

Chanter ti-Freedom Fighters

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JSASDUBCEBDDK

In 1942, Doll Man answered Doll Man
Roosevelt's plea for mystery men to
join the All-Star Squadron. After sev- Reflexes 30: Acrobatics 6D, brawling 60,
eral months with the group, he relo- climbing 40, dodge 6D, piloting 40
(Dollplane +20 ), riding 4D (birds
cated to Washington, D.C. with sev-
+2D), sneak 60
eral others to join Uncle Sam's splin-
ter group, the Freedom Fighters. Dane Coordination 30: Catch 50
continued battling crime throughout Physique 30: Leap 6D, lifting 4D, run-
World War II and after, encountering ning 40, swimming 4D
foes like the Undertaker and Tom Knowledge 3D: Research 60, scholar
Thumb. In 1951, Martha Roberts im- 60, science 60 (chemistry +20)
bibed the shrinking formula to be- Perception 20: Engineering ( chemicaO
come his partner, Doll Girl. 7D, hide 6D, invent 40 (chemically-
R ECE.\"fLY: Despite re-appearing during based items +40), know-how (Size
the Appellaxian invasion of Ear th, Manipulation) 60, surveillance 4D
Dane fell again into obscurity. His Presence 2D: Animal handling (birds)
activities since 1953 remain unre- 40, intimidation 50, willpower 6D
S TRATEGY & TACTICS: Dane's diminutive dom Fighters) - 20D, Ally (All-Star
form allowed him to strike stealthily Squadron) -23D, Follower (Doll Girl)
-80 (after 1951), Patron (Dr. Roberts)
at his opponents' vulnerabilities. On
-4D, Wealth -40; Dependent (fiancee)
the defensive, he was an elusive tar- +ID (until 1951), Enemy (rogues gal-
get and easily found cover and escape lery) +40, Enemy (Axis agents) +6D,
routes. Secret Identity +30.
SPEED: 30 (Doll Man: 3)
O cc11p,\:l'JON: CHARACTER P OINTS: 95
H EIGHT: 6' (Doll Man: 6") PoWERS: Size Manipulation (shrink self
W EIGHT: 175 pounds (Doll Man: 7-1/2 to doll-size) 40 (Enhancement: Mastery
pounds) +60), Superattributes: Physique 20 (bo-
EYE.S: Blue nus: increasedP/l bonus vs. inanimate
HAm: Black objects) (Limitation: Linked to Size
R.AcE: Human
Manipulation [allows him to retain his
normal Physique at doll-size]).
TECH LEVEL: Modern (1)
EQUIPMENT: After 1951: Dollplane: size: 1-
Chemist Darrell Dane self-tested a foot long; crew: 1; passengers: 1 (both
formula designed to shrink living be- doll-sized); maneuverability 40; speed:
ings in 1939. To his surprise, he found 70 mph; AV 22; scale modifier 3; BDV
it allowed him to reduce his size at 10; Body Points 10.
will and still maintain his full physi-
cal strength. Soon after, Dane's abili-
ties helped save his fiancee, Martha
Roberts, from a man called Falco, who
blackmailed her with evidence of a
past indiscretion. Because of this suc-
cess, Dane became Doll Man, one of
the first costumed heroes.

Chapter 5-Freedom Fighters

Firebrand 1 Reilly kept his vigilantism from his
loved ones-including his fiancee,
Joan Rogers. Only Slugger (who acted Reflexes 4D: Acrobatics 7D, boating SD,
as Firebrand's assistant) knew of his brawling 7D, climbing 6D, dodge 7D,
secret !ife. This state of affairs lasted driving SD, melee weapons 50, sneak
until the Navy placed Ensign Rod
Reilly on active duty at Pearl Harbor Coordination 4D: Catch SD, marksman-
just prior to the Japanese sneak at- ship SD, thievery SD, thrown weap-
tack, in which he was gravely ons SD (lariat +2D)
wounded. Physique 3D: Leap 6D, lifting 6D, run-
During Rod's convalescence, his ning 4D, swimming 4D
sister Danette assumed the Firebrand Knowledge 2D: Demolitions 4D, naviga-
identity with his blessing. Nonethe- tion 4D, scholar 4D
less, neither could prevent Nazi Perception 3D: Hide SD
operatives from murdering
Presence 3D: Bluff6D, charm SD, inter-
their father, industrialist "Em-
rogation SD, intimidation SD, persua-
erald" Ed Reilly in mid-1942. This sion 6D, willpower 6D
tragedy prompted the original
Firebrand's return to action along-
dom Fighters) -20D, Ally (All-Star
side the Freedom Fighters.
Squadron) -23D, Attractive Appear-
After the war, Reilly fell into ance -2D, Courage -2D, Fast Reactions
obscurity. -4D, Follower ("Slugger" Dunn) -7D,
STRATEGY & TAcnes: Ever the Wealth -6D; Employed (Naval Reserve
thrill-seeker, Firebrand dove Ensign) +4D, Enemy (rogues gallery)
into action with little or no +4D, Enemy(Axis agents) +6D, Fugitive
(before 1942) +2D, Secret Identity +3D.
planning. As his calling
card, Firebrand left be- 30

hind a burning "Torch of PDV:4

Justice" at the scenes of UNARMED BDV: 4D
p /L BoNUS: +3
REAL NAME: Rod Reilly his exploits.
OcctJPAT10:11: Playboy VILLAIN POINTS: 0
WEtGtfl': 185 pounds EQUIPMENT:Vacuum cups (support up to
EYES: Blue 300 pounds, up to 400 pounds for short
HAIR: Brown periods of time); lariat (80 feet long; +1
RAcE: Human to climbing rolls).
TECH LEvEL: Modern (1)

Bored by his playboy lifestyle, Rod

Reilly sought adventure as a cos-
tumed mystery man. To prepare for
this ultimate challenge, Reilly's man-
servant "Slugger" Dunn, a former
heavyweight boxer, trained him to the
peak of physical perfection.
Reilly debuted as Firebrand in mid-
1941, fighting a criminal syndicate's
attempted take-over of New York.
Despite his good intentions, the po-
lice mistakenly believed Firebrand
was the syndicate's leader. As a result,

Cha111er 5-Freedom Fighters

~..::""-'"'-' - - - -- - - -- -- - -- -- - - - -- - -- JSASOUBCEBOOK

The Human Bom/J nals. He wore a costume made of

Human Bomb
"fibro-wax" (a special compound de-
veloped by his father to contain 27- Reflexes 20: Brawling SD, dodge 40
QRX's energies) that prevented acci- Coor dination 20
dental use of his power. Known as the Physique 20: Running 3D
Human Bomb, his loyal but bumbling
Knowledge 40 : Demolitions 70, re-
friend Hustace Throckmorton aided
search 6D, scholar 6D, science 60
Lincoln in his crime-fighting efforts. (chemistry +2D)
At one time, Throckmorton also de-
veloped explosive powers of his Per ception 30 : Engineering 50 (chemi-
cal +20), invent 40 (chemical com-
pounds +30)
Lincoln joined the All-Star
Squadron in 1942, but he left sev- Presence 20 : Intimidation 7D, willpower
eral months later to join the Freedom 70
Fighters in Washington, D.C. Thereaf- ADVANTAGES/D ISADVANTAGES: Ally (Free-
ter, he divided his efforts between dom Fighters) -200, Ally (All-Star
crime-fighting and working in the lab, Squadron) -230, Contact (U.S. govern-
ment) -30, Courage -20; Dependent
searching for the means to lift t he
(Hustace Throckmorton) +ID, Enemy
curse of his explosive touch.
(rogues gallery) +40, Enemy (Axis
REcE.vn..Y: After 1946, Lincoln primarily agents) +60, Secret Identity +30.
devoted himself to finding a cure. As SPEED:30
with many other heroes, the Human POV:2
Bomb reappeared during the UNARMED BOV: 30
Appellaxian invasion of Earth. Appar- P/L BoNus: + 1
ently cured of his explosive condition, H ERO POINTS: 10
Lincoln now lives in retirement on his VILLAIN POINTS: 2
houseboat Spartacus in Tampa Bay, CHARACTER Po1NTS: 89
Florida. Boov Po1NTS: 29

& TACTICS: At first, Lincoln POWERS: Explosion 90 [Limitations: Lim-

ited Range (touch)-30, Ineffectiveness
RFl\L N AME: Roy Lincoln had no qualms against exploding the
(fibro-wax) -ID, Uncontrollable (any-
OcC1.,PAT10:11: Chemist skulls of enemy agents with his touch. thing he touches with his hands ex-
BASF: or OrERAnoNs: Washington, D.C. Later in his career, after his thirst for plodes) -SD and Enhancement: Self-In-
Ht:tGlfl': 6' vengeance was quenched, he stunned vulnerability +30). Natural Armor:
Wmmr: 182 pounds most opponents by exploding nearby Tough skin 80.
Eu.s: Blue walls and flooring. He used his power
H .\1R: Black directly only against exceptional foes.
R.\CJ::: Human
T.:m U\EL: Modern (1)
In 1941, chemist Roy Lincoln and
his father developed a devastatingly
powerful explosive designated 27-
QRX. Nazi agent s attempted to steal
the formula and murdered Roy's fa-
ther in the process. In a desperate
effort to thwart the robbery, Roy swal-
lowed the compound. To his horror,
the chemical's explosive power con-
centrated itself in his hands.
Now grievously deprived of hu-
man contact, Lincoln turned his
wrath on Axis spies and other crimi-

Chaotsr 5-Frssdom F/ghtsrs

The Phantom ladv
the ray to become a costumed hero-
Phantom Lady
ine, debuting as the Phantom Lady in
1941. Reflexes 2D: Athletics 40, brawling 60,
Though Sandra joined the All-Star dodge 60, riding 60, sneak 80
Squadron (and later, the Freedom Coordination 2D: Marksmanship
Fighters), she always remained a so- (Blackout Ray) 6D
cialite foremost. She donned her cos- Physique 2D: leap 3D, running 4D,
tume only when she deemed it nec- swimming3D
essary. After the war, however, the Knowledge 3D: Scholar 6D, science SD
Phantom Lady became a full-time op-
erative of the American intelligence Perception 3D: Hide 8D, know-how
(high society etiquette) SD, repair
agency Argent.
(Blackout Ray) 4D, shadowing 80
During one assignment, she met
and later married "Iron" Munro. While Presence 3D: Charm 50 (seduction
a captive of Baron Blitzkrieg, she gave ..2D), persuasion 6D, willpower 60
birth to Munro's son. Left for dead, ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Ally (Free-
Sandra escaped, but she never d om Fighters) -20D, Ally (All-Star
saw her son again. Squadron) -23D, Attractive Appear-
ance -2D, Contacts (U.S. government)
RECK\''TLY: Sandra is headmis- -40, Contact high society, Professor
tress of the Universite Notre Davis) -2D each, Wealth -40; Enemy
Dame des Ombres, train- (rogues gallery) .. 4D, Enemy (Axis
ing intelligence agents (in- agents) ..6D, Narcissistic .. 30, Secret
cluding the second Phantom Identity .. 3D.
Lady, Delilah Tyler). She continues SPEED:30
the search for her son. PDV:3
STMTFGY & T.\Cncs: Whenever pos-
p /L BONUS: .. 1
sible, Sandra operated after dark, HERO POINTS: 10
when her glasses were most effica- VILLAIN POINTS: 0
cious. She attacked small numbers CHARACTER POINTS: 79
of opponents after blinding them BODY POINTS: 28
with her Blackout Ray. When en-
EQUIPMENT: Blackout Ray (Project a
countering large numbers, she blinding beam of blackness at its tar-
would use the ray to become invis- get: Unless a Very Heroic willpower roll
RFAL NAME: Sandra Knight ible first, and then either blind them is made, the target is struck blind for a
OccuPATION: Debutante, later Argent or use her fists. number of minutes equal to the differ-
operative ence between the difficulty and their
BASE OF OPERATIONS: Washington, D.C. roll. Or, make a single person invisible
HEIGHT: 5'6" for an undisclosed amount of time.),
WEIGHT': 128 pounds special glasses (protected wearer from
En.s: Blue the effects of the Blackout Ray).
HAm: Black
RACE: Human
Tm1 LF.vu: Modern (1)
In 1939, Sandra Knight saved her
father, U.S. senator Henry Knight,
from a nighttime attack by armed
thugs, and she did so without being
recognized. She later confided in fam-
ily friend Professor Abraham Davis,
who offered her his invention the
Blackout Ray in recognition of her
heroism. Sandra accepted and used

Chaster 5-Frssl/om Fighters

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JSASOURCEBOOK

TllBBBl/ ties, Terrill adopted "the Ray" as his
crime-fighting alter-ego. Soon after, he
joined the All-Star Squadron. How- Reflexes 2D: Brawling SD, dodge 6D,
ever, at Uncle Sam's behest, he left to piloting (self) 80
join the Freedom Fighters. Coordination 2D: Marksmanship (En-
ergy Manipulation) 80
R .in· Terrill married in 1945, and
his wife, Gayle, gave birth to their son, Physique 30: Flying 9D
Joshua, a year later. Joshua inherited Knowledge 2D: Research 4D, scholar4D
the Ray's powers. He briefly served Perception 30: Artist (journalism) SD,
as Terrill 's partner, Spitfire, but know-how (Energy Manipulation) 8D
Joshua's powers became uncontrol- Presence 20: Intimidation SD, persua-
lable, and in 1954, they inadvertently sion SD, willpower 7D
caused Gayle's death. Distraught,
Terrill placed his son in cryogenic
Squadron) -230, Ally (Freedom Fight-
suspension and retired as the Ray. ers) -20D, Contact (the press commu-
Years later, Terrill remarried, but nity)-2D, Observant-2D, Status (press
his second son, Raymond, also mani- pass) -10; Employed +4D, Enemy
fested light-based powers. Reminded (rogues gallery) +4D, Enemy (Axis
of past tragedies, Terrill lied to his agents) +6D, Secret Identity +3D.
wife, telling Nadine their son had died SPEED:30
and leaving his brother to raise POV: 3
Raymond as his own. UNARMED BDV: 30
More recently, Terrill reunited p /L 8oNUS! + 1
with his estranged family and hopes HERO POINTS! 12
to make amends for the past. VILLAIN POINTS: 0
~ ' \c 1 " Along with the
Black Condor, the Ray served as the
Freedom Fighters' primary air sup- POWERS: Energy Manipulation (light,
heat, electricity) 130 each [Limitation:
port, relying mostly on his light-based
Weakness (total darkness) -60).
powers to fell his opponents. His tre-
mendous air speed made him a diffi-
REAi N '\tc Happy Terrill cult target to hit, so aerial reconnais-
OnlPATio\: New York Globe reporter sance missions also suited him well.
BAs1 01 Qprnmo~s: New York City
HaGHI : 5'10-1/2"
Wnr.m: 165 pounds
E\i:s: Blue
HAn<: Blond
RAn: Human
Trut L \EL: Modern (1)
In 1941, convinced that a sentien~
being of light threatened Earth, Dr.
Dayzl lured the unsuspecting Happy
Terrill aboard a high-altitude balloon.
Dayzl then exposed Terrill to a "radi-
ant flare," giving Terrill control over
light and (Dayzl hoped) the ability to
communicate with the light entity.
After Terrill's time-lost son Raymond
(who, in his era, had become the sec-
ond Ray) trained him to use his abili-

Cha11ter 5- lreedom Fighters

JS/ISOURCEBOOK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - =~.,,. . ~

Uncle Sam fender for the duration of the conflict.

Uncle Sam
Previously known as the Minuteman,
Brother Jonathan, Johnny Reb, and Reflexes 40: Brawling 9D, dodge 7D,
Billy Yank, the spirit first appeared as melee weapons SD
Uncle Sam during the Spanish-Ameri- Coordination 4D: Marksmanship SD,
can War. It returned as such during thrown weapons 6D
the World Wars. Physique 30 (120): Leap 5D (l4D), lift-
During World War II, Uncle Sam ing 4D (13D), resistance 4D (13D),
joined with a namesake patriot to running 4D (13D), swimming 4D
battle the forces of oppression at (13D)
home and abroad, accompanied Knowledge 30: Scholar 70 (American
by a young orphan named history +8D)
Buddy. The All-Star Squadron Perception 3D: Knourhow (powers) lOD
accepted Uncle Sam into its each
ranks. However, in mid-1942, he
Presence SD (7D): Charm 7D (9D), com-
and several other members broke
mand lOD (120), intimidation lOD
away to form their own team known (120), persuasion lOD (12D), will-
as the Freedom Fighters, based in power 110 (13D)
Washington, D.C.
Uncle Sam's last recorded World ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES:Ally (All-Star
Squadron) -230, Ally (Freedom Fight-
War II adventure was in 1944. How- ers) -20D, Charismatic -3D, Fast Reac-
ever, he did briefly reappear during tions -4D, Leadership Ability -2D
the Appellaxian invasion of Earth. (Superattributes bonus); Dependent
Rrc£.'.rLY: After a long absence during (Buddy) +10, Enemy (rogues gallery)
the post-World War II crises of na- +40, Enemy (Axis agents) +6D, Fanatic
tional identity, the spirit once again (patriotism) +3D, Moral Code (the
American Way) +6D.
bonded with a human host, in this in-
stance a multi-ethnic group. The SPEE0: 30
spirit/host being created this time is PDV:4
called Patriot.
P/L BoNus: +2 (+6)
S1RA1t:Gr & TAc-1K~: Uncle Sam's tre- H ERO POINTS: 42
mendous strength and resiliency VIUAIN POINTS: 0
make him a formidable brawler. He CHARACTER P OINTS! 335
Rt·.A1. N ,\\ti::: Samuel also possesses incredible charisma, 8oOY P OINTS: 41 (76)
Ocn:11.rno'l: Patriot which proves useful in reminding oth- PoWERS: Superattributes: Physique 90
8\.'iE or Om~ \Hn'i.<;: The United States ers of their patriotic duties. (bonuses: increased P/l bonus vs. in-
Haem: 6'2" animate objects, lift objects without
Wuw11: 170 pounds them collapsing), Superattributes: Pres-
far·3; Blue ence 2D, Dimensional Travel (Iconic
HA1R: White Plane) 16D, Invulnerability 9D, Suste-
R,,cr: Human/spirit composite nance 12D. All powers have the Limita-
TF<:H Ll-w1.: Modern (1) tion: Conditional (Americans must have
faith in their country) -3D.
Wanting to create an iconic iden-
NOTE: When the spirit of America bonds
tity for America, its Founding Fathers with a person, it completely usurps the
commissioned the construction of a character's personality, memories, and
mystic American Talisman. Thereaf- skills.
ter, whenever the United States fought
a major war, the mythic spirit of
America bonded with a suitably na-
tionalistic citizen who was dying. To-
gether they created a stalwart de-

Chapter 5-Freedom Fighters


Seven Soldie rs
of Victo ry

JSllSOURCEBOOK - - -- - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - =-~~--"'

The Crimson 1111enger Returning to New York City, Travis tion for a more direct approach (not
learned he had inherited a newspa- unlike many of the other mystery men
per, the Daily Globe-Leader, from his of that time). Although not having any
godfather, Winston Smythe, so he be- metahuman abilities, t he Avenger did
gan his quest for justice by using the have great agility, fighting skill, cun-
power of the press. ning, and determinati on that he used
His fight against oppression to overcome any obstacle placed be-
became more direct after wit- fore him.
nessing a close friend's mur-
der during a robbery. This
Crin:J.son Avenger
provoked Travis to dress as a Reflexes 30: Acrobatics SD, boating 4D,
scarlet masked highwayma n brawling 8D, climbing 5D, dodge 6D,
and begin his war on crime as driving5D. melee weapons 50, sneak
the Crimson Avenger.
The Avenger often posed as a Coordination 30 : Catch 4D, marksman-
criminal h imself to strike at evildoers ship 50 (pistols +2D), thievery SD,
from within their organization s. This thrown weapons 5D
led to the police seeking the Crimson Physique 30: Leap 4D, lifting SD, run-
until late 1940. ning SD, swimming 4D
Now wearing a more colorful cos- Knowledge 3D: Criminology 70, lan-
tume and assisted by his chauffeur, guages 40 (Spanish +2D), research
Wing, in an equally colorful costume, 7D, scholar SD, security 4D
the Avenger earned membershi p in Perception 30: Artist (journalist) 60,
two groups of mystery men, the Seven hide 70, search 60, shadowing 70,
Soldiers in 1941 and the All-Star streetwise 40 (New York City +30),
Squadron in 1942. surveillance 6D
In 1948, the Seven Soldiers became Presence 3D: Bluff 40, charm 50, dis-
REAL N \m.: Lee Walter Travis
stranded in past eras after battling the guise 40, interrogation 60, intimida-
OC'C'l'l'ATJOrc New York Daily Glob e-
Nebula Man. The Avenger spent only tion 70, willpower 70
Leader publisher
a week in Aztec times, but his even- ADVANTAGES/D ISADVANTAGES: Ally (Seven
8 ..\Sf m Orr.R\llO'\..,: New York City
tual rescue brought him into the Soldiers of Victory) -200, Ally (All-Star
HaGHf: 6' Wnmrr: 189 pounds present day, nearly 50 years after his Squadron)-2 30, Ally (Wing)-80, Con-
En;s: Brown HAm: Brown
disappearan ce. tact (the press)-40, Courage-2D, Fast
RAcE: Human Tr:rn l..nu: Modern (1) Reactions -40, Speed Draw (pistols)
Rr.tf''iTL\: Feeling out of place, Travis
After serving in World War I, Lee -10, Status (Globe-Leader publisher)
retired as th~ Avenger and the pub- -30, Wealth -60; Enemy (rogues gal-
Travis had become disillusione d with
lisher of his newspaper and traveled lery) +4D, Enemy (Axis agents) +6D,
what humans were doing to one an-
to Malaysia. While there, he discov- Fugitive +20 (1938-1940), Secret Iden-
other. Seeking guidance, he wandered
ered that he was dying of an incur- tity +30.
the world until he became lost in the
able disease. Travis returned home to SPEED: 30
Himalayas and laid down to die-but PDV:3
contempla te his future when he U NARMED BDV: 40 P/L BoNUS: +2
this was not his destiny.
learned of the hijacking of a ship laden H ERO PoJNTS: 22 V tUAIN P Oll'fl'S: 0
The monks of the mystical city of
with explosive cargo. Leaping into CHARACTER P OINTS: 174 Boov P orNTS: 35
Nanda Parbat took in Travis. There he
action one final time, the Crimson
was nourished back to life and given EQUIP MENT: Initially, the Crimson
Avenger died saving New York City Avenger carried two .4S Auto-Pistols
a vision by th e patron of t he lost city,
when he heroically steered the flam- (BDV 5Dx3) or a gas gun (ammo: 4
the goddess Rama Kushna. He saw a
ing ship out of the bay, where it ex- shots, fills a 20-foot square area with
future in which a person, known as
ploded. opaque knockout gas [anyone within
Superman, would become a cham- this area must make an Extremely Diffi-
pion for goodness and self-sacrifice. STRATEG' & T .\CTl<.:s: The Crimson cult willpower roll or fall unconscious
Upon seeing Superman's apparent de- Avenger initially infiltrated criminal for two hours]). After changing his cos-
mise at the hands of the monstrous organization s by masqueradi ng as a tume, he carried eight Crimson Smoke
Doomsday, Travis vowed to not let his crime lord himself. Eventually, he de- Pellets (each fills a 10' radius area and
good works go to waste. cided to forgo this method of opera- has the same effect as the gas gun).

ChBDIBr 6 -Seven Soldiers of Jl/CIOl'l/

c..r...;::.4:rU - - - - - - - -- - -- - - -- -- - - -- - - JSASOURCEBOOK

The Shinin g Knigh t
fou nd himself much in demand: Shining Knight
capturing criminals, joining both
the Seven Soldiers of Victory (act- Reflexes 4D: Brawling 60, dodge 60,
melee weapons 80 (sword +20),
ing as de facto leader) and the All-
riding 7D (Winged Victory +2D)
~ :·;"··. .. . Star Squadron, serving as
: ~ ~ f ;J~ Churchill's bodyguard, training Coordination 3D: Missile weapons SD,
~ --~~;. ~ Percy Sheldrake (the Squire), and
-. · :'f thrown weapons 40
~· winning the heart of Danette Reilly Physique 4D: Leap SD, lifting SD, run-
(Firebrand II). ning SD
The Shining Knight's heroic deeds Knowled ge 2D: Arcane lore 3D, scholar
continued until 1948. While fighting 3D (Medieval English history +SD)
wit h the Seven Soldiers against Per ception 2D: Know-how (chivalry)
Nebula Man, Justin was thrown back- SD, tracking 40
ward in time. Late r returned to the Presen ce 3D: Animal handling 4D
present day by members of the JSA (Winged Victory +60), charm 40,
and JLA, Justin, still youthful, learned command 6D, intimidation 6D, per-
that during his absence his arch-en- suasion 6D, willpower 70
emy the Dragon King had slain AnvANTAGES/DtSADVANTAGES: Ally (Seven
-·--_./' his beloved Danette.
REcE.'\ 11.Y: With a heavy heart at
Soldiers of Victory)-200, Ally (All-Star
Squadron)-23D, Ally (fhe Squire)-7D,
the news of Danette's murder, the Attractive Appearance -20, Charis-
knight searched once more for the mat ic -3D, Cont act (Br itish govern-
Dragon King to exact his revenge. ment) -SD, Contact (Dr. Moresby)-30,
Courage -2D, Follower (Winged Vic-
Instead, the serpentine servants of
tory) -70, Leadership Ability-20; En-
the king found him first. Imprisoned emy (Axis agents) +6D, Enemy (Dragon
and brainwashed by the Dragon King, King) +3D, Moral Code (Code of Chiv-
Justin eventually made his escape. alry) +60, Secret Iden t ity (Justin
Still without knowledge of who he Arthur) +30 , Technologically Chal-
was, the former Shining Knight felt a lenged +SD.
RF \L NAME: Sir Justin
pull to remain in Blue Valley. Getting SPE.EO: 30 PDV: 3
AuAs: Justin Arthur
a job as the janitor in the Blue Valley UNARMED BDV: 4D P/L BONUS: +2
Occ.TPATION: Ad ve nturer, assistant High School, Jus tin's memories re- HERO POINTS: 18 VIUAIN POINTS: 0
museum curator turned when he saw the new Star CHARACTER POINTS: 14S Boov POINTS: 4S
DA!>E or OrERAno:-is: New York City
Spangled Kid in action. Filled with EQu1PMENr: Enchanted sword [BDV 4Dx7

HEIGHT: 6'1'' WEIGHT: 185 pounds

knowledge of his past once more, the (edge) 20 (flat)), Enchanted Armor [AV
HA1R: Blond
Shining Knight donned his armor and 20 vs. physical attacks, Invulnerability
EYE.'i: Blue
brandished his sword alongside the (magic) 80). Both have the Enhance-
RAct:: Human TECH LE\u: Primitive (0)
Kid to stop the Dragon King. Freeing ment: Magically Empowered +40.
Freed from a magical curse by Sir his steed, now known as Winged Vic-
Justin , a grateful Merlin magically tory, Justin defeated the king in aerial Winged Vict ory
enhanced the young knight of combat and watched his foe perish Reflexes 3D, brawling SD, dodge 6D, pi-
Camelot's armor and sword and gave in a mighty conflagration. loting (self) 6D, Coordination 2D, Phy-
wings to his mount, Vic t ory. sique 4D, flying 6D, leap 6D, running 6D,
The Shining Knight
Emboldened, Justin soon challenged STRATEGY & TAcnes:
Knowledge 20, Perception 3D, Presence
was the classic example of a knight 2D, intimidation 4D, willpower 3D.
and bested a rampaging, bloodthirsty Speed : 110. PDV: 3. Physique bonus:
of Camelot. Polite, honorable, noble,
ogre. In the aftermath, he was left fro- +2. Bod y Points: 26. Natural a bilities:
and courageous, the knight never
zen in ice. hoof (BDV 10), teeth (BDV 10), wings
backed down from a challenge. Be it
Museum curator Dr. Moresby re- allow Winged Victory to fly for a few
with his sword o r his fists, Justin
leased Justin in 1941. He guided him hundred miles before needing rest.
could face off against almost any foe. Note : Horses can attack twice in one
through the strange world of the
Astride his winged steed, he could round with their hooves (two front or
1940s and helped him to establish the
maintain the high ground and strike two back) at no penalty, or they can bite
identity of Justin Ar thur. Justin-
his foes down from above. once.
dubbed the Shining Knight-quickly

Chapter 6 - Seven Soldier s ot lllctory

JSASOURCEBOOK ------------------------ ..:..~--...

The Sold er 1 Hallaway's crime busting won him

membership in the Seven Soldiers Spider
and All-Star Squadron. In reality, it Reflexes 3D: Acrobatics 50, brawling6D,
conveniently covered his (ultimately dodge 60, melee weapons SD, sneak
successful) efforts to become the 6D
city's unchallenged crime Coordination 4D: Lockpicking 50,
boss. For a decade, all marksmanship 60, missile weapons
who learned this secret 6D (bow +3D), thievery 70, thrown
were silenced, including weapons SD
the other Seven Soldiers, Physique 3D: Lifting 4D, running 4D
whom he betrayed in 1948. Knowledge 3D: Criminology4D, forgery
Spider firs t killed Vigi- SD, scholar 4D, science 40, security
lante's mentor, Billy Gunn, who 6D
had learned of his secret, and then Perception 3D: Artist (actor) 5D, hide
attempted to kill the remaining sol- 60, shadowing 70, streetwise 50
diers by removing a piece from the (Keystone City+ lD, St. Louis +30)
Nebula Rod which they were using to
Presence SD: Bluff 70, charm 40, com-
stop the cosmic threat, the Nebula mand 50, interrogation 7D, intimida-
Man. After a battle with Wing, Spider tion 7D,persuasion 50, willpower6D
was knocked unconscious. Wing, tak-
ing the missing piece with him, was
-30, Acute Senses (sight) -20, Ally
able to successfully use the rod to (Seven Soldiers of Victory) -20D, Con-
stop the Nebula Man. However, the tact (Criminal Underworld) -50, Con-
Spider was still successful in silenc- tact (High Society) -3D, Follower
ing the other members of the Seven (chauffeur) -7D, Fast Reactions -40,
Soldiers when Wing sacrificed himself Speed Draw (arrows)-ID, Wealth -60;
to stop the Nebula Man and the re- Dark Secret (criminal boss) +3D, Enemy
maining members were scattered (the Shade) +3D, Secret Identity +30,
through time as a result of the battle. Sworn Enemy (the Shade) +3D.
In 1950, Hallaway relocated to Key- SPEED: 30
stone City to continue his family's PDV:3
obsession with destroying the Shade. UNARMED BDV: 40
There, he became involved with re- P/L BoNus: +2
REAL NAME: Tom Ludlow Hallaway HERO POINTS: 5
porter Linda Dalt. Numerous clashes
OcccPAT10:-1: Criminal boss VJUAIN POINTS: 10
with Keystone's criminal element so-
BASE OF 0PEMno:-.s: St. Louis, Missouri; CHARACTER Po1ms: 114
lidified the Spider's heroic reputation. BooY Po1NTS: 34
later Keystone City
Nonetheless, in 1951, the Shade killed
HEIGHT: 6' l" EQUIPMENT: Bow & quiver of 20 arrows
Hallaway and exposed his criminal
WEIGHT: 190 pounds (BDV SD; maximum range: 300 feet).
acts to the public.
EYr:s: Blue
HArR: Black Rt:cENTLv: Hallaway's son, Lucas
RAcF.: Human (Luke) Ludlow-Dalt, assumed his
TECH Lt:vEI.: Modern (1) mantle as the villainous second
The Spider was one of many mas-
querades for this member of th e STRATEGY & TAc 1 res: The Spider, even
Ludlow clan. First appearing in 1940, when acting the hero, employed
Tom Hallaway lived as a wealthy so- brutal methods of dealing with op-
cialite by day and, aided by his driver ponents. As a criminal boss, his ar-
Chuck, ruthlessly stamped out St. chery skills shone with unre-
Louis' criminal element by night as strained lethality.
the Spider.

Cha111sr 6-Sevsn So/tilers ot lllctorv

=~._..~ , - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -- JSASOURCEBOOK

The s1ar-S11ang/ed
Kid & SlrillBSJ/ S tar-Spangled Kid
Reflexes 3D: Acrobatics 60, boating4D,
brawling 6D, climbing 4D, dodge 6D,
sneak 4D
Coordination 3D: Catch 60, thrown
Physique 20: Leap 6D, lifting 4D, run-
ning 4D
Knowledge 2D: Scholar SD (business
+10), security4D
Perception 2D: Hide SD, shadowing 6D
Presence 20: Charm 6D,persuasion SD,
willpower 7D
Soldiers of Victory)-20D, Ally (All-Star
Squadron) -230, Ally (Merry Girl of
1,000 Gimmicks)-8D (1948 only), Char-
ismatic -3D, Courage -20, Fast Reac-
tions - 40, Follower (Stripesy) - 70,
Leadership Ability-20, Wealth -8D; Age
(12-17) +lD, Enemy (Axis agents) +6D,
Enemy (rogues gallery) +4D, Secret
Identity +30.
SPEED: 30 POV: 3
UNARMED BOV: 40 P/ L BoNus: +2
EQUIPMENT: The Star Rocket Racer (see
continued as a team and pursued Chapter 8). When the Kid joined the JSA
Th e Star-Spangled Kid I
their own cases. after being freed from tempora l exile,
RHt N .mi,;: Sylvester Pemberton, Jr. Pemberton 's parents adopted a he was given the Cosmic Converter Belt
Oen r,mo'i: Adventurer youth named Merry in 1948. She soon [BP 6S; powers: Microwave Projection
B\St:: 0 1 0P£JUTIO:\"S: Civic City became the Kid's crime-fighting ally, (hands) 9D, Telekinesis (flight, lifting at
Ht1G1rr: 5'8" W r.1mrr: 136 pounds Merry Girl of 1,000 Gimmicks. Their a distance) 110 each).
fat:.<>: Blue H.'\IR: Black association was brief. That same year
RAn:: Human TF.rn u>u.: Modern (1) the Soldiers of Victory were betrayed Stripesy
In 1941, angered by the pro-Nazi by their teammate the Spider and RF"· NAME: Patrick Dugan
agitation he saw, Sylvester Pemberton stranded in the past. The Kid spent Oc.ur,\"110~: Mechanic, chauffeur

donne d a flag-inspire d costume to only a week in prehistoric times, but 8,\s~: or 0PEH,\llO:-<s: Civic City

battle tyranny as the Star-Spangled his rescue brought him into the future, Hm;111: 6' 1" WEI Gm: 210 pounds
nearly 50 years after he disappeared. E\l's: Blue H AIR: Red
Kid. The young plutocrat soon gained
a partner in his chauffeur, Pat Dugan S TRATEm & T \n1cs: Pemberton and R.\n: Human Tt:c:tt Li:.•u: Modern ( 1)
(Stripesy), and together they helped Stripesy honed their teamwork to Pat Dugan witnessed a riot engi-
found the Seven Soldiers of Victory. perfection , which made them formi- neered by Nazi sympathizers and
When World War II began, the Kid an- dable hand-to-hand comb atants . aimed to right that wrong. He was
swered the president's call to become Pemberton was a skilled detective helped by a youth in attendance,
part of the All-Star Squadron. After the and used his considerable fortune to Sylvester Pemberton, who convinced
war ended, Pemberton and Stripsey further his crime-fighting activities. his parents to hire Duga n as the

Cha111cr 6 - Ssvsn Soldiers at llictary

JSASOURCEBOOK ----------------------~

family's chauffeur. A trained acrobat
and boxer, Dugan taught his skills to
Pemberton. Soon the two partnered
as the Star-Spangled Kid and Stripesy

Chinatown Kld 1• 2
to battle saboteurs and villains with
their amazing Star-Rocket Racer, de-
signed and built by Pat. Dugan was
also a founding member of the Seven
Soldiers. During World War JI, he also by him in 1945. Shortly thereafter, the
joined the All-Star Squadron. Vigilante met Danny's younger
In 1948, the Seven Soldiers found brother Victor, who eventually inher-
themselves scattered through past times ited his role as Saunders's partner
after a battle with the Nebula Man. Dugan and joined the Seven Soldiers. Victor
spent only a few days trapped in ancient was present during the 1948 battle
Egypt, but his rescue brought him into that scattered the team throughout
the present, nearly a 50 years since he time. Like them, he was rescued and
disappearred. returned neariy a half century later.
STRATEGY & TAcr1cs: Dugan had consid- Rtc:P.fl't.v: Now retired from adventur-
erable strength and knew how to use ing, Victor Leong is currently the
his fists in a fight to great advantage. managing partner of Greg
Stripesy was a mechanical genius Saunders's successful Last
whose main interest lay in the cre- Roundup Restaurant chain.
ation of amazing vehicles such as the S1RAJ1:.m & TAc m .s: Often underes-
flying car, the Star Rocket Racer. timated because of their age, the
Stripesy Leong brothers ' jiu-jitsu prowess
usually came as a rude surprise to
Reflexes 30: Boating 60, brawling 60
(haymaker, knockout, uppercut+ 1D law-breakers.
each), dodge 60, driving 60 (Star Stuff the Chinatown Kid
Rocket Racer +2D), piloting 6D (Star
Rocket Racer +2D)
Reflexes 20: Dodge SD, martial arts 6D
(double kick, elbow, flip, flying kick,
Coordination 30: Catch SD instant stand, leg sweep, weapon
Physique 40: Leap 6D, lifting 6D parry+ 1D each), melee weapons SD
Knowledge 30: scholar 4D (mechanics Coordination 2D: Catch SD, thrown
+40), science 6D weapons SD
Perception 30: Engineering 50 (me· Physique 2D: leap 4D, running 3D
chanical +30), invent SD (mechani- Rr n ~AMFs: (I) Daniel Leong, Knowledge 20: Languages (Mandarin)
cal items +2D), repair 60 (mechani- (II) Victor Leong SD, scholar 3D
cal items +20, automobiles +3D),
streetwise 40
Oco P mo:x: Adventurers Perception 2D: Hide 4D
BASF or OPFR.\110\s: American West; Presence 2D: Willpower 5D
Presence 2D: Intimidation SD, willpower New York City
Hma•r: 4'11" WuG1rr: 110 pounds
Soldiers of Victory) -200, Patron (Vigi-
ADVANTAGFS/0ISADVANTAGFS: Ally (Seven En.s: Brown H.un: Black lante) -50; Age (12-17) +1D, Enemy (the
Soldiers of Victory) -20D, Ally (All-Star RAu:: Human I mt I '"\lJ : Modern (1) Dummy) +2D, Sworn Enemy (The
Squadron) -230, Ally (Star-Spangled
Daniel "Stuff" Leong, the original Dummy) +20.
Kid)-80, Courage -2D, Hardiness -40,
Mechanical Aptitude -2D; Employed Chinatown Kid, was only a teen when SPEED: 30
(chauffeur) +40, Enemy (Axis agents) he met the Vigilante and helped him POV:3
+6D, Enemy (rogues gallery) +4D, Secret prevent a New York City Triad war. UNARMED BDV: 1D
Identity +30. Despite his youth, Danny's martial p /L BoNus: +}
arts ability made him a valued part- HERO POINTS: S
UNARMED BDV: 4D P/L BoNus: +3 ner. He became like a son to Saunders
HERO POINTS: 9 VlLIAIN POINl'S: 0 as the two shared many adventures
CHARACTER Pouvrs: 70 BooY POINTS: 4S together.
Sadly, Leong died an early death. NoTE: These characteristics are for Vic-
EQUIPMENT:The Star-Rocket Racer (see
Running afoul of the notorious crimi- tor Leong as Stuff.
nal, the Dummy, Stuff was murdered

Chaoter 6-Ssvsn So/tilers ot 11/ctorg

- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - JSASOURCEBOOK

Tiie lllgllante 1
Reflexes 3D: Brawling 60, dodge 60,
driving 40 (motorcycle +20), melee
weapons 40 (knife +10), riding 80,
sneak 40
Coordination 3D: Marksmanship 60
(pistols, rifles +30 each), thrown
weapons 50 (knife +10, lasso +40)
Physique 3D: leap 4D, lifting 40, run-
ning 4D
Knowledge 20: Criminology 40, scholar
40 (cowboy lore +3D)
Perception 3D: Artist 40 (musician, ac-
tor +lD each), search 4D, surveil-
lance 4D
Presence 3D:Animal handling(horses)
80, charm 5D, interrogation 4D, in-
timidation 6D, willpower 7D
(sight)-2D, Ally (Seven Soldiers of Vic-
tory) -20D, Ally (All-Star Squadron)
-23D, Contact (the entertainment in-
dustry) -3D, Courage - 2D, Fast Reac-
tions -40, Follower (Billy Gunn; later
Stuff) -70, Speed Draw (pistols) -10,
Wealth-40, Dependent (girlfriend Betty
Stuart) +lD, Enemy (Axis agents) +6D,
Enemy (The Dummy) +2D, Secret Iden-
tity +30, Sworn Enemy (The Dummy)
REAL NA\1~:: Greg Saunders ing, the Vigilante finally avenged his UNARMED BDV: 40 ·
0cffP.mo:-;: Singer, actor friend's death, but he nearly died in P/L BoNus: +2
R\Sr: or 0P£R \TJo:-.s: American West; the process.
New York City In 1948, Saunders and the second
HFIGHT: 6' WEIGllT: 188 pounds Chinatown Kid, the brother of the BooY POINTS: 35
EY1£S: Hazel RuR: Black original, were scattered through time.
EQu1PMENT: Two six-shooters (BDV 5Dx3;
RAn:: Human Tt:c:H Ll:X fl : Modern (1) Transported to the Old West,
Range: 30/90/165; 6-round ammo cylin-
Greg Saunders, "the Prairie Trou- Saunders had 20 years of adventures
der), lasso (80 feet long; AV 5 against
badour," was a radio star who in 1941 there before returning to the present cutting or slashing and AV 10 against
became the Vigilante to avenge his day and a well-earned retirement. all other attacks; Body Points 10), mo-
lawman father's murder. To honor his Rl::CE.'<TLY: Saunders is currently a
part- torcycle (size: 6 feet long; crew: l; pas-
memory, Greg ded ic.ated himself ner in the Last Roundup Restaurant sengers: l ; cargo capacity: 1 cubic foot;
thereafter to bringing lawless men to chain with the now adult Stuff. maneuverability: 3D; speed: 60 mph; AV
6; BDV 3Dx2; Body Points 50).
justice. Srn.HEGY & T .\<."f1c:s: A skilled brawler
Saunders soon acquired a side- and superior marksman, Saunders
kick, Stuff the Chinatown Kid. Their fearlessly rode to sources of trouble
partnership endured until the kid's and settled matters directly. His West-
murder by the mobster known as the ern drawl made many criminals
Dummy in 1945. After a year of try- tremble in their boots.

C/la11ter 6- SBllBR So/lllers Of lliCIOTJI

were meant for better things than
costumed vigilantism.
Though never an official member, Reflexes 3D:Acrobatics SD, brawling 4D,
Wing often assisted the Seven Sol- climbing SD, dodge 6D, driving SD,
diers of Victory with their cases, in- martial arts 6D (double kick, elbow,
cluding their final one in 1948. Wing flip, flying kick, instant stand, instant
stun, leg sweep, lunge, throw,
saved the other Soldiers from a be-
weapon parry +ID each), melee
trayal by the Spider and, at the weapons 60, sneak SD
cost of his own !ife, defeated
the colossal Nebula Man. Coordination 3D: Catch 6D, marksman-
ship 4D, thievery 4D, thrown weap-
Originally only the Physique 3D: Leap SD, lifting 4D
' Crimson's driver, the
r costumed Wing put Knowledge 2D: Languages 3D (English
+3D), scholar4D, security SD
his formidable kung
fu skills to use in a more direct role Perception 2D: Hide SD, repair 3D (au-
as the Avenger's sidekick. Though the tomobiles +2D), shadowing SD
Avenger preferred to keep him out of Presence 2D: Persuasion SD, willpower
fights , Wing never backed down when SD
he saw his friends in need. ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES! Ally (Seven
Soldiers of Victory)-200, Courage -2D,
Fast Reactions -4D, Gifted in Learning
-8D, Patron (Crimson Avenger) -SD;
Employed +4D, Enemy (rogues gallery)
+4D, Secret Identity +3D .
REAL NMm: Wing
Oast name unrevealed)
OctuPATION: Chauffeur, valet BODY POINTS: 34
HEIGHT: 5'6" EQUIPMENT: 1938 Packard Sedan (size:
lS.S feet; crew: 1; passengers: S; cargo
WEIGHT: 140 pounds
capacity: 17 cubic feet; maneuverabil-
EYI::s: Brown ity: 2D; speed: 160 mph; AV 8; BDV 4Dx2;
HAIR: Black
Body Points 100) .
RACF..: Human
TECH LEVEL: Modern (1)
Wing was hired as valet to pub-
lisher Lee Travis. He quickly became
his confidant as well. So close were
they that when Travis adopted the
Crimson Avenger persona, Wing
agreed to serve as his getaway driver.
In 1942, Wing acquired his own
costume and became the Avenger's
crime-fighting partner. Travis ac-
cepted this change with great reluc-
tance, as he believed Wing's talents

Chapter 6-SBVBR Sold/Brs Of 11/CIOTJ/

Golden Age
Adversa ries

llxis llmer ika Axis Amerika first appeared as a
group in April 1942, consisting of rep-
resentatives from each of the three
major Axis powers. Nazi Germany
contributed Ubermensch, Gudra, the
Sea Wolf, and the father-and-son duo
of the Great Horned Owl and the Bat.
They were joined by Usil from Fascist
Italy and Tsunami from Imperial Ja-
pan. Soon after, Tsunami, disgusted
with the Axis cause, switched her al-
legiance to the All-Star Squadron. Ka-
mikaze was sent by Japan to be her
The team's missions were broadly
subversive, meaning that they would
operate on the American home front
for much of the time. So, on their first
assignment, they attempted to kill
several costumed mystery men in an
effort to break American morale.
Though they were largely unsuccess-
ful due to the intervention of the Atom
and the Young All-Stars, "Tex" Tho-
mas (the hero known as T.N.T.) died
by their hands. Axis Arnerika, too, suf-
fered casualties. The Great Horned
Owl's son, the Bat, was also killed dur-
ing this mission.
The group's next recorded assign-
ment was carried out in conjunction
with other Axis operatives, Baron
Blitzkrieg and Sumo, in June 1942. To-
gether, they were to kidnap the lead-
ing scientists developing an uranium
(atomic) bomb for the Allies. Through
electronic means, they would then
extract that knowledge from the sci-
entists' minds in order to build their
own bomb.
Their plans proceeded accord-
ingly up until the last moment, when
again members of the Young All-Stars
and a few other Allied heroes inter-
Little is known for certain about their powers by the brilliant Nazi bio- vened to stop them. Most of Axis
the origins of Axis Arnerika and its geneticist Klaus Schimmel, but it is Arnerika managed to escape in the
member s. Uberrnensch claims to not clear exactly which members aft ermath of this defeat, but Usil was
have received his powers as a result these are. However, it is known that captured by the Allied heroes.
of a serum concocted by Abednago Gudra was summoned from Valhalla Where they went and what they
Danner, the man indirectly respon- by Adolf Hitler himself, using the did after this appearance remains un-
sible for "Iron" Munro's powers. Other Spear of Destiny. known.
members are said to have been given

Chanter 1- IJolllBn Jlge 111111ersar1es

STRATEGY & TAcr1cs: The Great Horned Die Grosshorn Eule Die Fledermaus
Owl and the Bat demonstrated well- (The Great Horned (The Bat)
honed teamwork and thus, coordi-
nated their assaults effectively. This
Owl) R£\L N.ut£: Wilhelm
Unknown Ocnl'AllO:-<: Axis agent
usually meant subduing their oppo- RF.\J. NA \tF.:
Axis agent
<X·ctrPATIO'\ : BASE or 0Pmmo:-.s: Mobile
nents from a distance with one of Htx.11r: 5'5" WEJGllT: 140 pounds
BASE or OPtRA110:-.s: Mobile
their gadgets and then dispatching fa i:s: Blue HAIR: Red
Hi::tGHr: 5'11" WuGHT: 200 pounds
them up close with their hand-to- R"n:: Human TECll li::\EL: Modern (I)
En:s: Blue HAJR: Unrevealed
hand fighting skills. RAcr: Human TECH LE\'l::.t.: Modern (I)
Gudra rode Stormwind, her Die Fledermaus
winged horse, into battle whenever Die Grosshorn Eule Reflexes 3D: Acrobatics 6D, brawling 6D,
possible, which usually afforded her Reflexes 4D:Acrobatics 8D, athletics 6D, climbing 6D, dodge 6D, melee weap-
prime opportunities with which to brawling 7D, climbing 7D, dodge 8D, ons 50, sneak 6D
str ike with her lance. Her role as melee weapons 6D, sn~ak 8D Coordination 3D: Catch 6D, lockpicking
chooser of the slain occasionally con- Coordination 3D: Catch 70, lockpicking 6D, marksmanship 5D, thievery 6D,
flicted with some of her teammates' 6D, marksmanship 6D, thievery 8D, thrown weapons 6D
more intricate plans. thrown weapons 7D (boomerang Physique 2D: Leap 4D, lifting 4D, run-
Kamikaze's armor allowed him to +30) ning 4D
strike opponents at close range. His Physique 3D: Leap 6D, lifting 50, run- Knowledge 2D: Languages (English) 6D
keen piloting and flying skills enabled ning 4D (native language: German), security
him to execute intricate maneuvers Knowledge 2D: Languages (English) 70 6D
while in the armor, even in tight, en- (native language: German), security Perception 3D: Hide 6D, shadowing 6D,
closed spaces. 60 surveillance 6D, tracking 7D
The Sea Wolf naturally preferred Perception 3D: Hide 8D, shadowing 8D, Presence 2D: Willpower 4D
fighting underwater. Regardless of the surveillance 80, tracking 8D
element he was in, the Wolf always ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Ally (Axis
Presence 2D: Intimidation 5D, willpower Amerika) -20D, Patron (the Axis) -4D,
savagely attacked his opponents with 6D Speed Draw (pellets) -ID; Age (12-17)
his preternaturally sharp claws.
ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Ally (Axis +10, Delusions of Grandeur +3D, Enemy
Ubermensch's ultrahuman leaping (All-Star Squadron) +5D, Enemy (Young
Amerika) -20D, Fast Reactions -40,
ability allowed him to surprise most All-Stars) +4D, Enemy (Allied agents)
Follower (Di e Fledermaus) -70 (until
opponents. With his high damage +6D, Fanatic (Nazism) +3D, Secret Iden-
June 1942), Pat ron (the Axis) -40,
threshold and incredible strength, he Speed Draw (pellet s)-ID, Wealth -20; tity +30, Sworn Enemy (Allied agents)
made short work of many foes. Delusions of Grandeur +3D, Enemy (All- +6D.
Usil's array of specialized arrows Star Squadron) +5D, Enemy (Young All- SPEED:25
gave him the potential to be a versa- Stars) +4D, Enemy (Allied agents) +6D, PDV:3
tile fighter. However, his poor choice Fanatic (Nazism) +3D, Secret Identity UNARMED BDV: 4D
of targets usually nullified this advan- +30, Sworn Enemy (Allied agents) +60. P/L BoNus: +2
tage. In short, Usil, through bad luck SPEED: 30 PDV: 4 HERO POINTS: 0
or incompetence, usually shot his ar- UNARMED BDV: 4D P/L BONUS! +2 VILLAIN POINTS! 9
rows at those heroes who were im- HERO POINTS: 0 VJUAJN POINTS: 18 CHARACTER POINTS! 68
mune to the effects of the villain's CHARACTER Po1NTS: 140 BoDY POINTS: 36 BODY POINTS: 25
projectiles. EQUIPMENT: Utility belt: Boomerang [BDV EQUIPMENT: Utility belt: Boomerang [BDV
ID; can be attached to 150 feet of cable ID; can be attached to 150 feet of cable
( +1 success to any climbing roll)] , 3 ( +I success to any climbing roll)], 3
flash pellets (all viewers within 150 feet flash pellet s (all viewers within 150 feet
must make am Extremely Difficult Phy- must make an Extremely Difficult Phy-
sique or willpower roll or be blinded for sique or willpower roll or be blinded for
a number of rounds equal to the differ- a number of rounds equal to the differ-
ence), 5 smoke pellets [cloud a 40-foot ence), 5 smoke pellets [cloud a 40-foot
square area for IO minutes indoors or square area for IO minutes indoors or
5 minutes outdoors ( +4 to the difficulty 5 minutes outdoors ( +4 to the difficulty
for all actions unless sight is aided)], 2 for all actions unless sight is aided)], 2
stun pellets (BDV 8D). stun pellets (BDV 80).

c11a11ter 7- 60/llsn /lge 111111ersarles

Gudra EQu1PMENT: Lance [BDV 60 (point); pow- sio ns of Grandeur +3D, Enemy (All-Star
OccrrAno~: Chooser of the s la in ers: Energy Projection: Deat h Ray 150 Squadron) +50, Enemy (Young All-
BA.<;t: oi: 0 Mobile
PEKA110;."5: (Limitation: Rechargeable -4D)], Shield Stars) +40 , Enemy (Allied agents) +60,
H1·J GHr: 6' (AV 18 when used t o block), swo rd Fanatic (defending the Empire) +30 ,
Wma1r. 140 pounds [BDV SD (edge)/3D (flat)]. Moral Code (Code of Bushido) +3D,
EYES: Blue Secret Identity +3D, Sworn Enemy (Al-
HAIR: Blond
Stormwind lied agents) +6D.
RA<:f.: Valkyrie Reflexes 3D, brawling 6D, dodge 6D, pi-
T Ec11 LEVEL: Primitive (0) loting (self) 6D, Coordination 3D, Phy-
PDV: 2 (3 in Rocket Armor)
sique 5D, flying 60, leap 6D, running 6D,
Knowledge 2D, Perception 3D, Presence
p /L BoNUS! +2
Reflexes 4D: Brawling 8D, dodge 6D, 3D, intimidation 50, willpower 5D.
melee weapons l OD (lance +2D), Speed: ll O. POV: 3. Physique bonus:
riding 8D (Stormwind +2D) +2. Body Points: 30. Natural abilities:
hoof (BDV ID), teet h (BDV lD), wings
Coordina tion 4D: Marksmanship (lance BODY POINTS: 33
a llow Stormwind to fly for a few hun-
blast) IOD, missile weapons 8D,
dred miles before needing rest. Note: EQUIPMENT: Rocket Armor [Made of a
thrown weapons 8D
Horses can attack twice in one round durable but remarkably light material.
Physique 9D: Leap l OD, lifting lOD, re- wit h t heir hooves (two front or two Head cone (Natural Armor: plating 1OD;
sistance llD, running lOD back) at no penalty, or they can bite AV lS; Body Points 150), suit (AV 12,
Knowledge 2D: Arcane lore SD (Spear once. Flight 9D, Speed Manipulation (Super-
of Destiny +2D), Languages 5D (na- mobility) ID). All powers have the Limi-
t ive language: German), scholar 4D
Kamikaze tations: Removable -lD and Recharge-
(Valhalla +lOD) (The Divine Wind) able -30.]

Per ception 3D: Surveillance SD (seek- RE,\L NA~1F.: Tetsujiro Yoneda DerSee Wulf"
ing the noble dead+ I OD), tracking 5D Ottl"PAno:-.: Axis agent (The Sea Wol.Q
Presence 4D: Animal handling (horses)
B,IJ>,.: OF OPERAno:-.s: Mobile
H FJOHT : S'9" RF.At. NAM£: Unknown
8D, command 6D, intimidation 80, OccuPATm:-.: Axis agent
WEIGHT: 179 pounds
willpower 7D BASF. of 0Pt::RA"t 10"\S: Mobile
Evt:s: Blue
Amerika)-20D, Contacts (Valhalla, Nazi RACE: Human WE1rn1r: 170 pounds
Germany)--6D each, Courage -20, Fast Ti::cH Ll:\H.: Modern ( 1) EYEs: Red
Reactions -4D, Follower (Stormwind) IIA1R: Brown
-7D, Hardiness -40, Obscure Knowl- Kamikaze RACE: Human
edge-2D, Speed Draw (sword)-lD; Ar- Reflexes 30: Dodge 4D, martial arts 5D TECH LE\l'L: Modern ( 1)
gumentative +ID, Enemy (All-Star (lunge +20), melee weapons 4D, pi-
Squadron) +5D, Enemy (Young All-
Der S e e Wulf
loting (j?.ocket Armor) l OD
Stars) +4D, Enemy (Allied agents) +60, Re flexes 3D [4D]: Acrobatics 5D [6D],
Coordination 3D: Marksmanship 4D
Sworn Enemy (JSA) +50 , Sworn Enemy brawling SD (60] [claws +2D ],climb-
(Allied agents) +6D, Technologically Physique 3D: Flying 9D, lifting 4D, run- ing 40 [5D], dodge 6D [7D], sneak
Challenged +5D. ning SD, swimming 4D 6D [7D]
SPEED: 30 Knowledge 2D: Languages (English) 6D Coor dination 3D: Catch 5D, thr own
PDV: 3 (native language: Japanese), naviga- weapons 5D
UNARMED BDV: 40 tion 7D, scholar 30
P h ysiqu e 4D [7D]: Leap SD (80 ], lifting
P /L BoNus: +5 Perception 3D: Repair 4D (Rocket Ar- 5D [8D], swimming 7D [ lOD]
HERO POINTS: 0 mor +2D), shadowing 50, surveil-
VILLAIN POINTS: 18 Knowledge 2D: Languages (English) 4D
lance 4D (aerial +20)
CHARACTER POINTS: 128 (native langu age: German)
Pr esence 2D: Intimidation 4D, willpower
BODY POINTS: 64 Per ce ption 3D: Hide 6D, surveillance
NATURAL ABILITIES: As a Valkyrie, Gudra 4D, survival 4D, tracking 4D [under-
is able to remove the soul from a re-
Amerika) -20D, Courage -20, Patron
cently fallen warrior and send it to Presence 2D [SD]: Intimidation 4D [70),
(the Axis) -4D, Special Eq uipment
Valhalla; she can also travel to Valhalla willpower4D [7D]
(Rocket Armor) -5D, Wealth -2D; Delu-
at will.

Chaster 1 - Golllen Jigs 111111srsar1es

~:A'.,.....l - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - JSllSOURCEBOOK

AovANrAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Acute senses Ubermensch Usil the Sun-Archer

(all five) -lOD, Ally (Axis Amerlka) (Overman) RLu. NA~u : Unknown
-20D, [Fast Reactions -4D] , (Hardiness On.l rATIO'\: Axis agent
RLu. N.\\n-: Unknown
-4D], Patron (the Axis)-4D; Delusions B ~E or 01'uu110\S: Mobile
Ocn l'..\110": Axis agent
of Grandeur +3D, Enemy (All-Star Huc;H1: 6' WDGHT: 190 pounds
R'l.Sr. m Or1::.1t\T10'\S: Mobile
Squadron) +SD, Enemy (Young All- En:.); Blue H\JR: Black
Hm;m : 6'3" W1·:i<a11 : 2SS pounds
Stars) +4D, Enemy (Allied agents) +6D, R.\<t:: Human Tt:C'H l.F..u: Modern (1)
En..o;: Brown H.\IR: None
Fanatic (Nazism) +3D, Secret Identity
R\(F: Human T~cH l.nH: Modern (1) Usil
(werewolf form) +3D, Sworn Enemy
(Allied agents) +6D. U b ermensc h Reflexes 30: Acrobatics 4D, brawling SD,
SPEED: 30 wal king/4S swimming Reflexes 40: Brawling 9D, climbing 6D, climbing 6D, dodge 60, melee weap-
POV: 3 [4] dodge 8D, melee weapons 6D ons SD, sneak 4D
UNARMED BDV: 3D (4D] Coordination 40: Marksmanship SD,
Coor di nation 40: Marksmanship 6D,
P/L BONUS: +2 ( +4) missile weapons SD (bows +SD),
thrown weapons 8D
H ERO POINTS: 0 thrown weapons 6D
VILLAIN POINTS: 18 Physique SD (140): Leap 6D (1SD), lift-
ing 6D (lSD) Physique 30 : Leap 4D, lifting 40, run-
ning 4D
Boov POINTS! 40 [S8] Knowl edge 3D : Demolitions SD, lan-
guages (English) 6D (native lan- Knowl edge 2D: Languages (English) 4D
NATURAL ABILITIES: Transforms into a
guage: German), navigation SD, re- (native language: Italian)
wolf/human hybrid each time he is sub-
merged: While transformed, he gains search SD, scholar SD, science 40 Per ception 30: Hide 4D, repair (bow &
the ability to breathe underwater; un- Perception 30 : Search 6D, streetwise arrow) 6D, search 6D, surveillance
derwater mobility (Speed 4S while un- 4D, surveillance 6D, survival 8D, 70, tracking SD
derwater); +3D to Physique and Pres- tracking 70 Presen ce 20: Charm 3D, intimidation
ence and their relat ed skills; + 10 to 4D, willpower4D
Presence 40 : Command 9D, interroga-
Reflexes and its related skills; claws
tion 9D, intimidation IOD, willpower ADVANTAGEs/D1sADVANTAGEs: Acute
(BDV 4D); teeth (BDV 6D); enhanced
8D Senses (sight)-20, Ally (Axis Amerika)
senses (Supersenses 4D), and Healing
(werewolves) 6D [Limitations: Ineffec- AovANTAGES/D1sADVANTAGES: Ally (Axis -20D, Patron (the Axis) -4D, Wealth
tiveness (wounds caused by silver ob- Amerika)-20D, Courage-2D, Hardiness -4D; Delusions of Grandeur +3D, En-
jects) -3D, Self-Only -2D). All natural -40, Leadership Ability -2D, Patron emy (All-Star Squadr on) +SD, Enemy
abilities have the Limitations: Super (the Axis) -4D, Wealth -4D; Delusions (Young All-St ars) +4D, Enemy (Allied
Hero Form -3D, Conditional (must be o f Grandeur +3D, Enemy (All-Star agents) +6D, Fanatic (Fascism) +3D,
submerged in water) -3D, Vulnerabil- Squadr on) +SD, Enemy (Young AJJ- Secret Identit y +3D , Sworn En emy
ity (S hour s or more out of water) -7D, St ars) +4D, Enemy (Allied agents) +6D, (Allied agents) +6D.
and Weakness (lS minutes or more out Fanatic (Nazism) +3D, Secret Identity SPEED: 30
of water) -6D. +3D, Sworn Enemy (Allied agents) +6D. PDV: 3
NoTE: The attributes, skills, Advantages, SPEED:30 UNARMED BDV: 3D
and Disadvantages in brackets are PDV: 4 P/ L BoNus: +2
when Der See Wulf is in his wolf/human UNARMED BDV: SD HERO POINTS: 0
hybrid form. P/ L BoNUS: +3 ( +7) VILLAIN POINTS: lS
CHARACTER POINTS: 300 EQuIPMENT: Bow (maximum range: lSO
Boov POINTS: 86 feet), quiver of 20 trick arrows (S stun
POWERS: Superattributes: Physique 9D arrows (BDV 70), 3 grappling hook ar-
(bonuses: increased P/I bonus vs. in- rows (lSO feet of cable, adds +l to any
animate objects, can lift objects with- climbing roll), 10 normal arrows (BDV
out them collapsing), Jump 70, Invul- 4D), 2 smoke arrows (cloud a 40-foot
nerability 8D, Speed Manipulation area for 10 minutes indoors or S min-
(superactions, supermobility) 1D each. utes outdoors)].

Cha111sr 7-Bolden Jigs lld11srsarlss

Baron Blitzkrieg
tures. To compensate for the injury, Baron Blitzkrieg
Hitler ordered his scientist s to make
the nobleman the subject of a long- Reflexes 30: Brawling 80, dodge 80,
planned project to enhance the latent piloting 50, sneak 50
psychic powers of the mind. Months Coordination 30: Catch 40, marksman-
later, the nobleman was trans- ship 60, thrown weapons 80
formed into the armored uber- Physique 50 (160): Leap 70 (180), lift-
mensch now known as Baron ing 60 (170), resistance 7D (180)
Blitzkrieg. Beholden to Hitler Knowledge 30: Languages 4D (English,
alone, Blitzkrieg became a one- Japanese, Italian +3D each) (native
man army whose only de- language: German), scholar7D (Nazi
sire was to further Der intelligence, prison management +40
Fuhrer's plan for world each), security lOD
domination. Perception 30: Artist (art appreciation)
Ri::ci::..Yn.v: After the fall 6D, hide 60, invent 60, know-how
of the Third Reich, (military tactics) 80, search 60, sur-
vival 8D
Baron Blitzkrieg went
into seclusion for a Presence 40: Command 100, interroga-
brief period. He tion 100, intimidation 100, willpower
then resur- 120
ing him- Hardiness -4D, Leadership Ability-2D,
self simply Patron (Adolf Hitler)-SO, Preparedness
the Baron, he fell in league with the -40, Wealth -8D; Arrogance +30, Cen-
Soviets. He and his aide, Kodrescu, ter of Conversation +20, Delusions of
Grandeur +3D, Enemy (All-Star Squad-
trapped one of their old nemeses, the
ron) +SD, Enemy (Allied agents) +60,
Phantom Lady, and stole the unborn Fanatic (loyal to Hitler & Nazi ideals)
baby that she didn't realize she had +30, Secret Identity +30, Sworn Enemy
been carrying. (All-Star Squadron) +SD, Sworn Enemy
The Baron eventually broke with (Allied agents) +60, Unattractive Ap-
the Soviets and became an indepen- pearance +20.
dent operator. His most recent activi- SPEED: 30
REAL NA111E: Unknown ties have included facing off against PDV:4
AuAS: The Baron the young hero Damage and blowing UNARMED BDV: 40
Occt:PAno"I: Terrorist up the U.S. capital building during the P/L BoNus: +3 (+8)
BASE oF OPERATIONS: Nazi Germany "Underworld Unleashed" crisis. HERO POINTS: 0
Hl::.tGHT: 6'6" STRATEGY & TACTICS: Baron Blitzkrieg
WE1Carr: 245 pounds (with armor) was uncommonly arrogant and self- BODY POINTS: 42 (9S)
EYES: Blue centered. He took orders from no one
HAIR: Black but Hitler himself, and he usually POWERS: Microwave Projection (eyes)
RACE: Human 90 (Limitations: Duration Change: Con-
worked alone. His awesome powers
centration -20, Rechargeable [after
Tm1 LE\'F.I.: Modern (1) and military training made him a for- every use, self-recharging) -40), Super-
The man who became Baron Blitz- midable adversary. attributes: Physique l lD (bonuses: in-
krieg was a Prussian nobleman fa- creased P/l bonus vs. inanimate ob-
vored by Adolf Hitler. The Fuhrer jects, can lift objects without them col-
made him a commandant of a concen- lapsing). All powers have the Limita-
tration camp, where he showed him- tion: Singularity [must focus to use
power] -20.
self to be a ruthless and terrifying
administrator. One day, a new inmate EQu1PMENT: Armor (AV 12).
threw a vial of acid in the nobleman's
face, permanently damaging his fea-

Chanter 1 - 60/llBn Age At111srsariss

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JSASOURCEBOOK

caotain Nazi terwards), which allowed him to fly

for variable intervals.
Captain N azi
In the course of these activities, Reflexes SD (6D): Boating 60 (70),
Kr ieger battled many of America's brawling 60 (70), dodge 60 (70),
costumed mystery men, primarily driving 60 (70), melee weapons 60
those based in Fawcett City. (70), piloting 60 (70) (self +20),
sneak 60 (70)
Krieger's last recorded wartime
case was in June 1945, after which Coor dination SD (6D): Catch 60 (70)
he and Hitler were placed inside Marksmanship 60 (70), missile
weapons 6D (70), thrown weapons
suspended animation capsules
60 (70)
and hidden away.
Physique SD (ISD): Flying 6D (160),
R <. • ' 11' · While the former Ger- leap 60 (160), lifting 60 (160), re-
man dictator's capsule failed, sistance 60 (160), running 6D (16D)
Krieger's kept him alive and
Knowledge SD (6D): Demolitions 6D
youthful. He recently emerged
(70), forgery 60 (70), languages (En-
from it to spread his ideology in glish) 7D (80) (native language:
the modern world. Krieger was German), scholar 7D (8D), science
captured by the Marvel Family 60 (70), security 60 (70)
and sent to Israel to stand trial for
Per ception SD: Hide 60, search 60,
war crimes. shadowing 70 , surveillance 60, sur-
S11t\l 1<.\ &f <. 1e.s: Despite his physi- vival 60
cal prowess, Krieger acted primarily Pr esence SD: Command 70, inter roga-
as a plotter and planner during World tion 80, intimidation 80, willpower
War II. Using the heightened intelli- 90
gence he also gained from the miracle AovANTAGFS/DJSADVANTAGFS: Courage -2D,
food, he masterminded numerous Fast Reactions -40, Gifted in Learning
schemes for the Axis powers. -40, Hardiness -40, Leadership Ability
-20, Pat ron (Nazi Germany) -60,
Wealth-GD; Delusions of Grandeur +3D,
Rf:,\t. N,\\IE: Albrecht Krieger Enemy (Fawcett City heroes) +40, En-
O<:<.TPATIO\: Would-be conqueror
emy (Allied agents) +60, Fanatic (Na-
8.\..,I: m OPlJt\110:>.!>: Mobile zism) +30, Sworn Enemy (Fawcett City
heroes) +40, Sworn Enemy (Allied
HE.IGHI": 6'4"
agents) +60.
Wi.:1mn: 205 pounds
EYF.'i: Blue SPEE0:30
PDV: 3 (4)
HA1R: Blond
RAu: Human P/L BONUS: +3 (+8)
T i::CH I.Eva_: Modern (1)
Nourished from birth and en- VlllAJN POINTS: 22
dowed with extraordinary strength CHARACTER POINTS: 176
by the "miracle food" his father in- BODY POINTS: 44 (86)
vented, Albrecht Krieger was pre- PowERS: Superattributes: Reflexes 10,
sented to Adolf Hitler as the arche- Superattributes: Coordination lD (bo-
typal Aryan superior human. Im- nus: improved catching ability), Super-
attributes: Knowledge 10, Superattrib-
pressed, Hitler dubbed Krieger "Cap-
utes: Physique 100 (bonuses: increased
tain Nazi" and sent him to America in P/l bonus vs. inanimate objects, can lift
1941 to supervise Axis' sabotage ef- objects without them collapsing), Invul-
forts. Sometime before his departure, nerability 80.
Krieger acquired Zyphlon 227 gas EQUIPMENT: Zyphlon 227 Flying Gas
from the French scientist who in- [Flight 90 (Limitation: Short Circuit -
vented it (whom Krieger murdered af- 20)).

CllBlllBr 1- GoldBR ABB Ad11ersarl1JS

ISllSOURCEBOOK ----------------------~

cvclotron Jvv.-(_
.......,..,....---.-~ii"· ,,.,______ failed, and Curtis returned to his re-
Two years later, one of Curtis's ex- Reflexes 2D: Brawling 6D, dodge 7D,
periments accidentally killed his wife piloting (self) 6D, sneak 4D
and fatally irradiated him and his in- Coordination 2D: Thrown weapons 40
;. j ~. fant daughter, Terri. Curtis was once Physique 2D (12D): Lifting 4D (l 4D)
again contacted by the Ultra-
Knowledge 4D: Research 7D, scholar
Humanite, who offered to employ the
6D, science 7D (nuclear physics +2D)
~ technology at his command to save
~ • - -.J> Curtis and his daugh- Perception 2D: Invent 7D, repair 4D
? ( 1~ (.. I1 ~~~ ter. The bargain came
0 Presence 2D: Intimidation SD, willpower
,t ~· "~ ,;2_ with a hefty price. The 6D
~~\'}'"~ ""'\ _ "·*It' Ultra-Humanite used ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Hardiness
~ .,, ~
\ ;....
~ ~ ~
(" his devices to stabilize
Terri, but Curtis's genetic
-4D, Mechanical Aptitude -2D, Patron
(Ultra-Humanite)-4D; Dark Secret (the
{ . ~'r structure was altered, giving Ultra-Humanite is holding his daughter
him atomic-based metahuman hostage) +2D, Dependant (Terri
powers. Threatening to withhold fur- Rothstein) +3D, Enemy (All-Star Squad-
ron) +SD, Fugitive+ ID, Owes Favor (the
ther treatment from his baby daugh-
Ultra-Humanite saved him and his
. ter, the Ultra-Humanite turned Curtis
daughter) +SD, Secret Identity +3D.
into his agent, Cyclotron.
Curtis's first assignment as Cyclo- SPEE0:30
tron was to recover an artifact known
as "the Hammer of Thor." The heist
P/L BoNus: +2 ( +7)
brought him into conflict with the HERO POINTS: I
All-Star Squadron, including Fire- VIUAIN POINTS: 8
brand II-his ex-fiancee, Danette CHARACTER POINTS: 72
Reilly. While attempting to escape, Cy- BODY POINTS: 30 (76)
clotron accidentally killed a police of- Pow£Rs: Energy Projection: Atomic
ficer. Consumed with guilt, Cyclotron bursts (hands) 14D, Superattributes:
returned to the Ultra-Humanite. He Physique lOD (bonuses: increased P/l
grabbed a hold of his master and flew bonus vs. inanimate objects, can lift
up into the stratosphere, where he objects without them collapsing), Grav-
detonated himself along with the Ul- ity Manipulation (flight) lOD, Matter
tra-Humanite (or so he believed). Manipulation (restructuring matter)
REAL NAME: Terrence Kurtzberger
Firebrand and the Atom took it 4D. All powers have the Limitation: Self-
AssuMm N AME: Terry Curtis
upon themselves to care for the now Damaging -4D.
OccuPATION: Research scientist
BASE oi: OPERATIONS: New York City orphaned Terri, who grew into adult-
HEIGHT: 5'11" hood and was the mother of the hero
WEIGHT: 182 pounds Nuklon (now known as Atom
EYF.s: Blue Smasher).
HAm: Brown STRATEGY & TAeries: Cyclotron was a
RAcE: Human reluctant ally of the Ultra-Humanite.
Tr::cu LEVEL: Modern (1) He only did the absolute minimum to
In 1939, Terry Curtis was the first keep his master from taking revenge
scientist to split the atom. Though he on either him or his daughter.
was working in secret, he attracted
the attention of the villainous Ultra-
Humanite. Curtis was coerced into
helping the Ultra-Humanite to black-
mail the city of Metropolis. The plan

Chaoter 7- 60/llen llllB 111111ersarlss


pletely devoted to the ideals of the self with has enslaved her. Rather, she
Third Reich and obsessed with the can only use her demonic gifts in
occult, Von Gunther had pledged to ways that ultimately serve the ends
offer Der Fuhrer the immense power of her ally or allies.
promised in an ancient tome. She cap-
Dark Angel
tured the Bahdnesian thunderbolt
controlled by JSA member Johnny Reflexes 30: Brawling SD, dodge 6D
Thunder and used its energies to Coordination 30
serve as the host for the Dark Angel. Physique 40
The Justice Society was only able to
Knowledge 50: Arcane lore lSD, scholar
defeat the Dark Angel's plan to fulfill 12D
Hitler's fondest wish, the absolute
annihilation of the Allied forces, Perception 30: Know-how (Sorcery)
with the aid of Queen l 7D, search SD, surveillance SD
Hippolyta. (Hippolyta had as- Presence 50: Interrogation 12D, intimi-
sumed the role of Wonder dation 12D, willpower 15D
Woman and ti me-traveled to AovANTAGES/01sADVANTAGES: Contact (Na-
1942 specifically to end the zis)-3D, Intimidating Grin-2D, Obscure
Dark Angel's threat.) Knowledge-2D, Preparedness -4D; Ar-
Hippolyta and the Dark An- rogance +3D, Delusions of Grandeur
gel battled each other for years +3D, Enemy (JSA) +SD, Enemy (Wonder
Woman II) +2D, Obsessive Tendencies
until Hippolyta defeated her in
+2D, Sworn Enemy (Wonder Woman II)
1950. +2D.
REcE.'\TLY: In retaliation for her de-
feat at Queen Hippolyta's hands, POV: 3
the Dark Angel returned in the tlNARMED BOV: 3D
present day and kidnapped P/L BoNus: +2
Hippolyta's daughter, Diana. She then HERO P OINTS: 0
subjected the girl to an endless series VILLAIN POINTS: 16
of alternate lives where the girl was CHARACTER POINTS: 129
allowed to know complete happiness, BODY POINTS: 39
only to have it stolen away in the most PowERs: Sorcery 18D (see the Magic
painful way possible. What the Dark Handbook, pages 11-13 for a complete
Angel did not know was that she description of the Sorcery power).
hadn't kidnapped Diana, but rather an
Hosr: Baroness Paula Von
Ct'RRE'.'ir exact duplicate of the Amazonian
Gunther princess who had been created as a
OcCL PATION: Demon companion for Diana. This duplicate
BASE OF 0PERA1 IO:\S: Nazi Germany (in eventually became the Teen Titan
World War II); usually mobile known as Wonder Girl and later Troia
HE!GHl: 6'8" (Donna Troy). The Dark Angel was
Wt:JGHT: 240 pounds banished forever when she was
E·us: White struck down by the purity of Donna
HAnc Black Troy's soul.
RA<:E: Demonically possessed human STRATF.GV & T.\n1cs: Dark Angel can
TF.cH U'\t:1.: Modern (1) only act as a conduit for the desires
Also called the Bringer of Doom of others, so she is naturally drawn
and the Herald of Destruction, the de- to those who lust for power. This does
monic entity known as the Dark An- not mean that she cannot use her im-
gel was brought to this plane by the mense powers on her own initiative
Baroness Paula Yon Gunther. Com- or that the person she has allied her-

Chaotsr 1-Golden ABB Advsrsaries

RF.At NA:itE: Jake Simmons
OccuPATION: Criminal
BASE oF 0PERATIO'.lis: Mobile Reflexes 2D: Brawling 4D, dodge 50,
HEIGHT: 5'11" driving 40, piloting 40, sneak 40
WEIGHT: 182 pounds Coordination 2D: Lockpicking 50,
Eu.s: Blue marksmanship SD (electric blasts
HAIR: Brown +20), thievery 4D
RAcF.: Human Physique 3D: Leap 4D, lifting 40, run-
TECH I.Enc.; Modern (1) ning 40
In 1942, murderer Jake Simmons Knowledge 2D: Forgery 40, security 4D
fled police in a biplane, only to be Perception 2D: Hide 4D, know-how
struck by lightning and crash. The (Electricity Manipulation) 6D, shad-
villainous Ultra-Humanite found owing 4D, streetwise SD
Simmons unconscious and brought Presence 2D: Intimidation 40, willpower
him to his secret laboratory before 4D
the authorities arrived on the
scene. (Criminal Underworld) - 30, Patron (Ul-
The Humanite proceeded to tra-Humanite) - 4D; Enemy (All-Star
experiment on Simmons. He even- Squadron) +SD, Fugitive +20, Shady
tually endowed him with the abil- Background +20.
ity to project electricity from his SPEED: 30
body. Thereafter, Simmons be- PDV:3
came the Humanite's loyal min- UNARMED BDV: 3D
ion. He was party to all his evil P/L BoNus: +2
plans, at least through mid-1942. HERO POINTS: 0
After this point, Simmons disap- VIU.AJN POINTS: 11
peared into obscurity. CHARACTER PolNl'S: 80
RErnYn.Y: Deathbolt reappeared in
P OWERS: Electricity Manipulation 80,
Opal City, contracted to kill former
Sustenance 20 (Limitation: linked to
Starman Ted Knight. He failed and
Electricity Manipulation).
vanished again soon after.
the archetypal lackey. He slav-
ishly followed whatever plans
his patron outlined. When act-
ing alone, Simmons attempted
to electrocute his foes as quickly
as possible.

Cha111er 1-Bolden Age Adversaries

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JSASOURCEBOOK

The Bragan King

energies with that of the Spear of Des- Presence 3D: Command I OD, interroga-
tiny held by Hitler in Germany, they tion lOD, intimidation l OD, willpower
created two magical barriers. One 9D
barrier covered most of Europe, while
the other covered his native Japan. - 3D, Followers (Black Dragon Society)
Both had the power to cause any hero -170, Gifted in Learning -4D, Leader-
empowered by or vulnerable to magic ship Ability -20, Obscure Knowledge
that passed through the barriers to - 2D, Patron (Prime Minister Tojo)-5D,
become a soldier for the Axis cause. Preparedness -40, Wealth -80; Delu-
These barriers were the sole reason sions of Grandeur +3D, Enemy (All-Star
that the more powerful heroes of the Squadron) +5D, Obsessive Tendencies
JSA and the All-Star Squadron were +20, Secret Identity +3D.
unable to invade the Axis nations and SeEED: 30 PDV: 3
end World War II more quickly. UNARMED BDV: 30/lD P/L BoNUS: +2
RECE."m.Y: In the wake of Japan's defeat,
the Dragon King went into hiding and
allowed himself to be subjected to a NoTE: If the Dragon King is encountered
during the present day, add +20 to all
series of experiments that extended
skills, give him the Longevity power at
his lifespan, but they turned him into
lD, and the Disadvantage Unattractive
a human/lizard hybrid. In the 1950s, Appearance +2D.
he encountered two heroes, the Shin-
ing Knight and Firebrand II. It was a
battle that left the Knight an amnesiac
and subjected Firebrand to an as yet The Magic Barrier
unknown final fate. PoWERS: Sorcery (Domination) 40D (see
He recently surfaced again in the the Magic Handbook, pages 11-13, for
town of Blue Valley with his daughter a complete description of the Sorcery
Cindy Burman (Shiv) where he fought power).
the new Star-Spangled Kid, S.T.R.l.P.E., The magical Axis barrier was created
and a vengeful Shining Knight. The on December 9, 1941-two days after the
REAL NAME: Unknown Dragon King apparently perished in attack on Pearl Harbor. By using the
this final battle, but his body was Spear of Destiny and the Holy Grail, a ma-
OccuPATIO'.'I: Agent of the Nippon chine designed by the Dragon King fo-
government never located. cused their magical energies to create
BASF. oi: 0PERATIOl"S: Japan STRATEGY & TACTJcs: The Dragon King two invisible barriers. One covered all of
HE1Gm: 5'11" WFJGHT: 184 pounds worked behind-the-scenes. With infi- the Nazi-occupied territories of Europe,
EYES: Brown HAIR: Unknown as well as Italy and Northern Africa. The
nite patience, he made sure that all the second protected Japan and its con-
RACE: Human TECH Li:.vE1.: Modern (1) parts of a plan were precisely where quests. Should any magically powered
Prior to the outbreak of World War they should be before execution. hero try to cross the barrier, they fell un-
II, the man known as the Dragon King der the power of the Dragon King and
Dragon King became pawns of the Axis regimes. So po-
held a high rank in the Imperial Japa- tent were these barriers that the first time
Reflexes 20: Brawling 5D, climbing 4D,
nese government. His sole charge was dodge 6D, martial arts 9D, melee the All-Star Squadron tried to cross the
to oversee special plans and strata- weapons 9D, piloting 4D, sneak 6D one over Europe, their most powerful
gems to use against the Allies and members tried to kill the rest of the team.
Coordination 20: Marksmanship 40 All that could save them was the quick
their mystery men. A master scientist
(pistols +20), thrown weapons 90 thinking of Hawkman, who lured those af-
and inventor, the Dragon King was the fected outside of the barrier's influence.
leader of the enigmatic Black Dragon Physique 3D: Leap 40, lifting 40, run- There were several intelligence mis-
ning 5D, swimming 4D sions into Japan in an effort to find and
Society and was responsible for the
creation of the K887 nerve agent. His Knowledge 4D:Arcane lore 8D, research destroy the machine that created the bar-
6D, scholar 8D, science 80 riers. However, none were successful. So,
greatest accomplishment during the by presidential edict, most of the nation's
war was securing the legendary Holy Perception 3D: Engineering 50, hide 60, mystery men were forbidden to go be-
Grail for Japanese Prime Minister invent 7D, repair 50, search 6D hind Axis lines.
Hideki Tojo. By combining its mystic

Cha11tsr 1- llolden AgB Ad11srsarles

JSASOURCEBOOK ----------------------~

The Bolden waso

Golde n Wasp
Reflexes 3D: Brawling 5D, dodge 5D,
driving4D (Waspmobile +2D), melee
weapons 4D, piloting 5D (self+ 10),
sneak 60
Coordination 3D: Lockpicking SD,
marksmanship 4D (stinger gun +3D),
Physique 20: Flying 4D, resistance
(wasp venom) 6D, running 4D
Knowledge 30 : Forgery 4D, scholar 6D,
science 7D (entomology +2D), secu-
rity SD
Perception 3D: Engineering SD, hide 6D,
invent 70, repair SD, shadowing SD,
streetwise SD (New York City + 10)
Presence 2D: Animal handling (wasps)
80, bluff 4D, command 30 (bee men
+2D), intimidation SD, willpower6D
Friendship (wasps) - 2D, Followers (bee
men) -80, Mechanical Aptitude -20;
Delusions of Grandeur +3D, Enemy
(Wildcat I) +20, Fugitive +2D, Secret
Identity +30, Shady Background +2D,
Sworn Enemy (Wildcat I) +2D.
PDV: 3
p / L B ONUS: + 1
RF.AL NAME: Unknown napped his son Jake, subjecting him C HARACTER PorNTS: 70
AltASE.5: The Yellow Wasp, Killer Wasp to an unknown fate. Some years ago, Boov Pon~rs: 29
OccuPATION: Criminal Wildcat finally apprehended Killer EQu1PMENT: Pheromone fluid [Mind Con-
BASE or 0PERAno~s: Mobile Wasp (his ultimate criminal identity), trol (wasps) 12D (see Red Bee in Chap-
HEIGHT: 5'8" but he divulged nothing about Jake's ter 3 for stats on bees)), mechanical
WEIGHT: 160 pounds whereabouts. wings (allow the wasp to fly for several
EYFS: Blue hours), goggles (negates darkness pen-
REcENn.v: The now-elderly Wasp re- alties), stinger gun (BDV 80),
HA1R: Gr een mains incarcer ated in Opal City, al- Waspmobile (Size: lS-1/2 feet; crew: l ;
RA<:F.: Human though a new Killer Wasp has been passengers: S; cargo capacity: 17 cubic
TECH LEVEL: Modern (1)
sighted as a member of Johnny feet; maneuverability: 20; speed: 160
Little has been revealed about the Sor row's new Injustice Society. mph; AV: 8; BDV 4Dx2; Body Points 100).
Yellow Wasp. Beginning in 1943, Wild- STRATEGY & TACTICS: The Wasp em-
cat thwarted a series of his criminal ployed his swarms to pull off spec-
schemes, which seemed to drive him tacular robberies, but as time pr o-
towards greater mayhem. gressed, he became more homicidal
In 1947, the Golden Wasp (as he in both outlook and methods.
was then calling himself) deduced
Wildcat's identity and vengefully kid-

Chanter 1- Bolden Age Adversaries

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- JSASOURCEBOOK

Dr. llnton Hastur would be the victor. Khufu's words S TRATEGY& TACTICS: Hastur is a single-
came true in 1940 when amateur minded, egomaniacal megalomaniac.
archaeologist Carter Hall discov- His only goals in life a re the death of
ered that he was the reincarna- the reincarnated Prince Khufu and
tion of Khufu, and at the same time the absolute conquest of the planet.
electrical genius Dr. Anton Hastur When he was in command of the "Evil
realized that he was Hath-Set re- Eye" during World War II, he directed
born. Hastur then set out to kill the the ship using the power of his mind.
v. reincarnated Khufu and his be- With a thought, he could access its
trothed, who had come back as awesome ability to neut ralize any
Shiera Saunders, before Khufu could energy source (including Hawkman's
fulfill his promise. However, Carter Nth Metal) and fire powerful destruc-
had discovered the mysterious "Nth tive rays.
Metal" and used it to become the Dr. An.ton H astur
winged avenger Hawkman. Not only
did Hawkman save Saunders from a Re flexes 20 : Brawling 4D, dodge 4D
grisly death but he seemingly killed Coordination 20: Marksmanship (pis-
Hastur as well. tols) 4D
Unfortunately, Hastur survived. Physique 2D
After healing himself through sheer Knowledge 40:Arcane lore SD, research
will a lone, Hastur decided to track 8D, scholar 80, science 80 (electric-
down Dr. Elwood Napier and the ity +20)
brain trust Napier had assembled. He
Perception 3D: Engineering (electrical)
finally found the group in a secret 70, invent 9D, repair 6D
valley near Napier's estate. There,
Hastur discovered that the brain Presence 2D: Intimidation 60, willpower
trust had built a giant flying eye, pow-
ered by the collective will of the sci- ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Charismatic

entists. They intended to use as part - 30, Gifted in Learning -40, Mechani-
of a staged alien invasion. Their goal cal Aptitude -20, Wealth - 20; Dark Se-
cret (reincarnation of Hath-Set) +10, De-
was to force all the nations of the lusions of Grandeur +3D, Enemy (All-
world to band together to fight the ap- Star Squadron) +SD, Fugitive +10, Ob-
parent threat, thereby ending World sessive Tendencies +20, Psychological
REAL NAME: Hath-Set in an earlier
War II and br inging about peace. Disorder (megalomania) +3D, Sworn
incarnation Hastur tricked the trust and comman- Enemy (Hawkman I) +20 .
Occut>ATIO:'\: Would-be conqueror
deered the flying eye, fully intent on SPEED!30
using it to rule the Earth . He was PDV: 2
HEIGHT: 5'10"
stopped by Hawkman and the All-Star UNARMED BOV: 30
WEIGHT: 170 pounds
Squadron. P/t BoNus: + 1
EYES: Blue
RE<.:E.~TLY: Hastur died while in prison, H ERO P OINTS: 0
RAcE: Human and was reincarnated as Helene As tar.
TECH Ll::va: Modern (1) He then assumed the identity of the
deceased scientist Helen Rock. It was
In the days of ancient Egypt, Hath- as Dr. Rock that Hath-Set brought EQUIPMENT: "The Evil Eye" aircraft (Size:
Set was the high priest of the dark about his ultimate revenge, using the 7S feet; crew: l ; passengers : 12; cargo
god Anubis. Using treachery and de- son of Carter and Shiera Hall as the capacity: none; maneuverability: SD;
ceit, he quelled a revolt started by a unwilling host of the evil Silver speed: 300 mph; POV: 12; BDV 6Dx2;
young prince named Khufu and his Scarab. While the Scarab was de- Body Points 200; powers: Psychic Blast
12D, Forcefield 120, Energy Manipula-
betrothed, Chay-Ara. Hath-Set slew feated by Infinity, Inc. , Hath-Set re- tion 1lD. All powers have the Enhance-
Khufu, and with his dying breath, the mains at large as industrialist Helene ment: Remote +40.].
prince swore that both he and the As tar.
priest would live again and that he

Cha111sr 1-60/den Age Advsrsariss

ISASOURCEBOOK - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - -- -- - -

Tiie lnJus tice SacielJI

at tlle world

i ..~.1\·c.~-

A sinister counterpart to the JSA, United States, and the so-called "Pa- disjointed and scattered approach
the Injustice Society of the World was triotic Crimes," a bout of one- that inevitably led to defeat time and
the most persistent and among the upsmanship to determine the leader again at the hands of the Justice Soci-
most dangerous threats the original of the group that revolved around ety. Nonetheless, their membership
hero team faced in the years follow- who could pull off the greatest caper, over the years has boasted a who's
ing World War II. The group even re- one of which included stealing the who of villainy, including the Brain
surfaced not long after the JSA came Washington Monument. Wave, the Gambler, Per Degaton, the
out of retirement, clashing with both The Injustice Society's usual mode original Thinker, Vandal Savage, the
their old adversaries and their cur- of operation was to develop an over- Wizard, the Fiddler, the first Harle-
rent contemporaries, the Justice all master plan, then split up, with quin, the Tigress, the first Icicle, the
League. Some of the Society's more each member carrying out some part Sportsmaster, the Shade, and
notable schemes included a multi-lay- of the plan, relying on his or her Solomon Grundy.
ered conspiracy to take over the unique talents. It was perhaps this

Chapter 1- Bolden Age Adversaries

Brain Wave I SnuTEGY & T.\mcs: Owing to the na- The Dummy
ture of his powers and slight stature,
Ri:::AL NA\ff: Henry King Rt~.\I.N.rnE: Unrevealed
King acted from behind cover when-
Ocet P.\lIO:\: Criminal OcCl P.rno;-;: Criminal
ever possible. In addition to his abil-
8 .\St:: or 0Pt:R.\TIO'\s: Sharktooth Bay BASF or 0PF.RAno:-;s: Mobile
ity to hypnotize his victims or destroy
HEIGHT: 5'7" H£1G11T: 3' l "
them with a blast of mental force,
Wt:.1c;u1: 128 pounds WEIGHT: 69 pounds
Brain Wave created realistic illusions
fafS: Blue EvFs: Brown
to dupe his opponents.
HAIR: None H AIR: Brown
RAci::: Human Br a i n Wave RAcc: Human
Ti::cH LE\l::i.: Modern (1) Reflexes 20: Driving 3D Ti::cu LF.\'F.t.: Modern (1)
Henry King grew up as a frail, pro- Coordination 20: Marksmanship (Psy- The Dummy is in truth an animate,
foundly lonely child, which filled him chic Blast) 8D, thievery 4D sentient wooden figure, but nothing
with a deep resentment towards oth- Physique 20 about his origins has ever been re-
ers. When King discovered the incred- vealed. He first came to public atten-
Knowledge 3D: Medicine 4D (psychia·
ible mental powers he possessed, he tion in 1942 as leader of one of the
try +3D), scholar SD, science SD, se-
acted upon those negative feelings curity 4D East Coast's largest criminal organi-
and abandoned his psychiatry career zations. Then he saw his criminal
Perception 20: Engineering 4D, invent
for crime. Using his mental abilities empire toppled by the masked Vigi-
40, know-how (powers) 100 each,
in a series of successful bank robber- lante.
repair 40, surveillance 70
ies, King grew more ambitious and set After this, the Dummy acted as a
out to conquer the world. Presence 20: Charm 30, intimidation freelance mob hitman. Such notables
SD, persuasion SD, willpower 110
King realized th e greatest ob- as "Bugsy" Siegel and the Vigilante
stacles to his goals were costumed ADVANTAGEs/ DtSADVANTAGES: Contact were among his targets. The latter
mystery m en , so throughout the (criminal underworld)-40, Mechanical proved to be the Dummy's last for
1940s, the Justice Society and All-Star Aptitude-20, Wealth -60; Enemy (JSA, many years. The Vigilante seemingly
All-Star Squadron) +SD each, Long destroyed him in 1946, gaining ven-
Squadron b ecame targets of his
Winded +10, Physically Limited (myo-
schemes. When he found he could not geance for the Dummy's murder of his
pic without glasses) +30, Shady Back-
succeed alone, King also acted in con- ground +20, Sworn Enemy (JSA, All-Star partner Stuff the Chinatown Kid.
cert with other like-minded criminals, Squadron) ...so each, Unattractive Ap- Ri::ci::.'ffLY: The Dummy returned a few
primarily the various incarnations of pearance +2D. years ago and re-formed the super-
the Injustice Society and its individual SPEED: 30 vi llai n team Injustice Unlimited.
members. POV: 1 Though he successfully engineered
Despite his past, King apparently UNARMED BDV: 10 both the dissolution of Infinity, Inc.
reformed for a time. During his brief P/L BoNUS: +l and the demise of its leader, Skyman,
l aw-abiding interval , h e married HERO POINTS: 0 the surviving team members brought
Merry Pemberton (the Girl of 1,000 VILl.AINPOINTS: 18 the Dummy and his allies to justice.
Gimmicks) and fathered a son, Henry CHARACTER POINTS: 180
The Dummy apparently burned to
Jr. However, King returned to his life BoDY POINTS: 26
death while with Injustice, Unlimited.
of crime, driving Merry to a nervous PoWERS: ESP lOD (Limitation: Linked to
breakdown in the process. Illusion), Illusion 140, Mind Control S rRAn:Gv & TACT1cs: The Dummy,
(hypnosis) 120, Psychic Blast 100, whether acting as mastermind or
R~n,1u: King was mortally wounded
Mental Shield 80 . hired assassin, was completely ruth-
while protecting his son from the Ul- less. He killed unhesitatingly in pur-
tra-Humanite, but before his demise, suit of his goals, as if he had no soul.
he trans£ erred his powers and memo-
ries to his offspring.

Cha111er 1- t:olden ll/IB Adversaries

JSASOURCEBOOK - - -- - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - -- -

The Dummy The Fiddler The Fiddler

Reflexes 2D: Dodge 4D, melee weapons RL\L NAMF.: Isaac Bowin Reflex es 30 : Brawling 4D, dodge 40,
3D,sneak 5D Oc-ct PATIO'i: Criminal driving 50 (fiddle car +20), sneak 50
BASE or 01'1::.1< rno~s: Keystone City
Coordination 2D: Marksmanship 4D Coordination 3D: lockpicking SD,
(cane +3D) HmGtn: 6'1"
marksmanship 4D (fiddle weaponry
WmcHT: 176 pounds +20), thievery 5D
Physique 2D: Leap 3D, running 4D
En:s: Blue
Knowledge 4D: Forgery 6D, research 6D, HA1R: White Physique 2D: Leap 4D, lifting 40, run-
scholar 6D, science 8D, security 6D ning 4D
R\CE: Human
Per ception 4D: Engineering 8D, hide 50, Tr.cu wr:1.: Modern (1) Knowledge 3D: Arcane lore 40, forgery
invent 8D, repair SD, shadowing 6D, 5D, scholar 5D (music +4D), science
streetwise 6D In 1934, Isaac Bowin, while impris- 5D, security 5D
oned for petty theft in India, learned
Presence 3D: Command 6D, intimida- Perception 40 : Artist (musician) 100,
from an elderly fakir how to accom-
tion 6D, willpower 7D engineering 50 (fiddle gadgets +20),
plish arcane feats with musical instru- hide 50, invent 50 (fiddle gadgets
ADVANTAGES/D ISADVANTAGES: Contact ments. After learning the fakir's se- +2D), repair5D (fiddle gadgets +20),
(criminal underworld)-40, Leadership crets, Bowin murdered him and es- shadowing 5D
Ability - 2D, Mechanical Aptitude -20,
caped to America.
Obscure Knowledge -20, Wealth -4D; Presence 30 : Charm 50, command 60,
Bowin initially appeared as the Fid- intimidation 50 , willpower 6D
Enemy (the Vigilante I & Stuff) +2D
each, Fugi tive +2D, Sworn Enemy (the
dler in 1947 in Keystone City, and his
Vigilante I) +2D, Unattractive Appear- misdeeds led to his first meeting with
(criminal underworld) -3D, Courage
ance +2D. the Flash. Bowin clashed with him of-
- 20, Wealth -40; Delusions of Grandeur
ten over the coming years, singly and +3D, Enemy (Flash I) +30 , Fanatic (mu-
POV:2 with the Injustice Society and Crime sic-motif crimes) +30, Shady Back-
UNARMED BDV: 10 Champions, but always unsuccess- ground +2D, Sworn Enemy (Flash I) +30.
p /l BONUS! +1 fully.
H ERO POINTS! 0 In concert with other notorious PDV:2
VJU.AJN POINTS! 16 Flash foes, Bowin managed to sus- UNARMED BDV: 3D
CHARACTER POINTS! 120 pend Keystone City in time, erasing P/L BoNUS: +2
BoDv PoINTS: 26 it from the outside world's memories. H ERO POINTS: 0
POWERS: As an animated wooden being, The Fiddler then robbed the city at VIUAIN POINTS: 16
the Dummy has the following: material will for over three decades' time, un- CHARACTER POINTS: 120
bonus: hard wood (AV 3), apparently til the first two Flashes returned the Boov Po1NTS: 30
does not need to eat or sleep, never city to normal. EQUIPMENT: Machine gun fiddle (BDV
ages, Limitation: Vulnerability (fire) 6Dx3), hypnotic fiddle (Mind Control
-8D. REcF.,Tu: Bowin claims that arthritis
100), forcefield fiddle (Forcefield 60),
has robbed him of his ability to play,
EQUIPMENT: Pistol (BDV 5Dx3), cane shatter fiddle [Sonic Manipul ation
presumably ending his criminal ca-
(BDV 2D; Energy projection: Force (sonic beam) 9D). All have Limitations:
reer. Removabl e-10. Fiddle car (Size: 15.5-
beam SD), straight razor (BDV 20).
STRATEGY & T ACTICS: In no part a feet ; crew: 1; passengers: 5; cargo ca-
NoTE: As a member of Injustice Unlim-
brawler, Bowin relied on elaborate pacit y: 17 cubic feet; maneuverability:
ited, the Dummy had 22 Villai n Points
plans and gadgetry in his crime 10; speed: 160 mph; AV: 8; BDV 4Dx2;
and 170 Character Points.
sprees. His preferred weapon is the Body Points 100).
violin, of which he has several spe- NOTE: Due to the time the Fiddler spent
cialized versions. in the temporally displaced Keystone
City, his stats are not changed when he
appear s as a member of Injustice Un-
limit ed.

Cha11ter 1- Bolden Age Adversaries

c.A.:::A~ - - - - - - -- -- - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - JSASOURCEBOOK

The Gambler I Th e Gambler The Harlequin I

RE.\t NAm.: Steven Sharpe III Reflexes 2D: Brawling 3D, dodge 4D, REAL N \\1t:: Molly Maynne; later Molly
Occtl'ATtO-<: Criminal melee weapons 3D (knives +2D), Maynne Scott
R\st: 01 OPrnAllO'\s: Gotham City sneak 60 Ol'ClPAllO:'\: Secretary, later business
HnGH1: 5'7" Coordination 3D: Catch SD, lockpicking manager
WrJGm: 151 pounds SD, marksmanship 40 (derringer 8 .\SF. oF 0 PERATIO'.\s: Gotham City
En:s: Blue +30), sleight of hand 6D (palming H EIGHT: 5'7"
H.\m: White +40), thievery 9D, thrown weapons Wt:1Gm: 120 pounds
RAn:: Human 4D (knives +40) E'n-~'i: Green
TF:rn LEVEL: Modern (1) Physique 2D: Leap 30, lifting 30, run- HAIR: Red

After being jilted by his first true ning 40 RAcE: Human

Tf.CH LEVEL: Modern (1)
love sometime in the early 1940s, Knowledge 2D: Forgery SD, scholar
Steven Sharpe concluded that in life, (card games) 80, security 70 Shunned by men jealous of her
only luck truly matters. Modeling him- Perception 4D: Artist (actor) 60, engi- athletic prowess, a dejected Molly
self on his riverboat-wagering grand- neering SD, hide 6D, know-how (card Maynne hid under the guise of a
father, Sharpe then became the Gam- playing) 100, invent SD, repair SD, milquetoast Gotham City secretary.
bler and embarked on a nationwide shadowing 60, streetwise SD While working for Alan Scott (Green
crime spree. (Gotham City +20), surveillance SD Lantern I), Maynne fell madly in love
In 1944, Sharpe targeted Gotham (counting cards +4D) with his alter ego. Desperate to at-
City. Unluckily for him, he had his Presence 4D: Bluff7D, charm 70, com- tract his attention by becoming a vil-
schemes thwarted by the Green Lan- mand 60, disguise 110, intimidation lain if need be, Maynne received her
tern, a scene repeated many times in 60, persuasion 7D, willpower 80 trademark glasses fro m the
subsequent years. As a result, Sharpe AovANTAGfS/DJSADVANTAGES: Acting Ability Manhunters and became the Harle-
spent years behind bars. Not even a - 30, Contact (criminal underworld) quin in 1947.
stint in the Injustice Society changed -40, Observant -20, Wealth -4D; De- Maynne committed robberies for
his fortunes. pendent (family) +30 (Disadvantage de- two years, but she failed to win the
While on parole , Sharpe found clined to OD over time), Enemy (Green Lantern's affections, even after be-
time to start a family. Beloved by his Lantern I) +3D, Shady Background +20 , traying the Injustice Society to save
grandchildren, Sharpe passed along Sworn Enemy (Green Lantern I) +30. his life. Changing tactics, Maynne be-
his "trade secrets" to them. SPEED: 30 gan work as an undercover FBI opera-
PDV: 2 tive in exchange for a pardon, but s he
Ru:rll(fl:v: A paroled Sharpe lost his re- UNARMED BDV: 30
maining money in a crooked casino, was still denied his love.
P/L BONUS: +l Unable to win Scott by hook or
the Taj Mahal run by Seymour Taj. HERO POINTS: 0
Despondent over is lost fortune , crook, Maynne disappeared from the
Sharpe committed suicide. Sharpe's C HARACTER P OINTS: 110
scene, apparently for good.
granddaughter, the criminal known as 8oDY P OINTS: 28 Rt:cr.-.11.Y: Many years later, Maynne
Hazard , would eventually use her EQUIPMENT: Pepperbox revolver (range: resurfaced at the first press confer-
probability altering powers to gain lS/30/ 60; ammunition: S): normal bul- ence for Infinity, Inc. While there, she
vengeance on Taj and thus bankrupt lets (BDV SDx3), smoke capsules (cloud learned that the villainess Thorn was
his casino. a 30-foot radius for 10 minutes indoors plotting against her children, Jade
or S minutes outdoors), or ammonia and Obsidian. Once again, she be-
Snun:G\ & T .\C11cs: Sharpe's mastery
gas capsules (cloud a 30-foot radius for came Harlequin t o fi ght alongside
of disguise was his criminal hallmark. 10 minutes indoors or S minutes out- them and their father, Alan Scott. Re-
He used his concealed weaponry only doors, plus everyone within must make alizing their mutual feelings for each
if forced, preferring to instead rely on a Legendary Physique roll or be other finally, Scott and Mayne were
his keen wits to get him by. blinded); 10 throwing knives (BOY 40;
wed soon after.
range lS/30/SO).

Chanter 1-60/den Age Adversaries

STRATEGY & TAcnes: Mayone relied on The Icicle I STRATEGY & TACTICS: Icicle preferred to
her illusions to distract her oppo- use his freeze gun to render his op-
REAL NAME: Dr. Joar Makent
nents so that she could move in and ponents immobile, rather than to face
OccuPATION: Criminal
use her formidable athletic skills to them physically. His robberies usually
BASE Of OPERATIONS: Mobile; later
their best advantage. When that failed centered on newly developed appli-
Makent Sound
to work, she would use the illusions cations of cryogenic technology.
HF.tGJIT: 5'11"
to cover her escape.
WEIGJn: 179 pounds Icicle
The Harlequin EYF.s: Blue Reflexes 2D: Sneak 4D
Reflexes 3D: Acrobatics 4D, athletics SD, HA1R: Red
Coordinatio::i 2D: Marksmanship 4D
brawling 6D, dodge 6D, melee weap- RACE: Human (freeze gun +SD), thievery SD
ons 6D (mandolin club +2D), sneak TECH Lt:vEi.: Modern (1)
6D Physique 2D: Running 3D
European physicist Dr. Joar
Coordination 4D: Catch 6D, lockpicking Knowledge 4D: Languages (English) 8D
Makent first came to Gotham City in
SD, marksmanship SD, missile weap- (native language: unknown), scholar
1947, where he hoped to exploit his 6D, science 9D (physics +2D, cryon-
ons 6D, thievery 6D, thrown weapons
newly developed freeze gun for crimi- ics +4D), security SD
nal gain as the costumed villain the
Physique 3D: Leap SD, lifting 4D, run- Perception 4D: Engineering SD (cryonic
Icicle. However, Makent saw his
ning 4D, swimming 4D devices +6D), hide SD, invent SD
schemes come to naught due to the ( cryonic devices +6D), knourhow (Ice
Knowledge 2D: Scholar 4D (business intervention of the original Green Lan- Manipulation) 9D, repair SD (cryonic
+2D), security 6D tern. devices +6D), shadowing 5D
Perception 3D: Hide 6D, shadowing SD, Makent and the Lantern clashed
Presence 2D: Charm 3D, intimidation
surveillance 5D, streetwise SD numerous times during the years that 4D, willpower 6D
Presence 2D: Bluff 4D, charm 6D, com- followed. Sometimes Makent acted in
conjunction with the Injustice Society ADvANTAGES/D1sADVANTAGEs: Contact
mand SD, persuasion SD, willpower
(criminal underworld)-3D, Mechanical
SD or Crime Champions, but the Icicle
Aptitude -2D, Wealth -4D; Enemy
ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Acute Bal- invariably came out the loser. He also (Green Lantern I) +3D, Shady Back-
ance -2D, Attractive Appearance -2D, suffered defeats by the first two ground +2D, Sworn Enemy (Green Lan-
Charismatic -3D, Contacts (criminal Flashes, though he developed a tern I) +3D.
underworld, the FBI) -3D each, Special grudging respect for both.
Equipment (hypnotic glasses)-SD; En- Rf.cE.~TLY: At some point, Makent mar- PDV: 1
emy (Green Lantern I) +3D, Obsessive ried, only to lose his wife in childbirth UNARMED BDV: 1D
Tendencies (love for Green Lantern I) p /L BoNUS: + 1
as his metahuman son Cameron's
+2D, Secret Identity +3D (prior to mar- HERO POINTS: 0
riage), Shady Background +2D. cryokinetic abilities first manifested.
Joar left the boy in an orphanage and VILLAIN POINTS: 14
had little or no contact with him af-
PDV:3 BoDv PorNTS: 28
terwards. Eventually tiring of the
criminal life, Makent went straight, EQUIPMENT: Freeze gun ~Ice Manipulation
p /L BoNUS: +2 12D (Limitations: Rechargeable -10,
HERO POINTS: l remarried, and made a fortune from
the sale of his discoveries in cryo- Removable -2D)]; insulated costume
VILLAIN POINTS: 8 (protects the wearer from the effects
CHARACTER POINTS: 70 genic super-conductors.
of extreme cold).
BODY POINTS: 3S Makent was killed during the Cri-
EQuIPMENT: Hypnotic glasses [BDV l ID sis when he teamed up with a group
(electrical shock to anyone who tries of other villains in an attempt to stop
remove glasses other than Harlequin); the event from happening.
Illusion 11 D (Limitation: Removable
-2D)], mandolin club (BDV 3D).

Chanter 1-lloldsn AllB Ad11srsar/Bs

PerDegaton When Degaton's memory next re- STRATEGY & TAmes: Per Degaton is a
turned, he had acquired the head of military genius and criminal strate-
OccrPATJO'<: Laboratory assistant ,
a robot named Mekanique who had gist. He functions best as the leader
would-be world conqueror of troops, particularly considering his
come from the future to destroy the
BASE OF 0PERAno:-.s: Mobile
All-Star Squadron. Mekanique in- average hand-to-hand combat skills.
HEIGlIT: 5'4"
structed Degaton to give Professor Most of his plans revolve around us-
WEIGHT: 135 pounds Zee her chrono-crystal, which pow- ing time travel to alter a past event
faES: Blue and thus make it easier for his cur-
ered her ability to time travel.
HA1R: Red rent self to conquer the world.
Degaton's plan to kill Zee and steal the
RACE: Human
time machine he had built with the PerDegaton
TF.CH LEvi-:1.: Modern (1)
crystal was foiled when he impul-
For most of his life, Per Degaton sively shot Zee. The dying scientist Reflexes 20: Brawling 4D, dodge 4D,
was nothing more than a laboratory melee weapons 3D (sword +2D), pi-
used the machine to travel 40 years
loting 3D, sneak 5D
assistant obsessed with time travel. into the future. Degaton tried to stop
Finally, in 194 7, while working for Pro- the machine from leaving but failed. Coordination 20: Marksmanship 3D
fessor Malachi Zee, Degaton shot the (pistol +2D), thievery 6D
Now completely insane and power-
professor and stole the time machine mad, Degaton buried Mekanique's Physique 20: Lifting 4D
Zee had designed. He went back into head and began a career as a para- Knowledge 30: Research 6D, scholar4D
the past and changed the outcome military commander. He later became (military tactics +4D), science 4D
of the decis ive battle between a member of the Injustice Society of Perception 20: Engineering 4D, hide 5D,
Alexander the Great and Persian king the World, but he was arrested while invent 40, repair 4D, search 4D
Darius in 331 s.c. This created an al- leading an army of prison escapees
ternate history that enabled Degaton Presen ce 30: Command 9D, intimida-
in their name. tion 9D, willpower 7D
to conquer the world in 1947. How-
REcExnv: After his release 30 years ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Charismatic
ever, Zee had survived and told the
later, Degaton became a derelict. His -3D, Followers -14D, Intimidating Grin
JSA how to set things right. When his-
old Injustice Society comrade Brain -2D, Leadership Ability -2D, Mechani-
tory returned to its rightful course,
Wave later found him, and the pair cal Aptitude -2D, Obscure Knowledge
everyone, including Degaton, forgot
attempted to kill the JSA. But, again, (memories of his conquests)-2D, Pre-
what he had done.
he was arrested and later released af- paredness -4D; Delusions of Grandeur
Degaton's memory eventually re- +3D, Enemy (JSA, All-Star Squadron)
ter 10 years due to advanced age. Free
turned, and he again went back in +6D each, Fallback Plan +4D, Psycho-
one last time, Degaton rebuilt
time. Now, he wanted to change the logical Disorder (megalomania) +2D.
Mekanique, and the two fought Infin-
United States's priorities just after the
ity, Inc. at the place where Zee and SPEED:30
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in POV: 2
the time machine were scheduled to
1941. His defeat came at the hands of UNARMED BOV: 3D
arrive. However, when it did appear,
the newly formed All-Star Squadron. P/ L BONUS: +2
it held not only a dying Zee but also a
He encounted and was defeated by HERO POINTS: 0
duplicate Degaton who was created
them again when he tried to blackmail VIUAIN POINTS: 15
when he had tried to stop the ma- CHARACTER POINTS: 122
the Allies and Axis powers into sur-
chine 40 years prio r. The o lder Boov Po1NTS: 31
rendering to him by threatening to
Degaton disintegrated due to the time
use Soviet nuclear missiles stolen
paradox, while Mekanique slew the
from 1962. Like before, when all was
younger one so that he could never
put back in its proper place, no one
betray her.
(in cludi ng Degaton, at least for
awhile) remembered the events.

Cha/llBT 1 - BolllBn AgB At/J/BTSBTIBS

The Shade STR\TF.GY & f\<.11cs: Shade's control SPEED! 30
over darkness and shadow coupled PDV: 3
REAL N .u tE: Richard Swift (later
with his immortality made him a truly UNARM.ED BDV: 30
bonded with Simon Culp)
OrttrATION: Criminal bon vivant
formidable opponent. However, for P/L BoNus: +1
BASE OF OrERAno:...s: Opal City
him most of his criminal endeavors HERO POINTS: 0
HEicm: 6'2" were merely a means to pass the time VILLAIN POINTS: 20
Wm:m : 170 pounds and therefore he was not above dis- CHARACTER POINTS: 160

En:s : Gray appearing when he tired of sparring BODY POINTS: 34

HA1R: Black
with his current opponent. When PowERS: Darkness Manipulation lSD
RACE: Human Culp managed to rest control over (Enhancement: Mastery +60), Immu-
Ti::rn LE\EL: Modern (1) their form, the Shade became cruel nity 150 (Limitation: Linked to Longev-
and malicious, delighting in acts of ity), Longevity 10, Sustenance 100
In 1838, London resident Dickie violence and bloodshed. (Limitation: Linked to Longevity).
Swift gained shadowy powers from an NOTE: Due to the time the Shade spent
arcane ritual. Immediately thereafter, The Shade
in the temporally displaced Keystone
he ran afoul of the wealthy and im- Reflexes 3D: Acrobatics 4D, boating 4D, City, his stats are not changed when he
moral Ludlow family, who hunted the brawling SD, climbing 4D, dodge 6D, appears as a member of Injustice Un-
now-immortal Swift for many genera- driving 4D, melee weapons SD (knife, limited.
tions to follow, right up to the present. sword+ lD each), riding 40, sneak 80
During the next century, Swift jour- Coordination 2D: Lockpicking 4D, Solomon Grundy
neyed the world, making many fa- marksmanship 4D (Darkness Ma- Occt PATIO:\: None
mous acquaintances. In his travels, he nipulation +4D), thievery 6D
Slaughter Swamp
B..\SE OF 0Pl'R.\l IO:\_.,:
encountered yet another arch-foe: Physique 3D: Leap SD, resistance SD, (outside Gotham City)
Simon Culp, who had gained shadowy running4D HEIGHI: 7'5"
powers concurrent with his. Their Knowledge 2D: Arcane lore 8D, crimi- WEIGm: 51 7 pounds
feud climaxed during the London nology SD, forgery 3D, languages 8D, Eu.s: White
Blitz, when an exploding bomb fused medicine 3D, scholar6D, science 4D, HA1R: White
their essences. Thereafter, Swift re- security 6D RAcF: Human/plant composite
tained mastery of their combined Perception 3D: Hide 8D, kn ow-how TECH LFnt: Primitive (0)
form until fatigue allowed Culp to (Darkness Manipulation) 13D, search In 1894, robbers slew wealthy mer-
usurp control for an interval. 6D, shadowing 6D, streetwise 60
chant Cyrus Gold in Gotham City's
In 1942, Swift took to crime for the (Opal City +2D), surveillance SD, sur-
vival 40
Slaughter Swamp. For the next 50
exhilaration and the much-needed
years, the surrounding mass of plant
diversion that jousting with costumed Presence 40: Bluff SD, charm 60, com-
life and a shard of Gold's life force ges-
heroes (primarily the first Flash) mand 60, interrogation 60, intimida-
tated together. They finally emerged
brought to his unending existence. tion 70, persuasion 60, willpower7D
as the fearsome swamp monster
Driven by sport rather than malevo- ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Contact known as Solomon Grundy in 1944.
lence, Swift secretly did his share of (criminal underworld) -40, Courage
Grundy's first murderous rampage
good deeds when it served his pur- -20, Intimidating Grin -20, Obscure
was halted by Green Lantern, Alan
poses, such as preserving the tran- Knowledge-40, Observant-2D, Wealth
-40; Blackout (when the Shade blacks
Scott, which earned Scott the
quility of Opal City, his adopted home.
out, make a Very Difficult willpowerroll behemoth's undying wrath. Other cos-
Rr.cr'ffLY: No longer acting the villain, to see if Culp gains control; once Culp tumed heroes encountered Grundy
the Shade retired to his beloved Opal has control, periodically make will- over the next SO-odd years. As his repu-
City. He has since become a trusted power rolls until the Shade is able tation for mindless mayhem grew, he
advisor to Jack Knight (Starman VII). to succeed at Very Difficult, then he also became a dupe for numerous
has regained control), Enemy (the criminal masterminds. It was in this
Ludlows) +40, Hides Emotions +lD. capacity that Grundy served with the
Injustice Society of the World.

Chanter l - 60/den Age Ad11s1sar/ss

Though destroyed on more than HERO POINTS! 0 ning team again, Crock joined the In-
one occasion, Grundy is always even- VILLAIN POINTS! 8 justice Society, where he first met his
tually reborn in Slaughter Swamp. CHARACTER POINTS! 64 wife, the Huntress (formerly called
Each time this occurs, Grundy inher- BODY POINTS: 60 Tigress). After marriage, the Crocks
its a different aspect of Cyrus Gold's NATURAL As1unrs: Solomon Grundy is an
operated together and raised a
personality. As a result, different apparently immortal plant-like being daughter, Artemis, who follows in
manifestations of Grundy possess able to resurrect itself in a new form their criminal paths.
varying levels of intelligence and mal- after a period of time after it is killed. STRATEGY & TAcrn:s: Obsessed with
ice. At least two versions of Grundy Each time he is resurrected, roll a Wild winning at any cost, the Sportsmas-
have befriended costumed heroes, Die. If a Critical Success is rolled, his ter designed his accouterment s
including (surprisingly) Alan Scott's Knowledge is 2D and he is a docile
around the crime itself and the antici-
daughter Jade and Jack Knight gentle being. If a Success is rolled, his
Knowledge is 1D and he is mindless pated opposition. He usually relied on
(Starman Vil). sports equipment, either legal or spe-
brute bent solely on destruction but
REcr.Nn.Y: The most recent version of easily manipulated by otfiers. If a Fail- cially designed, which he had a natu-
Grundy was befriended by Jack ure is rolled, his Knowledge is 1D and ral ability with.
Knight before being seriously injured he is a kind, good-hearted brute. If a Sports1Daster
during a rash of bombings in Opal Critical Failure is rolled, his Knowledge
City. Although Jack, alongside his fa- is 2D and he is a black-hearted being Reflexes 3D: Acrobatics 60, boating 60,
capable of cruelty and wickedness. All brawling 80, climbing 60, dodge 60,
ther, Alan Scott (Sentinel), Batman,
of his other characteristics remain the driving 60, martial arts 60, melee
and Jason Woodrue (the Floronic
same. weapons 80 (sports gadgets +20),
Man) fought to save him, Grundy piloting 60, riding 6D, sneak 6D
Grundy's woodish structure also
died. What the next Grundy's de-
gives him a measure of protection Coordination 4D: Catch 80, Lockpicking
meanor will be remains to be seen. against attacks (Invulnerability 60) and 50, marksmanship 60 (sports gad-
STRATEGY & T Ac-11cs: Most incarnations nourishment (Sustenance 3D). Grundy gets +20), missile weapons 6D
of Grundy lack the mentality for de- has shown an ability to absorb some (sports gadgets +20), thievery 6D,
tailed plans; they simply destroy ev- forms of energy in the past, but it is un- thrown weapons 80 (sports gadgets
eryone in their paths. Those that do known whether or not this was a freak +20)
have intelligence also seem to gain a occurrence or another ability of his un-
Physique SD: Leap 60, lifting 60, run-
natural form.
taste for malice along with it, and ning 60, swimming 60
they tend towards conniving and NOTE: The above characteristics reflect
Knowledge 20: Scholar (sports) 80, se-
treachery. Grundy as a member of the Injustice
curity 60
Society of the World.
Solo1Don Grundy Perception 3D: Engineering 40 (sports
Reflexes 3D: Brawling 80 (haymaker The Sportsmaster gadgets +2D), hide 6D, invent 40
+20), dodge 40, melee weapons 40 (sports gadgets +20), repair 40
REAi. NAME: Lawrence Crock
(sports gadgets +2D), shadowing 5D,
Coordination 2D: Thrown weapons 40 OccuPATIO:-l: Criminal streetwise 6D, surveillance 40, sur-
Physique SD: Lifting 90, resistance 100 BASE OF OPERATIONS: Mobile vival 6D, tracking 5D
HEIGHl': 6'2"
Knowledge ID Presence 3D: Bluff 40, intimidation 6D,
WEIGHT: 197 pounds
willpower 40
Perception 2D: Hide 40, survival 30 Ews: Blue
Presence 3D: Intimidation 60, willpower HArn: Red
ance -20, Ally (figress/Huntress) -8D,
60 RACE: Human
Contact (criminal underworld, profes-
AovANTAG£S/DISADVANTAGrs: Courage -20, TECH l.EYa: Modern (1)
sional sports community) -3D each,
Hardiness -4D, Intimidating Grin -20; In 1947, "Crusher" Crock's on-field Courage -20, Fast Reactions -40; De-
Impulsiveness +2D, Obsessive Tenden- brutality forced an end to his unpar- lusions of Grandeur +3D, Dependents
cies +2D, Sworn Enemy (Green Lantern alleled multi-sport career. Embittered, (family) +30 (Disadvantage declined
I) +3D, Technologically Challenged +50, Crock turned his athletic gifts to and disappeared over time), Enemy
Unattractive Appearance +2D. (Green Lantern I), Extremely Competi-
crime as the Sportsmaster.
tive +20, Fanatic (sports-motif crimes)
SPEED! 30 His thefts usually attracted the at- +30, Shady Background +2D, Sworn
PDV:2 tention of Green Lantern, who de-
Enemy (Green Lantern I) +3D.
feated h im on numerous occasions.
P/L BoNus: +4
Later, wanting to be a part of a win-

Cha11ter 7- tJolden Age Adversaries

SPEED: 30 Around 1947, Devoe acquired the ground +20, Sworn Enemy (fhe Flash
POV:3 "Thinking Cap." With that device, he I) +20 (prior to retirement).
UNARMED BOV: 40/lD continued his crim ina l career. He
P/L BONUS: +3 joined with the Shade and the Fiddler
HERO POINTS: 0 to place Keystone City in a time warp
V1L1.A1N POINrS: 12 for over 30 years before being p /L BoNUS: + 1
CHARACTER POINTS: 94 stopped by Flash I and Flash II. HERO POINTS: 0
REcr:-m.v: After a botched overseas VILLAIN POINTS: 13
EQu1PMENT: Baseball bat (BOV 30), golf CHARACTER POINTS: 100
mission with the Suicide Squad nearly
club (BOV 30), chest protector (AV 8), BODY POINTS: 30
killed him, Devoe retired from crime
exploding balls: baseballs, golf balls,
and returned to Keystone. Later, the EQUIPMENT: (After 1947) Thinking Cap
soccer balls (BOV 100 each), fishing
now-reformed Devoe befriended his [Body Points 40; Enhancement Modifi-
rod & reel (contains an 80 foot line that
old enemy Jay Garrick (Flash I). Devoe ers: Knowledge, Perception +2D each;
does no damage but entangles its tar-
passed away from a malignant brain powers: Illusion 90, Mind Control 110,
get [AV 15, AV 5 vs. cutting and slash-
ing)), flying platform (will stay aloft for tumor. Telekinesis 7D, Teleportation: Short
range 150, Matter Manipulation (create
8 hours before needing to be refueled), STRATEGY & TAcncs: Devoe's machina-
hang glider (can fly for several miles matter) 13D. All powers have the Limi-
tions focused on acquiring new tech- tation: Removable-ID.].
depending on updrafts), jet-powered
skis (propelled Sportsmaster along at nologies to expand his criminal arse- NoTE: The characteristics in brackets
speeds upwards of 70 mph and allowed nal. When confronted, he would rely represent the Thinker wesaring his
him to fly for short distance given a on his wits to escape. After gaining Thinking Cap.
surface he could use as a ramp), Para- the Thinking Cap, he used the mental
chute, 5 razor-edge playing cards (BOV powers it granted him to hold his foes Tigress I
lD each), soccer net (10 foot area). at bay as he attempted to either fin- REAL NAME: Paula Brooks Crock
ish his plan or make good his escape. AuAs: Huntress I
The Thinker I
The Thi nker OccTPATI0:11: Criminal
REAL NAME: Clifford Devoe BASE OF 0PF.RAT10Ns: Mobile
Reflexes 20: Dodge 40, driving 40,
OccuP~noN: Criminal sneak 50 HEIGHT: 5'6"
BASE OF OPERATIONS: Keystone City WEIGHT: 119 pounds
HEIGHT: 6' l"
Coordination 30: Lockpicking 4D,
En:s: Green
marksmanship 40, thievery 50
WEIGHT: 173 pounds HA1R: Black
EYES: Brown Physique 20: Running 3D RAcr: Human
H AIR: White Knowledge 30 [50): Criminology SD Ttct1 LE\'F.I.: Modern (1)
RAcE: Human [7D] , forgery 4D [6D), research 8D
Paula Brooks strove to be the
TF.CH LEvE1.: Modern (1) [lODJ, scholar 6D [80) (law +20,
equal of her idol, big-game hunter
crime strategy +2D) , science 80
Keystone City District Attorney Cliff [ 100], security SD (70) Paul Kirk (Manhunter II). She even
Devoe's frustrated attempts to convict sought membership in the All-Star
Perception 30 [5D): Engineering 80
bootlegger Hunk Norvock left him com- Squadron as the Tigress to be near
[lOD], hide 50 [70], invent8D (100],
pletely disillusioned with the justice him. After briefly serving with the
know-how (powers) 60 [80] each,
system. Eventually, Devoe joined with repair 80 [lOD], search 40 (60) , Young All-Stars, Brooks left the team
Norvock in a criminal alliance. Devoe shadowing SD (70], streetwise 40 on bad terms in 1942.
mast erminded Norvock's criminal en- [6D) (Keystone City +2D), surveil- She was next seen in Africa dur-
terprises under the alias of the Thinker. lance SD [70) ing 1945, in Kirk's company. Kirk was
Devoe's long-running feud with the Presence 3D: Bluff SD, charm 5D, com- intent on helping Brooks curb her
Flash began in 1943, when the speed- mand 40, intimidation SD, persua- wilder tendencies, but he evidently
ster uncovered this arrangement and sion 6D, willpower 8D failed because her next appearance
sent the Thinker to prison. However, in 1947 was as the villainous Huntress.
the resourceful Devoe continually (criminal underworld) -2D, Gifted in Brooks stalked crime fighters-
escaped to embark on new schemes. Learning -40, Leadership Ability -20, pri marily Wildcat-just as they
The Thinker's reputation as a crimi- Mechanical Aptitude -20, Observant hunted criminals. To that end, she
nal genius grew, earning him a place -2D, Wealth -60; Enemy (Flash I) +20 joined the Injustice Society. There,
in the Injustice Society. (prior to retirement) , Shady Back- she met her future husband Lawrence

Chanter 1-60/tlen llge 111111srsarles

~A:.r\.1 ------------------------ JSJISOURCEBOOK

Crock (the Sportsmaster). After mar- SPEE0: 30 ')n1 \I.Ji\ & l \tTtcs: Zard's crimes were
riage, the Crocks operated in tandem PDV:4 always meticulously planned, and he
and raised a criminal daughter, UNARMED BDV: 3D/lD employed his powers of illusion to
Artemis. P/L BoNus: +2 their utmost. His greatest skill lay in
'31" 1 r,\ &. t,,r-;: Crock liked to lure H ERO P 01N1S: 2 his ability to rally other criminals to
her opponents to trap-laden grounds VILLAIN P Oll'<I'S: 12 his side and use them as a group in
of her own design where she could CHARACTER P o1N1S: 94 his schemes.
BoDv Porr-ns: 32
use her skills as a hunter to her best The Wizard
advantage. E QUIPMENT: Crossbow pistol (BOY SD;
range: 30/75/130), other equipment as Reflexes 2D: Brawling 30, climbing 3D,
Tigress called for by the hunt. dodge 40, melee weapons 30 (cane
+ 10), sneak 40
Reflexes 40: Acrobatics 7D, brawling SD,
climbing 8D, dodge 8D, martial arts The Wizard Coordination 3D: Lockpicking 40,
7D (backhand, choke, flip, flying kick, R; '· !\ ~ : William Asmodeus Zard marksmanship (spells) 4D, sleight of
throw+ lD each), melee weapons 6D hand 4D, thievery 4D
()< <t P.\1 1 Criminal
(claws +2D), riding 70, sneak 7D Physique 20: Running 3D
B\sr- Mobile
Coordination 30 : Catch 6D, lockpicking HUGI 6' Knowledge 3D: Arcane lore 4D, forgery
SD, marksmanship 6D (hunting rifles \V 182 pounds 4D, languages 40 (Tibetan +4D), re-
+2D, crossbow +4D), missile weapons E'I : Blue search SD, scholar 50, security 50
6D (bows +20), thievery 6D, thrown H nc Black
weapons6D Per ception 30: Hide 40, know-how (As-
RI\( ·: tral Form, Illusion, Mind ControO 8D
Physique 30 : Leap 6D, lifting 4D, resis- Trrn J 1 \ 1: Modern (1) each, shadowing 40
tance 4D, running SD, swimming SD
William Zard was once an unsuc- Presen ce 40: Bluff SD, charm SD, com-
Knowledge 2D: Criminology 4D, medi- mand 60, intimidation SD, persua-
cessful small-time criminal, searching
cine (first aid) 4D, scholar (hunting) sion 6D, willpower 7D
6D, security 6D
for new angles he hoped would
change his fortunes. Eventually find- ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Contact
Perception 30 : Hide 8D, know-how ing his way to a Tibetan monastery, (criminal underworld)-3D, Leadership
(hunting) 100, search 4D, shadowing Ability -2D, Obscure Knowledge -2D,
he learned the arcane arts from a
8D, streetwise 4D (New York City Tainted -30, Wealth -4D; Arrogance
master lama, whom Zard later mur-
+2D), surveillance 7D, survival SD +3D, Delusions of Grandeur +3D, Long
(jungle +2D), tracking 8D dered after he could teach him no
more. Winded +3D, Shady Background +20,
Presence 20: Animal handling 4D, bluff Sworn Enemy (the JSA) +30.
Zard returned to America in 1945,
4D, charm SD, intimidation SD, per- SPEED: 30
suasion SD, willpower 6D
and as the criminal Wizard, he first
encountered the Justice Society. The POV:2
JSA proved to be Zard's most impla-
ance -2D, Ally (Sportsmaster) -8D, At- p /L BoNUS: +1
cable foes. Destroying them became
tractive Appearance -2D, Contact HERO POINTS: 0
(criminal underworld) -3D, Courage
one of his lifelong goals. On two oc- VILLAIN POINTS: 16
-2D, Fast Reactions -4D, Observant - casions, Zard assembled the most no- CHARACTER Poir-ns: 128
2D, Speed Draw (crossbow pistol)-10, torious criminals of the day into the BoDv Po1NTS: 29
Wealth-4D; Delusions of Grandeur +3D, Injustice Society of the World, which
POWERS: Astral Form l OD, Illusion 130,
Dependents (family) +3D (Disadvan- proved to be perhaps the greatest Mind Control (hypnotism) 100, Sorcery
tage declined and disappeared over challenge the original JSA ever faced. 40.
time), Enemy (Wildcat I) +2D, Sh ady Over t ime, Zard's knowledge of
Background +20, Sworn Enemy (Wild- NOTE: The characteristics above are for
black magic increased, making him an
the Wizard as a member of the Injus-
cat I) +20. ever-deadlier foe for all who opposed tice Society of the World. To show him
him. He has often acted in concert at the time of Injustice Unlimited, in-
with other villain teams, including crease his Sorcery to 8D, his arcane lore
most recently, Injustice Unlimited. to 7D, his Villain Points to 26, and his
Character Points to 200, and give him
After an unsuccessful at-
know-how (Sorcery) 80.
tempt to steal the Spear of Destiny,
Zard is currently imprisoned within
the Ragman's mystical raiments.

Chapter 7- Boldsn /IJIB 111111ersar1ss

lanKarkull confronted Karkull with the crime, he Ian Karkull
trapped the scientist in his own
shadow form. Swearing vengeance Reflexes 2D: Brawling 3D, climbing 30,
against Dr. Fate, Karkull teamed up dodge 40, sneak 60
with another of Fate's adversaries, Coordination 2D: Sleight of hand 40,
Wotan. However, Dr. Fate managed to thievery4D
overcome their combined might. Physique 3D
Shortly thereafter, Karkull some- Knowle d ge 3D: Arcane lore 5D
how gained a glimpse into the future. (Ragnorian sorcery +ID), languages
Because of his vision, he enlisted the (Arabic, Aramaic, Ragnorese) 6D
aid of several other criminals to kill each, research 6D, scholar SD (ar-
current U.S. President Franklin D. chaeology +20), science 4D
Roosevelt along with eight other Per ception 3D:Engineering4D, hide 7D,
men who were destined to suc- invent 4D, know-how (powers) 4D
ceed Roosevelt as President. All of each, search SD, shadowing 6D, spell-
the men, save one anonymous boy, bind (Rites of Ragnor) 6D, surveil-
were saved by the JSA. In his final con- lance 4D
frontation with the JSA, the Spectre Presence 2D: Intimidation 6D, persua-
shattered Karkull's shadow form, sion SD, willpower SD
bathing the JSA and some of A DVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Contact
J their closest friends and allies (criminal underworl d) -10, Obscure
in an energy that dramatically Knowledge -20; Enemy (JSA) +50, Psy-
slowed their aging process and chological Disorder (psychotic) +30,
kept them vital in the years to Sworn ~nemy (Dr. Fate I) +3D.
RECENTI.Y: Karkull somehow PDV:2
survived his apparent UNARMED BDV: 3D
death. He returned to p /L BoNUS: + 1
corrupt the young hero
Obsidian, the son of the CHARACTER POINTS: 69
or i g i - nal Green Lantern. However, BODY POINTS: 34
his newly converted disciple soon
PowERS: Darkness Manipulation
O c<.:UPATION: Criminal scientist turned on him and snuffed him out of
(shadow form) 14D (Limitation: Dura-
BASE oF 0Pt-:RATIONS: Mobile existence.
tion Change [Permanent]-20), Sorcery
H EIGHT: 5'9" STRATEGY & TAcnc.-,: Ian Karkull was a 3D. (Note: see the Magic Handbook,
WEIG!fl': (in human form) 161 pounds master of manipulation and subter- pages 11-13, for a complete description
Evrs: (in human form) Brown fuge, preferring to use allies and fol- of the Sorcery power.)
H ArR: (in human form) Bald lowers to do his bidding rather than
RAcr.: Human getting directly involved. The full ex-
TECH LEvu: Modern (1) tent of the sorcerous powers his
Sometime in the late 1930s, scien- shadow form gave him has never truly
tist Ian Karkull discovered the fabled been charted.
lost city of Rangor with his then-part-
ner Everett Dahlen. Everett double-
crossed Karkull , stole the city's
riches, and left him to die. Karkull
survived and created a device that
could turn a man into an insubstan-
tial shadow and back again. He used
it to kill Dahlen. The original Dr. Fate
investigated the murder. When he

Cha11t11r 1- IJoldBn llllB Ad1111rsari11s

Mekaniaue Rotwang's plan called for the de-
struction of the All-Star Squadron,
which Mekanique infiltrated by ma- Reflexes 3D: Brawling 50, dodge 60
nipulating Robotman's sympathies. Coordination 4D: Marksmanship (elec-
Though she nearly succeeded, tric blast) 100
Mekanique's body was destroyed dur- Physique SD: Leap 130, lifting 130, run-
ing her battle with the team. ning 9D
Per Degaton recovered Mekanique's Knowledge SD: Computer ops 9D, lan-
severed head, which remained func- guages 9D, scholar9D (future history,
tioning. In return, she grew to love time travel +2D each), science 90,
him. Feeling disgusted by her affec- security 9D
tions, he kept her locked away for Perception SD: Engineering 9D (robot-
decades. Only after a long imprison- ics +20), know-how (powers) 60
ment was Degaton moved to recon- each, repair9D (robots +20), surveil-
struct her body, claiming to then lance 8D, tracking (electronic) 9D
share her romantic feelings. Presence 3D: Intimidation 50, willpower
Together, they embarked on a fi- 60
nal power play, but they were op-
posed by Infinity, Inc. When their
(sight, hearing) -20 each, Ally (Per
plans were foiled, an angry Degaton Degaton)-80, Hardiness -40, Mechani-
let slip that he still felt repulsed by cal Aptitude -20, Patron (Rotwang)
Mekanique's love, which prompted -40, Photographic Memory-40, Tech-
her to self-destruct and kill them nologically Advanced -200; Fanatic
both. (love for Degaton) +30, Unattractive
S rRAr£GY & TACT1c:s: Along with her
Appearance +20.
considerable powers, Mekanique was SPEED: 30
a skilled liar and manipulator. She PDV:3
eagerly took advantage of others' UNARMED BDV: 30
trust. P/L BoNus: +6
Oc:crPA"no:-.: Agent of Rotwang NAruRAL AB1UT1ES: Android package, At-
BASE OF OrF.RAT10:..s:Twenty-third cen- tribute Improvement, Emotions, Mate-
tury Earth rial Bonus (AV 30). (See pages 126-127
HEIGtrr: 5'9" of the JLA Sourcebook for details on the
WEIGHT! 278 pounds android package and upgrades.) Her
EYF.s: Red android body had sensors that allowed
HAIR: None her to see in all directions.
R\cE: Android PowERs: Energy Projection (electric
TE<:H LE.vu: Advanced (3)
blasts) 100, Invisibility (mechanical
imaging systems) 90, Dimensional
Mekanique was built by the Travel 80, Forcefield: neutron shield
twenty-third century scientist 90.
Rotwang, who sent her back in time
to the year 1942 to change the future
course of history. In Rotwang's era, a
popular revolt toppled the oppressive
social order the scientist supported.
Mekanique was to alter past events
so the rebellion never happened.

ChBIJIBr 1-60/llBn Jigs llllllBrsariBS

ThBMiSl unwilling to surrender access to it,
turned the device upon Kyle, trans-
forming him into the Mist. Reflexes 30: Brawling 50, dodge 50,
For the next six decades, the Mist melee weapons 50, piloting (self) 60,
acted as a criminal mastermind-first sneak SO
as leader of his own gang and later in Coordination 30: Lockpicking SD,
conjunction with other super villains. marksmanship SD, thievery SD
Naturally, he ran afoul of costumed Physique 20: Flying 12D, leap 4D, lift-
heroes. He developed a particular ing 4D, running SD
grudge against the original Starman. Knowledge 40: Forgery SD, scholar SD,
REcE~v: Kyle groomed his son as his science 6D (chemistry, physics +2D
successor and teamed with him dur- each), security SD
ing his final assault on Opal City. How-
Perception 40: Engineering6D, hide SD,
ever, this event led to his son's death, invent 6D, repair SD, shadowing 6D,
and the elder Kyle's mind snapped as surveillance 6D, streetwise SD
a result.
Presence 20: Bluff SD, charm 3D, com-
After an apparent recovery from
mand 40, intimidation 6D, willpower
Alzheimer's disease, the Mist staged SD
one last great plot-to destroy Opal
City and everyone in it with a nuclear AovANTAGEs/01sADVANTAGES: Contact
(criminal underworld) - 4D, Courage
bomb he had stolen from LexCorp. -2D, Intimidating Grin -2D, Mechanical
But as so often happened before, the Aptitude -2D, Wealth -40; Dependent
Mist was foiled again by Ted Knight, (family) +3D (Disadvantage declined
the original Starman, who saved h is and then disappeared over time), En-
city at the cost of both his own and emy (Starman I) +3D, Secret Identity
the Mist's lives. +3D, Shady Background +2D, Sworn
STRA1r.Gv & T Acnes: Originally, the Mist Enemy (Starman I) +3D.
orchestrated daring robberies com- SPEED: 30
mitted by invisible thieves. Over time, POV:3
his focus became m ore murderous UNARMED BOV: 3D
with a end towards vengeance against P/L BONUS: +2
costumed heroes-particularly
REAL NA\1E: Kyle (surname unknown) Starman. CHARACTER POINTS: 190
OCCUPATION: Criminal scientist Boov POINTS: 30
BAS£ or- 0PERAno:-.s: Opal City POWERS: Air Manipulation (change into
H1::1c;11r: 5' 7" mist form) 12D [Enhancement: Mastery
WEIGHT: 145 pounds (can make selective parts of himself
EYFs: Blue and objects he is carrying- like a gun-
HAIR: White solid) +6D].
Rl\CE: Human EQUIPMENT: Inviso-Solution (turns any-
TECll LEVEL: Modern (1) thing doused in it invisible; the light
After serving in the Canadian from Starman's rod will make such a
doused item visible and eventually
Army during World War II (and being
wear off the solution).
decorated for valor), Kyle developed
a device capable of transforming mat-
ter into mist. He funded further im-
provements upon it by using it in the
employ of organized crime. Kyle
hoped to sell the device to the U.S.
military in 1939, but his mob contacts,

c11a111sr 1-Bolllen /llJe 1111versar1ss

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JSASOURCEBOOK

The Monocle mortgage payment receipts, fore- M onocle

closed on his shop, and then made
millions by auctioning the land. Reflexes 2D: Brawling 3D, dodge 4D
When Cheval learned of their per- Coordination 4D: Marksmanship
fidy, the formerly law-abiding man (monocles) 8D, thievery 6D
sought b loody vengeance against Ph ysique 2D: Leap 3D, running 4D,
them as the Monocle. He employed swimming4D
his oculist skills to design deadly Knowledge 3D: Forgery 6D, Languages
lenses used in his trademark weap- (French) 9D, scholar 4D, science 7D
onry. The bankers' murders came to (physics +2D), security SD
the original Hawkman and Hawkgirl's Perception 4D: Engineering 7D (optics
attentions, and they eventually +2D), invent 7D (optical devices
brought Cheval to justice. +20), repair 7D (optical devices
RF.CE."-'TLY: Released from prison some +2D), streetwise SD, surveillance SD
years later, Cheval went into legiti- Presence 3D: Charm 4D, persuasion 4D,
mate business and his breakthroughs willpower SD
in fiber optics made him wealthy. AnvANTAGFS/DISADVANTAGFS: Acute Manual
However, boredom led Cheval to ac- Dexterity-2D, Contact (criminal under-
cept the Ultra-Humanite's invita- world) -3D, Mechanical Aptitude - 2D,
tion to join the Secret Society of Wealth -4D; Enemy (Hawkman I,
Super-Villains. The Monocle Hawkgirl I) +2D each, Physically Lim-
soon returned to action ited (myopic without monocle) +30,
against both the JSA and JLA. Shady Background +2D, Sworn Enemy
He even attempted to join a (Hawkman I, Hawkgirl I) +20 each.
new Secret Society, which SPEE0:30
proved to be a JLA ruse. PDV:2
STRATEGY & TA<."frcs: Initially,
p /L 8oNUS: + 1
Cheval concentrated single-mindedly HERO POIN'IS: 0
on revenge, but he eventually grew VILLAIN POINTS: 14
more proficient as a criminal and in CHARACTER POINTS: 112
the use of his various ocular weap- Boov POINTS: 30
onry. At first, the Monocle had to use EQu1PMENT:Cosmic Ray Monocle (Disin-
his hand to focus and aim his weap- tegration 100), Electric Monocle (En-
ons, but later, he devised a method ergy Projection: Electric Blast 100),
Rt:AI. NAME: Jonathan Cheval of remote operation that allowed his Laser Monocle (Microwave Projection
OccuPATION: Criminal hands to remain free while he fired. 100). All monocles have the Limita-
BASE OF OPF.RAT10:>1s: New York City; tions: Rechargeable -10, Removable
later southern France The Monocle-ID, and eventually had
HEIGHT: 5'11 " the Enhancement: Remote +40.
WEIGHT: 175 pounds
EYES: Blue
HAm: Black
RACE: Human
T ECH LEVEL:Modern (1)
Jonathan Cheval carried on his
family's traditional vocation as a re-
nowned optical-glass maker. He oper-
ated a small shop in downtown New
York until 1945, when a cadre of un-
scrupulous bankers stole Cheval's

Chanter 1-60/den Age Adversaries

imprisoned by the JSA, Halstead told Psycho-Pirate
his cellmate Roger Hayden about the
enchanted Medusa Masks, artifacts Reflexes 2D: Brawling 3D, dodge SD,
found on an archaeological dig by sneak 6D
Kent Nelson (Doctor Fate I) that were Coordination 2D: Thievery SD
fabled to effect people's emotions. Physique 2D: Running 3D
Hayden stole the masks and used
Knowledge 2D: Scholar 4D, security 6D
their manipulative power to become
the second Psycho-Pirate. At one Perception 2D: Hide 60, know-how
point during his criminal career, he (powers) 8D each, shadowing SD,
streetwise SD
joined the Ultra-Humanite's Secret
Society of Super-Villains and took on Presence 2D: Bluff90, charm 6D, com-
members of both the JSA and the Jus- mand 60, persuasion 90, willpower
tice League of America. SD
RECENTLY: Eventually, his powers AovANTAGFS/DJSADVANTAGFS: Charismatic

drove him insane, and he ended up -3D; Cowardice +20, Delusions of Gran-
in a mental ward. It was there that he deur +30, Enemy (JSA, JLA) +6D each,
was found by Harbinger and recruited Fugitive +lD, Shady Background +2D.
to aid the Monitor during the Crisis. SPEED: 30
However, he switched sides and allied PDV:3
himself with the Anti-Monitor soon UNARMED BDV: 3D
after. The Pirate was forced to aid the p /t BONUS: + 1
second Flash (Barry Allen) in defeat- VILLAIN POINTS: 15
ing the Anti-Monitor's plan, and the CHARACTER POINTS: I 24
Pirate's fear of the Anti-Monitor's Boov POINTS: 28
wrath sank him even deeper into in-
EQUIPMENT: The Medusa Mask [Body
sanity. He was then returned to the
Points: 12S; powers: Empathy 180, Illu-
mental ward, babbling something sion 120 (Limitation: Linked to Empa-
about "infinite earths." thy)].
The Psycho-Pirate was one of sev-
eral villains who made a deal with the
demon Neron for enhanced power in
exchange for their souls. In the
Psycho-Pirate's case, he was melded
with the Medusa Mask, which enabled
him to not only affect the sanity of his
targets but also transform them into
nightmarish versions of themselves.
RFAL NAl\fE: Roger Hayden He was recaptured by Manhunter III
OccuPATION: Professional criminal and returned to the psychiatric ward
B ASE oi: OPERATIONS: Mobile at the Slab penitentiary.
H EIGHT: 6' SrnATEGY & T Acnes: By altering his fa-
WFJGHT: 180 pounds cial expressions, the Psycho-Pirate
EvES: Blue-green could make his victims experience
HA1R: Red whatever emotion he was portraying.
Rt\cE: Human He took great delight in using his pow-
TECH LEVEL: Modern (1) ers, and he usually chose those emo-
The first man to be called the tions that would cause his opponents
Psycho-Pirate was a disgruntled the most pain and suffering.
newspaper employee named Charley
Halstead who based his crimes on
emotions. After being arrested and

Chapter 1- llolllBn Age Allversarlss

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JSASOURCEBOOK

The Bag Ball

Rag Doll not only became more lim-
ber and agile, but he also recovered
his lost youth.
STRATEGY & TAcncs: During his days as
a thief, the Rag Doll's usual modus
operandi was to fold himself into a gift
box or other unlikely hiding place,
then pop out when he was least ex-
pected. In his later years, his acro-
batic abilities allowed him to become
a murderous whirling dervish, flip-
ping, spinning, and cart wheeling
about with bullets blazing.
Rag Doll
Reflexes 50: Acrobatics 120, brawling
70, climbing 60, dodge 120, escape
artist 130, sneak 100
Coordination 50: Lockpicking 6D,
marksmanship 6D (pistols +2D),
Physique 20: Leap 60, running 4D
Knowledge 20: Security 70
Perception 30: Hide 100, know-how
(contortionism) 140, search 7D
Presence 30: Charm 40, intimidation
SD, willpower 6D
REA1. NA:\t1::: Peter Merkel REet:r\TLY: Some decades later, the Rag ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Acute Bal-
OccuPATION: Professional criminal ance -20, Charismatic -30, Fast Reac-
Doll became a part of the Ultra-
former contortionist ' tions -40, Intimidating Grin - 20, Lead-
Humanite's Secret Society of Super-
ership Ability -20; Enemy (the Flash I,
BASE or OnRATIONS: Keystone City; Villains in an effort to have his final
Starman I) +20 each, Enemy (JLA, JSA)
later Opal City revenge upon his nemesis the Flash. +60 each, Fugitive +20, Shady Back-
HEIGIIT: 5'7" The plan failed, and the Rag Doll went ground +20, Sworn Enemy (Flash I) +20.
WEIGHT: 133 pounds back to prison.
EYF.s: Blue After his last release from prison, PDV: 6
HAIR: Sandy blonde the Rag Doll had lost most of his acro- UNARMED BDV: 40
R.Au: Human batic ability due to age and realized P/ L BoNUs: +I
TECH LEVEL: Modern (1) that much of his !ife had been a failure. HERO POINTS: 0
When the carnival that Peter However, he did discover that he had VJU.AJN POINTS: 16
Merkel worked for went bankrupt in a gift for inspiring others to do wrong. CHARACTER P OINTS: 128
A cult formed around the aging villain, BODY POINTS: 28
1942, he decided to rob a local depart-
ment store. He disguised himself as a and all the violence he had churned up NAruRAL AB1LITIES: Triple-jointed [able to
human rag doll, sneaked into the came to a head seven years ago in Opal bend and cont ort his body in unlikely
store, and laid about in a limp, inhu- City. In the end, Starman was forced to ways; a +3 bonus to all applicabl e skills
slay the Rag Doll, making him into a (such as acrobatics and thievery)].
man posture until he robbed the store
that night. Spurred on by his success, twisted kind of martyr. NoTE: The characteristics above are for
Merkel became the costumed crimi- It has just been discovered that in the Rag Doll at his prime.
nal the Rag Doll. But, his limited gift fact the Rag Doll survived that fateful
for crime made him little more than night. He was one of several super-
annoyance to such heroes as the criminals who made a deal with
original Flash and the first Starman. Neron. In exchange for his soul, the

Chapter 7-lloldsn Age Adversaries

Bed Panzer' To that end, Streicher constructed Red Panzer
the Red Panzer armor. He
Reflexes 2D: Brawling SD, dodge 6D,
/.~~~~~:;) used it to battle against
America's costumed driving SD, melee weapons 4D
heroes, particularly the Coordination 2D: Marksmanship SD
Golden Age Wonder (arm cannon +3D), thrown weapons
Woman. The Amazon defeated the 4D
Red Panzer during their first confron- Physique 3D: Leap 4D, lifting 4D, run-
tation, which Streicher's misogyny ning 4D, swimming 40
could not bear, provoking a seething Knowledge 3D: Demolitions 8D, lan-
hatred towards Hippolyta and other guages SO (English +4D) (native lan-
heroines. guage: German), navigation SD, re-
The remainder of Streicher's war- search 60, scholar 6D, science 60
time activities are unrecorded. How- Perception 3D: Engineering 70, invent
ever, he is said to be dead now, 60, repair 6D (Red Panzer armor
though under unknown circum- +10), search 4D, surveillance SD
stances. Presence 3D: Bluff 4D, command 60,
Rr.nxn...-: A new Red Panzer ap- intimidation 6D, willpower 7D

.. peared and led troops of his fol-

lowers in an assault on a candle-
Grin -2D, Mechanical Aptitude -2D,
light vigil in remembrance of the Patron (Nazi Germany) -SO, Wealth -
Holocaust in New York City. The 2D; Fanatic (Nazism; misogynist) +3D
attempt failed and he perished each, Fugitive +3D, Physically Limited
in an explosion after fighting (missing eye) +6D, Sworn Enemy (Won-
der Woman II) +2D.
Troia. Later, a third Red Panzer,
apparently still wearing Streicher's SPEED: 30
armor, confronted Troia and Ar- PDV:3
senal of the Titans and eventu- UNARMED BDV: 3D
P/L BoNUs: +2
ally joined the super-villain
group Tartarus. VILLAIN POINTS: 14
s~R,\TFm & T ... cm:s: Streicher dedi- CHARACTER POINTS: 110
cated himself to altering the future, BODY POINTS: 3S
REAL NAME: Helmut Streicher and preferred to do so in ways that EQutPMENT:Armor (AV lS; Body Points
OcCLPAllO:'\:Nazi agent involved harming costumed heroines. 70), arm cannon (Energy Projection:
BAsF. OF OrERAno:'\s: Mobile His most potent weapon was his arm Concussive blast 8D).
HEIGHT: 6'2" cannon, which he employed with dev-
WEIGHT: 205 pounds astating effects.
EYF..s: Blue
H A1R: White
RAtF.: Human
T ECH Lna: Modern (1)

Helmut Streicher was a Nazi sci-

entist sent to America in 1943 to aid
German sabotage efforts. While his
superiors thought little of his abilities,
Streicher's genius had in fact pro-
duced a time scanner capable of
showing the future. Through it,
Streicher foresaw the eventual Ger-
man defeat. He immediately took
steps to alter history's course.

ChB/llBr 1-Bolt/BR Age At/11Brsar/BS

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JSASOURCEBOOK

llandal Sauage Savage saw World War II as his Vandal Savage

best opportunity for ultimate power,
but his schemes were repeatedly frus- Reflexes 4D: Brawling 80, dodge 80,
trated by the JSA. However, during martial arts 80, melee weapons 60
their confrontations Savage collected Coordination 4D: Marksmanship 60,
DNA samples from his unwitting foes. missile weapons 60, thrown weap-
Years later, he employed them in the ons 60
creation of Grant Emerson (Damage). Physique 3D (9D): Leap 50 (110), lift-
Eventually sent to prison by the ing 50 (110) , running 50 (110),
JSA, Savage, as head of the Illuminati, swimming 50 (110)
engineered congressional hearings Knowled ge SD: Arcane lore 70, crimi-
that forced the JSA's disbanding in nology 70, demolitions 90, languages
1951. Ironically, Savage's failed at- 100, scholar 100 (business, history,
tempt at revenge against the JSA's politics +20 each), science 50, secu-
members after his release persuaded rity 6D
the team to reunite in the modern age. Perception SD: Artist 100, engineering
70, invent 70, repair 7D, search 90,
STRATEGY & TAcr1cs: A master manipu-
surveillance 90
lator, Savage knows that his immor-
tality is the best weapon at his dis- Presence SD: Bluff80, charm 80, com-
posal. He uses that knowledge to mand 80, interrogation 80, intimida-
tion 80, persuasion 80, willpower
outlast his opponents. If push comes
to shove, however, he is not above
dealing with the situation directly. AovANTAGF.S/DISADVANTAGES: Charismatic
-30, Contact (Illuminati) -60, Leader-
ship Ability -20, Obscure Knowledge
-40, Observant-20, Preparedness -40,
Wealth-80; Delusions of Grandeur +30,
Shady Background +20.
RF.Al. NA\ff:Vandar Adg P/L BONUS: +2 ( +5)
OccL1 A110\ : Conqueror, businessman
BASE OP OPERATtO:-<s: Mobile

HF.IGHT: 5'10"
Boov POINTS: 35 (61)
WEIGHT! 176 pounds
EYES: Brown PowERS: Dimensional Travel 80, Super-
HAIR: Black attributes: Physique 60 [both have
Limitation: Rechargeable (must drink
lt\n:: Cro-Magnon
human blood monthly)-10], Immunity
Tr.cH LEnJ.: Modern (1) 80, Longevity (consciousness) 500 (he
Over 50,000 years old, Vandal Sav- must restore damaged body parts with
age has witnessed humankind's his- those from members of his bloodline
tory firsthand, all the while seeking a to stay alive).
way to conquer it. Once a Cro-Magnon
warrior, Savage gained immortality
after a meteor explosion irradiated
him. Thereafter, with his boundless
knowledge and utter ruthlessness, he
assisted anyone capable of granting
him absolute authority.

Chanter 1- Colden Age Ad11srsarles

destructive will. He was so accom-
plished at the art of war that he could
fend off the combined attack of over
16 members of the JSA. So consumed
with destroying all life, he knew no
Reflexes 4D (SD): Brawling 8D (12D),
dodge 6D (lOD), melee weapons 8D
(12D), riding SD (9D), sneak SD (9D)
Coordination 4D (SD): Marksmanship
(Microwave Projection) 6D (100),
missile weapons 6D (100), thrown
weapons 6D (lOD)
Physique SD (lOD): Leap 6D (110), lift-
ing 6D (110)
Knowledge 2D: Arcane lore 80, scholar
40 (military tactics +6D)
Perception 2D: Know-how (sorcery) 80,
search 4D, surveillance 4D, survival
70, tracking 7D
Presence 4D: Command 6D, interroga-
tion 9D, intimidation 110, willpower
Fast Reactions -40 (Superattributes
bonus), Hardiness -40 (Superattrib-
Rf.AL NAM£: Unknown end to all conflict wherever he found utes bonus), Self-Healing -40, Speed
OccuPATION: Warrior it. As the centuries passed, his impos- Draw (sword) - ID; Dark Secret (sold his
BASE o i: 0PERA'tIONs: Mobile sible mission took its toll, and Stalker soul to Dgrth) +30, Enemy (JSA) +60,
H EIGHT: 8'2" WEIGHT: 420 pounds became hopelessly mad. With his in- Fanatic +30, Obsessive Tendencies
EYES: Red HA1R: Black sanity came a hideously flawed clarity +20, Sworn Enemy (all life) +60.
RAcE: Soulless humanoid of vision: if he eliminated all life, he SPEED! 30 PDV: 3 (S)
TtcH LtvEL: Modern (1) would eliminate all war. Since that day, UNARMED BDV: 4D (60)
he has traveled from world to world, p /L BoNUS! +3 ( +S)
Tens of thousands of years ago on HERO POINTS! 0 VILLAIN P OINTS: 26
another world, an outcast youth made from dimension to d imension, bringing
a pact with Dgrth, the war god of his an end to whatever life he discovered.
BODY POINTS: 48 (78)
realm. In exchange for his soul, Dgrth Stalker was eventually drawn to the
Earth realm, where the JSA opposed POWERS: Microwave Projection (hands)
promised to turn the boy into the great- 13D, Superattributes: Reflexes 40,
est warrior his world had ever known. by him. In their initial battle, Stalker
Superattributes: Coordination 40 (bo-
The youth agreed, and Dgrth ripped his was weakened and used his sorcery to
nus: reduced scale modifiers), Super-
soul out of his body, granting him the create seven disciples who would con- attributes: Physique SD (bonus: in-
warrior's gifts the boy had so craved. tinue his works while he recovered. In creased damage vs. inanimate objects),
The boy, now called Stalker, soon real- perhaps one of their greatest cam- Dimensional Travel lSD, Invulnerabil-
ized how high a price he had paid for paigns ever, the JSA not only defeated ity 3D, Sorcery 18D. All powers except
his supernatural talent for war. He con- the disciples but Stalker as well, bring- Sorcery have the Enhancement: Magi-
fronted Dgrth in an effort to regain his ing an end to his eternal quest. cally Empowered +80.
soul. However, he learned that as long STRATEGY & TAcncs: Though his meth- Armor (AV 20), sword [BDV
as war existed, the demon god would ods probably varied from world to 7D (edge)/4D (flat)].
be too powerful for him to defeat. world, on Earth, Stalker created dis-
Stalker then began a quest to bring an ciples who he sent to carry out his

ChBlllBT 1- 60/dBR ABB AdllBl'SBTIBS

S u ino
Reflexes 50 (70): Brawling 80 (100),
dodge 90 (110), martial arts 100
(120) (all maneuvers +20 each),
melee weapons 80 (100)
Coordination 50 (70): Catch 80 (100),
missile weapons 80 (100)
Physique 5D (6D): Lifting 70 (80), re-
sistance 80 (90), running 70 (80),
swimming 60 (70)
Knowledge 20: Arcane lore 40, lan-
guages 40 (German, English +ID
each) (native language: Japanese),
Perception 40 : Surveillance 50, sur-
vival 50, tracking 50
Presence 20 : Intimidation 80, persua-
sion 80, willpower 100
(all)-1 OD, Courage - 20, Fast Reactions
-40 (Superattributes bonus), Hardi-
ness -40 (Superattributes bonus), Ob-
servant-20, Patron (Hirohito)-50, Self-
Healing -40, Speed Draw (sword)-10;
Employed (agent of the Emperor) +40 ,
Enemy (Wonder Woman II) +20, Enemy
(All-Star Squadron) +60, Fanatic (loyal
to Emperor; won't stain his personal
honor) +30 each, Obsessive Tenden-
cies +20.
OrffrATIO\: Agent of Imperial Japan
BAsi: OF Ot>nu110,s: Japan POV: 5 (6)
was then presented to Emperor UNARMED BOV: 40 (50)/10
WF.1GHT: 300 pounds P/L BONUS: +3 (+4)
Hirohito to be his personal agent in
En:s: Brown H ERO POINTS: 1
America. In the course of fulfilling his
H.\JR: Black VrUAJN P OINTS: 10
duty to the Emperor, he fought
R\cF.: Human CHARACTER Po1NTS: 89
against the All-Star Squadron on at
Tt:<:H Lnn: Modern ( 1) Boov P orNTS: 43 (53)
least one occasion.
Sumo was one of the few students P OWERS: Superattributes: Reflexes 20,
STRATEGY & TA<.:TI<:s: Deceptively agile Superattributes: Coordination 20 (bo-
trained by the ancient samurai known
and amazingly strong, Sumo was for- nus: improved catching ability), Super-
only as the Enlightened One. He was midable opponent, capable of strik- attributes: Physique 10, Natural Armor:
even further honored when he be-
ing before his opponent even knew Toughened skin (blunt trauma) 20,
came the only one of the Enlightened Speed Manipulation (superactlons,
the attack was coming. He even
One's pupils to be chosen to sip of caught Wonder Woman's magic lasso supermobility) 40.
the sacred "Potion of Power"- a com- in mid-toss. He was also an intensely EQUIPMENT: Katana sword [BDV 50
bination of unique herbs and roots. honorable individual and would not (edge)/30 (flat)], samurai body armor
Within a year, Sumo grew to his resort to using any kind of treachery (AV 18 vs. physical attacks to areas cov-
present height, becoming stronger, or deceit. He went so far at one point ered).
more agile, and possessing a control as to save the life of an enemy be-
over all five of his senses that would cause of an offense on the part of his
make a man with perfect vision and allies.
hearing seem blind and deaf. Sumo

Cha11tsr 1- llo/den AOB Advsrsaries

JSASOUBCEBOOK - - -- - -- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - -- "'-~. . . .

TheThorn 1
ror. Rose tried to escape from her
other self by going off to as-
sist famed botanist Professor Re flexes 20: [Brawling 50, dodge 60,
Hollis in his research. It was in sneak 70)
the professor's lab on the is- Coordination 2D: [Thievery 70]
land of Tash mi that Rose discov- Physique20
ered the sap of a unique jungle
Knowledge 30: Research 50, scholar
root. The sap gave her ex-
50, science 30 (botany +50)
traordinar y abilities-
and physically trans- Per ception 2D: Hide 50, [kn ow-how
formed her into her other (Plant Manipulation ) 8D]
self, the Thorn. The Thorn Presence ID [3D]: Charm 30 [SD]. [in-
became a professiona l crimi- timidation 50,) wi/lpower3D [50)
nal, facing off against such ADVANTAGES/D ISADVANTAGES! Attractive
heroes as the original Appearance -20, [Intimidating Grin -
Flash and Green Lantern. 2D (Superattribu tes bonus)]; Dark Se-
It was after a battle with cret (split personality) +20, Employed
the original Green Lantern (as Rose) +40, Enemy (the Flash I,
Green Lantern I) +2D each, Nightmares
that he enlisted the aid of
(as Rose) +4D, Psychologica l Disorder
Queen Hippolyta, known in the 1940s
(split personality; when Rose Canton
as Wonder Woman, and the Amazon persona is dominant, she loses all at-
nation to help Rose and eliminate her tributes and skills in brackets, as well
Thorn persona. Evidently cured, and as powers), Secret Identity +3D.
having fallen in love with her savior,
Rose adopted the name Alyx Florin PDV: l [3)
and soon married Green Lantern in UNARMED BDV: 10 [30)
his civilian identity of Alan Scott. P/L BONUS: + 1
But, on their honeymoo n, HERO Pon'frs: 1
Rose's Thorn persona was VILLAIN POINTS: 14
reawakened when she tried on Alan's CHARACTER P OINTS: 121
mystic power ring. Rose barely man- BODY POINTS: 28
aged to keep the Thorn from killing PowERS: Superattribu tes: Presence 20,
Scott, but she could not prevent him Plant Man ipulation 120. All powers
RE.AL NA~1F.: Rose Canton
from thinking his wife had been killed have the Limitation: Super Hero Form
A.uAS: Alyx Florin - 30 .
in the fire the Thorn's return had
Oen PAT10-.: (Rose) Botanist; (fhorn)
caused. Rose later gave birth to twins. NoTE: All characteristi cs listed in brack-
Professional criminal
but she abandoned them, fearing that ets are those of Rose Canton when she
BASF. OF 0PERAT•o~s: Keystone City;
the Thorn would kill them. Her babies turned into Thorn.
later mobile
grew up to become the heroes Jade
H EIGHT: 5'7"
and Obsidian. They finally learned
WEIGHT: 140 pounds
that Rose was their mother only af-
EYJ::s: Green
ter she committed suicide rather than
HA1R: Blonde (as Rose); Red
let the Thorn murder her children.
(as Thorn)
RAci::: Human STRATEGY & T Acnes: The Thorn is a

TECH LF.\'EL: Modern (1) particularly cold and vicious villain-

ess. She generally uses her powers to
As a little girl, Rose Canton would
create thorn-cover ed stalks , which
blame anything wrong that she did
could either ensnare or impale her
on an imaginary girl. But, unlike oth-
victims, sometimes by causing the
ers who also had imaginary child-
stalks to spin at high speeds like a top.
hood friends, one day Rose began to
see that other girl's face in the mir-

Cha11tsr 1- Balden Age lld11ersarl ss

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JSASOURCEBOOK

Dr. Tagg
Per ception 40 : Engineering 7D (genetic
engineering +2D), invent 7D (genetic
engineering devices +2D), repair 7D
(genetic engineering devices
+2D), surveillance SD
Pr es ence 20: Animal handling
(Gombezl) 120, intimidation 3D, will-
power SD
(criminal underworld) -3D, Follower
(the Gombezi)-16D, Gifted in Learning
-4D, Mechanical Aptitude -2D, Obscure
Knowledge -2D, Wealth-4D; Delusions
of Grandeur +3D, Enemy (Hourman 0
+2D, Shady Background +2D (after
1942), Sworn Enemy (Hourman l) +2D.
SPEED: 30 PDV: 1
EQUIPMENT: Monst roscopic Lamp [Or-
ganic Manipulation (transform beings
into Gombezi) lOD].
NOTE: These characteristics are for Dr.
Togg before he was turned into a
Gombezi. To represent Togg in Gombezi
form , replace all attributes except
Knowledge and Perception with those
in the Gombezi write-up and adjust the
skills accordingly. He also gains the Un-
RF.At. NAMF.: Rocco Togg to apprehending him, he also restored attractive Appearance Disadvantage as
Occ1 ·pA110:11:Criminal Togg's humanity. Enlisted by the lat- a Gombezi.
BASE o r: 0PE.RAno:-<s: Wide Is land est Hourman, a grateful Togg searches
The GoIDbezi
H1::1G11r: 5'4" Wr:.1Gm:125 pou nds for a cure for Rick Tyler's (the second
EvFs: Blue HA1R: Black Hourman) degenerat ive illness Reflexes 3D, brawling 4D, dodge 4D,
RAcE: Human Tm1 l.E\l:L: Modern (1) caused by his use of Miraclo. sneak 4D, piloting (self) 6D, Coordina-
tion 3D, Physique 2D, flying 3D, Knowl-
Ostracized by his colleagues, Dr. STRATEGY & TAcncs: Togg was a genius edge lD, Perception lD, hide 4D, search
Rocco Togg turned to crim e to fund his who m ainly sent packs of Gom bezi to 3D, tracking 4D, Presence lD. Advan-
unorthodox experiments in genetic al- commit his crimes, which focused on tages/Disadvantages: Acute Senses
teration. Togg used his monstrous ca- acquiring money and subjects for his (smell) - 2D; Fanatic (following Dr.
nine-avian hybrids, called Gombezi, to experiments. He became even more of Togg's orders) +3D, Unattractive Ap-
pull a series of bank robberies in 1940, a reclusive mastermind after he was pearance +2D. Speed: 40. PDV: 2. Phy·
which were eventually halted by the turned into a Gombezi himself. sique bonus: + 1. Body Points: 20. Natu-
ral abilities: teeth (BDV 3D), claws
original Hourman. The two developed Dr. Togg (BDV lD), wings allow Gombezi to fly
a rivalry that lasted until 1942, wh en for a few hundred miles before need-
Reflexes 2D
an accidental exposure to his own ing rest, the Gombezi have frictionless
Monst roscopic Ray transformed Togg Coor dination 20: Marksmanship 3D, coats ( +4 to the difficulty of any brawl·
int o a Gombezi. This landed him in thievery4D ing or martial arts roll to grab them or
prison to ser ve a 58-year sentence. Physique 2D any catch roll), the Gombezi have a re-
markably enhanced sense of smell (+4
RECC:."\TLY: Togg was recently set Knowledge 40: Medicine 7D, research successes to any smell-based Percep-
free and quickly returned to his old 8D, scholar 7D, science 7D (genetics
tion or Perception skill roll).
ways. The third Hourman put a stop +2D), security SD
to his latest scheme, but in addition

Cha11tsr 1- llolllsn Age At111srsarles

las Delores Wintersl
However, he had left detailed in-
structions for his henchmen on how Ultra-Humani te
to transplant his brain into another Reflexes 20: Brawling 40, dodge 60,
body-namely that of kidnapped piloting6D
movie actress Delores Winters. In her Coordination 20 : Marksmanship SD
body, the Ultra-Humanit e granted Physique 20
powers to Amazing Man I, Deathbolt,
and Cyclotron so that they could aid Knowledge SD (70): Arcane lore 7D
(9D), languages 7D (9D), medicine
him in a plan to extort millions from
70 (9D) (brain transplants +SD), re-
the U.S. government. Amazing Man search lOD (12D), scholar l2D (14D),
and Cyclotron soon turned on the science 12D (14D)
Ultra-Humanite and helped the All-
Perception 40: Engineering 70, invent
Star Squadron to defeat him. He seem-
120, repair lOD
ingly met his end at the hands of Cy-
clotron, but the loyal Deathbolt res- Presence 30 : Charm 6D, command 70,
cued the Ultra-Humanite's brain. disguise 70, intimidation 60, will-
power 120
Deathbolt then took his master to
a top-secret U.S. installation called ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Acting Ability

Project M, where the Ultra-Humanite -3D, Attractive Appearance -20, Fol-

battled the Young All-Stars in the lowers (Cyclotron, Deathbolt) - 140,
Gifted in Learning -4D, Leadership Abil-
body of a giant tyrannosaurus rex.
ity -20, Mechanical Aptitude -20, Ob-
Though once again defeated, the Ul- servant -2D, Preparedness -40, Tech-
tra-Human i te teleported his brain nologically Advanced-lOD; Arrogance
away before he could be captured. +3D, Dark Secret (he is really a trans-
STR.HE<;Y & T \CT1c.:s: The Ultra- planted brain) +2D, Delusions of Gran-
Humanite was motivated solely by an deur +30, Enemy (JSA, All-Star Squad-
insane lust for power and wealth. He ron) +60 each.
possessed more than enough scien- SPEED: 30
tific genius to accomplish his goals. PDV:3
P/L BONUS: + 1
OcnrAno:-.: Criminal scientist VIU.AIN Pou"rs: lS
Boov Po1NTS: 27
HFJGHI: 5'8"
Wm;m: 123 pounds POWERS: Superattributes: Knowledge 20
Evr:.s: Blue (bonus: intuitive leaps), Telepathy 40,
HAIR: Dark Brown Telekinesis 40, Mental Shield SD.
RAci:: Human EQUIPMEr<r: Powers tone (Body Points 2S;
Tm1LE\u: Postmodern (2) powers: Psychic Blast 100, Forcefield
SD), Hammer of Thor (BOY 60; Body
Little is known about the origin of Points 500; Energy Projection: Concus-
the criminal genius known as the Ul- sive blast 90).
tra-Humanite, save that he gained his
NoTE: The characteristics shown are for
tremendous intellect through self-ex- the Ultra-Humanite in the body of
perimentation. In his original body, he Delores Winters.
clashed several times with the mys-
tery men of World War II during the
early 1940s before he was apparently
killed by his own malfunctioning

Chapter 1- Bolden Age Athlsrsarlss

Golden Age
Bases & Equipment

JS/I HEllBl]UllBTEBS earthquake that leveled Gotham. The JSA transferred any
salvageable material from their old headquarters to a
The original Justice Society gathered in a secret meet- warehouse in Manhattan, then to their new headquarters,
ing room within a midtown Manhattan skyscraper. Although Dodds Mansion (see Chapter 13).
the fact that the Justice Society convened at the building
was public knowledge, the public did not know which room
the JSA used or that it was on the top floor of the building.
The building's structure was fairly unremarkable, giv-
ing the walls, floor, and ceiling an Armor Value of 15 and
40 Body Points. Other than keeping the doors and win-
dows locked and the exact whereabouts of their meeting
room secret, the JSA maintained no extraordinary secu-
rity measures for their headquarters. The local police and
the FBI were aware of the location of JSA headquarters.
They tended to keep an eye out for any trouble, as did
the JSA members themselves.
The JSA's original facilities were fairly simple to ac-
commodate the team's basic needs. The meeting room
held a round table where the group met to decide policy
and plan operations, with Hawkman presiding as chair-
man. Metal filing cabinets held paper files on various
crimes for any of the members to access as needed. They
also kept some trophies of their missions in the room.
Otherwise, the team spent most of their time in the field.
After World War II, the Justice Society operated for a
time out of a brownstone in Gotham City, with similar
specifications to the building above but more sophisti-
cated facilities. Most of the headquarters was located un-
derground, with the above-ground floors of the building
used for meeting and office space for the team. The un-
derground facilities included laboratory space, crime files,
trophy room, sickbay, computers, and a hangar area for
vehicles. The JSA closed the headquarters at this loca-
tion years ago. The building was later destroyed in the

lht-STllB StJUllDBON Gems a
HEIUllJUllRTEBS: THE Type: Robot
Size: 8 feet tall
PER/SPHERE Speed: 30 mph (wheels)
When President Roosevelt formed the All-Star Squad- Passive Defe nse Value: 7
ron in 1941, he also arranged for a new headquarters for Base Damage Value: 70
the home-front heroes. He chose the Perisphere, an at- Skills: brawling 30 (bear hug +80, knockout +40), lifting 100
traction originally constructed for the New York World's Body Points: 150
Fair in 1939-1940. This was also the site of one of the first Advantages/Disadva ntages: Indomitable Programming -30,
public appearances of the Crimson Avenger and the Sand- Resist Harm -40, Resist Knockout -20; Bond to Creator +20,
Mission Superiority +20, Moral Code (Asimov's Laws of Ro-
man when they confronted the mysterious Phantom of
botics) +60.
the Fair. Government engineers refitted the 200-foot di- Natural Abilities: Android Package (minus Hides Emotionss
ameter sphere, making it into a sophisticated headquar- Disadvantage), Unusual Size -20.
ters suited for the Squadron. Description: Also an attraction at the World's Fair, Gernsback
The Perisphere had a reinforced steel construction, was a robot that provided security for the Perisphere.
giving it an Armor Value of 21 and 600 Body Points. Ex- Robotman discovered Gernsback in a closet shortly after the
cept for Gernsback (see sidebar), the Perisphere's secu- All-Stars took possession of their new headquarters, and he
rity was fairly limited. Bypassing the alarms systems and modified it as an electronic security guard.
such is only a Moderate security task. Still, in the 1940s, Gernsback confronted anyone attempting to gain access
the Perisphere was one of the most sophisticated head- to the Perisphere. If they could not provide the day's pass-
quarters in the world. word within five seconds, Gernsback attempted to restrain
them while summoning any All-Stars on duty for assistance.
The Perisphere had four above-ground levels and an
Gernsback had a fairly simple electronic brain. It could not
extensive basement. be reasoned with; it simply did as it was programmed.
The basement of the Perisphere contained space for Gernsback was a tall, blocky humanoid with two arms and
the team's laboratories. Members with a scientific bent a wheeled lower body. It had electrodes for eyes and spoke
spent a lot of time here, particularly Robotman, Dr. Mid- through a speaker grille where its "mouth" should be.
Nite, and Starman. Heavy steel doors protected the labo-
ratories, to keep out intruders and protect the rest of the
sphere in event of an accident.
The first level, at the bottom of the sphere, housed an
extensive gymnasium the All-Stars used to keep in top THE lllt-STllR S11i Cllll
physical condition. The swimming pool was a favorite spot The All-Star Special was an airplane specially designed
for Neptune Perkins and Tsunami. and built for the All-Star Squadron. It was normally stored
Level two held a sitting room, kitchen, and dining upright in a "hangar" in the Trylon, with its wings folded.
room, where the members of the Squadron spent their At a moment's notice, the Trylon opened up and a launch-
off-hours relaxing. ing mechanism flung the All-Star Special into the air, where
Level three contained living quarters for members of its wings snapped out and its powerful turbo-propeller
the Squadron. Only a few All-Stars actually lived in the kicked in. Although it was one of the most sophisticated
Perisphere (most continued to maintain civilian identi- aircraft of its time, the AU-Star Special was still prop-pow-
ties). Liberty Belle, Johnny Quick, Robotman, the Shining ered and slow by comparison to modern-day jet aircraft.
Knight, Firebrand, and Amazing-Man all resided on this
level. The Young All-Stars often stayed at the Perisphere Type: Plane
as well. The remaining rooms were available for the other Size: 50 feet long
All-Stars or visitors as needed. Crew: 2
Level four was the main portion of the headquarters, Passengers: 8
occupying almost the entire top half of the Perisphere. It Cargo Capacity: 40 cubic feet
included a large amphitheater with seating for the entire Maneuverability: 20
roster. The theater had projection equipment and a po- Speed: 150 mph
dium for briefings. It also provided access to the Trylon, Base Damage Value: 6Dx7
the tall steel spire next to the Perisphere that stored the Armor Value: 22
team's aircraft, the All-Star Special. A crawlspace at the Body Points: 100
top of the sphere housed most of the electronic and com-
munications equipment for the Perisphere.

Cha111er 8- Bolden Alie Bases & Eau111men1

~,....rtl ------------------------ JSASOURCEBOOK

All-Star Special

/ Trvlon /


Cha11tBr 8- lloldBR 111/B BBSBS & Eau111ment

THE STAR ROCKET RACER those particularly susceptible to magic) to become sol-
diers of the Third Reich. The force of the Spear of Destiny
The Star Rocket Racer (SRR) was a sophisticated, cus- kept the most powerful members of the Justice Society
tom aircraft built and used by the original Star-Spangled and the All-Star Squadron out of the war entirely for much
Kid and his partner, Stripsey. The SRR looked much like a of its duration. A similar ritual was conducted in Japan
1930s roadster with wings and powerful rocket engines using the Holy Grail that kept foreign metahumans out of
in the back, painted red, white, and blue. The rockets the Pacific Theater during the war as well.
enabled the SRR to out-fly nearly any other aircraft in its Toward the end of the war, Hitler tried to use the Spear
day. It was quite maneuverable , able to zoom in and
of Destiny to bring about the Teutonic Ragnarok, the end
around the concrete canyons of Manhattan with ease. The
of the world. The effects of his ritual were delayed for
original Star Rocket Racer (which had stubby wings in
some time, coming into being years later. The Justice So-
the rear, a pair of rocket engines, and was painted green
ciety struggled in an alternate dimension to keep Hitler's
with gold trim) was destroyed stopping a mystical agent
Ragnarok at bay and was ultimately successful.
of Stalker in Manhattan following World War IL
After passing through various hands, the Spear of Des-
Type: Aircraft tiny was recovered by some of Earth's heroes as a weapon
Size: 12 feet long against the Spectre, who was under the control of the
Ci·ew: 2 fallen angel Asmodel. After Asmodel's defeat, the Spear
Passenge1-s: 4 was placed into the care and guardianship of Earth's most
Cargo Capacity: 12 cubic feet powerful mystics and sorcerers. They used their com-
Maneuverabili ty: 3D bined powers to wrap the Spear in shielding spells and
Speed: 300 mph launch it into the sun where it should, hopefully, trouble
Base Damage Value: 6Dx5 humanity no more. As far as the Sentinels of Magic know,
Armor Value: 21 the spear can only be retrieved by their combined forces.
Body Points: 80 The Spear of Destiny is one of the most powerful oc-
cult artifacts known to humanity. It has an incredible
corrupting influence. Anyone who touches the Spear
must succeed at a Legendary willpower task each
round to avoid having her soul become irredeem-
ably evil. (Those who touch the Spear and fail the
willpower roll gain 1 Villain Point. They no longer need
to roll but they incur 1 Villain Point for each
round they continue to hold it.) The only per-
son who has avoided this fate is the sorcerer
Faust, who doesn't have a soul.
Used as a melee weapon, the Spear is fear-
some. It has a Base Damage Value of 12D. It ig-
nores all mystical defenses or defenses vulnerable
to magic. The Spear's real power, however, is grant-
ing its holder Sorcery 18D and know-how (Sorcery)
+8D. Although the wielder can create and cast spells
on the fly using the Spear, he cannot write them down
for use later; the spells are powered entirely by the
Spear's mystic energies. Spells and effects created by the
Spear tend to be limited by the wielder's imagination and
THE SPEAR OF DESTIN Y magical knowledge. For example, when Hitler wielded the
Obsessed with the collection of occult artifacts, Adolf Spear of Destiny, most of the ef-
Hitler's greatest prize was the legendary Spear of Des- fects he created were from
tiny. Reputed to be the Roman spear that pierced Christ's Germanic mythology.
side at the crucifixion, the Spear is an item of tremen-
dous magical power. Hitler first attempted to use it to
launch a surprise attack against America by conjuring
mythical Valkyries, a plot that ironically led to the forma-
tion of the Justice Society.
In the early days of World War II, the Spear was used
in a ritual to create a magical field over the entire Euro-
pean Theater, causing everyone with magical powers (or

c11a111cr 8- BolllBn ll!le Bases & Eau111msn1

~~ -------------- JSASDURCEBDDK

Infinity, Inc.

JSASOURCEBOOK ------------------------ <=;.~_,.....i

Brainwave Jr. journeyed into the past to stop his

f ather (Brian Wave), t he Ultr a-
Brainwave, Jr.
Humanit e, and a number of other vil- Reflexes 3D: Athletics 70 , brawling 60,
lains from changing the course of dodge 80, piloting 40 (self +20)
World War II. It was during this mis- Coordination 30 : Thrown weapons (us-
sion that, as Brainwave Jr. , he helped ing telekinesis) 80
form the hero group Infinity, Inc. Physique 30 : Lifting SD
Some time later, Brain Wave
Knowled ge 20 : Scholar SD
~....-:--.;:z:::.-.._ was slain trying to save his
son from the Ultra- Perception 2D: Know-how (Telepathy,
Humanite. Before he died, Telekinesis) 9D each
Brain Wav e transferred Presence 20: Persuasion 8D, willpower
most of his ment al might to lOD
Hank, as a final gesture of paternal ADVANTAGFS/D ISADVANTAGFS: Ally(Infinity,
love. Inc.)-20D, Contact (JSA)-3D, Courage
-2D, Preparedness -4D, Sixth Sense
R.ECT:\nY: Unfortunately, the burden of
-2D; Dark Secret (son of villain Brain
his father's "gift " proved to be too
Wave)+ 10, Enemy (Injustice Unlimited,
mu ch for Hank's mi nd, and he Helix) +SD each, Enemy (Ultra-
snapped. He was last seen leading a Humanite) +3D, Psychological Disorder
group of super villains he dubbed (extreme stress causes flashbacks) +3D
"the Legion of Doom" against the hero (after received father's powers), Shady
group Extreme Justice. He is currently Background +2D.
incarcerat ed in the Slab's high-secu- SPEED: 30
rity psychiatric unit. PDV: 4
STRATEG\ & T \CTICS: A shy and re- U NARMED BDV: 4D

served young man, Brainwave Jr. was P/ L BoNus: +2

very aware of what he could do with
his mental powers. Consequently, he CHARACTER PorNTS: 7S
used them with extreme restr aint, B ODY POINTS: 34
ik\L NMm: Henry "Hank" King, Jr. particular ly his more potent abilities.
PowERS: Mental Shield 6D, Telekinesis
8D, Telepathy lOD.
Occ1 PATror-.: Adventurer
BASE oF Orrn.\TtO'\S: Los Angeles, NOTE: After Br ainwave receives his
California father's gift, his Telekinesis and Telepa-
HEJGlll: 5'10"
thy raise by SD, his Mental Shield in-
creases by 10, and he gains Illusion 1OD
Wrn.rn: 172 pounds
and Psychic Blast 100.
fats: Blue
H,\llt: Red
lt\<T: Human
T•:o t LE\'H.: Modern (1)
Hank King is the only son of Dr.
Henry King (better known as the vil-
l ai n Brain Wave) and Merry
Pemberton King (Merry, Girl of 1,000
Gimmicks). Ashamed of his father's
criminal past, Hank did everything he
could to distance himself from his
dad. Shortly after his graduation from
college, Hank donned one of the cos-
tumes his father had worn. He then

Cha111sr 9 - lnllnl&. Inc.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- JSASOURCEBOOK

she was interning. Dr. McNider led the
Dr. Midnight
surgical team that worked on Chapel.
He partially restored her sight, allow- Reflexes 20: Brawling 40, dodge 60,
ing her to see perfectly in darkness sneak 50
but leaving her eyes too sensitive to Coordination 20 : Thrown weapons 30
see in normal light. After aiding ("blackout bombs" +20)
Hourman II in fighting off the Anti- Physique 20 (SD)
Monitor's forces, she decided to use Knowledge 40: Medicine 80 (surgery
her new gifts to further fight evil as +20), research 60, scholar 6D
Dr. Midnight, splitting her time be-
Perception 30: Hide 50, shadowing 5D
tween her medical practice and be-
ing a member of Infinity, Inc. Presence 20: Charm 30,persuasion 70,
Some months after Infinity, Inc. willpower 60
disbanded, Dr. Midnight joined a team ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Acute Sense
of heroes organized by Dr. Bruce Gor- of Direction - 2D, Ally (Infinity, Inc.)
don to defeat the villainous demi-god -20D, Courage -2D, Hardiness -4D (Su-
Eclipso. Regretfully, she was killed per-attributes bonus), Patron (Charles
during the assignment. McNider/Dr. Mid-Nite I) -20, Prepared-
ness -4D, Status (M.O., medical license)
STR.~n·:GY & TACT1c.:s: Dr. Midnight was -10 each; Employed +40, Enemy (Injus-
a healer foremost. Her goal in any tice Unlimited, Helix) +50 each, Physi-
combat situation was to take down cally Limited (blind in normal lighting
her opponents in a quick and efficient conditions) +50, Secret Identity +30.
fashion and prevent any loss of life in SPEED: 30 POV: 3
the process. UNARMED BDV: 3D P/LBONUS: +1 (+4)
BODY POINTS: 27 (58)
NATURAL ABILITIES: Perfect vision in the
dark [negates any darkness penalties,
Ri::AL NAME: Dr. Beth Chapel unless effected by magical darkness; if
OcccPATIO:'I: Physician exposed to a bright light, she must
BASE OF OPERATIONS: Los Angeles, make a successful Very Difficult will-
California power roll or be blinded (-4 to all ac-
HEIGi-iT: 5'8" tions) for a number of rounds equal to
WEIGHT: 118 pounds the difference between the roll and the
EvES: Brown difficulty] .
HA1R: Black POWERS: Superattributes: Physique 60
RAcE: Human (bonus: lift objects without them col-
TECH LEVEL: Modern (1) lapsing).
Beth Chapel became the protege EQUIPMENT: Goggles [AV 5; Body Points
of noted physician Charles McNider 18; enable Dr. Midnight to see perfectly
right after graduating from medical dui:ing the day (see Natural Abilities
school. As impressed as he was with above), and lower the difficulty for the
willpower roll to protect against bright
her abilities as a surgeon, he was even
light to Moderate], "blackout bombs"
more surprised when she figured out [break upon contact, filling a 90-square-
his dual identity of Dr. Mid-Nite before foot area with a cloud of thick, black
he revealed it to her. During the Cri- smoke ( +4 to the difficulty for all ac-
sis, Chapel was blinded by an explo- tions unless their sight is aided) that
sion of oxygen tanks while trying to lasts for 10 minutes indoors or 5 min-
save a patient at the hospital where utes outdoors or in a windy area].

Chanter 9 - lntlnilJl Inc.

Fu111 both parents insisted that she gradu- Fury
ate from college first. It was while she
was at the University of Southern Cali- Reflexes 30:Acrobatics 60, brawling 70,
fornia that she was reunited with her dodge 60, melee weapons 60, riding
childhood friend, Hector Hall, who 60
soon became her boyfriend. As both Coordination 30: Catch 70, thrown
of them wanted to be heroes, they weapons8D
decided to go against their respective Physique 3D (110): Leap 50 (13D), lift-
parents' wishes and tried to join the ing 50 (13D), running 50 (13D),
Justice Society. They, along with their swimming 40 (12D)
friends Jade, Northwind, Nuklon, and Knowledge 20: Arcane lore 4D, scholar
Obsidian, were rejected for mem- 4D
bership and so formed their Perception 20: Survival SD
own hero group, Infinity,
Inc., with the help of the Presence 20: Animal handling 30,
charm 40, intimidation 80, willpower
original Star-Spangled Kid. 80
Lyta and Hector later be-
came engaged, and she became
Inc.) -20D, Attractive Appearance -2D,
pregnant with his child. But,
Charismatic -3D, Contact (JSA) -SD,
Hector's apparent death at the Courage -2D, Self-Healing -40, Wealth
hands of Dr. Rock shattered their - 20; Dependant (Mr. & Mrs. Trevor)
dreams of a happy life together, and +ID each, Enemy (Injustice Unlimited,
she retired her Fury identity. She has Helix) +SD each, Enemy (Ultra-
not been seen since. Humanite) +3D.
STRATEGY & TAcnes: Much like her SPEED: 30
natural mother, Fury could be a head- PDV: 3 (9 with Speed Manipulation)
strong and emotional person. Her UNARMED BDV: 4D

strength and innate warrior's in- P/L BONUS: +2 (+6)

stincts allowed her to simply wade
into a fight and come out a winner.
BODY POINTS: 35 (71)

PoWERS: Superattributes: Physique 8D

REAL NAME: Hippolyta "Lyta" Trevor (bonuses: increased damage to inani-
OccuPATION: Student mate objects, lift objects without them
BASE Of OPERATIO NS: Los Angeles. collapsing), Immunity4D, Invulnerabil-
California ity (blunt trauma) SD, Speed Manipula-
HEIGHT: 5'7" tion (supermobility, superactions) 6D
WEIGHT: 120 pounds each.
EvFS: Blue EQUIPMENT: Armored costume (AV 10 vs.
HAIR: Blonde physical and energy attacks).
RAcE: Human
TECH LEVEL: Modern (1)

Hippolyta Trevor is the daughter

of the Golden Age heroine known as
Fury, but it was Joan Trevor (the
World War II called heroine Miss
America) and her husband Derek who
raised her. Lyta's powers emerged at
an early age, and she had no other
desire than to grow up to be a hero
like her adoptive mother. However,

Chapter 9- lnflnitv. Inc.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- JSASOURCEBOOK

Hourman 2
took one of his father's Miraclo pills
Hourman II
for the first time. Rick then created a
costume for himself and toyed with Reflexes SD (8D): Brawling 4D (9D),
the idea of becoming the second dodge 6D (I ID)
Hourman over his father's objections. Coordination 2D: Catch 6D, thrown
Spurred on by his father's reaction, weapons 60
Rick took his super-hero pastime one Physique 2D (6D): Leap 30 (70), lifting
step further and joined Infinity, Inc. 4D (80), running 40 (80)
When he accidentally killed the Knowledge 2D: Scholar 40 (art +20),
Wizard during Infinity, Inc.'s clash science 4D (chemistry +ID)
with Injustice, Unlimited, Rick real-
Perception 3D: Artist 6D, streetwise 60
ized that he, like his father, had be-
come addicted to Miraclo. He then Presence 2D: Charm SD, intimidation
7D, willpower 7D
decided to give up being Hourman.
However, after his father and the AovANTAGFS/DtsADVANTAGFS: Ally (Infinity,
rest of the JSA disappeared in the Inc.)-20D, Attractive Appearance -2D,
wake of the Crisis, he went to Dr. Contact (JSA) -40, Contact (Tyler
Beth Chapel (Dr. Midnight) to help Chemical Co.) -3D, Courage -2D ,
Wealth -2D; Dark Secret (accidentally
him develop a less dangerous de-
killed the Wizard) +10, Dependant
rivative of Miraclo so he could con- (Wendi Harris-Tyler)+ 10, Enemy (Injus-
tinue his father's legacy. tice Unlimited, Helix) +50 each, Ex-
R£c£:>jn:v: After multiple experiments tremely Competitive +20, Impulsive-
with variations of Miraclo, the harm- ness +10, Psychological Disorder (ad-
ful effects of the drug eventually took dicted to "Miraclo") +20, Secret Iden-
their toll and Rick succumbed to a tity +30.
disease that doctors mista~enly diag- SPEED: 30
nosed as leukemia. The android PDV: 3 (6)
Hourman (see Chapter 11) tried to
cure Rick, only to discover that Rick's P/L BoNus: +2 ( +4)
ailment was beyond any cure known
to medical science. Enraged by this CHARACTER POINTS: 45
news and the android's gall to use his BODY POINTS: 29 (49)
REAL NAME: Richard "Rick" Tyler now-dead father's name, Rick hyped
EQUIPMENT: Originally, Hourman II used
OccuPATio:-i: Artist himself up on Miraclo and attacked
the same Miraclo pills as his father had
the new Hourman. The android (see sidebar on page 22). Eventually,
California stopped Rick's rampage, but he was he began using a version that was less
HEIGHT: 5'8" forced to send Rick to an inescapable addictive and solely keyed to Tyler's
WEIGHT: 169 pounds prison known as Timepoint to prevent body. Unfortunately, the process by
EYrs: Brown Rick's degeneration from progressing which the Miraclo was made less ad-
HAIR: Dark brown any further. Locked away seemingly dictive also reduced the amount that
for all eternity, Rick has sworn re- it enhanced Hourman's strength
RAcE: Human
venge on the android Hourman. [These pills have the same features as
TECH LEvEL: Modern (1) the original Miraclo pills except they
STRATEGY & T Acnes: While Miraclo en- give Superattributes: Physique 40 (bo-
Rick Tyler is the son of Rex Tyler,
the Golden Age Hourman, and actress hanced Rick's strength and speed, it nus: increased damage vs. inanimate
Wendi Har ris. The Tyler household also made him aggressive and over- objects) and the willpower roll to re-
confident. Fortunately, his Miraclo- sist the addictive Side Effect drops to
was a bitter one, as Rex had great ex-
enhanced powers were usually Very Difficult.).
pectations of Rick, while the younger
enough to pull him through.
Tyler's only desire was to become an
artist. Their relationship changed dra-
matically during the Crisis when Rick

Chapter 9- lntinl& Inc.

JSllSOURCEBOOK ----------------------~

ego could be a threat to her children,
she abandoned Jennie-Lynn and her Jade
twin brother, Todd. Different foster Reflexes 2D: Acrobatics 4D, brawling 6D,
families adopted the twins. They dodge 7D, piloting 3D (self +4D)
did not meet until years later when Coordinati on 20: Marksmans hip
Jennie-Lynn found out that she had a (power pulse blast) 60
twin and sought him out. The pair rea- Physique 2D: Flying 6D, running 30,
soned because of Jennie -Lynn's swimming3D
"power pulse" (a star-shaped birth-
Knowledge 2D: Scholar 30
mark on her left palm through which
she focused her powers) that they Per ception 2D:Artist(act ing) SD, know-
/t ow (modeling) 50, know-how
were both the children of Alan Scott.
(Power Pulse) 9D
They t ried to gain entry into the JSA.
Both were refused membershi p, but Presence 3D: Charm 6D, persuasion 6D,
they fell in with a group of other JSA w illpower 1OD
legacies and helped form Infinity, Inc. AovANTAGFS/DISADVANTAGFS: Acting Ability
Jennie-Lyn n and Todd eventually -30, Ally (Infinity, lnc.)-200, Attractive
learned the truth about their origins Appearance- 20, Charismatic -30, Con-
shortly before the Thorn took her tact (JSA) -SD, Courage -20, Leader-
ship Ability -2D; Dependant (Julian &
own life.
Myrna Hayden, Molly Mayne Scott)+ lD
Rt:CE~nv: Infinit y, Inc. disbanded each, Enemy (Injustice Unlimited, He-
shortly after the death of their leader lix) +SD each, Enemy (Ultra-Human ite)
and guiding light, Skyman. Jennie- +3D, Procrastinati on +10.
Lynn t h en devoted herself to h er act- SPEED: 30
ing and modeling career. Strangely PDV: 4
enough, this eventually led her back UNARMED BDV: 4D
into super-heroi cs when she became P/t BoNUS: + 1
an advisor for the media-creat ed su- H ERO Po1N1'S: 12

per team the Blood Pack. Shortly V1UA1NPo1N1'S: 0

thereafter, she sacrificed her power CHARAciER PolNfS: 88
Boov Po1N1'S: 28
pulse powers in order to save her fa-
RFAL NAME: Jennie-Lynn Hayden ther, her brother, and her lover Kyle POWERS: Empathy (brother) 20D [Limi-
OccuPATION: Adventurer; aspiring ac- Rayner (Earth's current Green Lan- tation: Specialist (only receives impres-
tress, model, and dancer tern) from the physical embodimen t sions of brother)-40] , Energy Manipu-
BASE OF OPERATIONS: Los Angeles , latio n 140 (Limitation s: Duration
of the StarhP.art, the source of her
California Change [Concentrati on] -2D, Side Ef-
family's powers. She has since discov- fect [most uses of pulse are green]
HEIGll1': 5'3" ered new plant-contro l powers that -10), Mimicry 70 (Limitation: Linked to
WEIGm: 110 pounds are probably a legacy from her Energy Manipulation; Enhancemen t:
EYES: Green mother. Mastery [can access any power Jade
HAJR: Green has seen in use] +60). All powers ex-
RAcE: Human STRxn:GY & TAC11cs: Jade was a born
performer. Alt hough a capable cept Telepathy have the Limitation: In-
TECH LEVEL: Modern (1) effectiveness (wood) -20 and Ineffec-
crimefighter, her every move, gesture,
Jennie-Lynn Hayden is the daugh- tiveness (killing)-2D, and the Enhance-
and power pulse creation was in- ment: Magically Empowered +80. See
ter of Alan Scott, the Golden Age tended to impress. the sidebar "Manipulating the power of
Green Lantern, and one of his great-
the Starheart" in Chapter 2.
est foes, the Thorn. The couple met
when Thorn's other persona, Rose
Canton, was dominant. She then left
Scott when her Thorn persona reas-
serted itself. Realizing that her alter

Cha11111' 9 - lnllnl&. Inc.

parentage. They then decided to emu-
Mr. Bones
late the super beings that they had
seen on the television (their only real Reflexes 2D: Brawling 50, dodge 50,
contact with the outside world), don- sneak 6D
ning colorful costumes and calling Coordination 20: Lockpicking 40, thiev-
themselves Helix. The group quickly ery 6D, thrown weapons 60
learned that their only real talent Physique 20 (60): Lifting 40 (80)
was for crime-an aptitude that Knowledge 20: Security 40
brought them into conflict with Infin-
ity, Inc. Perception 20: Hide 6D, search 40,
streetwise 50
Helix later teamed
up with another ex- Presence 20: Bluff 40, command 30
p er i men t-g one- (Helix +40), intimidation 60 (Helix
wrong of Dr. +20), willpower 60
Love's, the man- ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Ally (Infinity,
shark called Inc.)-200, Intimidating Grin -20, Lead-
Carcharo. This ership Ability-20; Argumentative+ ID,
turned out to be Center of Conversation +20, Hides Emo-
tions +ID, Physically Limited (artificial
a serious mis-
leg; if the leg is disabled, his Speed is
take. When Helix halved) +30, Psychological Disorder
turned on (chain smoker) +20, Psychological Dis-
Carcharo, Mr. order (speaks in rhyme) +20, Shady
Bones lost his Background +20, Unattractive Appear-
left leg to the man- ance +20.
shark's powerful SPEED: 30
jaws. Helix was then PDV:3
captured and sen- UNARMED BDV: 30
tenced to a psychiatric hospital- P/L BONUS: +2 (+4)
all except for Mr. Bones, who was re- HERO POINTS: 4
manded to the custody of Infinity, Inc. VJLlAIN POINTS: 3
OctuPATION: None (ally of Infinity, Inc.)
and their then-leader Skyman. CHARACTER POINTS: 54
BASE OF OPERATIONS: Los Angeles, Boov Po1NTS: 49
California Rr.ci;:NTLY: Mr. Bones's relationship
H EIGHT! 5' 1O" NATURAL AB1unES: Transparent skin and
with Infinity, Inc. was an uneasy part-
WE1Gm: 160 pounds
organs (skeletal structure is all that is
nership, one that eventually led to Mr.
visible; -2 to Presence rolls if he's wear-
EYES: White Bones being framed for the murder ing little or no clothing].
HAIR: Invisible of Skyman. He cleared himself of the
RAcE: Human accusation, but the dissolution of In- POWERS: Superattributes: Physique 40
TF:C11 LEvu: Modern (1) (bonus: increased damage vs. inani-
finity, Inc. left him more alone than he
mate objects), Chemical Projection
Los Angeles gynecologist Dr. Ben- ever had been. Through yet undis- (cyanide compound) 150 (Limitation:
jamin Love injected six unknowing closed events, Mr. Bones somehow Limited Range: Touch -30; Enhance-
mothers-to-be with an experimental became a regional director for the ment: Self-Invulnerability +30).
compound of his design. All six in- D.E.O. (the Department of Extranor-
EQUIPMENT: Artificial leg (BOY 50; AV 18;
fants came into the world on the same mal Operations). Body Points 35).
night and were all born genetically STRATEGY & TAcncs: Mr. Bones was
enhanced-according to Dr. Love's basically a super-powered bully. He
plan. He abducted all six of the babes enjoyed threatening both his allies
so that his machinations would not and his enemies with his cyanide
be discovered. He kept them prisoner touch. Even so, he was very aware of
for almost 20 years in a secluded the deadly consequences of following
home in Bakersfield, California. After through on his boasts-something
Dr. Love's death, the six found his that goes against even his twisted
journals and learned the truth of their sense of right and wrong.

Chapter 9- lnflnltv, Inc.


Reflexes 30 : Acrobatics 5D, brawling
(aerial attacks) 6D, dodge 5D, pilot-
ing SD (self +60)
Coordination 20 : Missile weapons 5D,
thrown weapons 5D
Physique 30 : Flying 9D
Knowledge 20: Navigation 8D, scholar
5D (Feitherian theology +20), science
Osoro, the daughter of Worla, the 4D (anthropology +2D)
city's ruler. The two had a son whom Per ception 30: Search 7D, surveillance
they named Norda. The boy grew up 40
an outsider among the Feitherians, Presence 20: Animal handling (birds)
so he left the city to find his destiny 100, charm 60, persuasion 60, wil/-
RF.AL NA~tF.: Norda Cantrell in the outside world. Meeting up power 7D
OccuPATI0'.11: Adventurer with Hector Hall, the Golden Age ADvANTAGES/D1SADVANTAGES: Acute Sense
BASF. Of' 0PF.RATIONs: Los Angeles, Ha wkman's son , Norda was per- of Direction -20 , Acute Senses (sight)
California suaded to join him and several of his -2D, Ally (Infinity, Inc.) -20D, Animal
HEIGHT: 6' W EIGHT. 195 pounds friends in an effort to join the JSA. All Friendship (birds) -2D, Charismatic
EYES: Brown H.uR: Brown of them were rejected for member- - 30, Contact (JSA) -50, Courage -20,
Fn111ER.'>: Golden ship, but they ended up forming their Patron (Hawkman I) -30; Dependant
RAa:: Human/ Feitherian hybrid own group, Infinity, Inc. (Fred Cantrell, Osoro, Worla) +10 each,
Ti::cH LEYEL: Modern (1) Feeling even more an outsider Enemy (Injustice Unlimited, Helix) +50
among his father's people, Norda re- each, Enemy (Ultra-Humanite) +30, Un-
In 1946, the hidden city of attractive Appearance (to humans)
Feithera, home to a race of sentient, turned to a more tolerant Feithera.
He did rejoin his friends of Infinity, +20.
winged, semi-humanoid bird people,
Inc. when Hector Hall was overcome 30
was discovered in northern Green-
by an evil placed in him by his POV:3
land. The Golden Age Hawkman was U NARMED BOV: 40
one of the few who believed the story father's eternal fo e, Hath-Set. Norda
now serves as Feithera's principal P /L BoNUS: + 1
of this mysterious place and did ev- H ERO P OINTS: 10
erything in his power to keep the city protector. V IUAIN P OINTS: 0
a secret from the outside world. S1RAfEGY & TAcr1cs: Somewhat inept C HARACTER PorNTS: 78
Hawkman frequently visited Feithera when on the ground, Northwind pre- Boov PorNTS: 34
and eventually brought along one of fers to deal with his opponents from NATURAL A BILITIES: Flight (Wings) 90.
his colleagues, anthropologist Dr. the air by either swooping down on P OWERS: Speak with Animals (birds)
Fred Cantrell. Cantrell fell in love with them or using ranged attacks. 100.

Cha111sr 9 - lntlnl&. Inc.

=......::::.<'-"' - - - - -- - - -- - - - -- -- - - - - - - - JSASOURCEBOOK

After his grandfather was tragi-
N u klon
cally killed while battling the Ultra-
Humanite, his mother, Terri, was Reflexes 4D: Athletics 6D, brawling 8D,
raised by Al Pratt (Ato m I) and dodge 70, driving SD, piloting SD
Danette Reilly (Firebrand II). Terri Coordination 3D: Catch 6D, thrown
grew up to marry Philip Rothstein, a weapons6D
military helicopter pilot, who died Physique 4D (8D): Lifting 6D (lOD), run-
when Albert was young. ning SD (7D)
Once again, Al Pratt stepped in to Knowledge 2D: Scholar 4D, science
help bring up the boy. This was espe- (aeronautics) 4D
cially helpful when Albert's powers
Perception 2D: Engineering 6D, invent
kicked in, giving him size and strength
SD, know-how (powers) 60, repair6D
much greater than normal people. He
soon decided to accompany several Presence 2D: Intimidation 6D, willpower
other children and godchildren of the
JSA in an attempt to join the team. ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Ally (Infinity,
When they were all turned down, they Inc) -20D, Contact (JSA) -SD, Courage
decided to create their own group, -2D, Fast Reactions -4D, Hardiness -4D
Infinity, Inc. His original strength-en- (Superattributes bonus), Mechanical
Aptitude - 2D, Patron (Al Pratt/Atom I)
hancing powers wer e later aug-
-lD; Dependant (ferri Rothstein) +lD,
mented by an exposure to thorium Enemy (Injustice Unlimited, Helix) +SD
radiation. This gave him the ability to each, Enemy (Ultra-Humanite) +3D.
control his molecular s tructure, al-
lowing him to double his size or pass PDV: 4
through solid matter. U NARMED BDV: 4D
Shortly after the break-up of Infin- P/ L BoNUS: +3 (+S)
ity, Inc., Nuklon and his fellow Infinitor HERO POINTS: 11
Obsidian joined the Justice League. VILLAIN POINTS: 0
While their membership was brief, it CHARACTER POINTS: 90
was a good experience for both of Boov POINTS: 40 (63)
them. PowERS: Superattributes: Physique 40,
S TRATEGY & TAcncs: Nuklon was a self- Density Manipulation 80 (Limitation:
sacrificing and generous person. His Self-Only -20).
REAi. NA ME: Albert "Al" Julian
Roths tein disposition often led to him placing
OCCl'P/\'1 10~ : Adventurer, former auto himself in jeopardy if it meant saving
mechanic, would-be aircraft designer an innocent or one of his teammates.
BASF OF OrF.RATIOl\S: Lost Angeles,
H EIGHI': 7'6"
WEIGHT: 297 pounds
Ens: Blue
H A1R: Red
RAcr.: Human
Trc11 Lf:rn : Modern (1)
Albert Rothstein is the grandson
of atomic scientist Terry Curtis, the
man known as the super-villain Cyclo-
tron and a reluctant ally of the Ultra-

Chaotsr 9 - lntinltv, Inc.

JSllSOURCEBOOK ----------------------~

____,. .a,._ __
• 9 .• • •
STRATEGY & TAcncs: Todd's powers and
disposition made him more of a defen-

• sive player. However, when backed into

a corner, or if his sister was threatened,

-·~I-· he lashed out with all the powers at

his disposal. Considering how afraid he
is of the dark side of his powers, it took
that kind of motivation to make him use
them in such an aggressive manner.
Reflexes 2D: Brawling SD, dodge 60,
piloting (self) 4D, sneak 8D
Coordination 2D: Thrown weapons 4D
Physique 2D (6D): Flying 30 (7D), run-
ning 30 (7D)
Knowledge 2D: Scholar 40
Perception 2D: Hide 8D, know-how
(Darkness Manipulation) 6D, shad-
owing 8D, streetwise SD, surveillance
Presence 10: Intimidation 8D, persua-
sion 6D, willpower 60
Inc.) - 200, Contact (JSA) -SD, Fast Re-
actions -4D, Patron (Alan Scott/Green
Lantern I) -40; Dark Secret (comes from
REAL NA:m:: Todd James Rice Years after they were separated, an abusive household)+ 10, Dependant
O cct:PATtO'I: Adventurer Todd was contacted by his twin sis- (Molly Mayne Scott)+ 10, Enemy (Injus-
BAsr. OF 0PF.RA-rtoNs: Los Angeles, ter, Jennie-Lynn Hayden. She con- tice Unlimited, Helix) +SD each, Enemy
California vinced him to attempt to join the JSA (Ultra-Humanite) +30, Nightmares +4D,
HEIGHT: 5'11" WEIGHT: 193 pounds with her and confront the Golden Age Poor +3D, Psychological Disorder
EvFS: Brown HAIR: Brown Green Lantern, the man they sus- (overprotect ive of Jade) +2D.
RAcE: Human T r.CH L E\m.: Modern (1) pected to be their father. They didn't SPEED: 30 PDV: 3
gain membership in the JSA, but they UNARMED BDV: 3D P/LBoNus: +l (+3)
Not only one of a pair of twins, HERO POINTS! 10 VIU.AIN POINTS: 0
Todd Rice was also the son of the joined a number of sons, daughters,
Golden Age Green Lantern, Alan Scott. and other JSA relations in a group
Boov Po1NTS: 30 (57)
His mother was the Thorn, one of called Infinity, Inc. Shortly thereafter,
he and Jennie-Lynn met their mother, P OWERS: Superattributes: Physique 40
Green Lantern's deadliest foes, who (bonus: increased damage to inanimate
met and loved Scott when the good who committed suicide rather than
allow her evil self to kill her children. objects; Limitation: Linked to Darkness
side of her dual personalities, Rose Manipulation), Illusion (creating target's
Canton, was dominant. Feeling that After the death of Skyman, Infin-
"inner horror') 12D [Limitations: Limited
her other self would be a threat to her ity, Inc. went their separate ways. The Range (both his and target's shadows
children, she gave them both up. overprotective Todd followed his sis- musttouch)-10, Linked to Darkness Ma-
They were placed in separate foster ter to Hollywood. The pair even spent nipulation; Enhancement: Self-Invulner-
homes. Unfortunately, Todd ended up some time as a live-action special ef- ability +3D), Flight 30 (Limitation: Linked
with a bitter couple, who divorced fects team. Obsidian's former Infinity, to Darkness Manipulation), Darkness
shortly after he was adopted. Todd Inc. teammate Nuklon later convinced Manipulation (shadow form) lSD [Limi-
was left to live with his abusive and Todd to go with him to join the Jus- tations: Super Hero Form -30, Vulner-
tice League. Their tenure with the ability (Light) -9D; Enhancement: Mas-
alcoholic foster father. He used his
team was brief and unmemorable. tery (shadow form is normally solid, but
powers, once he discovered them, to he can become two dimensional and in-
avoid his father's drunken rages. tangible when he wishes) +6D].

Cha111sr 9- lnllnllJI. Inc.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- JSASOURCEBOOK

Power Bir/ Just before Kara's first

Physique 3D (30D): Flying SD (320), lift-
birthday, she became a ing SO (320)
pawn in t he eternal
battle between Arion Knowledge 30: Computer ops 70 (pro-
gramming +20), scholar 8D, science
and his evil half-
(computer science) 70
brother Garn Daanuth.
To save the girl from Perception 2D: Repair 4D (computer
systems +2D)
Daanuth, Arion placed
her in a shard of mystic Presence 2D: Command 40, intimida-
crystal-a capsule that tion lOD, willpower 80
propelled her millennia into ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Acute Senses
the future, although she (sight, hearing) - 20 each, Ally (JSA)
only aged 22 years. Shortly -20D, Ally (Infinity, Inc.) -200, Attrac-
after she emerged from her tive Appearance-20, Courage-2D, Fast
capsule, Kara became the Reactions-40 (Superattributes bonus),
heroine Power Girl and Hardiness -4D (Superattributes bo-
nus), Wealth -2D; Argumentative +lD,
joined the JSA. For a time, she
Employed +40, Enemy (y./eaver, Ultra-
also was a member of Infinity, Inc., Humanite) +30 each, Enemy (Injustice
but she ultimately left the team to Society of the World) +SD, Secret Iden-
start her own business in New York. tity +3D.
For a number of years, she mis-
takenly believed that she was also PDV: 4 (8)
a refugee from the planet Krypton, UNARMED BDV: 30 (60)
as her powers resembled those of P/LBoNUS: +2 (+16)
Superman. But, during the universe- HERO POINTS: 17
s panning Crisis, she learned about VJLLAJN POINTS: 0
her true origins from a magical rep- CHARACTER POINTS: 138
RF,\L NAMF.: Kara lica of Arion that the mage had bound BODY POINTS: 3S (1S8)
AuAs: Karen Starr to her capsule. NATURAL ABILITIES: Atlantean heritage
OccrrATION: Software designer RECE:-tTLY: Power Girl was one of the [body is naturally attuned to an under-
BASF. OF 0Pi::RATIONS: Los Angeles, first recruits to the European branch sea lifestyle; +1 success to all survival
California and Brooklyn, New York (undersea) rolls and can remain sub-
of Justice League International. While
H~:IGHT: 5'7" merged twice as long as the average
a member of that team, she was human].
WEIGHT: 140 pounds nearly killed. Though she was saved
EYr::.$: Blue by her spiritual "cousin" Superman, POWERS: Immunity 8D, Superattrib-
HAm: Blonde utes: Reflexes 9D (bonuses: brawling
the injury diminished her powers. She
RAcE: Atlantean specialization), Superattributes: Co-
also briefly served as an operative of ordination 9D (bonuses: improved
TF.Ctl LE\'El! Modern (1) the mysterious Oracle. catching, reduce scale modifiers),
Though she certainly doesn't look STRATEGY & TACTICS: Although she was Superattributes: Physique 27D (bo-
it, Power Girl was born over 45,000 highly intelligent and has a command- nuses: increased damage to inani-
years ago in the fabled kingdom of ing personality, she had difficulty con- mate objects, lift objects without
Atlantis before the continent sank. trolling her temper and stubborn- them collapsing, increased throwing
Kara was the daughter of Calculha II range, create sonic boom by clapping
ness. This attitude made her more of
hands together), Flight IOD, Invulner-
(the son of the great mage Arion and a follower than a leader-albeit an ability 8D, Speed Manipulation
the Lady Chian), and his wife. When argumentative one. (superactions, supermobility) 60
her parents died shortly after she was Power Girl each. All powers except Superattrib-
born, she was placed in the care of utes have the Enhancement: Magi-
her grandfather. It was Arion who Reflexes 3D (12D): Brawling SD (140) cally Empowered +80.
(haymaker +ID), dodge 7D (160),
chose to put his infant granddaugh- NoTE: The characteristics here repre-
piloting (self) SD (140)
ter through a series of genetic ma- sent Power Girl prior to her injuries.
nipulations that would event ually Coordination 3D (12D): Catch 4D (13D),
give her Power Girl's mighty abilities. thrown weapons 60 (lSO)

Cha111er 9- lntinl& Inc.

SI/I/BT Scara/J
Hector went to UCLA for college,
Silver Scarab
where he got reacquainted with his
childhood friend Lyta Trevor. The two Reflexes 20: Brawling SD, dodge 60,
started dating shortly thereafter. piloting SD (self +3D)
Lyta was the first person to see Coordination 20: Catch SD, thrown
Hector's proudest achievement: the weapons 6D
armored suit he would eventually Physique 20: Flying 4D, lifting 4D (1 OD)
wear as the Silver Scarab. As both of
Knowledge 30: Arcane lore SD, naviga-
them longed to join their parents tion SD, scholar 6D
in the JSA, the couple decided to
Perception 20: Invent SD, know-how
try to become a part of the group
(Nth Metal) 7D
along with several of their friends.
Instead, they ended up founding the Presence 20: Charm 4D, command 4D,
hero group Infinity, Inc. persuasion 70 , willpower 7D
What no one had known or sus- AnvANTAGF.S/01sADVANTAGF.S: Ally Onfinity,
pected, however, was that Hector was lnc.)-200, Attractive Appearance -20,
actually the culmination of a centu- Charismatic -3D, Contact (JSA) -SO,
ries-old curse placed on Hawkman by Courage -20, Leadership Ability -20,
Wealth-4D; Enemy (Helix) +SD, Enemy
his eternal foe, Hath-Set. Hector be-
(Ultra-Humanite) +30, En emy (Dr.
came the villainous Silver Scarab, Rock/Hath-Set) +2D.
thanks to Hath-Set's current incarna-
~ tion, Dr. Helen Rock. Infinity, Inc. de- 30

teated the evil Scarab, but unfortu-
K1 nately, Hector had already died at P/L BoNus: +2 (+S)
~\ the moment the Scarab took over HERo POINTS: 10
... &hisbody. VILLAIN POINTS: 0
parents, the Silver Scarab was BODY POINTS: 29
a born hero and natural leader. EQUIPMENT: Nth Metal armor suit (AV 10
H e often took command of the team vs. physical and energy attacks; Body
REAL NAME: Hector Saunders Hall
when Skyman was away. He could al- Points ISO; Enhancement Modifiers: lift-
OccurATION: Adventurer ing +6D powers: Microwave Projection
ways be looked upon to give his all
BASE OF OPERATIONS: Los Angeles , 9D, Flight IOD, Natural Armor: Plating
for the team.
California SD).
Wi::mHT: 184 pounds
EYES: Blue
HAm: Blonde
RACE: Human
TECH LEVF.L: Modern (1)

Hector Hall was the only child of

the Golden Age Hawkman and
Hawkgirl, Carter and Shiera Hall. He
was born in Cairo while his parents
were on an archaeological dig. Al-
though his parents had retired from
super-heroics for the most part,
Carter and Shiera often went on ex-
peditions, which made Hector feel
neglected while he was growing up.

Chanter 9-lnllnilJI, Inc.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JSASOURCEBOOK

Skvman more than a

week, 50 years
had passed for Reflexes 3D:Acrobatics 7D, boating 6D,
the rest of the brawling 8D, climbing 5D, dodge 8D,
world. He joined the driving 7D, piloting SD (self +3D),
JSA using his old iden-
tity of the Star-Spangled Coordination 3D: Catch 7D, thrown
Kid and was even en- weapons SD
trusted with the original Cos- Physique 3D: Flight 4D, leap 6D, lifting
mic Rod and later the original 4D, running 4D
Cosmic Converter Belt by former Knowledge 2D: Scholar SD (business
JSA member Starman. However, this +2D). science 4D, security 4D
all did little to make him feel less out Perception 2D:Engineering4D, hide 7D,
of place with the current era. It was invent 4D, know-how (Telekinesis)
only when he volunteered to fund a 8D, shadowing 7D
group of the JSA's children and Presence 2D: Charm 6D, command 4D
proteges known as Infinity, Inc. that (Infinity, Inc. +4D), persuasion 6D,
he truly found his calling in the willpower 7D
present day.
Pemberton eventually incorpo- -2SD, Ally (Infinity, Inc.) -20D, Charis-
rated the circuitry of the Cosmic Con- matic -3D, Fast Reactions -4D, Leader-
verter Belt into a costume and re- ship Ability - 2D, Wealth -8D; Dark Se-
christened himself Skyman, as he felt cret (originally from the 1940s) +ID,
that a man in his twenties had no busi- Enemy (Helix, Injustice Unlimited) +SD
ness calling himself "Kid." Regretta- each, Enemy (Ultra-Humanite) +3D.
bly, Skyman was accidentally killed by SPEED:30
Infinity, Inc. ally Mr. Bones. With his PDV:4
death, Infinity Inc. broke up and went UNARMED BDV: 40
their separate ways. P/L BoNus: +2
STRXrEGY & TA<.11cs: Skyman was one
REAL NA~n:: Sylvester Pemberton, Jr. hero who truly enjoyed his role as CHARACTER POINTS: 168
AuAs: Star-Spangled Kid I protector and role model. He inspired BODY POINTS: 30
OccurAT10:-.;: Adventurer, owner of other heroes and average people
EQUIPMENT: Costume [AV S; Body Points
Stellar Studios alike. His experiences alongside the
30; p owers: Telekinesis (flight) llD].
BASE OF OPERATIONS: Los Angeles, Seven Soldiers during World War II
California and with both the JSA and Infinity, Inc.
HEIGH!': 5'8" in the present turned him into an able
WEIGHr: 136 pounds tactician and hand-to-hand fighter.
EYL5: Blue
HAm: Black
RAn:: Human
Tr:rn Lmi: Modern (1)
Originally a mystery man of World
War II known as the Star-Spangled Kid
and a member of the original Seven
Soldiers of Victory and the All-Star
Squadron, Sylvester Pemberton was
rescued from an accidental exile in
Earth's prehistoric past by the JLA
and JSA. Although he hadn't aged

Chanter 9- lntinitJI. Inc.

JSASOURCEBOOK ----------------------~

Reflexes 3D (7D): Acrobatics 80 (120),
brawling 40 (80), climbing 50 (90),
dodge 90 (130), sneak 50 (90)
Coordination 3D: Catch 40, lockpicking
4D, thievery 40, thrown weapons 40
Physique 2D: Leap 60, running 40
Knowledge 20: Languages (English) 50
(native language: Spanish), research
60, scholar 30 (music industry +40)
Perception 20: Artist (writer) 40, hide
60, know-how (publishing) 60, shad-
owing 80, stree1wise 50, tracking 60
Presence 2D: Charm 70, intimidation
60, willpower 60
ance -20 (Superattributes bonus), Ally
(Infinity, lnc.)-200, Attractive Appear-
ance - 20, Contact (music industry)
-10, Fast Reactions -40, Patron (fed
Grant) -ID, Status (press pass) -ID;
Dark Secret (may be one of Dr. Love's
genomorphs) +ID, Employed +40, En-
emy (Injustice Unlimited, Helix) +50
each, Secret Identity +30.
POV: 5 (7)
UNARMED BDV: 30 (40)
P/L BONUS: + 1
REAL NA~rE! Yolanda Montez When she grew up, Yolanda became HERO POINTS: 4
OccuPA110:-;: Journalist a reporter for Rock Stars magazine, but VILLAIN POINTS: 0
BASE oF 0PERAT1o~s: Los Angeles, she still found herself inspired by the CHARACTER POINTS: 23
California heroic career of her Uncle Ted. When BODY POINTS: 29
HE1mrr. 5'8" Wi::mm: 123 pounds Grant was incapacitated during the POWERS: Superattributes: Reflexes 40,
EYi:.s: Brown HA1R: Reddish brown Crisis, Yolanda assumed the identity of Natural Weapons: claws 60.
RAcF.: Human Tw1 l£ya: Modern (1) Wildcat and became an ally of the
Yolanda was the daughter of group Infinity, Inc.
"Mauler" Montez, the only boxer She remained semi-active as Wild-
heavyweight champ Ted Grant (the cat even after Ted Grant recovered
Golden Age Wildcat) felt was a true from his injuries. Her last mission as
match for him. The two were friendly, Wildcat was as a member of a team
and Yolanda grew up calling Grant assembled by Bruce Gordon to defeat
"Uncle Ted." Though no conclusive the evil demi-god Eclipso. Unfortu-
evidence has been found, both nately, she and the rest of the team
Yolanda's mother and her aunt are died during the attempt.
suspected to have been injected by SrnATEGY & TACTICS: The lady Wildcat
gynecologist Dr. Love with the same was very much like the feline she per-
mutagenic compound that created sonified-seductive one instant, vi-
the super-villain group called Helix. cious the next. Though she had little
The powers she and her cousin, the practice with the use of her powers,
man-shark Carcharo, received seem she was still agile and effective with
to support that theory. her claws.

Clla11ter 9 - lnlln/IJf, Inc.

~.r<.l --------------- JSllSOURCE

Infin ity, Inc.
Adve rsari es

JSllSOURCEBOOK - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - ~~·.,...

Inju stic e Unli mite d

HncHr: 5'6" WEIGHT: 108 pounds
fa1'S: Blue HA1R: Ash blonde
RAcE: Human TECH uni: Modern (1)
Artemis is the daughter of the
Golden Age villains the Tigress and the
Sportsmaster, so it was only natural
that she would follow in the "family
business." This decision led her to be-
come part of the Wizard's Injustice
Unlimited, just as her parents were
members of the old Injustice Society
of the World. She was with the group
when Injustice Unlimited captured a
number of important industrialists in
Calgary, Alberta, Canada. They also
captured Hourman II of Infinity, Inc. and
Icemaiden of the Global Guardians in
order to force the members of both
hero teams to do their bidding. Artemis
used the opportunity to have lnfinitor
Nuklon and Guardian Rising Sun free
her parents from prison. Infinity, Inc.
and the Global Guardians eventually
rallied and defeated Injustice Unlim-
ited, but Artemis and her parents
eluded capture.
STR.UEG' & T \CTJCS: A brilliant all-
around athlete like her father and a
Originally meant to be a revi- cunning hunter like her mother,
talized version of the criminal or- Artemis was not the kind of woman
ganization known as the Injustice you want to be pursued by. She is
Society of the World, Injustice devoted to her parents and will go to
Unlimited's roster was made up of great lengths to show her affection.
ISW veterans the Wizard, the Fiddler, core appearance, this time under the
and the Shade along with Artemis, command of the Dummy. Both the Artemis
Icicle H, and Hazard, who were children Icicle and Artemis (now calling herself Reflexes 4D: Acrobatics 80, athletics 90,
of other ISW members. This villainous the Tigress) are currently members of brawling 80, climbing 60, dodge 80,
cabal made their debut in Calgary, Johnny Sorrow's new Injustice Society, martial arts 60, melee weapons 60,
Alberta, Canada, where they took sev- while the rest are pursuing their own sneak 80
eral businessmen attending an interna- criminal agendas. Coordination 4D: Marksmanship 60
tional trade conference hostage. Injus- (crossbow +20), missile weapons 60,
tice Unlimited's plans were foiled by The Dummy, the thrown weapons 60
the combined forces of Infinity, Inc. and Physique 2D: Leap 40, lifting 30, run-
the Global Guardians. While Artemis,
Fiddler, the Shade, ning 40, swimming 40
the Icicle, and Hazard escaped capture, the Wizard Knowledge 2D: Scholar (sports) 70
the Shade and the Fiddler were appre- STATS: See Chapter 7.
Perception 3D: Hide 60, shadowing 60,
hended. The Wizard was accidentally surveillance 70, survival 60, track-
killed by Hourman II of Infinity, Inc., or ing 80
so it seemed. He later "miraculously"
Presence 2D: Animal handling 40, in-
returned to the living, when his former RnL NM!E: Artemis Crock
terrogation SD, intimidation 60 , will-
Injustice Unlimited allies made an en- OtcLrAno:-.: Professional criminal power 6D

Chapter 10 - lnl/nl&, lnc. 111111srsar1es

Injustice Unlimited. Since this event, S K1'li: White R,\cr.: Human
her activities (criminal or o therwise) TECH l.J::n:i..: Modern ( 1)
(sight, smell, hearing) -SD, Ally (Injus-
tice Unlimited) -200, Attractive Ap- remain unreco r ded. Cameron Makent is the son of the
pearance -2D, Fast Reactions -4D, SrnArEG'i & T.\ct its: By rolling h er spe- original Icicle, Joar Makent. He was
Speed Draw (crossbow) - 10; Enemy cial dice, Hazard could change the so mehow born with the same
(Infinity, Inc.) +SD, Extremely Competi- luck-for good or bad-of anyone she cryokinetic powers as Icicle's cryo-
tive +2D, Fugitive +10. wished. The dice may only have been genic gun. His mother died during
SPEED:30 PDV:4 a focus, or there may have been a di- childbirth-frozen from the inside
UNARMED BDV: 40/l D P/L 8oNUS: + 1 rect link between them a nd her pow- out-and his father was hardly the
HERO POINTS: 0 VtLLAJN POINTS: s ers. A con artist by nature, she had model parent. Cameron had to stand
CHARACTER POINTS: 42 BODY POINTS: 30 little aspirations t o expand her crimi- up to the challenges of life the only
EQUIPMENT: Crossbow (BDV 3D; range: nal horizons. She did not abide work- way he knew how-by lashing out
30/7S/130; ammo: l ; Rate of Fire: 1), ing with killers. with his powers. Left w it h nothing
other hunting weapons hidden in cos- when his fath er died during the Cri-
tume pouches. Hazard
sis save the man's name, Cameron
Reflexes 2D: Dodge 4D, sneak 40 used it to join Injustice Unlimited as
Coordination 2D: Sleight of hand 7D, the second Icicle.
Rt::.\I. NA~1E:Rebecca "Becky" Sharpe thievery4D
Snun:m & TAcncs: While a member
Oen PAt tO!\: Professional criminal Physique 20 o f Injustice Unlimit ed, the second
BASE or OrFR \t to,s: Mo bile
Knowledge 2D: Forgery SD, scholar 3D Icicle played the part of the fop, even
Hr:.1G111: 5'6" Wuca11: 112 pounds
(gambling +4D) going so far as to ask the Wizard to
Eus: Green HAtR: Red hypnotize the Global Guardian
R\cr: Human TE<.:H Ln 11.: Modern (1) Perception 20: Hide 40, know-how
(Probability Manipulation, gambling) Icemaiden into being his subservient
Stephen Sharpe, Becky's gr andfa- 100 each, streetwise 4D lover. However, he eventually re-
ther, was the ISW member known as verted to his true self.
Presence 20: Bluff 9D, charm SD, per-
the Gambler. Shortly a fter his release suasion 40, willpower SD Icicle
from prison, Stephen lost big to the
fixed games a t Seymour Taj's Taj ADvANTAGES/DISADVANTACES: Acute Manual Reftexes 20: Acrobatics 6D, brawling 4D,
Dexterity-2D, Ally (Jnjustice Unlimited) dodge SD, sneak SD
Mahal Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada.
-20D, Attractive Appearance -2D; En-
His will broken by the loss, he com- emy (lnfinity, Inc.) +SD, Fugitive +10, Coordination 2D: Marksmanship 4D
mitted suicide. Becky was determined (ice blasts, ice spears +2D each),
Moral Code (code against killing) +6D,
to avenge her grandfather, and so she thievery SD
Secret Identity +3D, Sworn Enemy
joined Injustice Unlimited as Haza rd (Seymour Taj) +10. Physique 2D: Running 40
(old English for the dice game Craps). SPEED: 30 POV: 2 Knowledge 2D: Security SD
The villainous crew captured sever al UNARMED BDV: 10 P /L BoNus: +1 Perception 2D: Hide 6D, know-how (Ice
top industrialists at a conference in HERo Po1NTS: 0 VtLLAIN PotNTS: S Manipulation) 6D
Calgary, Alberta, Canada, under the CHARACTER POINTS: 41 BoDY POINTS: 27
guard of both Infinity, Inc. and the Presence ID: Bluff4D, intimidation SD,
PoWERS: Probability Manipulation lSD willpower SD
Global Guardians. They also held [Limitation: Conditional (must use her
Hourman II and lcemaiden hostage. special dice) - 30; Enhancement: Self- ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Ally (lnjustice
The other members of their respec- Invulnerability +3D]. Unlimited) -20D; Argumentative +10,
t ive groups were forced to help the Cowardice +2D, Enemy (Infinity, Inc.)
EQUIPMENT: Hazard carries a pair of dice +SD, Fugitive +10.
villains with their goals. Hazard took that she uses to focus her Probability
lnfinitor Wildcat and the Tasmanian Manipulation power. SPEED: 30 PDV:3
Devil of the Global Guardians to Las UNARM£D BDV: 3D P/ LBoNus: +l
Icicle II HERO Po1NTS: 0 VIU.AIN PotNTS: 9
Vegas. There, she used her powers to
make all the games in Seymour Taj's R£At. NA~tr: Cameron Makent
casino pay off, thus avenging her POWERS: Ice Manipulation 12D [Limita-
OtcrPATJO'li: Professional c riminal tions: Weakness (heat) ..SD, Vulnerabil-
grandfather's death. Realizing that BA.si:: oF 0PF.RATIO'.\S: Mobile ity (heat)-6DJ.
the Wizard was willing to commit H1::1Gtn: 5'11" Wma11: 173 pounds
murder, which went against a prom- Ens: Blue HAtR: White
ise he had made t o her, Hazard left

ChBlllBT 10- lntin/IJ/, Inc. AdllBTSBt/BS

JSASOURCEBOOK - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - --

America into the Secret Society of Su- cret Society of Super-Villains) -16D,
per-Villains. Then he launched an as- Gifted in Leaming -4D, Hardiness -4D,
sault against both teams. The plan Leadership Ability -2D, Mechanical
failed, and the Ultra-Humanite Aptitude -20, Observant -2D, Pre-
escaped. He reappeared paredness -4D; Arrogance +3D, Delu-
a short time later to at- sions of Grandeur +30, Enemy (JLA,
tack his old adversar- JSA, Infinity, Inc.) +5D each, Unattrac-
ies in the JSA again, tive Appearance +2D.
only to be defeated SPEED: 15 (upright)/40 (all fours)
by Infin ity, Inc.-a POV:4
team made up of the UNARMED BOV: 4D P/L BoNus: +3 ( +5)
JSA's heirs. He en- HERO POINTS: O VIU.AIN PolNl'S: 28
countered Infinity, CHARACTER POINTS: 229 BooY PorNTS: 65
Inc. a second time, along POWERS: Superattributes: Knowledge 2D
with the Teen Titans, when he (bonus: intuitive leaps), Superattrib-
tried to lure a destructive alien clus- utes: Physique 3D (bonus: increased
ter-intelligence to Earth. His last battle damage vs. inanimate objects), Psychic
Blast 8D, Telekinesis 12D, Telepathy
with the JSA took place shortly after
12D, Mental Shield 80, Natural Armor:
the team returned from their tempo- Tough hide (blunt trauma) 30.
rary imprisonment in Limbo. His cur-
rent whereabouts are unknown. EQUIPMENT: Various weapons and de-
vices of his own design.
Humanite's meglomaniacal lust for
power and wealth did not dim over
the decades. What did change, how-
Other Hosts
ever, was that his new ape body Though the Ultra-Humanite is certainly
made him more than a match for his known as a criminal genius, what he is most
foes physically, as well as intellectually. remembered for is his ability to transplant his
brain into a variety of host bodies. While only
Ultra-Humanite two of his hosts are listed in this sourcebook,
AuAS: Delores Winters and others if the Narrator wants to have the heroes en-
Reflexes 4D:Acrobatics 8D, brawling 8D, counter the Ultra-Humanite after the end of
OccUPATIO~: Criminal scientist climbing 8D, dodge 8D, melee weap- the war in a different host body, adjust the
BASE oF OPERATIONS: Mobile ons 5D, piloting 6D, sneak 6D selected host body's characteristics in this
HEIGHT: 6'4" WEIGHT: 476 pounds manner.
Coordination 20: Catch 8D, marksman-
EYF.s: Red HAm: White ship 5D, thrown weapons 8D
Replace the host's skills and attributes as
RAcE: Mutated ape with a human brain follows: Knowledge SD (7D), arcane lore 7D
TEc11 LEVEL: Postmodern (2)
Physique 5D (SD): Lifting 7D (lOD), re- (9D), languages 70 (90) , medicine 70 (90)
sistance 7D (1 OD), running (all fours) (brain transplants +SD), research lOD (120),
One of the JSA's most dangerous 6D (9D) scholar 12D (14D), science 120 (14D), Percep-
and relentless foes during World War tion 40, engineering 7D, invent 12D, repair lOD,
Knowledge 50 (70): Arcane lore 7D command 100, disguise 70, intimidation l OD,
II, the Ultra-Humanite was once a (9D), computer ops 7D (9D), lan- willpower 120. Add th e following enhance-
crippled criminal genius who had his guages 7D (9D), medicine 7D (9D) ments: piloting +20, Presence +ID; powers:
brain transplanted into the body of (brain transplants +4D), research 1OD Superattributes: Knowledge 20 (bonus: intui-
movie actress Delores Winters, as well (12D), scholar l2D (14D), science tive leaps), Telepathy 40, Telekenesis 4D, Men-
as other hosts over the decades. As 12D (14D) tal Shield l OD. (The Ultra-Humanite may add
other powers as he deems appropriate for his
time passed, the Ultra-Humanite soon Perception 40: Engineering 9D, invent latest body.) Add the following Advantages/
discovered that the average human 12D, know-how (Telepathy, Telekine- Disadvantages (if the host doesn't have them
body could not sustain his advanced sis) lOD each, repair lOD already): Gifted in Learning -4D, Leadership
brain for long. He mutated a white ape Presence 30: Charm 4D, command lOD, Ability - 2D, Mechanical Aptitude -2D, Obser-
to create the perfect host body. Shortly vant - 2D, Preparedness -40, Technologically
disguise 7D, intimidation lOD, will-
Advanced -lOD; Arrogance +30, Dark Secret
after his brain was transplanted into power 12D
(he is really a transplanted brain) +20, Delu-
his new ape body, he organized several ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Acting Ability sions of Grandeur +3D, Enemy (JSA, All-Star
of the arch-foes of specific members of -3D, Acute Balance-2D, Followers (Se- Squadron veterans) +6D each.
the JSA and the Justice League of

Cha111or 10-lntinlw, Inc. Allvorsarles

- - -- - -- -- - JSASOURCEBOOK


JSASDURCEBDDK - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - -

Blac k Cana111 2
After dropping out of her fresh- life-long love of the hallowed team
man year of college and signing di- whose stories inspired her.
vorce papers ending her brief mar- STRATEGY & T \CT1cs: Black Canary
riage to Craig Windrow, Dinah Lau- adapts to the deadlies t s ituations
rel Lance moved to Star City to
thrown her way. She uses her s tealth
open a flower shop. During a skills, martial arts abilities, s treet
stressful argument with smarts, and charm during her crime-
her mother, the younger fighting cases. The vivacious Black
Dinah manifested a latent Canary is self-reliable and recognizes
sonic cry power for the the importance of being a team player
firs t time. (fhe source was whether she uses the technical sup-
speculated to have been an ex- port and direction of Oracle or per-
tra ligament in her throat.) Soon forms the utility player role during the
afterwards, at her mother's dis- cover t operations for the JSA. The
a pproval, 19-year-old Dinah
villains that the Justice Society faces
launched a career as the second
usually underestimate Black Canary.
Black Canary and became a found-
Though she isn't a member with
ing member of the Justice League of
extranormal powers, she exploits that
weakness to the team's advantage.
For several years, Dinah adven-
tured with the Justice League. She
even cooperated with the Justice So-
ciety on several cases. After moving
to Seattle, Dinah was captured and
tortured by a brutal drug dealer. The
trauma stripped away her ability to
produce her metahuman sonic cry.
After her rescue, she began a long
battle to overcome many obstacles
to regain her confidence and to fight
REAL NAME: Dinah Laurel Lance the good fight again. As problems
Ocet'PATIO~: Crime fighter grew, Dinah ended her longtime ro-
BASE OF OrERATIOilis: Gotham City
mance with Oliver Queen, the origi-
HEIGHT: 5'4" nal Green Arrow. She learned later
Wr-:1Gtrr: 115 pounds from his son that Oliver apparently
EYFs: Blue died in a tragic airplane explosion.
HAIR: Black (dyed blonde) While coping, Dinah was con-
RACE: Human
tacted by the mysterious computer
T F.CH L EVEL: Modern (1)
systems expert known only as
The daug hter of the ori gina l "Oracle." The two have since formed
Black Canary, Dinah Laurel Lance is a partnership with Canary as the pri-
a heroine inspired by her mo ther's mary fi eld agent. Their team-up has
exploits with the Justice Society of s ince blossomed into a genuine
America. Following in her mother's friendship.
fo rbidde n footsteps, she secretly Recently, Queen Hippolyta con-
trained with the help of two men. tacted Canary to aid in an investiga-
She would quietly tag along with her tion of the death of Wesley Dodds.
father on some of his d et ect ive After helping to solve the case, Dinah
cases, as well as physically train accepted membership onto the newly
and work out in the gym with Ted reformed Justice Society of America
Grant , her mother's frie nd and in the memory of her mother and her
teammate Wildcat.

ChB/llBr 11-JSA
Dr. Mid-Nile 2
Black Canary
Reflexes 4D:Acrobatics 70, brawling60,
climbing 50, dodge 7D, driving 5D
(motorcycles +2D), martial arts lOD
(all maneuvers +2D each), melee
weapons 5D, riding 5D, sneak 6D
Coordination 4D: Catch 5D, lockpicking
5D, sleight of hand 5D
Physique 3D: Lifting 40, resistance 50,
running 5D, swimming SD
Knowledge 2D: Criminology 5D, medi-
cine 3D (first aid+ ID), navigation 40
(satellite +ID), security 5D
Perception 3D: Artist (singing, floral
arrangement) 50 each, hide 50, in-
vent 5D, know-how (gardening) 4D,
search 60, shadowing 60, streetwise
4D, surveillance 5D, survival 4D (ur-
ban +ID), tracking 4D
Presence 3D: Bluff5D, charm 8D, com-
mand 4D (JLA reserve +ID), disguise
4D, interrogation 4D, intimidation 4D,
persuasion 6D, willpower 8D
-30, Ally (Oracle) -llD, Ally (Arsenal,
Green Arrow, Power Girl)-8D each, Ally
(JLA, JSA) -19D each, Attractive Ap-
pearance -3D, Charismatic -3D, Cour-
age -2D, Observant -20; Dark Secret
(brutally tortured) + lD, Hides Emo- REAL NMtE: Dr. Pieter Anton Cross found himself frustrated with the limi-
tions +lD. OccurAT10:-i: Crime fighter, former tations of modern medicine and the
SPEED: 30 PDV: 4 physician red tape of hospital administrations.
UNARMED BDV: 40/lD BASE OF 0PERATJOl"S: Portsmouth City A scandal erupted over a well-publi-
P/L BoNus: +2 HEIGHT: 5'10" WmGm: 175 pounds cized battle concerning insurance
Evr::s: Blue HAIR: Black fraud when Pieter dabbled in unau-
RACE: Human TECH LEvu: Modern (1) thorized life-saving procedures. The
PoWERS: Sonic Manipulation (protection heads of the traditional hospitals
Norwegian-born Pieter Anton
against sonics) 140. were unprepared and unwilling to
Cross was a hotshot kid who just
EQUIPMENT: Costume (Armor Value 1Ovs. deal with his unorthodox practices.
couldn't keep his nose, or his hands,
projectiles, 8 vs. heat and fire), global- out of trouble. The child prodigy of In short, Pieter lost his residency.
positioning satellite radio link Lawsuits were threatened but
Dr. Theodoric Cross was arrested
earpieace (in earring) with throat mi- never filed. Dr. Cross went under-
crophone (in necklace), nightvision many times for minor infractions but
was genius enough to move to ground outside of the realm of the
goggles (immune to darkness penal- established medical community. The
ties) , decel monofilament cord America to receive medical training
in his teenage years. Pieter graduated renegade physician used his great
jumplines and grapnels (max range 200 wealth, talent, and network of con-
feet of cable; adds +1 success to any from Harvard Medical School at the
tacts to provide healthcare in the
climbing roll), sonic "Canary Cry" gre- age of 19 and spent his residency un-
nades [BDV 70; immobilizes anyone shadows of Portsmouth City. Cross
der the supervision of Chuck
within 10 feet who can hear the cry and became known on the streets as the
McNider, the original Dr. Mid-Nite.
fails a Heroic Physique or willpower roll "Midnight Doctor." He made house
The young Dr. Cross became a
(they are rendered deaf and writhing calls to the less fortunate, set up clan-
gifted surgeon, developing advanced
in pain) for two minutes]. destine clinics, and helped heal those
techniques in limb grafting. Cross

ChBlllBT 11-JSA
JSJISOURCEBOOK ----------------------~

people who often fell through the STRATEGY & TAcncs: The new Dr. Mid- +1D each, Wealth -4D; Fanatic (unor-
cracks of society. Nite has sworn to uphold the noble thodox anarchical liberalism) +30, En-
During his nightly tours, he discov- traditions of the original. He is a emy (Praeda Industries, Largo Sham,
ered that Portsmouth City had an in- master surgeon with steadfast Triumvirate) +SD each, Medical Prob-
flux of serious drug-related problems hands and extraordinary confi- lem (Legally blind and can only see in
with a dangerous metagenic steroid dence. His unorthodox methods the dark) +6D, Moral Code (Hippocratic
called "A39," known clinically and controversial practices often oath to help others) +4D, Secret Iden-
Decahydrabolinm. While investigating place him at odds against the letter tity +30, Shady Background +2D, Sworn
the illegal trafficking, Dr. Cross was sur- of the law. Nevertheless, he pro- Enemy (Praeda Industries) +SD.
reptitiously given A39. The drug inter- ceeds where he feels he is doing the SPEED: 30
acted with other chemicals in his greater good. The brilliant Dr. also PDV:4
bloodstream to produce unforeseen has a passionate and caring soul. UNARMED BDV: 30
results. Injured during an explosion Dr. Mid-Nite often utilizes an exten- p/L BoNUS: + 2
that robbed him of his eyesight, the sive network of contacts and HERO POINTS: S

mixture of chemicals in his system in VIU.AIN POINTS: 0

friends to carry out his mission. He
combination with the blast flash CHARACTER P OINTS: 40
has recently seen the possibilities
caused his eyes to see the infrared to further his fight in the company
lower-range spectrum in darkness. of the JSA. NATURAL ABILITIES: Infrared vision (ne-

Dr. Cross designed a pair of gates any darkness penalties, unless

D r. Mid-N ite caused by magical darkness; if exposed
goggles whose lenses allowed him to
Reflexes 3D: Acrobatic SD, boating 4D, to a bright light, he must make a suc-
augment his remaining sight to the cessful Very Difficult willpower roll or
visible spectrum. The new condition brawling SD, climbing SD, dodge 8D,
driving 4D, piloting 6D, sneak 6D be blinded and get -4D to all actions
granted him the freedom to finally for a number of rounds equal to the
operate under a true cover of dark- Coordination 3D: Lockpicking 4D, difference between the roll and the dif-
ness. No one would connect Pieter marksmanship 30 (UV laser pistol ficulty) .
Cross, a legally blind man, to the ac- +3D), thrown weapons 40 (crescent
moon knockout darts, crescent moon EQUIPMENT: Black-out bombs [break
tivities of a new nocturnal mystery upon contact, filling a 90-square-foot
shuriken, black-Out bombs +2D each)
man of the darkness. With apologies area with a cloud of thick, black smoke
to his former mentor, Dr. Pieter Anton Physique 4D: Leap SD, lifting SD, resis- ( +4 to the difficulty for all actions un-
tance SD, swimming SD
Cross adopted the identity of the late less sight is aided) that lasts for 10 min-
adventurer from the Golden Age Knowledge SD: Computer ops 8D, crimi- utes indoors or 5 minutes outdoors or
known as Dr. Mid-Nite. Fashioning an nology 8D, languages 9D, medicine in a windy area], costume (Armor Value
updated costume in the style of the 1lD (surgery +2D), scholar 9D (non- 20 vs. projectiles, 12 vs. heat and fire) ,
traditional medicine +3D), science 9D crescent moon knockout darts (BDV 2D
original, the new Dr. Mid-Nite dedi-
(anatomy, biology, infrared as- per dart; anyone hit with a dart must
cated his life to protecting the down- tronomy, physiology, physics, mo- make a Difficult Physique or willpower
trodden of Portsmouth City from dan- lecular chemistry, robotics +2D each) roll or fall unconscious for 2 hours),
gers of the insidious Praeda Indus- crescent moon shuriken (BDV lD),
tries and other threats. Per ception 3D: Engineering 4D, invent
SD, know-how 6D, repair SD (robot- goggles [negate penalty for being
Recently, after eavesdropping at a ics +lD), search 4D, shadowing SD, blinded by bright lights (see natural
medical conference in Chicago, Pieter streetwise 8D, surveillance SD, sur- abilities); medical analyzer lenses (give
Cross learned of a blackout in Milwau- vival 6D, tracking 4D a +2D to medicine rolls to diagnose
kee caused by the schizophrenic Ob- problems); remote feed digital imaging
Pr esence 3D: Animal handling 4D (owl lens displays information transmitted
sidian, who was in league with Ian +4D), bluff 4D, charm 6D, command
Karkull. Figuring he might lend a from the camera on his owl's neck;
SD, intimidation 4D, interrogation SD goggle batteries require recharging ev-
hand, Dr. Mid-Nite arrived in time to (virtual world stimulated +20), per- ery 12 hours], blinding strobe flash
rescue Black Canary, who was on the suasion 6D, willpower 6D (does no damage, but anyone within 20
run from shadow-possessed people. ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Ally (JSA) - feet must make a successful Heroic Phy-
His help proved invaluable and the 18D, Animal Friendship (Owl)-2D, Con- sique or willpower roll or be blinded for
necessary ace up the sleeve that de- tact (Nite-Lite, Ice-Sickle , Camilla 10 rounds), rebreather (provides oxy-
feated the darkness of Obsidian and Marlowe) -4D each, Courage -2D, Fol- gen for up to two hours), first aid kit
Karkull. Impressed with his abilities lower (pet owl) -70, Gifted in Learning (+lD to medicine rolls) , UV laser pistol
and aid, Sand asked Dr. Mid-Nite to -4D, Preparedness -4D, Status (Ph.ct.) (BDV 6Dx2).
join the new JSA.

Chanter 11-JSll
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- JSASOURCEBOOK

The Flash' broke and let off fumes that quickly while the rest of the world thought
overcame him. He lay unconscious for they were dead. The Justice Society
hours until a friend discovered him was released a few years later from
and rushed him to a hospital. Garrick this limbo. They returned to the world
lay in a coma for weeks. When he only to suffer a critical blow during
gained consciousness, he discovered the Zero Hour crisis when the villain-
that the liquid had endowed him with ous Extant stripped away their
hypers peed. chronal energy. This energy had kept
Garrick created a new identity the members of the JSA young for so
inspired by other mystery men many years. This killed several mem-
who were popping up around bers and aged the rest. Jay immedi-
the nation and donned the ately aged closer to his actual age,
mantle of the Flash. Soon after- though the Speed Force that fuels
wards, the Flash became a human speedsters slowed the pro-
found ing member of the cess and has kept him in better shape
Justice Society of than the others.
America and their first As an elder statesman of sorts to
chairman. With the JSA the new generation of modern heroes,
and other members of the Golden Age Flash hasn't been able
the All-Star Squadron, to stand still. He has provided assis-
the Flash helped the Al- tance and mentoring to the newest
lied Forces fight the Flash, Wally West. As one of the re-
Axis forces during maining members of the original Jus-
World War II. t ice Society of America, Jay Garrick
Jay became a reservist helped lead an investigation into the
member for a while during death of the Sandman at the hands of
the war, to serve as the guard- the Dark Lord. With the case coming
ian of Keystone City. Even so, to a successful resolution after the
when he was called, he returned to tragedy, the elder heroes witnessed
active duty for many years until the the birth of a modern Justice Society
JSA was forced to disband in 1951 due in which three generations of heroes
to the pressures of the House Un- joined together for a greater good.
American Activities Committee. STRATEGY & TAeries: The Flash uses his
RF.AL NAME: Jay Garrick Soon afterwards, the Fiddler, the
OccuPAno;1;: Research scie ntis t , speed powers and reflexes to quickly
Thinker, and the Shade built a reso- overcome his opposition. He can at-
director of Keystone Research nator that vibrated Keystone City out
Laboratories, Inc. tain velocities near the speed of light,
of real space and put the citizens in though his advancing age has made
BASE oF OPF.RA:r10Ns: Keystone City suspended animation. The rest of the
HEIGHT: 5'11"
this harder to do in recent years. He
world had their memory wiped of its is a charismatic leader who has in-
WEIGHT: 179 pounds existence. Much later, the second
Evi::s: Blue spired generations of heroes. He
Flash, Barry Allen, discovered the lost fights with a sense of duty, honor, and
HA1R: Brown (now with white at the city that existed next door to Central
temples) courage to stand up for what is right.
City when he vibrated at a certain fre-
RAcE: Human quency. The Flashes of both cities
TECH LEVEL: Modern (I) defeated the villainous threesome,
In 1940, Jay Garrick attended Mid- and returned Keystone to this plane.
western University as a science stu- Jay Garrick gave his blessing to the
dent of Dr. Hughes. Jay remained in new Flash to be his successor.
the lab alone late one night, working Going into semi-retirement, Jay
on an experiment that generat ed Garrick rejoined the JSA in a mission
atomic vibrations in hard wat er. to prevent Ragnarok from destroying
Through his carelessness, a fl ask the world. He became trapped there

Chanter 11-JSA
Hawkgir/ 2
Speed was guided by a secret
knowledge about his granddaugh-
Reflexes 3D: Brawling 7D (clothesline, J\\) (\\ ter. She had demonstrated an un-
disarm, spin attack+ lD each), dodge
·~ '.~~ ~) usually strong affinity towards an-
Coordination 3D: Catch 9D, thrown
l cient Egyptian lore and an inter-
;\ · est in the stars above. Speed
weapons SD (helmet +3D)
\J · ~. pushed Kendra towards her
. ·.
Physique 2D: Running lOD 1
• greater destiny by encouraging
Knowledge 3D: Criminology 4D, re- ~~,-:;0]]
~ 1 1 ~ her to assume the role of
search SD (speed reading +3D) , .· ~ Hawkgirl. He even gave her the
scholar SD, science SD ~ \ \ original set of wings worn by
Perception 2D: Engineering SD, invent Shier a. The young woman
SD, know-how (Speed Manipulation) also inherited her great-
9D, repair SD, search 8D, streetwise aunt's love of archaic
(Keystone City) 7D weapons and excelled in
Presence 2D: Charm SD, command SD, hand-to-hand combat.
disguise (blurring facial features) 70, On the day after her nine-
persuasion 7D, willpower 7D teenth birthday, her grand-
father contacted Kendra.
-20D, Ally (Flash III, Jesse Quick, Max He had been in China with
Mercury, Impulse)-8D each, Charis- Wesley Dodds and told
matic -3D, Courage-2D, Fast Reactions her to it was time to pro-
-4D, Leadership Ability - 2D; Age (Old) tect the baby destined to
+9D , Dependant (Joan Williams become the new Dr. Fate no matter
Garrick) +ID, Enemy (the Shade, the what the cost . With no preparation or
Fiddler, the Thinker) +3D each, Enemy explanation, she donned her great-
(Injustice Society of the World) +SD. aunt's wings and set off for British Co-
SPEED: 30 lumbia. There, she did find the Fate
PDV: 4 (14 while moving with Speed Child and ran across the surviving
Manipulation) members of the JSA, who had come
UNARMED BDV: 4D REA1. NAME: Kendra Shiera Saunders together to fight the Dark Lord from
p/L BONUS! + 1 OccuPATio~: Film school student taking the child and the mantle of Dr.
HEIGHT: 5'6"
CHARACTER POINTS: 224 With the success of defeating the
WEIGHT: 120 pounds
Boov POINTS: 30 Dark Lord and her role in assisting the
EYF.S: Green return of Dr. Fate, the new Hawkgirl
POWERS: Longevity ID, Sustenance SD HAIR: Red joined the newly re-formed Justice
(Limitations: Linked to Speed Manipu- RACE: Human
lation), Healing 3D (Limitations: Linked Society of America.
TECII LEVEL: Modern (I) Kendra has never been one for
to Speed Manipulation, Self-Only) ,
Speed Manipulation lOD. The new Hawkgirl is the grand- family or destiny. The concept of a
EQu1PMENT:Winged helmet (BDV 2D as
daughter of adventurer Speed caring family unit, as the JSA tries to
thrown weapon only; AV 18 vs. over- Saunders and the grandniece of the be, is still something strange to
head physical attacks only; Body Points original Hawkgirl, Shiera Saunders Hall, Kendra. Although she often struggles
24). after whom she was named. As a youth, alone with the role thrust upon her
Kendra was orphaned and had a and the master of the skills required
troubled childhood, spending her for- by it, she is beginning to realize the
mative years growing up in a series of value of that close friendship. She will
youth facilities. The teen often took to need that support even more as she
the streets to seek refuge. She was comes to terms with being the soul
eventually found by her grandfather, of Shiera, the original Hawkgirl, in the
who took her under his wing and en- body of Kendra Saunders.
couraged her to go to film school.

Cha111er 11-JSA
~:A'-'"'-' -------------------------- JS/I SOURCEBOOK

SmA1H;Y & T..\CTics: Though Hawkgirl

Hawkman 1
protege, the Mighty Adam. A short
is most comfortable with being a time later, Khufu and Chay-Ara were
loner, she respects the experience of murdered by a trusted high priest
others and the time it takes to gain named Hath-Set.
that experience. She is brave and fol- But their love was destined to live
lows orders from her teammates. She forever.
provides cover from the air and is Khufu and Chay-Ara were re-
quite capable of busting heads as she born, lifetime after lifetime, des-
swoops down like an avenging hawk. tiny ensuring that they meet and
Hawkgirl fall in love-no matter the circum-
stances. During the second World
Reflexes 3D: Acrobatics 40, brawling 60, War, the newest incarnation of
climbing 40, dodge 40, driving 40,
melee weapons SD (spear +3D), pi-
Prince Khufu, archaeologist Carter
loting 40 (self +20), sneak 40 Hall, became the champion known
as Hawkman. Soon after, his wife,
Coordination 3D: Lockpicking 40, mis-
Shiera Saunders, the reincarnation
sile weapons SD, thrown weapons SD
of Chay-Ara, battled evil at his side
as Hawkgirl. The two heroes be-
Physique 3D: Flying 6D, leap 40, resis- came members of the Justice Soci-
tance 40
ety of America. They also served as
Knowledge 2D: Medicine 3D (first aid advisors during the first few years
+20), research 40, scholar 4D of the JLA.
(Egyptology, films +20) Years later, two Thanagarian po-
Perception 3D: Artist (filmmaking) 40, lice officers came to Earth, adopting
hide SD, search 4D, shadowing 4D, the Hawkman (II) and Hawkwoman
streetwise 6D (Austin +2D), surveil- identities. Their careers were cut
lance 4D, survival 40 (desert +20), short when, during the time crisis
known as "Zero Hour," the o riginal
Presence 2D: Bluff 40, charm 40, per- Hawkman and Hawkgirl were both
suasion 4D, willpower 4D merged with the Thanagarian
ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Ally (JSA) Hawkman by the time-bending villain,
-20D, Attractive Appearance-20, Cour- Extant. Shiera Saunders did not sur-
age-20, Special Equipment (Hawkgirl's Real Name: Carter Ha ll vive the merging and di ed. The
wings) -SD; Argumentative +10, Dark Occupation: Archaeologist merged Hawkman vanished into an
Secret (tried to commit suicide) +10, Base of Operations: St. Roch, Louisiana unknown dimension. The Thangarian
Enemy Onjustice Society) +SO, Hides Height: 6'1" Weight: 195 pounds Hawkwoman retired her costumed
Emotions +10, Secret Identity +30 Eyes: Blue Hair: Brown identity and became a police officer
SPEED: 30 Race: Human Tech Level: Modern ( 1) in Detroit, Michigan.
PDV: 2
Hawkman's story began more Upon entering this unknown di-
than 5,000 years ago in the ancient mension, Carter Hall was separated
P/L BoNus: +I
deserts of Egypt. A young prince from the Thangarian Hawkman.
VJLI.AJN POINTS: 0 named Khufu and his lover, Chay-Ara, The Thanagarian lost his life in
CHARACTER POINTS: 28 came into possession of an alien ele- battle soon after, leaving Carter Hall
Boov Po11vrs: 34 ment called Nth metal. The Nth metal trapped alone.
not only revealed the secret of flight Recently, Carter Hall was rescued
EQUIPMENT: Nth metal belt and wings
to them, but it also imposed on the from the otherworldly dimension by
(see "Hawkman & Hawkgirl's Equip-
ment" sidebar on page 20), winged hel- lovers the racial memories of its na- the current Hawkgirl , Kendra
met (AV 20 vs. physical attacks to the tive planet's inhabitants , the Saunders, and the Justice Society of
head only), spear (BOV 3D). Thanagarians. Khufu and Chay-Ara America. Hawkman immediately
became champions of Egypt, fighting sensed that Kendra Saunders was
alongside other heroes like Nabu the actually his lover, Chay-Ara. However,
Wise and the wizard Shazam's due to the circumstances of this lat-

Cha111er 11 - JSll
JSASOURCEBOOK - -- -- - -- - - - - -- - -- - - - -' m f

Mr. Terrific
est reincarnation, Kendra Saunders
has no memories of her past lives and
has rejected Carter's love. Currently,
Hawkman has taken back his place as
a member of the JSA. cyberwear company to Wayne-tech
STRAT£GY & TAcncs: When Carter Hall for enough money that he never
is out of costume, he's polite, cultured, needed to work again. Yet, all of this
and social. When he dons the helm of fell apart when Michael's wife died.
Hawkman, he has one word on his Life no longer seemed worth living
mind: War. Hawkman does not pull without her. When confronted by a
punches, regardless of his adversary. street gang, he even considered sui-
cide by not defending himself against
their attacks.
Reflexes 3D: Acrobatics 6D, brawling At this moment, the Spec-
lOD (haymaker, uppercut, weapon . tre suddenly intervened.
parry +ID each), dodge 80, melee
'lfl.M~ The spirit of vengeance told
weapons 100 (archaic weapons
+2D), piloting 5D (self +6D) Michael the story of the first
Mr. Terrific, Terry Sloane,
Coordination 3D: Catch 6D, missile who had been a com-
weapons lOD, thrown weapons 90
rade of the Spectre
Physique 4D: Flying 7D, lifting 6D, run- during the early
ning 50 days of the Jus-
Knowledge 3D: Arcane lore 8D tice Society.
(Thanagarian, Egyptian +2D each), Terry had used
criminology 4D, languages 4D (an- his prodigious
cient tongues +4D), navigation 8D, re- gifts to assist
search 4D, scholar 6D (archaeology those around
him. The Spec-
Perception 3D: Engineering 40 (aerody- tre suggested
namics +2D, Nth metal +40), Invent that Michael do
50 (Nth metal +3D), repair 50 (Nth the same. Realiz-
metal objects +3D), search 60, sur-
ing t hat his life
veillance 9D, tracking 20
could still have mean-
Presence 3D: Animal handling (birds) ing, he decided that he
7D, charm 40, command 80, intimi- could help society by taking
dation 1OD, persuasion 50, willpower
misguided youths under his wing
and showing them a better way of
of Direction -20, Acute Senses (sight) Michael created a costume for
-2D, Ally (JSA)-200, Animal Friendship himself and took the name of Mr. Ter-
(birds)-20, Charismatic -3D, Courage RF.AL NAME: Michael Holt
rific. With the help of his technologi-
-2D, Leadership Ability-2D, Prepared- OccuPAT10:-.: Retired electronics
ness-4D, Speed Draw (mace)-ID; Dark cal wonders, the T-Spheres, the new
engineer, security consultant
Secret (reincarnation of Prince Khufu) Mr. Terrific has tirelessly acted to pro-
+ID, Enemy (Hath-Set) +20, Enemy (In- tect the neighborhoods of New York.
HEIGi-tr: 6' l"
justice Society) +50, Secret Identity While working at Tyler Chemical
WmGm: 215 pounds
+30, Sworn Enemy (Hath-Set) +20. Company, Mr. Terrific met Sand and
EYf.S: Brown
SPEED: 30 PDV: 4 Hourman of the new JSA. Mr. Terrific
HAIR: Black
UNARMED BDV: 50 P/L BONUS: +3 explained that he serves as Tylerco's
RAci::: Human
HERO POINTS: 30 VILLAIN POINTS: 0 spokesperson and security consult-
TECH lr.vEL: Postmodern (2)
CHARACTER POINTS: 236 BoDY POINTS: 40 ant in exchange for their funding of
EQUIPMENT: Nth metal belt and wings Michael Holt seemed to have ev- his youth center. Impress ed by
(see "Hawkman & Hawkgirl's Equip- erything going for him. He was a gold Michael's sincerity, Sand invited Mr.
ment" sidebar on page 20), winged hel- medal winning Olympic decathlete. Terrific to join the JSA. He has since
met (AV 20 vs. physical attacks to the He was a skilled martial artist. He was become an active member.
head only), and various archaic weap- a brilliant engineer. He sold his
ons. His usual weapon of choice is a
mace (BOY 50).

CllB/llBr 11-JSA
STRATEGY & TAcncs: Mr. Terrific is a
suicide)+ 10, Enemy (Injustice Society)
superb fighter, on par with some of +SD, Extremely Competitive +20, Hides
the best martial artists. Though he Emotions +10 , Secret ID +30.
will resort to his fists if he has to, Mr.
Terrific generally uses his wits first.
He relies on his T-spheres to gather UNARMED BDV: SO/lD
information before he leaps into ac- P/L BONUS: +3
tion. Mr. Terrific is, however, quite HERO POINTS: 8
reckless once he begins fighting. He VILLAIN POINTS: 0
perhaps still possesses a small ves- CHARACTER POINTS: 60
tige of the suicidal urge that resulted Boov POINTS: 4S
in him becoming what he is today. Equipment:
Mr. Terrific T-Spheres
Reflexes 4D: Acrobatics 8D, athletics Speed:60
lOD, brawling9D, c/imbing8D, dodge Base Damage Value: 6D
8D, driving 8D, escape artist 6D, mar- Range: same as powers
tial arts 9D, melee weapons 6D, pi- Ammunition: internal energy-
loting 8D, riding SD, sneak 8D processing system
Coordination 4D: Catch 9D, Lockpicking Skills: brawling 60, dodge 6D,
6D, marksmanship 6D, missile weap- piloting (self) 60, sneak 60, fly-
ons 8D, sleight of hand 9D, thievery ing 6D, security 6D, search 6D,
8D, thrown weapons 100 surveillance 60 :;r; .:
Physique SD: Leap 8D, Lifting 7D, resis- Body Points: 30 '~{(;-
y-- . '
Additional Information: Pow- ' , ·· · ·~
tance 6D, running 80, swimming 80
ers: Invisibility 60 [Enhance- \ .. . .
Knowledge SD: Computer ops 100, ments: Additional Effects (inau- ~ · · -~~: -t,
criminology 60, demolitions 6D, forg- dible, able to block infrared sen- . .. : .' :. ~~~
ery 6D, languages 8D, medicine 80, sors) +30 each, Extended Range · : '"-.
navigation 90, research 9D, scholar +3DJ, Flight 12D, Light Manipulation · ::'-. ·
80, science 90 (cyberwear +ID), se- (hard-light holograms) 2D. All powers
curity 9D (JSA headquarters +3D) have the Limitation: Removable -30
Perception SD: Artist6D, engineering 8D and the Enhancement: Remote +40.
( cyberwear +10), hide 8D, invent 80 The T-Spheres act as floating cam-
(cyberwear +20), repair 9D, search eras, constantly sending back images
in the visible and infrared spectra to Mr. REAL NAm:: Sanderson "Sandy"
8D, streetwise 6D (New York City
Terrific. They reconnoiter an area while Hawkins
+20), surveillance 7D (electronic
+3D), survival 80, tracking 7D (elec- Mr. Terrific waits a safe distance away. FoRM£R A.IJAS: Sandy, the Golden Boy
tronic +3D) The T-Spheres can also project light im- Oc<TPATION: Chairman of the JSA
ages, creating complex illusions. But BASF. OF OPE.RATIONS: New York City
Presence 3D: Animal handling SO, bluff
perhaps their most useful ability is to HEIGHT; 5'11"
6D, charm 60, command 6D, disguise make an individual a "walking blind WF.IGHr: 162 pounds
SD, interrogation SD, intimidation 8D,
spot when it comes to technology." EYrs: Blue
persuasion 7D, willpower 9D
They not only render the person invis- HA1R: Blond
AovANTAGES/D1sADVANTAGES: Acute Bal- ible to the human eye, but also to any RAcF.: Human (silicon-based)
ance -2D, Ally (JSA) -19D, Contact recording devices (visual or audio). Mr.
TECH U\'E.L: Modern (1)
(Tyler Chemical) -3D, Courage -20, Terrific has somewhere between four
Fast Reactions -4D, Gifted in Learning to five T-Spheres with him at any time. During 1941, young teenager
-40, Hardiness -40, Leadership Ability Sanderson Hawkins learned that his
-20, MechanicalAptitude-20, Obscure Aunt Dian's boyfriend Wesley Dodds
Knowledge -2D, Observant -20, Tech- was secretly the Sandman. Unexpect-
nologically Advanced -100, Wealth edly helping out the hero on a case
-60; Dark Secret (attempted to commit led the youth to become Wesley's
partner, Sandy, the Golden Boy. He
fought alongside the Sandman on

Chanter 11-JSll
many of his cases and went on adven- The few remaining members of the
original JSA gathered with the prog-
tures with the original Justice Society
of America. eny of family and friends for Dodds's Reflexes SD: Acrobatics 6D, brawling 60,
This all changed when, during an funeral. An immediate investigation climbing SO, dodge 60, martial arts
experiment Dodds was conducting was undertaken to stop Mordru. This SO, piloting 4D, sneak 6D
with a prototype s ilicon-based gun, ended successfully, renewing hope in Coordination 3D: Lockpicking 4D, marks-
Sandy was caught in an explosion, Sandy and the other members who manship 4D (gas gun, wirepoon gun +2D
radically altering his genetic makeup. had banded together. each)
He became a raging silicon monster Now calling himself Sand, Hawkins Physique 30: leap SD, lifting 40, resis-
that Wesley had to sedate and con- fulfilled a lifelong dream when he was tance 4D, running 4D, swimming 4D
tain. Unable to find a cure for Sandy, nominated as the first chairman of the (through materials containing silicon
Dodds was forced to imprison him in newly re-formed JSA, but he immedi- +2D)
a gas-filled glass chamber while he ately found his life altered once again. Knowledge 3D: Criminology SD, lan-
worked on a cure. The long-term side effects of his guages 4D (Chinese +6D), research
Decades later, Sandy was acciden- time spent as a monster had left 4D, scholar 4D, science 4D, security
tally awakened from his suspended Sand's physiology altered on the mo- 4D (JSA headquarters +4D)
animation and escaped from his lecular level. He had become a sili- Perception 2D: Hide 60, know-how
chamber. Dodds renewed his search con-based life form able to sense seis- (Earth Manipulation) 8D, search 6D,
for a cure during the next several mic vibrations. He could also flow shadowing 7D, surveillance 7D, sur-
months. Soon afterwards, a villainous through dirt, glass, bricks, or just vival SD
scientist named the Shatterer cap- about anything with trace amounts Presence 20: Bluff SD, charm 60, com-
tured Sandy and attempted to use the . of silica in it. mand 4D (JSA +3D), intimidation SD,
silicon monster's seismic energy for With the help of the members of willpower 8D
his own benefit. The Sandman turned the new JSA, Sand has overcome even ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Ally (JSA)
the tables on the villain with an or- this change to his life. He continues -20D, Attractive Appearance-2D, Cour-
ganic explosive that ultimately cured to proudly lead the JSA and carry on age - 2D, Observant - 20, Speed Draw
and seemingly transformed Sandy the tradition created by Dodds and (gas gun) -10, Wealth -6D; Enemy (In-
back into human form. his fellows. justice Society) +SD, Enemy (Kobra,
Sandy was shocked upon regain- Geomancer) +3D each.
STRATEGY & TAcncs: Sand uses the re-
ing his humanity to realize that he had sources of his inheritance as the nec- SPEED: 30
not aged during the intervening de- POV: 3
essary backbone for providing a
cades. While renewing their fri end- UNARMED BOV: 4D/1D
headquarters, technology, and fund- P/L BoNus: +2
ship, Sandman and Sandy were sum- ing for the JSA. In the short time he
moned to help the JSA prevent the HERO POINTS: 13
has had them, he has become profi- VJLl.A!N POINTS! 0
destruction of the world from the im- cient with his silicon-based powers, CHARACTER Pon'frs: 110
pending Ragnarok. The struggle but he trains each day to push them Boov Po1NTS: 29
placed them in limbo for years. to the limit so that he can master
Returned to Earth, Wesley and POWERS: Precognition 8D (Limitation:
them. Side Effect [Nightmares Disadvantage]
Sand went their separate paths. Wes
-4D, Uncontrollable -3D), Earth Ma-
went to spend more time with Dian, nipulation (silicon form, pass through
while Sandy left for the Far East to silicon materials, detect seismic activ-
continue his education. ity) 1OD (Limitation: Duration Change:
Sandy became the heir of Dodds's Permanent -2D).
vast fortune and arsenal after his EQUIPMENT: Tylerco-designed silica-
death in the Himalayas during his based fabric costume (AV 60 vs. heat
confrontation with the Dark Lord and fire ; can rearrange the costume's
Mordru. He also gained the prophetic molecules to form into whatever cloth-
nightmares Dodds s truggled with ing he desires), gas gun and wirepoon
night after night. gun (see equipment under Sandman I
on page 24).

ChBlllB' 11-JSll
c.~:A>-'"'-' - - - - - - - -- - -- -- - - -- - - - -- --- JSASOURCEBOOK

Senti nel
the saboteur who had wrecked the Along with Kyle Rayner, the cur-
train and became one of the world's rent Green Lantern, he battled the
leading heroes. Starheart itself. In the course of the
Taking the role as a guardian of conflict, Sentinel lost a large portion
justice, Green Lantern became a of his powers. What limited energy
founding member of the Justice Soci- that remained wasn't enough to main-
ety of America and its second chair- tain his youth, so he aged to his true
man. He a lso joined t he All-Star chronological age.
Squadron along with his team- Returning to his original Green
mates to battle the Axis forces Lantern costume and the power ring
during the Second World War. and battery, Alan Scott has become
Despite his heroic career, the elder statesman for the newly re-
Green Lantern retired from ac- formed Justice Society of America. He
tive duty in 1951. He dis- has passed the role of chairmanship
banded the JSA because of to Sand knowing that it is in good
pressure from the House Un- hands.
American Activities Committee, Sentinel recently had to deal with
which sought to eliminate anything a terrible blow when his son, Obsid-
that the committee felt went ian, literally turned to the dark side
against what it defined as as a villain. With Ian Karkull, he fought
American. his father and the JSA as he tried to
Years later, Scott as bring the Shadowlands to Earth.
Green Lantern worked with SrnAlEGY & TA<.11cs: Sentinel is only
the JSA alongside the newly limited by his willpower and imagina-
formed JLA . He learned tion when he uses his ring and bat-
that he had fathered two tery. A man of integrity and bravery
ch ildre n with his ex-wife, he relies on his wits and wisdom to
Alyx Florin, who was really get himself out of most battles, but
the late Rose Canton (Thorn when there is no alternative, he turns
I). The children grew up to be- to the might of his magical ring.
come the heroes Jade and Obsid-
ian. Alan remarried Molly Mayne, a
reformed villain who used to be the
Rt:At. NAm:; Alan Wellington Scott
Harlequin .
FORMF.R Au\.<;: Green Lantern
In a mission to prevent Ragnarok
On.·vPATto:-.: Broadcasting executive
from destroying the world, Green Lan-
BAsr or 0PtR..mo:xs: New York City,
tern joined the JSA in a journey to
Gotham City, Los Angeles
limbo. He returned to a world that had
HFJGttT: 6'
thought he and the rest of the JSA
Wnc;m: 175 pounds
were dead.
E·\'F_li: Blue
In the wake of Zero Hour crisis,
HAtR: Blond
even though he remained fairly
RACE: Human
young, Alan decided to retire.
Ti::cH U\EL: Modern (1)
Later, Alan learned that his pro-
Alan Scott was an engineer who longed exposure to the energy of the
survived a train accident and discov- Starheart had permanently imbued
e re d a mystical lantern. He con- his body with its "green flame." He
structed a ring from it to tap into its realized that he no longer needed a
occult energies. Taking his name from ring. He continued his crusade with
the object that empowered him-the the new name "Sentinel" to fight the
Green Lantern-he brought to justice forces of darkness.

ChBDIBr 11 - JSA
JSJISOURCEBOOK -----------------------~

Sentinel ADvANTAGFS/DISAOVANTAGFS: Ally (Green green) -ID], Mimicry 8D [Limitation:

Lantern, Kyle Rayner, Jade) -8D each, Linked to Energy Manipulation; En-
Reflexes 2D: Brawling 6D, dodge 7D, hancement: Mastery (can access any
Ally (JSA) -200, Ally (Sentinels of
melee weapons 4D, piloting (self) 8D,
Magic) -8D, Charismatic-3D, Courage power Alan has seen in use) +60]; all
sneak SD
-20, Leadership Ability -2D, Special powers have the Limitations: Ineffec-
Coordination 2D: Marksmanship (ring) Equipment (power ring & battery)-SD, tiveness (wood) -20, Ineffectiveness
lOD Speed Draw (ring) -ID; Age (Old) +9D, (killing) -20 and the Enhancement:
Physique 3D: Flying 7D, running 40 Dependant (Molly Mayne) +ID, Em- Magically Empowered +80.
ployed +4D, Enemy (Extant, Ian Karkull, NoTE: For more information on
Knowledge 3D: Arcane lore 60, crimi- Obsidian) +3D each, Enemy (Injustice
nology 4D, navigation SD, scholar SD Sentinel's power, see the "Manipulating
Society) +SD, Secret Identity +3D. the Power of the Starheart" sidebar.
(mass media +40)
SPEED: 30 PDV: 4
Perception 2D: Engineering 7D, know- UNARMED BDV: 4D p /L BONUS: +1
how (energy creations) 8D, search
SD, surveillance SD CHARACTER POINTS: 240 Boov POINTS: 34
Presence 3D: Charm 60, command 9D, Powms: Energy Manipulation l 6D [Limi-
intimidation SD, persuasion 70, will-
tations: Duration Change (Concentra-
power 12D
tion) -2D, Side Effect (most uses are

Manipulating the
Power 01 the Starheart
The Starheart is a semi-sent ient mystic orb that was created by the Guardians of the Universe in an effort to purge the
cosmos of magic. A storehouse of immense magical power, the only known focuses for the Starheart's powers are the
original Green Lantern's ring and the energies possessed by Jade and Sentinel. Since for all intents it is a creation of the
Guardians, it acts in very much the same way as the scientifically based power ring energies used by their agents, the
Green Lantern Corps. However, the Starheart's energies still should be considered magical.
To create energy constructs using the power of the Starheart, the wielder first makes a know-how (energy creations)
roll (or other related know-how roll) to determine whether or not he can create the construct (erect a wall, create a giant
baseball bat, and so on). The Narrator determines the difficulty of the roll; some examples are listed here. (For more
extensive details, see the "Creating Manipulation Constructs" sidebar in the JLA Sourcebook on page 111 or the section
about Manipulation constructs in the Directive on Superpowers on pages 97-99.)
Sample Ring Creation Base Difficulty
Wall 3
(AV equal to three times the die code of the power)
Simple energy construct 3
(baseball bat with BOY three times die code of power)
Construct with powers 3
(a bulldozer or crane)
Complex construct 4
(giant fist that grabs a target)
Once the construct is generated, the Starheart wielder makes a willpower roll each round to sustain it. The difficulty
of the roll is the same as the difficulty to create the construct, modified by how tired, in pain, or distracted the user is.
At first, Alan Scott could only use the Starheart energies to mimic the powers of his fellow mystery men, such as fly or
pass through objects. As his mastery over the ring's energies grew, he could create constructs, which tended to be re-
creations of implements and tools he was familiar with. Jade, on the other hand, could make constructs from the very
beginning. Even so, again, she generally created objects she was familiar with, or had seen her father or one of his peers

Chanter 11-JSJI
~"'"".i - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - JSllSOURCEBOOK

s1ar-S11ang/11d Kid 2
Kid. She then discovered that her recklessly without S.T.R.l.P.E. or her
i}- stepfather was actually the Kid's teammates from the JSA. Her cosmic
~0 original sidekick, Stripesy. A plan converter belt is the source of her
"r formed in her head to get back at Pat power and it provides that extra
for his overbearing nature. She boost of confidence- or overconfi-
"borrowed" the belt, took over dence in her case. She often disobeys
the mantle, and became the orders and acts on her gut instinct.
second Star-Spangled Kid just She is only now learning some self-
to make him mad. control in her actions.
Dugan didn ' t Star-Sp angled Kid
take to well to her
'!'~ s henanigans, but Reflexes 30 (70): Acrobatics 4D (8D),
athletics 4D (8D), brawling 4D (8D),
the youngster
dodge 4D (8D)
t hreatened to tell her mom
his secrets, so he created Coordination 30 (70): Catch 4D (8D),
a mechanical suit named marksmanship (Shooting Stars) SD
S.T.R.l.P.E. to assist him in
watching over his step- Physique 2D (SD): Leap 40 (70), lifting
daughter. Almost as soon as 30 (6D), running 4D (70)
s he put on the belt, she got Knowledge 2D
into the thick of trouble. It was Pe r c eption 20: Hide 4D, know-how
the first of many times that (cheerleading) 3D, search 30
S.T.R.I.P.E. had to come to her aid.
Presen ce 20: Bluff30, intimidation 3D,
When the J ustice Society of persuasion 4D, willpower 40
America reformed after the death of
Wesley Dodds, the new Star-Spangled ADVANTAGES/D1SADVANTAGES: Acute Bal-
ance -2D (Superattributes bonus), Ally
Kid volunteered for membership but (JSA) -20D, Ally (S.T.R.l.P.E.) -80, Con-
was turned down. Her curiosity and tact (Young Justice)-2D, Courage-20,
desire to help led Courtney on the Patron (Pat Dugan and Ted Knight)
REAi. "l '\Ir: Courtney Elizabet h
trail of the Scarab, and she secretly -20 each, Special Equipment (Cosmic
followed him through a portal into Dr. Converter Belt) -SD; Age (12-17) +10,
Orn r.\llo'\: Student
Fate's Tower. Argumentative +2D, Enemy (Dragon
BAsr or OPFR \·110'\s: Blue Valley,
Her heroism and assistance in de- King, Shiv) +2D ea ch, Enemy (Injustice
Nebraska Society) +SD, Extremely Competitive
feating the Dark Lord Mordru was the
Hmau: S'S" Wnwn: 110 pounds +2D, Impulsiveness +2D, Secret Identity
catalyst for her acceptance into the
E\ i::s: Blue JI \IR: Blonde +3D, Targeted for Assassination (Shiv)
JSA. Pat doesn't approve of some of
RAn:: Human Trrn lnn.: Modern (1) +lD.
her methodology but he believes the
The r eckless and stubborn chance to work with the other heroes SPEED: 30
Courtney Whitmore constantly com- will allow her to gain experience and PDV: 2 (4)
plained t o her mother that she respect and to tame some of her reck- UNARMED BDV: 3D (4D)
wanted to move back to her South- lessness. p /L 8oNUS: +1 ( +3)
ern California home. Her mom ought H ERO P OINTS: 3
Although she didn't know any-
to ditch her new husband, Pat Dugan, thing about the legacy she had inher- V 1u.AJN PoJNTS: 0
and the new town of Blue Valley, Ne- ited, she was determined to find out. BoDY P OINTS: 28 ( 43)
braska. With the patience of the experienced
EQu1PMENT: Cosmic Converter Belt [Body
Not long after moving into their heroes who have worked with her,
Points 65; powers: Energy Projection:
new home, Courtney found a strange she has slowly been enlightened to Shooting Stars (hands) 9D, Superattrib-
belt while looking for costume acces- the responsibility of what it takes to utes: Reflexes 40, Superattributes: Co-
sories for a party. Little did she real- be a hero. ordination 40 (bonus: improved catch-
ize that this was one of the cosmic Snun·:GY& T \c 11cs: The Star-Spangled ing ability), Superattributes: Physique
converter belts designed by Ted Kid takes a direct approach. She al- 3D (bonus: increased damage vs. inani-
Knight for the original Star-Spangled most always goes in headstrong and mate objects)].

ChBlllBr 11 - JSJI
JSASOURCEBOOK - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -

Wildc at' was a constant companion, assisting decades of knowledge. He is a living

in both Grant's boxing career and his legacy who has once again stepped
cases as Wildcat. back into the ring.
Grant joined the All-Star Squadron STRATEG"r & TACTICS: Grant is kind-
in 1942. In 1945, he became a reserve hearted but rough around the edges.
JSA member as well. That same year, Rather than thinking things through,
under unrevealed circumstances , he often settles matters with his fists ,
Grant also gained a variety of extraor- and few know better how to use them.
dinary abilities, though this did not
become common knowledge until Wildcat
recently. Reflexes 40: Acrobatics 8D, athletics SD,
Tragedy visited Grant brawling 13D (haymaker, uppercut,
in 1947 when his arch-en- knockout each +3D, all others +2D),
emy the Golden Wasp de- climbing 6D, dodge 9D, driving SD
d uced his secret iden- (motorcycle +ID), sneak 60 (urban
tity and kidnapped his +2D)
newborn son , Jake. Coordination 40: Catch 6D, thrown
Grant searched for the weapons SD
boy for years but found Physique SD: Leap 6D, lifting 8D, resis-
no trace of him. Then, tance 6D, running 7D, swimming 6D
Wildcat disappeared Knowledge 2D: Criminology SD, medi-
from the public eye in cine 4D (sports medicine +2D),
1949. scholar 3D (boxing +6D)
For a time, Ted was crippled Perception 3D: Hide 6D (urban +2D),
after a tragic accident, and Yolanda search 6D, shadowing 7D, streetwise
Montez became the second Wildcat 7D (New York City +2D), surveillance
(see Wildcat II in Chapter 9). 6D, survival 6D, tracking SD
Ted was summoned along with the Presence 3D: Bluff SD, charm 6D, com-
rest of the original JSA to prevent the mand 4D, interrogation 6D, intimida-
destruction of the world from the im- tion 9D, persuasion 4D, willpower9D
pending Ragnarok. The struggle AovANTAGF.S/DrsADVANTAGES: Acute Bal-
placed them in limbo for years em- ance-2D, Ally (JSA)-20D, Contact (box-
broiled in an eternal fight until they ing community)-SD, Contact (Batman,
REAL NMu:: Ted Grant were released with the help of Catwoman, Robin) -4D each, Courage
OccuPATIO'i: Crime fighter, former Waverider. - 2D, Fast Reactions -4D, Hardiness -4D,
professional boxer Acclimating to the modern era, Intimidating Grin -2D, Speed Draw (fist)
8ASL: or: OrrnAno:-;s: New York City
Grant fought a bout of depression af- -2D, Wealth -2D; Enemy (Injustice So-
HEJGHr: 6'5" W£1GHT: 250 pounds ciety) +SD, Secret Identity +3D.
ter learning of the death of the sec-
fai::.s: Blue RuR: Black (greying)
ond Wildcat. He has retained his same 30
RACE: Human TECH l..E\'EL: Modern (1)
strength and vitality that he had in the PDV:S
Inspired bytheoriginal Green Lan- Golden Age. He recently revealed to UNARMED BDV: 6D
tern, heavyweight boxer Ted Grant his teammates that he had nine lives p /L BoNUS: +4
donned a costume, declared himself bestowed upon him in 1945 that has HERO Po1NTS: 25
the Wildcat, and cleared his name for helped keep him alive during all these VIUAJN POINTS: 0
a crime he did not commit. years.
Boov Po1NTS: 4S
Grant resumed his boxing career, Wildcat now serves with the newly
eventually gaining the heavyweight re-formed JSA. He dangerously cats P OWERS: Resurrection (humans) 7D
title and retiring undefeated several around in an affair with Selina Kyle (Limitation: Self-Only -3D), Healing SD
years afterwards. However, he didn't (Limitations: Self-Only -3D, Duration
(Catwoman) at the moment. After
Change: Permanent - 2D, Linked to Res-
give up his identity and he operated nursing a broken arm, he came back urrection; Enhancement: Mastery
as Wildcat when the need arose. His as the heavy hitter of the Justice So- (does not need to use Character Points)
friend and manager "Stretch" Skinner ciety, providing his great skill and +6D).

CllaatBr 11 - JSA
~------------- JSASOURCEBOOK

JSA Allies &

lltom Smasher ered physiology of his grandfather, Recently: Al had to deal with a terrible
Terry Curtis (the Golden Age villain Cy- blow when Kobra killed his mother in
c Iotron) , which was passed a terrorist act. In their confrontation
down to him through his with Kobra on Blackhawk Island, Atom
mother's genes, Al started Smasher pushed his abilities to the lim-
out significantly smaller its and grew to a staggering 60 feet high.
than most other chil- Shortly thereafter, Atom Smasher took
l dren of his age. Then the chance to change the past and sub-
he went through a se- stituted the JSA foe Extant with his
ri es of tremendous mother on the fateful flight on which
growth spurts. Exceed- she died. Having to cope with the loss
ing six feet tall the sum- of his mother and the lengths he went
mer before his freshman high to get her back, Atom Smasher has
school year, Al was a staggering taken a leave of absence from the team.
7'6" by the time he was 18. In col- STRATf.GY& T ACT1cs: Atom Smasher
lege, he quickly became a basket- was a team player who provided the
ball star.
physical backbone of the new JSA.
It was there that Rothstein While he appears outwards to be the
banded with six other teenagers raging behemoth behind his faceless
who were offspring of the Justice mask, he actually has a heart of gold
Society of America. They formed and stays in control of emotions un-
their own super-hero group der the duress of most situations.
known as Infinity, Inc. Al became
the mohawked hero Nuklon. Atoin Sinasher
Over the next couple of Reflexes 4D: Athletics 6D, brawling 1OD,
years, Nuklon remained a stal- climbing SD, dodge SD, driving 6D,
wart member of Infinity, Inc. un- piloting6D
til the group disbanded following Coordination 3D: Catch 70, thrown
the death of their leader, Sylvester weapons9D
Pemberton, who was then known Physique 4D (SD): Lifting 60 (l OD), run-
as Skyman. Nuklon later joined a ning SD (9D), swimming SD (9D)
minor group of heroes known as the
Knowledge 2D: Scholar4D (mechanics
Conglomerate. This was followed by +2D), science 3D (aeronautics +3D)
REAL NA'.\fE: Albert "Al" Julian a stint with an unfortunate incarnation
Rothstein of the JLA that the White Martians eas- Perception 2D: Engineering 6D, invent
SD, know-how (powers) 7D, repair8D
F01n1rn AUAS: Nuklon ily defeated.
OccLrA110~: Custom car designer, After his rocky past as a hero, Al Presence 2D: Charm 3D, intimidation
former auto repairman Rothstein moved into a mature phase 9D, willpower 8D
BASE <U: 0Pl·Rmo-.s: New York City of his career. Growing his hair back ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Ally (JSA)
HEIGi-IT: 7'6" WEIGHI': 297 pounds and abandoning his identity as -20D, Courage-20, Fast Reactions -4D,
En~-.: Blue HAm: Red Nuklon, he became Atom Smasher, Hardiness -4D (Superattributes bo-
~cc: Human T£c11 U\U.: Modern (1) which served as a nod to both Cyclo- nus), Mechanical Aptitude-2D, Enemy
tron and the original Atom. With the (Injustice Society) +SD, Enemy (Kobra)
Albert Rothstein is the inheritor of +30.
a living legacy. His mother, Terri start of his renewed heroic career,
Wildcat contacted Atom Smasher to SPEED: 30 PDV: 4
Kurtzenberg Rothstein, was a NASA UNARMED BDV: SD P/L BoNUS: +3 (+5)
engineer who was left to raise her son help in the investigation of the death
of Wesley Dodds. After the success- HERO POINTS: 16 VILLAIN POINTS: 1
alone. The boy's father was killed in air CHARACTER POINTS: 130
combat when Al was three. Albert's ful resolution of the case, the close
BODY POINTS! 40 (63)
godfather, Al Pratt (the Golden Age friends involved decided to reform
the Justice Society of America. Al fi- PoWERS: Superattributes: Physique 4D,
Atom) helped raise the boy. Size Manipulation (Self-Only) SD.
Although he inherited enhanced nally fulfilled his long-held wish of
becoming a member. EQUIPMENT: Expandable costume de-
strength as a result of the atomic-pow-
signed by S.T.A.R. labs.

Chapter 12-JSA Allies & Adversaries

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- JSASOURCEBOOK

Dr.Fate 4
the darkness that threatened the Dr. Fate, Hector has placed himself
world through the divination of his fulltime into his role and teamed up
dreams. Dodds traveled to the with other magical heroes of Earth to
Himalayas with long time friend hide away the Spear of Destiny within
Speed Sanders to meet the myste- the sun itself. Recently, he left the JSA
rious Gray Man. Dodds learned to search for his wife, Lyta, who he
..............."'- that a new Dr. Fate was about has learned is still alive.
-..........__ ~ t o be born from Nabu's & TACTICS: Although the new
power taking root in one of Dr. Fate has limited experience, the
three unborn souls. soft-spoken and humble Hector is still
Saunders quickly in- perhaps the most powerful member
formed the surviving mem- of the mystic community on Earth.
bers of the Justice Society of The spells he uses are primarily whis-
America. They immediately pered to him by the helm, but he is
undertook a search to find the learning. He can also turn to the spirit
child and prevent the Dark of Kent Nelson, who resides in the
Lord and the Sons of Anubis amulet, for advice.
from gaining the artifacts of
Dr. Fate and the child. In the Dr. Fate
meantime, Kid Eternity and Reflexes 30: Brawling 7D, dodge 80,
I Jared Stevens (Fate) fell vic- piloting 50 (self +30)
tim to the Dark Lord. With Coordination 30: Catch SD, thrown
Jared's death, his powers and weapons 6D
artifacts were mystically sum- Physique 3D: Flying 40, lifting 40
moned to the Tower of Fate
(which exists outside of all the Knowledge 30: [Arcane lore 80), navi-
gation 80, scholar 60 ( l ID]
realms of existence).
The JSA eventually found the Perception 20: Invent 50, know-how
newborn with an ankh birthmark on (Nth metaO 7D, [know-how (Wiz-
his right arm (the symbol of the Fate ardry) 7D]
Child), but so did the Dark Lord. He Presence 20 (40): Charm 40 (60], com-
captured the infant and took him to mand 40 (60], persuasion 70 (90),
the Tower of Fate. With the child and willpower80 (100]
Ri::AL NAME: Hector Saunders Hall the artifacts of Fate, the Dark Lord ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Ally (JSA)
FoRMEH ALtAs: Silver Scarab could magically age the child to man- -200, Ally (Sentinels of Magic) -170,
OcccP.mo:-.;: Mystic defender of Earth, hood and swipe the powers of Dr. Fate Ally (Spirit of Kent Nelson)-110, Char-
Agent of Order before the transformation could be ismatic -30, Courage -20, Leadership
8A$E OF OrERATIO:'is: Tower of Fate completed. With the intervention of Ability -20, [Magically Adept -100),
[Magic Resistance-100), Renown-60,
HEIGUT: 6' the JSA, the new Star-Spangled Kid
Sixth Sense -20, Special Equipment
W£JC.HT: 184 pounds (who was instructed by the spirit of (see Equipment below), Wealth -40;
EYFs: Blue Kent Nelson-Dr. Fate I-from an- Enemy (Dark Lord Mordru) +30, Enemy
llArn: Platinum blond other realm inside the Amulet of (Lords of Chaos) +60, Secret Identity
RAcr::: Human Anubis) made a valiant move that in- +30.
Tt:c11 LEvu: Modern (1) stantaneously transformed the child SPEED: 30 PDV: 4
As the twentieth century neared into the new Dr. Fate. Mordru was de- UNARMED BDV: 40 P/L BONUS: +2
its end, the Dark Lord Mordru arrived feated and banished to the HERO POINTS! 18 V1UAIN POINTS: 0
netherworlds of the Amulet of Anubis. CHARACTER POINTS! 140 BODY POINTS! 34
on Earth and began the systematic
slaughter of all known agents of Or- The role of Dr. Fate had been PowERS: [Longevity ID, Wizardry 200
der and Chaos. He desired only to passed to Hector Hall, resurrected as (Enhancement: Mastery +60)).
steal their powers and gather mysti- the Fate child and mystically aged to
an adult. Hector's former lives pre-
cal artifacts from his encounters.
However, Wesley Dodds discovered pared him for this destiny. As the new

Chapter 12-JSA Allies &Adversaries

Hourman 3
EQUIPMENT: Helm of Nabu [AV 4S for at-
tacks to the wearer's head only; Body
Points 1000; Enhancement Modifiers:
arcane lore +SD, scholar +SD, know-how
(Wizardry) +SD, Presence +20; Advan-
tages: Magically Adept -100, Magic
Resistance-100; powers: Longevity 10,
Wizardry 180 (Enhancement: Mastery
+60); all powers have the Limitations:
Removable (only usable by Nabu's cho-
sen successor) -ID, Side Effect (helm
continually whispers to wearer) - 20.
For more information on the Helm of
Nabu, see page 121 of the Magic Hand-
book], Amulet of Anubis (Body Points
1000; power s: Wizardry 20, Dimen-
sional Travel (pocket dimension in
amulet) lSD].
NoTE: The characteristics in brackets
are for Hector when he is wearing the
Helm of Nabu and the Amulet of Anubis.

N1CKNA~1E: Tyler the far future of the 853'd century,

Occi.;PA110:-1: Adventurer, explorer of Hourman first encountered the cur-
the human condition rent JLA when the Justice Legion trav-
BASE OF 0PERATIO:\s: Happy Harbor, eled back in time. They had intended
Rhode Island to enlist the JLA in their celebration
HEIGHT: 6'4" of the return of what they called the
WEICHT: 320 pounds Prime Superman, or the first Super-
EYES: White man who was still alive in their far
HAtR: None future. Unfortunately, Hourman was
RAcr: Android manipulated and tricked into nearly
TECH LEVEL: Superior ( 4) killing everyone in the twentieth cen-
Hourman is a diamond generation tury with a virus implanted in him by
intelligent machine colony from the the living sun, Solaris.
year 85,271. He was programmed with Shaken by this event and in doubt
Miraclo Geneware developed by Tyler of his abilities, Hourman decided to
Chemorobotics that duplicates the forsake his post as apprentice to
DNA of Rex Tyler (Hourman I). Metron (one of the New Gods). He
A member of the Justice Legion A chose instead to explore his human
during the first year of his creation in heritage alongside the present-day
Justice League of America.

Chan~rU - JSAAnms&AdllBrsanss
The now two-year-old android was nanoseconds. Knowledge, self-discov-
NATURAL ABILmi:s: Android package, At-
unprepared for this era. He was hav- ery, and the act of finding experience tribute Improvement, Emotions, Flight
ing a hard time adapting as he ex- in his role as a hero are key to his 80, Invulnerability 40, Speed Manipu-
plored life experience with the human motivations. lation (superactions, supermobility) 5D
condition. So, he asked Snapper Carr Due to his android form, he is in- each.
to be his guide. Hourman soon credibly strong and can fly. Hourman Powms: Superattributes: Physique 70,
learned that his youthful naivete pre- can activate his "Hour of Power" to Temporal Manipulation (time vision)
sented a threat to humanity. give him 60 minutes of access to time- 250. All powers have the Limitations:
He renounced most of his limitless bending abilities such as his time vi- Duration Change: Activated (only after
power in an attempt to protect his sion. With his Timeship, he can travel he initiates his "Hour of Power" and
new-found friends. This left Hourman though time and even outside it and then only lasts one hour) -2D, Condi-
limited with the occasional "Hour of pass through Hypertime. tional (has to wait one hour before ac-
Power" wherein he could access the tivating "Hour of Power" again)-lD.
fragment of the Worlogog's (his pre- EQUIPMENT: Time ship [size: 225 feet long;
vious power source) awesome time- Reflexes 70: Brawling 80, dodge 90, crew: l; passengers: 60; cargo capacity:
manipulating abilities once a day. piloting 80 (self +30, Timeship +100) 500 cubic feet; maneuverability: 10;
Soon after joining Snapper Carr, Coordination 40: Marksmanship (time speed: see description; AV 50; Body
Hourman found one of the last vision) 70 Points 1000; Enhancement Modifiers:
Miraclo pills left behind by his gene- Physique 70 (140): Flying 90 (160), arcane lore (Hypertime) +50, navigation
leap 80 (150), resistance 80 (150) (Hypertime) +50; powers: Temporal
father and took it. The result activated
Manipulation (time travel) 500 (Limi-
the memories and experiences of Rex Knowledge 80: Arcane lore 120, com- tation: Side Effect [must be piloted by
Tyler in his geneware. The android puter ops 100, languages 100, medi- someone with a navigation (time
remembers fighting alongside the cine 90, navigation 1OD (time stream stream) or navigation (Hypertime) skill
JSA, being married to Wendi Tyler, +7D, Hypertime +2D), research lOD, or it can drift through time and space
and being a father to Rick Tyler scholar 12D (time +5D, Hypertime out of control] -5D).
(Hourman II). The emotions to his +2D), science lOD (temporal physics During Hourman's "Hour of Power,"
gene-father's life experiences are now +4D) he is linked to his Timeship. He can di-
embedded as a part of the android's Perception 40: Know-how (Temporal rect it wherever-or whenever-he
essence. Manipulation) 120, search 5D, shad- would like by pulling the chain to the
owing 5D, surveillance 6D controls . The Timeship can travel
Hourman has since been through time, outside of time, or navi-
placed on reserve duty with the JLA. Presence 20: Animal handling 3D,
gate through Hypertime. The boat-like
He prefers to spend his life in contem- charm 3D, intimidation 30, persua-
vehicle has a dragon's head at the bow
sion 4D, willpower 7D
plation of his humanity while under- and contains clocks and other esoteric
going self-discovery with his friends ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Ally (JSA) time measuring devices. The vehicle is
in Happy Harbor's Mad Yak Cafe. -19D, Ally (Snapper Carr)-8D, Contact powered by limited fuel from the ta-
Hanging with his mento r Snapper (JLA, Justice Legion A, future self, Rex chyon source of the Worlogog. It can
Tyler, Metron) -4D each, Hardiness alert Hourman if it is accessed without
Carr, Tyler has also been learning
-4D, Mechanical Aptitude -20, Obscure his permission . There are various
about his personal feelings, including Knowledge-2D, Photographic Memory chambers inside the vehicle that can
his love for the beautiful Bethany and -4D, Self-Healing -4D, Technology Ad- be customized as needed, such as Dr.
the discovery of what it means to be vanced -30D; Bond to Creator +2D, Cu- Togg's laboratory.
an imperfect hero. He has met Rex's riosity +2D, Dependant (Snapper,
wife and is using Dr. Togg to find a Bethany) +10 each, Enemy (Injustice
cure for Rick's Miraclo induced ill- Society) +5D, Enemy (Rick Tyler) +20,
ness. He has also joined the newly Low Self-Esteem +3D, Secret Identity
reformed Justice Society of America +30.
with the invitation of Jay Garrick. who SPEED: 30
had asked for his assistance in the in- PDV:5
vestigation into the death of Wesley UNARMED BDV: 40
Dodds. p /L 8oNUS: +3 ( + 7)
past, present, and future are all the CHARACTER POINTS: 70
same. Hourman can sidestep through BODY POINTS: 50 (85)

Cha11111r 12-JSll lllliss & lld1111rsaries

Starman 1 Jack's brother David assumed the to learn team combat techniques as a
mantle of Starman for just under a member of the JSA, but with the events
week after the events of the Zero in Opal keeping him away as much as
Hour crisis. He was tragically they do, he often reverts to solo tac-
gunned down during the tics when in a battle.
original Mist's last crime
spree. Jack was forced
into the role of Reflexes 2D: Brawling 50, dodge 60,
Starman by neces- martial arts 40 (arm pin, choke, flip
+1D each), melee weapons 50 (Cos-
sity to stop the Mist
mic Staff +2D), piloting 30 (self +40),
and avenge his sneak 40
brother's death. Jack
found himself killing the Coordination 2D: Marksmanship 40
(Cosmic Staff +30)
murderer, the Mist's son
Kyle, in the process. Physique 3D: Flying 50, leap 40, run-
Jack quickly avoided all the ning 40
traditional elements of the role he had Knowledge 2D: Arcane lore 40, scholar
been thrust into. He has settled into 30 (second-hand goods +40, Cosmic
a life balanced between his acts of Staff +20), science 30 (Cosmic Staff
heroism and his chosen lifestyle. Jack +10)
might be far more comfortable deal- Perception 3D: Artist 40(painting+10),
ing in collectibles, but he is quick to hide 40, know-how (dealing in sec-
answer the call to keep Opal City safe. ond-hand goods, Cosmic Staff) 80
The revelation that his previous each, repair 50, search 40, shadow-
girlfriend, Sadie, was in fact the sister ing 40, streetwise 40 (Opal City +20),
surveillance 40, survival 50
of the previous Starman, Will Payton,
prompted Jack to journey into space Presence 3D: Bluff 40, charm 40, intimi-
to find the seemingly dead hero. With dation 40, persuasion 50, willpower
a little luck and a lot of help, Jack found 80
R EAL NAMF.: Jack Knight Will and was returned home to Opal ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Ally (JSA)

O ccuPATION: Second-hand collectibles via the use of a Zeta Beam. His life was -190, Ally (Mikaal Tomas, Bobo Benetti,
quickly turned upside down as he Adam Strange, the O'Dares) -80 each,
found himself joining the new JSA and Contact (Shade) -SD, Courage -20, Pa-
tron (fed Knight)-20; Enemy (the Mist)
HEIGHT: 6' 1" WEIGITT: 175 pounds confronted with the start of serious
+20, Enemy (Injustice Society) +20.
EYEs: Blue H A1R: Black trouble in Opal City.
Jack does his best to help the JSA SPEED: 30 PDV: 3
RAcE: Human TECH LEvEL: Modern (1)
when he can. However, his need to be UNARMED BDV: 30/lD P/L BONUS: +l
Jack Knight was born the youngest HERO POINTS: 8 VILI.AJN POINTS: 1
in Opal was such that Jack felt it unfair
son of Ted Knight, the original Starman. CHARACTER POINTS: 72 BODY POINTS: 28
to remain an absentee member of the
Throughout his childhood, Jack se- EQUIPMENT: Cosmic Staff [AV 20; Body
team and asked for a leave of absence
cretly looked up to his father but re- Points 120; BDV 70; powers: Energy
with the promise that he will be there
sented his career after the death of Manipulation (blast, create light) 100,
if there was ever a need for him.
Jack's mother. As Jack went through Gravity Manipulation 100, Forcefield
adolescence, he turned to juvenile STRATEGY & TAcncs: Jack once referred 70. All powers have the Limitations:
petty crime acts or grandiose fashion to himself as the super hero "who gets Rechargeable (stellar energy)-20, Re-
statements to attract attention from his knocked out and tied up a lot." He's movable -30, and the Enhancement:
never been a hero to adopt a conven- Remote +40.)
absentee father. It took a chance en-
counter with Sylvester Pemberton, the tional style to his fighting. He tends to
original Star-Spangled Kid, to remind
Jack of the other side of the coin. Jack
remain grounded unless there's now
way out of battling in the air. He has
Wonder woman
began to mature slowly and adopted the habit of discussing obscure facts For the character description
the hip style he embraces to this day while fighting, and when nervous, he and game information for Queen
with his retro clothes and look. fires off quips. He has taken some time Hippolyta as Wonder Woman, see
pages 29-30.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- JSASOURCEBOOK

SearaII Labyrinth of Doors. The Scarabaeus Tears, who was released into the
was last discovered by Louis Sendak's world once again.
father, who was a hunter and collec- STRATF.GY & TAcr1cs: Scarab's motives
tor of unique artifacts. As could often be an enigma, even to
Scarab, the Scarabaeus himself. Most of his mystical might
wrapped Sendak in a seemed to be geared towards the
chitinous form of body binding or nullification of the magic
armor and granted him used by others, though he was also
certain mystical abilities. capable of conjuring energy blasts or
It is unknown if Louis shields of protection.
Sendak is unique among the human
race and the only one who can bond Scarab
with the Scarabaeus, or if this semi-sen- Reflexes 2D (40): Brawling 40 (60),
tient talisman can "choose" another dodge SD (70), piloting (self) 30 (SD)
should Sendak either die or become in- Coordination 2D (4D): Marksmanship
capacitated. (magical bolts) 40 (60)
For three years, Scarab battled a Physique 20 (60): Lifting 3D (7D), re-
number of supernatural threats, sistance 30 (70)
sometimes working with Doctor Fate
Knowledge 2D: Arcane lore 60, scholar
or the Phantom Stranger. Other times, 30
he joined with six other mystery men
to protect the city of Chicago as the Perception 20: Know-how (Scarabaeus)
Seven Shadows. He even allied him- SD
self with the JSA to fight one of their Presence ID (3D): Intimidation 30 (SD),
foes, Johnny Sorrow, who had killed willpower SD (7D)
the other members of the Seven Shad- ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Ally (JSA)
ows and summoned an entity known -180, Ally (Phantom Stranger) -100,
as the King of Tears. Courage -20 (Superattributes bonus),
Then in 1944, his wife, Eleanor, was Fast Reactions -4D (Superattributes
REAL NAME: Louis Sendak pulled into the Labyrinth of Doors, an bonus), Renown -SD, Speed Draw
Occt'PATJON: Spellbinder extradimensional maze with a door (magical bolts) -lD (Superattributes
BASE OF OPER.\Tl<>Ns: Staten Island , bonus); Age (Old: 80+) +18D, Depen-
opening into their bedroom. Heart- dant (Eleanor) +lD, Enemy (various
New York broken, Sendak refused to answer the
HEIGHT: 5'8" (Lewis), 6'2" (Scarab) supernatural threats) +6D, Enemy
Scarabaeus' siren call for decades, (Johnny Sorrow) +3D, Secret Identity
W£1Gm: 190 pounds (Lewis), preferring to live out his remaining
240 pounds (Scarab) +3D.
days alone, hoping that someday his 30 POV: 3 (4)
fa'ES: Blue HA1R: Gray SPEED:
Eleanor would return to him. UNARMED BDV: 30 (40)
RAcr:: Human TECll LEVEL: Modern (1) Now an elderly man, Sendak chose P/L BoNUS: + 1 ( +3)
In the autumn of 1941, Louis Sendak once more to assume the identity of H ERO POINTS: 9 VILLAIN POINTS: 0
felt compelled to go to the attic of the Scarab. He aided the current JSA in CHARACTER POINTS: 67
Staten Island home he had lived in all locating the Fate Child, though in the BODY POINTS: 28 (S2)
his life. An ancient otherworldly talis- course of the battle, his connection EQu1PMF.NT: The Scarabaeus [AV 18; Body
man called the Scarabaeus drew him with the Scarabaeus was again sev- Points 3SO; powers: Superattributes:
to it through his dreams. He found the ered. However, he and his wife, who Reflexes 20, Superattributes: Coordina-
talisman tucked away in a forgotten had become one with the Labyrinth tion 20, Superattributes: Presence 20,
trunk of his fat her. Once he took it in of Doors, continued to serve as the Superattributes: Physique 40 (bonus:
his hand, the Scarabaeus bonded with Labyrinth's guardians. increased damage vs. inanimate ob-
Louis, creating the mystical adventurer Recently, Sendak was held pris- jects), Flight 80, Natural Armor: Mysti-
cal metal 60, Wizardry (magic blast,
known as Scarab. oner within his own Labyrinth by
magic shield, magic nullification) 160.
Little is known about the origins of Johnny Sorrow, who injected him with All powers have the Limitation: Magi-
the Scarabaeus, save that it seems to the tears of the Spectre. As the guard- cal Transformation - 30 and Enhance-
be insectoid in nature and is somehow ian of the Labyrinth, Sendak's body ment: Magically Empowered +80.].
linked to the mystical maze called the served as a conduit for the King of

Chapter 12-JSA A/lies & Adversaries

Hearing of Pat's plight, former Star-
Spangled Kid, Sylvester Pemberton,
paid him for his lost patents and of-
fered him a job as a mechanic for
Sylvester's new group of heroes, Infin-
ity, Inc., which Sylvester led as Skyman.
However, tragedy befell the former
Stripesy again when Skyman was killed
in a battle with Injustice Unlimited.
With the resulting dissolution of
Infinity, Inc., Dugan returned to being
a mechanic until he met and married
Barbara Whitmore. Pat moved his fam-
ily to Blue Valley, Nebraska to give them
a fresh start .
Secretly, he built a laboratory and
machine shop underneath his house,
which he lovingly named "the Pit Stop."
There, Pat created S.T.R.I.P.E. Whether
Pat Intended to willingly reenter the
ranks of super heroes again is up to de-
bate--but his impetuous stepdaughte r,
Courtney, eventually forced him to don
the S.T.R.I.P.E. suit.
After discovering Pat's old adven-
tures as Stripesy, Courtney took an
old belt to make a costume, not know-
ing it was a version of the Star-
Spangled Kid's original Cosmic Belt,
and immediate ly tumbled into
trouble. Pat jumped into S.T.R.I.P.E.
and rescued Courtney, just like he's
had to on many ot her occasions
REAL NA~tE: Pat Dugan Stripesy. Dressed in patriotic red,
(much to the annoyance of Courtney).
FOR\fER AUAS: Stripesy white, and blue, the two became quite Pat is once again the sidekick for
0<.:Cll'A'no:-;: Mechanic, inventor famous. They eventually joined the the Star-Spangled Kid. Now that she is
BASE OP 0PEKATIONs : Blue Valley, ranks of the Seven Soldiers of Victory a member of the new JSA, he has signed
Nebraska and continued their crusade against on as a reserve member and mechanic
HEIGHT: 6'2" WF:!GHT: 215 pounds the Nazis. Then, in a battle against the
HAIR: Red for the team. It looks like his luck has
EYES: Blue powerful villain Nebula Man , the finally changed for the better.
RAct::: Human TECJr Lt:vEL: Modern (1) Seven Soldiers were lost in time for
almost 50 years. SmA'rEGv & TAc1 res: During his Stripesy
In the early days of World War II,
Returning to a world he did not days, Pat settled all of his problems
Pat Dugan was just a humble car me-
know, Pat retired from his career as with a good, right hook. The years of
chanic. But when he saw a group of
Stripesy, married, and settled down. retirement seemed to have made Pat
Nazi agents inciting a riot in a movie
But his marital bliss was short-lived. more cautious and thoughtful. In the
theater, he felt compelled to act.
His cousin stole the patents for his S.T.R.I.P.E. armor, Pat knows that he is
Joined by wealthy Sylvester powerful enough to take on just about
Pemberton, Pat thwarted the spies' numerous inventions, nearly bank-
rupting him in the process. Due to any foe, but he is careful to use the right
plans. Soon after, Sylvester donned
these financial proble ms, his wife left amount of power to incapacitate rather
the name of the Star-Spangled Kid and
him, and he was forced to start up a than kill. As prudent as Pat is with
battled against Nazi agents and fifth S.T.R.I.P.E.'s powers, he often causes a
columnists in the States. Pat became garage outside of Las Vegas to make
ends meet. great deal of damage to property.
the Star-Spang led Kid's sidekick,

c11a11tsr 12- JS/1111/iBs & 111/Jtsrsarlss

Pat Dugan Additional Information: Despite Pat • Taser darts [fires up to three darts
Dugan's limited experienced with com- (BDV ID each) with 10-foot long cables
Reflexes 3D: Boating 60, brawling 6D puters and other high-tech items, he attached to them; once in contact with
(haymaker, knockout, uppercut +lD
has successfully built a potent and du- the target, they submit the target to a
each), dodge 6D, driving 6D (Star S0,000-volt low amperage shock (elec-
rable powered armor from bits of the
Rocket Racer +2D), piloting 6D (Star
Star Rocket Racer and other parts. Pat trical shock with BDV 150; target must
Rocket Racer +20)
receives help from time to time in up- make a successful Heroic Physique or
Coordination 3D: Catch SD, marksman- dating and fixing S.T.R.l.P.E. from Dr. willpower roll or fall unconscious]
ship 40, thrown weapons 4D Robert Crane, who had once adven- • Shock cords [two 10-foot long cables
Physique 4D: Leap 60, lifting 6D, run- tured with Pat during World War II as that deliver a 100,000-volt shock (elec-
ning SD Robotman. Some of the more impres- trical shock with BDV 300; target must
sive features built into S.T.R.l.P.E. in- make a successful Legendary Physique
Knowledge 3D: Computer ops 4D, clude the following. or willpower roll or fall unconscious;
scholar4D (mechanics +4D), science use of the shock cords depletes the
6D Head
•Telescopic vision sensors (allows pi- main battery completely and all power
Perception 30: Engineering SD (me- lot to see double normal human range) must be switched to the backup power
chanical +4D), invent SD (mechani- • Eyewash (cleans off optical sensors batteries]
cal items +3D), repair 6D (mechani- of S.T.R.l.P.E.) • Electrical net [launches a 20-foot
cal items +3D, automobiles +4D, cable with a 5-foot radius net at the end
S. T.R.I.P.E. +SD), streetwise 40 Rightarm of it; net delivers a 50,000-volt low am-
• Rocket fist (BDV 80; can launch in a perage shock (electrical shock with
Presence 20: Charm 3D, intimidation straight direction towards a target up
SD, persuasion 3D, willpower 6D BDV lSD; target must make a success-
to 100-feet away without losing veloc- ful Heroic Physique or willpower roll or
ADVANTAGF.S/OISADVANTAGES: Ally (Star- ity; for every 10-feet past that, the BDV fall unconscious]
Spangled Kid) -8D, Contact (JSA) -SD, drops by ID) • Fan (clan clear a 10-foot square room
Contact (heroic community)-4D, Cour- • Medicine kit [ +20 to medicine (first of smoke or gas in two rounds)
age -20, Hardiness -40, Mechanical aid) rolls]
Aptitude -2D; Dependant (family) +ID • Grappling hook and cable (100-feet of Feet
each, Secret Identity +3D. cable can be attached to rocket fist, • Rocket thrusters (Flight 60)
which can grab target) Other systems
SPEED: 30 POV: 3 • Virtual reality conttol system (pilot
UNARMED BDV: 40 p/L BONUS: +3 • Finger net launcher (fingers can be
deployed as weights of a net strung sits inside S.T.R.l.P.E. 's torso and wears
HERO POINTS: 12 VILLAIN PoINl'S: 0 goggles linked to S.T.R.l.P.E.'s optical
CHARACTER POINl'S: 100 BODY POINTS: 4S between them covering· a 5-foot-
square area; this can be combined sensors to control the armor)
EQUIPMENT: with grappling hook cable to reel in •Satellite feeds (S.T.R.l.P.E. can tap into
captured targets) various satellites to use global-position-
Special Tactics Robotic ing systems and long-range cameras)
Integrated Power Left arm • Kid sensor (Dugan has attached a
Enhancer (S.T.R.I.P.E.) • Rocket fist (BDV 8D; can launch in a tracking device to the Star-Spangled
straight direction towards a target up Kid's cosmic converter belt that alerts
Speed:60 to 100-feet away without losing veloc-
Base Damage Value: same as wearer's S.T.R.l.P.E. whenever the Kid's belt is
ity; for every 10-feet past that, the BDV active within a 20-mile radius)
adjusted by powers drops by 10)
Fire Arc: forward • Exoskeleton (Superattributes: Phy-
• Fire foam sprayer (quenches flames sique 60)
Range: as per powers on contact; enough spray to cover a SO-
Ammunition: electric battery • Exterior skin [Natural Armor:· Steel
foot-square area before needing to be alloy (head) 40, (body) 20]
Rate of Fire: 1 replenished)
Enhancement Modifiers: brawling +2D,
piloting (S. T.R.lP.E.) +2D, marksmanship Chest
(S. T.R.lP.E.) +2D, thrown weapons +2D, • Headlights (each of these two lights
navigation +40, search +4D, surveillance can shine in a 10-foot radius beam for
+40, tracking +4D, intimidation +20. up to 12 hours before depleting the
Armor Value: 21 battery)
Body Points: 80

Chanter 12-JSll llllies & lld11ersaries

JS/ISOURCEBOOK ------------------------ =~~...u

The Bar k lard

Chaos as he tried to such as the Sons of Anubis to do his
learn where this pow- bidding, but more often, he enjoys
erful agent of order accomplishing t hings on his own.
would be reborn. That way, Mordru can defeat foolish
In an attempt to pre- heroes and gloat about his superior-
vent the Dark L ord from ity, giving his foes a chance to bring
succeeding, Wesley Dodds, the about his downfall.
Golden Age Sandman, summoned the
Dark Lord
Gray Man to ask him for the where-
abouts of the Fate child. Sens- Reflexes 50 : Brawling 70, dodge 80 ,
ing the Gray Man's presence, melee weapons 70, sneak 60
the Dark Lord confronted Coor dina tion 40: Marksmanship
Dodds, but the former (spells) 70, thrown weapons 50
Sandman accomplished Physique 40 (lOD): Flying 80 (140), lift-
his last heroic act by sacri- ing 60 (120), resistance 60 (120)
fici ng himsel f to prevent Knowledge SD: Arcane lore 170, lan-
Mordru from learning the loca- guages 100, navigation (dimensions)
tion of the Fate child. 70, research (spells) 130
Gathering for Dodds's funeral, Perception 30: Know-how (Sorcery)
his friends, family, and former 140, search 90, spellbind 140, sur-
comrades joined together to veillance SD, survival 70
form the new JSA and set out to
Presence 40 : Bluff 60, interrogation
stop Mordru themselves. lOD, intimidation 120, persuasion
Traveling to Fate's Tower at the 70, willpower 130
nexus of reality, the Dark Lord at-
t empted to use the infant to obtain
Anubis)-200, Courage-20, Hardiness
Dr. Fate's artifacts of power. The JSA -40 (Superattributes bonus), Infamy
followed him and hurled themselves -50, Intimidating Grin -20, Obscure
at the Dark Lord, only to be met with Knowled ge - 20, Self-Healing -40,
defeat. Tainted -90; Argumentative +20, Arro-
REAi . N,uu:: Mordru As Mordru and the JSA fought over gance +30 , Delusions of Grandeur +30 ,
OccLPATIO!'i: Sorcerer him, the Fate child was t r ansfor med Enemy (JSA) +60, Enemy (Dr. Fate,
BASF. OF OPERATIONS: Un known into t he adult Dr. Fat e with the aid of Scarab) +30 each, Extremely Competi-
HEIGHT! 7' 1" the St ar-Spangled Kid and the tive +20, Fanatic +30, Long Winded +30,
WaGHT: 310 pounds Scarab's Scarabaeus. After a pitched Sworn Enemy (Dr. Fate) +30.
Eus: Hazel magical battle, the new Fate defeated SPEED: 30
HA1R: Auburn the Dark Lord and imprisoned him PDV: 4
RACE: Unknown w ithin the Amulet of Anubis. UNARMED BOV: 40
TtcH LEvEL: Modern (1) P / L B ONUS: +3 ( +6)
Since t hen, Dr. Fate has entered
As the Cycle of Khepri nears its t he amulet himself to consult with
completion, a new Dr. Fate is born. Mordru. The Dark Lord taunted Fate
Sens ng this was about to happen, the with the knowledge that his wife was Boov P OINTS: 39 (67)
immortal and power ful Dark Lord, still alive and that Mordru knew of her
location. He also warned Fate that he PoWERS: Superattributes: Physique 60
Mordru, sought out the Fate child, the
(bonus: increased damage vs. inani-
infant boy destined to be bestowed would escape and bring death and de-
mate objects), Teleport at ion: Long
with t he power and mantle of the new struction to t he agent of Order. Range 200, Sorcery 240.
Dr. Fate. Mordru intended t o sacrifice SrnATEGY & TAlTICS: Despite Mordru's
him and take the power of Fate for his supreme arrogance, he does not mind
own. To that end, the Dark Lord found fighting directly with his foes. Occa-
and killed agents of both Order and sionally, Mordru will employ agents

Cha111sr 12 - JSll llllles & lllhlsrsarlss

~--------------------- JSJISOUBCEBOOK

Extant For years, the two adventured to- Now a being of pure chronal en-
gether and eventually joined the Teen ergy, Extant intended to reshape time
Titans. itself to right the wrongs he felt had
The two forces (Terataya, a Lord been done to him. Joining together
of Order, and T'Charr, a one last time to stop Extant, the origi-
Lord of Chaos) that be- nal members of the JSA proved no
stowed these powers on match for the time-manipulating mad-
the brothers grew dissatis- man. Atom I, Doctor Mid-Nite I, and
fied with their creations. Hourman I perished under his chronal
They had hoped that Hank blasts, and the rest of the JSA mem-
and Don would prove that bers were aged radically and Extant
Order and Chaos could escaped.
live together har mon i- Recently, Extant returned to
ously, but this did not seem threaten the universe once again
to be the case. when he sought to gain control of the
They s t ripped Don of his Worlogog, a mysterious item able to
powers and bestowed them manipulate time and space, and re-
upon another person, Dawn shape the universe to his whims.
Dranger. Don subsequently Opposed by the members of the
died. A devastated Hawk managed current JSA, Metron of the New Gods,
to find and join the new Dove, and the and an alternate reality version of
new duo continued the heroic ex- Dove, Extant was defeated and seem-
ploits of the old. ingly perished when he was sent back
However, when the villainous in time to replace Al Rothst ein 's
Monarch slew Dove before Hawk's mother on a plane destroyed in a ter-
eyes, Hank, enraged to insanity, at- rorist attack by Kobra.
tacked and killed Monarch. Hank was Srn.~l'EGY & TAcucs: Extant is a psy-
startled to discover that Monarch was chotic maniac with the sole goal of
none other than a future version of reshaping the universe to his idea of
himself. Hank's mental state, already perfection. He will stop at nothing to
Rl::.\L N ,\\IL: Hank Hall fragile from the loss of both his accomplish this goal and will fight to
FoR.\IER AuAsr.s: Hawk, Monarch brother and Dawn, finally collapsed. the death to attain it. If opposed in
OccrrATIO:\: Conqueror He willingly assumed the Monarch battle, Extant first lashes out with
BASE oF 0PERATior-;s: Mobile identity, thinking that he was fulfill- blasts of chronal energy, intending to
HEIGHT! 6'4" ing his destiny. Hank proceeded to age his opponent out of existence. If ·
WFJGHT: 235 pounds launch a campaign of death and de- this fails, he falls back on his power-
Ens: Brown struction against all super heroes. fu l energy blasts and phys ical
HA11<: Brown After Earth's heroes defeated stamina. Extant knows that time is on
RACE: Human Monarch, Hank bided h is time. Wait- his side and he does not hesitate to
Tt:rn U:'lt:L: Superior (4) ing for the arrival of the Linear Men, retreat rather than facing total defeat.
The villain Extant, one of the great- guardians of time, Hank imprisoned
est threats to the universe ever, actu- Waverider and Hunt er when they
ally began his career as t he hero appeared.
Hawk. While teenagers, Hank Hall and After stealing the Linear Men's
his brother Don gained superhuman time-traveling technology, Monarch
powers and saved their father from now could terrorize both time and
danger. Each one's heroic persona space. Breaking free, Waverider con-
reflected his personality. The loud, fronted Hall, only to have his essence
brash Hank transformed into the ul- absorbed into Hall. Combining his
tra-strong, impetuous Hawk. Soft-spo- power with that of Waverider, Mon-
ken Don became the thoughtful Dove. arch became Extant.

Cha11tsr 12-JSll II/lies & lld1111rsar1ss

Reflexes 30 (90): Acrobatics 60 (120),
brawling 90 (lSO), dodge 90 (ISO),
martial arts 60 (120), melee weap-
ons 60 (120), sneak 60 (120)
Coordination 30 (90): Catch 6D (12D),
marksmanship (energy blast) 70
(13D), thrown weapons 70 (130)
Physique 40 (180): leap 60 (200), lift-
ing 7D (210), running 6D (20D)
Knowledge 20: Arcane lore 6D, com-
puterops 4D, demolitions SD, scholar
40 (time +6D, Hypertime +2D), secu-
rity 30
Perception 20: Hide 60, streetwise SD,
surveillance 6D, survival 40, track-
ing 30
Presence 30: Bluff SD, intimidation SD,
persuasion 6D, willpower SD
ance - 2D (Superattributes bonus), Fast
Reactions -4D (Superattributes bonus),
Hardiness -4D (Superattributes bo-
nus); Argumentative +2D, Dark Secret
(was responsible for Dove Il's death)
+30 , Enemy (JSA) +6D, Fanatic (wishes
to remake universe) +3D, Fugitive +2D.
POV: S (S)
P/L BONUS: +3 ( +10)
VILLAIN POINTS: 2S Rt:.\1 N.rnF: Todd James Rice
CHARACTER POINTS: 230 caused a fire, leaving Green Lantern t o
OccrP.\Tto\: Sociopath
Boov POINTS: 43 (112) believe that his bride had died. In fact,
BAS£ OF Orm 'n°'s: the Shadowlands
T horn survived and gave birth to
POWERS: Microwave Projection (hands) Hm1tt1: 5'11"
twins , Todd and Jennie-Lynn. She
13D, Superattributes: Reflexes 60, Wuc-.trr: 193 pounds
Superattributes: Coordination 6D (bo-
placed both up for adoption and left
E'E.c;: Brown their true heritage a secret.
nuses: improved catching ability, re- H.\nc Brown
duced s cale modifiers). Superat- While Jade grew up in a relatively
R\lt: Human
tributes: Physique 140 (bonuses: in- stable home, Todd was raised in an al-
Tn.HLnu: Modern (1)
creased damage vs. inanimate objects, coholic household. Even though his
lift items without them collapsing), The dark tale of the hero turned vil- mother left, Todd remained at home,
Healing SD (Limitation: Self-Only -2D), lain, Obsidian, begins several decades partly out of Jove for his sick father,
Invulnerability SD, Temporal Manipula- ago in 1964 when Alan Scott (Green partly out of fear of leaving. In one of
tion 2SD. Lantern I) fell in love with and married his father's alcoholic rages, Todd's
Alyx Florin. Unknown to Alan, Alyx suf- powers emerged. Todd realized he
fered from a split personality. Her al- could transform into a shadow-like
ter ego was the villainess, Thorn. Alyx, form, endowed with greater strength
however, had rid herself of the Thorn and intangibility. After learning about
identity, at least until her wedding his twin sister, Todd searched her out.
night, when she donned Green The two were reunited and decided to
Lantern's ring. Thorn reawakened and become the heroes Jade and Obsidian.

Chaoter 12- JSA AlliBS & AtlvBrsarl BS

For a time, both Jade and Obsid-
ian joined the ranks of Infinity, Inc.
The two siblings became quite close, Reflexes 2D: Brawling 6D, dodge 8D,
sharing a telepathic link with one an- piloting (self) 4D, sneak lOD

other. When Infinity, Inc. disbanded, Coordination 2D: Thrown weapons 4D
Obsidian went on to join the JLA for Physique 2D (6D): Flying 3D (7D), run-
a time, while Jade retired from the su- ning 3D (7D)
per-heroic limelight. Both reunited to Knowledge 2D: Scholar 4D
help their father, Green Lantern, over-
come Brainwave and the Starheart. In
this adventure, the Starheart pos-
sessed Obsidian. He was freed of its
influence only when Jade sacrificed
Perception 2D: Hide lOD, know-how
(Darkness Manipulation) lOD, shad-
owing lOD, streetwise SD, surveil-
lance 6D
her powers for him. Presence 10: Intimidation 9D, persua-
sion 6D, willpower 6D Organized by Johnny Sorrow, this
RECE."lfLY: After a violent encounter incarnation of the villainous Injustice
with his alcoholic adoptive father, Society of the World first made its
tions -4D, Hardiness -4D, Intimidating
Obsidian clearly lost his mind. He Grin -2D; Dark Secret (comes from an presence known by invading the
began using his shadow powers to abusive household) +10, Delusions of newly unveiled headquarters of the
possess people across the city of Mil- Grandeur +3D, Enemy (JSA) +6D, En- current Justice Society. As the Injus-
waukee. The newly formed JSA emy (Green Lantern I) +3D, Psychologi- tice Society kept Wildcat busy, the
scrambled to defeat Obsidian. During cal Disorder (psychotic) +4D, Sworn only JSA member present at the time,
the fight, Green Lantern discovered Enemy (Green Lantern I) +3D. Sorrow carried out his own private
that the spirit of the evil sorcerer Ian SPEED: 30 mission to steal the remnants of the
Karkull was controlling Obsidian. De- PDV:4 King of Tears from Jay Garrick's Jab.
cad es ago, the original JSA had UNARMED BDV: 4D At the time of the break-in, the new
thought they had destroyed Karkull, P/L BoNus: +1 (+3) Injustice Society's roster included
but in fact, they had merely banished HERO POINTS: 6 Johnny Sorrow, Count Vertigo, the
him to the Shadowlands from which VILLAIN POINTS: 10 Golden Wasp, Blackbriar Thorn ,
Obsidian d rew his powers. Karkull Geomancer, Icicle II, and Tigress II.
BODY POINTS: 30 (57) The villains Rival, Shiv, Black
underestimated Obsidian's insanity
and Obsidian destroyed his supposed PoWERS: Superattributes: Physique 4D Adam, and the digital consciousness
master instead. The JSA managed to (bonus: increased damage to inanimate of the original Thinker were brought
contain Obsidian, but he disappeared objects; Limitation: Linked to Darkness in when they took on the combined
Manipulation), Mind Control lOD [Limi- might of the entire JSA team. As they
into the Shadowlands before he could
tations: Linked to Illusion, Limited
be captured. Since then, Jennie-Lynn were only intended to be a distraction ·
Range (must envelope target in his
has said that she can still feel Obsid- shadow) -ID]. Illusion (creating for Sorrow while he restored the King
ian looking at her from the shadows target's "inner horror") 12D [Limita- of Tears to corporeal form , in the
and his hate for and desire to kill all tions: Limited Range (both his and wake of their latest defeat by the JSA,
those that walk in the light. target's shadows must touch) -lD, this Injustice Society has either been
ST~n::GY & TAcr1cs: Before Karkull's Linked to Darkness Manipulation; En- incarcerated or gone underground.
possession, Obsidian was a diligent hancement: Self-Invulnerability +3D), Black Adam, however, has claimed
Flight 3D (Limitation: Linked to Dark- that Theo Adam was in control of his
hero, always putting the needs of oth- ness Manipulation), Darkness Manipu-
ers before his own. Obsidian had of- actions and has requested member-
lation 15D (Enhancement: Mastery ship in the JSA.
ten been afraid of the darker side of +6D). All powers have the Limitation:
his powers and did not enjoy using Vulnerability (light) -9D.
them. Now, however, Obsidian is quite
mad and is determined to thrust ev-
eryone into his or her own personal
nightmares. Obsidian does not aim
for money or power-he thirsts only
for terror.

Chapter 12-JSA Allles & At111ersarles

Johnny Sorrow face now cursed with such a terrify- STR\TF.G\'& T\cncs: Even in the wake
Occt PATIO'i: Sociopath ing effect that some of those who have of this second defeat, Sorrow's only
seen it have gone so far as to gouge goal is to free his master and unleash
BA<iE 01 OPutA110-.s: Mobile
HEmm: 6'1" their own eyes out, although most its insane fury on an unsuspecting
Wm;m: 192 pounds just die instantly. He was then sent world. Sorrow is a planner who usu-
fa FS: Formerly blue, now unknown back to this reality as the intercessor ally gets others to fight for him. If con-
H.\1R: Formerly black, now bald
for their god, the King of Tears. The fronted, he readily removes his mask
RAn:: Human JSA prevented the King's crossing to let the terrifying aspect of his face
TECH Lnu: Modern (1)
over with the he lp of the mystical dispatch his foes.
mystery man Scarab, imprisoning its
At one time, Johnny Sorrow was essence in a vial in their Gotham
little more than a common thief with headquarters. Sorrow escaped, but
a gimmick-a subspace prototype he returned decades later with his
that allowed him to phase in and out reformed Injustice Society to steal the
of reality at will. Sandy Hawkins dam- vial that held the King of Tears. He
aged his device during a battle with once more unleash its hideous pres-
the JSA in 1944, and Sorrow was ence upon the world-a plan that was
pulled into dimensions known as the narrowly averted by the current JSA.
Subtle Realms. He was then altered
by the beings that lived there-his

ChaDIBr 12-JSA All/BS & At111ersarles

Black Adam ard Shazam, Adam is a force to
John n y Sorr o w
reckon with. He normally relies on
Reflexes 20: Brawling SD, dodge SD, R•:AL NA,tF: Theodore "Theo" Adam
his speed and power in a fight, but
sneak 8D (Teth Adam)
when Theo is in control, he is wily
Oc:n11>A110"(: Mercenary, professional
Coor d ination 20: Thievery lOD and not above deception to defeat
Ph ysique 30 his foes.
BAs.t: <w OrrnAno'.\.~: Mobile
Know ledge 50: Arcane lore 8D, scholar H1.-1c;m: 6' Black Adam
8D, security 9D WDGlrr: 198 pounds Reflexes 20 [llD]: Brawling 6D [lSD]
Perception 30 : Hide 7D, search 8D, sur- EYES: Blue [knockout, uppercut + 1D each),
veillance 6D HAJR: Black dodge 6D [lSD], driving 4D [13D],
Presen ce 20: Charm 8D, command 7D, R.-.CE: Human piloting SD [14D] [self+lD]
persuasion 9D, willpower 9D TECH Lnn: Modern (1) Coor din ation 20 [110): Marksmanship
AovANTAGFS/DISADV~NTAGFS: Charismatic In ancient Egypt, Teth Adam was 4D [13D], melee weapons SD [14D],
the fi rst champion to wield the power thievery 3D [12D]
-3D, Followers (Injustice Society)-16D,
Leadership Ability-2D, Obscure Knowl- of the wizard Shazam. He was also an Physique 3D [33D]: Flying 4D [34D], lift-
edge -2D, Observant -2D, Prepared- advisor to Khufu, the prince who ing 4D [340]
ness -4D; Delusions of Grandeur +3D, would be reincarnated as the first Knowledge 30 [12D]: Arcane lore SD
Enemy (JSA) +6D, Fugitive +2D, Hideous Hawkman. However, Teth Adam was [14D], scholar SD [14D]
Appearance +3D, Sworn Enemy (Sand) soon corrupted by his abilities, and
+3D. Perception 3D: Search SD, shadowing
Shazam was forced to strip Teth SD, streetwise SD
SPEED: 30 Adam of his powers and memories.
PDV:3 Presence 2D [5D]: Bluff3D [6D], charm
Teth Adam's present day descendant, 3D [lOD], command3D [lOD], intimi-
UNARMED BDV: 3D Theo Adam, regained his ancestor's
p /L BoNUS: + 1 dation 3D [lOD], willpower6D (13D)
powers when he stole a mystical
VILLAIN POINTS: 21 scarab necklace from archaeologists -3D, [Courage - 2D (Superattributes bo-
CHARACTER POINTS: 169 C. C. Batson and his wife, Marilyn, and nus), Hardiness -4D (Superattributes
Boov POINTS: 34 spoke Shazam's name aloud, becom- bonus)], Intimidating Grin -2D, [Ob-
ing the super villain Black Adam. Af- scure Knowledge -2D (Superattributes
NATIJRAL ABIUTIFS: Anyone looking at the
uncovered face of Joh nny Sorrow feels
ter several battles with Captain Mar- bonus), Photographic Memory-4D (Su-
a great sense of horror and disgust be- vel, the current champion of Shazam, perattributes bonus)]; Arrogance +3D,
fore dying instantly. Those who suffer the wizard made Theo Adam mute so Dark Secret (murdered Billy and Mary
from some sort of eye damage (such that he could not summon his pow- Batson's parents) +3D, Delusions of
as Dr. Mid-Nite II) who look on his coun- ers. He eventually regained his voice Grandeur +3D, Enemy (the Marvel Fam-
tenance may attempt a Legendary will- and once more became Black Adam. ily) +4D, Enemy (JSA) +6D, Medical
power roll or they die as well. If they After his last clash with Captain Mar- Problem (brain tumor) +6D, Secret
succeed in the roll, they still suffer a Identity +3D.
vel, Black Adam had seemingly re-
heart attack and must have CPR admin- formed. Yet, he returned again toter- SPEE0: 30
istered to them within S minutes or they rorize New York City. His rampage was POV: 3 (8)
die. Sorrow himself is not immune to UNARMED BDV: 4D (8D)
the power of his own visage, alth ough
halted by the JSA, who unwillingly
P/L BONUS: +2 (+17)
he can make the willpower roll to sur- turned over custody of the villain to HERO PotNTS: 2
vive. the D.E.0. How he escaped from the VILLAIN POINl'S! 14
D.E.0. to join the new Injustice Soci- CHARACTER POINTS: 118
PoWERS: Teleportation: Long Range 1OD,
ety remains a mystery, as does his BODYPOINTS: 30 (177)
Density Manipulation (intangibility)
true motives for trying to join the JSA. PowERs: Environment 6D, Superat-
l SD.
EQUIPMENT: Mask (by wearing his mask, Snu '. G\ & T\CTl{'S: One can never tributes: Reflexes 9D (bonuses: brawl-
tell from one moment to the next ing specializations), Superattributes:
h e can keep his power in check; the
which of his two personas is in con- Coordination 9D (bonuses: improved
mask also reduces the difficulty of the
trol, the arrogant crusader for right catching ability, reduce scale modifi-
willpower roll to resist the effects of his
ers), Superattributes: Physique 30D
power to Heroic). Teth Adam, or the belligerent ,
(bonuses: in crease damage vs. inani-
meglomaniacal Theo. Wielding the mate objects, lift objects without col-
full power given to h im by the wiz-

Chapter 12-JSA All/es & At111ersarles

IS/I SOURCEBOOK - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- -- - - ,..,x---J. ... ,

lapsing items, increased throwing until the present day. Still trapped in
range, clapping sonic boom) Superat- SPEE0:30
his wooden form, Thorn encountered PDV:2
trl butes: Knowledge 90, Superat- Etrigan the Demon, who tried to de-
tributes: Presence 30, Superattributes: UNARMED BDV: 30
stroy the druid. However, Thorn re- p /L BoNtJS: + l
Presence (charm, command, intimida-
grew himself and bided his time. HERO P OINTS: 0
tion, willpower) 40 each, Flight 130,
Invulnerability 100, Speed Manipula- Thorn was among Johnny VILLAIN POINTS: 6
tion (superactions, supermobility) 80, Sorrow's first recruits for the new In- CHARACTER P OINTS: 46
Wizardry (magic awareness) 140 (Limi- justice Society. Thorn's confidence in Boov POINTS: 29
tation: Magical Transformation (must h is druidic powers-which were NAruRAL AstunE.5: Wooden body (AV 12
say the word "Shazam!")-40). All pow- quite formidable so long as he re- vs. physical attacks; Longevity 30; can
ers except Wizardry have the following mained in contact with the earth- fully regenerate his body provided any
Limitations and Enhancements: Magi- ultimately proved to be his undoing. portion remains undestroyed).
cally Empowered +40, Magical Trans- He was tricked into falling down the P OWERS: Size Manipulation (Self-Only;
formation (must say the word elevator shaft in the JSA's headquar- growth only) 30, Plant Manipulation
"Shazam!") -40. ters and shattered into splinters. He 60, Weather Manipulation 90. All pow-
NOTE! The attributes and skills in brack- has since, however, fully regenerated ers have the Limitation: Rechargeable
ets are those possessed by Black Adam. himself and remains a threat to the (must remain in contact with the earth
Also note, Black Adam does not draw current JSA. to maintain his powers) -30, and the
on the same source of power as the Enhancement: Magically Empowered
Marvel Family, so thereby does not re- SrnATF.GY & TAnl<:!t: Thorn uses his +40.
duce their powers when he is active plant form to great ability, enwrap-
(see the "Sharing the Power of Shazam" ping his targets in vines or piercing
sidebar on page 62 of the Magic Hand- them with wooden spears. If even one Count Vertigo
book). small piece of his form remains, he REAL NA~m: Count Werner Vertigo
can regrow himself over time. Occl'PAt 10N: Nationalist
Blackbriar Thorn Blackbrlar Thorn B.\SF. OF OrERAno~s: Mobile
lh:iGHt: 5' 11"
OrcuPATIO'i: Last of the Druids Reflexes 20: Brawling 40, dodge 40,
WEIGHT: 189 pounds
BAsi:: or 0Pt::RAno~: Mobile melee weapons 40
fat.S: Blue
HFICHr: 6'3" Coordination 20: Marksmanship 50, HAIR: Blond
WEIGi IT: 238 pounds thrown weapons 40 RAcE: Human
Evi::s: Brown Physique 20 TcCll L..:vn.: Modern (1)
HAIR: Brown
Knowledge SD: Arcane lore 100 (dru- Count Vertigo is the sole heir to
RAcF.: Human transformed into
idic lore +50), languages 60, scholar the throne of Vlatava, a small princi-
plant matter 60 (druidism +70)
TECH LF.YF.L: Modern (1) pality that was absorbed by the So-
Perception 30: Hide 60, know-how viet Union after World War II. Vertigo
Centuries ago, Blackbriar Thorn (Plant Manipulation, Weather Ma- suffers from a hereditary inner-ear
was the leader of one of the greatest nipulation) 120 each, tracking 50 defect that only an experimental im-
ancient druidic sects until their de- Presence 30 : Command 50, intimida- plant can correct. The device also al-
struction at the hands of the invad- tion 70, willpower 60 lows him to effect the balance of those
ing Roman legions. To elude his pur- around him. Turning to crime in or-
AovANTAGE.5/DISADVANTAms: Ally (Injustice
suers, Thorn used his arcane gifts to der to restore the monarchy to
Society) -200, Gifted in Learning -40,
transform himself into solid wood, Leadership Ability-20, Obscure Knowl- Vlatava, Count Vertigo joined the Sui-
hoping to lose the Romans in the for- edge - 20; Delusions of Grandeur +30, cide Squad during one of his jail in-
est. However, the death of the rest of Enemy (Etrigan the Demon) +30, Unat- carcerations in order to gain a par-
his sect caused a cataclysmic up- tractive Appearance +20. don. He later aided Johnny Sorrow
heaval that buried Thorn in a fissure

Cha11tsr 12-JSll llllles & lldvsrsarles

and the Injustice Society to gain re- Geomancer Geomancer
venge on Black Canary.
Rf.AL NA~n:: Unknown Reflexes 2D: Brawling 3D, dodge 6D,
STR.~rEGY & TACTICS: A complete ego- OcetPATIO~: Professional criminal sneak 4D
maniac and prone to violent manic- BASE oi: Qpm.\ lfoss: Mobile
de pressi ve mood swings, Vertigo Coordination 2D: Thievery 40
Hmmr: 5' 11"
adeptly uses his implant to com- WEJGHT: 180 pounds
Physique 2D: Running 3D
pletely disrupt the equilibrium of oth- EYF.S: Unknown Knowledge 2D: Scholar3D, science (ge-
ers. He can effect an area up to two H .\IR: Unknown ology) 6D
city blocks. RACE: Human Perception 2D: Hide 6D, know-how
Count Vertigo TECH U:\u: Modern (1) (Earth Manipulation) 7D, repair 4D,
streetwise 40
Reflexes 3D: Acrobatics 5D, brawling Geomancer made his first appear-
50, dodge 7D, piloting (self) 50 ance in Kinambura, Africa, having Presence 2D: Bluff30, intimidation 50,
been hired by an organization known willpower 40
Coordination 3D: Thievery 7D
only as the Council to terrorize the AovANTAGFS/DISADVANTAGES: Ally (Injustice
Physique 2D: Flying 3D, running 3D Society) -200, Mechanical Aptitude
local inhabitants into leaving. He was
Knowledge 3D: Languages 5D, scholar stopped by Sand of the JSA and im- -20, Patron (the Council) -30, Special
7D prisoned. Freed by Johnny Sorrow, he Equipment (gauntlets)-50; Cowardice
Perception 2D: Know-how (courtly be- was part of the Injustice Society team +2D, Delusions of Grandeur +30, Enemy
havior) 8D, know-how (Sonic Ma- that invaded JSA headquarters. Wild- (JSA) +60, Secret Identity +30.
nipulation) 9D cat handily defeated him, but Sorrow SPEED:30
Presence 2D: Charm 40, command 50, teleported him away before he could PDV:3
intimidation 6D, willpower 7D be recaptured. UNARMED BDV: 30
p /L BoNUS: +I
AovANTAGFS/DISADVANTAGFS: Acute Bal- SlRAIEG'I & TAc11cs: Though somewhat HERO POINTS: 0
ance-20, Ally (Injustice Society)-200, inept and inherently cowardly, VILLAIN POINTS: 3
Charismatic -30; Argumentative +ID, Geomancer's gauntlets are formi- CHARACTER POINTS! 22
Arrogance +30, Delusions of Grandeur dable weapons. With them, he can BODY POINTS: 29
+30, Enemy (JSA) +60, Fugitive +ID,
create a variety of effects, from waves EQUIPMENT: Gauntlets [BDV 30, Body
Medical Problem (inner-ear defect;
without implant, he loses all sense of of dirt to crush his foes to opening Points 65; powers: Earth Manipulation
balance and is +3 to the difficulty of all up fissures to swallow them whole. 120 (Limitation: Removable-ID)).
actions) +6D, Psychological Disorder
(manic-depressive) +2D, Shady Back-
ground +20.
P/L BoNUS: + 1
Boov POINTS: 30
POWERS: Flight 80.
EQUIPMENT: Electrical implant [Sonic
Manipulation (disrupt equilibrium) 180
(Limitation: Removable-ID)].

Chanter 12-JSA A/lies & At111ersarlos

Icicle II SPEED: 30 Killer Wasp
REAL NAME: Cameron Makent PDV:3
Reflexes 3D: Acrobatics 60, brawling
Occt PATION: Professional criminal
80, dodge 100, piloting (self) 80
p /L BoNUS: + 1
HERO POINTS: 0 Coordination 3D: Marksmanship 40
H EIGIIT: 5' 11"
V1UAJN POINTS: 11 (bioelectric sting +20), thrown weap-
W EIGHT: 173 pounds
HA1K: White
Physique 3D: Flying 60, lifting 40
RACE: Human
POWERS: Ice Manipulation 140 [Limita- Knowledge 2D
tions: Weakness (heat)-60, Vulnerabil-
TECH LE\'EL! Modern (1) Perception 2D: Streetwise 50
ity (heat) -60].
Makent was serving out a lengthy Presence 2D: Intimidation 60, willpower
prison term in the Slab when Johnny 60
Sorrow released him. Apparently,
Killer Wasp II
years ago, Sorrow had saved RrAJ. NAMk:: Unknown Society) -200 , Fast Reactions -40; En-
Cameron's father, the first Icicle, from Ot:cl'PATION: Professional criminal emy (JSA) +60 , Impulsiveness +ID, Se-
a watery grave because he knew that BAsl'. oi: 0PF.R.\11o~s: Mobile cret Identity +3D, Unattractive Appear-
someday he would require the ser- HEmm: 6'0" ance +20, Sworn Enemy (Wildcat D+20.
vices of the son. Happy to be out of Wnc;H1: 190 pounds SPEED: 30
prison, the Icicle gladly serves as a EYFs: Black PDV:5
member of Sorrow's new Injustice HA1R: Dark blue UNARMED BDV: 40
Society. RAn:: Mutated human P/L BONUS: +2
Tl'C'11 Ln n : Modern (1) HERO POINTS: 0
S TRATEGY& TACTICS: Once a prankster, VIUAJN PorNTS: 5
Makent is now just as cold and deadly Killer Wasp is apparently the CHARACTER POINTS: 38
as the ice he creates. He draws the protege of an old foe of Wildcat Boov POINTS: 34
most sadistic glee from using his pow- named the Golden Wasp, who kid- NATIJRAL A:eurnES: Insectoid wings [Body
ers to create ice spears for impaling napped Wildcat's son Jake in 1947. Points: 18; powers: Flight 100).
his victims. Somehow mutated into a human/in- POWERS: Energy Projection (bioelectric
sect hybrid with real wings and a bio- bolt) 90.
electric "sting," Killer Wasp is ex-
Reflexes 2D: Acrobatics 60, brawling tremely overconfident. He even had
50, dodge 60, sneak 50 the nerve to challenge Wildcat, a
Coordination 2D: Marksmanship 40 former heavyweight champion of the
(ice blasts, ice spears +40 each), world, to a boxing match when the
thievery 50 Injustice Society invaded JSA head-
Physique 2D: Running 40 quarters. Wildcat finally delivered the
Knowledge 2D: Security 50 KO, but the Wasp and the rest of the
defeated Injustice Society were
Perception 2D: Hide 60, know-how (Ice
Manipulation) 90
teleported away by their leader
Johnny Sorrow before they could be
Presence ID: Bluff60, intimidation 60, captured.
willpower 50
SrR\TEG'\' & TAcnc.-s: A pair of trained
fists combined with his wings and
Society)-20D, Patron (Johnny Sorrow)
-40; Argumentative +10, Cowardice deadly sting make Killer Wasp a true
+20, Enemy (JSA) +60, Fugitive +10, triple threat.
Owes Favor (to Johnny Sorrow for free-
ing him) +50 .

Cha111er 12-1s1111111es & 111111ersarles

Rival Rival Shiv
REAL NA~tE: Edward Clariss Reflexes 3D: Brawling 6D, dodge lOD REAL NAME: Cindy Burman
OccuPATION: Super villain, former Oc<:liPATIO"\: Student, terrorist
Coordination 3D: Catch 6D
chemistry professor BASE OF OPERATIONS: Blue Valley,
BASE Of OPERATIONS: Mobile, formerly Physique 2D: Running lOD Nebraska
Keystone City Knowledge 3D: Research 6D, scholar HFJ<;HT: 5'7"
HEIGHT: 5'11" 7D, science 6D (chemistry +2D) WEIGllT: 115 pounds
WEIGHT: 179 pounds Perception 2D: Invent SD, know-how EYi:s: Green
Evi:s: Brown (Speed Manipulation) 9D HA1R: Black with white streaks
HAJR: Brown Presence 2D: Intimidation 7D, willpower RAcE: Human
RAcE: Human 8D Ti::cH Lt:\"FJ.: Modern (1)
TECH LEVEL: Modern (1) Cindy Burman is the alleged
Edward Clariss was Jay Garrick's tions -4D, Intimidating Grin -2D; Enemy daughter of the All-Star Squadron foe
chemistry professor at Midwestern (the Flash I) +3D, Enemy (JSA) +6D, Ex- the Dragon King. She was schooled at
University, prior to Garrick's expo- tremely Competitive +2D, Fanatic (de- several upper-class schools abroad
sure to an experiment with hard wa- stroying the Flash) +3D, Owes Favor (to before coming with her father to Blue
ter that gave him hyperspeed and Johnny Sorrow) +SD, Sworn Enemy (the Valley High, where she quickly be-
made him the Flash. Jealous of the Flash I) +3D. came head cheerleader, homecoming
Flash's power, Clariss managed to SPEED: 30 queen, and student council president,
duplicate the formula in 1949, likewise PDV: 5 (21 while moving with Speed among other offices. A favorite of the
gaining a connection to the Speed Manipulation) faculty and student body by day,
Force, the source of power for all hu- UNARMED BDV: 4D Cindy's father was augmenting her
P/L BoNus: + 1
man speedsters. Clariss became Ri- with deadly, bladed cybernetic im-
val, the Flash's opposite number, and plants so that she could carry out his
launched a sinister campaign to kill CHARACTER POINTS: S4 will at night as Shiv. She faced her first
his former student. Fortunately, the Boov POINTS: 30 true challenge in battle against the
effects of Rival's copied formula wore new Star-Spangled Kid and
PoWERS: Speed Manipulation 110 [Limi-
off and the Flash defeated him hand- S.T.R.l.P.E.-and failed for the first
tation: Duration Change: Permanent
ily. Some months later, however, -2D (When Jay Garrick left Clariss in the time in her young life.
Rival's powers returned. The Flash Speed Force, he didn't realize that Sm,\TEG\ & TAcncs: Shiv is one of the
once again tracked him down, but Rival's powers were temporary. When newest recruits to the new Injustice
Rival "escaped" by accelerating so they wore off, the Speed Force sub- Society. She only has one true goal:
fast that he was absorbed by the sumed Clariss. How he returned is un- the utter destruction of the Star-
Speed Force. Garrick thought his en- known, but since then, he has is now Spangled Kid.
emy gone for good until Clariss resur- pure Speed Force energy with the mind
faced decades later as part of Johnny . of Edward Clariss.)].
Sorrow's Injustice Society.
STRATEGY & TACTICS: Rival uses his
speed powers to the ultimate degree
in villainy by ripping through build-
ings, cars, and people at high speed
without a scant look back. Totally
consumed with vengeance on Jay
Garrick, Rival will stop at nothing to
destroy him.

Cha111er 12-JSA All/es & AllVersarles

Shiv Tigress II Tigress
Reflexes 30 (50): Acrobatics SD (70), Rr.AI. N,rni:: Artemis Crock Reflexes 4D: Acrobatics 90, athletics 9D,
athletics 6D (80) (cheerleading +2D), FORMER AU.\S: Artemis brawling 90, climbing 6D, dodge 1OD,
brawling SD (70), dodge SD (70), me- martial arts 70, melee weapons 70,
OcCTP.mo:i.: Professional criminal
lee weapons 6D (8D), sneak SD (70) sneak 80
BA.'iE or OrrnAnoNs: Mobile
Coordination 30 (50): Marksmanship IIFIG!IT: 5'6" Coordination 40: Marksmanship 70
60 (8D), thrown weapons SD (70) WFJCan: 108 pounds (crossbow +30), missile weapons 70,
Physique 2D (50): Leap 3D (6D), lifting far::s: Blue thrown weapons 70
3D (6D) H.\IR: Ash blonde (dyed auburn) Physiqu e 2D: Leap 40, lifting 3D, run-
Knowledge 20: Computer ops 4D, RACE: Human ning 40, swimming 40
scholar SD TE<.:11 U\'Ft.: Modern (1) Knowledge 20: Scholar (sports) 7D
Perception 20: Hide 4D One of Sorrow's initial recruits, Perception 30: Hide 60 , shadowing 6D,
Presence 20: Bluff 4D, charm 6D, com- Artemis Crock has assumed her surveillance 7D, survival 60, track-
mand 3D, intimidation 6D, persua- mother's nom du guerre. She perse- ing 80
sion 6D, willpower 60 veres in her quest, first begun when Presence 20: Animal handling 4D, in-
ADvANTAGFS/DISADVANTAGFS: Ally (Injustice she went up against Infinity, Inc., to terrogation SD, intimidation 6D, will-
Society) -20D, Attractive Appearance right the wrongs she feels were power 6D
-2D, Charismatic -3D, Followers (Black heaped upon her criminal parents. ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES: Acute senses
Dragon Society) -l 9D, Patron (the STR\1 EGY & TAcncs: In the years since (sight, smell, hearing) -60, Ally (Injus-
Dragon King) -5D, Wealth -40; Age: tice Society) -200, Attractive Appear-
her encounters with Infinity, Inc., she
Young (12-17) +10, Center of Conver- ance -20, Fast Reactions -40, Speed
sation +2D, Compulsion (wants to
has honed her hunting skills to deadly
perfection. Her cont inued ill-will Draw (crossbow) -10; Enemy (JSA)
please her father) +20, Employed (stu- +60, Extremely Competitive +2D, Fugi-
dent) +4D, Enemy (JSA) +6D, Extremely against the JSA and their descendants tive +10.
Competitive +20, Obsessive Tenden- has only made her more bitter and de-
cies +20, Secret Identity +30 , Sworn termined to hang their masks on her SPEED:30
Enemy (Star-Spangled Kid II/Courtney wall like trophies. PDV: 5
Whitmore) +20. UNARMED BDV: 50/10
p /LBoNUS: + 1
P/L BoNus: +1 ( +3) Boov Po1NTS: 30
EQUIPMENT:Crossbow (BDV 3D; range:
30/75/130; ammo: l; rate of fire: 1),
Boov POINTS: 27 (59) other hunting weapons hidden in cos-
tume pouches.
EQUIPMENT: Cybernetic implants (adds
+2D to Reflexes and Coordination; +3D
to her Physique; allows her to attack
with extendable bladed weapons that
are BOV 80 with max range of 10'],
dragon staff (BOV 40; Body -Points 35;
powers: Bind SD, Energy Projection:
Flame blast lOD, Electricity Manipula-
tion (shock) lOD. All powers have the
Limitation: Removable -3D and the En-
hancement: Remote +4D].

Chapter 12-JSA Allies & Ad11srsarlss

Mode rn Base &
Equip ment

rool ICCOH fly1ng mombera'
to security entry/exit
elev1tor Autom1t1d roof
R1dar and tf'U'eet

Vehicular security

lamp poS1 and

secuity dtvfce

"Dive tube" ln1trfloor

transit· wilh caplure
fields fo r non·llyers

and repair
Flo.ting floor •
High·speed r1il link to moving floor
New Yorlc Cily 1ubw1y
system or New Jersey
rocket launching facility

Doaas MANSION pool with ground vehicles at the JSA's disposal. It also
features a large automated machine bay, with facilities
The current Justice Society of America headquarters for repairing and even fabricating vehicles and related
is the Dodds Mansion in Manhattan's Morningside Heights equipment. Security measures limit access to the garage
area. Former JSA member Wesley Dodds (the Sandman) to members of the JSA, their guests, and
other authorized
left the mansion to his ward, Sandy "Sand" Hawkins, who
in turn donated it to the JSA. Sand hired former Green
Lantern John Stewart and his Shining Light construction First Floor: Most of the first floor of the mansion is
company to perform renovations on the mansion to make given over to the Justice Society of America Museum and
it suitable for the needs of a modern-day super-hero team. Memorial, which is open to the public during normal busi-
The mansion is five stories tall, with most of the origi- ness hours. The two-story museum room has displays of
nal limestone and brick exterior still intact (or restored trophies collected by the JSA over the decades , statues
to its original condition). The quaint turn-of-the-century of past and present Justice Society and All-Star Squadron
style covers an ultra-modern layer of advanced ultra-al- members, and historical information on costumed heroes,
loys and support structures, giving the above-ground lev- beginning with the appearance of the Crimson Avenger
els of the mansion an Armor Value of 32 and 800 Body in 1938. Opposite the museum room are the JSA's public
Points. The two below-ground levels benefit from heavy offices, which serve as a community liaison area and pro-
layers of bedrock, giving them an Armor Value of 45 and vide working space for JSA members and officials operat-
1,000 Body Points. ing with the team.
Most of the interior of the mansion retains its Old The rear part of the first floor contains one of the most
World charm, with walnut and cherry wood fixtures, trim, extensive libraries on metahumans and super heroes in
and paneling covering an advanced interior structure. The the world, with particular emphasis on the exploits of the
interior walls are movable, allowing rooms to be rear- JSA. Next to the library are computer carrels where infor-
ranged almost at will. The entire mansion is overseen and mation can be accessed from the team's extensive public
controlled by the "Thinker," the central building computer. archives.
It controls a sophisticated sensor network designed by Second Floor: A large combination ballroom and for-
Mr. Terrific and Oracle that covers the entire building in- mal dining room dominates the second floor of the man-
side and out. Thus, the Thinker receives constant updates sion. The Justice Society often holds press conferences
on status and enables it to detect any intruders or other and charity events here. This floor also has additional
problems. Bypassing this sophisticated security system office space, a large restaurant-style kitchen, and small,
is a Super-Heroic task (first with security, then with com- informal dining areas.
puter ops).
Third Floor: The mansion's third floor contains pri-
Access to the mansion's different levels is available
vate apartments for the JSA members, along with a few
via stairwells (including an old-fashioned wrought-iron
guest suites for visitors. Additionally, a combination din-
spiral staircase), a general use elevator, a heavy freight
ing area and entertainment room is also on this floor for
elevator, and a "dive tube," a hollow, transparent shaft
the JSA and their guests.
equipped with an anti-gravity field, allowing for quick tran-
sit between floors (particularly for flying JSAers). Fourth Floor: This floor offers suites with a bit more
The mansion is powered by its own cold-fusion gen- space for JSA members with spouses or family members
erator, buried in the bedrock beneath the building. The living with them. Like the third floor, this level has an in-
generator makes the JSA headquarters completely self- formal dining area and a kitchenette. It also has a spa-
sufficient in terms of power. cious recreation area where the JSA members gather to
relax in private.
Subbasement: The lowest level of the headquarters
(above the fusion generator and other support equip- Fifth Floor: The top floor of the mansion has a fu ll 20-
ment) houses a modular laboratory area that can be re- bed hospital facility, including a surgical area, intensive
arranged to suit any of the team's scientific, experimen- care unit, recovery room, and children's ward. The medi-
tal, or analysis needs. It also contains a fully equipped cal facilities are usually under the guidance of Dr. Mid-
gymnasium, with equipment suited to provide a workout Nite, assisted by a small staff of medical specialists and
even for the members of the team with extranormal abili- nurses.
ties. There's a regulation boxing ring, which primarily The remainder of the floor holds the team's official
Wildcat utilizes to teach some of the younger members meeting room and command center; where the JSA con-
of the team (like Starman), and a two-lane bowling alley ducts briefings and communicates with government and
used for recreation. law-enforcement agencies. It features sophisticated video-
communications and display equipment.
Basement: A ramp down from the s treet leads to the
basement level of the mansion, which holds the main Roof: The mansion's roof is gabled and still has many of
parking garage, a vehicle service bay, and a small motor its original features, including a glassed-in aviary and

CllBDIBT 13-MOllBTn Base & Eauloment

~~ - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - JSllSOURCEBOOK

Refurbished ConEd/ Tiemann Place

Port Authority steam tunnel Joe DiMaggio Riverside Church
Manhattan Rail link to launch facility Highway Claremont Ave

Morningside Park

125th St.


llOth St. Cathedral Pkwy

Rail connected to
#1 & #9 subway lines
Central Park

Renovated Civil 96th St. station/ Columbia

Broadway line University Visitors' Roof Defense
Defense rocket Area Robot Sentries
launch facility- Special Special
New Jersey Observatory Recovery logistics

Automated Surgery/
Re~~~ery~OO §] L__ ,.... ••,
Recovery J
FlhhFloor~ 0

Aviary Children's Tech Brief/

Ward De-Brief Command
Couples' Suites 1·6 Robotic

Guest Couples'
Fourth noor - - - - Suites 1-2

Third noor --------.: ::Space

flex·wall Modular Informal Dining/Galley
Lab Area
JSA Apartments 1·9
subbasement a M/f'
-· - ------~~ Showers/lockers
--- --- ----
-- ----- Gymnasium Galley
Guest Suites 1-3

-------- -- Rec Room

Informal Dining/
Boxing Ring/Training
Kitchen/Rest Rooms Garage Ramp Robotic Service
2· lane Rest Rooms
Bowling Alley
Informal Dining

Automated Prototyping
Machine Bay Kitchen Area/Pantries,
Cold Storage

Reception Informal Dining

Food Prep Area Area

~ Second Floor
Motor Pool
Service Area

General Offices Computer Carrels

Study Hall
Office Entry/Community
Relations Office
Heavy l ilt Elevator
Main Entrance
First Floor - - - -- - library
Museum Entrance Research library

Security Elevator Museum Public Rest

Prep Room Roo~/Phones

Cha111er 13-Modsr n Bass & Eaut11msnt

JSllSOURCEBOOK ---------------------~


Using the JSA Headquarters The JSA reconditioned an old civil defense bomb shel-
The Justice Society's current headquarters (like the ter in the New Jersey Palisades to serve as a launch facil-
JSA itselO is a repository of considerable history, dating ity for their primary mode of air transportation, the Steel
back to the Golden Age of heroes. Unlike the JLA watch- Eagle. It also holds a powerful rocket-boosted spaceplane
tower, the Dodds Mansion is set firmly on Earth, with capable of reaching low-Earth orbit.
much of it open to the public. Sandy Hawkins and the The facility is self-contained and holds enough fuel to
founding members of the new JSA believe the mansion lift off the spaceplane twice. A high-speed rail link from
should be more than just the headquarters of a crime- the team's mansion to the launching facility runs under
fighting organization. The mansion's museum and public
the Hudson River, giving the JSA easy access to the facil-
relations areas show that. They want the mansion to serve
as both a reminder of the heroes who have come before,
ity at all times.
and an inspiration to the heroes of the present and the
Dodds Mansion is home to three generations of he- THE STEEl ElllllE
roes and the various "family" opportunities and conflicts Designed and built by Pat "Stripsey" Dugan, the Steel
that implies. The mansion is a good setting for roleplayingEagle is a sophisticated modern aircraft that serves as
opportunities among members of the JSA. Its extensive the Justice Society's primary means of transportation for
collection of heroic memorabilia and trophies provide no handling problems all around the world. The Eagle is a
end of potential story hooks, should one of those trin- jump jet, capable of true vertical take off and landing
kets turn out to be of interest to a super villain or a later-
(VTOL) and equipped with ramjets that allow it to fly at
day descendent of one of the Golden Age heroes or vil-
ultra-sonic speeds. It is equipped with cutting-edge sen-
sor technology and all the modern amenities. Atom-
Smasher usually pilots the Steel Eagle, although the
greenhouse (frequently used by Hawkgirl when she wants plane's autopilot systems are capable of handling most
to get away from it all), a modest rooftop garden, and iron- routine operations on their own.
railed balconies. Since the renovations, the rooftop also Type: Plane
accommodates a compact but well-equipped observatory Size: 110 feet long
(designed to Ted "Starman" Knight's specifications), a Crew: 2
helipad for landing small air vehicles, access to the secu- Passengers: 20
rity elevator, a rooftop hatch for flying JSA members, and Cargo Capacity: 400 cubic feet
sophisticated automatic security systems, including ra- Maneuverability: 4D
dar and anti-aircraft weapons. The helipad also serves as Speed: Mach 3 (over 2,350 mph)
an access to a heavy-lift elevator. The sensor system Armor Value: 30
monitors an area of five square miles around the perim- Base Damage Value: 6Dx8
eter of the roof, while the anti-aircraft batteries do 6Dx2 Body Points: 120
damage with a range of about a half mile.

Chanter 13- Modern Bass & E11u111msn1

~ -------------- JSASOURCEBOOK

Rules Options

JSllSDURCEBDDK - - -- - -- - - - - - - -- -- - -- -- - - ~~iru-u

The Status advantage is intended to represent those Award Winner: -2D per award. This category includes
specialized degrees, licenses, ranks, and privileges that such prestigious awards as the Nobel Prize or the Oscar.
heroes may possess, generally in their civilian identities. The Advantage must be purchased for each time a hero
Several are requirements for particular professions, while has been awarded a particular prize. Therefore, a two-
most are status changes that effect how others perceive time winner of the Nobel Peace Prize would have the ad-
and react to the hero. vantage at -40.
The following changes to a hero's status are meant as
Military Rank: - lD for basic enlisted personnel, -30 for
examples only. Narrators are encouraged to alter them,
enlisted personnel ranked sergeant, petty officer 1 st class
or even create new ones, to better reflect their individual
campaigns. Also, Narrators may wish to give some as or above, -SD for officer rank with an additional -2D for
each officer rank above 0-1. (See the "U.S. Military Ranks"
bonuses at no cost as part of a professional package or
sidebar for a listing of all the ranks from the U.S. Armed
upon obtaining a set level in a specific skill.
Services). Any sergeant or officer rank gives the hero a +2
Advanced degrees: - lD per degree. These include such to any command roll given to military personnel of lesser
degrees as M.O., Ph.D., an MBA, or scientific doctorates. rank. If the rank is honorary (the hero has no real influence
Heroes must pay for each degree separately. So, if Eric wants within the military, but has had the rank bestowed for ei-
his hero, Captain Wiz, to hold doctorates in both physics ther public relations purposes or as a reward) then officer
and biology, he would end up spending -2D total for both. rank and promotions are reduced by-lD per level.


Army Navy Marines Air Force
Enlisted ranks
Private Seaman Recruit Private Airman
Private I• Class
Seaman Apprentice Private l ' 1 Class Airman l ' 1 Class
Lance Corporal
Corporal Seaman Corporal Sgt. Senior Airman
Sergeant Petty Officer i •1 Class Sergeant Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant Petty Officer 2nd Class Staff Sergeant Technical Sergeant
Sergeant I st Class Petty Officer 3rd Class Gunnery Sergeant Master Sergeant
First Sergeant Chief Petty Officer First Sergeant First Sergeant
Master Sergeant Master CPO Master Sergeant Senior Master Sgt.
2nd Lieutenant Ensign 2nd Lieutenant 2•d Lieutenant
1st Lieutenant Lt. Junior Grade 1st Lieutenant I•1 Lieutenant
Captain Lieutenant Captain Captain
Major Lt. Commander Major Major
Lt. Colonel Commander Lt. Colonel Lt. Colonel
Colonel Captain Colonel Colonel
The following are the senior command ranks of the military. They can only be taken as part of the Status advantage with
the Narrator's permission and for -40 per promotion above Colonel or Captain.
Brigadier General Commodore (Rear Admiral after WWII)
Major General Rear Admiral
Lieutenant General Vice Admiral
General Admiral

Cha111er 14 - RulBs 01111ons

Meritorious Service: -2D for each medal or commen-
dation. For those who have already purchased the Status
(military rank) advantage, he can further enhance his sta- OPTION
tus by adding meritorious service awards. This includes Using a weapon or an item exists as an option for ac-
such honors as the Medal of Valor or the Purple Heart, or tively defending against an attacker. In the basic rules,
a Presidential Citation. Heroes that take th is Advantage the melee weapons roll substitutes for the Passive Defense
should make an effort to come up with the circumstances Value when attempting to block or parry an attack. If the
under which they received their award. After all, every- offensive roll is less than the active Defense Value, then
one loves a good war story. the attack fails, that is, it misses its mark.
Special Permit -ID each. In order to work in a particu- For those who wish a little more realism in their games,
lar profession or to gain a certain privilege, some times these advanced rules provide a more detailed method of
special permits or licenses are needed. These can include determining the results of blocked attacks.
concealed weapon permits, medical licenses, and press The character rolls his melee weapons to determine
passes. For example, Steve's private investigator needs the active Defense Value. This roll counts as an action. As
both an investigator's license and a weapons permit, for a separate action, the character may also actively dodge
a total of -2D. attacks. When opponents assault the character, but be-
Police Powers: Local (city, county, or state): -3D, Na- fore the attack roll is made, the defender may choose
tional: -40, International: -50. Unless a hero is a member whether to parry or dodge the blow.
o f the local police department or an agent of another rec- Active defense values replace the Passive Defense Value
ognized law enforcement agency, such as the FBI or D.E.O., until the defender's next turn in the next round. A charac-
the character may only perform citizen arrests in the ter may use anything to block or parry an assailment.
United States and can possibly be arrested for vigilan- The rest of these guidelines presume that the charac-
tism. With police powers, the hero has been deputized as ter parries all attacks.
an officer of the law and can perform arrests. National Once the opponent rolls for her hit against the de-
police powers allow the hero to act anywhere within a fender, the Narrator compares the attack total to the ac-
particular nation, while international police powers fur- t ive Defense Value.
ther increase the scope, allowing the hero to act in coun- * Result 1: The attack total is higher than the Defense
tries other than his own. However, it should be noted that Value. The defender couldn't block the blow. Determine
such privileges make a hero subject to the dictates of the damage as normal. Note that the blocking item provides
agency that granted the police powers and can be revoked no Armor Value to the hero. Armor, powers, and the
or suspended depending on the hero's behavior. weapon parry close combat specialization can absorb or
Diplomatic Immunity: -80. Any foreign diplomat and deflect some or all of this damage.
some of the chosen agents of sovereign nations are
granted the special privilege of d iplomatic immunity. Any
* Result 2: The attack is lower than the active Defense
Value but higher than the Passive Defense Value. The block-
hero with this Advantage is not subject to the laws of any ing item takes the brunt of the strike. It receives damage
land, other than her own. So, if an agent of France were equal to the weapon's Base Damage Value only, without the
arrested for a particular crime in the United States, she Physique/lifting bonus or the Effect Value. Again, the weapon
could not be jailed or tried for the crime by the U.S. au- parry close combat specialization can reduce this damage.
thorities. She could, however, be held accountable by her Parrying with a body part means that the character
own government, who would have the right to try her takes the damage. Parrying with an item depends on the
under the laws of France. Heroes should not abuse this game characteristics of the item.
Advantage, as they could find it revoked in the interest of
promoting good relations between countries. • Items without Body Points that take damage equal
to two times their Base Damage Value or Armor Value
Political Office: City-SD, State - I OD, National -1 SD, No- break and are no longer usable.
bility - 20D. Heroes with this advantage are duly elected • Items with Body Points but no Armor Value subtract
or government appointed officials within their local city the damage from their Body Points.
(city council, school superintendent), state (state senate, • Items with Body Points and Armor Value take dam-
lieutenant governor), national (congresswoman, Supreme age equal to their Armor Value (and subtract it from their
Court justice, presidential cabinet member), and nobility Body Points). Any extra damage t urns up as bruises on
(crown princess, prime minister, head of state). For the the user (and is subtracted from the character's Body
higher offices, such as mayor, governor, president, and Points).
sovereign ruler, the player must get the Narrator's per-
Likewise, a character could be parrying something soft
mission, and each costs an additional -SD. Specifically,
(such as a fist) with something hard (such as a sword).
to be the elected mayor of Opal City would be -1 OD and
The results of such an encounter are figured out as above.
to be the queen of Bialya would be -25D.

Chanter 14- Rules 0111/ons

Characters who strike with something soft against a hard
item that has no inherent Base Damage Value (such as
armor or a shield) take about one-quarter the blocking CRRDS
Armor Value in damage. The Narrator may adjust this Dramatic Effects cards can increase player involvement
amount depending on the relative might of each of the in adventures and encourage roleplaying. You can find more
characters. information about using Dramatic Effects cards on page 45
Items of equivalent-or nearly so-toughness (such of the Narrator's Book (which comes with the Narrator's
as two swords, two fists, or evenly matched offensive and Screen).
On page 204, there are nine new Dramatic Effects
defense powers) take no damage from striking each other. cards
for you to use. (You may want to photocopy them
Similarly, items of greatly disparate toughnesses (such a and
affix them to cardboard or stiff paper for durability.)
thug's fist against Superman's chest) could result in more
damage or difficulty modifiers. The exact nature of the
result depends on what the Narrator wants to give the PLOT DEllElOPMENT CRRDS
players. This might be comedy relief (the thug shakes his
On the pages 205-207, you'll find some new cards,
hand and can't take any actions the next round), a quick
called Plot Development cards, to use in your adventures.
way to end the scene (the thug knocks himself out), or a
While Dramatic Effects cards can help players get into
means of emphasizing the villain's seriousness (the thug
roleplaying, Plot Development cards allow players to par-
takes minimal damage and gets angrier).
* ticipate even more in the flow of an adventure. New cards
Result 3: The attack is lower than the Passive De- will appear in other supplements.
fense Value. The defender moved out of the way. Neither The top half of each Plot Development card describes
the character nor the blocking item takes damage. a potential twist in the story, while the bottom of the card
It is possible for a character to generate an active De- contains some questions or comments relating to it.
fense Value lower than his Passive Defense Value. In this The player may connect the Plot Development to the
case, determine the results of attack rolls that are higher adventure's storyline, to another idea generated from
than the active Defense Value as if they were Result 2. other Plot Development cards, or come up with an en-
Treat attacks that are lower as Result 3. tirely new facet of the adventure.
Characters may use certain powers to turn aside at- While the player initially describes the new Plot De-
tacks. The most obvious are protective shields that some velopment, the players' characters' perceptions of the
powers can generate. Shields made by powers safeguard situation may not be entirely accurate. The Narrator has
against damage in the same way as normal shields. the final say on the Plot Development's true manifesta-
Most blast-type manifestations of powers (such as tion in the storyline. Certainly, Narrators should minimize
Superbreath, Energy Projection, Psychic Blast, and simi- any suggested Plot Developments that could seriously
lar ones) can also be used defensively. The exact circum- damage the playability of the main story.
stances are left up to the Narrator, but generally the more At the beginning of each game session, the Narrator
intangible phenomena (such as wind or energy) can re- shuffles the Plot Development cards separately from the
pel similar attacks, while more tangible ones can neutral- Dramatic Effects cards. Then he deals two or three Plot
ize any attack. Development cards to each player, depending on how
To accomplish this feat, the character must wait for much control he wants to give to the players.
the attack to come (which means that he can only block Plot Development cards may be played at any time.
attacks that take place after his turn in the round). Addi- Once a card is used, it's placed face down in front of the
tionally, he can't do anything else in the round, since he's Narrator. If the latest spin on the scenario links to a previ-
trying to counter a shot at himself with a shot of his own. ously played Plot Development, then place the new card
Each parrying attempt counts as an action, which the on the one with which it's associated.
character resolves as the attacks come up. The hero takes Creating Plot Developments has other bonuses aside
no penalty, in this case, for waiting. Thus, on the first at- from the ability to influence the adventure. If the player
tack, the character uses his full skill, but on the second, employs a card and does not link it to a previously played
he's at-ID, on the third, he's at-2D, and so on. Plot Development card, she receives 3 Character Points. If
To block with a blast, the character rolls his marks- the player uses a card and links it to a previously played
manship (or relevant managing skill). This becomes his card, he receives 1 Character Point for the card he just
active defense. Results are determined as above. played plus 1 point for each card in the set. For example, if
Generally, only hand-to-hand attacks may be parried three cards are connected to each other and the player
with anything smaller than shield size. However, the Nar- places a fourth down, he would get 4 Character Points. Play-
rator may decide that other controlling factors allow char- ers receive new Plot Development cards for creating par-
acter to block projectiles with small items. Such is the ticularly entertaining additions to the adventure.
case with Wonder Woman's bracelets or those of excep- At the end of the game session, the Narrator may want
tional martial arts or melee weapons skill. note which Plot Development cards were played and how.
This can help him with the adventure next time.

Chapter 14 - RUIBS Options

Roleplaying in
the Golden Age

The Golden Age is an exciting time to be a super hero. of Threat" later in this chapter). Murder, crime, racism,
As the Narrator, you have an opportunity to help your lingering isolationism, sexism, and all the failings of mod-
players define a piece of an epic era characterized by glo- ern culture exist as but a few trouble spots. Yet the Golden
bal conflict and burgeoning technology. It will be up to Age is presented with more of a "PG" feel as opposed to
you to develop story arcs that not only incorporate the today, which might be considered "PG-13" or "R." Blood
war raging across the globe but also address other issues is seldom shown, profanity is below even the most vexed
close to the heart of a player's character-be it the pro- hero, and criminals in general are a superstitious and cow-
tection of her hometown or the defeat of an enemy's most ardly lot.
recent dastardly plot.
This chapter discusses some inherent issues in run-
ning a Golden Age adventure or campaign (a series of PRESENTATION
linked adventures). It also provides a couple of guidelines Nearly all American super heroes have been gathered
to getting your campaign started. by the President into membership of the All-Star Squad-
For gaming terms, the Golden Age in this chapter is ron. The characters in your group are certainly eligible
considered the period from 1938 (Crimson Avenger's first for inclusion in the group, but they need not participate
appearance as a hero) to 1951 (with the disbanding of in every-or for that matter, any-of the group's missions.
the Justice Society of America). They are tumultuous They are members simply due to the fact they are he-
years, defined by the greatest conflict the world has ever roes, sometimes even drafted into the group regardless
known, countered by a peak in unity among allies and of their desire to be there.
high morale among the common citizenry. The missions assigned to the All-Star Squadron are any-
thing but typical. Super heroes are not relegated to the
duties of, say, the regular army or police units. Their mis-
CHllRllCTERISTICS OF THE sions rival those of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
and are almost always of the most secret nature.
llOlDEN JIBE Regardless of their position or activity within the
There are several fundamental differences between the Squadron, hero groups of the Golden Age usually have a
modern era and the Golden Age. Some of those differences name for their team. Team names are often patriotic and
can and will have a direct influence on your game. The invoke nationalistic ideals. In addition to the All-Stars and
primary difference, of course, is the state of the world. the Justice Society of America, other names indicative of
Nearly the entire globe is consumed by conflict-that con- the era include the Seven Soldiers of Victory and the Free-
flict being World War II-spans every inhabited continent. dom Fighters.
Patriotism is at an all-time high in nearly every nation.
Citizens of each country involved rally around their re-
spective flags to conquer their enemies-be they Allied
or Axis-or to boot out an occupying enemy. The French Another key element in developing the setting and fla-
underground is particularly active during the war, com- vor of the Golden Age is the way in which characters con-
bating Nazi injustice with guerrilla warfare and well-placed verse and interact with one another.
spies. The deeds of super heroes are naturally predisposed
American patriotism has become perhaps the most to melodrama. While this remains true in any era, it is
fervent, as the American people believe they have been particularly apparent during the Golden Age: heroes de-
attacked by Japanese Imperial forces for no reason. For liver stirring speeches to on-looking crowds or their van-
Americans fighting in both the European and Pacific the- quished foes; evildoers cackle and wonder at their own
aters, the old adage "nothing unites a people like a com- evil genius; women faint in the arms of the madman; chil-
mon enemy" is the rule. Unlike Poland, conquered France, dren point to the sky at a hero flying over the city's sky-
the Philippines, and other nations, America can and does scrapers.
fight back with the greatest military force ever assembled. While you needn't be a stickler about it, players should
Even with such military might, the United States has a be encouraged to emulate some of that melodrama in the
high concentration of an even greater tool-super heroes! game. Golden Age champions are friends to their peers
Both you and your players can tap into this sentiment, and courteous to their allies and the common citizen.
be they Canadian, Turkish, or of any nationality directly Males are typically quite chivalrous to women, and he-
involved in the conflict. The super hero of the Golden Age roic women are strong-willed. Heroes epitomize social
knows no greater justice than defending the innocents of skills and kindness while at the same time smashing evil
his nation from the predations of evil adversaries. wherever it may hide. They are the bane of their
The mood of the 1940s is very different from that of adversaries' existence and are often plotted against with
the modern age. There are without question serious is- as much disdain by their enemies as they are admired by
sues within the hero's own society (see "Different Kinds those whom they serve and protect.

Chanter 15- Role111a-,,1ng In thB Bolden Age

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JS/I SOURCEBOOK

DIFFERENT KINDS OF The adversaries the characters will face vary from that
of the modern era. While in both eras there exists the "clas-
THREATS sic" struggle of good versus evil, the Golden Age does not
Developing adventures for the Golden Age may involve suffer the same sense of ambiguity that one frequently en-
some research if you want to maintain a semblance of counters in later eras. (fhough to be fair, some of the great-
historical accuracy, both within the DC Universe and the est stories of the Justice Society of America dealt with juve-
world at large. nile delinquency, racial intolerance, and other politically
You and the players in your group must also decide on charged issues.) Heroes of the era certainly suffer personal
a general role for the characters. The Justice Society of crises, deal with societal problems, and confront social in-
America dominates the super-hero "scene" in the 1940s, !ustices. However, a vast majority of their time and energy
but there are a number of other operatives working for their 1s devoted to the protection and preservation of more ba-
respective governments, either making the newswires all sic (and at the time same time, loftier) ideals: duty to one's
around the world or in covert locales throughout the war- nation and the defense of the law-abiding populace. The
torn lands of Europe, Asia, and other fronts. The charac- JSA's devotion to "truth, justice, and the American way" is
ters in your campaign can be secret agents of the federal a good example of many heroes' approach to their duties.
government, or they can be roving heroes who answer the They all fight the "good fight."
call of justice wherever their services may be required. For every square-jawed, brightly garbed champion of
morality rocketing through the
stratosphere to save the world,
there is another, darker hero lurk-
ing in the shadows, treading the
fog-enshrouded back streets and
crime-ridden alleys . There are
some heroes who are not as glam-
orous as Flash, Green Lantern, or
other polished heroes who take
center stage. Heroes who work
outside the law-often consid-
ered criminals themselves by the
public-can do just as much good
as those sanctioned by law en-
forcement. The Sandman is a good
example of the law-enforcing-but
not necessarily law-abiding he-
roes-of the Golden Age. The
Sandman is proclaimed to be a
"foe of evil and all wrongdoing"
and takes great care to strike fear
into the hearts of his enemies.
Your players can choose to do the
. ,, same, all the while defending the
"' weak from the evil and protecting
i: the oppressed from the malicious.
Though it may sound mun-
1 dane, heroes should often have
1 the opportunity to foil something
as simple as a bank robbery be-
ing executed by ordinary burglars.
The opportunity to foil common
crimes may present itself innu-
merable times: such an occur-
rence may even tie the heroes into
some twisted, sinister plot of far
greater consequence ....
As you and your players sit
down to design the backgrounds,
ambitions, and inclinations of the

Chapter 15 - Ro/11p/aJ1ing in the IJoldBn llgB

players' characters, start keeping track of certain aspects
of each of them. When it comes time to introduce the first
lasting super villain of the players' Golden Age
crimefighting career, you can make the villain not only
much-despised for his trickery but also for personal rea- Technology plays a markedly different role for Golden
sons. Such is the essence of the hero/villain relationship. Age super heroes. Very few of them have access to cut-
If you plan to run a campaign in which the current war ting-edge technology, and what is cutting edge to them is
figures prominently in the players' duties, the archvillain certainly not cutting edge these days. The '38 Ford coupe
might be the super "hero" of any enemy state. Tex and the Santa Fe railroad's Super Chief are among the
Thompson's [reported] exploits in Golden Age provide greatest modes of transportation available to the public.
an excellent example of national super heroes going toe- Though air travel is becoming increasingly popular, few
to-toe. You can follow that lead by designing some super citizens fly regularly, as both fuel costs and the novelty of
villains of that breed for your own use. Nothing stirs a the mode make it a somewhat expensive way to get
Narrator's blood more than confronting the party with a around. (Of course, some super heroes needn't concern
mighty foe-and your players will love it just as much. themselves with such minutiae, particularly those capable
of flight).
Radio is the most popular form of media, baseball still
the great American pastime, and television is almost un-
heard of. There are no computers. There is no Internet.
Humanity has not yet been to space
(well, at least not sanctioned by any
government space program). Heroes
rely more on their cunning, keen in-
tellect, and awesome powers even
more so than today's technology-
laden champions.
One disadvantage suffered by
Golden Age heroes that is seldom a
concern of their contemporaries is a
shortage of goods. A super hero in the
1930s and 1940s does not have the
luxury of many crimefighting ameni-
ties or technological gadgets, even
those that actually exist in the era.
During the Great Depression that
spans the entire decade of the 1930s,
many of the items a modern
crimefighter might take for granted
are rationed and largely unavailable,
unless the hero decides to turn to the
black market. That rationing becomes
even more desperate during the war.
Copper is in such shortage that in
1943 even the U.S. Mint opts to strike
pennies from steel rather than copper.
Gasoline, coffee, rubber, and even lard
are rationed and available only if one
has the proper coupons, and even
then in limited quantities. The mas-
sive chewing gum sign that dominated
Times Square in New York City has
been dismantled and the metal sent
to defense factories.
With so much raw materiel unavail-
able, it proves difficult for even super
heroes to acquire some of the wares
they desire. They must either get by

CllBlllBr 15-RO/BIJ/8¥/ng In lllB 60/llen /lge

with what they have or be fortunate enough to hold a legend ... or they would be, if anybody else knew of the
vast fortune with which they can purchase and stockpile JSA's efforts. Missions that maintain history are also a
such amenities. Few heroes are so fortunate; most just great source of adventuring.
have to make do with what's available to them. The timeline herein gives you a fairly good idea of what
Likewise, a "typical" villain is not armed with laser guns is happening in the world. Many of the events naturally
or nuclear arrays. Most often, their personal weaponry relate to the war, but also detailed are a few advances in
holds a hidden blade or clever poison gas contraption. medicine, technology, and the introduction of some su-
Thugs seldom have anything more than a knife or firearm per heroes. As this timeline only offers a few major events
(such as the infamous Tommy gun). Dynamite is one of of the time and key points in the war, keep in mind that
the most powerful weapons an evildoer can obtain there are a number of great adventure hooks you can use
through "normal" means; any weapon more powerful than that aren't listed here.
that is typically in the hands of the military-or a mad See the timeline in the Narrator's Book for more infor-
scientist. mation on when other heroes debuted during this era.
Espionage is also a particularly appealing venture, as
THE 6olDEN l.1FE the greatest spy stories are usually those never told. (Con-
versely, spy-smashing is a popular super-hero duty of the
In the course of any research you may conduct to help time).
flesh out your adventures, feel
free to take some liberties with
"real" history in favor of things
that give your game a mo re
"Golden Age of the DC Universe"
feel. For example, nobody during
war-era Metropolis will be paying
much attention to the New York
Yankees or the Brooklyn Dodgers:
rather, they should be watching a
heated rivalry between the Me-
tropolis Meteors and the Gotham
Knights for the pennant.
Most super heroes are encour-
aged to stay within their nation's
borders and help ensure domes-
tic tranquility and provide for the
common defense. But if your
group is one of the few that ac-
tively participates in the war ef-
fort on foreign soil, feel free to "ad-
just" some of the key participants
or outcomes of battles and cam-
paigns to accommodate the play-
ers' involvement. While one
would probably not want to alter
(at least, not directly) the crack-
ing of Enigma (the code, not the
villain) or the taking of lwo Jima,
there are several relatively ob-
scure battles and events in which
the characters can play a pivotal
Secret missions are often the
best. They appeal a great deal to
players and are just as fun for the
Narrator. The JSA's thwarting of
Hitler's 1940 plans to invade En-
gland and assassinate President
Roosevelt are the stuff of

Chanter 15 - Role11/aJ1/ng in the 60/llBn Age

JSllSOURCEBOOK ----------------------~

* Alan Scott discovers a mysterious meteor, the mate-
rials from which he constructs the ring and lantern

Golden Age begins with the debut of newspaper pub-
lisher Lee Travis as the Crimson Avenger.
that become the hallmark of Green Lantern.
** Wesley Dodds assumes the guise of the Sandman.
Henry Heywood III assumes the guise of Steel, the
* Jay Garrick inhales hard water particles. As a result, metal-skeletoned ultra patriot.
he develops the hyperspeed powers that make him
the first Flash.
** Nylon stockings made available to public.

** Nylon developed.
The Wizard of Oz
andGone with the Wind release in
Publisher Lee Travis begins his career as the
Crimson Avenger.
March I 5: German troops move into Czechoslovakia.
March 28: General Franco occupies Madrid, Spain, and
takes power.
* April 7: Italy invades Albania.
* Italy sign the Pact of
May 22: Germany and

* Steel.
August 23: Hitler a nd
Stalin sign a nonaggres-
sion pact.
* Weiss
September I: Operation
(Germany invades
Poland) occurs.
* Janos Prohaska adopts
the guise of Blackhawk to
defend his native Poland.
* France, Australia,
September 3: Britain,
New Zealand declare war
on Germany.
* Canada declares war on
Germany; Battle of the
Atlantic begins.
* November8: Failed assas-
sination attempt against
Hitler happens.
* November 30: Soviets at-
tack Finland.
* December 14: Soviet
Union expelled from the
League of Nations.

* Penicillin is developed as
an antibiotic.
* April 9: Germany invades
Denmark and Norway.
* May I 0: Germany invades
France, Belgium, Luxem-
bourg, and the Nether-
* June 4: German troops
enter Paris.
* June 9: Norway surren-
ders to Germany.
* June I 0: Italy declares war
on Britain and France.

Chanter 15- Role111av1ng In the 60/llen /lge

=--"-"""-""-'- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - -- - - JSASOURCEBOOK

Hooks tor the Golden Age

Here are several hooks that can serve as examples or leads for you to develop.
* February 23, 1942: A Japanese submarine shells the California coast. Why did they only shell the one time?
* May 1942: A German U-boat sinks an American ship in the Mississippi Delta. What happened to the U-Boat and its crew?
* June 14, 1942: Two German U-Boats land teams of saboteurs on Long Island, New York and near Jacksonville, Florida. The
saboteurs are eventually captured ... but how?
* August 28, 1942: A Japanese seaplane launched from submarine 1-25 drops firebombs on forests in Oregon.
* September 9, 1942: A second Japanese firebombing of Oregon forests occurred. Why did the attacks stop?
* July 28, 1943: The Japanese secretly evacuate their garrison of nearly 6, 000 soldiers in the Aleutian Islands ofAlaska. Why?
* November I, 1944: The first of 9, 000 balloon bombs launched at the United States from Tokyo reach the US. mainland. One
kills six people near Lakeview, Oregon. What happened to the rest of the balloons?
* Several enemies of the Allies were never found after the war. Many are rumored to have fled to South America ... but only
a super hero would have any chance of finding them.
Get the idea? There are many fascinat ing aspects of this era's history that you can incorporate into your campaign. Pick
a region in which you'd like to adventure, or a conflict in which you'd like play a part, and do a little research.

** September
Battle of Britain begins.
July 10:
3: Hitler plans Opera-
tion Sea Lion (the invasion of Brit-
* forces
A group of "mystery men" join
to stop Hitler's plans to in-
vade England and assassinate U.S.
President Franklin Roosevelt. The
group would later come to be
known as the Justice Society of

** September 13: Italy invades Egypt.

September 27: Germany, Italy, and
Japan sign a 10-year mutual coop-
e ration agreement. The Axis is
* October 7: German troops enter

** October 28: Italy invades Greece.

November 22: Greeks defeat the
Italian Ninth Army.
* December 29 and 30: Worst Ger-
man air raids yet on London.

* Citizen Kane and The Maltese Fal-
con release in theaters.
* The hero groups Seven Soldiers of
Victory and Freedom Fighters
* Robert Crane implants his brain
into a robotic body and assumes
the guise of Robotman.
* Johnny Chambers develops a for-
mula to give him hyperspeed and
assumes t he guise of Johnny

Chaoter 15 - Rolsolavlng In the Bolden ABB

* December 9: China declares
war on the Axis nations; Japan
invades Luzon, Philippines.
* December 11: Germany, Hun-
gary, and Italy declare war on
the U.S.
* President Roosevelt requests
that all heroes join the All-
Star Squadron for the dura-
tion of the war. Younger mem-
bers join the Young All-Stars.
* December 19: Japan invades
Hong Kong.

* Sugar, coffee, and gasoline ra-
tioning begins.
* Casablanca releases in the-
* Jacques Cousteau invents
the Aqua-Lung, allowing ex-
tended diving maneuvers.
* February 14: Japan bombs
northern Australia.
* April 18: Doolittle's raids of
Japan begin.
* May 4-8: Battle of Coral Sea;
the end of the battle marks the
extent of Japanese expansion.
* June 4- 7: Battle of Midway oc-
curs and becomes a huge vic-
tory for Allied forces.
* June 5: U.S. declares war on
Romania, Hungary, and Bul-
* June 7: Japanese advance on
Aleutian Island (Alaska).
* July 13: American Office of
Strategic Services is estab-
** August 22: Brazil enters war on side of Allies.
** March 1: Germany invades Bulgaria.
April 6: Germany invades Greece and Yugoslavia. * August 27: Cuba enters war on side of the Allies.
September 7: U.S. Marines launch surprise raid on
** April 17: Yugoslavia surrenders to Germany.
April 2 7: Greece surrenders to Germany. ** Japanese base at Guadalcanal.
September 13: Battle of Stalingrad begins.
* June 22: Germany and Italy declare war on the Soviet December 2: Enrico Fermi creates a controllable
nuclear reaction in Chicago.
* Union (Operation Barbarossa begins).
June 26: Finland enters World War II against the So- * The Manhattan Project fo rms under Robert
* viet Union.
June 27: Hungary declares war against the Soviet * December 9: U.S. reinforcements arrive at
* Union.
October 2: Operation Typhoon (German advance on * December 12: Japan bombs Calcutta, India.
Moscow) occurs.
** December 7: Japanese forces attack Pearl Harbor.
December 8: The United States and Britain declare war
* FDR freezes salaries, wages, and prices in an effort to
on Japan. limit wartime inflation.

Cha111er 15-Role111aying in the llolden Age

* January 18: Sliced bread is banned to spare metal 1945
* parts used by bakeries.
January 23: British Eighth Army takes Tripoli.
* nese-held Luzon,
MacArthur and Allied forces invade Japa-
January 9:
* February 2: Germans surrender at Stalingrad.
February 2: Three pairs of leather shoes become the
** Warsaw liberated by Soviet Union.
January 17:
Yalta Conference.
February 4-11:
annual limit for Americans. **
U.S. troops storm Manila, Philippines.
February 4:
February 4: Japanese evacuate Guadalcanal. U.S. Marines take lwo Jima.
February 19-28:
March 29: Meat, cheese, and butter rationing begins;
Tuesday and Friday are meat-less days in the U.S.
** Finland declares war on Germany.
March 4:

* May 13: German and Italian troops surrender in North

** Hungary liberated from Germany.
April 4:
FDR dies; Truman becomes President.
April 12:

Mussolini captured and hung by Italians.
April 28:
July 25: Mussolini dismissed as premier of Italy.
July 26: Mussolini's government collapses; he flees to
** Hitler commits suicide ... or does he?
April 30:
German troops in Italy surrender.
May 2:

* Germany. * Soviet troops take

May 2: Berlin.
September 3: Armistice signed with Italian govern- May 7: Unconditional surrender of all German forces.
* September 8: Unconditional
surrender of Italy.
May 8: Allied victory declared in Europe, V-E Day.

* September 15: Mussolini set

up rival Fascist government of
"Nettuno Italy" in German-
held northern Italy.
* November 13: Now part of the
Allies, Italy declares war on
* November 27-December 1:
The Big 3 (Roosevelt,
Churchill, and Stalin) meet in
* December 5: Japan raids

* January 24: Allied troops oc-
cupy Nettuno, Italy.
* March 19: Germany occupies
* May 3: Rationing ends in the
* land D-Day-Allied forces
June 6:
at Normandy.
* July 20: Another failed assas-
s ination attempt against
* August 19: The French Resis-
tance reclaims part of Paris.
* August 22: Hitler orders Paris
** August 25: Allies liberate Paris.
September 4: Finland and So-
viet Union agree to cease-fire.
* October 23: Soviet Union in-
vades Hungary.
* December 16-27: Battle of the

c11a11ter 15-Rols111av1ng In tllB Colden Ags

* July 17-August 2: Potsdam
* August 6: Atomic Bomb Little
Boy is dropped on
* August 8: Soviets declare war
on Japan and invade Japa-
nese-held Manchuria.
* August 9: Atomic Bomb Fat
Man is dropped on Nagasaki.
* August 14: Emperor Hirohito
of Japan announces uncondi-
tional surrender.
* September 2: Japanese sign
the surrender document, V-J
* October 24: United Nations

As you embark on your epic
Golden Age adventuring, remem-
ber that the bottom line is to have
a great gaming experience. The
information in this sourcebook,
the DC Universe rulebook, and the
Narrator's Book- coupled with
your imagination-are more than
enough to build a great campaign.
Now get out there: fight crime,
crush evil, and live the Golden Age

Times of War
When heroes are faced with an opponent vile and cruel beyond compare, the nature of Hero and Villain Points changes
slightly. If, to save someone else, a character commits a crime (the most common one being stealing) or kills his opponent,
the character gains neither a Hero Point nor a Villain Point. The heroic deed offsets the villainous act.
Nonetheless, some heroes may find the act of killing or committing other crimes so offensive that they receive a Villain
Point anyway. For example, when Starman I thought he killed the Rag Doll, the act haunted him for decades. For this reason,
he received a Villain Point-essentially, because he never forgave himself for what he did.
For additional ideas on how to handle Hero and Villain Points, see pages 187-190 of t he rulebook and page 12 of the
Magic Handbook.

Chapter 15-Role111av1ng in the Golden Age

- - -- - -- - -- JSASOURCEBOOK

The Arsen al
of Sprin g

This adventure is intended for a group of four to seven
creation Power Level 2 to 3 heroes. If you have a group of
creation Power Level 4 or 5 heroes, it's best to allow fewer Hitler was a renowned follower of the occult. He con-
player characters or have the villains work as a group, in tinually searched for mystic weapons and other times to
order to keep them from too easily overpowering the aid his plan. In 1941, Hitler acquired a powerful artifact
story. known as the Spear of Destiny. With the spear, a protec-
Players may spend up to 10 Character Points per tive barrier was cast over the entire European theatre,
action. preventing most Allied heroes from interfering. The spell
made any magically powered or magically susceptible
hero evil, turning them into a liability to their comrades.
CHllRllCTER CHOICES Meanwhile, every American super hero (and many
This adventure can be played either of two ways: from Britain) joined the All-Star Squadron, dedicated
Your group can create their own new characters, who themselves to fighting the Axis powers wherever they
will be members of the All-Star Squadron, or they can could. The All-Star Squadron was formed by and worked
play actual established Golden Age heroes. Both op- directly for President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The JSA mem-
tions have their advantages. If you create your own bers were a major element of the group.
characters, you get more control over them, their his-
tories, and their abilities. You can flesh them out more
fully. When you play established characters, you are
playing ones who already have reputations based on The adventure begins with the heroes already together,
comics they've appeared in. Just make sure that the gathered to discuss their next move against the Axis pow-
combination of characters isn't too powerful-good ers. If the heroes are all All-Star Squadron members, be-
games are about a fine balance, not an overwhelming gin at the Perisphere (see Chapter 8 for details). Other-
advahtage to either side. wise, have them determine a regular meeting place and
start there. Read the following out loud:

Asvnonsis of Sir Gawain any gifts the young knight has received during the day.
The two men agree.
& the Breen Knight For the next three days, Sir Bernlak goes hunting. While
, he's away, his wife attempts to seduce Sir Gawain. The first
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a famous Middle En- two days Gawain resists her and has nothing to give Sir
glish poem. The manuscript dates back to the end of the Bernlak. On the third day, however, Lady DeHautdesert
fourteenth century, but the story itself is probably a good gives him an embroidered silk girdle (a belt), which she
deal older. It's a tale of a chivalric romance set in the sixth claims will protect him from all harm. She also kisses him
century and involves the encounter between Sir Gawain three times. That night, Gawain gives Sir Bernlak the three
of the Round Table and Sir Bernlak DeHautdesert, also kisses, but he does not mention the belt.
known as the Green Knight or the Knight of the Green , The next morning, Sir Gawain rides to the Green Chapel
Chapel. The Green Knight appears at Camelot on Christ- and finds the Green Knight there, none the worse for wear
mas Eve and challenges any knight there to trade blows and sharpening his axe. Gawain kneels, and at the Green
with his. Using the Green Knight's own axe, the knight may Knight's first swing, he leaps out of the way. The Green
strike his blow now and the Green Knight will return a blow ' Knight swings a second time, but he cannot touch Gawain.
in one year on New Year's day. Sir Gawain accepts the chal- He swings a third time and cuts the back of Gawain's neck,
lenge and strikes the Green Knight's head from his shoul- but not severely. The Green Knight then reveals himself to
ders, but the mystic warrior simply picks up his head again, , be Sir Bernlak and explains the blows-the initial two were
harmless because Gawain kept their agreement and stayed
mounts his horse, and rides off, telling Sir Gawain to meet chaste on the first two days. Although the girdle protects
him at the Green Chapel at the beginning of the new year. him from more harm, the third blow drew blood because
Sir Gawain has many adventures during his journey to Gawain violated the covenant by keeping the girdle a se-
the Green Chapel. Finally on Christmas Eve, he comes ' cret. Still, he did so only to save his own life while facing
across the castle of Sir Bernlak DeHautdesert and is in- against the Green Knight, and so the Green Knight forgives
vited in. Sir Gawain is well treated, and Sir Bernlak as- him. Sir Bernlak then reveals that he and Morgaine Le Fey
sures him that the Green Chapel is less than a day's ride created the situation to test the strength and valor of
away. He entreats Gawain to stay until then. Gawain Arthur's knights. Gawain returns to Camelot and is con-
agrees. Sir Bernlak then proposes a game of sorts. He gratulated by his fellow knights, but he wears the girdle
plans to hunt every day, and he offers to present Gawain ever after to remind himself of his own failure to keep his
with his spoils each evening if Gawain in return gives him part of a bargain and to stay chaste.

Chapter 16-llrsenal ofSpring

As you consider your options for your next move
against the Axis forces, the door bursts ope n and a
strange man stumbles in , Gernsback stomping after him.
The man looks tall and lanky, with weathered skin and
thinning white hair, and his clothes are dusty and worn.
His hands are clutching his side, and you see blood see~
ing through them. The man's been wounded! Even as
you watch, he takes another step and then falls to his
knees, dropping a worn, bulging knapsack, obviously
at the last of his strength. What do you do?
Gernsback gently places the man on a table and leaves,
returning to his post outside. Characters with medicine,
upon examining the man, will notice that the wound-
clearly a gunshot wound-is serious and potentially fa-
tal. Anyone who tries to treat him needs a Very Difficult
medicine roll to succeed. If the hero makes the roll, the
stranger is in serious but stable condition. If she fails, or
no one attempts it, the man dies from blood loss 15 min-
utes later.
If the stranger is treated, heroes with skills like crimi-
nology, streetwise, or scholar (guns) might wish to exam-
ine the bullet that was removed. On a Very Heroic or
higher result, the heroes realize the bullet was from an
English Walther pistol.
Assuming the heroes stabilized the stranger, they can
question him. He is weak and falters as he speaks, but
readily answers questions. The man introduces himself
as Arthur Form, an archaeologist. Characters with science
can make a Difficult roll and those with scholar can make
a Very Difficult roll. Those who succeed have heard of
Form and possibly even read his articles or books on early
medieval culture.
Should the heroes be unable to stabilize the stranger,
he falls into a coma.
Form came looking for the All-Star Squadron because
of a recent finding that he believes could be important to
the war effort. Form's specialty is Arthurian ruins. He has
been conducting a dig in the Scottish Highlands, not far
from DeHautdesert castle. Recently, he and his team un-
covered the remains of a small chapel half set into the
hillside. Upon seeing it, Form recognized the place at
once-it was the legendary Green Chapel, the headquar-
ters and house of worship of the fabled Green Knight.
Characters may roll their scholar or arcane lore skills
for familiarity with the story of Sir Gawain and the Green
Knight. Use the "Knowledge-Based Skill Difficulties" on
page 210 of the rulebook to decide on how much each
character remembers of the story.
If none of the characters recognize the name, Form tells
them the story of Gawain and the Green Knight. Form also
mentions that he had heard rumors of the Green Knight's
artifacts-his axe, armor, and girdle-and their potency,
but he'd never put much stock in the occult. He relates
that the armor is said to protect its wearer from all physi-
cal attacks and to increase his strength. The axe grants
its wielder supremacy in battle. The girdle protects against
mystical attacks and the ravages of age and disease.

Cha111er 16-Arsenal atSpring

JSASOURCEBOOK ----------------------~?t!
Form doesn't know where the pieces are, but accord- The heroes should, of course, move to protect Form. If
ing to rumors, the Green Knight was invincible when wear- they do not, the spirits attack him and anyone who gets in
ing all three together. If t hese three fall into the wrong their way. The spirits are not strong, but they can move
hands, they could cause tremendous harm. quickly and are immaterial (which means that only energy
The archaeolog ist believes that at least one of the or mental attacks do them any harm). The spirits attack
items, probably the armor or the axe, is hidden in the with their claws, which do more than mere physical dam-
chapel remains. He has his team hunting for them even age-they can actually drain life force with each blow.
now. If the tales of the equipment's power is true, then There is one spirit for each hero plus one extra. If more
these would be a great boon to the war effort. He flew than half are defeated the remaining ones flee. Likewise,
back to America immediately and sought out the heroes if they manage to kill Form, the remaining spirits depart.
to tell them. On the way here, however, he was shot. When defeated, these spirits dissipate, leaving only wisps
However the heroes learn about the legend, you may and the faint smell of sulfur.
wish to photocopy the synopsis from earlier in this ad- If the heroes haven't already realized the importance
venture and give it to the players so that they may refer of this mission, Form, if he survives the attack, should
to it whenever they wish. point out that the arrival of the spirits suggests one of
Hitler's minions or allies already knows about the Green
Knight's equipment and its significance. There isn't any
UNEXPECTED l/Js1ross time to waste!
In the midst of his explanation, the headquarte rs it- Form himself is too injured to travel further, but he
self is invaded. Read the following: will give the heroes instructions on how to reach the
DeHautdesert castle and chapel. If the spirits killed him,
A great rending sound rings out, you turn toward it. the
heroes do not know the exact location of the chapel-
You see the door splinter inward, propelled by an un-
a major handicap.
holy force. Ftltering in through the gap ls what at first
appears to be only mist, but as it grows closer, you begin
to make out details. First the hands become clear, great
gaunt clawed things, clutching and grasping. They seem
ADead Clue
to rip at the air itself, which shrieks in pain. Then you see If Form was killed in the first or the second scene, the
the eyes. They glow red like blood, filled with intelligence heroes have to figure out how to get where they need to
and hate, and their gaze drives lee through you, freezing go-or worse, what the mystery is-on their own. There
are some options available.
you with fear. These are surely evil spirits of some sort,
invading your headquarte rs on some foul errand. More- * Checking the body reveals a passport. The name
over, they are heading straight for Form! listed in there is Arthur Form. The document has a Brit-
ish stamp on it, which may have already been established.
Evil spirits. Reflexes 3D, brawling 6D, dodge SD, melee weap- Also in his pocket is a receipt for a taxi to an airport in
ons 40, piloting (self) 4D, sneak SD, Coordination 3D, marks- Glasgow, Scotland. The taxi company keeps records of its
manship 4D, Physique OD, flying 4D, lifting 4D (8D with Teleki- trips, so if called, they can tell them where Form was
nesis), Knowledge ID, languages 4D, Perception 2D, hide 6D, picked up. (That, of course, assumes that the heroes can
search 4D, streetwise 4D, surveillance 6D, tracking 7D, Presence convince the company that their actions are altruistic
3D, intimidation 6D, persuasion 4D, willpower SD (Astral Form while not revealing their true purpose, in case the taxi
+2D). Advantages/Disadvantages: Courage-2D, Intimidating company has Axis spies. The company clerk has a will-
Grin -2D; Fanatic (torture) +3D, Employed (by Jensen, who power of 30.) The location is a pub in the small town of
drew them back) +4D, Physically Limited (noncorporeal) +SD. Perth, near the border between Scotland and England.
Speed: 30. PDV: 3. Unarmed BDV: 3D (astral beings & when
using Telekinesis against physical targets). P/ l bonus: +2 (as-
* Form had an old leather backpack with him. Inside
are several spare clothes, sunglasses, a paperback novel,
tral beings) (+4 using Telekinesis against astral or physical a half-eaten sandwich, and his journal. The journal men-
targets). Hero Points: 0. Villain Points: 1. Character Points: tions the story of Gawain and the Green Knight and de-
10. Body Points: 25 (against energy, mental, or similar dam- tails Form's attempts to locate t he Green Knight's equip-
age only). Powers: Vampirism: Life force (Limitation: Limited ment. It does not record the precise location of the chapel,
Range: Touch - 3D), Astral Form 6D (Limitation: Duration but it does mention the town of Perth and that the chapel
Change: Permanent -2D), ESP 3D, Telekinesis 4D (Limitation: is only a few days walk north and northwest of it.
Limited Range: Touch -30). *Any character who sufficient ly remembers the story
The evil spirits are the souls of dead Nazi soldiers, fur- of Gawain and the Green Knight (anyone who got at least
ther enhanced by their summoner, an American Nazi a Heroic on their scholar or arcane lore roll) will remem-
named Wilhelm Jensen. They have willingly bound them- ber that DeHautdesert Castle was less than a day's ride
selves to him and his cause. The spirits are not as intelli- from the chapel. Searching a British phonebook or calling
gent as they once were, but they are still smart enough to some place for information reveals that the castle s till
understand and obey commands, and they hate living exists. In fact, it is now a small hotel, catering to tourists.
creatures. They delight in hurting and tormenting people The location, which is just outside of Perth, is common
and revel in their new powers. knowledge.

Cha111sr 16-llrsen al otSoring

The Villain: William Jonathon Jensen
The man who's after the Green Knight's artifacts is a Nazi his looks to his advantage in business dealings, amassing a
fanatic, William (Wilhelm) Jensen. Like his brother, Richard, reasonable fortune through charm, intimidation, and the
Jensen is a member of the Black Occult Fraternity, a group of black arts. Jensen is not a coward, although he is not a par-
men and women who serve the Fatherland through the Ru- ticularly strong fighter. His best resources are his mind and
nic Mysteries. Most of the fraternity later died in 194S sum- his magic, and he will draw upon those first in any conflict.
moning the supernatural being known as the Stalker. Unfortunately, Jensen is not alone in his endeavors. He
William Jensen, born Wilhelm Johann, was raised in America has been given command of a group of extraordinary Axis
by German parents. He and his brother, Richard, were both supporters, the members of A.xis Amerika: Die Grosshorn
taught to be proud of their heritage. Their father, a failed mer- Eule, Gudra, Kamikaze, the Sea Wolf, Ubermensch, and Usil.
chant, avoided responsibility for his own shortcomings, so These characters are detailed in Chapter 7.
when Hitler first appeared he enthusiastically agreed that his Jensen
predicament was all the Jews' fault. Wilhelm and Richard
learned this lesson well, and both became avid Nazi support- Reflexes 20: Brawling 3D, dodge SD, driving 3D
ers. Initially they considered traveling to Germany to join the Coordination 30: Marksmanship SD
army, but decided they would be more useful providing infor- Physique 20: Resistance 30, running 4D, swimming 3D
mation from the American side. Wilhelm and Richard both had
an interest in the occult, and they researched ways to assist Kn!>wledge 4D: Arcane lore (occult, spells) 70 each, lan-
the Fuhrer in his plans, gathering like-minded associates and guages SD (German +SD), navigation 40, research 60,
forming the Black Occult Fraternity. scholar SD
Simply acquiring the artifacts is not enough, of course. Perception 3D: Search 4D, streetwise 4D, surveillance 40
Traditionally, the Green Knight, Champion of Nature, was Presence 30: Command 40, interrogation SD, intimidation
anointed and blessed at his knighting, pledged to the pow- SD, persuasion 40, willpower SD
ers of nature and life, and bonded with the artifacts that fo-
ADvANTAGFS/DJSADVANTAGES: Attractive Appearance -20,
cused his power. Jensen cannot hope to become the Green
Courage -20, Contact (A.xis Amerika) -30, Intimidating
Knight as he lacks the proper training or heritage. Still, cer-
Grin -20, Leadership Ability-20, Wealth -20; Argumen-
tain arcane rituals can unlock the powers within the artifacts,
tative +20, Extremely Competitive +20, Fanatic (the Fa-
removing such strictures so that the caster can use the de-
therland) +30, Fugitive +2D, Obsessive Tendencies +2D,
vices safely and effectively. Jensen has located several an-
Secret Identity (Nazi supporter) +30
cient texts that speak of such rites, and he is busy studying
them and learning the proper invocations. This is why he SPEED: 30 POV: 3
has tasked Axis Amerika with retrieving each of the artifacts. U NARMED BDV: 30 p /L BONUS: + 1
STRATEGY & TACTICS: Jensen is an obsessive man. He is con-
vinced that his family was robbed of its rightful wealth and
prestige and is determined to win back that glory. He be- PoWERS: Sorcery 30.
lieves the occult is the key, using magic to aid the Fuhrer EQUWMENT: Automatic pistol (BDV 4Dx3).
and thus bring himself and his family honor and recognition. Nore: If you don't have the Magic Handbook, consider
Jensen is also vain. Tall and well built, he has classic Nor- Jensen to have 3D in Magic Manipulation.
dic features with uncharacteristic green eyes. He has used

Plan of Attack well. It also makes the Narrator's characters more real and
allows you to focus on the story itself.
The types of heroes in your group-and in the subgroups,
There are two different ways to handle this adventure.
if you allow your players to split up-should affect how you
The first is the classic All-Star Squadron adventure format:
decide Jensen approaches his quest for the artifacts. If only
The team splits into smaller groups, each group goes to one
a couple of heroes will be going to each location-or if the
problem area, and then they all reunite for the final battle.
group is weak in comparison to the combined might of A.xis
Although this is effective in comic books, it does not work
Amerika-then Jensen opts for speed and sends two Axis
as well for roleplaying games, since it forces several players
members to each location. However, if the heroes stay to-
to sit and watch as their friends play out their own section. gether and can easily defeat any two A.xis members, Jensen
The trick is to make each situation entertaining, not only to sends the entire group together. Most importantly, there
the players actively involved but also to those waiting for should be a reasonably well-matched contest in each loca-
their turns. One option is to let the "sidelined" players take tion. If the villains offer too little resistance, there is no chal-
over some of the Narrator's characters in each scene. If you lenge, no thrill. If they are too strong, the heroes will be
trust them to honestly attack their own friends and to truly crushed utterly and the story will be over quickly.
play "evil" villains, you can let them play the A.xis Amerika If Jensen does not divide his forces, Axis Amerika heads
characters. Otherwise, have them play smaller roles-inno- for the castle first. Then they will go to the chapel. The girdle
cent bystanders, local authorities, perhaps members of the is their last target. (As you may recall, the girdle was given to
Green Knights (see page 191). This way they're involved as Sir Gawain and so would not be where the other two are.)

Chanter 16-Arsenal otsoring

Amerika succeeds in getting each
piece of the Green Knight's equip-
ment, leaving a swath of destruc-
tion that's easy to follow. The ad-
venture now becomes one of cap-
turing a powerful Jensen. You will
need to adjust each scene appro-
Once in Britain, the heroes can
take a taxi (or other relevant means
of travel) to Perth. Because of
DeHautdesert Castle, which was
converted into a small hotel and
restaurant for those who wish to
"live like the knights of old," Perth
has a lively tourist trade, even in
the middle of a war. DeHautdesert
Castle is listed in local
phonebooks, and anyone in the
area can give directions to it.
DeHautdesert Castle is small but
well built, with three stories, thick
stone walls, wide parapets, and a
drawbridge gate over a deep ditch.
Getting to the castle is simple
enough. The castle owners, the
Green Knights, patrol the area, but
they won't stop anyone who might
be a paying guest. If the heroes are
in full garb, however, the Green
Knights intercept them, either on
land or (if the heroes fly to the
castle) when they land and de-
mand to know their business there.
The heroes may need to do some
fast-talking to be allowed into the
castle, but the Green Knights ac-
cept any reasonable explanation.
(See the s idebar for the character-
istics of a typical Green Knight.)
When the heroes enter t he
castle, read the following:
l.111/NB BY THE Bl.JIBE The outside of the three-story castle was imposing,
The first and most obvious stop is DeHautdesert Castle with its rough stone walls and heavy drawbridge gate.
and the Green Chapel, since Form (assuming he survived It is the very picture of solid old strength, built to with-
the spirits' attack) can tell the heroes its exact location. stand any threat. Inside, the castle is just as breathtak-
The characters need to pack well for the journey, which ing, but in a very different way. The walls are smoother,
will include several days of camping, but they must do so polished until the stone shines, and the ceilings vault
quickly. If Form still lives, he can give them a few pointers high above, their arches looking almost delicate in the
on what to take, as can any heroes with survival or an distance. Great carved columns run parallel to the outer
appropriate know-how or scholar skill. walls, their surfaces decorated with cheerful patterns
The heroes also need to charter transportation . The of ivy and flowers. Colorful tapestries and pennants
quickest way to get to Britain is to fly. Some heroes can hang on the walls, while the floor is covered with rich
do this on their own, while others will need an airplane. rugs. The entryway opens into the great hall itself, a
Characters with Wealth can buy tickets (or even a plane!), vast room dominated by an enormous firepit at the cen-
and those with a suitable Contact, Patron, or Special ter. Even in midday the firepit is alight, whole logs burn-
Equipment have other means of obtaining a ride. If the ing and casting shadows about the long benches and
heroes choose any other means of getting to Britain, Axis tables.

Chanter 16 -llrsenal ot soring

At the far end of the room is a raised dais, holding a pears to be ivy. Neither of these is the true axe. The real axe
single long table. This table has chairs rather than is in view, but not in plain sight. It hangs along the upper
benches, arranged only on the far side so those seated right edge of Sir Bernlak's chair, where it appears to be just
face the rest of the hall. The center place is occupied by one of the tree's branches. Characters actively looking for
a massive wooden chair carved in the shape of a tree the axe may make a search roll with a Super-Heroic diffi-
wrapped in ivy. The chair is magnificent, its branches culty. Those with a Magic Manipulation power (Wizardry
and foliage rising high overhead. The artisanship makes or Sorcery) or Magically Empowered senses Qncluding ESP)
it appear that the chair is an actual tree, one that has receive a +2 success bonus to their search rolls. A hero with
agreed to bend inward to accommodate its owner as a scholar or arcane lore may guess that the axe was Bernlak's
seat. Clearly this is the chair of the castle's lord. symbol of office, and he would not have parted with it. (The
There is an array of weapons behind a velvet green cor- difficulty is Very Difficult. The Effect Value may be added to
don along one wall of the great room (now the dining room). the character's search roll to locate the axe.) Those who
Among these are two axes. One is a massive green-handled are successful catch the glint of metal from the axe head at
weapon. The other is narrower and wrapped in what ap- the upper portion of the chair.

The Green Knights

The heroes and Axis Amerika are not the only people in- Most Green Knights are between 5'7" and 6'3" and weigh
volved in this series of confrontations- there is a t hird party. between 140 and 230 pounds. They have blue, green, or gray
After the encounter with Sir Gawain, Sir Bernlak began aging eyes and black or brown hair.
normally (the girdle, which he let Gawain keep, had kept him
young). Because the three badges of office were separated,
Green Knights
Sir Bernlak did not anoint a successor. Although he was the Reflexes 4D: Boating 5D, brawling SD, climbing 5D, driving
last true Knight of the Green Chapel, he d id train his sons in 5D, dodge 6D, melee weapons 5D (axe, dagger, sword
the arts of knighthood and in devotion to Nature. After his + 1D each), sneak 5D
death (of old age), the sons carried on the traditions. Coordination 4D: Catch 5D, marksmanship SD (crossbow
Sir Bernlak's descendants have kept that tradition alive. +10), missile weapons SD, thrown weapons SD
Every son is raised as a knight and taught the proper forms
and obediences. Each swears to protect the land and to keep Physique 3b: Lifting 4D, resistance 4D, running 4D, swim-
the Green Knight's belongings safe from harm, until they are ming 4D
needed again. (Many of them feel this will not be until the Knowledge 2D: Medicine (first aid) 3D, scholar (Scottish
Once and Future King returns). His descendants call them- Highlands, forestry) 7D each
selves the Green Knights. They serve as unofficial policemen Perception 3D: Hide 4D, know-how (chivalry) 6D, search
and forest rangers, caring for both the people and the wild- 4D, shadowing 4D, surveillance 4D, tracking 5D
life of their part of Great Britain.
The modern Green Knights have no real powers, but they Presence 20: Intimidation 30, willpower 50
are organized, dedicated, and well-trained, both in combat AovANTAGFS/DISADVANTAGFS: Allies (the Green Knights) -60;
and in forestry. The Green Knights also have the home ad- Fanatic (following the code of the Green Knight) +3D, Ob-
vantage anywhere in Britain. They know the lands well and sessive Tendencies +20, Secret Identity +30
use that knowledge to their benefit.
SPEED: 30 PDV: 3
They believe strongly in honor. Anyone who has no honor
or morals is considered an animal and is fair game. The Green
Knights do their best to remain unseen while in their knightly
capacity. To most of the people in their area, they are only
legends, or at best a group of men too fascinated with the E QUIPMENT: The Green Knights have casual clothes and
past. "work clothes." When in casual wear, the only distinguish-
Most of the Green Knights are realists. They don't believe ing mark is the tattoo each bears on his inside right wrist,
in magic and assume the tales of the original Green Knight in the shape of a green ivy leaf. Work clothes consist of a
were exaggerated. What they do believe in is upholding the light chainmail tunic (AV 14) and leggings, covered with a
legend and the reputation, and defending their country from layer of dark green oiled leather, plus matching boots,
any attacks, from within or without. gloves, and hooded cloak. Most Green Knights carry ei-
One thing to keep in mind here is that the Green Knights ther a bow or a crossbow, and each one carries a sword
have their own objectives, which may not coincide with the (BDV or an axe [BOV 30 (edge)/20 (handle or flat of head)],
heroes'. An observant player might remember that Form was as well as dagger (BDV 2D). Most of them do not carry
s hot, not with a German gun, but with an English Walther. guns, although they all have training in firearms.
(One of the Green Knights shot him to keep their family se-
crets safe.)

Chapter 16-Arssnal otSpring

the heroes are noble and fighting with good intentions.
FaaaF1sHr! However, if they feel the heroes are untrustworthy, they
The real problem in the castle is that there are non- either stay out of the combat or attack both the heroes
combatants present. DeHautdesert Castle does a boom- and Axis members at once.
ing business as a theme bed-and-breakfast. There are over If only two members of Axis Amerika are here and the
80 men, women, and children visiting at this time, not heroes reduce the villains' Body Points to one-quarter of
including the staff. The vacationers are mostly British, their starting totals, they flee (assuming they weren't
although a small handful of wealthy Americans are knocked out). If the entire group is here and the heroes
present. There is a continuous buffet served in the great reduce their Body Points to one-half of their starting to-
hall, so there is no way to avoid the guests. tals, they run away and head for the chapel to find out
Axis Amerika comes charging into the castle and into what's there.
the great room. If they are divided into groups, Gudra and If the heroes won the battle, the Green Knights demand
Usil are the ones dispatched to the castle. The Green that they leave the axe here, where it belongs. It may be
Knights, of course, intercept them upon entering, but the possible to convince them that the axe is necessary to
Nazi villains quickly overwhelm the Knights. The Axis defeat Jensen and to protect the rest of the artifacts-
members are unconcerned about bystanders. They hap- that is the only reasoning the Green Knights consider
pily use them as hostages or targets, whichever is more valid. They are well aware of the war, of course, and would
effective. For the heroes, of course, it is a question of fight- resist an Axis invasion, but their first duty is to both their
ing tactics versus honor and ethics-will they allow in- families and their land. They plan to deal with the Axis
nocents to be endangered, or will they protect them above threat only when it arrives in their area.
all else, including risking the mission? This is a perfect If the heroes lose, Axis Amerika finds the axe and takes
opportunity to remind noble heroes of their own prin- it with them. Either both villains return to Jensen with
ciples and responsibilities. the axe, or, if the whole group was at the castle, Gudra is
The Green Knights welcome any aid at this point. Of sent back with the axe. The rest of the villains continue
equal importance are how the hero handles himself and on to the chapel.
what sort of public image he presents. Dark and spooky As Axis Amerika leaves, the Green Knights appear to
characters will not befriend the Green Knights (which will help clean up and bandage the wounded. They accuse
be important later, but you don't have to tell the players the heroes of leading the villains here and charge them
that). Brightly dressed and friendly heroes, however, with retrieving the axe. However, as the
might. Any hero with a British back-
Green Knights realize that they're badly
ground and accent has an automatic ad-
out of their depth here, the Green Knights
vantage, as does any hero whose pow-
ers are plant or nature based. are more inclined toward at least an un-
If the heroes help out, the Green easy alliance with the heroes.
Knights turn their attention to protect-
ing the guests and evacuating them, as
they are seriously outmatched in the THEAxE
battle. They count on the clever hiding The Green Knight's axe is a massive
of the axe to protect the item. weapon with a heavy, double-bladed axe
There are all sorts of tools to be used head. The wood and leather of the handle
in a fight here. There are lots of food and and the metal of the blade itself are green.
pewterware on the tables to fling (BOY The handle appears to have ivy growing
10 for the dinnerware), tapestries on the along it and wrapping around the head.
walls to be wrapped around opponents, The axe grants its wielder supremacy in
chandeliers to leap from or drop onto battle. The weapon provides Superattrib-
foes (BOY SD if dropped), tables and utes: Reflexes and Coordination at 20
benches to be tossed (and broken; BOY each and Speed Manipulation (superac-
30 each), and of course the vast and roar- tions, supermobility) at 10 each. The axe
ing firepit. The weapons along the walls itself does SD (edge) or 40 (handle or flat
are all real, and all in good repair, so any of head), though it cannot damage the
character with melee weapons can avail
Green Knight's armor. All powers are
himself of quite an arsenal. The only thing
Magically Empowered ( +40). Only char-
that is immovable is the "tree-chair" at
the head table. Even characters with ex- acters with five or Jess Villain Points can
ceptional strength will find themselves use the axe. Anyone else can lift it but
unable to budge it. cannot swing it or otherwise wield it.
It's possible that the Knights may
choose to aid the heroes, if they decide

Chanter 16 - Arsenal of soring

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JSASOURCEBOOK

IJ01N6 TO THE CHllPEl for centuries now without any help." Then they threaten
to call in the army and run them off the property.
Since the axe was found in the castle and the girdle If all of the Green Knights at the castle were killed or
was given to Gawain long ago, the heroes can surmise they are hostile toward the heroes and Form didn't give
that the chapel may hold the Green Knight's armor. If the them directions, getting to the chapel becomes more dif-
heroes encountered the Green Knights and have become ficult. There are more Green Knights, of course, but they
friendly with them, they can try to convince the knights won't look for their comrades for at least half a day be-
that Axis Amerika will aim for the armor next, and that cause they don't expect to hear from them until then. Nor
the heroes are the only ones who can stop them. If they do they have any way to communicate with each other
are convincing, which is especially easy if they won the from a distance.
battle over the axe, the Green Knights tell them where to Unless Form gave the heroes directions or they be-
find the armor and even take them there. If the two groups friended the Green Knights, the heroes spend some time
were antagonistic, which is quite possible as they may wandering about searching for the exact location. It takes
have handled themselves poorly in the battle and lost two days to find it-more if the heroes get lost. Describe
the axe, the Green Knights demand that the heroes "go to the players the thick forest and the lack of paths. As
back where they came and leave the armor to those who night falls, illustrate the oppressing darkness and strange
can protect it-considering that's what we've been doing noises.
A character could attempt an
Extremely Difficult tracking roll to
locate the trail of Axis Amerika or
Form's team, which can greatly
speed the process. When you feel
they've search ed enough, read
aloud the following:
As you push past tree branches
a n d clamber over r oots, the
sounds of th e forest fall away,
leaving b eh ind only a deep si-
lence and a sense of calm majesty.
You move past an enormous tree,
and there before you stands what
can only b e the chapel itself. It is
small, compact, with only a single
curving wall, built into the side
of a hill to protect it from the ele-
ments. There is no roof, and it
looks as if there never was. The
t rees provide shelter , their
branches curving in overhead to
shield the holy place from harm.
A small creek winds noiselessly
past the ruins. The wall has mostly
crumbled away now, and the al-
tar- an old tree root nearly five
feet wide, sheared flat at a height
of three feet-has begun to rot.
The entire space is half-buried
beneath dirt and leaves, but still
there is a power about the place
and a sense of wonder. The only
thing out of place is the rope run-
ning around the edge, blocking
the entrance.
Form and his excavation team
placed the ropes there, to keep
people away from the dig. The mem-
bers of Axis Amerika (minus Gudra

Chanter 16-Arsenal ot Soring

if they stole the axe at the castle) have beaten the heroes
to the chapel, but not by much. The heroes find the villains THEllRMOR
ransacking it, attacking Form's excavation team of six men The Green Knight's armor is a masterpiece of military
and two women. (If his forces are divided, Jensen sent Ka- equipment. It is massive, constructed of heavy metal
mikaze and the Sea Wolf on this mission. They had diffi- plates fitted tightly together. Yet there is a grace about
culty in the forest and only just arrived.) the armor, and each piece slides smoothly along its joints
Axis Amerika engages the heroes first before continu- and hinges. It is emerald green in color, not so much dyed
ing their search for the armor. as somehow imbued with the green. An ivy pattern cov-
Archaeologist. Reflexes 2D, Coordination 20, Physique 20,
ers the armor, with each joint a perfect leaf. The helmet
Knowledge 30, arcane lore 40, research 40, scholar 4D, sci-
is designed to resemble the face of a bearded man, but
ence 40, Perception 20, search 30, surveillance 30, Presence the beard is ivy as well. The features seem formed from
20, persuasion 30. Speed: 30. PDV: 1. Unarmed BDV: ID. P/l tree limbs and other plants. It is a fearsome artifact, and
bonus: + 1. Hero Points: 0. Villain Points: 0. Character Points: you can easily understand why King Arthur's knights hesi-
2. Body Points: 15. Equipment: Spade (BOY ID), notebook, tated before the Green Knight's challenge.
pencil, pocket knife (BOY ID), cloth, small brush. Note: The The Green Knight's armor grants it wearer great
archaeologists run away if they are injured even once. strength and invulnerability from physical harm. It con-
If the Green Knights did not lead the heroes to the fers Invulnerability 30 and Superattributes: Physique (lift-
chapel, they follow them at a distance to find out what ing) at 20. Both are Magically Empowered (+40). It has
the heroes intend to do. They see the battle between the 100 Body Points and a Natural Armor: Metal at 30 (which
heroes and the Axis members, but they don't intervene is also Magically Empowered +40). The axe cannot dam-
unless they think the armor is in danger of being discov-
ered or destroyed. After all, the knights are normal men
without any powers. As the Narrator, you may choose to
involve the Green Knights at any point. Their primary
objective is to remove the armor from the battle, then
get Form's team to safety.
The Green Knight's armor is actually within the altar.
There is a space dug out in front of it, midway down, and
a spell shields it from sight. Sir Bernlak would kneel and
pray before the altar, then reach in to remove the armor.
Characters with a Magic Manipulation power (Wizardry
or Sorcery) or Magically Empowered senses (including
ESP) who actively look for the armor may make a search
roll with a Heroic difficulty. They don't actually spot the
armor (unless they have a way of seeing through the illu-
sion), but they can sense where the greatest concentra-
tion of magic is.
Should the entire tree trunk be destroyed, the spell
breaks and the armor is revealed. It takes 40 points of
damage to shatter the tree.
Note that, if the heroes lose this battle, Axis Amerika
steals both the armor and the axe (if they don't have the
axe already). If the entire villain team is here, then the
Sea Wolf returns to Jensen with the equipment.
If the heroes reduce the villains' Body Points to one-quar-
ter of their current totals, Axis Amerika flees, and the Green
Knights thank the heroes. If the Green Knights weren't con-
vinced of the danger before, they certainly are now, and
they will allow the heroes to take the armor (and the axe, if
the heroes have it) provided they return both artifacts af-
This battle should be a major turning point for the
heroes. If they lost before but won this time, they feel
renewed and reinvigorated. If they won both times, they age the armor. Only characters with five or less Villain
feel unstoppable. Likewise, if they lost both times, they Points can wear the armor. Anyone else who tries imme-
should feel intense pressure and frustration. diately receives a severe shock (10 points of mental, magi-
cal-based damage).

Chapter 16-Arsenal at Spring

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- JSASOURCEBOOK

II BIT OUT OF PUICE does well, somehow-a bit faded, but some of the tapes-
tries I've seen them dig up, oh my!"
The third of the artifacts-the Green Knight's girdle-
is not in Great Britain at all.
* "Yes, there's even an exhibit from here, y'know.
Things found out in the castle ruins, touring the States.
Again, the assistance of the Green Knights saves a great That's where
you're from, am I right? I knew I was!"
deal of time and effort. If the heroes have won the Green
Knights' trust, they are told that the girdle is not at the The heroes eventually piece together the information
castle or even nearby. Long ago, Gawain took it to Camelot. about the Camelot exhibit of which the Green Knights
The girdle remained there with his family after he died. A could have told them.
contingent of Green Knights was stationed there to pro- Likewise, any heroes with an interest in museums and
tect the girdle after Gawain's death. They have kept it safe the arts may have already heard of this exhibit, as would
all this time, mingled unobtrusively with other items from anyone with the Wealth Advantage. On a Moderate scholar,
the area and period. They know its current whereabouts Knowledge, or know-how (high society) roll, the character
and tell the heroes that it's with an exhibit that is cur- remembers the details. The exhibit is a major event, and
rently touring the United States. The exhibit showcases a its first night in any new city has an invitation-only, black-
collection of fabrics, tapestries, and clothing purported tie dinner.
to have been discovered among the ruins of Camelot. The Once the characters are back in the United States (pre-
girdle is one of the prize pieces, and the Green Knights sumably by the same way they came), they can readily
are actually overseeing it on the tour. locate the current stopping point for the Camelot exhibit.
If the heroes are at odds with the Green Knights, they're The exhibit is currently in Central City, at the Nichols-
on their own. Characters who know the story of Gawain Atwater Museum. The museum was once a mansion be-
and the Green Knight remember that the Green Knight did longing to the Nichols family (peers of the Waynes), and
not have the girdle at the end of the tale. He had given it it is a magnificent building, all marble and columns. The
to Gawain. The most logical place to look, then, is Camelot exhibit has pride of place in the front room on the first
itself. Of course, that fabled city no longer exists, but any- floor. There are several belts in the exhibit, but only one
one with scholar or arcane lore has heard of Camden, the of them is green-a miraculously preserved silk girdle,
small village that claims to be near the ruins of Camelot. embroidered with a pattern of ivy leaves and vines.
Most scholars believe this to be accurate, although no Unfortunately, this is the opening night of the exhibit
one has found conclusive proof. A taxi cab from Perth here, and there is a fancy dinner taking place with the
can take them to Camden. area's most important men and women in attendance.
Camden is a small village, still fairly rustic. The villag-
ers tend to mind their own business, but they are proud
of the Camelot's proximity and happily brag about it to CHllN61N6 PUINS
any visitors. The town has only a few dozen houses, a Jensen's spirits have already located the girdle for him,
single pub (which doubles as the hotel), a church, a gen- so he sent Axis Amerika (minus Gudra and the Sea Wolf)
eral store/post office, and a several farms on the outskirts. after it. (If the villains were divided, he dispatched the
Characters with mystic senses do not detect any magic last two members of Axis Amerika, Die Grosshorn Eule
here-if the girdle was there, it is not any longer. and Ubermensch).
The most useful action to take is chatting with the vil- How Axis Amerika battles depends on whether the play-
lagers, preferably not while in costume. Costumes cause ers obtained the Green Knight's armor or if Axis Amerika
the villagers to alternate between staring in awe and toss- got it.
ing out playful insults. Any casually dressed person can If the heroes retrieved the armor (whether or not the
talk with the townspeople, especially in the pub-and villains stole the axe), the villains are easily defeated.
especially if they buy in pints. The difficulty to get any There is a reason for this. The girdle is the most mystical
information out of folks is 4. Characters who buy a round and spiritual of the Green Knight's artifacts, and it can-
of drinks receive +2 to their interrogation rolls, while cos- not be touched by evil. Jensen knows this. He has in-
tumed heroes get a - 1. structed his agents to let the heroes get the girdle. They
When questioned, the villagers might say: should pretend to put up a fight but make sure the he-
*"Have you seen Camelot, then? It's right here, don't roes take possession of the artifact. Jensen assumes the
ye know-just over that hill!" heroes will then immediately seek him out and attack him,
* "At night, if there's fog, you can hear the king's bringing the girdle with them. If you suspect that your
knights riding through the trees, calling for him." players and their characters might not fall for this bait
*"So, are ye a digger, then? We've seen lots of them, (or they might have difficulty finding Jensen), be sure that
we have. They come to search the castle for trinkets and Axis Amerika sticks around long enough to goad the he-
what-not. Most don't find nothing, but there was one roes into locating Jensen immediately.
If Axis Amerika succeeded in stealing the armor, they
bunch ... whew! Beautiful."
* fight full strength but they do not try to claim the girdle
"Most of the things are a dead loss now, of course- themselves. Instead,
they stall the heroes, holding them
all those years in the dirt. But some of them survive. Cloth

Chapter 16-Arsena/ ot Spring

back until Jensen himself can arrive. Jensen has mastered without warmth, and the building is well suited for such
the ritual that allows him to wear the armor and has now displays.
donned it (granting him its powers). He hopes the armor's A vast banner over the entranceway announces "The
own magicks will shield his nature and allow him to take Camelot Tour." Within, you can hear soft music being
the girdle without harm. Jensen cannot wear the girdle played, and ushers in tuxedos stand just inside the front
yet. That requires a more powerful spell, which he hasn't door-with several security guards behind them. As you
quite mastered. Nevertheless, he can grab the girdle and step forward, the first usher moves to greet you.
escape with it, and that is his current goal.
If the heroes have paused to switch into eveningwear,
If Jensen does appear with the armor, make it clear to
the ushers are polite. If they are still in costume, the ush-
the characters that he has already tainted it somewhat.
The armor is now a darker green, more sinister in appear- ers look puzzled and are condescending. Either way, they
ask for invitations.
ance, and green flames lick about its edges. Each of the
A poor relationship with the Green Knights means that
points and ivy tips of the armor are even darker than the the heroes must rely on their reputations. Those with bluff,
rest, making it appear as if they have been dipped in blood. charm, command, leadership, or persuasion and are well-
This is no longer a protector and defender, but a destroyer regarded may try to convince the ushers to let them pass.
and conqueror. Yet it is a mere shadow of what Jensen The base difficulty is 4. Characters in formalwear receive
will become if he gains all three artifacts. a + 1 to their rolls. Those with the Wealth Advantage also
get +l , and those with an appropriate Status Advantage
Unless the heroes have some-
how botched the other battles,
they arrive in Central City on open-
ing night. This makes the situation
more interesting. The bystanders
are all American, all "pillars of the
community"-the rich and famous,
the philanthropists.
The Green Knights knew of the
girdle's location, but they allowed
it to remain in Camden (and now
to go on this tour) because their
ancestor had given the belt freely.
They still watch over it but do not
attempt to reclaim it. Several of
them work for the exhibit tour, and
they are present at the dinner.
Upon arriving at the museum,
read aloud the following:
The difference between the
museum and DeHautdesert Castle
is startling. The castle was built
with rough stone for strength and
solidity and cheered inside by
bright clothes, dancing flames,
and happy music. The museum is
lofty, with its marble floors and
high columns, but it speaks of
wealth and power. It seeks to con-
vey that grandeur to its viewer. It
lacks charm, the sense of warmth
and family that the castle had. The
building is cold, austere, and
aloof. Its conversion to a museum
made a great deal of sense. The
fabulous works of art, all trapped
behind glass, also speak of wealth

Chapter 16-llrssnal of Spring

m l f- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - JSllSOURCEBOOK

receive + 1 to their rolls. You should allocate comparable powerful and benevolent magicks. In game terms, char-
bonuses for other relevant Advantages or exceptional acters with Cowardice, Dark Secret, Shady Background,
numbers of Hero Points. If the Green Knights are or similar Disadvantages or any Villain Points cannot
adversarial, they might have told the ushers and guards touch the girdle without receiving SD in damage (mini-
to block the heroes. They would then each receive a -2 mum of 1 point) for every round of contact.
to their rolls. For heroes with Fugitive, Unattractive Ap-
pearance, or similar Disadvantages, the ushers call the
guards to get rid of them. This won't work, of course, but
it is embarrassing, and it wastes valuable time.
However, if the heroes are on good terms with the
Green Knights, those who are with the tour are waiting
with the ushers, and they invite the heroes inside.
When the heroes do get inside, read the following
The main room is certainly magnificent, a vast ex-
panse of marble with ceilings vaulting high overhead
and crystal chandeliers throwing sparkling cascades of
light to every corner. There are tables here and there, SAFEKEEPING
placed between the exhibit cases. At each table sits the After the battle at the museum, if the heroes have won
city's best and brightest, its favorite sons and daugh- any of the other battles, they have a choice. They can go
ters in their stylish attire and most charming poses. A after Jensen immediately, or they can take any artifact
string quartet plays off to one side, and waiters glide they have and place it somewhere safe.
between the seats, offering drinks and conveying dishes. The heroes should not be reminded of this. It is up to
The scene is one of plenty, peace, and relaxation. them to figure it out. Jensen is counting on their not think-
The mood is shattered, of course, by the arrival of Axis ing of putting the articles in safekeeping. He has seen and
Amerika. (If Jensen split the group, only Die Grosshorn heard enough about the heroes to anticipate that they
Eule and Ubermensch show up.) If the heroes located the will simply charge after him immediately.
exhibit easily and entered without difficulty, they beat the If the heroes do hide any of the artifacts, Jensen's plan
villains to the girdle. If they had to drag information out is ruined. He cannot combine the three artifacts and gain
of the villagers or had any other trouble, they hear the the Green Knight's full power. He still uses whatever arti-
sounds of violence and screaming within. They arrive to facts he could claim, but the effect will be far less.
find Axis tearing the room apart, tracking mud and dirt
Again, Axis Amerika delights in attacking or taking hos- THE lh1.1.111Ns' l.111s
tage any bystanders. The Green Knights do not intervene. If Axis Amerika was able to gain even one of the arti-
There are only three of them present, and their concern facts, the heroes should track them back to their lair and
is for the girdle. The Green Knights try to steal the girdle defeat them.
and hide it, but this is unlikely to work. This requires a Jensen and his allies are using an abandoned warehouse
sneak roll with a difficulty of 5, breaking the glass case along the docks in Gotham City. They have converted it
(which has 30 Body Points), and getting out with the girdle into a hangar for easy access for aircraft and boats.
(another sneak roll of 7). Assuming that Axis Amerika didn't try to convince the
The museum does not have many items to use in com- heroes into following them, finding this place can be tricky,
bat and certainly very little that is useful. The tables are but there are some options. The heroes can interrogate
small and light (BOY 10), and the cases are of thick glass any captured Axis Amerika members. Heroes with ESP or
(shards have a BOY of 10). Most of the items on display Precognition can try their hand at locating the criminal
are either paintings or fabrics, too light to do any real mastermind. The difficulty for ESP is a minimum of 6, while
damage. Chandeliers dangle high above, but they are hard with Precognition, it's 10. If Jensen has any of the arti-
to reach. facts, those with Magically Empowered powers or any
Magic Manipulation power gain a +2 bonus to their rolls
for finding Jensen through the items.
1HE61RDlE With a Difficult surveillance roll, heroes remember the
The Green Knight's girdle grants immunity from mys- mud and tar on the feet of the Axis Amerika members
tical attacks. It also protects the wearer from the ravages that they fought at the banquet. With a Very Difficult
of age and disease. It confers Immunity at 30, Longevity scholar (East Coast) or streetwise roll, they recognize these
at 10, Forcefield at 30, and Sustenance at 30. All powers materials as being from a dock in an East Coast city. He-
have the Magically Empowered ( +80) Enhancement. The roes who are from Gotham and exceed the difficulty by at
belt has 20 Body Points. The girdle cannot be touched by least 1 point know this came from Gotham, and they even
anyone who is not either pure of heart or shielded by know the area.

Chanter 16-llrsenal of Soring

The warehouse itself is large, dusty, and still cluttered At this point, the question of who won each battle is
in places with old crates and barrels. Apparently, it was crucial. Jensen may not have time to complete any of the
used to store machine parts before the war. Jensen and rituals. If Axis Amerika won either of the first two battles,
Axis Amerika have cleared the area by the dock itself. Jensen may already have access to the armor, the axe, or
They have a speedboat tethered just outside, while in- both. This makes the game more interesting, since Jensen
side there is a small plane. They have also cleared the is a bigger threat each time. If Jensen came to the mu-
former manager's office, on the second floor. Jensen has seum himself, already wearing the armor, it will take him
holed up in that room. He has a large desk there, covered some time to return to his base and finish learning the
with arcane texts. There are windows in the office, over- next ritual. If he's missing any of the artifacts, he waits
looking the main floor, so Jensen can see anyone ap- and hopes the heroes arrive with them in hand.
proaching. Only a single staircase leads to the office. The In the event that Jensen has all three artifacts, he is in
warehouse has rafters that can be swung or walked the middle of completing the final ritual, so he can use
across, and there are skylights up above. the items all together. If he successfully completes the
The Green Knights trailed the heroes, so they arrive ritual, the objects perform at twice their previous levels
just after the heroes get to the warehouse. They cannot (double all of their powers). There is no need to make
go after Jensen until Axis Amerika has been defeated. any rolls for Jensen as he performs the ritual. Assume he
Jensen has been busy studying the arcane rituals. As does everything perfectly. Only by attacking him and in-
soon as the Axis Amerika members bring him their pieces, terrupting his concentration can the heroes break the
he begins the process to use the artifacts without dan- spell.
ger. This keeps him occupied unless someone directly in- This is the epic conclusion to this adventure-not only
tervenes. If Jensen's concentration is broken, the ritual is is it a fight against any surviving members of Axis Amerika
broken, and only then does he engage the heroes him- but also against Jensen and the stolen powers of the Green
self. There are two separate rituals here. One of them will Knight, a force for good that has been perverted by evil.
allow Jensen to use the armor and the axe without dan- Provided that the heroes are on good terms with the Green
ger, and the other lets him combine all three (the armor, Knights, they lend a hand, but they are sorely outclassed
axe, and girdle) and use them all without harm. here, as are any nonpowered heroes-this is a battle of

c11a111er 16-llnenal at s111/ng

mystic forces. The mystic elements should definitely be ing out his eldritch flames and bathing him in its inten-
stressed. Any heroes with mystic abilities are awed and sity. With a sound like a bowstring snapping, the axe
frightened by the Green Knight's powers and by what flies from his hand, the girdle from his waist, and the
Jensen could do with them. (Jensen receives a +2 bonus armor from all sides. Then the light fades, its image
to his intimidation skill rolls against those with any Magic still burning into your eyes, and Jensen drops to the
Manipulation power or any Magically Empowered power.) floor.
One element of chance here is the girdle itself. It is in-
herently an artifact of peace and health. If Jensen attempts If there is a particularly virtuous warrior among the
to cast a spell or use any aspect of his Sorcery power heroes (someone with no Villain Points and the melee
during the battle (instead of just relying on the artifacts), weapons skill or nature-based powers or both), the arti-
the girdle recognizes his evil and attacks him by squeez- facts suddenly appear on him or her instead. (Should no
ing him tighter and tighter (BDV SD per round) until it's suitable player's character be present, then the equip-
taken off. Should he use the axe ignobly (striking an op- ment appears on a Green Knight.) This is the hand of a
ponent from behind or while he is down, for example), higher power, restoring the balance. Do not use this un-
the ivy vines on the handle of the axe come to life and less utterly necessary, however. It is always best if the
wrap around his arms, pinning them to his side and do- heroes can triumph on their own, without outside help.
ing 4D in damage per round.
If the heroes have any of the artifacts, they can use
them freely (as long as they don't have any Villain Points). AffERMllTH
The armor and the axe are perfectly matched. The axe After the battle, the heroes (and the Green Knights)
cannot penetrate the armor. The girdle is strictly a pro- must decide what to do with the artifacts. Should they be
tective item, but when worn by someone pure of heart, it scattered, warded, or used? If one of the heroes was
allows the wearer to dodge attacks by the axe and neu- granted or used any or all of the artifacts and handled
tralize the powers of the armor for two consecutive them well and with honor, the Green Knights allow them
rounds. Use this for best dramatic effect: A brave hero, to keep the items. It has been too long since there was a
wearing the girdle and steadfast in his own integrity, mi- true Green Knight. This could dramatically change a
raculously dodges Jensen's vicious blow and connects
player's character. He would have to become the Green
with a powerful blow to the villain's jaw-despite the
heavy armor protecting him, the evil sorcerer is rocked Knight in truth, swearing to protect nature and Britain
back by the blow! and to uphold the chivalrous code, and he would no longer
One useful element here is Axis Amerika. Once he has be able to use any other devices or weapons. If a hero
all three artifacts, Jensen has no use for them. If they get does fit the profile and has used the artifacts, offer this
in his way, he attacks them as well. This causes Axis as an option. Otherwise, the Green Knights reclaim the
Amerika to turn on him, providing the heroes with an- artifacts and return home with them. They welcome any
other temporary ally. Only use this to level the playing help in guarding them, however. Axis Amerika, if not de-
field if the heroes seem outmatched. Otherwise, Axis tained, slinks off to hide and plan again. Jensen is taken
Amerika attacks the heroes and the Green Knights into custody and carted off. The heroes can relax, know-
ing that they have kept the world safe yet again.


If all seems lost-for instance, Jensen acquired all three
After the adventure is over, it is time to reward the
artifacts and cast the ritual, the heroes are about to be
heroes for their efforts. For each battle they won, grant
beaten-there is a way out. The Green Knight was, after
each player's character two Character Points. If they b~
all, a force for good, a symbol of nature and of life. Jensen
friended the Green Knights, grant them each two Charac-
is the opposite. He is evil and stands for hate, destruc-
ter Points. Any character who successfully used one of
tion, and death. The artifacts rebel against evil usage. At
the artifacts gets an additional Character Point. If the
the critical moment, when there seems no way to defeat
heroes succeeded in saving the innocents in each situa-
the villain, read the following aloud:
tion, grant them two Character points. If they managed
Your team is battered and broken, and Jensen hov- to defeat Jensen without divine intervention, grant them
ers above you, an aura of emerald flame licking around each two Hero Points. If intervention was necessary, each
his form. character receives one Hero Point instead. Any charac-
"At last, the world will tremble before us," he an- ters who used Hero Points to save another's life or to save
nounces, raising the axe high, "and your death screams the mission, gets that point back plus another one. Those
will be the sounds that ring in our great Reich!" who roleplayed particularly well should get an additional
The armored figure grabs the axe with both hands, two to four Character Points each. For excellent team-
preparing to strike down in a vicious blow-and the work, hand out six to eight Character Points to each char-
roof is blown apart as a beam of intense light lances acter. Finally, give each character an additional one or
down from the heavens. A light drenches Jensen, drown- two Character Points if everyone had a good time.

Chapter 16-Arscnal otSpring

Page numbers in italics refer to
Atom Smasher, 148. See also Corrigan, James Brendan. See
sidebars. characters, Nuklon characters, Spectre, the (Jim
Atom, the (Albert Pratt), 12 Corrigan)
A Baron Blitzkrieg, 80 Crane, Robert. See characters,
Advantage (new) Baron, the. See characters, Baron Robotman (Robert Crane)
Status, 172- 173 Blitzkrieg Crimson Avenger, the, 68
U.S. military ranks, 172 Bat, the. See characters, Fledermaus, Crock, Artemis. See char acters,
adventure die Artemis; characters, Tigress
archaeologist, 194 bee (typical), 46. See also characters, (Artemis Crock)
evil spirits, 188 Red Bee, the Crock, Lawrence. See characters,
Green Knights, 191 Billy Yank. See characters, Uncle Sam Sportsmaster, the
Green Knight's armor, 194 Black Adam, 161-162 Crock, Paula Brooks. See characters,
Green Knight's axe, 192 Black Canary (Dinah Drake Lance), 13 Tigress (Paula Crock)
Green Knight's girdle, 197 Black Canary (Dinah Laurel Lance), Cross, Or. Pieter Anton. See
Jensen, William Jonathon, 189 134 characters, Dr. Mid-Nite (Pieter
plan of attack by Jensen, 189 Black Condor, the (Richard Grey, Jr.), Cross)
rewards, 199 60 Culp, Simon. See characters, Shade,
synopsis of Sir Gawain & the Green Blackbriar Thorn, 162 the
Knight, 186 Blue Streak. See characters, Curtis, Terry. See characters,
Quicksilver Cyclotron
B Bowin, Isaac. See characters, Fiddler, Cyclotron, 82
block & parry combat option, 173-174 the Dan the Dyna-Mite. See characters,
bases. See also equipment Brain Wave (Henry King), 89. See also Dyna-Mite
Dodds Mansion, 167, 168-170, 169 villain teams, Injustice Society of Dark Angel, 83
using, 170 the World Dark Lord, the, 156
Golden Age JSA headquarters, 111 Brainwave Jr., 116 Deathbolt, 84
JSA Launch Facility, 170 Brooks, Paula. See characters, Tigress Dennis, Paul. See characters,
Perisphere, the, 112, 113 (Paula Crock) Robotman (Robert Crane)
Brother Jon<tthan. See characters, Devoe, Clifford. See characters,
c Uncle Sam Thinker, the (Clifford Devoe)
characters Burman, Cindy. See characters, Shiv Diablo, 51. See also characters, Whip,
Adam, Theodore "Theo." See Canton, Rose. See characters, Thorn, the
characters, Black Adam the (Rose Canton) Divine Wind, the. See characters,
Adg, Vandal. See characters, Savage, Cantrell, Norda. See characters, Kamikaze
Vandal Northwind Dodds, Wesley "Wes." See characters,
Ahwehota. See characters, Captain Nazi, 81 Sandman
Quicksilver Chambers, Johnny. See characters, Doll Man, 61
Air Wave (Lawrence Jordan), 32 Johnny Quick Dr. Fate (Hector Hall), 149-150. See
Amazing Man (Will Everett), 33 Chapel, Dr. Beth. See characters, Dr. also characters, Silver Scarab
Americommando, the. See characters, Midnight Dr. Fate (Kent Nelson), 14
Mister America Cheval, .Jonathan. See characters, Dr. Midnight, 117
Artemis, 130-131. See also characters, Monocle, the Dr. Mid-Nite (Charles McNider), 15-16.
Tigress (Artemis Crock); villain Clariss, Edward. See characters, Rival See also characters, Dr. Mid-Nite
teams, Injustice Unlimited Clark, Dave. See characters, Midnight (Charles McNider)
Arthur, Justin. See characters, Shining Commander Steel, 34 Dr. Mid-Nite (Pieter Cross), 135-136
Knight, the (Sir Justin) Dr. Occult, 35

Dragon King, the, 85 Hall, Hector Saunders. See characters, Jordan, Lawrence. See characters, Air
Dugan, Pat. See characters, Dr. Fate (Hector Hall); characters, Wave 1
S.T.R.l.P.E.; characters, Stripesy Silver Scarab Judomaster, 39-40
Dummy, the, 89-90. See also villain Hallaway, Tom Ludlow. See Justin, Sir. See characters, Shining
teams, Injustice Society of the characters, Spider, the (Tom Knight, the (Sir Justin)
World; villain teams, Injustice Hallaway) Kamikaze, 78. See also villain teams,
Unlimited Harlequin (Molly Maynne), 91-92. See Axis Amerika
Dunbar, Daniel. See characters, Dyna- also villain teams, Injustice Kara. See characters, Power Girl
Mite Society of the World Karkull, Ian, 98
Dyna-Mite, 54 Harper, Jim. See characters, Guardian, Killer Wasp I. See Golden Wasp
Everett, Will. See characters, Amazing the Killer Wasp 2, 164
Man (Will Everett) Hastur, Dr. Anton, 87 King Jr., Henry "Hank." See
Extant, 157 Hath-Set. See characters, Hastur, Dr. characters, Brainwave Jr.
Fiddler, the, 90. See also villain teams, Anton King, Henry. See characters, Brain
Injustice Society of the World; Hawk. See characters, Extant Wave (Henry Ki ng)
villain teams, Injustice Unlimited Hawkgirl (Kendra Saunders), 138-139 Knight, Jack. See characters, Starman
Firebrand (Danette Reilly), 36 Hawkgirl (Shiera Saunders), 19, 20. (Jack Knight)
Firebrand (Rod Reilly), 62 See also equipment, Nth Metal Knight, Sandra. See characters,
Flash, the (Jay Garrick), 16, 137-138 belt; equipment, wings of Phantom Lady, the (Sandra
Fledermaus, die, 77. See also villain Hawkman & Hawkgirl Knight)
teams, Axis Amerika Hawkins, Sanderson "Sandy." See Knight, Theodore "Ted" Henry. See
Florin, Alyx. See characters, Thorn, characters, Sand; characters, characters, Starman (Ted Knight)
the (Rose Canton) Sandy the Golden Boy Kosmatos, Helena. See characters,
Flying Fox, 55 Hawkman (Carter Hall), 19- 20, 139- Fury (Helena Kosmatos)
Fury (Helena Kosmatos), 55-56 140. See also equipment, Nth Metal Krieger, Albrecht. See characters,
Fury (Lyta Trevor), 118 belt; equipment, wings of Hawkman Captain Nazi
Gambler, the (Steven Sharpe), 91. See &Hawkgirl Kurtzberger, Terrence. See
also villain teams, Injustice Hayden, Jennie-Lynn. See characters, characters, Cyclotron
Societ y of the World Jade Kyle (the Mist). See characters, Mist,
Garrick, Jay. See characters, Flash , Hayden, Roger. See characters, the (Kyle, Sr.)
the (Jay Garrick) Pyscho-Pirate (Roger Hayden) Lance, Dinah "Diana" Drake. See Black
Gaynor, Rodrigo. See characters, Hazard, 131. See also villain teams, Canary (Dinah Drake Lance)
Whip, the Injustice Unlimited Lance, Dinah Laurel. See characters,
Geomancer, 163 Heywood I, Henry "Hank." See Black Canary (Dinah Laurel
Golden Wasp, 86 characters, Commander Steel Lance)
Gombezi, 109. See also characters, Hippolyta, Queen. See characters, Lane, Chuck. See characters, Jester,
Togg, Dr. Rocco Wonder Woman (Hippolyta) the
Grant, Ted. See characters, Wildcat Holt, Michael. See characters, Mr. Law, John. See characters, Tarantula, ·
(Ted Grant) Terrific (Michael Holt) the
Great Horned Owl, the. See Hootie the Owl, I 6. See also Lawrence, Liberty Belle. See
characters, Grosshorn Eule, Die characters, Dr. Mid-Nite (Charles characters, Liberty Belle
Green Lantern (Alan Scott), 17-18. See McNider) Liberty Belle, 41
also characters, Sentinel; Hourman (Rex Tyler), 21. See also Lightning. See characters, Quicksilver
equipment, power ring of Green equipment, Miraclo Lincoln, Roy. See characters, Human
Lantern; equipment, Starheart Hourman (Rick Tyler), 119. See also Bomb, the
Grey, Jr., Richard. See characters, equipment, Miraclo Makent , Cameron. See characters,
Black Condor, the (Richard Grey, Hourman (Tyler), 150-151 Icicle (Cameron Makent)
Jr.) Human Bomb, the, 63 Makent, Dr. Joar. See characters, Icicle
Grosshorn Eu le, die, 77. See also Icicle (Cameron Makent), 131 , 164. See (Joar Makent)
villain teams, Axis Amerika also villain teams, Injustice Manhunter (Dan Richards), 42. See
Grundy, Solomon, 94-95. See also Unlimited also characters, Thor the
villain teams, Injustice Society of Icicle (Joar Makent), 92. See also Thunderdog
the World villain teams, Injustice Society of Max Mercury. See characters,
Guardian, the, 37 the World Quicksilver
Gudra, 78. See also characters, Iron Munroe, 56-57 Max. See characters, Quicksilver
Stormwind; villain teams, Axis Jade, 120. See also equipment, Maynne, Molly. See characters,
Amerika Starheart Harlequin (Molly Maynne)
Hall, Carter. See characters, Hawkman Jester, the, 38 McNider, Charles. See Dr. Mid-Nite
(Carter Hall) Johnny Quick, 38-39 (Charles McNider)
Hall, Hank. See characters, Extant Johnny Reb. See characters, Uncle Mekanique, 99

Merkel, Peter. See characters, Rag Rival, 165 Sorrow, Johnny, 160-161
Doll, the Robotman (Robert Crane), 47 Special Tactics Robotic Integrated
Midnight, 43 Rothstein, Albert "Al" Julian. See Power Enhancer. See characters,
Minuteman, the. See characters, characters, Atom Smasher; S.T.R.1.P.E.
Uncle Sam characters, Nuklon Spectre, the (Jim Corrigan), 25
Miss America, 43-44 Samuel. See characters, Uncle Sam Spider, the (fom Hallaway), 70
Mist, the (Kyle, Sr.), 100 Sand, 141-142 Sportsmaster, the, 95-96. See also
Mister America, 44 Sandman (Wes Dodds), 23-24 villain teams, Injustice Society of
Monarch. See characters, Extant Sandy the Golden Boy, 24 the World
Monocle, the, 101 Sargent, John. See characters, Sargon Stalker, 106
Monroe, Arnold "Arn." See characters, the Sorcerer Starman (Jack Knight), 152-27. See
Iron Munroe Sargon the Sorcerer, 48. See also also equipment , Cosmic Staff
Montez, Yolanda. See characters, equipment, Ruby of Life Starman (fed Knight), 26. See also
Wildcat (Yolanda Montez) Saunders, Greg. See characters, equipment, Gravity Rod
Mordru. See characters, Dark Lord, Vigilante, the (Greg Saunders) Starr, Kara. See characters, Power Girl
the Saunders, Kendra Shiera. See Star-Spangled Kid (Courtney
Mr. Bones, 121 characters, Hawkgirl (Kendra Whitmore), 145. See also
Mr. Terrific (Michael Holt), 140-141. Saunders) equipment, Cosmic Converter
See also equipment, T-Spheres Saunders, Shiera. See characters, Belt
Mr. Terrific (ferry Sloane), 22-23 Hawkgirl (Shiera Saunders) Star-Spangled Kid (Sylvester
Nelson, Kent. See Dr. Fate (Kent Savage, Vandal, 105. See also villain Pemberton), 71. See also
Nelson) teams, Injustice Society of the characters, Skyman, equipment,
Northwind, 122 World Cosmic Converter Belt
Nuklon, 123. See also characters, Scarab, 153 Stormwind, 78. See also characters,
Atom Smasher Scott Maynne, Molly. See characters, Gudra
Obsidian, 124, 158-159 Harlequin (Molly Maynne) Streicher, Helmut. See characters, Red
Occult, Richard. See characters, Dr. Scott, Alan Wellington. See Panzer
Occult characters, Green Lantern (Alan S.T.R.l.P.E., 154-155. See also
Overman. See characters, Scott); characters, Sentinel characters, Stripesy
Ubermensch Sea Wolf, the. See characters, See Stripesy, 71-72. See also characters,
Patriot. See characters, Uncle Sam Wulf, der S.T.R.I.P.E.
Pemberton, Jr., Sylvester. See See Wulf, der, 78-79. See also villain Stuff the Chinatown Kid (Daniel &
characters, Star.Spangled Kid, the teams, Axis Amerika Victor Leong), 72
(Sylvester Pemberton) Sendak, Louis. See characte rs, Scarab Sumo, 107
Per Degaton, 93. See also villain Sentinel, 143. See also characters, Swift, Richard. See characters, Shade,
teams, Injustice Society of the Green Lantern (Alan Scott); the
World equipment, power ring of Green Tarantula, the, 49
Perkins, Neptune, 57-58 Lantern; equipment, Starheart Terrill, Happy. See characters, Ray,
Phantom Lady, the (Sandra Knight), Shade, the, 94. See also villain teams, the (Happy Terrill)
64 Injustice Society of t he World; Teth Adam. See characters , Black
Power Girl, 125 villain teams, Injustice Unlimited Adam
Pratt, Albert "Al." See Atom, the Sharpe Ill, Steven. See characters, Thinker, the (Clifford Devoe), 96. See
(Albert Pratt) Gambler, the (Steven Sharpe) also villain teams, Injustice
Pyscho-Pirate (Roger Hayden), 102 Sharpe, Rebecca "Becky." See Society of the World
Quicksilver, 45 characters, Hazard Thomas, Thomas "Tex" N.. See
Raleigh, Richard . See characters, Red Shimada, Miya. See characters, characters, T.N.T.
Bee, the Tsunami Thomson, Tex. See characters, Mister
Rag Doll, the, 103 Shining Knight, the (Sir Justin), America
Ray, the (Happy Terrill), 65 69. See also characters, Winged Thor the Thunderdog, 42. See also
Red Bee, the, 46. See also characters, Victory characters, Manhunter (Dan
bee (typical) Shiv, 165- 166 Richards)
Red Panzer, 104 Silver Scarab, 126. See also Thorn, the (Rose Canton), 108
Reilly, Danette. See characters, characters, Dr. Fate (Hector Hall) Thunder, Johnny L., 27-28. See also Yz
Firebrand (Danette Reilly) Simmons, Jake. See characters, the Thunderbolt
Reilly, Rod. See characters, Firebrand Death bolt Thunderpace. See characters,
(Rod Reilly) Skyman, 127. See also characters, Quicksilver
Rice, Todd James. See characters, Star-Spangled Kid (Sylvester Tiger, 39, 40
Obsidian Pemberton) Tigress (Artemis Crock), 166. See also
Richards, Donald "Dan." See Sloane, Terry. See characters, Mr. characters, Artemis
characters, Manhunter (Dan Terrific (ferry Sloane)

Tigress (Paula Crock), 96-97. See also Yellow Wasp. See charact ers, Golden M
villain teams, Injustice Society of Wasp; charact ers, Killer Wasp
the World Yoneda, Tetsujiro. See charact ers, magic Axis barriers (domes ), 6-7, 84
T.N.T., 50 Kamikaze p
Togg, Dr. Rocco, 109. See also Yz the Thunde rbolt, 28. See also
charact ers, Gombezi charact ers, Thunde r, Johnny L. Plot Development cards, 174, 205-20 7
Travis, Lee Walter. See charact ers, Zatara, Giovanni "John," 52
Crimson Avenger
Trevor, Hippolyta "Lyta." See 0 roleplaying in the Golden Age
charact ers, Fury (Lyta Trevor) Dramatic Effects cards, 174, 204 adventu re hooks, 181
Trevor, Joan Dale. See charact ers charact eristics of the Golden Age, 176
Miss America ' E different kinds of threats, 177-178
Tsunami, 58 equipm ent melodrama, 176
Tyler, Rex "Tick Tock." See All-Star Special, 112, I 13 present ation, l 76
charact ers, Hourm an (Rex Tyler) Cosmic Conver ter Belt, 71, 145 role of technology, 178-179
Tyler, Richard "Rick." See charact ers, Cosmic Staff, 152 timeline, 180-184
Hourma n (Rick Tyler) Gernsback, I 13 types of adventu res, 179-180
Tyler. See charact ers, Hourm an
Gravity Rod, 27
wings of Hawkman & Hawkgirl, 20
Uberme nsch, 79. See also villain Miraclo, 22 villain teams
teams, Axis Amerika Morphing Ship, 30 All-New Injustice Society, 159-166. See
Ultra-Humanlte Nth Metal belt, 20 also charact ers, Tigress (Artemis
as Delores Winters , 110 power ring of Green Lantern, 18, 144 Crock). See also charact ers, Black
as white ape, 132 Ruby of Life, 48 Adam; charact ers, Blackbriar
other hosts of, 132 Spear of Destiny, 114 Thorn; characters, Geomancer;
Uncle Sam, 66 charact ers, Icicle (Cameron
Star Rocket Racer, 114
Usil the Sun-Archer, 79-110. See also Starhea rt, 18, 144 Makent); charact ers, Killer Wasp;
villain teams, Axis Amerika Steel Eagle, 170 charact ers, Rival; charact ers,
Vertigo, Count Werner, 162-163 T-Spheres, 14 l Shiv; charact ers, Vertigo, Count
Vigilante, the (Saunders, Greg), 73 Werner
Von Gunther, Baroness Paula. See H Axis Amerika, 76-79. See also
charact ers, Dark Angel charact ers, Fledermaus,
Whip Whirlwind. See charact ers, Hero & Villain Points option, 184
history die; charact ers, Grossh orn
Quicksilver Eule, die; charact ers, Gudra;
afterma th of the Crisis, 9
Whip, the, 51. See also charact ers, charact ers, Kamikaze; charact ers,
Diablo appear ance of Infinity, Inc., 7
battle against Stalker, 8 See Wulf, der; charact ers,
Whitmore, Courtn ey Elizabeth. See Ubermensch; charact ers,
characters, Star-Spangled Kid casualt ies of Zero Hour, 10
Combined Congressional Un- Usil the Sun-Archer
(Courtn ey Whitmore) Injustice Society of the World, 88-
Wildcat (Ted Grant), 28-29, 146 American Activities Comm, 8
debut of myster y men, 5 97. See also charact ers, Brain
Wildcat (Yolanda Montez), 128 Wave (Henry King); charact ers,
Wilhelm (The Bat). See charact ers, dissolu tion of Golden Age JSA, IO
dissolu tion of Infinity, Inc., 9 Dummy, the; charact ers, Fiddler,
Flederm aus, die the; charact ers, Gambler, the
Windru nner. See charact ers, formation of all-new Injustice Society,
10 (Steven Sharpe); charact ers,
Quicksilver Grundy, Solomon; charact ers,
Wing, 74 formation of All-Star Squadr on, 6
formation of Axis Amerika, 5 Harlequin (Molly Maynne);
Winged Victory, 69. See also charact ers, Icicle (Joar Makent);
charact ers, Shining Knight, the formation of Freedom Fighters, 6
formation of Infinity, Inc., 9 charact ers, Per Degaton;
(Sir Justin) charact ers, Thinker, the (Clifford
Winters, Delores. See charact ers, formation of Injustice Society of the
World, 8 Devoe); charact ers, Tigress
Ultra-Humanite (as Delores (Paula Crock); charact ers, Vandal
Winters) formation of JSA, 5
formation of modern JSA, 10 Savage; charact ers, Wizard, the
Wizard, the, 97. See also villain teams Injustice Unlimited, 130-131. See also
Injustice Society of the World; ' formation of Seven Soldiers of Victory,
6 charact ers, Artemis; charact ers,
villain teams, Injustice Unlimited Dummy, the; charact ers, Fiddler,
formation of Young All-Stars, 7
Wonder Woman (Hippolyta), 29-30. the; charact ers, Hazard;
Law's Legionnaires. See history:
See also equipment, Morphing charact ers, Icicle (Cameron
formation of Seven Soldiers of
Victory Makent); charact ers, Shade, the;
Wright, Thomas. See charact ers, charact ers, Wizard, the
magical Axis domes, 6-7
Black Condor, the (Richard Grey,
return of JSA, 8






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