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Digital Valuation System: Windows Application - User Manual

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Digital valuation

Windows application – User manual

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Table of Contents

Step 1: Digital Valuation System Application Login ................................................................................. 3

Step 2: Change password screen ............................................................................................................. 4
Step 3: MAC ID (Access point) Registration ............................................................................................. 5
Step 4: User manual view and acknowledge ........................................................................................... 6
Step 5: Update/ Enter faculty profile and bank account details.............................................................. 8
Step 6: Evaluation summary page ......................................................................................................... 10
Step 7: Evaluator Profile ........................................................................................................................ 11
Step 8: Initiate for allocation ................................................................................................................. 12
Step 9: Valuation summary .................................................................................................................... 14
Step 10: Start Evaluation........................................................................................................................ 17
Step 11: After evaluation Process .......................................................................................................... 19
Step 12: Continue Evaluation................................................................................................................. 20

Step 1: Digital Valuation System Application Login

Fig 1.0

Description: - The above screen shot Fig 1.0 is for login page of Digital Valuation System.

Selection process: -

 Click on “User ID “text field to enter User Id details such as FA001A0 or Demo etc.
 Click on “Password “ text field to enter Password details (Only alpha-numeric)
 User can choose Online or Offline mode of evaluation
 Click on “Enter” button to login.

Step 2: Change password screen

Fig 1.1.1

Description: - The above screen shot Fig 1.1 is for mandatory Change password screen in digital
valuation system during first time login

Selection process: -

 Click on “New password “text field to enter the new password for the user
 Click on “Confirm password “ text field to Re-enter the new password for the user
 Enter Password details (Only alpha-numeric) give a sample like [AZ-09] etc….
 Click on “Submit” button to change the password

 Click on “Cancel” button to remove/clear the entered text

Step 3: MAC ID (Access point) Registration

Fig 1.2

Description: - The above screen shot fig 1.2 is for MAC ID (Access point) registration for user to
authenticate during first time login

Selection process: -

 Click on “Valuation center “drop down field and select evaluation center
 Click on ‘Register’ button from the pop up window
 Status of registration will be pending till COE approves

Step 4: User manual view and acknowledge

Fig 1.3

Description: - The above screen shot Fig 1.3 is for mandatory user manual view and Acknowledge the
understanding before proceeding for evaluation

Selection process: -

 User can view the PDF document of digital valuation application

 User can save, print , Zoom in, ZOOM out, shift to page no’s from the document window
 User has to scroll down and click on I agree button to proceed for evaluation

 Click on I agree check box from the above window to provide confirmation of digital
valuation application understanding through the document. Only after clicking it will allow
user to modify

Step 5: Update/ Enter faculty profile and bank account details

Fig 1.4

Description: - The above screen shot Fig 1.4 is for faculty to mandatorily update faculty account and
other details if not updated.

Mandatory fields are:-

 Faculty can update details only once during first time login (Qualification, designation,
contact number, Email ID, country , state, city and address details & Pin code details )
 IFSC Code
 Account no
 Account name
 Bank Name
 Branch Name
 Pan Card No

Click on ‘Update’ field to update the account details

 User has to authenticate the provided bank information are true and genuine in nature
 Click on Ok button to submit ref above fig

Step 6: Evaluation summary page

Fig 2.0


 On the login the above Evaluation Summary screen shot Fig 2.0 will be displayed to the user.
 User can view the “Maximum allowed answer script”, “Allocated answer scripts”, “Evaluated
answer scripts”, “Pending answer scripts details”.

Step 7: Evaluator Profile

- View Evaluator profile details in below screen shot.

Fig 3.0

Step 8: Initiate for allocation

Fig 4.0


The above screen shot Fig 4.0 is the homepage for digital valuation system. The evaluator can select
the today’s evaluation from the menu to allocate the answer scripts.

Fig 4.1

From the above screen shot Fig 4.1 User can select on the options mentioned below.

Option Description
Select slot duration Select the slot duration for evaluation answer scripts (Ex: - 12 answer scripts
can be evaluated from 1 hour slot).
Select exam name Select exam name from the drop down list
Select checkbox Click on checkbox for subject selection.
Select allocate Click on “Allocate” button to allocate the selected subject of answer scripts.

Note: - Only one subject can be opted at a time for evaluation.

Step 9: Valuation summary

Fig 5.0


From the above screen shot Fig 5.0 user can click on the valuation summary menu to view the
valuation summary details.

Fig 5.1

 Select the exam name from the list field

 Select the report type from the list field
 Select the subject name from the list field
 Select the required date from the list field

The above screen shot Fig 5.1 is for viewing the evaluation summary report.

Option Description
Select Exam Select the exam name for which the evaluation summary need to generated
such as BE, MBA etc.
Select report type Select the report type drop down field to select type of report for generation
such as evaluation, revaluation etc.
Select subject name Select subject name from the list

Date Select required date

View Click on view button to load the report

- Download & save the report

Fig 5.2


The above screen shot Fig 5.2 is for generating the valuation summary report. User can click on the
displayed report icon field from the above screen shot to generate the reports.

Step 10: Start Evaluation

 Click On Start Evaluation.

Option Description
Select Subject Select the Subject from the drop down list for initiating evaluation.
Select Answer Script Select the Answer Scripts from the Drop down list
Start To start evaluation click on START button.

Click on ‘Start’ to display the below screen:

 Select the subject name from the subject list field

 Select the Answer script from the list field
 Click on ‘Start’ button to initiate the evaluation process

Fig 6.0

From the above screen shot Fig 6.0 User can select on the options mentioned below.

Evaluate the selected answer script and assign marks accordingly. Please note the below mentioned
while accessing the answer script:

Option Description
Click on this to activate Left Click for Tick mark and Right click for cross mark
using mouse device.
Annotation for tick mark.
Annotation for Cross mark
Annotation for Pen
Use this option to select the annotation you wish to delete
After Selection of annotation – click on this button to delete the annotation
Select Desired Pen color to be used for marking the answer script
Select the Pen thickness from the drop down menu
Use this option to Zoom the answer script. This will open a separate screen
where the answer script can be Zoomed or rotate the image for viewing.
Use of page scrolling. In case you wish to go to a particular page key in the page
no in the text box and click on Go To.

Tab Description
Question Click on this question number from evaluation screen to view the particular
Answer Key Click on this tab to view the answer key uploaded for the subject (if used)

Question Paper Click on this tab to view the complete Question paper for the subject (if used)
Graphs Click on this tab to view the graphs (if used)

Description: -

- From this screen evaluator can evaluate the script by entering tick (Right) and Cross (Wrong)
- User can enter the desired marks respectively to the question on the right side grid of the
screen in the yellow color box for that particular question.

Click on ‘Submit’ button once you have completed evaluation of the answer script.

In case the student has not attempted a particular answer for a question please mark the same as
‘NA’ (Not Attempted).

Step 11: After evaluation Process

Fig 7.0

In the above screen Fig 7.0 user can view the marks assigned for the evaluated answer script.

Give feedback (If desired).

Click on Finish in case you are satisfied with the marks assigned and process the evaluation.

After clicking finish button “ Filteration Rule “ dialogue box will be displayed on the screen as
mentioned in the above screen shot.

User has to click on “OK” button to complete the evaluation.

Step 12: Continue Evaluation

Fig 8.0

This will display the marks summary.

From the above screens shot of Fig 8.0, Click on button to evaluate more

Note: After logging out automatically the scripts will be de-allocated


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