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Unleash Your Genius At: Brightchamps

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Grade 7

Senior Champs

your Genius at
Program Overview
Kids are naturally inclined towards anything joyful and fun. Enable
them explore their hidden potential through our diverse
multidisciplinary live fun-based programs.

At BrightChamps, we adopt a unique fun based approach so that

learning becomes play, which allows kids to explore their passion and
discover their hidden talents. Our curriculum covers the entire
spectrum in a playful way, from coding to design thinking, modern
tools like AR & VR, to Robotics and IoT and the next generation rage, like
artificial intelligence and machine learning.

A BrightChamps kid will discover and develop his interests to the

maximum potential through our meticulously crafted programs. The
skills are supplementary as well as complimentary to the school
curriculum which also makes them perform better in their regular

Our methodology enables them to grasp Science & Maths concepts by

coding, visualizations and animations. We offer a unique curriculum
which is meant to inculcate new age skills in your kids to make them
poised for success and encourage them to take on challenges. Their
fundamental relationship to technology changes from being a
consumer to a creator.

All courses have been crafted meticulously by IIT, IIM graduates and
ISRO scientists in collaboration with MIT & Stanford.
The 5 Pillars Of Our Curriculum
The curriculum is designed to bring out the genius in your child. We
offer an all-encompassing technology curriculum for kids, covering
coding foundation to scientific exploration, and design thinking to
robotics. It is also the only platform to provide specific teaching
expertise for different faculties of technology.


Team Technology
Work Social Foundation Creative
Collaboration (TECHIZENS)

Advanced Scientific
Tech Exploration
Course Module

Coding Foundation

10 classes

Mobile App Development

20 Classes

AI & Machine Learning

20 Classes

Scientific Exploration
16 Classes

Circuits, IoT & Robotics

30 Classes
Advanced Tech

AR & VR, Advanced AI & ML

30 Classes

User Research & Prioritisation NOIPMAHC

5 Classes

Digital Safety & Smartness

7 Classes

Design Thinking
12 Classes
Your Kid’s Journey to become
Technology Creator &
Mathematics Maestro


First Simulated
Program in AR

First AI Application

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Pro App Developer

Module Coding Js

Foundation PHP

(1 - 10 Classes)
Coding is the new literacy. It sharpens problem SQL
solving skills, fosters creativity,makes kids learn
perseverance and opens up numerous career
opportunities. It requires high activity of multiple
areas in the brain and altogether empowers </>

When children code they learn how to express

themselves, develop procedural thinking, and strengthen
their confidence, they acquire a new set of skills that
help them shift from just consuming information to
becoming digital creators. Most next generation
technologies have coding deeply ingrained in them, and
actually form the basis of their development.

1 Why should you learn to write programs?

2 Variables, expressions, and statements

3 Conditional execution

4 Functions Iterations, Loops: repeat & forever (for & while)

5 Strings Files

6 Lists

7 Dictionaries

8 Tuples

9 Regular expressions

10 Networked programs

11 Python and Web Services

12 Object-Oriented Programming

13 Python & databases: Using Databases and SQL

Module Mobile App
(11 - 31 Classes)

1 Covers the full spectrum of concepts related to

ultra-modern app development.

2 Hands-on training in developing fun iOS & Android

apps and games.

3 market ready apps publishable on the app store,

which can also be monetized.

4 Enables kids to shift from just being a consumer of

technology, to becoming digital creators.

5 Inculcates entrepreneurial spirit amongst kids, and

gives them the confidence to develop and design
their own unique self-made products.

20 10 14
Classes Projects Concepts

Class No Activity/Program/App Name Concepts Focus Areas

11 Image Recognizer App Basic App Design, User Event Handling

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Your Own Weather App - Part 1 Web API integration for fetching data from
12 the internet

13 Your Own Weather App - Part 2 Geo location and Maps Integration

your own chat app “Storing and syncing data between users in
14 realtime using a cloud service”

Ecommerce app Webview app with an existing E-commerce

15 platform

16 Your own quiz app - part 1 Multiscreen UI development - Basics

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17 Your own quiz app - part 2 Custom Event Handling

18 Your own quiz app - part 3 Animation Component Integration

19 Space Weight Calculator App: part 1 Activity stack and navigational flow building

20 Space Weight Calculator App: part 2 Interaction based Logic integration

21 Wrap up class - Multi Activity App

Space Weight Calculator App: part 3 development
Module Mobile App
(11 - 31 Classes)

Class No Activity/Program/App Name Concepts Focus Areas

22 Proton Escape Game App: part 1 Canvas component integration

23 Proton Escape Game App: part 2 Game based app development

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24 Proton Escape Game App: part 3 Procedure components integration

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25 Proton Escape Game App: part 4 Broadcasting Concept

26 Proton Escape App: part 5 QA and Debugging

27 Design Process App: part 1 MVC - Basics

28 Design Process App: part 2 Model Integration / DB integration

29 Design Process App: part 3 View and Controller Concepts

30 Design Process App: part 4 MVC - Revision

Complete App
31 Solar System app Complete app design based on MVC Design based
on MVC

31 Chatbot app Certification Project Project

Mobile App Development

Module Artificial Intelligence
& Machine Learning
(31 - 50 Classes)

1 From basics of AI to the latest algorithms, the entire

array of AI-ML concepts are covered in a lucid
manner, with activity based learning.

2 With the new breakthroughs in facial recognition

technology, self-driving cars, space-tech or robots,
machine Learning technology is set to
revolutionise everything

3 The kids will also get a certification at the end of

this module.

20 14 16
Classes Projects Concepts

Class No Activity/Program/App Name Concepts Focus Areas

Machine Learning Introduction Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and

31 Machine learning

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32 Point Shoot Recognise phone app First AI application with Microsoft’s image
recognition API integration

Image Classifier App Classic ML classification problem using MIT


app inventor

34 Cornerstone AI/ML concepts Cornerstone concepts of machine learning

Emotion & Gesture recognition Gesture and emotion recogition using

35 phone app Microsoft’s emotion recogition API

Face-finder animation app Face finder application recognising facial

36 features

37 Facial Expressions Training Training The Computer By Making Facial


38 A Chameleon Changing Colours Colour Recognition, Supervised Learning

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39 Emoji Expressions Text Recognition

40 Machine Postman Handwriting Recognition

41 Cat Or Dog Image Recognition

42 Face Id Phone Face Recognition

43 Shy Panda Recognising Webcam Pictures

Module Artificial Intelligence
& Machine Learning
(31 - 50 Classes)

Class No Activity/Program/App Name Concepts Focus Areas

44 Pac-Man Ghost Game Decision Tree Learning

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45 School Library Predictive Modeling

46 Intelligent Chatbot Supervised Learning

47 Tour Guide Training Bias

48 Fooling The Computer Overfitting

49 Personal Audio Classifier Machine Learning Using Audio Data

50 Voice Calculator Tutorial Machine Learning Using Audio Data

Artificial Intelligence & ML

Module Scientific
(51 - 66 Classes)

Scientific Exploration for in depth concept

building in Maths and Science:

Our methodology enables them to grasp Science

& Maths concepts by coding, visualizations and
animations. Using our unique and only scientific
exploration program, kids will develop in-depth
understanding of numerous maths & science
concepts, encompassing geometry, mechanics,
algebra, space & planetary sciences.

1 Introduction to Matlab/Octave/Scilab

2 Points of crossing of two polynomials in space using Octave

3 Solving the problem of finding the closest meet-up location on

a map by creating an algorithm.

4 Learning basics of Matlab programming while editing images,

building GIFs, and creating color filters and face masks that are
applied in popular apps.

5 Plotting and visualisations of polynomial functions in 2D and 3D,

playing around with the polynomials’ curves, variables and
their signs (positive or negative)

6 Modeling projectile motion, the perfect basketball shot,

creating a 3D animation for the shot

7 Introduction to space and planetary sciences via Simulink

8 Practical use of Kepler’s laws demonstrating interplanetary

space travel
Module Circuits, Iot IoT

& Robotics
(67 - 96 Classes)

Circuits, IoT & Robotics using simulations

and real hardware: From simple circuits to
complex ones forming the backbone of IoT
and Robotics, they shoot up their interest in
and understanding of Physics, Mechanics
and Electronics. Robotics can be a
launching pad for students to realize their
passions. It can also can teach students
how to communicate across different
technology platforms.

1 Electronic Circuit Basics with TinkerCAD

2 An LED Circuit with A Push Button
3 Using A Slide Switch in Circuits
4 Circuits and Resistors
5 A Circuit with An LED and Resistor
6 Circuits with A Potentiometer
7 Circuits with Arduino
8 Blinking LED
9 Introduction to embedded systems
10 How To Make a Simple Arduino Alarm System
11 Portable Distance Display Unit using sonar sensor and
print it on a LCD screen
1 Magnet Levitation with Arduino
2 Ultrasonic Security System using Arduino
3 Two-Way Pager with Arduino
4 Arduino-Based Automatic Water Tap Using IR Sensor
5 Arduino LCD Video Game
6 PIR Sensor based Security Alarm System
7 Arduino based obstacle avoiding robot
Module Advanced Tech
Augmented & Virtual Reality
(97 - 126 Classes)

Augmented & Virtual Reality for mind

blowing educational experiences. They
facilitate student learning through
gamification and interactivity. That keeps
students engaged even while learning
difficult topics and enhances Creative
Thinking. They offer expanded teaching
possibilities with 3D design, modeling, and
presentations. It is being used for practical
training in various fields like medicine and

1 Introduction to AR/VR with visualisation example

2 Biology takes on a whole new level
3 Partake in a video tour of a famous site
4 Visit Mount Everest
5 Go to Mars!
6 Street views of famous cities
7 World Civilisations mapping using AR
8 Visualisation of surface features, continents, landforms,
mountains and valleys

9 Learning about the Solar System, Sun and the motion of planets
around it.Visualising the internal structure of Earth, crust to core.
10 Visualisation in 3D of say an animal, and giving it commands to
perform actions like moving, jumping, running, eating etc.
11 Visualisation of Ocean life in 3D
12 Learning about the Solar System, Sun and the motion of planets
around it.Visualising the internal structure of Earth, crust to core.
Module User Research
& Prioritisation
(127 - 131 Classes)

A problem statement like below is

given to the kids:

1 Electric Vehicle Recharge to find

Nearest Bunk
2 OnRoad Vehicle Breakdown Help
Assistance Based Android App” and
they are asked to come up with:

Feature requirement list generation

Survey to get the feedbacks on features
User interface designing
Module Digital Security
& Smartness
(132 - 138 Classes)

Staying safe online is a lot like staying safe

in the real world. Digital Safety, frequently
referred to as internet safety, media
safety, online safety, or cyber safety
encompasses many things. At the core of
digital safety is protecting ourselves, our
families and others as we connect
through digital devices.

The new ways of interacting digitally facilitate real

world interaction. Digital safety is learning how to
safeguard your privacy and protect your family
from predators as we connect in this new digital
age, and is extremely important for kids to learn.

1 Why internet safety is extremely important

2 Private and Personal Information

3 Keeping Games Fun and Friendly

4 You Won’t Believe This!

5 Digital Friendships

6 How can you protect yourself from phishing?

7 How do you chat safely with people you meet online?

8 How do companies collect and use data about you?

9 How does social media affect our relationships?

Module Design Thinking
(139 - 150 Classes)

Design Thinking for fostering creativity and

imagination. Innovation and creativity are
fundamental to all academic disciplines
and educational activities, not just the
arts. The creative process, is a critical
component of making sense of learning
experiences. A number of approaches to
teaching and learning are considered that
help to nurture creativity and innovation

1 UX design

2 UI design

3 Design Thinking

4 User Research

5 Wireframing

6 UI principles

7 Colour Psychology

Accelerator Achiever Champion


6 month
6 month
++ DURATION: 1 year +


30 Classes, 2 per week 66 Classes, 2 per week 150 Classes, 2 per week

Build your own app, In addition to previous
Learn Basics of Coding modules, learn cutting
deepen your
and take home a fully understanding of maths edge technologies like
functional App too. and science through our AI, ML, Robotics, IoT, AR,
unique scientific VR
exploration programme.
Gain understanding of MODULES
Coding Foundation, Artificial intelligence and Achiever + Circuits, IoT &
Mobile App Machine learning Robotics + AR & VR, Avanced
Development AI & ML + User Research &
MODULES Prioritisation + Digital Safety
Accelerator + AI & & Smartness + Design
IMPROVEMENT AREA Machine Learning + Thinking
Creativity, Decision Scientific Exploration
Making, Cognitive IMPROVEMENT AREA
Flexibility IMPROVEMENT AREA Creativity, Critical
Design thinking, thinking, Coordination
Complex problem with others, Emotional
CERTIFICATIONS solving, critical thinking, Intelligence, Cognitive
Mobile App judgement and decision flexibility
Certification making
Artificial Intelligence Certification,
Certification AR/VR Certification
Parents’ Endorsements

I was pleasantly surprised to see the
excitement of my 12 year old son
Aaryan, as he completed the first few
classes of BrightChamps. The course is
highly engaging and seems to radically
enhance the new age skills needed for
future success.

House Wife

After reviewing all the options, I
affirmatively selected BrightChamps for
my daughter. It is undoubtedly the
most holistic program, given the unique
curriculum and expertise they offer.

IT Professional
Student Success Stories

Vivaan developed his first

App at Age 7. Don’t Let your
Child Miss Out!

Aanya developed and

published a game on the App
Store at the age of 9

Shreyasi developed an AI
based chat bot at the age of

Everybody should learn to
program a Computer
because it teaches you how
to think

Steve Jobs

Learning to write programs
stretches your mind, and
helps you think better,
creates a way of thinking
about things that I think is
helpful in all domains

Bill Gates
Contact Us
[email protected]
+91 8047189717

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