Do You Have A Problem With:: An Irrigation System Can

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Do you have a problem with:

• Crops wilting and dying from lack of

• Droughty soils
• Poor quality crops
• Lost income from dry weather

A low cost irrigation system can be as simple as a

series of troughs or gutters moving water by
gravity, or it can involve a pump and pipelines to
move water to sprinklers or a drip system.

An Irrigation System Can:

• Give you the ability to provide water when your

Solid set irrigation system
crops need it.
• Allow your crops to grow to their maximum
• Help your crops resist diseases and harmful
• Grow crops when dry weather doesn’t

Micro-irrigation is efficient Drip irrigation system

• Cost can vary based on the availability of water and the size of the system.
• Getting water can cost a lot if you have to drill a well or build a pond.
• Small systems which are operated by manual labor and gravity flow can cost as little as $50
and irrigate a small garden.
• Larger systems requiring pumps and permanent piping can cost from $1800 to $2500 an
• All irrigation systems will cost you time to operate and manage.
Low Cost Irrigation Systems

Drip Irrigation

• Drip irrigation systems deliver water to

your crops at a slow rate, without wetting
the plant.
Dividing solid set irrigation systems into smaller zones
• Pond or stream water will require expen-
can be accomplished by use of an irrigation manifold sive filters to prevent clogging of the sys-
• Drip systems using well or city water
Sprinkler Irrigation
usually require less filtration
• Water is pumped in pipes or is carried to
• Sprinkler Irrigation systems spray water into the field in tanks. An irrigation system
the air. may use valves to separate fields into
• Properly spaced, the sprinklers apply the zones. This allows a limited water source
water evenly over the irrigated area. to provide water to a large area by water-
• Sprinkler systems are less efficient than drip ing one part at a time.
• Wind will affect the uniformity of the irrigation.
• Sprinkler systems generally require high
volumes of water at high pressure.
• Household wells of around 6 gpm can only
supply enough water to run about 2
sprinklers at a time. By using portable
sprinklers and moving them, you should be
able to irrigate 1/2 acre.
• Larger fields will require a larger supply
of water (large well, or pond), a pump
and portable or permanent piping Drip irrigation systems can operate by gravity.
network. You can zone the field to make This system is inexpensive but it can irrigate
better use of the pump and water supply. only a small plot of land 35’ x 35’.
Larger fields will require a pump. A drip irriga-
tion system that supplies water to a small field
only needs a small pump.

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Low Cost Irrigation Systems

How to Install Sprinkler Irrigation

• The pipe must be rated for the pressure

the pump will create.
• Use glue or fittings specified by the
manufacturer of the pipe for connections.
• A trencher may be needed for installing
buried mains and risers.
• Thrust blocks will be needed where the line
changes direction, and at line ends. You can
excavate the required size hole and pour
concrete around the pipe to create the thrust
• Use a back flow valve to protect the water
‘Figure 8 End Closure’
supply from contamination.
Portable pipe with sprinklers attached
can be used in the field, and moved to
where they are needed. How to Maintain Irrigation Systems

• Check that sprinklers or the drip emitters

are functioning properly, and unclog any
How to Install Drip Irrigation that are not.
• Filters must be cleaned when the pressure
• First bring the source of water to the field. drop across it exceeds 3 to 5 PSI.
• Connect the back flow check valve, a • On drip lines, the ends need to be opened
pressure reducer, and the filter, making sure frequently to flush them.
the arrows on these devices are pointing in • Chemical treatment may be needed if
the right direction. algae or chemical reactions cause
• Use plumbers tape on all threaded clogging.
connections. Use clamps or glue on “T”s,
“L”s & valves.
• Test the system for water flow, before con-
necting the main line to the filter and the
• Use stakes to keep lines in position.
• Test the system for water flow again before
connecting the drip lines.
• At the end of each run, always double back
the line using a “figure 8, end closure” or use
removable end caps to allow for frequent line
flushing to avoid clogging.

Drip irrigation

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Help is Available


Technical Help Is Available

Your local Natural Resources Conservation Service

(NRCS) office has experienced conservationists that can
assist you with your low cost irrigation system. They can
also help you develop a Conservation Plan to solve other
problems you have identified on your farm.

There is no charge for our assistance. Simply call your

local office at the number listed below to set up an
appointment and we will come to your farm.

You may also be eligible to receive financial assistance, Helping People Help the Land
through a state or federal program. Your NRCS office will
explain any programs that are available so you can make
the best decision for your operation. All NRCS programs
and services are voluntary.

For More Information Contact the:

Natural Resources Conservation Service

State Office:
100 W. Capitol St., Ste. 1321
Jackson, MS 39269
Twitter: NRCS_MS

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basic of race, color, national ori-
gin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs sexual orientation, and marital or familial status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs).
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact
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January 2009

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