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Construction and Rehabilitation of Kas Umar Khan Canal System Project March, 2018 Final Hydrological Report

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Construction and Rehabilitation of Kas Umar Khan Canal System Project March, 2018

Final Hydrological Report

Page No.
1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Background..................................................................................................2
1.2 Present Assignment.....................................................................................2
2 THE PROJECT............................................................................................................. 2
3 WATER AVAILABILITY STUDY...................................................................................2
3.1 Drainage Basin............................................................................................2
3.2 Data Collection.............................................................................................2
3.2.1 Meteorology.....................................................................................2
3.2.2 Stream Flow Data.............................................................................2
3.3 Flows at Dara Tang......................................................................................2
3.4 Important Components of the River System.................................................2
3.4.1 Kurram Garhi Headworks.................................................................2
3.4.2 Lower Kurram Canals.......................................................................2
3.4.3 Baran Lohra Canals.........................................................................2
3.4.4 Tochi Gambilla Irrigation Canals......................................................2
3.5 Future Development in the Upper Catchment..............................................2
3.5.1 Kurram Tangi Dam...........................................................................2
3.5.2 Thal Canal........................................................................................2
3.5.3 Sheratalla Plain................................................................................2
3.5.4 Spaira Ragha Plain..........................................................................2
3.5.5 Remodeling of Existing Civil Canals.................................................2
3.5.6 Raising of Baran Dam......................................................................2
3.5.7 Command Areas and Irrigation Intensities........................................2
3.5.8 Canal Diversion for Irrigation............................................................2
3.5.9 Future Canal Diversions...................................................................2
3.6 Groundwater Recharge and Exfiltration.......................................................2
3.7 Water Balance Model for the Water Availability...........................................2
3.7.1 Flows Withdrawals at Kurram Garhi Headworks..............................2
3.7.2 Runoff from Shinghar Range and Marwat Canal..............................2
3.7.3 Rainfall Contribution from Irrigated Area of Kurram Gambilla Plain. .2
3.7.4 Exfiltration of Irrigation Losses in Kurram Gambilla Plain.................2
3.7.5 Lower Kurram Irrigation Diversions..................................................2
3.7.6 Rainfall Contributions from Irrigated Area of Marwat Canal..............2
3.7.7 Exfiltration of Irrigation Losses in Marwat Canal...............................2
3.8 Kurram River Flows at Dara Tang................................................................2
3.9 Conclusions.................................................................................................2
4 ESTIMATION OF DESIGN FLOOD..............................................................................2
4.1 General........................................................................................................2
4.2 Flood Estimation by Gauge Data.................................................................2
4.2.1 Frequency Analysis of Flood Data....................................................2
4.3 Rainfall Runoff Modelling.............................................................................2
4.3.1 Description of Selected Model..........................................................2
4.3.2 Model Development.........................................................................2
4.3.3 HEC-HMS Model Parameters..........................................................2
4.3.4 Runoff Loss Method.........................................................................2
4.3.5 Runoff Transformation Method.........................................................2 Time of Concentration................................................................................2 Storage Coefficient....................................................................................2
4.3.6 Meteorological Model.......................................................................2

Construction and Rehabilitation of Kas Umar Khan Canal System Project March, 2018
Final Hydrological Report

4.3.7 AMC and antecedent runoff..............................................................2

4.3.8 Estimation of Design Flood...............................................................2
4.3.9 Conclusion.......................................................................................2
4.4 Sedimentation Studies.................................................................................2
4.5 General........................................................................................................2
4.5.1 Data Collection.................................................................................2
4.5.2 Sediment Inflow for Dara Tang.........................................................2
4.5.3 Sediment rating curve for Dara Tang................................................2

Construction and Rehabilitation of Kas Umar Khan Canal System Project March, 2018
Final Hydrological Report


Figure1.1: Project Area Layout................................................................................................2

Figure 3.1: Schematic Layout of Study Area............................................................................2
Figure 3.2: Delineation of catchment area................................................................................2
Figure 3.3: Monthly Maximum and Minimum Temperature at Bannu (oC)................................2
Figure 3.4: Schematic Diagram of Kurram River System.........................................................2
Figure 3.5: Observed and measured flows from 1982-1985 at Dara Tang...............................2
Figure 3.6: Water availability (cusecs) for pre and post Kurram Tangi and Baran Dam
Raising Project.......................................................................................................2
Figure 4.1: Spread of Flood at Dara Tang based on Gauge Data from 1971 to 2014..............2
Figure 4.2: Best fit line for GEV and LPIII Type........................................................................2
Figure 4.3: Schematic Layout of HEC-HMS Model for Kurram and Rivers...............................2
Figure 4.4: Thiessen Polygon for the Kurram Basin.................................................................2
Figure 4.5: Hydrograph for the Kurram Basin...........................................................................2
Figure 4.6: Sediment rating curve at Dara Tang.......................................................................2


Table 3.1: Kurram, Kaitu and Tochi Rivers Catchment Areas at Various Locations................2
Table 3.2: Mean Monthly Rainfall in the Kurram Basin (inch)..................................................2
Table 3.3: Inventory of the Stream Flow Gauging Stations.....................................................2
Table 3.4: Monthly Water Flows at Dara Tang (cusecs)..........................................................2
Table 3.5: Monthly Requirements of Lower Kurram Irrigation Diversion....................................2
Table 3.6: Water availability (cusecs) for pre and post Kurram Tangi and Baran Dam
Raising Project.......................................................................................................2
Table 4.1: Flow data at Dara Tang..........................................................................................2
Table 4.2: Results of Flood Frequency Analysis.....................................................................2
Table 4.3: Suspended Sediment Load at Dara Tang..............................................................2


Construction and Rehabilitation of Kas Umar Khan Canal System Project March, 2018
Final Hydrological Report


1.1 Background

Pakistan’s Indus Basin Irrigation System provides the key water resources for the Pakistan
economy. It is the ‘breadbasket’ of Pakistan and accounts for most of the country’s agricultural
production, and, thus, its food security. Agriculture contributes about 25 percent to Pakistan’s GDP.
Food production sustainability comes at an environmental and social cost. There is a vast tract of
good cultivable land lying between the foot hills and right bank of the River Indus in Tehsil Isa Khel
of District Mianwali Punjab. This land enclosed between the right bank of River Indus and the left
bank of river kurram. The whole of the area is barani except a small tract on the left bank of the
River Kurram, which is getting irrigation through a seasonal canal known as Kas Umar Khan. The
proposed project is bounded by River Indus on the East, River Kurram on the South and low hills on
the Western side up to Kamar Mashani town. The location map of the project area is given in
Figure 1.1.
The only source of irrigation in the project area is through Kas Umar Khan Canal, which off-takes on
the left bank of the Kurram River. It was built in the year 1878 as a private inundation canal and
taken over by the Civil Administration of the Government of Punjab in 1906 to improve its working.
The control of the canal was transferred to Punjab Irrigation and Power Department on 10-04-
1986.The capacity of the canal was raised to 90 cusecs during September 1986 to meet the water
requirement in the project area. The canal takes off at a distance of about 1200 feet downstream of
Dara Railway Bridge. The main Kas Umar Khan Canal runs over a length of 23,440 feet before it
bifurcates into Kas Khawaneen and Kas Tinga branches. Kas Khawaneen goes left to a distance of
42,080 feet whereas Kas Tinga goes straight for a distance of 17,710 feet.
Punjab Irrigation Department carried out a number of studies since 1986 for the sustenance of
existing irrigation in the area and ensuring sustainable water supplies to the project area. In 1998,
Consultants (NDC) were engaged to prepare feasibility study for Kas Umar Khan Canal Project for
the development of a canal system in the area. They concluded that it is possible to divert water
with an acceptable degree of reliability to a maximum of 400 to 500 cusec. Based on those water
availability results, a diversion weir was proposed on Kurram River to divert the water in the project
area. The proposed project will irrigate a gross area of 83,044 acres (CCA= 63,250 acres) lying
along the right bank of Indus River starting from Dara Tang to Kurram River and extending upto the
areas in the vicinity of Kamar Mashani Town.
However, from 1998 to-date, several interventions have been proposed across Kurram River and its
tributaries either to store their water (Kurram Tangi Dam, Diversion of flows from Tochi River
towards Baran Dam) or to divert their flows for agriculture purpose (Thal Canal, Spaira Ragha Canal
and Sheratalla Canal). The impact of these proposed interventions on the water availability at Dara
Tang needs to be evaluated before the proposed Kas Umar Khan Canal project is taken up for
implementation. Accordingly, Irrigation Department (Punjab) hired the services of M/s Associated
Consulting Engineers – ACE (Pvt.) Ltd. to conduct hydrological studies of Kurram River for the
assessment of water availability to feed Kas Umar Khan Canal System. The study concluded that
under the existing system, the results depict that the flows at Dara Tang for the period from January
to August are more than the design capacity of Kas Umar Khan Canal (478 cusecs), while the flows
are about 250 cusecs for the remaining months whereas water availability with proposed
interventions in the upper catchment ( Construction of Kurram Tangi Dam and raising of Baran
Dam), the computed flows at Dara Tang are more than the design capacity of Kas Umar Khan
Canal (478 cusecs) from March to August, while the flows are less or about 250 cusecs for the
remaining period.

Construction and Rehabilitation of Kas Umar Khan Canal System Project March, 2018
Final Hydrological Report

Figure1.1: Project Area Layout

Construction and Rehabilitation of Kas Umar Khan Canal System Project March, 2018
Final Hydrological Report

1.2 Present Assignment

Based on the results of the NDC feasibility study (1998) and recommendations of ACE water
availability study as discussed above, the Punjab Government engaged the present group of
Consultants in March 2017 to carry out the Updating of Feasibility Study and Detailed Design of Kas
Umar Khan Canal System Project.


The project envisages Updating of Feasibility Study and Detailed Design of Kas Umar Khan Canal
System Project including preparation of detailed hydrologic study, hydraulic and structural designs,
detailed Engineer’s estimate / PC 1 including economic, environmental and social studies, bidding
documents of all works and activities needed to remodel / improve Kas Umar Khan Canal System.
The study will enable the Punjab Irrigation Department to include a vast area measuring 83044
acres under regulated irrigation so as to enhance the agricultural production towards achieving the
vision of sustainable agriculture of Government of Punjab.
As an essential component of the studies, the project also interalia envisages carrying out water
availability study, estimation of flood and sedimentation study to ensure sustainable water supply
throughout the year for the Kas Umar Khan Canal Project through the safe barrage, canal system,
pumping rotation and other allied structures. Accordingly, the hydrologic studies are presented in
the report.


3.1 Drainage Basin

The major rivers contributing to the flows at Dara Tang include Kurram., Kaitu, Tochi, Baran,
Gambilla (Tochi River after confluence of Baran Algad is called Gambilla), Kashu Algad, Larkhe
Algad. and many other small tributaries. Figure 3.1 shows a schematic layout of the Kurram River
system and its tributaries. The river water is diverted at Kurran-Garhi Head works and a few other
points for irrigation purposes in Kurram-Gambilla, Domail and Marwat Plains.
The catchment area of Kurrarm River and its tributaries is made up of rugged steep sloping
mountains. It is located partly in Afghanistan in snow covered areas of Koh-e-Sufaid in Paktia and
Paktika Provinces at an elevation of over 8000 ft. and partly in Pakistan in Sulaiman. Kohat,
Bhitanni. Shinghar and Maiwat Ranges in District Bannu. and tribal agencies of North Waziristan,
South Waziristan, etc. The Kurram Valley is 70 mile long with the wide Parachinar Plateau situated
in the upper part of the river. The remaining portion of the valley up to Thal is narrow and encircled
by low hills. About half of this plateau is under cultivation with the resources made up of forest
reserves. The Kurram. Kaitu and Tochi rivers carry perennial flow from many small streams in snow
covered Koh-e-Sufaid. Large scale erosion has resulted from intense rainstorms on the steep

Construction and Rehabilitation of Kas Umar Khan Canal System Project March, 2018
Final Hydrological Report

Figure 3.2: Schematic Layout of Study Area

Construction and Rehabilitation of Kas Umar Khan Canal System Project March, 2018
Final Hydrological Report

Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data of 90 m resolution of Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
(SRTM) was used for the delineation of watershed boundary of Dara Tang Weir Site. On the basis
of this information, watershed boundary was marked by using ArcGIS and is shown in Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.3: Delineation of catchment area

The catchment areas of Kurram, Kaitu and Tochi rivers have been computed at different locations
and are shown in Table 3.1 below:

Construction and Rehabilitation of Kas Umar Khan Canal System Project March, 2018
Final Hydrological Report

Table 3.1: Kurram, Kaitu and Tochi Rivers Catchment Areas at Various Locations

Sr. No. Description Area (miles2)

1 Kurram River at Thal Gauging Station 2,006

2 Kurram River at KurramTangi Damsite 2,464
3 Kaitu River at Spinwam 1,962
4 Kaitu River at Confluence with Kurram river 1,994
5 Kurram River at Confluence of Kaitu River 2,600
6 Kurram River at Kurram Garhi Headworks 4,632
7 Tochi River at Tangi Post 1,980*
8 Tochi river at outfall into Kurram river 3,816
9 Kurram River at Proposed Weir Site (Dara Tang) 9,775

Source: Based on Surface Water Hydrology Project (SWHP), WAPDA

3.2 Data Collection

3.2.1 Meteorology

The rainfall in the area varies with latitude and altitude of the area. The average rainfall varies from
a minimum of 13” in the lower catchment to 30” in the upper catchment. There are two distinct
rainfall seasons;
i. Monsoon/summer season extending from July to September
ii. Western Disturbance extending from December to March

Average monthly rainfalls observed at Bannu in the South, Miran Shah in the middle and Parachinar
in the north and shown in Figure 3.2.

Table 3.2: Mean Monthly Rainfall in the Kurram Basin (inch)

Month Bannu Miran Shah Parachinar
1970-2014 1941-1967 1970-2002
Jan 0.55 1.68 1.88
Feb 1.3 2.88 2.99
Mar 1.79 4.78 5.29
Apr 1.03 3.62 3.74
May 0.7 2.47 2.84
Jun 0.76 1.63 1.92
Jul 2.26 4.14 3.94
Aug 2.8 3.83 3.81
Sep 0.63 2.01 2.18
Oct 0.46 1.12 1.23
Nov 0.22 0.77 0.63

Construction and Rehabilitation of Kas Umar Khan Canal System Project March, 2018
Final Hydrological Report

Dec 0.5 1.41 1.12

Total 13.01 30.34 31.58
The Climate of Project area is dry and hot in summer and cold in winter. The summer season
begins in April and continues till October. The mean maximum temperature during the hottest
months of June and July are 40 oC and 38 oC respectively. In May and June, the humidity is very
low. The area is under periodic dust storms. The cool wave starts from somewhere in October.
December and January are the coldest months with mean minimum temperature of about 21 oC and
19 oC. Temperature data for Bannu is shown in Figure 3.3.

Figure 3.4: Monthly Maximum and Minimum Temperature at Bannu (oC)

3.2.2 Stream Flow Data

The stream flows of Kurram, Kaitu and Tochi rivers at different gauging stations, as given in Table
3.3, are mainly being monitored on daily basis and maintained by Surface Water Hydrology Project
(SWHP) WAPDA; Irrigation Department (ID) Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa (KPK); and Hydrology
Department, KPK. Daily discharge data of these stations was collected to ascertain water availability
at Dara Tang. Location of these stations is shown in Figure 3.4.

Construction and Rehabilitation of Kas Umar Khan Canal System Project March, 2018
Final Hydrological Report

Table 3.3: Inventory of the Stream Flow Gauging Stations

Station River Agency Period of Record

1 Thal Kurram SWHP 1970–2010

2 Kurram Garhi Headworks Kurram PID, KPK 1971-2014
3 Dara Tang Kurram SWHP 1982-1985
4 Dara Tang Kurram Hydrology, KPK 1997-2014
5 Spinwam Kaitu PID, KPK 1980-2013
6 Tangi Post Tochi SWHP 1978-1996

Construction and Rehabilitation of Kas Umar Khan Canal System Project March, 2018
Final Hydrological Report

Figure 3.5: Schematic Diagram of Kurram River System

3.3 Flows at Dara Tang

The river flows vary considerably at Dara Tang. The flow measured at Dara Tang by SWHP of
WAPDA for the period July 1982 to August 1985 were analyzed. The minimum, maximum and
median flow (cusecs) showing the average monthly values for different months are shown in Table
3.4 below:

Construction and Rehabilitation of Kas Umar Khan Canal System Project March, 2018
Final Hydrological Report

Table 3.4: Monthly Water Flows at Dara Tang (cusecs)

Month Minimum Maximum Median

January 749 1040 764

February 599 954 953
March 424 2259 639
April 542 7649 1092
May 208 11499 313
June 141 1869 289
July 455 4830 690
August 1398 4130 2632
September 242 2268 1469
October 378 527 419
November 587 771 620
December 769 858 786

The above table shows that it is apparent that average flows are more critical for the months of May
and June only where median flow is around 300 cusecs. The largest flows are in the months of
April, August and September when flows are more than 1000 cusecs. It may be pointed out that the
above analysis is based on very limited data and, therefore, may not be very reliable.
Similar flow data was collected from KPK, Irrigation Department from 1980 to 2015 at Dara Tang.
Comparing the two data sets it was noticed that the two do not agree with each other. The values
indicated by KPK Irrigation Department show greater discharges than indicated by SWHP data.
Therefore water balance model was developed for the estimation of discharge using Kurram Garhi
headworks data and Tochi River at Tangi Post data.

3.4 Important Components of the River System

As indicated earlier, water of Kurram River and its tributaries is diverted for irrigation purposes at
many locations through permanent or temporary weirs subject to the availability subject to
availability of water in the river; the most important being the Kurram-Garhi Headworks where most
of the flow is diverted out of the flows generated in the upper catchments. Lower down, there are
small diversions with no permanent structures; mostly exploiting flows generated in the lower
catchments; like the one located for Kas Umar Khan Canal at Dara Tang.
To model the flow generation in the catchment, it was necessary to understand the detailed working
of the system which comprises several components contributing to the flows in the river and
operating under complex conditions miles to meet the irrigation demands of the area. The following
sub section describes these components and their working in the order of priority.

3.4.1 Kurram Garhi Headworks

Katchkot Feeder for flow into Katchkot Canal = 612 cusecs.

Construction and Rehabilitation of Kas Umar Khan Canal System Project March, 2018
Final Hydrological Report

Flood Canal for flow into Katchkot Canal and Left Bank Canals = 850 cusecs.
Marwat Canal = 800 cusecs.
Baran Feeder= 3000 (actual= 2188) cusecs.
The irrigation water is diverted into these canals on strict priority basis as below subject to
the availability of flows at Kurram Garhi.
First priority = Katchkot Canal
Second priority = Flood Canal
Third priority = Marwat Canal
Fourth priority = Baran Feeder

1 Civil Canals

The Civil Canals are very old in the area and were initially built by the land owners in prehistoric
time through a cooperative sort of effort to divert the flows from the Kurram River through
temporary· diversion structures. These canals are fed through Katchkot Feeder and the Flood
Canal supplements the flows at the lower end of the Civil Canal System A part of the flow is passed
to the left bank of the Kurram River through a siphon in addition to direct diversions from the
Kurram River. The command area is divided into three distinct zones with different water shares.
The highest water share is of the upper zone, i.e., Zone A (7.3 cusecs per 1000 acres) with
foremost and prior rights to divert as much water as they like to the extent of last drop, 5.75 cusecs
per 1000 acres in middle zone (Zone B), and lowest water share of 4. 63 cusecs per 1000 acres in
the lower zone (Zone C). Any unused canal flow is passed back to Kurram River through many
escape structures.

2 Marwat Canal

Marwat Canal takes water from the Kurram-Garhi Headworks whenever the Kurram River flows
exceed the water diversions of Civil Canals (Katchkot Feeder 662 cusecs and Flood Canal 850
cusecs). If enough water is not available for Marwat Canal from the flows at Kurram-Garhi H/W, the
water stored in Baran Reservoir is used to supplement the flows in the canal subject to the demand
in the area and availability of at least seven days supplies in the Baran Reservoir. Thus the supplies
in this canal are highly erratic due to unexpected variations of flows in Kurram River. The un-used
canal flows are passed back to the river system through a number of escape structures. ·

3 Baran Dam

The scheme conceived a diversion weir across Kurram River at a place called Kurram Garhi. Flood
water was to be diverted in a right bank canal (designed with a maximum discharge of 3,000 cusecs
taken in the foot hills separating Kurram River from a nullah called Baran nullah.
Baran nullah offered the possibility to store the diverted floods in a reservoir created by the
construction of an embankment type of dam 36.57m (120 ft) high, 7.62 m (25 ft) wide at the crest
and 1059m (3475ft) long. The project was commenced in 1950/1951 and finally commissioned in
1962 when the filling of Baran Reservoir had begun. Water taken out of the reservoir was to be
used to irrigate barani lands lying mostly in Marwat area. The topography of the area also offered
the possibility of putting two low head small power plants in a cascade fashion to meet the local
power needs, which immediately after Independence were very modest in those days. From the

Construction and Rehabilitation of Kas Umar Khan Canal System Project March, 2018
Final Hydrological Report

very outset, the project experienced difficulties in filling the reservoir to its design conservation level
of 435.84 m (1430 ft). The trouble was that the bed level of the feeder canal at its entrance to the
reservoir was lower than what it should have been.

3.1.1 Lower Kurram Canals

Lower Kurram Canals are inundation canals taking water from Kurram River d/s of Kashu Algad
through temporary weirs. These canals irrigate an area of 5834 and 31772 acres on the left and
right ban.ks of the river, respectively. Flow into these canals depend upon flows below Kurram
Garhi H/W, flows of nullahs joining the Kurram River below Kurram Garhi H/W, seepage of irrigation
water of Bannu Gambilla Plain, etc. Thus, the flow into these canals varies widely. However, no flow
measurements/record is available for these canals.

3.1.2 Baran Lohra Canals

There are three small canals diverting water from Baran Algad before its confluence with
Tochi/Gambilla River. Two of these canals are privately owned and the third one is operated in the
public sector. These canals irrigate about 18,684 acres in the lower areas of Kurram-Gambilla Plain
and draw water from the spillover of Baran Reservoir, exfiltration of irrigation losses and rainfall into
the lower part of the Baran Algad. These canals, being very deep in their upper reaches, also
intercept the exfiltration of irrigation losses from the adjoining areas.

3.1.3 Tochi Gambilla Irrigation Canals

These canals divert water from Gambilla River and serve an area of 3,066 acres with a very low
irrigation intensity.

3.2 Future Development in the Upper Catchment

A number of interventions are proposed across Kurram River and its tributaries such as Kurram
Tangi Dam, Thal Canal, Spaira Ragha Canal, Sheratalla Canal and diversion of flows from Tochi
River towards Baran Dam. The impacts of these interventions need to be studied while evaluating
the water availability at the proposed weir site.

3.2.1 Kurram Tangi Dam

The project is located in one of the most under-developed areas of the country. The project will
have an irrigation command of about 362,500 acres with hydropower plants of total installed
capacity 83.3 MW. In addition, the project will be of great utility for mitigation of floods. The dam site
is proposed on Kurram River and is located just on the boundary of North Waziristan Agency and
F.R. Bannu about 9 miles upstream of Kurram Garhi Headworks and 19 miles north of Bannu city.
The flow of Kaitu River in excess of the local and proposed agricultural uses is planned to be
diverted to the reservoir through a tunnel taking water from the same weir as the irrigation canal
( d/s of Spinwam at Mir Ali-Thal Road).

3.2.2 Thal Canal

Head regulator will be constructed at Kurram Garhi Headworks on its left abutment. A canal known
as Thal Canal will take-off from the new head regulator. It will be 198,000 ft. (37.5 miles) long and

Construction and Rehabilitation of Kas Umar Khan Canal System Project March, 2018
Final Hydrological Report

will have a full supply discharge of 343.6 cusecs. The canal system will have 14 distributaries, 7
minors and 2 sub-minors of about 73 miles. The canal will irrigate about 68,000 acres in Thal plains.

3.2.3 Sheratalla Plain

A canal 17 miles long including a tunnel, will take-off from the right bank of Kaitu Weir. It will have a
full supply discharge of 82.5 cusecs and will irrigate an area of 12,300 acres in Sheratalla plain. It
will have eight (8) minors with a total length of about 17 miles.

3.2.4 Spaira Ragha Plain

A canal 37,000 ft. long will take-off from the left bank of Kaitu Weir. The canal will have full supply
discharge of 29.15 cusecs. The canal with 19.00 cusecs capacity will be a gravity canal and irrigate
2,780 acres. Out of above 10.15 cusecs will be lifted 55 ft. high and irrigate 1,300 acres, though a
22,600 ft. long minor. For this purpose, a pumping station will be provided on the main canal.

3.2.5 Remodeling of Existing Civil Canals

Civil Canals with a collective length of 200 miles were constructed a long time ago by the land
owners. They are to be renovated and remodeled. Concrete lining of main canal including
improvement of the structures is part of the Project scope.

3.2.6 Raising of Baran Dam

The project consists of:

 Raising of Baran Dam from El. 440.0m to 447.0m (7m) for the crest length of 1275 m to
enhance the storage capacity to 123.33 M.m3(100,000 A.ft).
 Diversion structure on Tochi River, which includes overflow Weir, under sluices and Head
Regulator to divert flood flows into the Tochi Baran Feeder Canal. The overflow portion of
the weir will be 134m in length and is capable of passing flood flows of about 2375 cusecs
which is 1 in 100 Years return period flood.
 Construction of Tochi Baran Feeder Canal of 8.83 Km length and having a design discharge
of 28.31 cusecs.

3.2.7 Command Areas and Irrigation Intensities

True culturable command areas falling within the catchment boundaries of Kurram River and its
tributaries under various canals are;
Civil Canals = 172 sq .miles ( 107,522 ac)
Marwat Canal= 273 sq. miles ( 170,544 ac)
Other inundation/lift inigation canals = 101 sq. miles (63.350 ac)
Lower Kurram Inundation Canals = 37,606 ac

3.2.8 Canal Diversion for Irrigation

The historic canal diversion flows data from Kurram Garhi Headworks was collected from 2006 to
2016 and same percentage was used for water balance for the study area.

Construction and Rehabilitation of Kas Umar Khan Canal System Project March, 2018
Final Hydrological Report

3.2.9 Future Canal Diversions

To arrive at the future requirements for diversions into various command areas. irrigation crop water
requirements were worked out as per detailed design of Kurram Tangi Dam carried out in 2009.

3.3 Groundwater Recharge and Exfiltration

The river water is diverted for irrigation purposes to Kurram Gambilla Plain, Marwat Plain and
Domail Plain. The soils in the area are derived from coarser parent materials and, therefore, the
irrigation losses (conveyance losses in the main and branch canals and application losses) are
significant in the area. True rainfall in the area being scanty is considered to be utilized for meeting
the crop evapo-transpiration requirements except for a small part (20%). Different sources of
recharge in the area include:
Runoff recharge from the upslope area.
Irrigation losses
Recharge from Kurram and Gambilla Rivers in the first 15 km, where water table is deeper than the
river bed.
The heavy recharge in the area has created high water table in spite of natural drains in the lower
Kurram area. In addition, many deep natural streams and manmade surface drains intercept the
shallow groundwater. These drains and channels pick up the discharge and this process is termed
as exfiltration. This exfiltration contributes to the flows into the Kurram, Gambilla and Tochi rivers
appearing as base flow. The exfiltration in the area has been estimated to be of the order of 20% in
the canals.

3.4 Water Balance Model for the Water Availability

Hydrological analysis of the Kurram River at Dara Tang was carried out by accounting the river
discharges at upper discharge measuring sites (Kurram Garhi Headworks), existing and proposed
withdrawals from Kurram, Kaitu, Baran, Tochi and Gambilla rivers for irrigation purposes, diversion
to Baran Reservoir, rainfall contribution in the lower catchment, exfiltration etc.

3.4.1 Flows Withdrawals at Kurram Garhi Headworks

The actual withdrawals for Civil Canals, Marwat Canal and Baran Dam were taken from 2006 to
2016. The historic withdrawals show that almost 14 parts out of 17, the flows are utilized at Kurram
Garhi Headworks and only 3 parts of 17 parts are released downstream of Kurram Garhi
Headworks for the flows upto 5000 cusecs. For the flows above 5000 cusecs, withdrawals at the
Kurram Garhi Headworks are taken as per capacity of Civil Canals, Marwat Canal and Baran Dam.

3.4.2 Runoff from Shinghar Range and Marwat Canal

The catchment area of Kurram River is located in Shinghar Range and the non-cropped area of
Domail plain (1,245 sq miles) which contribute to the runoff below the Kurram River. The rainfall in
this area is characterized by Bannu rainfall. The monthly flows of Tochi River at Tangi Post (Q
Tochi) and catchment area (1,980 sq miles) are as below.
QShinghar = 1245/1980 X Q Tochi

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3.4.3 Rainfall Contribution from Irrigated Area of Kurram Gambilla Plain

The rain falling on the irrigated areas in Kurram-Gambilla Plain as well as irrigated area located on
the left bank of Kurram River (290 sq. miles) is considered not to generate any direct runoff from the
rainfall events. However, part of the rain gets infiltrated into the ground and is assumed to ultimately
appear in the river and drains as base flow. It is considered that 20% of the rainfall in excess of the
minimum depth of 0.5 inches in any month (recorded at Bannu) will appear as a base flow into the
Kurram River (QKR-RN) in the following month due to very slow ground water velocities.

3.4.4 Exfiltration of Irrigation Losses in Kurram Gambilla Plain

The irrigation losses (including conveyance losses in the main and branch canals, and application
losses) in the Kurram-Gambilla Doab were estimated by various agencies in the past. The coarser
nature of the soils results in as much as 50 to 60% of irrigation supplies to be lost in canals and
fields. Due to the high water table conditions in the area and good land slopes, half of the irrigation
recharge is considered to appear in the drains and rivers as exfiltration in the next month due to
very slow ground water velocities. Thus 25% of the irrigation supplies are taken to enter the Kurram
River as base flow and designated as QKR-IR.

3.4.5 Lower Kurram Irrigation Diversions

A few canals offtake from the Kurram River before its confluence with Gambilla River. The irrigation
intensity of this area varies from 30 to 50% (average 40%). The irrigation requirements for different
months are estimated in the Table 3.5 below:
Table 3.5: Monthly Requirements of Lower Kurram Irrigation Diversion

Months Irrigation Requirement (AFT)

Jan 21856
Feb 34965
Mar 40870
Apr 23444
May 23401
Jun 35792
Jul 56799
Aug 46688
Sep 50670
Oct 41810
Nov 39081
Dec 14430
This water was diverted subject to the availability in the Kurram River. About 25 % of the irrigation
diversions are considered to exfiltrate back to the Kurram River system. The diversion is termed as

3.4.6 Rainfall Contributions from Irrigated Area of Marwat Canal

The Marwat plain is irrigated by Marwat Canal, which takes its supplies from Kurram River at
Kurram Garhi and /or from Baran Reservoir: The irrigation intensity in the command area of
Marvwat Canal is very low (35%) and cropping intensity is similarly very low. Thus rainfed farming is

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also practised alongside of irrigated cropping. Due to this reason, it is considered that rainfall in the
command of Marwat Canal (270 sq. mile) will not produce any direct runoff. However, a part of the
rainfall infiltrating the soil will appear in the various nullahs and Gambilla/Tochi rivers as base flow.
This part is taken as 25% of the monthly rain at Bannu. However, monthly rainfall smaller than 0.5
inches will not generate any base flow. This flow is designated as QTP-RN·

3.4.7 Exfiltration of Irrigation Losses in Marwat Canal

The irrigation supplies in Marwat Canal command are very erratic resulting in very small irrigation
and cropping intensities. The irrigation water is thus spread over larger areas through longer
irrigation channels where flow passes very occasionally. The irrigation losses (including conveyance
losses in main and branch canals, and application losses) in the Marwat Canal command are
considered to be higher than for Civil Canals. Thus a larger part of irrigation supplies and losses will
exfiltrate. Therefore, 30% of irrigation supplies of Marwat Canal are taken to enter the Gambilla
River and its tributaries as base flow ( QTP-IR).

3.5 Kurram River Flows at Dara Tang

The model generated aggregate flows by addition of all the flows generated in the upper and lower
catchment and exfiltration whereas withdrawals were deducted. The estimated and observed flows
(1982 to 1985) were compared and found in reasonable agreement as shown in Figure 3.5.

Dis c harge (A F T)

600000 y = 0.773x + 26758

R² = 0.8436





0 200000 400000 600000 800000
Discharge (AFT)
Figure 3.6: Observed and measured flows from 1982-1985 at Dara Tang
The monthly flows series for long term at Dara Tang were estimated from 1971 to 2015 for pre
Kurram Tangi Dam and raising of Baran Dam and flows for post Kurram Tangi Dam and Baran Dam
from 1971 to 2001. The results exhibit that the minimum flow is 236 cusecs in the month of January
and water is available in excess of 450 cusecs from March to December. The interventions in the
upper basin will greatly impact the flows in low flow months as shown in Table 3.6. and Figure 3.6.

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Table 3.6: Water availability (cusecs) for pre and post Kurram Tangi and Baran Dam
Raising Project

Pre Kurram Tangi & Baran Post Kurram Tangi & Raising
Raising( 1971-2015) (1971-2001)

Jan 579 151

Feb 708 281
Mar 2086 540
Apr 4475 970
May 3670 614
Jun 1526 393
Jul 2084 644
Aug 3762 842
Sep 1131 483
Oct 631 340
Nov 711 256
Dec 673 252

Figure 3.7: Water availability (cusecs) for pre and post Kurram Tangi and Baran Dam
Raising Project

3.6 Conclusions

The study has been carried out based on the available data/reports obtained from the various
agencies. The flow series data have also been updated, where possible, under this study. For

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evaluating water availability at Dara Tang, two scenarios i.e. under the existing system and with
proposed interventions have been considered. In the light of the analysis carried out, the finalized
water availability is as follows:
 Under the existing system, the results depict that the flows at Dara Tang for the period
January to December are more than 400 cusec for the average year
 The Consultants ascertained water availability by considering the proposed interventions
i.e. Kurram Tangi Dam, Thal canal, Spaira Ragha, Sheratalla Canal and diversion of
flows from Tochi River towards Baran Dam. The flows are more than 400 cusecs from
March to September and about 200 cusecs in the remaining months for the average year.


4.1 General

A diversion structure has been proposed for Kas Umar Khan Canal Project to divert flows from the
Kurram River at Dara Tang. For the safe design of the structure, it is necessary to estimate the
probability of important historic floods. The structures in the main river are normally designed for a
flood having a reasonable return period and should cater for maximum flood recorded at the
respective location. There is discharge data available at Dara Tang based on the gange installed
by KPK, Irrigation Department, which has sufficient length of time (1971 to 2014) (intake location).
The flood was estimated using 1 day annual maximum flood data at Dara Tang. A rainfall runoff
model for the whole basin was also setup for the confirmation of flood data.

4.2 Flood Estimation by Gauge Data

For this purpose, flood data from the KPK, Irrigation Department at Dara Tang was used (available
from 1971 to 2014). The selected data is given in Table 4.1 and its spread in different years is
shown in Figure 4.1.
Table 4.7: Flow data at Dara Tang
Discharge Discharge
Year Year
Cusecs Cusecs
1971 12550 1996 36000
1972 85285 1997 52425
1973 22000 1998 71561
1974 83887 1999 42732
1975 12550 2000 36270
1976 5976 2001 71501
1977 114645 2002 18370
1978 178962 2003 57372
1979 137816 2004 20337
1980 114645 2005 51892
1981 17120 2006 41945
1982 7180 2007 41945
1983 13950 2008 16272
1984 100664 2009 21337
1985 83887 2010 75725

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1991 22379 2011 52425

1992 42772 2012 45963
1993 71561 2013 149844
1994 16885 2014 52425
1995 36270    

Figure 4.8: Spread of Flood at Dara Tang based on Gauge Data from 1971 to 2014

4.2.1 Frequency Analysis of Flood Data

The flood frequency analysis was conducted by fitting several distributions to instantaneous flood
records of Kurram River at Dara Tang station.

The best fit was achieved by a Log Pearson Type-III distribution. Several distributions such as
Exponential, GEV, Gumbel, Weibull, Normal, Log Normal, Gamma, Generalised Gamma, Inverse
Gamma and Pearson Type-III were also tested.

A set of criteria including Chi-Squared Test, Kolmogorov - Smirnov tests and proximity of distribution
statistics to those of the data and visual inspection was applied to select the best distribution in each
case. The results showed that GEV and Log Pierson Type-III are most appropriate approach for this
data as shown in Figure 4.2. The frequency analysis were carried out using both of these
approaches and shown in Table 4.2.

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Figure 4.9: Best fit line for GEV and LPIII Type
Table 4.8: Results of Flood Frequency Analysis

Return Log Pearson Type-III GEV

Period (Years) (Cusecs) (Cusecs)
100 182,000 197,000
50 164,000 164,000
20 137,000 133,000
10 113,000 109,000
5 86,400 84,500
3 64,100 65,100
2 44,800 47,800

4.3 Rainfall Runoff Modelling

The estimation of flood for Kurram Basin has been used for the estimation of design flood by a
hydrological model. Model selection, development, calibration and design estimation with
hydrological model are discussed in this Section.

4.3.1 Description of Selected Model

The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) developed hydrologic modelling software HEC-HMS
(Hydrologic Engineering Center – Hydrologic Modelling System). This software has a strong
reputation and is used worldwide. HEC-HMS is mainly used for simulation of the precipitation runoff
of watershed systems. Its uses vary from large river basins flood hydrology to small urban
watershed runoff. HEC-HMS is used in water availability, urban drainage, flow forecasting, future
urbanization impact, reservoir spillway design, flood damage reduction, flood plain regulation and
system operations.

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4.3.2 Model Development

The upper slopes of the catchment contiguous with the barren hilly terrain and foot hills consist of
the best cultivated land. The defined flow paths of the rivers/nullahs in this area diminish (called
Darrahs) while entering flat lands and the main channel spreads into a number of channels. The
hilly area has a flashy nature and total area of a river/nullah drains in a very short period of time
Therefore, when floods reach Darrahs, they have high velocities and in a very short time enter the
Indus River. Adversely, the excess rainfall on the flat agriculture fields has numerous constraints for
reaching the respective nullahs/Indus River i.e. poor drainage in agriculture lands and less velocity
in flat terrain.
A combined HEC-HMS-Model for the Kurram and Tochi Rivers has been developed, which has five
sub-basins and two reaches. The HEC-HMS model of Gomal River has nine sub-basins and four
reaches. All the other rivers/nullahs have been treated as a single sub-basin. Overall the catchment
has been divided into seven reaches.

Figure 4.10: Schematic Layout of HEC-HMS Model for Kurram and Rivers

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4.3.3 HEC-HMS Model Parameters

The sub-basin’s internal rainfall runoff processes and its routing up to the outlet are carried out by
selection of an appropriate rainfall loss method and transform method respectively. The rainfall for
each sub-basin has been incorporated in the model through meteorological model. The resultant
discharge value at the outlets of the sub-basins are further routed through the reach up to a
junction, where it simulates other discharge values coming from the linked sources/sub-basins. This
process continues up to the outlet of the selected area, until the whole area is drained according to
the rainfall period and the selected transformation method.

4.3.4 Runoff Loss Method

The NRCS curve number method has been selected as rainfall loss method for the computation of
excess rainfall. The NRCS procedure consists of selecting a storm and computing the direct runoff
by the use of curves based on field studies of the amount of measured runoff from numerous soil
cover combinations.
The quantity of runoff in the NRCS method can be attributed to several factors like soil type, ground
cover and antecedent moisture condition; all these factors affect the quantity of runoff. Weighted
curve numbers have been estimated for each sub-basin separately by the land use satellite images 1
and soil type maps2 for the area. Soil types and land use of the Area-A are shown in Figure-13 and
Figure-14 of Appendix-II respectively and Soil types and land use of the Area-B are shown in
Figure-15 and Figure-16 of Appendix-II respectively.
The soil type classes in each sub-basin have been classified separately with reference to the source
data and further these have been converted to soil textural classification of USDA 3. The curve
number for each sub-basin has been estimated by considering the land use classes, hydrologic
conditions and Hydrological Soil Group (HSG) of the sub-basin.

4.3.5 Runoff Transformation Method

The HEC-HMS model has various unit hydrograph methods to transform runoff to hydrograph. The
Clark’s unit hydrograph method has been selected, which takes into consideration the valley
storage after generation of runoff and routing of runoff (retention storage, channel storage in the
basin, interflow, bank storage etc). This method requires “time of concentration” and “storage
coefficient” for transformation of runoff to hydrograph. Time of Concentration

It is the travel time of a droplet of water to reach the outlet of a basin from the remotest point in the
basin. The US-NRCS4 recommended “velocity method” has been used for the estimation of “time of
concentration”. The estimated time of concentration for the sub-basins of Area-A and Area-B are
given in Table-1 and Table-2 of Appendix-I respectively. Two recommended equations are given
below, equation-1 is for estimation of travel time for sheet flow “T t1”and equation-2 is for estimation

Landset 8 satellite image
Soil survey of Pakistan version 7
NRCS, “Handbook of Hydrology 630” – Chapter-6 (2007)
NRCS, “Handbook of Hydrology 630” – Chapter-15 (2007)

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of travel time of shallow concentrated flow or open channel flow “T t2”, the sum of “Tt1”and “Tt2” is the
time of concentration “Tc” for a particular sub-basin:

--------------------------------- Eq.1


------------------------------- Eq.3

l = Flow Length (ft)
n = Roughness Coefficient
P2 = 2-year, 24 hour Rainfall in inches
S = Slope of Longest Hydraulic Gradient Line, (ft/ft)
V = Average Velocity Storage Coefficient

According to the Clark’s approach (Clark paper)5, storage coefficient (K) can be estimated by using
the following methods;
i) Firstly with slope of the recession curve of an observed hydrograph at the point of inflection,
the recession ordinates are plotted on a semi-log paper and “K” is the slope of the curve.
The inflection point is the point where inflow in the basin has ceased, and beyond this point,
the flows are entirely due to withdrawal from the basin storage.

ii) Secondly, for the basins having insufficient data of observed hydrographs and unknown
storage characteristics, empirical formulae developed by Clark and Linsely (suggested by
Linsely, in a discussion of Clark’s paper) can be used.

In this particular case, stream gauges are not available to record the hydrographic data at each sub-
basin outlet, so the empirical formula has been used. The Linsely’s formula has been opted and
given below;

K = Storage Coefficient in hours

L = Length of Longest Stream in miles
A = Area in sq miles
Clark, C.O.: Storage and the Unit Hydrograph, Trans. ASCE, vol. 110, pp. 1419-1488, 1945.

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S = Slope in ft/mile
b= Constant
In Clark’s paper, value of “b” has been estimated with Linsely’s formula for more than 40
catchments, having catchment area ranges between (185 – 3,500) km2 and their estimated “b” value
ranges between (0.03 – 0.41).

4.3.6 Meteorological Model

Various methods for analyzing precipitation are available in HEC-HMS. The user specified
hyetograph method has been selected for simulation of rainfall. In this method the input rainfall
hyetographs are prepared outside the model.
Three rainfall stations (Tank, Parachinar and Bannu) have been selected for the model calibration of
Kurram and Tochi Rivers combined model. The Tank and Parachinar stations are operated by PMD
and Bannu station is operated by SWH of WAPDA. The daily and hourly data of these stations have
been collected from the operating agencies for the 1990 flood event.
Thiessen polygon method has been used to assess the area of influence of each rainfall station
during the flood event and to estimate the average rainfall in the sub-basin. The Thiessen polygons
have been plotted and shown in Figure 4.5.

Figure 4.11: Thiessen Polygon for the Kurram Basin

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4.3.7 AMC and antecedent runoff

The historic storms of August 8, 1990 indicate that the AMC was in the category of AMC-II, so the
curve numbers for AMC-II have been selected for model calibration. The curve numbers for AMC-II
and corresponding curve numbers for AMC-III are given in Table-14 of Appendix-I.
The mean daily discharge on August 6, 1990 at Dara Tang (2152 cusecs) has been selected as the
antecedent runoff.

4.3.8 Estimation of Design Flood

The model has been set to run for 1-hr simulation interval. The resulted flood peak was 1,76000
cusecs. The resulted flood peak is 14% less than the observed instantaneous flood peak of 100
year flood. The hydrograph for the 100 year flood is shown in Figure 4.5.

Figure 4.12: Hydrograph for the Kurram Basin

4.3.9 Conclusion

The result of rainfall runoff modelling show that 100 year return period flows are slightly less than
the observed flows at Dara Tang. This might be due to very limited rainfall data over the large
basin. To be on the conservative side, flood estimated using flood frequency analysis has been
adopted for the design flood. Gumble Extreme Value and Log Pearson Type III are most
appropriate approaches. Results of Log Pearson and rainfall modelling are in reasonable
agreement. The Flood estimated using Log Pearson is more realistic and recommended to adopt for
design flood.
Hydrology Study was presented and discussed in the Technical Expert Committee on 11
September 2017. Committee agreed to adopt 100 years flood as 185,000 cusecs (design flood for
intake structure).

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4.4 Sedimentation Studies

4.5 General

The construction of a weir/barrage over a natural stream influences its natural regime; weirs
decrease the natural flow velocity and the sediments starts to accumulate at the head of the pond
developed due to the construction of weir and in the bed of the pond or in front of the inlet of the
power tunnels or other structures within the flow path. A time will come when the whole new
depression area created due to the construction is filled and water starts flowing to a new created
regime. So it is necessary to estimate the sediment yield for a particular watershed to know the
economic life of the facility which helps to estimate its economic benefits.

4.5.1 Data Collection

The Kurram River carries a lot of silt especially in the monsoon season. There are two gauging
stations at Kurram River with sediment record.
The average sediment load of the Kurram River at Thal was measured by SWHP of WAPDA as
3.77 Million Short Tons per year (MST/yr). The annual sediment yield may be expressed as 1.48
Ac.ft. per sq. mile of drainage area. The sediment concentration is 0.383% (by weight) or 3,830
ppm. The sediment sampling was also carried out at Dara Tang for the year 1983 and 1984,
however, the results do not seem to be not accurate as estimated sediment at Dara Tang is 71.4
M.ST per year.
Sediment load data is also available for Tochi River at Tangi Post. The record is available from
1962-66, 68 and 1979-95. The average sediment load at Tangi Post is 5.14 m.s.t. The annual
sediment yield can also be expressed as 2.18 Ac.ft. per sq. mile of drainage area. This gives an
average sediment concentration of 1.91% (by weight) or 19,100 ppm. The observed maximum
concentration was 143,000 ppm and the computed maximum concentration was 196,000 ppm.

4.5.2 Sediment Inflow for Dara Tang

The sediment load of the Kurram River flows between Thal to Kurram River at Dara Tang and of the
Tochi River was estimated on the basis of annual sediment load. The suspended sediment for
Kurram River was estimated separately for before its confluence with Tochi River. Similarly, Tochi
River suspended sediment was estimated at the confluence point of Kurram River. Total sediment
inflow was estimated by the addition of these two streams sediment load .Total sediment inflow at
Dara Tang is determined as 22.66 million tons and shown in Table 5.2. The bed load is normally
considered as 10 to 15 % of the sediment load, thus the total sediment is 24.92 say 25 million

4.5.3 Sediment rating curve for Dara Tang

KUKCS consultants developed sediment raring curve at Barrage site using sediment data observed
at Dara Tang from June 2013 to September 2013 by International Sediment Research Institute of
Pakistan (ISRIP). The relationship between discharge and sediment was developed for low and
high discharges. The adjusted sediment rating equation at Dara Tang is:

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The sediment rating curve developed using ISRIP data is shown in Figure 4.6

Figure 4.13: Sediment rating curve at Dara Tang

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Table 4.9: Suspended Sediment Load at Dara Tang

      mi2 km2   mst M tons tons/km2
S. Avg sed
No. Station River Watershed area Watershed area Record Years yield Avg sed yield SSSY
1 Thal Kurram 2,006 5,200 1968-2005 3.77 3.37 647.35
2 Tangi Post Tochi 1,980 5,132 1962-66, 1979-1995 5.14 4.59 894.19

Kiatu River at Outfall into

3 Kurram River   1,994 5,169   3.75 3.35 647.35

Tochi River at Confluence

4 Point with Kurram River   3,816 9,891   9.91 8.84 894.19

Kurram River at Dara

5 Tang w/o Tochi River   5,959 15,446   11.20 10.00 647.35
Kurram River at Dara
6 Tang   9,775 25,338   21.11 22.66 894.19


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