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Philippine Normal University: The National Center of Teacher Education

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Republic of the Philippines


The National Center of Teacher Education
The Multicultural Education Hub

Name: Nekiryn a. Judilla


List down five (5) statements that will summarize your understanding of 3: Components of
Curriculum Design.

1. The nature of the elements and the manner in which they are organized may comprise which
we call a curriculum design. The curriculum design can be organized into four major
components: 1) aims, goals and objectives, or simply objectives 2) content or subject matter, 3)
learning experience and 4) evaluation.

2. Component 1: Curriculum Aims, Goals and Objectives

Aims: Elementary, Secondary, and Tertiary

Goals: School Vision and Mission

Objectives: educational objectives

Aims, goals, and objectives can be simplified as “what is to be done”.

3. Component 2: Curriculum Content or Subject Matter

Information to be learned in school, another term for knowledge a compendium of facts,

concepts, generalization, principles, theories.

4. Component 3 – Curriculum Experience

Instructional strategies and methods will link to curriculum experiences, the core and
heart of the curriculum. The instructional strategies and methods will put into action the goals
and use of the content in order to produce an outcome. Teaching strategies convert the written
curriculum to instruction. Among these are time-tested methods, inquiry approaches,
constructivist and other emerging strategies that complement new theories in teaching and
learning. Educational activities like field trips, conducting experiments, interacting with
computer programs and other experiential learning will also form part of the repertoire of

5. Component 4 – Curriculum Evaluation

To be effective, all curricula must have an element of evaluation. Curriculum evaluation

refer to the formal determination of the quality, effectiveness or value of the program, process,
and product of the curriculum. Several methods of evaluation came up.

Activity 1
Cite influences on people’s perception on education’s purposes and give examples. Use
the table below.

People’s Perception Examples

1. Develop social aspect of learning  Discussion in lecture
 Informal group work
2. Children acquire learning that associate  First hand-experiences basis on
their daily lives. activities
 Self- reflection
3. source of student’s motivation  Interest
 Assessment
 Engagement
 Task perception
4. Help people progress as a society.  tackle the issues

5. Children are unique and must have a  Classroom

stimulating educational environment where  Motivations
they can grow physically, mentally,  Teachers
emotionally, and socially.   Activities
6. Guide person’s with disability who have  Motivate
lost opportunities for learning  Vocational education

Activity 2
Upon giving you the idea of the components of the curriculum of the curriculum design, it is
time that you should summarize it by the skeletal or outline of the necessary information

1. Components of curriculum design are in the following organization:

1.1 Component 1: Curriculum Aims, Goals and Objectives

1.2 Component 2: Curriculum Content or Subject Matter
1.3 Component 3 – Curriculum Experience
1.4 Component 4 – Curriculum Evaluation

2. The four questions for the curriculum designers to contemplate are in the
following order:

2.1 “What is to be done?”

2.2 "What subject matter is to be included?"

2.3 “What instructional strategies, resources and activities will be employed?
2.4 What methods and instruments will be used to assess the results of the


Activity 1

Using the boxes below, discuss how aims, goals, and objectives are related with one

 All students know what they need to achieve to succeed in life. Staff and students have
high expectations and strive for excellence. Learning and teaching takes place in a safe and
purposeful environment. Students are encouraged to have enquiring minds and seek
opportunities to become global citizens.

This are general, broad statements that lead towards long-term outcomes.
These goals are typically designed to be met by students after a longer period of time such as
a year of schooling or a series of courses in a discipline.

 Objective relates to gaining an ability, a skill, some knowledge, a new attitude etc.
rather than having merely completed a given task.
Activity 2

Using the diagram of flowchart below to identify in order the components of curriculum.
Put an arrow to show the parts are interrelated with one another to form a whole.

Curriculum Aims, Goals

and Objectives

Curriculum Content or Of Curriculum
Subject Matter Curriculum Experience

Curriculum Evaluation
Activity 3

Discuss the following taxonomy of education objective;

Cognitive Domain

Cognitive Description Examples of Verbs for

Stating Objectives or
1 Knowledge  - Student can recall basic describe, define, list, State,
concepts like terms and facts identify, Know, outline, and
2 Comprehension  - Student can demonstrate explain, distinguish,
understanding of previous summarize, interpret, and
facts by organizing and translate
3.Application  - Student can use knowledge solve, apply, demonstrate,
to solve problems show, and construct

4.Analysis  - Student can examine parts discriminate, differentiate,

to make inferences compare, contrast, break
5. Synthesis  - Student can compile categorize, compose,
information in different ways generate, design, modify, and
6. Evaluation  - Student can present and conclude, criticize,
defend opinions defend, justify, and evaluate

Affective Domain

Affective Description Examples of Verbs for

Stating Objectives or
1 Receiving  - Student passively pays ask, listen, focus, attend,
attention take part, discuss,
acknowledge, hear, be open
too, retain, follow,
concentrate, read, do, and
2 Responding  - Student actively react, respond, seek
participates in learning clarification, interpret,
clarity, provide other
references and examples,
contribute, question, present,
cite, become animated or
excited, help team, write,
and perform
3 Valuing  - Student assesses value to argue, challenge, debate,
information refute, confront justify,
persuade, criticize
4 Organizing  - Student can compare, build, develop, formulate,
relate, and elaborate on defend, modify, relate,
information prioritize, reconcile, contrast
arrange, compare
5 Characterizing  - Student's behavior is act, display, influence, solve,
influenced by information and practice

Psychomotor Domain

Psychomotor Description Examples of Verbs for

Stating Objectives or
1 Reflex Movements  - Student showcases born react, and respond

2 Fundamental Movements - Student builds to basic Grasp, walk, stand, and

movements throw

3 Perception  - Student responds to stimuli Catch, write, explore,

of the senses distinguish using sense

4 Physical Abilities - Student develops stamina Endure, maintain, repeat,

for strength and agility increase, improve, exceed

5 Skilled Movements  - Student has advanced Drive, build, juggle, play a

movement capabilities musical instrument, craft

6 Non-Discursive - Complete effective body Express and convey feeling

Communication  language and meaning through
movement and actions


1. Search a Lesson Plan (recognize the source, author etc.)

Republic of the Philippines
San Jorge Campus
San Jorge, Samar


At the end of the lesson, 85% of the students are expected to:
a. Identify compound words;
b. Give compound words



TOPIC: Compound Word
REFERENCES: Grade IV Textbook
MATERIALS: Flashcards, pictures and Visual Aids

Before we start, everybody stand up and let In the Name of the Father of the Son and of
us pray. May I call Cleo to lead the prayer? the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Good Morning teacher, Good Morning
“Good Morning Class!”
Before you take your seats, kindly pick up
(The students will pick up the pieces of
the pieces of paper and arrange your chairs
paper, arrange the chairs properly and
properly and I want you to occupy the vacant
occupy the vacant seats)
seats here in front!
“Are you done already class? “
Yes, teacher!
Thank you! You may now take your seats.
Thank you teacher!
So are you ready for a brand new day?
Yes, teacher!
“That's great! “
It's so nice to have you here with me today!

“How are you today class?” We're fine today!

Oh! I'm glad you are fine today!

Is there anybody absent from the class? None, teacher!
“Very Good! Perfect Attendance! “

Did I give you an assignment? None, teacher!
This morning, We will have our discussion but
before that Class, what will you do when our
class is going on? Keep quiet! Teacher
“That’s right!”
What else? Sit properly
“Exactly! Okay, let me see if you’re sitting
What about if you want to answer? We will raise our hands if we want to answer.
How about if we have a group activities? We should cooperate.
“Very Well said”
What if somebody is talking? We should Listen.
“Very Good! So again what are those Keep quiet, Sit properly, raise your hand,
classroom rules that we have?” cooperate and Listen.

Can I expect that from you?

“Alright! That's good to know! “ Yes, teacher you can expect that from us.

Before we proceed to our next topic let us
have first a short review about our previous
Class can you still remember our lesson
Yes, teacher!
So what was our topic yesterday?
Our topic yesterday was about the mood or
Yes, Airell
feelings of the character based on what
he/she says or do.
"That's right!"

How would we able to know the mood or

We would know the mood or feelings of the
feelings of the character in the story or in a
characters in the story or in a sentence by
understanding the situation base on what
the character is trying to say or do.
Yes, Sanico
Is her answer correct?
Yes, teacher.
“Exactly! That's correct! “

Thank you, all of you had a good recall of the

past lesson.

Now, Are there any questions regarding our

None, teacher!
topic yesterday?

Today Class, We will have a new lesson but

before we will indulge to our new lesson. Let
me present to you our objectives of the day.

Who will read the first objectives?

Yes, nevijen please read
Identify compound words;
Thank you!

The second one , kindly read Limuel

Give compound words.
Thank you!

These Objectives set as our goal to

understand our lesson well. I hope that we
can attain these objectives at the end of our

7. MOTIVATION Yes, teacher.

"Class do you want to play a game?
“That’s Good! This time we will have a
Fingers on lips and I wants you to Listen

I have here a Memory Take Board Game, so

what are you going to do is that behind this
numbers 1 to 10 numbers contains a
different word with a different meaning, so
what are you going to do is you need to open
each of it and then find the pair of the word
or look for another word that perfectly match
at the right side and then you will take this
two word and combine them together in
order to form one word or new word and
you're just going to post it on the board.
For example
FOOT and BALL makes football

Who will try?

Butter and fly
Sun and glasses
Eye and lid
Jelly and fish
Door and Bell

They have two words with different meaning.

So based on the activity that we have,
What have you noticed with these words?
They are called Compound Word
“Wow, Very Good!”
How do we call two words with different
meaning combine together to make a new
“Good Job!, It’s a Compound Words

For this morning our discussion will be in

Compound Word is composed of two
relation to compound words.
different words that have been put together
to form a new word.
Again what comes into your mind when you
heard the word Compound Word?
Yes, teacher.
Yes, Ednalyn

Is her answer correct?

“Brilliant answer”

Compound Word are formed when two

different words are put together to form a
new word with a new meaning. What you did
a while ago is an example of a compound
Here are another examples
Basketball Mailbox
Toothbrush Background
Starfish Yes, teacher.

Did you understand now what a compound (Varied answers)

word is?

Aside from the word that we have mentioned

earlier, Can you think of other compound

“Very Good! All your answers are correct!”

This time we will play Clue Box. We have
several words written on the board. Let us
read them.

1. _____________ache
2. _____________noon
3. _____________father
4. _____________lace
5. _____________light
6. _____________mate

We also have several words in the Clue Box.

We have to pick one word from the box and
combine it with one of the word written on
the board to form another word.

Are the directions clear?

Let us start.
Let us check your work

1. Toothache
3. Grandfather
4. Shoelace
5. Moonlight
6. Classmate


Do you really understand what a compound
word is? Compound Word is composed of two
Let us see if you really understand the lesson different words that have been put together
Then, what is a compound word again? to form a new word.
Precisely! (Varied Answer)

Who can give me an example of a compound

“Very Good!”

This time, I will group you into 3 groups.
Each group should be given a piece of papers.
Set A and Set B containing with different
word with different meaning. What you will
do us just to combine these words in order to
form a new word, and after you finish
combining these two words, you're going to
present it in front by just singing this song
with action, so just look at me while I am
doing the action after that, you repeat after
me, then altogether we sing. It goes like this

I'm the compound Word

Listen to what I've heard
Put 2 words together
To make a compound words

Sun and shine makes Sunshine

Rain and bow makes rainbow
Sun and flower makes Sunflower

Two words together

Make a compound word.

So in this song you’re going to replace here

the compound word with what you’ve
formed by combining the two different
words. The first group who finish the
activities will be proclaiming as a winner.

Congratulation for the winning team. Let us

give them a “NICE CLAP”

Value Integration:
Did you help each other to finish your work?
That's good to know
So, when you help each other in certain task
you can finish it as much as possible.
That's why you have to practice helping each
other because it makes the difficult task easy
to answer None, teacher.

Any question regarding with our discussion?

Okay, if none get a piece of paper, write your

name we will have a quiz.

Direction: Choose a compound word from
the word box below to complete each

Bookcase Butterfly Baseball

Anyone Football Nowhere

1. I saw a _________ in my backyard fly

on the flower.
2. I put all my school books on my new
__________. Yes, teacher
3. To play _________ you need a bat
and a ball
4. Does _________ know where I
misplaced my backpack?
5. I watch _________ every Sunday with
my father.

For your assignment.

Write 6 compound words and use these

compound words in a sentence.

Did you get it class?

That’s all for today, Goodbye Class!

See you tomorrow!



2. Present the Lesson Plan and give your comments/ suggestions for improvement


The detailed lesson plan can be efficiently delivered because the objectives are clear and
achievable. What I will be emphasizing in this critique output is mainly on the Grammar and
correct usage of words. Elementary type of instructions and questions must be clear to the
students, vagueness of these two will lead to misunderstanding which will turn pupils
disinterested in learning the lesson. Always present an activity that will pique the interest of the
pupils not that you select an activity that will make you as a teacher hassle free in preparing the
materials. What I like is the organized presentation of idea by the proponent of the lesson plan.
Example, part of the motivation will be song and dance presentation by the teacher where
students must follow or video presentation to provide pupils the rhythm that will encourage them
to participate. These are just simple reminders for the teachers in Elementary to look into and
take note of.

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