Lord Nelson and Agamemnon Were The Royal Navy's Last and Most Formidable
Lord Nelson and Agamemnon Were The Royal Navy's Last and Most Formidable
Lord Nelson and Agamemnon Were The Royal Navy's Last and Most Formidable
11.8in. On paper, at any rate, they had a decided edge turrets and magazines, and the steering gear better
LORD NELSON AND over the Formidables. Some time in 1904-05 work began
on the Danton design, with four 12in and twelve 9.4in.
Russia had moved from the Borodinos to the Imperator
Pavels, basically similar, but with an 8in secondary battery.
protected. All this extra armour weighed 600 tons. Four
7.5in guns on the main deck were replaced by two 9.2in
on the upper. This would weigh 100 tons extra and cost
£10,000 more. It would also require extra space extending
AGAMEMNON Germany had gone from 9.4in and 5.9in guns to 11in and
6.7in with the Deutschlands of 1900. America had
followed the heavily armed Georgias with the even more
powerful Connecticut and Louisiana of 1902, about which
so far forward as to throw the foremast out of position.
Magazines and shell rooms would have to be worked in
abreast the machinery spaces.
The extra weight would require more power; 16,000ihp,
the Admiralty were well informed. It is thought that ships 300 extra tons and £30,000 extra cost; a lot in gold sover-
on Lord Nelson lines were planned to follow, but changed eigns. 13,500ihp would have driven the original 14,000
Lord Nelson and Agamemnon were the Royal Navy’s last and most formidable for the much more advanced South Carolina when the ton ship at 18 knots, but every extra ton had its price. The
pre-Dreadnought battleships. In this article Keith McBride looks at the lengthy gestation Dreadnought was announced. Finally, Austria-Hungary Board of Admiralty was anxious to keep the ships as small
process of the design and the arguments surrounding the composition of their main and had just about completed the Erzherzogs, and was consid- as possible, which resulted in a cramped design, especially
secondary batteries. ering their successors. Her Chief Constructor, Siegfried with so many turrets.
Popper, prepared five designs, three of which were half-
way to the Dreadnought. The design chosen, which Minute to Controller 31/12/02
became the Radetzky, was remarkably like what was to Mods to B3
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‘B3a’ had only eight 9.2in, housed in four twin turrets; this As always, ammunition stowage presented problems.
permitted freeboard forward to be increased to 24ft and The ships, like most pre-dreadnoughts, had fore and aft
the axial height of the forward 12in guns to 27ft. The ammunition passages below the armoured deck, and it was
training arcs of the 12in could be increased to 50° fore hoped to stow fourteen 9.2in rounds per gun in these. The
and 50° aft of the beam; 280° for each turret. It was hoped size of the charge cases was fixed at 36in x 20in diameter
that 150 tons could be saved on the 12in and 9.2in for 9.2in and 45in x 17.5in for 12in, which would permit
barbettes. The resulting ship would cost £1,240,000 and the use of existing cases. The new 50 calibre 9.2in, just
displace 15,400 tons, not much more than the Formidable. introduced for the King Edward VIIs, was to be used,
‘B3b’ would retain the ten 9.2in and include ‘B3a’s requiring the larger charges.
improvements; she would cost £1,300,000 on 15950 tons. Much concern was felt about a new ‘Rendable’ type
‘B3c’ would retain twelve 9.2in, plus of course the four shell, which was an armour-piercer with a sizeable burster;
12in. She would cost £1,370,000 and displace 16350 tons, a 6in specimen pierced a 10in KC plate and was picked up
the same as the King Edward VIIs. intact. Admittedly, the equivalent range was only 800
In January 1903, at a rather late stage, the Admiralty yards, but who knew what a larger calibre ‘Rendable’
asked the Ordnance Board to obtain designs for a more might do?
powerful 12in gun, as introduced by the Americans in Designs ‘B3’, ‘B’ and ’B5’ were in the lead at this point
1902. This became the Mark X 45 calibre; Narbeth noted in time. ‘B3’ carried four 12in and ten 9.2in,‘B4’ four 12in
that four would require some 95 to 100 tons extra weight, and twelve 9.2in and ‘B5’ twelve 10in. All had 18 knots
besides stronger mountings and a considerable ‘growth speed, slower than the reported speeds of most foreign
factor’. In fact, this major change was handled quickly and ships. ‘B3’ and ‘B4’ could carry their secondary guns in
easily; the existing mountings and ring bulkheads proved either an 8in battery or in separate redoubts for the same
to have strength to spare. The turret rings were in fact weight. About October 1903 the ‘B’ designs were redesig-
considerably smaller than previous ones. It was some time nated ‘G’ onward. Designs ‘E’ with 16 10in, ‘F’ possibly
before enough data on firing the new charges in the with eight 12in, and ‘H’ with twelve 12in and of 18,400
existing Mark IX 40 calibre gun was available, but all tons, were also considered at various times. Narbeth
went well. The Mark X was used not only in the Lord favoured ‘F’ and brought up the possibility of ‘H’, but it
Nelson and Agamemnon, but the as yet undreamed-of was decided to stick to the ‘G’ designs with the traditional
Dreadnought, Bellerophon, Invincible and Indefatigable. The four 12in. The designs with all 10in were rejected on the
Vickers 12in design and mounting were accepted, while ground that this gun could not pierce the belt or main Lord Nelson, photographed at Devonport. (CPL)
the 9.2in 50 calibre ones were by Elswick. turrets of the French 1900 programme République/Liberté
class at 3,000 yards. (This point is mentioned by Oscar additional 200 tons. The way ahead should have been
Parkes as having been raised by Admiral John Hopkins, a clear, but in fact the fur was about to fly. On 5 September,
recent Controller.) A very powerful 10in 50 calibre gun, Philip Watts the DNC wrote that ‘I personally concur in
with penetration equal to a 35 calibre 12in MkIX, was the trustworthiness of the results obtained’. It was
designed, but apparently not built. intended that the ships should be capable of being docked
By April 1903 Narbeth reported that the design could at any at the three Home Ports, Portsmouth, Plymouth or
be completed in full detail in three months, and asked to Chatham.
be relieved of other duties to concentrate on this once the New docks were planned or building at the former two;
final decisions had been made. As usual, model tests were Chatham had dropped out of the first rank while France
only begun at this late stage; the Constructive was the main threat, but was now coming back into
Department had a portfolio of models available, and from contention as Germany moved into the position of
extensive experience over the past fifteen years or so, had Potential Enemy No 1. The Entente Cordiale as yet lay in
a good idea of how the design would work out. It was the future. On 17 September, Watts wrote to the
hoped to call for tenders from the shipbuilders in July and Controller proposing an increase of beam in order to
to place contracts in October. ensure stability. The Board had somewhat reluctantly
On 17 April, reports on test tank model ‘OT’ arrived agreed to twin rudders, now Watts proposed three. It now
and were evidently satisfactory; the after part was came out, after much prodding by the Controller, that the
unchanged from the Formidable. Orders were given for it design could not be docked at Chatham, and could only
to be run at 16,350 tons displacement and 16,150ihp. In be docked at Portsmouth by using the Fountain Lake
the meantime, Vickers reported that the new 12in 45 entrance and doing additional dredging outside it. By this
calibre gun would fire the existing 850lb shell at 2850fps, time, displacement had grown to 16,500 tons, again
and that the mountings would stand 3100fps. The Mark X without Board Margin, which did not inspire the Board’s
would weigh 57 tons, and the guns for the 1904-05 ships confidence in the design, especially since it had been so
could be supplied from June to September 1905. It would long in preparation.
be possible to fit enlarged chambers if the new propellent A long and angry typed note of October 1903 shows
under discussion was adopted. Money was, as ever, tight, that it had been the Admiralty’s intention to build three
and the Controller did not want contracts placed too of ‘the new battleship’ by contract under the 1903-04
early, before work on the hardware could be started. programme, which had been laid before Parliament in
On 6 August 1903 design ‘G’ was formally approved by March 1903. Design work had been in progress since July
the Board of Admiralty, the displacement being 16,350 1902, about the usual time-scale. Since it was now too
Agamemnon as completed. (CPL) tons, without a Board Margin, which would mean an late to put the 1903-04 ships out to tender, they were laid
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down as King Edward VIIs in the Dockyards, Africa at for any additional weights added later and started at
Chatham, Britannia at Portsmouth and Hibernia at 16,900 tons. Despite the additional engine, only
Devonport. The opportunity was taken to fit longer 6in enough hydraulic power was provided to work the 12in
guns in these ships, and ‘the New Battleships’ were turrets and the 9.2in ones on one side simultaneously.
deferred to the 1904-05 programme. May and no doubt – G3 was G increased to 16,550 tons, with boats carried
the rest of the Board were very angry at Watts, but the at flying deck level. It might be necessary to use 45ft
latter was in a stronger position than might be thought; steam pinnaces instead of the usual 56ft ones. The
only two years before, his predecessor White had been sides of the 9.2in gunhouses were reduced to 7in from
eased out hastily after the fiasco over the Royal Yacht 8in, the roofs were to remain unchanged. If the weight
Victoria and Albert; to lose a second DNC in two years of boats and the thickness of the 9.2in turret sides were
would, to quote Oscar Wilde, have looked like careless- kept as in G1, G3’s displacement would be 16,600
ness. Naval matters were rightly of intense public concern tons.
at the time and such a scandal might have brought the – G4 was G1 but with only 10 x 9.2in (4x2 and 2x1) to
government down. give 200 tons Board Margin, i.e. 16,500 tons ‘Legend’ or
Apart from losing the year 1903-04, the deadline for the ‘Navy List’.
1904-05 naval estimates was now getting near; work – G5 was G4 but with beam reduced to 79ft 6in to get,
continued with great intensity on what had been Design just, into the Chatham docks, everything else
B3b, but was now re-numbered design ‘G’. On 13 unchanged. Speed would be slightly reduced but on 13
November, the Controller asked the reason for the infe- November Watts wrote to the Controller that he
rior hull form of G5; Watts explained the variations in the should still expect 18kts.
‘G’ series:
G5 was finally accepted by the Board of Admiralty on 10
– G was the 16,350 ton design as approved on 6 Aug 03. February 1904.
– G1 was as modified after approval; she had an additional As usual, a mass of detail had to be settled. The stern
pumping engine for the turrets, a 3in torpedo director had to be safe without support when docking, there had to
tower, extra coal hoists, increased torpedo air be sufficient space to enter the 9.2in turrets from their
compressor plant, and a wider beam; this put her up to roofs but below the flying deck on which the boats and
16,500 tons. 12pdr anti-torpedo boat guns were placed. More electric
– G2 was G1 lengthened to give a 200 ton Board Margin power was needed, but the dynamos were not to be in the
Sir Charles Monro and General Birdwood in dicussion on the quarterdeck of Lord Nelson during the Gallipoli campaign, with other
battleships of the British squadron visible in the background. (CPL)
engine rooms. It took a lot of effort to shoehorn every- declared peace with each other. This threw two Chilean
thing into a limited hull space; the citadel was only 190ft battleships building in Britain and two Argentine cruisers
long against 225ft in the King Edward VII. Every effort was building in Italy onto the open market. After much nego-
made to adjust the various armour and backing thick- tiation and intrigue, the cruisers went to Japan, as Kasuga
nesses to present a smooth exterior, with no angles into and Nisshin, the necessary amount of gold coin being
which enemy shells might bite. The side armour was KC, made available by the British embassy in Rome, just in
turret tops being KNC. The 12pdr anti-torpedo boat guns time for them to sail and take part in the Russo-Japanese
were increased to twenty-four; no-one worried unduly War. The British Government agreed, somewhat reluc-
about the extra topweight. tantly, to purchase the two Chilean battleships, which
Throughout the design process, weight and space were became HMS Triumph and Swiftsure. However, they
at a premium. It was decided to accept a slightly deeper insisted on two armoured ships being sacrificed from the
draught rather than to increase length or beam. It was as 1904-05 programme, and one ‘G5’ battleship and one
usual suggested that weight be saved by fitting faster- Minotaur class armoured cruiser, provisionally named
running machinery, but the Controller and the First Lord Orion, were accordingly cancelled. In the meantime, Sir
(= Secretary of the Navy) stuck firmly to the traditional John Fisher, the First Sea Lord designate, wrote to Lord
policy of fitting slow-running machinery, which was less Selborne, urging him to cancel the two remaining Lord
liable to hot bearings and other forms of grief. Nelson battleships, given that thinking about the
The reasons for the docking fiasco are obscure, but it is Dreadnought was already well advanced. However, Lord
at least possible that Watts, who has been described as a Selborne refused, saying that he favoured building each
brilliant but lazy man, careless over detail, was trying to year the best ships possible in that year. Even at the first
get the Admiralty committed to larger ships than they two meetings of the Dreadnought Committee in late
wanted, and that he either could not or would not get the 1904, Watts advanced ‘Super-Lord Nelson’ designs, first
Constructive Department to do what the Board wanted. with four 12in and eighteen 9.2in, of which six were in
Two final bridges remained to be crossed. In 1902, casemates under the muzzles of the 12in guns (possibly
thanks to British mediation, Chile and Argentina had like the German ships of the early 1890s?), and then with
A wartime view of Lord Nelson, possibly during the Dardanelles campaign, showing the searchlights added to her mainmast. (CPL)
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