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RFOU Cable Specification Sheet

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BB Power Cables ARE Standards IEC 60092-350 IEC 60092-350 IEC 60092-353 IEC 60092-353 IEC 60332-1-2 IEC 60332-1-2 IEC 60332-3-22 IEC 60332-3-22 IEC 60754-1/2 IEC 60754-1/2 IEC 61034 IEC 61034 NEK TS 606:2009 NEK TS 606: 2009 SCALP LP RA. MEAN AG EAM RGL, FARR. AL 1G Application The cables are applicable to control, lighting and power on offshore units and intended for ’ y installations, Flame retardant, TAU BERRORR. talhalogen tin andor ud ein 1-H 1-Conductor BARA AL, Tinned stranded copper TEC 60228 $8226 ‘ class 2 IEC 60228 2 8 2-Insulation ZR EPR A 3-Inner covering Kae . Halogen-free compound ARR 4 4-Braid armour RBA Tinned copper wire braid SE 5-Outer sheath 5 ‘SHF2 BAMA ERA D or SHF Mud Bee Colourblack * ASIRBL ae “DL: TAU Bee: TR Rpt PRE PRE "Baioes HAE SUNS TEC 60332-3-22 Black numbers on white base ** Sheath Marking Manufactare's name type voltage size TEC 60332-3-22 longth year of manufacture eto, et Power Cables P1RFOU P1/P8 RFOU P18 RU FAC RRA MERA Conductor EPR Inner covering Braid armour SHF2 Conductor EPR Inner covering Braid armour SHF Mud Conductor EPR SHF2 BB Power Cables P1RFOU P1/P8RFOU 0.6/1 kV P18 RU 0.6/1 kV wie Ih WR ee Diameter as Diameter aE ? mm Weight mn ‘Weight BA BK kg/m Res RK kgm Min. ‘Max. Min. Max. 1x15 88 10.0 125 58 18 55 bas 92 105 14s 64 1h 0 ix 98 ALS 165 68 8.0 90 1x6 10.0 12.0 19s, 14 86 Lio 1x10 10 13.0 (250 8.2 96 155 1x16 290 140 330 94 no 2s 1x25, 16.0 16.0 450 10 13.0 330 1x35, 155 18.0 605, 12.5 43 440 1x50 175 20.0 795 14.0 16.0 605 1x70 19.0 22.0 1020 16.0 18.0 BIS 1x95, 2s was 1320 18.5 21.0 1090 1120 Bs 265 1595 200 2s 1340 1150 255 2S 1925 22 25.0 1660 18s 215 310 2330 246 ns 2040 1240 30.5 34.0 2925 270 30.5 2615 1300 34.0 Ried (3585, 305 34.0 3245 2x15 12.5 14.5 215 96 11.0 M0 22.5 13.5 15.5 255 105 12.0 140 2d 150 170 34s 1s 0 180 2x6 16.0 18.5 410 125 145 240 2x10 18.0 20.5 540, 145 16.5 335 (2x16 20.0 25 705 165 19.0 480 3xL5 13.0 15.0 250 10.0 12.0 140, 325 165, 16.5 340, 160 13.0 ‘185 a4 155. 18,0 410 12,0 14.0 a5 GE 170 19.5 505 13.5 15.5 320 3x10 19.0 215 665 15.5 18.0 465 3x16 210 24.0 895 18.0 20.5 670 3x25 25.0 28.0 1270 215 5 1005, 335 218 310 1630 ms ns 1340 3x50 315 35.0 2200 28.0 315 1860 3x70 36.0 40.0 (2930 32.0 36.0 2520 3x95 4s 46.0 3950 37.0 4s 3370 3*120 45.0 500 470 41.0 45.0 4165 3150 50.0 350 sos 455 30.0 518s 3x85 555 a0 7i80 505 560 6385 BB Power Cables P1RFOU P1/P8RFOU 0.6/1 kV P18 RU 0.6/1 kV wie Ih WR ee Diameter as Diameter aE ? mm Weight mn ‘Weight BA BK kg/m Res RK kgm Min. ‘Max. Min. Max. RLSAGLS 14s 165 330 110 2s 175 402. 5/4G25 155 180 395 120 140 235 4xd/4G4 170 19.0 490 13.5 15.5 310 4x6/666 18.5, 210 605 15.0 17.0 410 4x10/4G10 20.5 23s 820 17.0 19.5 595 4x 16/4G16 230 26.0 1s 19.5 2s 865 4x25/4G25 215 ws 1595 24.0 27.0 1310 (4x35/4G35 30.5 34.0 2065 27.0 30.5 1750 4x50/4G50 35.0 39.0 (2835 31.0 35.0 (2435 ‘SxLS 155 175 370 120 14.0 215, TALS 16.5 185 440 13.0 15.0 275 1oas 2s 20 60s 165 190 390 res 210 BS 660 175 20.0 455 1s 25 ws ns 185 210 515 16x1.5 23.0 255 805, 19.5 20 575 19x15 m0 270 900, 205 35 675 AKLS 28.0 310 1125 us 75 855 21S 285 aS 1205 25.0 0 940 30x15 295 325 1295 260 20 1040 33x15, 30.5 34.0 1400 270 30.0 1130 37x15 3S 35.0 1520 28.0 31s 1260 5x25 17.0 19.0 6S 13.5 15.5 280 p28 180 208 555 145 110 375 10225 220 250 758 190 23 535 12. 230 260 850 195 no sis wes 240 210 940 205 BS 710 162.5 255 285 1045 22.0 45 795 19%2.5, 26.5 25 175 23.0 26.0 930 2AK2.5 31.0 45 1475 275 30.5 1180 225 313 350 1585 280 315 1300 30x25 325 36.0 Ins 29.0 325 1440, 33x25 345 38.0 1900 305 34.0 1565, 37K2.5 355 395 2065 32.0 35.5 1745, CRATES G means one yellow/green earth conductor.

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