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180 9001: 2015
(A Government of
No. WAPIRE, TRBINDME/2019/ 5 3 Date: 19.03.2019
Shri MS. Khan
Executive Engineer (E) (IPDS)
Room No. 1804 A, 18th Floor,
NDMC, Palika Kendra, Sansad Marg,
‘New Dethi-1 10001
Email: [email protected]
Sub: Verification of equipments and material received at site store of M/s L&T Ltd. for the work of
Strengthening of sub-transmission & distribution network under Integrated Power Development
Scheme (IPDS)
Ref: - NDMC letter no, D-1198/EE (E) IPDS dated 14.03.2019
This is in pursuance of your letter dated 14.03.2019 vide which we have received copy of challan/invoices
for verification of various material received at site store of M/s L&T Ltd. With reference to enclosed L&T
letter/challan/invoices, material is verified and found acceptable.
However, it may be noted that “Approval of material would not in any way absolve M/s L&T of their
responsibility for proper storage/preservation, sound design, sequence test, proper fitment, installation &
performance of complete equipment up to defect liability period as per stipulations laid down in the
contract agreement”.
With Regards,
| Yourg faithfully,
a7 Ankur Panwa’
General Manager (RE, TEENS
Chief Project Manager (PDMA)
WAPCOS Ltd, NDMC Project Office
‘New Delhi-110001
Tel. No: -011-23350233
wey Email: [email protected]
76, Institutional Area, Sector - 18, Gurugram - 122 015 (Haryana), INDIA
Tel. : +91-124-2399421 * Fax : #91-124-2397392
: [email protected] ; [email protected] « Website : https//www.wal
CIN : U74899DL1969G01005070 Department-I
New Delhi Municipal Council
Office of the Executive Engineer (E) IPDS Division
Room No. 1804 “A”, 18% Floor,
Palika Kendra, New Delhi: 110001 =
S Office Tel.:- 011-23340588
{id antaiee E-mail ID: [email protected]
Ref, No. D-1198/EE (E) IPDS Dated: 14.03.2019
‘M/s WAPCOS Ltd.
66 KY, Electric substation,
B.D. Marg, New Delhi-110001.
Kind Attention: Sh. Ankur Panwar, Chief Engineer (T&D).
erification of equipments and material received at site store of M/s L&T Ltd, for
the work of Strengthening of Sub-transmission & distribution network under
Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS),
Please be noted that M/s L&T Ltd. vide various letter submitted copy of and e-way bills
of the equipments and material received at site store, details as under:-
S.No | Ref. letter of M/s L&T Ltd. Details of material/equipment ‘Quantity.
1. | ETCD/PT&D//NDMC/IPDS/2018- | ABB make Dry type transformer of rating| 4 nos.
19/GEN/241 dated 13.03.2019, _| 1000 KVA
2. LTCD/PT&D//NDMC/IPDS/2018- | Charcoal for conventional earthing 1340 Ke.
19/GEN/242 dated 13.03.2019.
3. [LICD/PT&D//NDMC/IPDS/2018- | Earth Chamber with cover for Conventional | 200 nos.
19/GEN/243 dated 13.03.2019. _| Earthing
You are therefore, requested to verify the material and equipment received at store and
submitted recommendation at the earliest please.
(Er. M.S. Khan)
Executive Engineer (B) IPDS