Chemical Water Quality Parameters
Chemical Water Quality Parameters
Chemical Water Quality Parameters
Inorganics Organics
• pH • Total organic carbon (TOC)
• Hardness • Volatile organic compounds
• semi-Volatile organic
• Alkalinity (bicarbonate)
• Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate • Pesticides
• Chloride • Fats and oils
• Metals • Detergents
Inorganics in groundwater
Dissolution: Example-Calcium carbonate dissolution to calcium ion and
bicarbonate ion
CaCO3(s) + H 2 0 Ca 2+ + HCO 3− + OH −
Oxidation-reduction: change in oxidation state.
Example-reduction of ferric iron in low oxygen water
3+ − 2+
Fe + e → Fe
Ion exchange: interaction between negatively charged clay particle in
sediment and cation in solution. Example: sodium ion exchange with
potassium to produce mineral Albite
(CO 2 ) aq + H 2 O H 2 CO 3
− +
CO 2 + H 2 O HCO + H 3
− 2− +
3 3
• Alkalinity refers to the capability of water to neutralize
acid (accept H+ ions)
• Buffering capacity or ability of water to resist changes
in pH
Total Kjeldahl
nitrogen (TKN) is
total of organic
nitrogen and
• semi-Volatile organic
• Alkalinity (bicarbonate) compounds
• Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate • Pesticides
• Chloride • Fats and oils
• Metals • Detergents
Organic chemical constituents
• Organic – a class of chemicals composed of carbon (C), hydrogen
(H) and in some cases oxygen (O) with nitrogen (N). Can also
contain sulfur (S), phosphorus (P), and halogens as chlorine (Cl),
bromine (Br) and Iodine (I)
• Storage tanks
• Septic systems
• Landfills
• Chemicals
Methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE)
• MTBE is used as a fuel additive in motor gasoline and
produced in very large quantities.
• It is one of a group of chemicals known as
"oxygenates" because they raise the oxygen content of
• At room temperature, MTBE is a volatile, flammable
and colorless liquid
• MTBE is found in ground water; that may be sources of
drinking water.
• MTBE dissolves easily in water therefore rapidly
migrates in groundwater, and is persistent.
• Low levels of MTBE can make drinking water supplies
undrinkable due to its offensive taste and odor.
Trihalomethanes (THM)
• Produced during chlorination of water containing
organics – may form compound that are potentially
human carcinogens
• Normally found THMs are chloroform (CHCl3),
bromodichloromethane (CHBrCl2),
dibromochloromethane (CHBr2Cl) and bromoform
• BTEX is the term used for benzene, toluene,
ethylbenzene, and xylene-volatile aromatic compounds
typically found in petroleum product, such as gasoline
and diesel fuel
• Present in coal tar, petroleum products, and various
organic chemical product formulations
• At the Mezquital Valley aquifer, toluene was detected at
an average conc. of 10.3 mg/L, higher than the
permissible limit of 0.7-1.0 mg/L (Lesser, 2013)
• These are the most soluble of the major gasoline
compounds and, therefore, are common indicators of
gasoline contamination of groundwater
Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds
• Organic compound which has a boiling point higher
than water
• They may vaporize at temperatures above room
• Moderate tendency to volatilize
sVOC’s include:
• Diesel Range Origin C10-C28 (DRO)
• Gasoline Range Origin C4-C10 (GRO)
• Oil Range Origin C28-C40 (ORO)
• Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH), Phenols, Pesticides
Hydrocarbons, particularly alkylbenzenes may give rise to
a very unpleasant “diesel-like” odor (WHO, 2012)
• A pesticide is any substance or mixture of
substances intended for preventing, destroying,
repelling, or mitigating any pest
• Pests are living organisms that occur where they
are not wanted or cause damage to crops or
humans or other animals. Include: insects, mice,
unwanted plants (weeds), fungi and
• Examples of pesticides: Alachlor, Aldicarb, Atrazine,
Diuron, Malathion, Methyl parathion, Metolachlor
• Pesticide contamination of groundwater especially
in agricultural areas
Pesticide DDT (dichlorodiphen-
yltrichloroethane) A comparison of the number of successful bald eagle
• Banned in the US in 1972 offspring with the level of DDT residues in their eggs.
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Mobility of Pesticides in the
• Chemicals can move
through soil, water, air
• Agricultural pesticides
runoff into rivers and
streams, harming aquatic
– Adverse effects on
plants and animals
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Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Individual organic compounds -
• Emerging organic compounds – veterinary
and human antibiotics, human drugs,
industrial products, sex and steroidal
Total Fat ,Oil and Grease (Grasas y
• For the determination of oil and grease, substances with
similar physical characteristics are determined by
substances soluble in a solvent. The extracted compounds
are hydrocarbons.
• Leaking underground storage tanks are the most frequent
causes in petroleum hydrocarbon problems.
• Soil contamination has been a growing concern, because it
can be a source of groundwater (drinking water)
• Petroleum products are complex mixtures of hundreds of
hydrocarbon compounds, ranging from light, volatile, short-
chained organic compounds to heavy, long-chained,
branched compounds.
Total Fat ,Oil and Grease (Grasas y
• Specific contaminants that are components of Total
Petroleum Hydrocarbons, such as BTEX (benzene, toluene,
ethylbenzene, and xylene), n-hexane, jet fuels, automative
gasoline, fuel oils, and mineral oil including mineral-based
crankcase oil
• Automotive gasoline typically contains about 150
hydrocarbon compound
• The exact composition of petroleum products varies
depending upon (1) the source of the crude oil (crude oil is
derived from underground reservoirs which vary greatly in
their chemical composition) and (2) the refining practices
used to produce the product.
• During the refining process, crude oil is separated into
fractions having similar boiling points.
• Detergents include Anionic, Cationic and non-
• Usually only anionic detergent is to be
determined in ground water.
• Anionic- extraction with chloroform, thereafter,
methylene blue is used for a color reaction
(MBAS method)
• At the Mezquital Valley aquifer, MBAS parameter
was detected at an average conc. of 0.7 mg/L
(max 20.50), higher than the permissible limit of
0.5 mg/L (Lesser, 2013)