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Khurda 2

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Water Management Programme Organised 18.12.


Date Bhubaneswar

Place 120

No.of Participants



Projects completed by CGWB (No. & Amount One Artificial Recharge & Rain
spent) water harvesting project was
completed at Rajbhawan,

Amount Spent: 14 lakh

Projects under technical guidance of CGWB Nil




Number of OE blocks Nil

No.of Critical blocks Nil

No.of blocks notified Nil

1.0 Introduction:

Khurda district with an area of 2813 sq km is bounded between latitudes 190 40’ N and
20 27’ N and longitudes 840 56’ E and 860 05’ E. It is bounded in the north and northeast by

Cuttack district, on the west and southwest by Nayagarh and Ganjam districts, on the southeast
by Chilika Lake and Puri district. The Population of the district as per 2001 census is 18,78,000,
which is 5.10 % of the total population of the state. The male and female population of the
district is 9,87,000 & 8,91,000 respectively. The density of the population is 667 per sq. km. The
total literate person of the district is 13,11,000. The district is divided in to 2 subdivisions,
namely Bhubaneswar and Khurda which are further subdivided in to 10 C.D blocks such as
Bhubaneswar, Jatni, Balipatna, Balianta, Khurda, Bolagarh, Begunia, Tangi, Banpur and
Chilika. The district headquarter is connected to all the block headquarters and important towns
by all weather roads.
The district is drained by a number of streams which are mostly tributaries and
distributaries of the river Mahanadi and a few other streams discharging in to lake Chilika. The
important distributaries of Mahanadi are the Kuakhai, Bhargabi, Kushabhadra and the Daya
River. The tributaries of the Mahanadi are the Ran and Kalijiri. The streams draining the
southern parts of the district are Sulia, Kharia and the Kusumi. All the streams are ephemeral
and effluent in nature. Chilika, the largest salt water lake of India is situated in the southeastern
part of the district.

Systematic ground water survey was first carried out by the geologists of the Geological
Survey of India and later completed by Central Ground Water Board. Subsequently reappraisal
hydrogeological survey was carried out in different parts of the district during 88-89, 91-92, and
95-96 by CGWB. Under the ground water exploration programme a considerable number of
exploratory boreholes were drilled by CGWB. Besides these quite a few numbers of tube wells
were also constructed by CGWB on deposit basis for drinking water supply.

2. Climate & Rainfall:

The district is characterized by a tropical monsoon climate having three distinct seasons
in a year, viz winter, summer and rainy seasons. May is the hottest month with mean daily
maximum temp of 380 C, while December is the coldest month with mean daily temperature of
15.70 C. The normal annual rainfall is 1449.1mm & the annual average rainfall is 1436.1mm.
The relative humidity varies from 48 to 85 % at Bhubaneswar. The mean monthly potential
evapotranspiration values of the district ranges from 57mm in January to 284mm in May.

3. Geomorphological Set up:

Based on the physiographic set up, the district may be broadly divided in to four natural
divisions such as (a) Coastal sand dune (b) Alluvial plain, (c) Lateritic upland and (d) Hilly

The dunes having limited width occur along the Chilika coast discontinuously. These
deposits are fluvio aeoline in origin and are of longitudinal type.

Alluvial plain is the most potential hydrogeomorphic unit. It occurs as narrow strip along
Chilika coast in the south east & along the courses of major rivers. The Alluvial plain in the
northeast is a part of Mahanadi delta system.
The lateritic upland constitutes the major parts of the district. This forms an undulating
terrain covered with lateritic capping over Gondwana sand stone and Precambrian rocks.

The hilly terrain is prominent in southwestern and western part. The area is underlain by
Precambrian hard rocks and major part of this terrain is capped by laterities and lateritic gravels.
The subunits in this terrain are (a) shallow buried pediplain (b) Moderately buried pediment (c)
pediments (d) intermontane valley (e) residual hills (f) structural hills etc.

Soil & Landuse:

There are three types of soil generally found in the district

1) Alfisols
2) Ultisols
3) Entisols

Alfisols: The deltaic alluvial soil in the eastern part of the district and the red loamy soils in the
northwestern part of the district come under this class. It consists of a wide range of soils
including mixed red and black soils, red earth, red loamy soils, red sandy soils, red gravelly soils
and other alluvial soils. The red soils are light textured, usually devoid of lime concretions
deficient in nitrogen, phosphate & organic matter. The PH of the soil varies from 6.5 to 7.3.
These soils are suitable for cultivation of paddy and other crops.

Ultisols: These include laterite & lateritic soil, red and yellow soils of the northern and north
central part of the district. They are characterized by low contents of Nitrogen, Phosphate,
Potassium & Organic matter. The PH of the soils ranges from 4.5 to 6.0. Due to granular nature
of these soils cultivation is possible immediately after heavy rains without the danger of any
unsatisfactory physical state.

Entisols: these include the coastal alluvial soils along the Chilika lake and younger alluvial soils
in the central part of the district. The texture in general is sandy to loamy and soils in general
are deficient in nitrogen, phosphoric acid and humus. These soils are suitable for wide variety of
crops including paddy.

4.0 Ground Water Scenario

4.1 Hydrogeology:
Aquifer system of the area may be divided in to (a) fissured (b) porous types based on
the lithological characteristics of the area.

(a) Fissured formation: The Precambrian crystalline rocks which mainly consists of granite
and granite gneiss, Khondalites, Charnockites and Anothosites occupy major parts of
the district covering western as well as central and parts of eastern sector of the district.
Ground water in these rock types occurs under unconfined conditions within weathered
residuum and under semi confined to confined conditions in fractures at greater depths.
The thickness of weathered residuum varies from negligible to 35/40m depending on
rock types. The thickness of the weathered zone is minimum in Charnockites and
Anothosites while the same is maximum in Khondalites. These weathered zones form
shallow aquifer where ground water occurs under unconfined conditions. The average
yield of dug wells in granitic rocks is around 20 to 22 m3/day with the maximum around
36 to 40 m3/day. In other hard rocks the yield is restricted within 25 m3/day with the
average value around 12 to 15 m3/day.
(b) Porous formation: The porous formation in the district are a) Semi-consolidated
Athagarh formation of upper Gondwana Group b) Quarternary alluvium and upper
Tertiary sediments and also laterites and lateritic gravels with limited extent with respect
to time and space.

(a) Athagarh formation: This aquifer system occurs at shallow as well as deeper
depths, are mainly formed of sandstones. The shale form mainly pheratic
aquifers and that also with limited potential. The weathered zone extends down
to 12 to 15m and top weathered part up to 5 to 6m is lateritised. The yield of dug
wells in the weathered zone is on an average is around 20 to 25 m 3/day. The
yield at deeper fractures is on an average 7 to 10 lps.
(b) Quarternary Alluvium & Upper tertiary formations: This formation occurs in the
extreme northeast corner of the district covering Balianta and Balipatna blocks of
the district. The ground water occurs under pheratic condition at shallow depth
and under semi -confined to confined condition at deeper depths. The bedrocks
occur at 119m depths at Bhingarpur of Balianta block and at 198m depth at
Balipatna and 230 m at Orakhand in the southern part of Balipatna block.
Quarternary alluvial deposits occur in minor pockets near Chilika lake area with
limited thickness and ground water is mostly saline barring few meters at top.
The aquifer zones at deeper depth generally occur within 100m depths. The
Transmissivity values are generally high, more than 7000m2/day
Laterites: Laterites occur as capping over consolidated and semiconsolidated formation and
prominent occurrences are found in Bolagarh, Khurda town, Bhubaneswar and Tangi area. The
average thickness is around 20m.

Depth to water level:

The pheratic zone constitutes the most potential ground water reservoir in the district.
This zone has been mapped in course of hydrogeological surveys. With a view to ascertain the
changes in the ground water regime and make an over all assessment of the ground water
resources CGWB has, so far, established 28 network hydrograph stations through out the
district which are monitored manually 4 times in a year, during January, April, August and
November. The depth to water table values depend on several factors like rainfall, topography,
drainage characteristics, proximity to drainage channels, lithology, water bearing and water
yielding properties of the rocks.

The depth to water level of hydrograph network stations in Khurda district for the
year 2011
Well No Location Jan-11 Apr-11 Aug-11 Nov-11

73H-4D30 Badlasason 1.64 2.05 0.18 0.78

73H-4C3 Baghmari 5.11 6.69 0.55 2.1

73H-4D5 Balipatna 1.04 1.84 0.4 0.73

74E-2A3 Balugaon 1.91 2.51 1.34 0.64

73H-3D9 Bhubaneswar-i 1.84 4.44 1.16 4.12

73H-4D25 Bhudiapara 8.32 1.9 0.25 1.3

74E-1B3 Bhusundapur 6.92 9.4 2.85 5.7

73H-4B3 Bolagarh 3.13 8.92 1.86 4.76

73H-4C1 Jankia 8.33 3.71 1.79 4.4

73H-4C4 Jatni 6.56 8.45 0.95 6.64

73H-4D16 Kapilaprasad 11.95 6.15 0.79 2.01

73H-3D5 Khandagiri 6.01 12.15 2.12 9.54

73H-4C5 Khurda 5.7 9.95 1.73 5.46

73H-4D20 Kuha 7.78 7.23 2.95 4.39

74E-1C1 Nirakarpur 5.4 7.53 3.2 6.45

73H-4B1 Pichkuli 10.42 6.37 0.54 2.31

74E-1B1 Tangi - 12.33 3.7 7.45

The above table shows that, the depth to water level in the hydrograph network
stations of the district mostly ranges from 1.84 to 12.33m below ground level during
premonsoon period. The water table is shallow in most part of the district. The depth to
water table contour map of both pre and post monsoon seasons are attached in the
brochures as Plate no-3 & 4 respectively. The pre monsoon depth to water level in
about 11.9% of the wells fall in the range of 10 to 20 m & 52.9% of the wells fall in the
range of 5 to 10m. About 23.5% of the wells show depth to water level between 2 to 5 m
and about 11.8% of the wells, less than 2m.

Seasonal Fluctuations

A perusal of the last 10 years of depth to water level data from the year 1996 to
2005 reveals that 58.8% of the total NHS show rising trend in the range of 0-2 m & 5.9%
of the wells shows water level in the range of 2-4m. 29.4% of the wells show falling
trend in the range of 0-2m & 5.9 % of total wells in the range of 2-4 m . The post
monsoon seasonal fluctuation of the data shows rising trend in 8 Nos of wells (44.4% of
the well) in the range of 0-2 m and falling trend in 10 nos of wells (55.6 % of the wells) in
the range of 0-2m. The pre monsoon and post monsoon water level data with the
decadal mean shows that there is no appreciable change in the ground water regime.
Trend Analysis of the Hydrograph Stations also supports this phenomenon except those
in the canal command areas where the stations show a perceptible rising trend during
the pre monsoon period probably due to the release of canal water during this period.

Water level trend

The decadal (2001-2011) water level trends during pre-monsoon period indicate
that 76.92 percent stations show rising trend of water level. The maximum rising is
being 0.18 m/Yr. The falling trend of water level is shown by about 23.07 % of the
stations and maximum fall recorded is 0.006 m/yr.
The decadal water level trend analysis data of post-monsoon period indicate that
there is a rising trend of water level in 88.5 % cases and falling trend in rest 11.5 %
cases. The maximum rise recorded is 0.32 m/yr with the majority of the values being
more than 0.10 m/yr. The maximum fall is around 0.064/yr with the majority of the
values being more than 0.03 m/yr.

Trend of Ground Water Level ( November 2001-2011)

Well No Location Rise(m/yr) Fall(m/yr) 97)

73H-4D30 Badlasason 0.211 - 2.201

73H-4C3 Baghmari 0.203 - 4.515

73H-4D11 Balakati 0.148 - 6.121

73H-4D5 Balipatna 0.133 - 1.773

73H-4D6 Balipatna 0.235 - 2.9

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