Department of Education

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Learning Plan for
Academic – HUMSS (Specialized Subject)
FIRST SEMESTER, S.Y. 2020-2021

Day & Time Week # Learning Competencies Learning Tasks Mode of

Monday Week 1 - Clarify the relationships and Q1M1 The parent
9:30 AM-11:30 AM differences between social Social Sciences and can drop the
G12 Valor sciences and applied social Applied Social SLM in the
sciences. Sciences assigned drop-
- Identify the goals and scope Q1M2 box in school/
1:00 PM-3:00 PM
of counseling. Goals, Scope, and learning
G12 Resilience
- Explain the principles of Principles of center on the
counseling. Counseling scheduled
Week 2 - Discuss roles and functions Q1M3 date of
of counselors. Roles, Functions and submission.
- Identify specific work areas Specific Work Areas of
in which counselors work. Counselors
Week 3 - Value rights, LAS Week 3
responsibilities, and Rights,
accountabilities of Responsibilities, and
counselors. Accountabilities of
- Distinguish between ethical Counselors
and unethical behaviors
among counselors.
Week 4 - Describe the clientele of LAS Week 4
counseling. The Clientele and the
- Illustrate the different Processes and
processes and methods Methods Involved in
involved in counseling. Counseling
- Distinguish the needs of
individuals, groups,
organizations, and
Week 5 - Identify the goals and scope LAS Week 5
of social work. Goals, Scope,
- Explain the principles and Principles and Core
core values of social work. Values of Social Work
Week 6 - Explain the roles and LAS Week 6
functions of social workers. Roles, Functions and
- Identify specific work areas Specific Work Areas of
in which social workers work. Social Workers
Week 7 - Value rights, LAS Week 7
responsibilities, and Rights,
accountabilities of social Responsibilities, and
workers. Accountabilities of
- Distinguish between ethical Social Workers
and unethical behaviors
among practitioners of social
Week 8 - Describe the clientele of LAS Week 8
social work. The Clientele and the
- Distinguish the needs of Processes and
individuals, groups, Methods Involved in
organizations and Undertaking Social
communities. Work
- Illustrate the different
processes and methods
involved in undertaking social
Wednesday Week 9 - Identify the goals and scope LAS Week 9 The parent
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM of communication. Goals, Scope, can drop the
G11 Equanimity - Explain the principles of Principles and Core SLM in the
communication. Values of assigned drop-
Thursday - Describe the elements and Communication box in school/
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM levels of the communication learning
G11 Humility processes. center on the
Week 10 - Explain the roles and LAS Week 10 scheduled
functions of communicators Roles, Functions and date of
and journalists. Specific Work Areas of submission.
- Identify specific work areas Communicators and
in which communicators and Journalists
journalists work.
Week 11 - Explain the rights, LAS Week 11
responsibilities, and Rights,
accountabilities of Responsibilities, and
communicators and Accountabilities of
journalists. Communicators and
- Distinguish between ethical Journalists
and unethical behaviors
among practitioners.
Week 12 - Describe the clientele and LAS Week 12
audience of communication. The Clientele and
- Distinguish the needs of Audience of
individuals, groups, Communication
organizations, and
Week 13 - Illustrate the different LAS Week 13
processes and methods The Processes and
involved in undertaking Methods Involved in
communication. Undertaking
- Distinguish the appropriate Communication
communication media
channel(s) to use in different
settings and situations.
Week 14 - Explain each of the LAS Week 14
functions of applied social The Functions of
sciences. Applied Social
- Identify situations that Sciences
would require or necessitate
the performance of the
various functions in local/
Philippine settings.
Week 15 - Analyze the effects of LAS Week 15
applied social sciences The Effects of Applied
processes on individuals, Social Sciences
groups, and society. Processes on
- Evaluate the effects of Individuals, Groups,
certain program or projects and Society
on knowledge, attitude, and
behavior of individuals,
groups, and society.
Week 16 - Synthesize the learning LAS Week 16
from the course and its Course Synthesis
applications to the learner.

Prepared by:


Teacher II
Senior High School Department



Asst. School Principal II
OIC – Office of the Principal

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