Activity #2 Study Skills
Activity #2 Study Skills
Activity #2 Study Skills
Activity # 2:
“Study Skills”
Mnemonic devices are strategies or techniques a person use to be able to improve his
ability and memory to remember something. In short, it is a memory technique to help the brain
better encode and recall information. Generally, words are used with this technique such as
poems, rhymes, acronyms and other forms of literary that suits a person. Personally, I find
mnemonics helpful and essential whenever I study because it is not new to me. I have been
using this strategy even before especially back in my elementary days. What I always do first is
to take the first letter of the word or phrase and then write it down. Next is, I repeat the letters all
over again and make either a funny sound of it altogether or make a song out of the letters so
that I can remember all the things I wrote down. Lastly is, I practice reciting my “masterpiece”
until I was able to memorize all of it. However, I don’t find it necessary anymore since I
discovered that mnemonics are just temporary way of memorizing what I have read. Now that I
am a college student, I now know that the most effective way of studying concepts and lessons
is to understand the teachings fully. By doing this, wherever I go, I can be able to elaborate and
explain my thoughts without even memorizing each words and phrases.
3. How do you organize your online handouts and when do you use it?
My mom taught me to be organized when I was young so that I will always be guided not
only in academics but in all aspects of life. Since I was used to multitask and have a hectic
schedule due to my extra-curricular, organizing my stuff helps me be guided with the things that
I need to do and helps me finish all tasks easily. The first thing that I do whenever I organize my
handouts may it be online or paper files is, I usually sort it by subject or category so that my files
won’t be messy. I often label my folders depending on the different subjects or categories I
have. Next is, I always plan ahead depending on the most urgent things to do based on my
schedule. Next is, I divide my tasks a day so that each day, I will be able to accomplish my
tasks on my schedule. Lastly, I end my day with a positive vibe and note so that I will be
motivated the next academic day.