uriserv-OJ C - 2015 054 01 0001 01 ENG-EN
uriserv-OJ C - 2015 054 01 0001 01 ENG-EN
uriserv-OJ C - 2015 054 01 0001 01 ENG-EN
(2015/C 054/01)
Date of cessation of
presumption of
1 Reference and title of the standard Reference of superseded
ESO ( ) First publication OJ conformity of superseded
(and reference document) standard
Note 1
A-type standards
A-type standards specify basic concepts, terminology and design principles applicable to all categories of machinery. Application of such
standards alone, although providing an essential framework for the correct application of the Machinery Directive, is not sufficient to
ensure conformity with the relevant essential health and safety requirements of the Directive and therefore does not give a full
presumption of conformity.
B-type standards
B-type standards deal with specific aspects of machinery safety or specific types of safeguard that can be used across a wide range of
categories of machinery. Application of the specifications of B-type standards confers a presumption of conformity with the essential
health and safety requirements of the Machinery Directive that they cover when a C-type standard or the manufacturer's risk assessment
shows that a technical solution specified by the B-type standard is adequate for the particular category or model of machinery concerned.
Application of B-type standards that give specifications for safety components that are independently placed on the market confers a
presumption of conformity for the safety components concerned and for the essential health and safety requirements covered by the
EN 12254:2010/AC:2011
13.2.2015 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 54/9
EN ISO 13849-1:2008/AC:2009
C-type standards
C-type standards provide specifications for a given category of machinery. The different types of machinery belonging to the category
covered by a C-type standard have a similar intended use and present similar hazards. C-type standards may refer to A or B-type
standards, indicating which of the specifications of the A or B-type standard are applicable to the category of machinery concerned.
When, for a given aspect of machinery safety, a C-type standard deviates from the specifications of an A or B-type standard, the
specifications of the C-type standard take precedence over the specifications of the A or B-type standard. Application of the specifications
of a C-type standard on the basis of the manufacturer’s risk assessment confers a presumption of conformity with the essential health and
safety requirements of the Machinery Directive covered by the standard. Certain C-type standards are organised as a series of several parts,
Part 1 of the standard giving general specifications applicable to a family of machinery and other parts of the standard giving
specifications for specific categories of machinery belonging to the family, supplementing or modifying the general specifications of Part
1. For C-type standards organised in this way, the presumption of conformity with the essential health and safety requirements of the
Machinery Directive is conferred by application of the general Part 1 of the standard together with the relevant specific part of the
EN 81-3:2000+A1:2008/AC:2009
EN 474-1:2006+A4:2013/AC:2014
EN 676:2003+A2:2008/AC:2008
EN 709:1997+A4:2009/AC:2012
EN 710:1997+A1:2010/AC:2012
EN 809:1998+A1:2009/AC:2010
EN 972:1998+A1:2010/AC:2011
EN 1417:1996+A1:2008/AC:2009
EN 1495:1997+A2:2009/AC:2010
Warning: This publication does not concern paragraph, the last subparagraph of, table 8 and figure 9 of standard EN
1495:1997, in respect of which it grants no presumption of conformity to the provisions of Directive 2006/42/EC.
C 54/24 EN Official Journal of the European Union 13.2.2015
EN 1710:2005+A1:2008/AC:2010
EN 1829-2:2008/AC:2011
Warning: with regards to the choice of guards of the saw blade, this publication does not concern paragraphs 3 of clauses of this
standard, the application of which does not confer a presumption of conformity to the essential health and safety requirements 1.4.2 of
Annex I to Directive 2006/42/EC.
EN ISO 3691-6:2013/AC:2014
EN ISO 4254-5:2009/AC:2011
EN ISO 4254-6:2009/AC:2010
EN ISO 4254-7:2009/AC:2010
C 54/32 EN Official Journal of the European Union 13.2.2015
EN ISO 4254-10:2009/AC:2010
EN ISO 7096:2008/AC:2009
EN 12417:2001+A2:2009/AC:2010
EN 12853:2001+A1:2010/AC:2010
EN 13001-1:2004+A1:2009/AC:2009
EN 13001-2:2011/AC:2012
EN 13035-3:2003+A1:2009/AC:2010
EN 13128:2001+A2:2009/AC:2010
C 54/52 EN Official Journal of the European Union 13.2.2015
EN 13218:2002+A1:2008/AC:2010
EN 13367:2005+A1:2008/AC:2009
EN 13683:2003+A2:2011/AC:2013
EN 13898:2003+A1:2009/AC:2010
EN 14070:2003+A1:2009/AC:2010
C 54/58 EN Official Journal of the European Union 13.2.2015
EN 14492-1:2006+A1:2009/AC:2010
EN 14492-2:2006+A1:2009/AC:2010
EN 15695-2:2009/AC:2011
EN 15811:2009/AC:2010
EN 15997:2011/AC:2012
EN ISO 20361:2009/AC:2010
EN ISO 28881:2013/AC:2013
EN 50348:2010/AC:2010
EN 60204-1:2006/AC:2010
EN 60204-11:2000/AC:2010
EN 60335-1:2012/AC:2014
EN 60335-2-36:2002/AC:2007
EN 60335-2-37:2002/AC:2007
EN 60335-2-40:2003/AC:2006
EN 60335-2-40:2003/AC:2010
EN 60335-2-40:2003/A13:2012/AC:2013
13.2.2015 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 54/71
EN 60335-2-42:2003/AC:2007
EN 60335-2-47:2003/AC:2007
EN 60335-2-48:2003/AC:2007
EN 60335-2-49:2003/AC:2007
EN 60745-1:2009/AC:2009
EN 61029-1:2009/AC:2009
EN 62061:2005/AC:2010
Note 1: Generally the date of cessation of presumption of conformity will be the date of withdrawal (‘dow’), set by the
European standardisation organisation, but attention of users of these standards is drawn to the fact that in
certain exceptional cases this can be otherwise.
Note 2.1: The new (or amended) standard has the same scope as the superseded standard. On the date stated, the
superseded standard ceases to give presumption of conformity with the essential or other requirements of the
relevant Union legislation.
Note 2.2: The new standard has a broader scope than the superseded standard. On the date stated the superseded
standard ceases to give presumption of conformity with the essential or other requirements of the relevant
Union legislation.
Note 2.3: The new standard has a narrower scope than the superseded standard. On the date stated the (partially)
superseded standard ceases to give presumption of conformity with the essential or other requirements of the
relevant Union legislation for those products or services that fall within the scope of the new standard.
Presumption of conformity with the essential or other requirements of the relevant Union legislation for
products or services that still fall within the scope of the (partially) superseded standard, but that do not fall
within the scope of the new standard, is unaffected.
Note 3: In case of amendments, the referenced standard is EN CCCCC:YYYY, its previous amendments, if any, and the
new, quoted amendment. The superseded standard therefore consists of EN CCCCC:YYYY and its previous
amendments, if any, but without the new quoted amendment. On the date stated, the superseded standard
ceases to give presumption of conformity with the essential or other requirements of the relevant Union
— Any information concerning the availability of the standards can be obtained either from the European standardisation
organisations or from the national standardisation bodies the list of which is published in the Official Journal of the
European Union according to Article 27 of the Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012 (1).
— Standards are adopted by the European standardisation organisations in English (CEN and Cenelec also published in
French and German). Subsequently, the titles of the standards are translated into all other required official languages of
the European Union by the national standardisation bodies. The European Commission is not responsible for the
correctness of the titles which have been presented for publication in the Official Journal.
— References to Corrigenda ‘.../AC:YYYY’ are published for information only. A Corrigendum removes printing, linguistic
or similar errors from the text of a standard and may relate to one or more language versions (English, French and/or
German) of a standard as adopted by the European standardisation organisation.
— Publication of the references in the Official Journal of the European Union does not imply that the standards are available
in all the official languages of the European Union.
— This list replaces all the previous lists published in the Official Journal of the European Union. The European Commission
ensures the updating of this list.
— More information about harmonised standards and other European standards on the Internet at: