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Mentee Mentor Subject Year Level/ Section Method Objectives (PSSLC 2.6, P. 75) Subject Matter Reference

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Mentee : Sheena C.

Mentor : Mrs. Genelyn Baluyos
Subject : T.L.E / ICT
Year Level/ Section : Grade 7
Method : 4As

I. Objectives : Differentiate hardware from software computer system.

(PSSLC 2.6, p. 75)

II. Subject Matter : Differentiating Hardware from Software Computer System.

Reference : Introduction to Information Technology, By: Gisela May A.
Albano, Ronnel R. Atole and Rose Joy Y. Ariola. p .5-17; PSSLC 2.6,
p. 75
Materials : Pictures, puzzles, flashcards, manila paper, cartolina, monitor,
mouse, keyboard, System Unit, printer, speaker and scanner.

Subject Integration: Science and Values Education

III. Learning Experiences:

Teacher Activity Student Activity

1. Old Lesson

a. Drill

Let’s have an activity. I’ll group the class

into 2. Each group will receive a picture cut into
pieces and you need to arrange to form a device.
Solve the puzzle within three minutes and guess the
device behind the puzzle. The group who finishes
first wins the game.

Are you ready? Yes teacher.

Start! (Students do as told)
Group 1 Group 2

What picture did you form out from the

puzzle? Group 1: The picture that we formed out from the
puzzle is a mouse.

Group 2: The picture that we formed out from the

puzzle is a CPU.
b. Review

What do we call the devices that you form out

from the puzzle? Those devices are parts of a computer.

What is a computer? Computer is an electronic, programmable

device that can store, retrieve and process data.
Teacher Activity Student Activity

What are the basic parts of the computer? The basic parts of the computer are mouse,
keyboard, monitor, CPU, speakers, and printer.

How important is the Central Processing

Unit (CPU) in a computer system? Central Processing Unit or known as CPU is
the brain of the computer. It can process and
convert data. Without a CPU, a computer will not
2. New Lesson
A. Preparation
a. Motivation

Have you seen an appliance or a gadget that

produces any sound, image and video? Yes, teacher.

What is an example of a gadget that produces

image or picture? An example of a gadget that produces
image or picture is a camera.

What is an example of an appliance that

produces sound or music? An example of an appliance that produces
sound is a karaoke.
Let’s have another activity.

I’ll group the class into two. Each group will

be given manila paper with table divided into two
columns. All you have to do is to think and write the
name of the gadget or appliance on the first column
and what it produces on the second column. The
group who can write the first five correct answers
will win the game.

Did you understand?

Yes teacher.
(Students do as told)

Name ofthe
What it it produce/s?
PSP Game and video
DVD Player Movie/video
Television Movie/video
Mp3 Player Sound
Computer Application/Games
(The teacher checks the answer and declares the

Teacher, The first column refers to

touchable things and the second column refers to
Now class, try to look at the tables attached program out from those things.
Teacher Activity Student Activity
in the board. What have you noticed from the two
columns in the tables?

Yes teacher.
Do you want to learn the difference between
touchable things and a program run in a computer

B. Presentation

Today, we are going to differentiate hardware

from software computer system.

1. Activities

Let’s have another activity.

I’ll divide the class into 2 and you need to

select a leader, secretary, time keeper and a reporter
in each group. I’ll give each group an activity sheet
and a computer device. Identify the computer device
and explain its main function. You will be given 3
minutes to answer the questions on your activity
sheet. After 3 minutes, the group reporter will report
their group answer. Yes teacher.
(Students do as told)

Did you understand?

Start. Group 1

Now, let us listen to the report of each group.

1. Identify the device.
- It is a scanner.
2. Explain the function of this computer
-It translates images of text,
photo and other graphics into digital form.

Group 2
Teacher Activity Student Activity

1. Identify the device.
- It is a printer.
2. Explain the function of this computer
- Used to output information
from the computer and
printed into paper.

Those devices are touchable things.

2. Analysis

Try to observe the devices I have here in the

table. What have you notice?

They serve as input devices which allows

user to input data.

What is the main function of these devices?

Those devices belong to hardware
So what do you think this input devices
belongs to? Is it hardware or software?

Excellent! Input device is part of hardware


I’ll show to you other devices and try to identify.

Those are monitor, printer and speaker.

Monitor can output images.

Printer can output data printed in a paper.
Speaker can output sounds.
Teacher Activity Student Activity
Describe the function of these three devices?

. The three devices serve as output devices

What is the main function of these three


They belong to hardware components of

So therefore, what components of computer computer system because both devices can be
system do input and output devices belong? touched.

Hardware refers to the tangible things of

computer system.
What is hardware?

I have here another example of a component

of computer system? Identify the pictures.

Those are skype program, plants vs

zombies game and google chrome.

No, teacher.
Can you touch those things?

They belong to software components

So therefore, what elements do these things because those are the programs and applications
belong to? Is it hardware or software? produce by the computer and they are

Software refers to programs and

applications run in a computer system.
What is software?

3. Abstraction The main elements of a computer system

are hardware and software computer system.
What are the main elements of a computer
Hardware refers to the physical components
of a computer system that you can actually touch.
Teacher Activity Student Activity
Differentiate hardware from software? It may be classified into input and output devices.

Software-component of a computer system

which refers to the set of instructions written in a
code –that computer can understand and execute.
These are programs used by the user to interact
with the computer.

Examples of hardware computer system are

Cite examples of each element. keyboard, mouse, printer, scanner and fax

Examples of software computer systems are

computer games, MS word, images or pictures,
emails and web browser.

These two elements interact with one

How are these elements related to each another in order to produce desired information
other? from a given set of data.

Science Integration:

If we relate those devices to the parts of our

body, what organs the hardware and software If we relate hardware to the parts of our
components belong? body it refers to our external organs in which can
be seen and touch while software refers to the
internal organs inside our body.

Values Education Integration:

Since those devices are very useful and

important nowadays, How can you take good care
One way on how to take good care of those
of those devices to make them durable and long-
lasting? devices is to keep in proper place after using.
Teacher Activity Student Activity
4. Application

Let’s play a game.

I’ll divide you into two groups. I have here

scrambled word that you need to arrange and
identify according to its corresponding elements
whether it’s hardware or software. The group who
finish first will win the game.

Did you understand?


Hardware Software
Group 1 Group2 1. Monitor 3. Spreadsheet
2. Scanner 4. Avast


Hardware Software
2. Printer 4. Norton
5. Java


IV. Assessment

I. Identification Answers:
Directions: Tell whether the following
term is hardware or software computer system. 1. H
Write H for Hardware and write S for Software.
(5 points) 2. S

1. It refers to physical components 3. H

of computer system. 1. ___
2. It refers to programs run in a 4. H
computer system. 2. ___
3. Elements that produces sounds, 5. S
images, and documents. 3. ___
4. It is classified into input and
output devices. 4. ___
5. Untouchable components of
a computer system. 5. ___
Teacher Activity Student Activity

II. Multiple Choice

Directions: Choose the letter of the

correct answer. Write your answers on the space
provided. (5 points)

1. Which of the following defines hardware?

a. programs used by the user to interact with the
b. Untouchable things
c. refers to physical
components of a computer. 1. c
d. most important factor of
computer system. 1. _____

2. Which of the following is an input device?

a. CPU
b. mouse 2. b
c. monitor
d. printer 2. _____

3. Which of the following is a function of an output

a. device which communicate the result of
b. device which accepts data from user.
c. common device used to capture images. 3. a
d. it is a set of instructions used to direct
hardware. 3. _____

4. Which is an example of an output device?

a. keyboard
b. scanner 4. d
c. mouse
d. printer 4. _____

5. Which of the following is a software?

a. a program
b. operating system 5. d
c. Photo-Editing
d. All of the above 5. _____
Teacher Activity Student Activity

III. Essay. Answer the question directly.

Your answer will be graded according to

the following criteria:

A strong central idea--clearly stated

early in the response--stimulates the
reader, controls the development of
5 pts
the response, and ensures unity

A clearly stated central idea controls

4 pts the organization or development of
Contains a strongly implied, rather
than a clearly stated central idea
that controls the development of the
3 pts
writer's subject matter.

Although the response may possess a

central idea that controls the
response, it is not clearly stated. In
1-2 pts
short, the response lacks focus.

1. Differentiate hardware from software?

V. Assignment
Directions: In a short bond paper, paste
at least five pictures of hardware and five pictures
of a software computer system. (10 points)
Teacher Activity Student Activity

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