ABB Zenon Brochure 3AUA0000203778 RevB EN Lowres

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ABB Ability™ Operations

Data Management zenon
Information – Integrity – Insight

Information – Integrity – Insight

Table of contents

04  ABB Ability™ Operations

Data Management zenon
Transforming data into
information for better decisions

08 – 11 Products Overview

09  zenon Supervisor

09  zenon Operator

09  zenon Energy Edition

09  zenon Distribution
Management System

10  zenon Drivers

10  zenon Gateways

10  zenon Editor

10  zenon Logic

10  zenon Webserver

10  zenon Analyzer

11  zenon Modules
4 A B B D R I V E S A B B A B I L I T Y ™ O P E R AT I O N S D ATA M A N A G E M E N T Z E N O N

ABB Ability™ Operations
Data Management zenon
Transforming data into information
for better decisions
ABB Ability™ Operations Data Management zenon is a secure operations
data management platform that easily connects machines, infrastructure,
and production assets. It enables them to share information and develop
insights for optimized production.

ABB Ability™ Operations Data Management

zenon integrates your technology by connecting
drives, motors, programmable logic controllers,
and electrical devices to complete automation
and electrification. It enables supervision, control,
data acquisition, scheduling and performance
reporting for your machines and factories.

Food and ABB zenon hosts ABB Ability™ solutions on

beverage premises and connects to remote solutions,
for example, Remote and On-site Condition
Monitoring. The platform’s security is designed
Typical to be smartly integrated into all processes and

industries systems in critical infrastructure.

Turning data into information, zenon provides

insight into production processes via its more
than 300 communication protocols and drivers,
enterprise resource planning capability, and cloud
interfaces. This enables better quality assurance,
energy management and online reporting.

Its extensive lifecycle, backward compatibility

Mining and ability to engineer mixed version
Water and environments, ensures low total cost of
Plastics and wastewater
ownership and cost-effective extensions for
machines and factories.

Get insights – integrated analysis Efficient and secured

• Collects, analyzes, visualizes and manages data • Fast, dependable, agile automation
• Provides valuable process insights for better decisions • Maximum data security and powerful reporting
• Minimizes downtime • Easy and seamless integration
• Optimizes energy efficiency • Global service and support



Report – Present – Analyze – Store


ABB Ability™ Operations Data Management zenon integrates your technology by connecting drives,
motors, PLCs, electrical devices, and robots to provide complete automation and electrification.
6 A B B D R I V E S A B B A B I L I T Y ™ O P E R AT I O N S D ATA M A N A G E M E N T Z E N O N
8 A B B D R I V E S A B B A B I L I T Y ™ O P E R AT I O N S D ATA M A N A G E M E N T Z E N O N

Products Overview


Energy Supervisor

Analyzer Modules Logic Webserver

Operator Distribution


zenon Supervisor zenon Energy Edition

zenon Supervisor turns production data into International system integrators use zenon
real-time information that gives insight and Energy Edition as a reliable and open platform
control over production assets for faster and with special features for the energy industry
better business decisions. zenon Supervisor that save valuable project configuration time.
helps detect unforeseen potential for optimizing For large and small power companies, zenon
energy and resource consumption. It offers Energy Edition delivers outstanding automation
excellent reporting functions that give full control, performance, stability and scalability.
transparency of the production. You can integrate It is the IoT software solution for power plant
and harmonize your operator machine interfaces and substation automation, grid control
to increase productivity and reliability and to technology and wind park management.
reduce interaction errors. You can quickly find
your way around any project, as well as easily
access projects and equipment remotely.

zenon Distribution Management System

The new zenon Distribution Management System
offers a smart solution for all tasks in monitoring
zenon Operator and controlling energy grids. From configuring
zenon Operator helps to effectively increase a project, through visualization, to reporting and
productivity. New and existing machines can be legally-compliant archiving, zenon offers a wide
securely integrated into your existing systems range of applications that make operation secure,
thanks to zenon’s outstanding connectivity. stable and efficient.
As innovative HMI software, zenon Operator
offers complete Multitouch support for simple
and reliable handling. With zenon Operator it
is possible to easily and securely operate and
maintain equipment remotely. Online reload
technology allows for changes to the project
without having to stop plant operation.
10 A B B D R I V E S A B B A B I L I T Y ™ O P E R AT I O N S D ATA M A N A G E M E N T Z E N O N

zenon Drivers zenon Logic

zenon Drivers enables the easy integration of new zenon Logic is an integrated IEC61131-3 soft
machines. zenon delivers over 300 communication PLC that communicates through a huge variety
protocols, from all the important for industrial-, of protocols with industrial, electrical and
building- and substation automation standards building infrastructure. zenon Logic utilizes
to rare proprietary drivers. You can implement the same real-time database as zenon Supervisor
zenon into any existing equipment and deploy and zenon Operator and can as such be used as
new machines quickly and seamlessly. a calculation engine for automation engineers.

zenon Gateways zenon Webserver

zenon Process Gateway helps to securely connect zenon Webserver brings projects online without
to super ordinate systems like the Internet of adaptations. This includes making all screens,
Things by incorporating itself into Runtime as users, password administration, information
an add-on and making the desired connection. available online. The web client has the same
functionality as that provided by zenon Runtime.
For example, if a project changes it is synchronized
online, updating all participants worldwide at all
times. zenon Webserver comes in two versions:
zenon Webserver with monitoring functionality
and zenon Webserver Pro which includes control
zenon Editor functionality.
zenon Editor is the control center for
engineering productivity. The Editor can be
tailored to specific tasks and needs.

zenon Analyzer
zenon Analyzer provides complete data
transparency across production and makes
this accessible with concise zenon Dynamic
Production Reports. Dynamic Production
reporting enables you to make immediate
decisions on how to enhance production
efficiency and output. Efficiency reports
calculate KPIs over a selected period of time
and production equipment.

zenon Modules

• The Trend: Represents online and historical • SAP Interface: Connects the SAP ERP level to
values of process variables and derived process the process level of zenon, using a two-way
variables in form of curves. Scrolling in the interface. This gives companies important basic
Trend provides a ruler and zoom function data for just-in-time production but also for
together with a trend analysis. long-term planning.

• Historian: saves process data and exports • Production & Facility Scheduler: allows
archived data, making it available for processing execution actions (e.g. changing a variable’s set
and evaluation – even outside of zenon. value) for a period of time or in a time grid.

• Reporting: generates insight out of production • Load Management: Successful and efficient
data by providing documentation, evaluation management of power generation and energy
and presentation of process data on the basis import. A specialised energy management
of online and archive data from zenon. system enables the largest possible amount of
energy to be procured from the supplier at the
• Batch: automates batch-orientated lowest possible price.
manufacturing processes, creating an
environment which offers complete equipment • Project Simulation: enables simulation for test
and process control with progressive and purposes and allows switching between
direct interfaces. simulation mode and hardware mode.

• Message Control: Automatically sends and • Energy Data Management System: keeps an
acknowledges messages. Sending is triggered overview of energy consumption and its costs
via a function which can be linked to an event. by collecting energy data, reducing consumption
of facilities, increasing equipment efficiency,
• Everywhere: offers visualization of real-time providing figures for energy control, evaluating
data of a zenon project configuration on deviations and monitoring equipment.
smartphones, tablets and desktop computers.

• Industrial Maintenance Manager: allows

service intervals to be comfortably planned,
administered and logged.

For more information, please contact
your local ABB representative or visit

Additional information
We reserve the right to make technical changes or
modify the contents of this document without prior
notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreed
3AUA0000203778 REV B EN 1.2.2019

particulars shall prevail. ABB does not accept any

responsibility whatsoever for potential errors or
possible lack of information in this document.

We reserve all rights in this document and in the

subject matter and illustrations contained therein.
Any reproduction, disclosure to third parties or
utilization of its contents – in whole or in parts – is
forbidden without prior written consent of ABB.

© Copyright 2019 ABB. All rights reserved.

Specifications subject to change without notice.

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