Ultrasonic Distance Measurement With The MSP430: Murugavel Raju Mixed Signal Processors
Ultrasonic Distance Measurement With The MSP430: Murugavel Raju Mixed Signal Processors
Ultrasonic Distance Measurement With The MSP430: Murugavel Raju Mixed Signal Processors
1 Theory of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Circuit Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3 Software Ultrasonic.s43 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.1 Init_Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.2 Mainloop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.3 Math_calc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.4 BT_ISR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.5 Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.6 Delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
5 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
A Programming Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
List of Figures
1 Circuit Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2 Oscilloscope Trace of Transmitter’s 40-kHz Burst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3 Oscilloscope Trace for One Measurement Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1 Theory of Operation
This application is based upon the reflection of sound waves. Sound waves are defined as
longitudinal pressure waves in the medium in which they are travelling. Subjects whose
dimensions are larger than the wavelength of the impinging sound waves reflect them; the
reflected waves are called the echo. If the speed of sound in the medium is known and the time
taken for the sound waves to travel the distance from the source to the subject and back to the
source is measured, the distance from the source to the subject can be computed accurately.
This is the measurement principle of this application. Here the medium for the sound waves is
air, and the sound waves used are ultrasonic, since it is inaudible to humans.
Assuming that the speed of sound in air is 1100 feet/second at room temperature and that the
measured time taken for the sound waves to travel the distance from the source to the subject
and back to the source is t seconds, the distance d is computed by the formula d=1100 X 12 X t
inches. Since the sound waves travel twice the distance between the source and the subject, the
actual distance between the source and the subject will be d/2.
2 Circuit Description
The devices used to transmit and receive the ultrasonic sound waves in this application are
40-kHz ceramic ultrasonic transducers. The MSP430 drives the transmitter transducer with a
12-cycle burst of 40-kHz square-wave signal derived from the crystal oscillator, and the receiver
transducer receives the echo. The Timer_A in the MSP430 is configured to count the 40-kHz
crystal frequency such that the time measurement resolution is 25 µs, which is more than
adequate for this application. The measurement time base is very stable as it is derived from a
quartz-crystal oscillator. The echo received by the receiver transducer is amplified by an
operational amplifier and the amplified output is fed to the Comparator_A input. The
Comparator_A senses the presence of the echo signal at its input and triggers a capture of
Timer_A count value to capture compare register CCR1. The capture is done exactly at the
instant the echo arrives at the system. The captured count is the measure of the time taken for
the ultrasonic burst to travel the distance from the system to the subject and back to the system.
The distance in inches from the system to the subject is computed by the MSP430 using this
measured time and displayed on a two-digit static LCD. Immediately after updating the display,
the MSP430 goes to LPM3 sleep mode to save power. The Basic Timer1 is programmed to
interrupt the MSP430 every 205 milliseconds. The interrupt signal from the Basic Timer1 wakes
up the MSP430 to repeat the measurement cycle and update the display.
Figure 1 shows the circuit schematic diagram of this application. The MSP430F413 (U1) is the
core of this system. Reference [1] is the data sheet for this device. LCD1 is a two-digit
low-voltage static LCD driven by the integrated LCD driver. R03 is connected to VSS, and R13
and R23 are left open for static-LCD-drive mode operation of the LCD peripheral. A 40-kHz
crystal X1 is conveniently chosen for the low-frequency crystal oscillator to match the resonant
frequency of the ultrasonic transducers used in this application. R12 serves as the pullup
resistor for the reset line, and the integrated brownout-protection circuit takes care of brownout
conditions. C9 provides power-supply decoupling to the MSP430 and is located close to the
power supply lines of the device. A 14-pin box header (J1) allows JTAG interface to the MSP430
to provide in-circuit debugging and programming using the MSP430 flash emulation tool. LED1
is provided to indicate measurement cycles. Port pin P1.5 is configured to output the buffered
40-kHz square-wave ACLK required by the ultrasonic transmitter.
The output drive circuit for the transducer is powered directly from the 9-V battery and provides
18 VPP drive to the ultrasonic transmitter. The 18 VPP is achieved by a bridge configuration with
hex inverter gates U4-CD4049. Reference [6] is the data sheet for this device. One inverter gate
is used to provide a 180-degrees phase-shifted signal to one arm of the driver. The other arm is
driven by the in-phase signal. This configuration doubles the voltage swing at the output and
provides the required 18 VPP to the transmitter transducer. Two gates are connected in parallel
so that each arm can provide adequate current drive to the transducer. Capacitors C6 and C7
block the dc to the transducer. Since the CD4049 operates on 9-V and the MSP430 operates on
a VCC of 3.6 V, there is a logic level mismatch between the MSP430 and the output driver circuit.
Bipolar transistor Q1 acts as a logic-level shifter between these two logic levels.
Operational amplifier U3 is the five-pin high-slew-rate TI operational amplifier TLV2771.
Reference [5] is the data sheet for this device. This amplifier has a high-gain bandwidth and
provides sufficiently high gain at 40 kHz. The operational amplifier is connected in an inverting
amplifier configuration. R7 and R5 set the gain to 55 and C5 provides high-frequency rolloff. R3
and R4 bias the noninverting input to a virtual midrail for single-supply operation of the
operational amplifier. The amplified ultrasonic signal swings above and below this virtual midrail.
The high Q of transducer RX1 provides selectivity and rejection of unwanted frequencies other
than 40 kHz. The output of the operational amplifier is connected to the Comparator_A CA0
input of the MSP430 via port pin P1.6. The Comparator_A reference is internally selected to be
0.5VCC. When no ultrasonic echo is received, the voltage level at CA0 is slightly lower than the
reference at CA1. When an echo is received, the voltage level increases above the reference
and toggles the Comparator_A output CAOUT. R3 can be fine-tuned for the required sensitivity
and the measurable range can be optimized.
The MSP430 and the ultrasonic signal amplifier circuit are powered by a regulated 3.6-V supply
derived from the 9-V battery via TI LDO TPS77001. Reference [4] is the data sheet for this
device. Resistors R1 and R2 program the regulator output voltage to 3.6 V. C1 and C2 are the
recommended supply capacitors for correct functioning of the regulator. The transmitter driver is
powered directly from the 9-V battery. Switch S1 functions as the power on switch for this
Figure 2 shows the oscilloscope trace of the 12-cycle, 40-kHz burst. Notice the 19.2-V peak to
peak voltage swing. The ringing sine wave seen on top of the square waves is due to resonance
in the transducer.
Figure 3 shows the oscilloscope traces for one complete measurement cycle. Trace 1 shows the
12-cycle, 40-kHz burst at the output of the transmitter transducer. Trace 2 shows the amplified
receiver transducer output at pin 1 of the operational amplifier. The first burst-signal on the trace
represents the signal directly received from the transmitter and is ignored by the MSP430. The
next burst on the trace represents the echo reflected by the subject and is the signal used by the
MSP430 for measurement. Trace 3 shows the width of the time interval measured by the
MSP430. This width represents the time it takes for the burst to travel the distance from the
measuring system to the subject and back, and it depends on the distance measured.
a a
f b f b COM
g g
e c e c 18
d d
g f e d c b a g f e d c b a
17 16 3 4 5 14 15 13 12 7 8 9 10 11
R12 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 VCC
100K 36
58 0.1µF
X1 XIN 8
VCC 64
J1 9 U1
1 40 R03
TMS P1.0
6263 7 10 11 46 53
P1.6 P1.5 R11
VSS 560 Ω
0.1 µF
TPS R8 5 4
77001 3.6V 10K 1
10K 9 10 7 6
1 5 C7
2 U2 Q1 3 2 0.2µF
C1 3 4 R1 + C2 8 TX1
200K R9 MMBT3904
0.1µF 4.7µF U4 CD4049 40KHz
11 12 US Transducer
R2 C6
100K 0.2µF
14 15
S1 R3
9–V R5
R4 R7 5 1.8K
Battery C3 100K 1 4
100K RX1
0.1µF U3 3 40KHz
2 US Transducer
R6 C4
100K 0.1µF
3 Software Ultrasonic.s43
3.1 Init_Device
This subroutine initializes and configures the peripherals used. The Watchdog Timer is disabled
first. A software delay is provided to allow the low-frequency oscillator to stabilize. The FLL+
multiplier is set to 64 to produce an MCLK frequency of 2.56 MHz. P1.0 is configured as an
output for the LED. The unused port pins are configured as outputs and port pin P1.5 is
configured to output the 40-kHz buffered ACLK frequency. The Basic Timer1 is enabled and
configured to provide a 150-Hz LCD frequency and to interrupt the CPU every 205 milliseconds
to initiate a measurement cycle. The Comparator_A is configured with 0.5VCC internal reference
and the CAPD bits are set to disable the input buffers for the comparator-input pins. The LCD
module is turned on and configured for static-mode operation to drive the two-digit static LCD in
the application. The LCD memory locations are cleared so that the initial LCD display is 00. The
Basic Timer1 interrupt and the global interrupt enable are then enabled to allow the Basic
Timer1 to periodically interrupt the CPU.
3.2 Mainloop
Mainloop updates the LCD with the value stored in the DIGITS buffer and then puts the MSP430
to LPM3 sleep mode. The MSP430 remains in sleep mode until a Basic Timer1 interrupt occurs
and BT_ISR returns it to active mode. Now a measurement cycle is initiated. Timer_A is
configured to 16-bit up mode and ACLK is selected as the clock source for Timer_A. CCR1 is
set to the compare mode with a value of 12 so as to output a burst of 12 cycles of 40 kHz on
P1.5. A 36-ACLK cycles delay follows to allow the output transducer to settle. This is realized by
setting CCR1 to the compare mode with a value of 36. The MSP430 stays in LPM0 during these
CCR1-compare wait states.
Now the system is set to receive the echo via the receiver transducer. The Comparator_A is
configured to wait for the echo and it provides a capture interrupt at the instant the echo arrives.
The Timer_A count is captured in capture-compare register CCR1. This value is the measure of
the time it took the ultrasonic burst to travel the distance from the transmitter transducer to the
subject and back to the receiver transducer. The count value is adjusted by adding 48 to
compensate for the time lost in the 12-cycle burst and the 36-cycle transducer settling time
delay. The adjusted value in CCR1 represents the exact time interval from the instant of the start
of the burst to the instant of the start of the echo at the system. Next, the math subroutine is
called to compute the actual distance in inches and return the result. If the system is out of
range, the echo signal is not received and the Comparator_A does not provide a capture
interrupt. The MSP430 stays in LPM0 until the next Basic Timer1 interrupt wakes it up. The
CAIFG bit in the CCTL1 control register is then tested to make sure that the echo was never
received. To indicate this condition, a value of 0xBE is stored in DIGITS to display an E on the
LCD. The program finally loops back to Mainloop to update the LCD and go back to LPM3 sleep
mode. The next Basic Timer1 interrupt returns the MSP430 to active mode to repeat the
program execution sequence.
3.3 Math_calc
The Math_calc subroutine takes care of the mathematical calculations required by this
application. The adjusted 16-bit value from CCR1 is stored in the variable Result. This value is
the representation of the time it takes the ultrasonic burst to travel the distance from the system
to the subject and back to the system. Since Timer_A counts in 25-µs steps, the equivalent
value in time will be Result X 25 µS. Assuming the speed of sound as 1100 ft/s at room
temperature, the Result from the Timer_A count works out to be six counts per inch of distance.
Therefore, dividing the Result by six produces the required value of the distance in inches.
To achieve the required precision with the available integer math of the MSP430, the 16-bit
Result is first multiplied by 100 before dividing it by 6. This 16X16-bit multiplication is done by
the subroutine Mul100. The 32-bit result is stored in the variables htX100_msw and htX100_lsw.
This 32-bit result is then divided by 6 and the result is stored in the variable DIGITS. The value
in DIGITS is in hexadecimal format. The hex2bcd subroutine converts this hexadecimal value to
binary coded decimal (BCD) value, and the last two digits of the BCD number are discarded to
compensate for the multiplication by 100 done earlier. The resulting two-digit value is returned to
the variable DIGITS.
3.4 BT_ISR
The Basic Timer1 interrupt subroutine BT_ISR manipulates the bits in the status register SR
residing in the stack such that the MSP430 returns to active mode on return from this ISR. This
allows the MSP430 to continue to execute the code following the LPM3 instruction in Mainloop.
3.5 Display
This subroutine updates the two-digit static LCD with the value in the variable DIGITS. The
segment data for the static display is stored in look-up table LCD_Tab. The LCD memory is
loaded with the required segment data by correlating the numbers in DIGITS and indexing to the
required location in the LCD_Tab look-up table.
3.6 Delay
This subroutine adds a 16-bit software delay. No registers are affected as the variable to be
counted down by software is assigned to the top of stack (TOS). After the delay is timed out, the
stack pointer (SP) is incremented back to the original value before returning from this
4 Conclusion
The integrated analog Comparator_A, the 16-bit Timer_A with hardware capture/compare
registers, the Basic Timer1, and the LCD driver peripherals simplify this ultrasonic distance
measurement application design and provides a system-in-a-chip solution. The average current
consumed by the application is 1.3 mA during a 15-inch distance measurement. This includes
the quiescent current of LDO U2, operational amplifier U3, and CMOS hex inverter U4. The
operational amplifier alone has a quiescent current of 1 mA and the remainder of the circuit
current consumption is 300 µA. The LED draws 5 mA while it is on. The MSP430 draws an
average current of 2.1 µA with the LCD continuously active. This is made possible by taking
advantage of the ultralow-current features of the MSP430. The MSP430 sleeps in LPM3 most of
the time and the CPU resources used by this application are only 5.6%.
Since the speed of sound is temperature dependent, the measured reading will be less accurate
at temperatures other than room temperature. A simple thermistor-based temperature
measurement and distance compensation could be employed in this application to allow the
system to measure accurately over a wide range of temperatures. The measured distance and
temperature data could also be stored in the flash memory if required. Adding additional receiver
gain stages and using a multiplexed LCD to read out as many digits as required could increase
the range.
5 References
1. MSP430x41x Mixed Signal Microcontroller data sheet SLAS340
2. MSP430x4xx Family User’s Guide, SLAU056
3. MSP430 Family Mixed-Signal Microcontrollers, application report SLAA024
4. TPS770xx Ultra Low-Power LDO Linear Regulators, data sheet SLVS210
5. TLV277x Family of High-Slew-Rate Operational Amplifiers, data sheet SLOS209
6. CD4049UB, CMOS Hex Inverting Buffer/Converter, data sheet SCHS046A
RSEG CSTACK ; Directive to begin stack segment
DS 0
RSEG CODE ; Directive to begin code segment
RESET mov.w #SFE(CSTACK),SP ; Define stack pointer
call #Init_Device ; Initialize device
mov.w #0,DIGITS ; Initialize DIGITS to ’0’
bic.b #CAON,&CACTL1 ; Comparator_A OFF
call #Display ; Display Data on LCD
bis.w #LPM3,SR ; Wait in LPM3
Init_Device ; Initialize MSP430x41x
bis.b #030h,&FLL_CTL0 ; Turn on internal load capacitors
; for the XTAL to start oscillation
BT_ISR ; Basic Timer ISR, CPU returns
; to active mode on RETI
TAX_ISR; Common ISR for CCR1–4 and overflow
add.w &TAIV,PC ; Add TA interrupt offset to PC
reti ; CCR0 – no source
jmp CCR1_ISR ; CCR1
reti ; CCR2
reti ; CCR3
reti ; CCR4
TA_over reti ; Timer_A overflow
bic.w #LPM0,0(SP) ; Exit LPM0 on reti
reti ;
Display ;Subroutine to Display values DIGIT1 & DIGIT2
;CPU Registers used R15, R14, R13 and R12, not saved
mov.w #LCDM1,R15 ; R15 points to first LCD location
c equ 002h
d equ 020h
e equ 004h
f equ 040h
g equ 008h
h equ 080h
Blank equ 000h
Math_calc; calculation subroutine
mov.w #0h, DIGITS ; Initialize DIGIT to 0
cmp.w #0h, Result ; Check if Result count=0
jeq calc_over ; Exit if 0
call #Mul100 ; Multiply Result count by 100
Mul100 ;subroutine for multiplying Result with 100d
;inputs Result 16bit and constant 64h (100d) 16bit
;output 32bit htX100_msw & htX100_lsw
Divide ;Subroutine for 32/16 bits division
;inputs 32bit htX100_msw & htX100_lsw and #06 16bit, output DIGIT
clr.w DIGITS ; Clear buffer to hold new Result
mov.w #17,IRBT ; Initialize loop counter
div1 cmp.w #06,htX100_msw ; Compare divisor with dividend high
jlo div2 ; If less : jump to div2
sub.w #06,htX100_msw ; Subtract 6 from high word
div2 rlc.w DIGITS ; Rotate result left through carry 1
jc div4 ; If carry set: finished
dec.w IRBT ; Decrement bit counter
COMMON INTVEC ; MSP430x41x Interrupt vectors
BT_VEC DW BT_ISR ; Basic Timer Vector
RESET_VEC DW RESET ; POR, ext. Reset, Watchdog
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