Using of CSRR and Its Equivalent Circuit Model in

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Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference 2007

Using of CSRR its Equivalent Circuit Model

and in
Size Reduction of Microstrip Antenna
R. karimzadeh Baeel, G. Dadashzadehl 2, F. Geran Kharakhilil
lIran Telecommunication Research Center (ITRC), P. 0. Box 14155-3961, Tehran, Iran
2 Faculty of Engineering Shahed University, Tehran, Iran
(: *)

Abstract-In this paper, compact microstrips patch transmission lines, are preferably (although not exclusively)
Antenna (MIPA) whose size is reduced via the use of implemented in microstrip technology [7].
metamaterials is presented. When CSRR are placed, the shift in
the resonant frequency to a lower value is promising because it If SRRs are to be used in planar circuits, the substrate in the
suggests a reduction in patch size. Complementary Split-Ring microstrip configuration needs to be thicker and hence the
Resonator (CSRR) is used instead of Split-Ring Resonator configuration becomes bulkier. Hence we need to have
(SRR). Equivalent circuit model to characterize the periodic structures which will not only be easy to fabricate
complementary Split Ring Resonator in metamaterials is but will not increase the dimensions of devices. The idea of
presented. By using the circuit model, it is shown that the use of the Complementary Split-Ring resonator-slots replacing the
a metamaterial can indeed greatly miniaturize the dimensions of
the patch antenna. metallic structures-sounds like an obvious choice, based on
the principle of duality in the field theory [8].

Keywords-Metamaterial, Left-handed media, Split Rings II. Design

Resonator, Complementary Split Rings Resonator, microstrip The desired frequency for the antenna is about 11.5GHz and
antenna. the dielectric board used insimulations is made by Rogers
I. INTRODUCTION having a relative permittivity of 2.33 and a tangential loss of
0.0012 and thickness of 31mil. First, CSRR having a stop-
Current advancements in communication technology and band at/around the desired resonant frequency of antenna with
significant growth in the wireless communication market and CSRR in the ground plane is designed. Then, Patch
consumer demands demonstrate the need for smaller, more dimensions are determined such that it resonates at a
reliable and power efficient, integrated wireless systems. frequency approximately 25% higher than the desired
Integrating entire transceivers on a single chip is the vision frequency. Since there are no standard methods or formulae to
for future wireless systems. This has the benefit of cost determine the patch dimensions for a defected-ground-plane-
reduction and improving system reliability. Antennas are patch (patch with CSRRs in ground plane) this is a ballpark
considered to be the largest components of integrated wireless value to start with. Next, the designed patch is loaded with
systems; therefore antenna miniaturization is a necessary task CSRRs along the radiating edge opposite the feed. This would
in achieving an optimal design for integrated wireless systems emulate the patch as being placed on a Double Positive
[1]. Material-Double Negative Material (DPS-DNG) substrate and
Several research groups have, over the years, attempted to fed at the positive side.
reduce the size of antennas. Recently, split rings resonators Fig. 2 shows one cell of designed CSRR, planar layout and
(SRRs), originally proposed by Pendry [2], [3], have opened 3D view of configuration of patch with CSRR.
the door to new design strategies, where miniaturization and
compatibility in planar circuit technology are key aspects. Return loss of the patch antenna with and without of the
Recently split rings resonators (SRRs), originally proposed by CSRR has been plotted as a function of frequency in Fig. 3.
Pendry [4], [2], have attracted a great interest for the design The patch resonates at 11.39GHz with the CSRRs, whereas at
of negative permeability and left-handed (LH) effective 14.92GHz without the CSRRs. Resonant frequency for
media [5]. In Fig. 1, it is also depicted the complementary constant dimensions patch with and without the designed
SRR (CSRR). This particle, recently proposed by some of the CSRRs in ground plane is shifted, as can be seen the resonant
authors [6], is the negative image of the SRR and it is the frequency is decreased when CSRR is loaded to patch
constitutive element for the synthesis of negative permittivity antenna. The shift in the resonant frequency to a lower value
media. Since this particle must be driven by an axial time when CSRRs are placed is promising because it suggests a
varying electric field, rather than by an axial magnetic field reduction in patch size.
(as is the case for SRRs), negative permittivity, as well as LH Pattern of these antennas is shown in Fig. 4. The back lobe
level is related to the frequency response of the CSRR. The

1-4244-0749-4/07/$20.00 @2007 IEEE.

back lobe radiation is reduced significantly if the CSRR used electrical simulation (using Agilent ADS) of the equivalent
under the patch has a stop-band corresponding to the desired circuit are compared. As can be seen, there is good agreement
resonant frequency of the antenna. between both simulations (electrical and electromagnetic).
III. Circuit Model When one cell is model, the equivalent circuit model of
configuration showing in Fig. 7 is proposed. Patch antenna is
The equivalent circuit model of a CSRR-loaded transmission modeled by SNP2 whereas part of antenna that is not
line has been proposed [9]-[12]. To minimize dimensions as maintained on CSRR is modeled by Li-me
much as possible, these artificial transmission lines are
preferably implemented by using a single cell. Equivalent S-parameter of patch antenna without CSRR that gave in
circuit model of the unit cell is presented in Fig. 5. L models Ansoft, is exported then in ADS software in imported to SNP2
the inductance of the line whereas CSRRs are described by element. Value of elements such as L, Lr, Cr and Cc is listed in
the resonators formed by the parallel combination of Lr and Fig.6. Comparison of the return loss obtained from full-wave
Cr, and their coupling to the host line is modeled by the simulation (Ansoft) and Circuit model Simulation (ADS) is
capacitance Cc. shown in Fig.8.
In view of the models, if losses are neglected (this is As is shown, good agreement has been obtained. Circuit
reasonable in a first order approximation), two characteristic model of configuration proves that the resonant frequency is
frequencies can be identified: decreased when CSRR is loaded to patch antenna.
1 IV. conclusion
0o 2= LC (1)
In this paper, the dimensions of the patch antenna
miniaturized significantly by employing CSRR. The size of
1 patch antenna reduced about 25% without increasing the
(2) substrate dimension. Microstrip patch antenna loaded with
2ffv -L(Cc + C )~ CSRRs has been modeled by means of a lumped element
circuit model. To our Inowledge, this is the first time that the
At f , a notch in the transmission coefficient is expected and behavior of a patch antenna loaded with CSRRs has been
studied by a lumped circuit model.
this frequency can be accurately measured. To obtain fo, a
representation of the transmission coefficient on a Smith V. Reference
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Figure 1 Topology of (a) SRR proposed by Pendry and (b) CSRR.

Metal regions are depicted in grey

(a) One cell of designed CSRR

(h=2.6 mm, c=0.2 mm, d=0.3 mm and g=0.2 mm)

_ _=S

Wi Ll

W23 2L2

W34 4L> 3

lo 11 12 13 14 1S 16 17 1S 19 20
(b) 3-D view (c) Planar layout Freq-ny (Glh)

Figure 2 configuration of patch with CSRR Figure 3 returns loss of patch with and without the CSRRs

(a) E-Plane (b) H-Plane

Figure 4 Pattern of patch antenna with and without of CSRR
01' 1' 1'I
(a) Magnitude of the transmission
coefficient for the unit cell of design

(c) Phase of the transmission coefficient

for the unit cell of design CSRR

L/ L2

Figure 5 Equivalent circuit-model ofthe unit cell.

- I1


(L=0.98 nH, CC=O.22 pF, Lr=O.19 nH, Cr=0.86 pF, and R=2.5 KQ)



jO.5 "-<

the unit cell of design CSRR

Frequenc (GHz)

(b) Magnitude of the Reflection coefficient for


(d) Reflection coefficient on smith

chart for the unit cell of design CSRR

Figure 6 Circuit model (dashed line) and full-wave (solid line) simulated results for unit-cell designed CSRR



--Ci-cit Model

>, +j5.0

I' j5.0

=50 Ohm
j Lline
I Lr

lO.S 11 ll.S 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 14.5 1S 1S.S
Frequeny (GHz)

Figure 7 Circuit model of patch antenna loaded by CSRR Figure 8 Circuit model (solid line) and Full wave (dash line)
(Lline=0.8 nH, L=1.22 nH, CC 0.12 pF, Lr=0.38 nH, Cr=0.43 pF, and R=2.5 KQ) Return loss for patch antenna loaded by CSRR

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