Experiment 6
Experiment 6
Experiment 6
6-2 Synthesis of o Chemicol Compound: Moking Alum from Aluminum
Addition of a slight excess of sulfuric acid to the Experimentql Procedure
products produced in Equation (1) neutralizes the
excess KOH from the previous step and neutralizes Special Supplies: Aluminum beverage can; sturdy f
the four OH groups on the tetrahydroxyaluminate scissors or snips; coarse steel wool (or metal pot scrub-
complex ion: ber); smooth board or other material on which the alu- \-
minum metal can be scrubbed; crushed ice; glass filter
Al(OH)i(aq) + 2 H2SO.{(aq) -
I('F(aq) + funnel; Whatman No. 4 filter paper; filter flask; Btichner
filter funnel; filter paper to fit Buchner funnel; aspirator
K*(aq) + Al3 (aq) + 2 SOr2 (aq) + 4 H2o(l) (2)
or house vacuum; hot plate or steam bath; rubber
policeman; container for the alum produced.
This is an acid-base (or neutralization) reaction in
which the H+ ions in H2SOa react with the OH- ions in Chemicals: 1.4 M KOH; 9 M H2SO4; methanol; NaHCOr.
Al(OH)4- to form water, leaving behind Al2(SO4)3. The \-
reaction is strongly driven to the right by the forma-
tion of the very stable HrO molecule.
The resulting solution contains K+, Al3+, and
SOn2- ions in the proportions in which they are
found in alum: AIK(SOa)2. After sufficient cooling, TIMES. Potassium hydroxide, KOH, and
crystals of hydrated potassium aluminum sulfate, or sulfuric acid, HrSOn, are very corrosive.
alum, will form. Both can cause burns if left in contact
There are 12 molecules of water associated with with the skin. If either chemical gets on
each formula unit of the salt, so the formula of the your skin, immediately rinse with plenty
crystalline alum that forms is AIK(SO+)z . 12 H2O. of cool water for several minutes. Your
This is typically true of compounds that contain instructor will discuss emergency
metal ions, but in a beginning chemistry course we measures to follow if your eyes are
often ignore these water molecules as we write affected. If spills occur, notify the
chemical formulas-unless they are critical to the instructor, who will know how to
results of an experiment, as they are here. For neutralize the spill with sodium
example, what you usually see written as FeCl3 is bicarbonate and can advise you on proper i
actually FeCl, . 6 HrO (or [Fe(HzO)o]Cl3 to show that cleanup procedures, Wear gloves if there
the waters surround the metal). X-ray crystallo- is any chance of contact with strong acids
graphic studies show that each K+ ion and each Al3+ or bases.
ion is surrounded by six water molecules. In solu- Methanol vapors are toxic, and liquid
tion, each is also surrounded by a cluster of approx- methanol is toxic if swallowed. Use
imately six water molecules. As you will study later methanol in the hood, and avoid getting it
in greater detail, water is a polar molecule, with the on your skin. If it does contact your skin,
oxygen atom having a slightly negative charge rinse it off immediately with water.
while the hydrogen atoms are slightly positively Because methanol is flammable, no open
charged. So the negative oxygen atoms in the water flames should be allowed in the
molecules are attracted to the positively charged K+ laboratory,
and Al3+ ions, and there is just enough room for
about six water molecules to crowd around each
positive ion.
The solution containing the dissolved alum is
The synthesis of olum
cooled with ice because alum is quite soluble in
water, but its solubility decreases as the temperature To begin the synthesis of alum, cut a piece of alu-
is lowered. So cooling the alum solution increases minum about 5 x 5 cm from an aluminum beverage
the amount of solid alum that can be recovered. can. Be careful with the sharp-edged piece of metal.
To get pure alum, it is necessary only to filter off Place it on a smooth board surface, and scour off the
the crystals and wash them to remove the excess coatings on both sides with coarse steel wool or a t
HrSO, used in the second step. The washing is done metal pot scrubber. When the piece of aluminum is !
with methanol, which does not dissolve the alum or clean and bright, rinse and wipe it with a paper
remove any of the water of crystallization. Methanol towel. Using scissors, cut the clean aluminum into
also has the advantage of evaporating quickly. small squares about 0.5 x 0.5 cm.
Synthesis of o Chemicol Compound: Moking Alum from Aluminum 6-3
the aluminum has reacted. Remove the beaker from
the hot plate temporarily. Obtainl0 mL of 9 M H2SO4,
and carefully but rapidly pour all of the 9 M H2S04
Place the filter paper in the
funnel and seal the edge
against the funnel wall by
moistening the paper.
to instruct you in the taring process. The alternative is to weigh trate should be clear and colorless.
the container, then weigh the container \,vith the object in it, and
Allow the 150-mL beaker containing the filtrate to
then subtract one weight from the other to determine tl'le weight
transfer the dried alum crystals and filter paper cir-
Moist filter paper cle to the weighed 150-mL beaker. Use a stirring rod
or metal spatula to scrape off any crystals adhering
to the filter paper, and remove the filter paper.
Reweigh the beaker containing the alum crystals, and
record this mass.
Follow the instructor's directions for disposing of
Filter pump the sample of alum that you prepared.
Weigh 10 g of sodium bicarbonate, NaHCOr. Add
about 80% of the NaHCOq to the solution left in the fil-
ter flask. Swirl the flask until the bubbling ceases and
the NaHCO3 has dissolved. Now add the rest of the \-
NaHCO3, and note whether any additional bubbles of
CO2 are produced. If additional bubbles form, add 2 g
more of NaHCO3. When there is no more bubbling
upon further addition of a small amount of NaHCOr,
rinse the solution in the filter flask down the drain.
to 15 min to dry the crystals. for growing large, clear crystals of alum from the
Weigh a clean, dry 150-mL beaker to the nearest powder that you produced in this experiment. With
milligram. Record the mass. Shut off the source of your instructor's permission, explore these uses of alum.
vacuum, and remove the Btichner funnel. Carefully
Synthesis of a Chemical Compound: Name
Making AIum from Aluminum
Date Section
Locker Instructor_
a i)
l. Weighing the oluminum
2. Weighing the olum
(a) Mass of empty 150-mL beaker b
t_ Colculofions
(.- Calculate the number of moles of aluminum that you used. Show your calculations
L moles Al
L Calculate (or look up in a reference such as the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics) the formula mass
(molar mass) of alum, KAI(SOq)z-12 H2O, including its water of crystallization. (You might find it under the
f g/mole
(.-- Noting that one aluminum atom is in each formula unit of alum, we know that each mole of aluminum will give
rise to one mole of alum. Based on the number of moles of aluminum you used, calculate the maximum num-
(.- ber of grams of alum that you could produce, assuming that aluminum is the limiting reagent:
t g alum
I 6-5
Using the number of grams of alum that you actually obtained, calculate the percentage yield of alum for your
galum from experiment y
% vield
' - maxrmum g alum rrom theory
loo% %
l. Experiments show that the solubility of alum in 25 mL of 1.4 M KOH plus l0 mL of 9 M HrSO, is about
1.0 g at 1.0 "C and 1.7 g at 6.0'C. Using your measured solution temperature, estimate the amount of alum left
in your chilled solution.
2. Does the amount of alum left in solution account for most of the difference between the maximum grams of
alum and your experimental grams of alum? Explain.
Name Date
When we combine salt (NaCl) and water, we don't describe the process as a synthesis or the product, "salt
water," as a compound. What is the difference between the synthesis of a compound such as alum and the pro-
duction of a mixture or solution such as salt water? As you write your description, suppose you are an early
chemist and cannot use the concepts of an element or a formula in your explanation.
Clean, dry, and weigh an aluminum can. Find the price of aluminum by doing a Google search on "price of
aluminum." What is the value of the aluminum in a beverage can? Then determine how much a local recycling
center is paying for aluminum cans. How does the value of aluminum compare to its "worth" in your community?
Why are the two prices so different?
If you explored any of the properties of alum, such as using it to clarify water or to grow alum crystals, describe
the results of your experiments and explorations.