High-Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers For Use in Frequency Response Analysis (FRA)
High-Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers For Use in Frequency Response Analysis (FRA)
High-Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers For Use in Frequency Response Analysis (FRA)
4, OCTOBER 2008
Abstract—This paper presents an advanced model of the fre- the FRA spectrum are seen. One should realize however that it
quency response of a three-phase power transformer for use is not only the change in physical dimension of the transformer,
in conjunction with diagnostic measurements by the method of but also the characteristics of the insulation system (pressboard,
frequency response analysis (FRA). The model includes high-
frequency behavior of the laminated core and the insulation paper and oil) and the magnetic circuit components (steels of
through taking into account the frequency dependencies of the the core) that influence the distributed inductances and capac-
complex permittivity of insulation materials (paper, pressboard, itances, resulting in deviations of the frequency response eeee,
and oil) and of the anisotropic complex permeability of magnetic [4].
core and conductors. A lumped parameter circuit model is used Today, the FRA technique is essentially a comparative
to simulate the frequency response of open-circuit impedance,
short-circuit impedance, and impedance between primary and method, in which one performs the frequency response
secondary windings, in which the characteristics of circuit ele- measurements over a wide frequency range (typically
ments are calculated by means of the finite-element method. The Hz MHz) and compares the result with a fingerprint
effect of correct representation of each circuit element on the FRA measurement of the investigated unit or with other reference
response is analyzed and discussed in comparison to measurement responses (from a sister unit or another phase of the same
results on a real transformer.
transformer) [5]. A comparison of frequency response data is
Index Terms—Finite-element method, frequency response anal- usually done by graphical inspection or by using statistical
ysis, high-frequency modeling, power transformer diagnosis.
indicators, such as, for example, the correlation coefficient [6].
The interpretation of FRA results can, however, be improved
I. INTRODUCTION by introducing precise modeling of the high-frequency be-
OWER transformers are so designed that they can with- havior of transformer windings, which definitely may assist in
P stand mechanical forces appearing under system faults,
transportation and installation. However, lack of clamping pres-
identifying salient features of the winding responses, including
the effects of localized faults on the circuit parameters. This
sure or mechanical strength of insulating parts (e.g., pressboard requires detailed models of the windings, and attempts to make
spacers), resulting from natural aging, may lead to mechan- use of the lumped parameter circuit approach have already been
ical deformations, displacements of winding structure or even presented [7]–[9]. However, in most of these models, assump-
to electrical short-circuiting between turns and winding sec- tions are made that the effect of the core at frequencies above
tions. Measurement of leakage inductance had been the tradi- 10 kHz can be neglected in the calculations of inductance of the
tional method for detecting changes in winding geometry. How- windings and that the core surface remains equipotential when
ever, practical experience showed that only radial deformations calculating winding capacitances. Developing a transformer
can be detected when using this method, while localized axial model for small excitation signals, such as the ones used in
deformations are hardly observable since the latter introduces case of frequency sweep FRA measurements, that can take
only a small change in the leakage flux [1]. As an alternative, into account all the frequency-dependent phenomena in the
the frequency response analysis (FRA) technique, pioneered by insulation, in the laminated magnetic core and in the winding
Dick and Erven [2], has become increasingly popular for the as- conductors, has yet remained a challenge. The work pre-
sessment of mechanical integrity in power transformers. In this sented in this paper has therefore concentrated on modeling a
three-phase power transformer by means of the lumped
method, use is made of the fact that the shape of the response
parameter circuit approach including all of the aforementioned
at higher frequencies is uniquely determined by the geometrical
frequency-dependent material characteristics. Analytical for-
construction of the transformer. Since mechanical deformations
mulae [10], based on simplified geometrical representations or
change the capacitive and inductive parameters, deviations in
on numerical calculations, can be used for estimating the circuit
Manuscript received August 7, 2007. First published June 27, 2008; cur-
parameters. In this paper, the frequency-dependent diamagnetic
rent version published September 24, 2008. This work was supported in part effect of windings (represented in the form of a tensor) [11] and
by SIDA-SAREC of Sweden and in part by ABB/SECRC. Paper no. TPWRD- the frequency-dependent complex permeability tensor of the
The authors are with the Division of High Voltage Engineering, Chalmers
core material that accounts for the characteristics of the joints
University of Technology, Gothenburg 412 96, Sweden (e-mail: nilanga. between yokes and limbs were both included into the induc-
[email protected]; [email protected]; stanislaw.gubanski tance and resistance calculations [12], which was implemented
@chalmers.se). in finite-element (FEM) software. The frequency-dependent
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. complex permittivity of paper/pressboard insulation at different
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2008.917896 conditions (e.g., temperature and moisture content) was used
0885-8977/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE
Fig. 2. Real (a) and imaginary (b) components of the complex permittivity of
pressboard containing different amounts of moisture at 50 C.
Fig. 3. Single laminate of thickness 2b with anisotropic magnetic properties in
an external magnetic field.
Fig. 5. Schematic view of the cross section of a mitered overlapping region cut
at an angle of 45 to the rolling direction of a limb and a yoke of the laminated
core, showing the calculation domain with boundary conditions and geometrical
(6) (7)
in (9)
Fig. 7. 3-D transformer model showing computational domains (one half of Definitions of permeability tensors are given in [11]. Having
the core is modelled). solved the 3-D model, one can estimate effective resistance and
inductance of the winding either from energy balance method or
by calculating the induced voltage in the winding. It was found
with air gaps and insulating layers. It is then assumed that the in the simulations that the both methods yielded the same re-
system of the conductors is infinitely long in the transverse di- sults. In the former case, the complex magnetic energy in all of
rection to the 2-D cross-sectional plane of the conductors so as the domains is calculated as
one needs to solve the electromagnetic problem in 2-D, which
can be represented as a composite heterogeneous medium with
the periodic structure of an elementary cell containing a unit
conductor. The effective complex permeability tensor of such
a medium can be evaluated by solving the field problem in
Here, “ ” denotes the complex conjugate. The parameters of the
this cell by applying an external unit magnetic field in ,
winding can be found from the complex impedance defined as
and directions. Since this analyzed 2-D unit cell is located
on a radial plane of a cylindrical coordinate system, the com-
plex permeability tensor should be transformed into Cartesian
coordinates of the large scale 3-D model. Formulation and
implementation of the models and calculation of effective (11)
parameters for the conductors are described in [11] and [12].
3) Large Scale 3-D FEM Model: In this study, a distribution where and are self inductance and resistance of the th
transformer (15/0.4 kV, 400 kVA, ) having a three-limb section, respectively, and is the magnetic energy when cur-
core was considered. Exact dimensions of the core and the wind- rent is applied to the th section of a winding. Note that the value
ings are given in [18]. Only one half of the core was modelled of in (10) represents the contribution of the losses in the core
by taking advantage of symmetry of the system. The problem and in the volume of the conductors. Mutual inductance
is defined within four domains as shown in Fig. 7: and and resistance between th and th winding sections can
are the sections of HV or LV windings, volume corresponds be calculated by using the parameters calculated in (10) and (11)
to medium surrounding the core, and is the volume of the and an additional solution for energy stored when current is ap-
laminated core. plied to both winding sections [19]
Since the frequency-dependent effects are already incorpo-
rated in the calculated effective permeability tensors for the (12)
core and the volume of the conductors, the problem can be for-
mulated in magnetostatic mode. This is an artificial approach, (13)
which avoids a high resolution mesh required to solve the
problem (in quasistatic mode) due to decreasing skin depth at
high frequencies. At the same time, this approach reflects the Here, is the total magnetic energy when currents and
main features of real physical picture of the electromagnetic are applied to winding sections and , respectively. Calcula-
processes. Then, the final solution is obtained by separately tions of self and mutual inductances and resistances of both HV
solving the magnetostatic problem for each frequency with and LV winding sections [according to (10)–(13)] on all three
corresponding values of effective complex permeabilities. limbs are implemented as a Script in COMSOL.
Fig. 8. Mutual inductance between a disk of HV winding and a turn of LV Fig. 9. Measured and simulated frequency responses (with and without core
winding placed at the top of the middle limb. joint representation) of open-circuit impedance of an outer limb.
Fig. 10. Measured and simulated frequency responses (with and without dia-
(15) magnetic effect of conductors) of open-circuit impedance of an outer limb.