Pongamia Pinnata

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IOSR Journal Of Pharmacy www.iosrphr.

(e)-ISSN: 2250-3013, (p)-ISSN: 2319-4219
Volume 6, Issue 3 (March 2016), PP. 15-22

Antinociceptive activity of the aqueous leaves of Pongamia

pinnata in rats
W.D. Ratnasooriya1,2, S.A.Deraniyagala3, S.Priyadharshini4
Department of Zoology, University of Colombo, PO Box 1490, Sri Lanka,
Faculty of Allied Health Science, General Sir John Kotalawala Defense University, Werahara, Sri Lanka.
Department of Chemistry, University of Colombo, PO Box 1490, Sri Lanka,
Department of Chemistry, University of Colombo, PO Box 1490, Sri Lanka,

Abstract: In Sri Lankan traditional medicine, the decoction of leaves of the plant Pongamia pinnata (L.) is
claimed to possess antinociceptive activity. However, as yet, its antinociceptive potential has not been
scientifically investigated. The aim of this study was to investigate the antinociceptive potential of an aqueous
leaf extraction (ALE) of P. pinnata in rats, using three algesiometric methods (hot-plate, tail-flick and formalin
tests) and different doses (500, 1000, 1500 and 3000 mg/kg, given orally). The result showed that the ALE
possesses marked and significant (p<0.05) antinociceptive action when evaluated in hot-plate test and formalin
tests (only the highest dose tested) but not in the tail-flick test. The antinociceptive action of ALE had a quick
onset (within 1h) and a moderately long duration of action (up to 6h). The antinociceptive action of ALE was
blocked by metoclopramide (D2 type dopamine receptor antagonist) and atropine (a muscarinic receptor
antagonist) but not by nalaxone (an opioid receptor antagonist). Moreover, the ALE has no sedative (as judged
by hole board test) activity. ALE contained a wide range of chemical constituents of which alkaloids,
flavonoids, steroids, and polyphenols which may have contributed to antinociceptive action of ALE.
Collectively, these observations suggest that ALE-induced antinociception was mediated centrally, at
supraspinal level, and peripherally. The antinociceptive action is likely to be mediated via dopaminergic and
cholinoganic muscarinic mechanisms. The results also showed that ALE is effective against neurogenic and
inflammatory pains. In conclusion, this study show, for the first time, that ALE of P. pinnata possesses
moderately strong antinociceptive activity, justifying its therapetic claim in traditional medicine as a pain killer.

Key word: Antinociceptive activity, dopaminergic mechanisms, muscarinic mechanisms, pain impairment,
Pongamiapinnata, toxicology

Pongamia pinnata L. (Family: Leguminosae), Indian beech in English, Pongam in Tamil and
Magulkaranda in Sinhala is a large tree with a soft, grey bark and slightly querulous buds. The leaves are
compound, large, rachis about 12.5 cm long, glabrous, leaflets 5-9, each 7.5-12.5 cm long on thick stalks, oval,
acute at base, acuminate, glabrous and shining on both sides, thin, bright green. The flowers are irregular,
bisexual, greenish pink or white with calyx purplish brown, 1.5 cm long, pedicel rather long, slender, swollen at
base, articulated often in pairs, racemes often two together, elongated, about equaling the leaves. This plant
occurs in India, Sri Lanka, Malaya, Polynesia, Australia, Philippine Islands and Sri Lanka. It is common in the
low-country in Sri Lanka on banks of streams and rivers, especially, near the coast area [1].
P. pinnata has been used as a medicinal plant, particularly in Ayurvedha and Siddha systems of Indian
medicine. All parts of the plant have been used as a crude drug for the treatment of tumors, piles, skin diseases,
itches, abscess, painful rheumatic joints, wounds, ulcers or diarrhoea. Besides, it is well known for its
application as animal fodder, green manure and fish poison. It has also been recognized to possess applications
in agriculture and environmental management, with insecticidal and nematicidal activity. More recently, the
effectiveness of P. pinnata as a source of biomedicines has been reported, specifically, as antimicrobial and
therapeutic agents [2,3]. The decoction of this plant is claimed to be effective as a diuretic in Sri Lankan
traditional medicine[4]. Albeit, most recent animal study, using rats and aqueous leaf extract has failed to
validate this claim [5].
Ayurvedic literature of India, different parts of this plant have been used for treating various
inflammatory conditions. A hot infusion of leaves is used as a medicated bath for relieving rheumatic pains.
Experimentally different extracts of roots (ethanol, petroleum ether and n-butanol) of P. pinnata have been
shown to have analgesic activity [6]. Further, anti-inflammatory activity of root extracts (ethanol and acetate)
and seed extracts (petroleum ether and aqueous) have been reported [6].

Antinociceptive activity of the aqueous leaves of Pongamia pinnata in rats

Recently, 70% ethanolic extract of P. pinnata leaves have been evaluated in acute, sub-acute and chronic
models of inflammation in rats [7]. However, as yet, its analgesic potential of aqueous extracts of leaves has not
been scientifically evaluated. The present study is an attempt to address this issue. The objective of this study
was to scientifically investigate the effectiveness of the decoction made from leaves of this plant as an oral
antinociceptive agent. In Sri Lankan traditional medicine decoction made from leaves of P. pinnata is
recommended as an antinociceptive.


2.1 Plant collection and identification
Mature fresh leaves of P. pinnatawere collected from the Faculty of Science, University of Colombo,
Colombo 03 (N 6.90232°, E 79.85942°) in Sri Lanka. The leaves were identified and authenticated by Dr. (Ms)
S. Ranawala, Department of Plant Science, University of Colombo. The voucher specimen (WDR/SAD/1008)
was deposited at the Museum of the Department of Zoology, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.

2.2 Preparation of the extract

The leaves were washed under running water, air dried for 3 days and ground into small pieces. The
pieces were refluxed with water for 16 h in a round bottom flask fitted with a Liebig condenser (1 kg of plant
material in 12 L of water). The brownish red solution was filtered using a sintered funnel and concentrated up to
1 L. The concentrated sample was freeze dried (yield: 18.90 w/w) and stored in airtight bottles at -20°C. The
freeze-dried powder was dissolved in 1 ml distilled water to obtain the required dosage concentrations (500,
1000, 1500, and 3000 mg/kg) [8].

2.3 Experimental animals

Healthy adult crossbreed male rats (weight 200-250g) were used in study. The healthy animals were
kept in plastic cages under standardized animal house conditions (temperature: 28-31οC, photoperiod:
approximately 12 hours natural light per day, and relative humidity: 50-55%) with free access to pelleted food
(Ceylon Grain Elevators, Colombo, Sri Lanka) and clear drinking water. Except at the time of experimental
procedure the animals were handled only during cage cleaning. The experiment was conducted in accordance
with the internationally accepted laboratory animal use and care, and guidance and rules of the Faculty of
Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, of animal experimentation. Ethical clearance was obtained from
Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. (EC/12/141)

2.4 Evaluation of antinociceptive activity

2.4.1 Hot Plate and Tail flick tests
Thirty six male albino rats were randomly selected and fasted for 24 h before the experiment with free
access to water and separated into six groups (n=6 per group) and treated orally in the following manner: Group
1: with 1mL of distilled water, Groups 2, 3, 4, and 5: with 1mL of 500, 1000, 1500, 3000 mg / kg of freeze-dried
aqueous extract, respectively, and Group 6: with 1mL of 15mg / kg of morphine sulphate ( Pharmachemie B.V.,
Harlem, Netherlands), the reference drug of opioid receptor agonistas a positive control. One hour before
treatment (pretreatment ) and then at hourly intervals for 6h post treatment, these rats were subjected to hot plate
and tail flick tests [9]. The aqueous leaf extract treated rats were observed for elicition of struab’s tail reaction
In the hot-plate test, each rat was placed on enclosed hot plate (Model MK 35A Muromachi Kikai Co.,
Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) which maintained at 50oC and then the time taken to lick either hind paw or to jump up
(reaction time) was recorded. Rats showing a pre-treatment reaction time greater than 15s in the hot-plate test
were not selected for the experiment.A cut of time of 20 sec was used so as to avoid tissue damage[11].In the
tail-flick test, time taken to flick the tail (the reaction time) when the tail was immersed (5-6cm from the tip) in a
water bath at 55oC was recorded using a stopwatch. Rats showing a pre-treatment reaction time greater than 5s
in the tail flick test were not selected for the experiment. A cut off time of 5s was set to avoid tissue damage
2.4.2 Formalin test
Twelve rats were randomly divided into two groups and treated orally in the following manner. Group
1: with 1mL of distilled water, Groups 2: with 1mL of 3000 mg / kg of freeze-dried aqueous leaves extract.
Three hours after administration, each of these rats was subcutaneously injected with 0.05 ml 2.5% formalin
solution (BDH Chemical, Poole, UK) into the sub plantar surface of the left hind paw. The rats were then
observed for 30 min and the numbers of licking of hind paw, flinching, lifting and time spend on licking of the
injected paw were recorded in two phases: first phase 0-5 min and second phase 20-30 min [8,12].

Antinociceptive activity of the aqueous leaves of Pongamia pinnata in rats

2.5 Evaluation of the mechanism of antinociceptive activity

2.5.1 Investigation for dopamine receptor mediation
Twelve male rats were randomly divided into two groups. Those in group 1 wereintraperitoneally
injected with 1.5 mg/kg of metoclopramide (AivitaPharmaPvt Limited, Gujarat, India), a dopamine receptor
antagonist, and those in group 2 with isotonic saline. 10 mins later, the rats in both groups were orally
administered with 3000mg/kg of freeze-dried aqueous leaves extract. These rats were subjected to the hot plate
test one hour before treatment, 1h and 3h after post treatment [13].
2.5.2 Investigation for muscarinic receptor mediation
Twelve male rats were randomly divided into two groups. Those in group 1 wereintraperitoneally injected with
5 mg/kg of atropine sulphate (Harson Laboratories, Borada, India), a muscarinic receptor antagonist, and those
in group 2 with isotonic saline. 10 min later, the rats in both groups were orally administered with 3000mg/kg of
freeze-dried aqueous leaves extract. These rats were subjected to the hot plate test before treatment, 1h and 3h
after post treatment [13].
2.5.3 Investigation for opioid receptor mediation
Twelve male rats were randomly divided into two groups. Those in group 1 wereintraperitoneally injected with
1ml of 1.5 mg/kg of naloxone hydrochloride (Samarth Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai, India), an opioid
receptor antagonist, and those in group 2 with 1ml of isotonic saline. After 45 min, the rats in both groups were
orally administered with 3000mg/kg of freeze-dried aqueous leaves extract. These rats were subjected to the hot
plate test one hour before treatment, 1h and 3h after post treatment [13].

2.6 Evaluation of effects on muscle coordination and strength

Twelve rats were randomly divided into two groups. Those in group1 were orally administered with
1ml of 3000 mg / kg of freeze-dried aqueous leaves extract and those in group 2 with1ml of distilled water.
After 3h, these rats were subjected to the bar holding test (to evaluate muscle strength)[13] and Bridge
test[14]and righting reflex test[15] (to evaluate muscle coordination) and their respective latencies (in second)
were measured.

2.7 Evaluation of sedative activity

Twelve male rats were randomly divided into two groups. Those in group1 were orally administered
with 1ml of 3000 mg / kg of freeze-dried aqueous leaves extract and those in group 2 with 1ml of distilled
water. After 3h, each of these rats were tested for sedative activity in the rat hole-board test [16].Each of these
rats were individually placed at the center of the standard rat hole board apparatus and observed for 7.5 min.
During this period, number of rearing, number of crossing, number of head dipping, cumulative time spend on
head dipping were recorded.

2.8 Evaluation of effect on hematologic parameters, serum urea, creatinine, ALT and AST levels
Fresh twelve rats were randomly divided into two equal groups (n=6). One group was orally daily
administered with highest dose (3000 mg/Kg) and the other group with 1ml of distilled water consecutively for
21 days. On day 21 post treatment (22 nd day), these rats were anaesthetized with diether and blood (1.5-
2.0ml)[8]was collected from tails of these rats with aseptic precautions (EC 12.141). Examination of serum urea
and creatinine (to examine renal toxicity), ALT and AST (to examine liver toxicity) were made using respective
kits (Randox Laboratories Ltd., Antrim, UK).
2.8.1 Observation of overt signs of toxicity, stress and aversive behavior
Rats used in the above investigation were closely observed each day of treatment and on day 1 post treatment
for presence of overt signs of toxicity (salivation, diarrhea, yellowing of fur and loss of fur, ataxia, postural
abnormalities, behavioral change, marked impairment of food and water intake and body weight), stress
(erection of fur and exophthalmia) and aversive behaviors (biting and scratching, licking of tail, paw and penis,
intense grooming or vocalization) [8].

2.9 Phytochemical analysis

The aqueous leave extraction was subjected to phytochemical screening. Phytochemical screening
procedures were carried out for the screening of four different chemical groups: alkaloids, polycyclic
compounds, flavonoids, leucoanthocyanins and tannins [17].The freeze dried crude of aqueous leave extract was
also subjected to column chromatography. The column was packed with normal phase silica gel using hexane. It
was eluted with solvent of increasing polarity starting with hexane, mixture of hexane and ethyl acetate, ethyl
acetate, mixture of ethyl acetate and methanol and finally with methanol [18]. The fractions with similar thin
layer chromatography (TLC) spots under UV light (at 254nm and 365nm) were combined. The combined
fractions were again subjected to TLC normal phase (Aldrich silica gel precoated on aluminium sheets). The
mobile phases were 100% hexane, 30% ethyl acetate in hexane, 40% ethyl acetate in hexane, 100% ethyl

Antinociceptive activity of the aqueous leaves of Pongamia pinnata in rats

acetate, 20% methanol in ethyl acetate. These TLC plates were sprayed with colour reagent specific for various
classes of compounds [19].

2.10 Statistical analysis of data

The data were expressed as the mean ± SEM. Statistical comparisons were made by one-way analysis of
variance (ANOVA) using Minitab 13.0 version statistical package. Significant values were set as P≤ 0.05.

3.1 Hot Plate and Tail flick tests
The results obtained are summarized in Table 1. As shown, a 500 mg/kg dose of ALE caused a
significant (p ≤ 0.05) prolongation of the reaction time in the hot-plate test from the first hour to the sixth hour
compared with the control (first hour by 70%, second hour by 78%, third hour by 66%, forth hour by 49%, fifth
hour by 42% and sixth hour by 28%) and the first and second hour compare with the own pre-treatment value
(first hour by 59%, second hour by 61%).
A 3000 mg/kg dose of ALE caused a significant (p ≤ 0.05) prolongation of the reaction time in the hot-
plate test from the first hour to the fifth hour compared with the control (first hour by 88%, second hour by 61%,
third hour by 80%, forth hour by 55% and fifth hour by 37%) and from the first hour to the forth hour compare
with the own pre-treatment value (first hour by 93%, second hour by 59%, third hour by 66%, forth hour by
A significant prolongation of the reaction time was also evident with 1000 mg/kg (with control: second
hour by 62%, third hour by 68%, forth hour by 34% and sixth hour by 29%, with own pre-treatment: second
hour by 50%, third hour by 45%) and 1500 mg/kg (with control: first hour by 42%, second hour by 49%, forth
hour by 66%, fifth hour by 47% and sixth hour by 41%, with own pre-treatment: forth hour by 43% and sixth
hour by 42%).
Morphine caused a huge and significant (p<0.05) increase in the reaction time up to fifth hour post-
treatment compared with the control (first hour by 102%, second hour by 152%, third hour by 106%, forth hour
by 64% and fifth hour by 19%) and to forth hour post treatment compared with its own pre-treatment (first hour
by 85%, second hour by 121%, third hour by 69% and forth hour by 26%).
In contrast, in the tail flick test, there was no significant alteration (p>0.05) in the tail-flick reaction time inrats
treated with any of the aqueous leaves extraction of P. pinnatacompared with control rats (data not shown).
Furthermore, none of the ALE treated rats exhibited characteristic straab’s tail reaction.

3.2 Formalin test

The results of the formalin test shown in Table 2 indicate that oral administration of 3000mg/kg dose of
ALE significantly (p<0.05) impaired the number of licking (first phase by 27% and second phase by 23%),
licking time (first phase by 46% and second phase by 69%), cumulative time spent per licking (first phase by
25% and second phase by 60%) and total cumulative time spent on licking (by 54%). Howevernumber of
flicking, number of lifting were not significantly (p<0.05) impaired by highest dose of ALE.

3.3 Investigation for dopamine receptor mediation

As shown in Table 3, with the hot plate technique, intraperitoneal administration of metochlopramide
significantly (p ≤ 0.05) impaired the prolongation of reaction time induced by 3000mg/kg of ALE in first and
third hour compared with control.

3.4 Investigation for muscarinic receptor mediation

As shown in Table 4, with the hot plate technique, intraperitoneal administration of atropine did not
significantly (p>0.05) impair the prolongation of reaction time induced by 3000mg/kg of ALE at first hour.
However intraperitoneal administration of atropine significantly (p<0.05) impair the prolongation of reaction
time induced by 3000mg/kg of ALE at third hour.

Antinociceptive activity of the aqueous leaves of Pongamia pinnata in rats

Table 1 Effect of the oral administration of aqueous leaf extract (ALE) of P. pinnata (doses 500, 1000, 1500 &
3000 mg/kg) on the hot-plate reaction time of rats.
Reaction time
Dose (Mean±SEM)
mg/kg P-T 1h 2h 3h 4h 5h 6h
Control 6.87±0.46 6.60±0.55 6.18±0.93 5.80±0.85 5.92±1.23 6.22±0.93
500 11.65±1.63** 11.78±2.62** 10.23±3.01* 8.67±1.66* 8.42±1.57* 7.95±1.16*
1000 7.28±2.04 10.70±1.97** 10.37±1.19** 7.77±1.33* 7.43±2.23 8.03±1.62*
1500 9.73±3.11* 9.83±3.26* 9.67±3.95 9.62±2.75** 8.73±1.95* 8.83±1.65**
3000 12.92±1.67** 10.62±1.91** 11.10±2.05** 8.97±0.94** 8.13±1.84* 7.80±1.49
Morphine 13.90±0.95** 16.62±1.21** 12.72±1.27** 9.50±1.15** 7.05±0.66 6.77±0.95
Values are significant at p<0.05 (*-compared with control and *-compared with pretreatment) PT:Pre-treatment.

Table 2Effect of oral administration of 3000mg/kg dose of aqueous leaf extract (ALE) of P. pinnata on
formalin test

Table 3 Effect of intraperitoneal injection of metochlopramide on the hot-plate reaction time of aqueous leaves
extract (ALE) (3000mg/kg) of P. pinnata.
Treatment Hot-plate reaction time (s) (Mean±SEM)
Pretreatment First hour Third hour
Saline + extract
6.97± 1.15 13.90±1.88 11.82±3.30
Metochlopramide 7.03±1.65 7.73±1.43* 8.15±1.17*
Values are significant at *p<0.05.

Table 4 Effect of intraperitoneal injection atropine on the hot-pate reaction time of aqueous leaves extract
(ALE) (3000mg/kg) of P. pinnata.
Treatment Hot-plate reaction time (s) (Mean±SEM)
Pretreatment First hour Third hour
Saline + extract (n=6) 6.97± 1.15 13.90±1.88 11.82±3.30
Atropine 6.57±1.34 12.97±3.63 6.73±1.10*
Values are significant at *p<0.05.

3.5 Investigation of opioid receptor mediation

Intraperitoneal administration of naloxone did not significantly (p>0.05) impair the prolongation of reaction
time induced by 3000mg/kg of ALE (naloxone + ALE vs. saline + ALE: at first hour 14.27±3.71 sec vs.
14.40±4.14sec, at second hour 16.20±1.27sec vs. 13.77±2.97sec).

Antinociceptive activity of the aqueous leaves of Pongamia pinnata in rats

3.6 Muscle strength and coordination

None of the latencies of these tests were significantly (p>0.05) altered by a 3000mg/kg dose of ALE (control vs.
treatment: bar-hold test, 6.94±5.47 sec vs. 4.88±2.88 sec; Bridge test, 5.52±3.32 sec vs. 7.80±2.86 sec; righting
reflex test, 1.15±0.17 sec vs. 1.11±0.14 sec).
3.7 Sedative effect
In the hole-board test, none of the parameters were significantly (p>0.05) altered by a 3000mg/kg dose of ALE
(control vs. treatment: number of rears, 4.83±2.64 vs. 6.17±2.64; number of crossing, 9.67±5.24 vs. 9.50±2.74;
number of head dipping, 5.33±3.67 vs. 2.67±1.21; dipping time, 6.42±3.92 sec vs. 4.41±2.80 sec; time per dip,
1.29±0.25 sec vs. 1.67±0.55 sec).

3.8 Evaluation of effect on hematologic parameters, serum urea, creatinine, ALT and AST levels
None of the enzyme levels (control vs. treatment: ALT, 27.733±5.708 vs. 24.008±6.921 U/L; AST,
22.553±3.440 vs. 22.931±2.080 U/L), serum urea (control vs. treatment: 45.27±3.10 vs. 49.63±16.22 mg/dl),
creatinine (control vs. treatment: 2.31±0.07 vs. 2.30±0.09 mg/dl) were significantly (p>0.05) altered by a
3000mg/kg dose of ALE.
3.9 Observation of overt signs of toxicity, stress and aversive behavior
No overt signs of toxicity, stress, or aversive behaviors were observed in rats during this study. Further, none of
the treated or control rats became morbid or died up to day 1 post treatment.
3.10 Phytochemical analysis
Phytochemical screening of the aqueous extract showedthe presence of flavonoids, alkaloids,
unsaturated steroids, terpenes, tannins, polyphenols and leucoanthocyanins. The normal phase TLC’s obtained
from the fractions collected from the normal phase column chromatogram (eluting solvent: hexane, mixture of
hexane and ethyl acetate, ethyl acetate, mixture of ethyl acetate and methanol and finally with methanol) on
spraying with characteristic reagents showed the presence of alkaloids (mobile phase - 70% hexane: 30% ethyl
acetate Rf 0.86; 100% ethyl acetate Rf0.88, 0.70, 0.06; 80% ethyl acetate: 20% methanol R f 0.80, 0.12, 0.04),
flavonoids(mobile phase - 100% hexane Rf 0.89; 60% hexane: 40% ethyl acetate Rf0.52; 100% ethyl acetate Rf
0.92), steroids (mobile phase - 100% hexane Rf 0.90,0.64; 70% hexane: 30% ethyl acetate Rf 0.18,0.04; 60%
hexane: 40% ethyl acetate Rf0.00), triterpenoids glycosides (mobile phase - 100% hexane Rf 0.84,0.76,0.12;
70% hexane: 30% ethyl acetate Rf 0.74,0.56; 100% ethyl acetate Rf0.04,0.00), saponins (mobile phase - 100%
hexane Rf 0.92; 70% hexane: 30% ethyl acetate Rf 0.78; 60% hexane: 40% ethyl acetate Rf0.44,0.28,0.08; 100%
ethyl acetate Rf0.88,0.78,0.67; 80% ethyl acetate: 20% methanol Rf0.61,0.08), phenols (mobile phase - 60%
hexane: 40% ethyl acetate Rf0.56; 100% ethyl acetate Rf0.12), terpenoids (mobile phase - 100% hexane Rf
0.84,0.68; 70% hexane: 30% ethyl acetate Rf 0.68, 0.38, 0.19; 60% hexane: 40% ethyl acetate Rf0.19,0.11;
100% ethyl acetate Rf0.92,0.16; 80% ethyl acetate: 20% methanol Rf0.18,0.12).

The results convincingly show, for the first time that, an aqueous extract of fresh mature leaves of P.
pinnata possesses antinociceptive activity in rats, when given orally (in doses acceptable in rat models), and
evaluated in the hot plate (in terms of prolongation of reaction time) and the formalin (in terms of shortening of
measured parameters) algesiometric tests. However, antinociceptive action was not evident when assessed on
the tail flick test: these tests are scientifically validated widely used standardized methods employed in the
evaluation of potential antinociceptive agents. Compared to morphine, ALE was less efficacious in eliciting the
antinociceptive action. Further, ALE of P. pinnataneither induced motor deficits (as reflected from bar test and
unimpaired locomotory activity in the rat hole-board test) nor nervous incoordination (as judged by bridge and
righting reflex tests). Thus, the results obtained are reliable, valid and meaningfully interpreted.
The positive results in the hot plate test suggest that aqueous leaf extract of P. pinnata is effective against
transient phasic pain which is centrally mediated at the supra spinal level: hot plate technique predominately
measures supra spinal reflexes [20].On the other hand, impairment of different parameters, namely, number of
licking, licking duration, cumulative time spent on licking (on both phases of the test) suggest that aqueous leaf
extract of P. pinnata is effective against periphcial pain of both neurogenic and inflammatory origins [21]. This
may result from ALE included impairment of inflammatory mediators such as cytokines, prostaglandins,
bradykinin, serotonin or histamines[22], possibly via phenolic and steroidal phytoconstituents present in the
extract. Continuous inflammatory pain is one of the most common types of pathological pain in clinical practical
and persistent pain is known to have a major impact on the quality of life [23].Conversely, a lack of an effect of
ALE of P. pinnatain tail flick test suggests that spinal mechanisms are not involved in its antinociceptive action
The antinociceptive activity of ALE of P. pinnata had a quick onset (within 1 hour) and moderately long
duration of action (up to six hour). This is presumably due to fast absorption of the active phytoconstituent/s and

Antinociceptive activity of the aqueous leaves of Pongamia pinnata in rats

its/their quick transport to the final site/s of action. Having a rapid onset of action of antinociceptive action is a
much soughted featureof a pain killer.
Food restriction imparts antinociception in rats [24],but such a mode of action is unlikely to be
operative here, as food was available through the study period and there was no apparent hypophagia. Stress is
known to provoke antinociception [14,25].But, this mechanism of antinociceptive can be ruled out, in this study,
as there were no signs of expothalamia, fur erection, diarrhea or aversive behaviors. Sedation is implicated with
antinociception [26], and several sedatives have shown to possess marked antinociceptive activity [27].Albeit,
this mechanism too is unlikely to be operative in this study as none of the parameters (number of crossings,
number of level dippings, number of rears, dipping time and time per dip) was impaired.
Naloxone, the universal opioid receptor antagonist, failed to block ALE of P. pinnata induced
antinociception. This indicates that opioid mechanisms are unlikely to be operative in this study. This notion is
further reinforced by the fact that ALE of P. pinnata failed to elicit characteristic Straub’s tail reaction which is
characteristic of opioid receptor mediated drugs [10]. On this context, it is worth noting that ALE contained
alkaloids and several plant alkaloids which are known to induce antinoceciptivevia opioid mechanisms [28,29].
Although it was not the case in this study. This discrepancy may be attributed structural differences between
Dopamine is now recognized to play an important role in pain modulation and dopamine receptor
blockers and known to suppress pain [25]. In this study, ALE induced antinociception was inhibited (both at 1st
and 3rd hours) by metaclopramide, a dopamine recapture (D 2 type) antagonist. This is indicative of dopamine D 2
receptor mediation in ALE induced antinociception.
Cholinergic mechanisms are also now linked with pain [30]. In this study, ALE of P. pinnata induced
antinociception was blocked by atropine, a well-known muscarinic cholinergic receptor antagonist at 3rd hour
but not at 1st hours. This suggests the involvement of muscarinic cholinergic mechanisms, at least, at the 3rd hour
(mid period) of ALE induced antinociception. However, an absence of a synergetic antinociceptive action at 3rd
hour, compared to the 1st hour, argues against this mode of action.
Interestingly, even with daily sub chronic administration of a high dose of ALE, there was no morbidity,
motility or overt signs of clinical toxicity (in term of salivation, diarrhea, excessive urination, yellowing of fur,
loss of fur, postural abnormalities, behavioral change, impairments of food and water intake), renotoxicity (in
terms of serum creatinine and urea level) or hepatotoxicity (in term of serum ALT and AST levels) indicating its
safety with oral administration.

This study, shows for the first time, that aqueous leaf extract of mature leaves of P. pinnata can act as a
natural safe, orally active, moderately strong antinociceptive. The results also justify the therapeutic claim in Sri
Lanka traditional medicine that P. pinnata leaves has painkilling activity.

This investigation received financial support from the grant to SAD for consumables from the University of
Colombo (AP/3/2/2000/F/05) is gratefully acknowledged.

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