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End-of-Course Reflection Paper/Questionnaire Guide Questions Response/s

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End-of-Course Reflection Paper/Questionnaire

Guide Questions Response/s

The course contents are very relevant and
relevant in enhancing my competencies as a
21st century teacher for it will provide us latest
How relevant and applicable were the
trends and updates on what education has to
course contents in helping you enhance
offer, knowledge and skills that we can
your competencies as 21st Century
provide to our students for better learning and
the pedagogy on how we are going to
facilitate and teach our students to the fullest
and the learning on how to improve ourselves
personally and professionally.
As far as I can tell, I’ve always been keen to
learn. I like to learn. I love to learn. I like to
teach. I love to teach. For me to be an
What significant learning insights did you effective teacher, I must be an effective
gain from the course? learner. Taking up this course, is one step to
the realization of my dream of being a
professional teacher. GURO 21 opened up a
lot of venues for me to learn, discover myself
and improve myself.
 Time Management
What challenges or difficulties did you  Poor Internet Connection
experience during the course?  Too many Distractions/Lack of
 Experiencing Low Motivation
Learner-centered classroom and
personalized instruction: As students have
access to any information possible, there
certainly is no need to spoon-feed them
knowledge or teach one-size-fits-all content.
What areas related to 21 st Century Students have different personalities, goals,
teaching and learning do you still need to and needs, and offering personalized
improve on and why? instruction is not just possible but desirable.
When students are allowed to make their own
choices, they own their learning, increase
intrinsic motivation, and put in more effort—
an ideal recipe for better learning outcomes.

The seminar was really nice, to be honest, I

never have an experience before with a
What can you say about your overall seminar using modular approach and I found
experience (i.e. comment on chat, forum, it very interesting.
course requirements, FLT competency, The sessions were very informative and will
and the online modality)? provide you knowledge and skills that we can
use in the future regarding teaching and
Congratulations SEAMEO for giving us a
wonderful experience, ideas and skills on
how we are going to face the 21 st century
What are your other comments / education. Despite that fact that there are a
suggestions for improving the content lot of challenges regarding on how we are
coverage and future course deliveries? going to re-inkindle our passion and
commitment to teaching, you as an
organization make an avenue an open
opportunities for us to develop ourselves
personally and professionally.

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