(Memoirs of The American Mathematical Society 0972) Patrick Iglesias-Zemmour - The Moment Maps in Diffeology-Amer Mathematical Society (2010)
(Memoirs of The American Mathematical Society 0972) Patrick Iglesias-Zemmour - The Moment Maps in Diffeology-Amer Mathematical Society (2010)
(Memoirs of The American Mathematical Society 0972) Patrick Iglesias-Zemmour - The Moment Maps in Diffeology-Amer Mathematical Society (2010)
Number 972
September 2010 • Volume 207 • Number 972 (second of 5 numbers) • ISSN 0065-9266
September 2010 • Volume 207 • Number 972 (second of 5 numbers) • ISSN 0065-9266
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Iglesias-Zemmour, Patrick, 1953-
The moment maps in diffeology / Patrick Iglesias-Zemmour.
p. cm. — (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, ISSN 0065-9266 ; no. 972)
“September 2010, Volume 207, number 972 (second of 5 numbers ).”
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1. Symplectic geometry. I. Title.
QA665.I35 2010
514.72—dc22 2010022756
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Introduction 1
Chapter 1. Few words about diffeology 5
Chapter 2. Diffeological groups and momenta 9
Chapter 3. The paths moment map 17
Chapter 4. The 2-points moment map 23
Chapter 5. The moment maps 25
Chapter 6. The moment maps for exact 2-forms 29
Chapter 7. Functoriality of the moment maps 31
Chapter 8. The universal moment maps 35
Chapter 9. About symplectic manifolds 39
c American Mathematical Society
The moment map has been introduced in the 1970’s in Souriau’s work about
the structure of dynamical systems [Sou70]. It is the tool by excellence for dealing
with symmetries in symplectic, or pre-symplectic geometry. But, in recent decades,
the necessity appeared to extend the notion of symplectic formalism and moment
maps, outside the usual framework of manifolds, to include constructions in infinite
dimension — spaces of connections of principal bundles, spaces of functions etc. —
or to include singular spaces — orbifolds, singular symplectic reduction spaces etc..
In this paper, we shall use the category {Diffeology} as the framework for such a
generalization. We know already that diffeology is suitable to describe, in a unique
and satisfactory way, manifolds or infinite dimensional spaces, as well as singular
quotients. But, if diffeology excels with covariant objects, as differential forms, it
is more subtle when it is question of contravariant objects like vector fields, Lie
algebra1 , kernel etc.. Thus, in order to build a good diffeological theory of the
moment map, and to avoid useless debates, we need to get freed from everything
related to contravariant geometrical objects.
Actually, the notion of moment map is not really an object of the symplectic
world, but relates more generally to the category of space equipped with closed
2-forms. The non-degeneracy condition is secondary and can be skipped first from
the data. This has been underlined explicitly by Souriau in his symplectic formula-
tion of Noether’s theorem, which involves pre-symplectic manifolds. On symplectic
manifolds, Noether’s theorem is empty. So, the moment map is just an object of
the world of differential closed form, and there is no reason a priori that it could
not be extended to diffeology which has a very well developed framework for De
Rham’s calculus.
Now, in order to generalize the moment map in diffeology, we need to under-
stand its meaning in the simplest possible case. Let M be a manifold equipped with
a closed 2-form ω. And, let G be a Lie group acting smoothly on M and preserving
ω. That is, gM (ω) = ω for all elements g of G, where gM denotes the action of g on
M. Let us assume that ω is exact, ω = dλ, and moreover that λ is also invariant
by the action of G. So, for every point m of M, the pullback of λ, by the orbit map
m̂ : g → gM (m) is a left-invariant 1-form of G. That is, an element of the dual of
the Lie algebra G∗ . The map, μ : m → m̂∗ (λ) is exactly the moment map of the
action of G on the pair (M, ω) (at least one of the moment maps, since they are
defined up to constants). As we can see, this construction does not involve really
the Lie algebra of G but the space G∗ of left-invariant 1-forms on G. Since this space
is well defined in diffeology, we have just to replace « manifold » by « diffeological
1 Several authors, beginning with Souriau, proposed some generalizations of Lie algebra in
diffeology. But, it does not seem to exist a unique good choice. Such generalizations rely actually
on the kind of problem treated.
space », and « Lie group » by « diffeological group », and everything works the same.
So, let us change the manifold M for a diffeological space2 X, and let G be some
diffeological group. Let us continue to denote the space of left-invariant 1-forms on
G by G∗ , even if the star does not refer a priori to some duality, and let us call it
simply the space of momenta of the group G. Note that the group G continues to
act on G∗ by pullback of its adjoint action Ad : (g, k) → gkg −1 , so we don’t lose
the notions of coadjoint action and coadjoint orbits.
So, if we got the good space of momenta, which is the space where the moment
maps are assumed to take their values, the problem remains that not every G-
invariant closed 2-form is exact. And moreover, even if such form is exact, there
is no reason, for some of its primitives to be G-invariant. We shall pass over this
difficulty by introducing an intermediary, on which we can realize the simple case
described above. This intermediary is the space Paths(X), of all the smooth paths
of X, where the group G acts naturally by composition. And since Paths(X) carries
a natural functional diffeology, it is legitimate to consider its differential forms, and
this is what we do. By integrating ω along the paths, we get a differential 1-form
defined on Paths(X), and invariant by the action of G. The exact tool used here is
the chain-homotopy operator K [Piz05]. The 1-form Λ = Kω, defined on Paths(X),
is a G-invariant primitive of the 2-form Ω = (1̂∗ − 0̂∗ )(ω), where 1̂ and 0̂ map every
path of X to its ends. Thus, thanks to the construction described above, we get a
moment map Ψ for the 2-form Ω = dΛ and the action of G on Paths(X). But, this
paths moment map Ψ is not the one we are waiting for. We need to push it down
on X, or moreover on X × X. Now, if we get this way a 2-points moment map ψ
well defined on X × X, it doesn’t take anymore its value in G∗ , as does Ψ, but in
the quotient G∗/Γ, where Γ is the image by Ψ of all the loops of X. Fortunately,
Γ = Ψ(Loops(X)) is a subgroup of (G∗ , +) and depends on the loops only through
their free homotopy classes. In other words, Γ is an homomorphic image of the
fundamental group π1 (X) of X, or more precisely of its abelianized. Well, it is not
a big deal to have the moment map taking its values in some quotient of the space
of momenta, we can live with that. Especially if the group Γ is invariant under
the coadjoint action of G, which is actually the case3 . But, we are not completely
done. The usual moment map is not a 2-points function, but a 1-point function.
So, we have to extract our usual moment maps from this 2-points function ψ.
This is quite easy, thanks to its very definition, the moment map Ψ satisfies an
additive property for juxtaposition of paths. And, the moment map ψ inherits
this property as a cocycle condition: for any three point x, x and x of X we
have ψ(x, x ) + ψ(x , x ) = ψ(x, x ). Hence, for X connected, there exists always
a map μ such that ψ(x, x ) = μ(x ) − μ(x). And, any two such maps differ just
by a constant. So, we get finally our wanted set of moment maps μ, defined in
the diffeological framework. The only difference, with the simplest case described
above, is that the moment maps take their values in some quotient of the space
of momenta, instead of the space of momenta itself. But, this is in fact already
the case in the classical theory. It doesn’t appear explicitly because people focus
more on hamiltonian actions than just on symplectic actions. Actually, the group
2 The space X will be assumed to be connected, as many results need this hypothesis.
3 More precisely, the elements of Γ are not just elements of G∗ but are moreover closed, and
therefore invariant, each of them, by the coadjoint action of G.
Γ represents the very obstruction, for the action of G on (X, ω), to be hamiltonian.
We shall call Γ, the holonomy of the action of G.
Now, let us come back to some properties of the various moment maps in-
troduced above. The paths moment maps Ψ and its projection ψ are equivariant
with respect to the action of G on X and the coadjoint action of G on G∗ , or the
projection of the coadjoint action on G∗/Γ. But this is not anymore the case for
the moments maps μ. The variance of the maps μ reveals a family of cocycles θ
from G to G∗/Γ differing just by coboundaries, and generalizing Souriau’s cocycles
[Sou70]. This class of cocycles σ belongs to the cohomology group H1 (G, G∗/Γ),
and will be called Souriau’s class of the action of G of (X, ω). Souriau’s class σ is
precisely the obstruction for the 2-points moment map ψ to be exact, that is for
some moment map μ to be equivariant. Moreover, in parallel with the classical
situation, every Souriau’s cocycle θ defines a new action of G on G∗/Γ, which we
still call the affine coadjoint action (associated to θ). And, the image of a moment
maps μ is a collection of coadjoint orbits for this action. We call these orbits,
the (Γ, θ)-coadjoint orbits of G. Two different cocycles give two families of orbits
translated by the same constant.
Let us remark that the holonomy group Γ and Souriau’s class σ appear clearly
on a different level of meaning, the first one is responsible of the non hamiltonian
character of the action of G, and the second characterizes the lack of equivariance
of the moment maps.
Well, until now we didn’t use all the facilities offered by the diffeological frame-
work. Since we do not restrict ourselves to the category of Lie groups, nothing
prevents us to consider the group of all the automorphisms of the pair (X, ω). That
is, the group Diff(X, ω) of all the diffeomorphisms of X, preserving ω. This group
is a natural diffeological group, acting smoothly on X. Thus, everything built
above applies to Diff(X, ω), and every other action preserving ω, of any diffeo-
logical group, pass through Diff(X, ω), and through the associated object of the
theory developed here. Therefore, considering the whole group of automorphisms
of the closed 2-form ω of X, we get a natural notion of universal moment maps Ψω ,
ψω and μω , universal holonomy Γω , universal Souriau’s cocycles θω , and universal
Souriau’s class σω . By the way, this universal construction suggests a simple and
new characterization, for any diffeological space X equipped with a closed 2-form ω,
of the group of hamiltonian diffeomorphisms Ham(X, ω), as the largest connected
subgroup of Diff(X, ω) whose holonomy vanishes.
It is interesting to notice that, contrary to the original constructions [Sou70]
and most of its generalizations, the theory described above is essentially global,
more or less algebraic, do not refer to any differential, or partial differential, equa-
tion and do not involve any notion of vector field or functional analysis techniques.
I give, at the end of the memoir, several examples involving diffeological groups
which are not Lie groups, or involving diffeological spaces which are not manifolds.
We can see how the general theory applies to the singular « symplectic irrational
tori » for which topology is irrelevant. These general constructions of moment
maps are also applied to a few examples in infinite dimension, and an example
which mixes finite and infinite dimensions. Finally, two examples of orbifolds are
also examined. These examples show without any doubt the ability of this theory
to treat correctly, in a unique framework, avoiding heuristic arguments, the large
variety of situations we can find in the mathematical literature today. For infinite
This is a reminder of the few diffeological notions we will use in the following.
More details about these constructions, and proofs, can be found in [Piz05].
hand, there exists on every subset A ⊂ X a natural subset diffeology, for which the
inclusion is smooth, defined by the elements of D which take their values in A.
In the first case, the map π : X → Q is a subduction, and in the second case the
injection jA : A → X is an induction.
Note that if G is a standard manifold, this definition is nothing but the definition
of Lie groups. Note that any subgroup of a diffeological group, equipped with the
subset diffeology, is a diffeological group. As well, the quotient of any diffeological
group by a normal subgroup is a diffeological group for the quotient diffeology. We
denote by Hom∞ (G, G ) the space of smooth homomorphisms from G to another
diffeological group G .
An important example of diffeological group is the groups of all the diffeomor-
phisms of a diffeological space X, equipped with the functional diffeology of group
of diffeomorphisms. This diffeology is the coarsest group diffeology on Diff(X)
such that the evaluation map (f, x) → f (x) is smooth. A parametrization P : U →
Diff(X) is a plot if and only if the maps (r, x) → P(r)(x) and (r, x) → P(r)−1 (x)
are smooth.
1 Let us remind that discrete means that the plots (here the plots for the subset diffeology)
Proof. This property has been stated originally in [Sou84], [Don84], but let
us remind the general construction given in [Igl85]. Let X be a connected diffeo-
logical space, let x0 be a point of X, chosen at the base point. Let Paths(X, x0 ) be
the space of paths starting at x0 . First of all, the end map 1̂ : p → p(1), defined
on Paths(X, x0 ) is a subduction. The quotient of Paths(X, x0 ) by the fixed ends
homotopy relation is exactly the universal covering pointed by the constant map
x̂0 : t → x0 , over the pointed space (X, x0 ). The fiber over x0 is the homotopy
group π1 (X, x0 ). Now if X = G we choose the identity 1G as base point. Thus,
the multiplication of paths (p, p ) → [t → p(t) · p (t)] defines on G̃ a group mul-
tiplication such that the projection π : G̃ → G, defined by π(class(p)) = 1̂(p), is
an homomorphism. The kernel of this morphism is clearly the fiber over 1G , that
is π1 (G). Now, the kernel of an homomorphism is always an invariant subgroup.
And, since π is a covering, π −1 (1G ) is discrete. This last points are general results
of the diffeological theory of homotopy [Igl85].
2.3. Smooth actions of a diffeological group. Let G be a diffeological
group. Let X be a diffeological space. Let the group Diff(X), of all the diffeomor-
phisms of X, be equipped with the functional diffeology of group of diffeomorphisms.
A smooth action of G on X, or simply an action of G on X, is a smooth homomor-
phism ρ from G to Diff(X), that is ρ ∈ Hom∞ (G, Diff(X)). Let us fix or remind
some vocabulary used in the following.
(1) We says that the action is effective if ker(ρ) = {1G }.
(2) The orbits of G are the subsets ρ(G)(x) = {ρ(g)(x) | g ∈ G}, where x ∈ X.
(3) We call orbit maps of a point x ∈ X, the smooth map x̂ : G → X, defined
by x̂ : g → ρ(g)(x).
(4) The stabilizer Stρ (x) of a point x ∈ X is the subgroup of G defined by the
equation x̂(g) = x, g ∈ G.
(5) We say that X is homogeneous for the action ρ of G, or that X is an
homogeneous space of G, for ρ, if and only if the orbit map x̂ of some
point x ∈ X is a subduction, thus for every point. In this case, x̂ is
a principal fibration [Igl85] with structure group the stabilizer Stρ (x).
That is X G/Stρ (x), where g ∼ gh with h ∈ Stρ (x).
Let α be a differential k-form on X. We say that G acts by automorphisms on (X, α)
if ρ takes it values in Diff(X, α). That is, if ρ(G) is a group of automorphisms of
the differential form α.
2.4. Covering smooth actions. Let X be a connected diffeological space.
Let G be a connected diffeological group. Let ρ : G → Diff(X) be a smooth
action of G on X. Thus, ρ takes its values in the identity component Diff(X)◦ =
comp(1X ) ⊂ Diff(X). So, there exists a unique smooth action ρ̃ of the universal
covering G̃ of G on the universal covering X̃ of X, covering ρ.
ρ̃ -
G ◦
πG πDiff(X)
? ?
G - Diff(X)◦
Proof. The map ρ ◦ π is smooth and G is simply connected. So, thanks to the
monodromy theorem [Igl85], there exists a unique lifting ρ̃ of ρ ◦ π mappings the
Note — The orbit Oα can be equipped with the subset diffeology of the functional
diffeology of G∗ , or with the quotient diffeology of G. There is no reason a priori that
these two diffeologies coincide. But it could be interesting however to understand
in which conditions they do.
2.10. Affine coadjoint actions and (Γ, θ)-coadjoint orbits. Let G be a
diffeological group, and G∗ be the space of its momenta. Let Γ ⊂ G∗ be a subgroup
of (G∗ , +), invariant by the coadjoint action Ad∗ . That is, for all g ∈ G,
Ad∗ (g)(Γ) ⊂ Γ.
So, the coadjoint action of G on G∗ project to the quotient G∗/Γ, regarded as an
abelian group, on a smooth action. Let us denote this action by AdΓ∗ . For every
g ∈ G and τ ∈ G∗/Γ,
AdΓ∗ (g)(τ ) = class(Ad∗ (g)(μ)) with τ = class(μ) ∈ G∗/Γ.
Now, let θ be a smooth map from G to the space G∗/Γ, such that for any pair g
and g of elements of G,
θ(gg ) = AdΓ∗ (g)(θ(g )) + θ(g).
Such maps are formally known, in the literature as twisted 1-cocycles of G with
values in G∗/Γ [Kir74]. We shall call them cocycles of G, with values in G∗/Γ, or
simply (G∗/Γ)-cocycles. A cocycle θ is a coboundary if and only if there exists a
constant c ∈ G∗/Γ, such that θ = Δc, with
Δc : g → AdΓ∗ (g)(c) − c.
Cocycles modulo coboundaries define a cohomology group denoted by H1 (G, G∗/Γ).
Every such cocycle θ defines a new action of G on G∗/Γ by
∗ : (g, τ ) → AdΓ∗ (g)(τ ) + θ(g).
The orbits for these actions will be called the (Γ, θ)-coadjoint orbits of G. If Γ = {0}
we shall call them simply θ-coadjoint orbits. If θ = 0 we shall call them simply
Γ-coadjoint orbits. And, if Γ = {0} and θ = 0 we find again the ordinary coadjoint
orbits defined in Subsection 2.9.
2.11. Closed momenta of a diffeological group. Let G be a diffeological
group, and let G∗ be its space of momenta. Let us denote by Z the subset of closed
momenta of G, and by B the subset of exact momenta of G. That is,
Z = Z1DR (G) ∩ G∗ and B = B1DR (G) ∩ G∗ .
1) Let us assume that G is connected, and let G̃ be its universal covering. By
factorization, the chain-homotopy operator defines a canonical De Rham isomor-
phism k, from the space of closed momenta Z to the vector space Hom∞ (G̃, R).
That is, for all ζ ∈ Z,
k(ζ) = [g̃ → Kζ(p)], where Kζ(p) = ζ and g̃ = class(p).
Here, we have denoted by class(p) the fixed ends homotopy class of the path
p ∈ Paths(G, 1G ). The subspace of exact momenta B identifies, through the iso-
morphism k, to the subspace Hom∞ (G, R).
Z Hom∞ (G̃, R) and B Hom∞ (G, R).
where r belongs to U. Let us show that ᾱ defines a p-form of G. First of all let us
remark that ᾱ(P) is the restriction of the 1-form α((s, r) → P(s) · P(r)−1 ) to the
diagonal s = r. Thus, ᾱ(P) is a smooth 1-form of U.
Now, let us prove that ᾱ is a well defined 1-form on G, according to the
definition of differential forms in diffeology. let F : V → U be a smooth m-
parametrization. Let v be a point of V, and δv be a vector of Rm . We have:
ᾱ(P ◦ F)v (δv) = α s → (P ◦ F)(s) · (P ◦ F)(v)−1 v (δv)
= α s → F(s) → (P ◦ F)(s) · (P ◦ F)(v)−1 v (δv)
= α s → r = F(s) → P(r) · P(F(v))−1 v (δv)
= α r → P(r) · P(F(v))−1 ◦ F v (δv)
= F∗ α r → P(r) · P(F(v))−1 v (δv)
= α r → P(r) · P(F(v))−1 F(v) (D(F)(v)(δv))
= ᾱ(P)F(v) (D(F)(v)(δv))
= F∗ [ᾱ(P)]v (δv).
Then, let us check that ᾱ is right-invariant, that is ᾱ ∈ G . For all g ∈ G, we have:
R(g)∗ (ᾱ)(P)r (δr) = ᾱ(R(g) ◦ P)r (δr)
= α s → (R(g) ◦ P)(s) · (R(g) ◦ P)(r)−1 r (δr)
= α s → P(s) · g · (P(r) · g)−1 r (δr)
= α s → P(s) · g · g −1 · P(r)−1 r (δr)
= α s → P(s) · P(r)−1 r (δr)
= ᾱ(P)r (δr)
So, we have defined a map flip : α → ᾱ, from G∗ to G . Let us prove now that flip
is bijective. Let β = ᾱ. Let P : U → G be a plot, and let us define β̄ by
β̄(P)(r) = β[s → P(r)−1 · P(s)](s = r),
for all r ∈ U. So, we have:
β̄(P)(r) = β s → P(r)−1 · P(s) (s = r)
= ᾱ s → P(r)−1 · P(s) (s = r)
= α s → P(r)−1 · P(s) · P(r)−1 · P(r) (s = r)
= α s → P(r)−1 · P(s) (s = r)
= L(P(r)−1 )∗ (α) [s → P(s)] (s = r)
= α(P)(r).
Hence, β̄ = α. Thus, flip is bijective. And, flip is clearly linear. Therefore, flip
is a linear isomorphism from G∗ to G . It is easy to check that it is a smooth
Finally, let us check that flip is equivariant under the coadjoint action. Let
α ∈ G∗ , let P : U → G be a plot and r ∈ U. On one hand we have,
flip[Ad(g)∗ (α)](P)r = flip[R(g)∗ (α)](P)r
= R(g)∗ (α)[s → P(s) · P(r)−1 ]r
= α(s → P(s) · P(r)−1 · g)r .
We shall now introduce the notion of moment map step by step. The first step
consists to define the paths moment map.
for all r in dom(P) and all δr in Rn . Now, as a differential 1-form, Ψ(p) is char-
acterized by its values on the 1-plots [Piz05]. So, let f : t → ft be a 1-plot of G
centered at the identity 1G , that is f ∈ Paths(G) and f (0) = 1G . For any t ∈ R,
let Ft be the path in Diff(X, ω) — centered at the identity 1X — defined by
Ft : s → ρ(ft−1 ◦ ft+s ).
So, we have
(♣) Ψ(p)(f )t (1) = − iFt (ω) = − iFt (ω)(p)s (1)ds,
p 0
(♦) Ψ(p)(f )0 (1) = − iF (ω) = − iF (ω)(p)t (1) dt with F = ρ ◦ f.
p 0
Ψ(p)(f ) = hf (p) × dt where hf (p) = − iF (ω).
Proof. Let us prove ♥. Let us remind that for every p ∈ Paths(X) and every
g ∈ G, p̂(g) = ρ(g)(p) = [t → ρ(g)(p(t))]. So, by definition
= − iFt (ω).
Let us prove the Note. Let f ∈ Hom∞ (R, G). By definition of differential forms
and pullbacks, Ψ(p)(f ) = f ∗ (Ψ(p)), but since f is an homomorphism from R
to Diff(X, ω) and Ψ(p) is a left-invariant 1-form on Diff(X, ω), f ∗ (Ψ(p)) is an
invariant 1-form of R, so Ψ(p)(f ) = f ∗ (Ψ(p)) = a × dt, for some real a. So,
Ψ(p)(f )r = Ψ(p)(f )0 (1) × dt = hf (p) × dt, with hf (p) = Ψ(p)(f )0 (1) = − p iF (ω),
and dt is the canonical 1-form on R.
Proof. Let us denote here the orbit map p̂ of every path p ∈ Paths(X) by L(p).
That is, L(p)(g) = ρ(g)∗ (p) = ρ(g) ◦ p. So, Ψ(ρ(g)∗ (p)) = Ψ(ρ(g) ◦ p) = (L(ρ(g) ◦
p)∗ (Kω). But, L(ρ(g) ◦ p)(g ) = ρ(g )(ρ(g) ◦ p) = ρ(g g) ◦ p = L(p)(g g) = L(p) ◦
R(g)(g ). Thus, L(ρ(g) ◦ p) = L(p) ◦ R(g), and Ψ(ρ(g)∗ (p)) = (L(p) ◦ R(g))∗ (Kω) =
R(g)∗ (L(p)∗ (K(p)) = R(g)∗ (Ψ(p)). But since Ψ(p) is left-invariant, R(g)∗ (Ψ(p)) =
Ad(g)∗ (Ψ(p)), and Ψ(ρ(g)∗ (p)) = Ad(g)∗ (Ψ(p)).
Subsection 3.1, satisfies the following additive property: for any two juxtaposable
paths p and p in X,
Ψ(p ∨ p ) = Ψ(p) + Ψ(p ) and Ψ(p̄) = −Ψ(p), with p̄(t) = p(1 − t).
where x0 = p(0) and x1 = p(1), and the x̂i denote the orbit maps.
See [Piz05] for the definition of δps and for the proof of this formula in diffeology.
Since the homotopy s → ps is a fixed end homotopy, δps (0) = 0 and δps (1) = 0,
thus the second summand of the right term vanishes. Now, the Cartan formula
writes £F (ω) = d[iF (ω)] + iF (dω), see Subsection 1.6. But ω is invariant under the
of G, so £F (ω) = 0, and since dω = 0 we get d[iF (ω)] = £F (ω) = 0. So,
δ iF (ω) = 0 and Ψ(p0 ) = Ψ(ps ) = Ψ(p1 ), for all s.
The definition of the paths moment map leads immediately to the 2-points
moment map. The 2-points moment map satisfies a cocycle condition inherited
from the additive property of the paths moment map. This is the second step in
our general construction.
4.1. Definition of the 2-points moment map. Let X be a connected diffe-
ological space and ω be a closed 2-form defined on X. Let G be a diffeological group
and ρ be a smooth action of G on X, preserving ω. Let Ψ be the paths moment
map and Γ be the holonomy of the action ρ, see Subsection 3.1 and Subsection 3.7.
So, there exists a smooth map ψ : X × X → G∗ /Γ such that the following diagram
Paths(X) Ψ- G∗
ends pr
? ?
X×X - G∗/Γ
where pr is the canonical projection from G∗ onto its quotient, and ends = 0̂ × 1̂,
that is ends(p) = (p(0), p(1)). The map ψ ∈ C∞ (X × X, G∗/Γ) will be called the
2-points moment map.
(1) The 2-points moment map ψ satisfies the Chasles cocycle relation, for any
three points x, x , x of X,
(♥) ψ(x, x ) = ψ(x, x ) + ψ(x , x ).
(2) The 2-points moment map ψ is equivariant under the action of G. That
is, for any g ∈ G, and any pair of points x and x of X,
ψ(ρ(g)(x), ρ(g)(x)) = AdΓ∗ (g)(ψ(x, x )).
Proof. By construction ψ is defined by ψ(x, x ) = classΓ (Ψ(p)), where p ∈
Paths(X), x = p(0), x = p(1), and classΓ (α) denotes the class of α ∈ G∗ in G∗/Γ.
The map ψ is smooth simply by general properties of subductions in diffeology.
Now, the first point is a direct consequence of the additive property of the paths
moment map, see Subsection 3.4. The second point is a direct consequence of the
equivariance of the paths moment map of the Ad∗ invariance of Γ, see Subsection
3.3, and of the definition of the AdΓ∗ action, see Subsection 2.10.
Note — T. Ratiu and A. Weinstein have kindly pointed out that Condevaux,
Dazord and Molino [CDM88] proposed a similar construction in the case where X
is a manifold, G is a Lie group, and Γ is closed in G∗ .
From the construction of the paths moment map of Subsection 3.1 and the 2-
points moment map of Subsection 4.1 we get the notion of (1-point) moment map.
This is the third step of our general construction, and the generalization of the
notion of moment map coming from classical symplectic geometry.
5.1. Definition of the moment maps. Let X be a connected diffeological
space and let ω be a closed 2-form defined on X. Let G be a diffeological group and
ρ be a smooth action of G on X, preserving ω. Let ψ be the 2-points moment map
defined in Subsection 4.1. There exists always a smooth map μ : X → G∗/Γ, called
a primitive of ψ, such that, for any two points x and x of X,
ψ(x, x ) = μ(x ) − μ(x).
For every point x0 ∈ X, for every constant c ∈ G∗/Γ, the map μ defined by
μ(x) = ψ(x0 , x) + c.
is a primitive of ψ. Every primitive μ of ψ is of this kind, and any two primitive μ
and μ of ψ differ only by a constant.
The 2-points moment map ψ will be said to be exact if there exists a primitive
μ, equivariant by the action of G. That is, if there exists a primitive μ such that
μ ◦ ρ(g) = AdΓ∗ (g) ◦ μ,
for all g ∈ G. The primitives μ of ψ, equivariant or not, will be called the moment
maps1 .
Note — By the identity ♥ of Subsection 4.1, ψ is a 1-cocycle of the G-
equivariant cohomology of X with coefficients in G∗/Γ, twisted by the coadjoint
action. Two cocycles ψ and ψ are cohomologous if and only if, there exists a
smooth equivariant map μ : X → G∗/Γ, such that ψ (x, x ) = ψ(x, x ) + Δμ(x, x )
where Δμ(x, x ) = μ(x ) − μ(x), Δμ is a coboundary. So, the 2-points moment map
ψ defines a class belonging to H1G (X, G∗/Γ) which depends only on the form ω and
the action ρ of G on X. If the moment map ψ is exact, that is if class(ψ) = 0,
we shall say that the action ρ of G on X is exact, with respect to ω. In this case,
there exists a point x0 of X and a constant c such that μ : x → ψ(x0 , x) + c is an
equivariant primitive for ψ.
Proof. Let x0 be a chosen point of X. Since X is connected, for any x ∈ X
there exists always a path p ∈ X such that p(0) = x0 and p(1) = x. Thus, defining
μ(x) = ψ(x0 , x) = class(Ψ(p)), and thanks to the cocycle properties of ψ, we have
ψ(x, x ) = ψ(x, x0 ) + ψ(x0 , x ) = ψ(x0 , x ) − ψ(x0 , x) = μ(x ) − μ(x). Now, since ψ
1 These maps should have been called the 1-point moment maps. But to conform with the
is smooth, μ is smooth. Therefore, the equation ψ(x , x) = μ(x ) − μ(x) has always
a solution in μ.
Now, let μ and μ be two primitives of ψ. For each pair x, x of points of X we
have μ (x ) − μ (x) = μ(x ) − μ(x). That is, μ (x ) − μ(x ) = μ (x) − μ(x). So, the
map x → μ (x)−μ(x) is constant. There exists c ∈ G∗/Γ such that μ (x)−μ(x) = c,
that is μ (x) = μ(x) + c.
Since, the maps x → ψ(x0 , x), where x0 is a fixed point of X, is a special solution
of the equation in μ, ψ(x , x) = μ(x )−μ(x), any solution writes μ(x) = ψ(x0 , x)+c
for some point x0 ∈ X and some constant c ∈ G∗/Γ.
∗ (g) ◦ μ.
μ ◦ ρ(g) = AdΓ,θ
(3) For every cocycle θ, associated to some moment μ, there exists always a
point x0 ∈ X and a constant c ∈ G∗/Γ such that, for all g in G
θ(g) = ψ(x0 , ρ(g)(x0 )) + Δc(g).
(4) The cohomology class σ of θ belongs to a cohomology group denoted by
H1 (G, G∗/Γ). And, it depends only on the cohomology class of the 2-points
moment map ψ. This class σ will be called Souriau’s cohomology class.
Note 1 — Let x0 by some point of X. The 2-moment map (1-cocycle) ψ defines
a 1-cocycle f from G to G∗/Γ by f (g, g ) = ψ(ρ(g)(x0 ), ρ(g )(x0 )). The cocycle f
associated to another point x0 will differ just by a coboundary. So, Souriau’s cocycle
σ represents just the class of this pullback f = x̂∗0 (ψ) by the orbit map x̂0 , where
x̂∗0 : H1ρ (X, G∗/Γ) → H1 (G, G∗/Γ). And, by the way, depends only of the restriction
of ω on any one orbit of G on X. So, a good choice of the point x0 can simplify
sometimes the computation of σ.
Note 2 — The nature of the action ρ has strong consequences on Souriau’s
class. For example, thanks to the third item, if the group G has a fixed point x0 ,
that is ρ(g)(x0 ) = x0 for all g in G, then Souriau’s class vanishes. So, the cocycle
ψ is exact, and there exists an equivariant primitive μ of ψ.
Proof. Thanks to Subsection 5.1, every moment map μ writes μ(x) = ψ(x0 , x)
+c, where x0 is some fixed point of X and c ∈ G∗/Γ. So, μ(ρ(g)(x))−AdΓ∗ (g)(μ(x)) =
ψ(x0 , ρ(g)(x)) + c − AdΓ∗ (g)(ψ(x0 , x) + c) = ψ(x0 , ρ(g)(x)) + c − AdΓ∗ (g)(ψ(x0 , x)) −
AdΓ∗ (g)(c) = ψ(x0 , ρ(g)(x)) − ψ(ρ(g)(x0 ), ρ(g)(x)) − Δc(g) = ψ(x0 , ρ(g)(x)) +
ψ(ρ(g)(x), ρ(g)(x0)) − Δc(g) = ψ(x0 , ρ(g)(x0 )) − Δc(g). Therefore, μ(ρ(g)(x)) −
AdΓ∗ (g)(μ(x)) is constant with respect to x. That proves the points 1) and 4).
Now, the variance of θ with respect to the multiplication of G is a classical result of
cohomology (see for example [Kir74]). It is then obvious that two moment maps
μ and μ differing just by a constant, the associated cocycles θ and θ differ by a
coboundary. The remaining items are just the results of elementary, or well known,
algebraic computations.
The special case where the closed 2-form is the exterior differential of an in-
variant 1-form deserves a special care, since it justifies the constructions above, by
analogy with the moment maps of classical symplectic geometry.
6.1. The exact case. Let X be a connected diffeological space and let ω be
a closed 2-form defined on X. Let G be a diffeological group and ρ be a smooth
action of G on X, preserving ω. Let us assume that ω = dα and that α is also
invariant under the action of G, that is ρ(g)∗ (α) = α for all g in G. Let Ψ be the
paths moment map defined in Subsection 3.1, and ψ be the 2-points moment map
defined in Subsection 4.1. So, for every p ∈ Paths(X)
Ψ(p) = ψ(x, x ) = x̂∗1 (α) − x̂∗0 (α),
where x1 = p(1) and x0 = x0 . Moreover, the 2-points moment map ψ is exact, and
every equivariant moment map is cohomologous to
μ : x → x̂∗ (α).
The action of G is hamiltonian, Γ = {0} and exact σ = 0, see Subsection 3.7 and
Subsection 5.2. So, this shows in particular the coherence of the general construc-
tions developed until now.
Proof. By definition of the paths moment map, Ψ(p) = p̂∗ (Kω). So, Ψ(p) =
p̂ (K(dα)). But, K(dα) + d(Kα) = 1̂∗ (α) − 0̂∗ (α), thus K(dα) = p̂∗ [1̂∗ (α) − 0̂∗ (α) −
d(Kα)]. And, Ψ(p) = (1̂ ◦ p̂)∗ (α) − (0̂ ◦ p̂)∗ (α) − d[p̂∗ (K(α))]. But, 1̂ ◦ p̂ = x̂1 , and
0̂ ◦ p̂ = x̂0 . So Ψ(p) = x̂∗1 (α) − x̂∗0 (α) − d[p̂∗ (Kα)]. Now, Kα is the real function
Kα : p → α.
and Ψ(p) = x̂∗1 (α) − x̂∗0 (α). Thus, Ψ(p) = ψ(x0 , x1 ) and Γ = {0}.
Now, the function μ : x → x̂∗ (α) is clearly a primitive of ψ. That is, ψ(x0 , x1 ) =
μ(x1 ) − μ(x0 ). But R(ρ(g)(x)) = x̂ ◦ R(g), where R(ρ(g)(x)) denotes the orbit
map of ρ(g)(x), with g ∈ G. So, μ(ρ(g)(x)) = (x̂ ◦ R(g))∗ (α) = R(g)∗ (x̂∗ (α)) =
R(g)∗ (μ(x)) = Ad∗ (g)(μ(x)). Thus, μ is an equivariant primitive of ψ. And,
Souriau’s class σ vanishes.
We inspect now, the behavior of the moment maps and the various associated
objects under natural transformations.
7.1. Images of the moment maps by morphisms. Let X be a connected
diffeological space and ω be a closed 2-form defined on X. Let G be a diffeological
group and ρ be a smooth action of G on X, preserving ω. Let G be another
diffeological group, and let h : G → G be a smooth homomorphism. Let ρ = ρ ◦ h
be the induced action of G on X. Let us remind that the pullback h∗ : G∗ → G∗ is
a linear smooth map.
(1) Let Ψ : Paths(X) → G, and Ψ : Paths(X) → G be the paths moment
map with respect to the actions of G and G on X. So, Ψ = h∗ ◦ Ψ.
(2) Let Γ and Γ be the holonomy groups with respect to the actions of G and
G on X. So, Γ = h∗ (Γ).
(3) The linear map h∗ projects on a smooth homomorphism h∗Γ : G/Γ →
G∗ /Γ , such that the following diagram commutes.
h∗ - ∗
G∗ G
pr pr
? ?
G∗/Γ - G∗ /Γ
(4) Let ψ and ψ be the 2-points moment maps with respect to the actions of
G and G . So, ψ = h∗Γ ◦ ψ.
(5) Let μ be a moment map relative to the action ρ of G. So μ = h∗Γ ◦ μ is a
moment map relative to the action ρ of G .
(6) Let μ be a moment map relative to the action ρ of G, and let μ = μ ◦ h∗Γ
be the associated moment map relative to the action ρ of G . So, the
associated Souriau’s cocycles satisfy θ = h∗Γ ◦ θ ◦ h, summarized by the
following commutative diagram.
θ θ
? ?
G∗/Γ - G∗ /Γ
Said differently, if θ is Souriau’s cocycle associated to a moment μ of the
action ρ of G, and μ is a moment of the action ρ of G , so θ and h∗Γ ◦ θ ◦ h
are cohomologous.
Note — Thanks to the identification between the space of momenta of a
diffeological group and any of its extensions by a discrete group, stated in Subsection
2.7, the moment maps of the action of a group or the moment map of the restriction
of this action to its identity component coincide. Said differently, the moment maps
doesn’t say anything about actions of discrete groups.
Proof. To avoid confusion, let us denote by R(p) and R (p) the orbit maps of
G and G of p ∈ Paths(X). That is, R(p)(g) = ρ(g) ◦ p and R (p)(g) = ρ (g) ◦ p. So,
we have, R (p)(g) = ρ (g) ◦ p = ρ(h(g)) ◦ p = (R(p) ◦ h)(g)). Thus, R (p) = R(p) ◦ h.
1. By definition of the paths moment map, we have Ψ (p) = R (p)∗ (Kω) =
(R(p) ◦ h)∗ (Kω) = h∗ (R(p)∗ (Kω)) = h∗ (Ψ(p)). Thus, Ψ = h∗ ◦ Ψ.
2. Since Γ = Ψ (Loops(X)), and thanks to item 1, we have Γ = h∗ (Γ).
3. The map h∗Γ is defined by classΓ (α) → classΓ (h∗ (α)), for all α ∈ G∗ . If
β = α + γ, with γ ∈ Γ, then h∗ (β) = h∗ (α) + γ , with γ = h∗ (γ) ∈ Γ (item 2). So,
classΓ (h∗ (β)) = classΓ (h∗ (α)). And, h∗Γ is well defined. Thanks to the linearity
of h∗ , h∗Γ is clearly an homomorphism. And, for G∗/Γ and G∗ /Γ equipped with the
quotient diffeologies, h∗Γ is naturally smooth.
4. With to the notations above, ψ and ψ are defined by, pr ◦ Ψ = ψ ◦ ends and
pr ◦ Ψ = ψ ◦ ends, where ends(p) = 0̂ × 1̂(p) = (p(0), p(1)), with p ∈ Paths(X).
So, by item 1 and 3, we have pr ◦h∗ ◦Ψ = h∗Γ ◦ψ ◦pr. That is, pr ◦Ψ = (h∗Γ ◦ψ)◦pr.
So, h∗Γ ◦ ψ = ψ .
5. Let μ = h∗Γ ◦ μ, and let x, y ∈ X. So, μ (y) − μ (x) = h∗Γ ◦ μ(y) − h∗Γ ◦ μ(y) =
h∗Γ (μ(y) − μ(x)) = h∗Γ ◦ ψ(y, x) = ψ (y, x). So, μ is a moment map for the action
ρ of G.
6. According to Subsection 5.2, there exists a point x0 ∈ X such that, for
all g ∈ G , θ (g ) = ψ (x0 , ρ (g )(x0 )). So, thanks to the previous items we have,
θ (g ) = (h∗Γ ◦ ψ)(x0 , ρ(h(g ))(x0 )) = h∗Γ (ψ(x0 , ρ(h(g ))(x0 ))) = h∗Γ (θ(h(g ))) = (h∗Γ ◦
θ ◦ h)(g ). Thus, we get θ = h∗Γ ◦ θ ◦ h
(4) Let θ and θ be two Souriau’s cocycles relative to the actions ρ and ρ .
So, the map φ ◦ θ is a Souriau cocycle, cohomologous to θ . Thus, the
two Souriau’s classes σ and σ satisfy σ = φ∗ (σ). Where φ∗ denotes the
action of φ on cohomology, φ∗ (class(θ)) = class(φ ◦ θ).
Proof. 1. By definition Ψ(p) = p̂∗ (Kω), that is Ψ(p) = p̂∗ (K(f ∗ (ω ))). And
thanks to the variance of the chain-homotopy operator K ◦ f ∗ = (f∗ )∗ ◦ K , see
Subsection 1.7, we have Ψ(p) = p̂∗ ◦ (f∗ )∗ (K ω ) = (f∗ ◦ p̂)∗ (K ω ). But, for all
g ∈ G, f∗ ◦ p̂(g) = f ◦ ρ(g) ◦ p = ρ (g) ◦ f ◦ p = p̂ (g), where p = f ◦ p. So,
Ψ(p) = p̂∗ (K ω ) = Ψ (p ) = Ψ (f∗ (p)). Therefore, Ψ = Ψ ◦ f∗ . Now, by defi-
nition of the holonomy groups, Γ = Ψ(Loops(X)) = Ψ (f∗ (Loops(X))), and since
f∗ (Loops(X)) ⊂ Loops(X ), we get Γ ⊂ Γ .
2. Since Γ ⊂ Γ , the map φ : classΓ (α) → classΓ (α), from G∗/Γ → G∗/Γ ,
is well defined. Now, let x1 = f (x1 ) and x2 = f (x2 ), there exists p ∈ Paths(X)
connecting x1 to x2 . So the path f∗ (p) connects x1 to x2 . Thus, by definition
of ψ , ψ (x1 , x2 ) = classΓ (Ψ (p )) = classΓ (Ψ ◦ f∗ (p)), and thanks to the first
item, classΓ (Ψ (p )) = classΓ (Ψ(p)) = φ(classΓ (Ψ(p))). But classΓ (Ψ(p)) =
ψ(x1 , x2 ). So, ψ (x1 , x2 ) = φ(ψ(x1 , x2 )), that is ψ (f (x1 ), f (x2 )) = ψ(x1 , x2 ).
3. According to Subsection 5.1, for every moment map μ there exists a point
x0 ∈ X and a constant c ∈ G∗/Γ such that μ(x) = ψ(x0 , x) + c . Let us define μ by
μ (x ) = ψ (x0 , x ) + c , where x0 = f (x0 ) and c = φ(c). So, thanks to the item 2,
ψ (f (x0 ), f (x)) = φ(ψ(x0 , x)), so μ (f (x)) = φ(ψ(x0 , x)) + φ(c) = φ(ψ(x0 , x) + c) =
φ(μ(x)). Thus, μ satisfies μ ◦ f = φ ◦ μ.
4. Let θ be a Souriau cocycle for the action ρ. According to Subsection 5.2,
θ is cohomologous to ϑ : g → ψ(x0 , ρ(g)(x)), where x0 is some point of X. So, let
x0 = f (x0 ), and ϑ : g → ψ (x0 , ρ (g)(x0 )). Thus, ϑ (g) = ψ (f (x0 ), ρ (g)(f (x0 ))) =
ψ (f (x0 ), f (ρ(g)(x0 ))) = φ(ψ(x0 , ρ(g)(x0 ))) = φ ◦ ϑ(g). Now since all Souriau’s
cocycles, with respect to a given action of G, are cohomologous, the cocycle θ is
cohomologous to ϑ , and then cohomologous to φ ◦ ϑ, and thus to φ ◦ θ. Therefore,
σ = class(θ ) = class(φ ◦ θ) = φ∗ (class(θ)) = φ∗ (σ).
1 Where H and Ham(X, ω) are equipped with the subset diffeology of the functional diffeology
of Diff(X, ω).
∗ ∗
ΓH = jH (Γω ) and ΓH = {0}, for all γ ∈ Γω , jH (γ) = 0. Thus, for all γ ∈ Γω ,
πH (jH (γ)) = 0. But, πH (jH (γ)) = (jH ◦ πH ) (γ) = (π ◦ jH ◦ )∗ (γ) = jH
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
◦ (π (γ)) =
π ∗ (γ) H ◦ . So, for all γ ∈ Γω , π ∗ (γ) H
◦ = 0. But π ∗ (γ) = d[k(γ)], hence
d[k(γ) H ◦ ] = 0. So, since H◦ is connected, k(γ) is constant on H ◦ , and since k(γ)
is an homomorphism to R, this constant is necessarily 0. Thus, H ◦ ⊂ ker(k(γ)),
◦ ◦
for all γ ∈ Γω , that is H ⊂ Hω . But, since H is connected H ⊂ H ◦ ◦ω ⊂ Hω and
thus H = π(H ) ⊂ Ham(X, ω) = π(H
◦ ω ).
Proof. Let us assume first that f satisfies the condition above. That is, there
exists a smooth path t → ft in Diff(X, ω) such that f0 = 1M , f1 = f , and there
exists a smooth path t → Φt in C∞ (X, R) such that iFt (ω) = −dΦt for all t where
Ft : s → ft−1 ◦ ft+s . Let us remind that Ham(X, ω) = π(H ◦ω ), with H
◦ω the identity
˜ ◦
component of Hω = ∩γ∈Γω ker(k(γ)), and let f ∈ Gω be the homotopy class of the
path t → ft , notations of Subsection 8.2. So, let γ ∈ Γω , that is γ = Ψω () where
is some loop in M. By definition, we have
k(γ)(f˜) = γ= Ψω () = Ψω ()([t → ft ])t (1)dt
[t→ft ] [t→ft ] 0
So, k(γ)(f˜) = 0 for all γ ∈ Γω and f˜ belongs to H ω and more precisely in the
identity component of Hω . Therefore f ∈ Ham(X, ω).
Conversely, let f ∈ Ham(M, ω). Since Ham(M, ω) is connected there exists
a path t → ft in Ham(M, ω) connecting 1M to f . And, since the projection
πH ◦ω → Ham(M, ω) is a covering, there exists a (unique) lifting t → f˜t of
◦ω : H
t → f in H ◦ω , such that f˜0 = 1 . This lifting is actually given by
◦ω , along π H
◦ω ⊂ H
f˜t = class(pt ), with pt : s → fst . So, for all t, f˜t ∈ H ω = ∩γ∈Γ ker(k(γ)).
That is, for all γ ∈ Γω , k(γ)(f˜t ) = 0, or in other words, for all ∈ Loops(M),
The case of symplectic manifolds (M, ω) deserves a special care: any universal
moment map μω is injective and therefore identifies M with a coadjoint orbit — in
the general sense given in Subsection 2.10 — of Diff(M, ω).
for all r ∈ U and δr ∈ Rn , where δp is the lifting in the tangent space TM of the
path p, defined by
(♥) δp(t) = [D(F(r))(p(t))]−1 (δr).
Proof. By definition, Ψ(p)(F) = p̂∗ (Kω)(F) = Kω(p̂ ◦ F). The explicit expres-
sion of the operator K given in Subsection 1.7, applied to the plot p̂◦F : r → F(r)◦p
of Paths(X), gives
s 1 0
(Kω)(p̂ ◦ F)r (δr) = ω → (p̂ ◦ F)(u)(s + t) dt.
0 u s=0
(u=r) 0 δr
But (p̂ ◦ F)(u)(s + t) = F(u)(p(s + t)), let us denote temporarily by Φt the plot
(s, u) → F(u)(p(s + t)), so F(u)(p(s + t)) writes Φt (s, u). Now, let us denote by I
the integrand of the right term of this expression. We have,
s 1 0
I = ω → Φt (s, u)
u s=0
(u=r) 0 δr
1 0
= Φ∗t (ω)(0)
r 0 δr
1 0
= ωΦt (0) D(Φt )(0) , D(Φt )(0)
r r 0 r δv
∂ ∂
= ωF(r)(p(t)) F(r)(p(s + t)) , F(r)(p(t)) (δr) .
∂s s=0 ∂r
∂ ∂p(s + t)
F(r)(p(s + t)) = D(F(r))(p(t)) = D(F(r))(p(t))(ṗ(t)).
∂s s=0 ∂s s=0
So, using this last expression and the fact that F is a plot of Diff(M, ω), that is for
all r in U, F(r)∗ ω = ω, we have
s ∂F(r)(p(t))
ω → Φt (s, u) = ωF(r)(p(t)) D(F(r))(p(t))(ṗ(t)), (δr)
u s=0
(u=r ) ∂r
= ωp(t) ṗ(t), [D(F(r))(p(t))]−1 (δr)
= ωp(t) (ṗ(t), δp(t)).
Therefore, Ψω (p)(F)r (δr) = Kω(p̂ ◦ F)r (δr) = ωp(t) (ṗ(t), δp(t)) dt.
Proof. Let us remark that, in our case, the lift δp defined by ♥ of Subsection
9.1 writes simply
∂erξ (p(t))
δp(t) = [D(erξ )(p(t))]−1 (δr) = ξ(p(t)) × δr with ξ = gradω (f ),
where r and δr are reals. So, the expression ♦ of Subsection 9.1 becomes
Ψω (p)(F)r (δr) = ωp(t) (ṗ(t), ξ(p(t)) dt × δr
= ωp(t) (ṗ(t), gradω (f )(p(t)) dt × δr
= df dt × δr
0 dt
= [f (p(1)) − f (p(0))] × δr
That is, Ψω (p)(F) = [f (m1 ) − f (m0 )] × dt.
Note that, if one of the universal moment maps μω is injective so are every ones.
Note also that, if ω is symplectic, then the image of the moment map, Oω =
μω (M) ∈ G∗ω /Γω , is a (Γω , θω )-coadjoint orbit of Diff(M, ω). And, μω identifies M
to Oω , where Oω is equipped with the quotient diffeology of Diff(M, ω). In other
words, every symplectic manifold is a coadjoint orbit.
Remark — Let us consider the example M = R2 and ω = (x2 + y 2 ) dx ∧ dy.
This form is non degenerate on R2 − {0}, but degenerates at the point (0, 0). Thus,
(0, 0) is an orbit of the group Diff(X, ω), and actually R2 − {0} is the other orbit.
Since R2 is contractible the holonomy Γω is trivial and the universal moment map
μω defined by μω (0, 0) = 0G∗ω is equivariant. Now, μω is injective, and ω is not
symplectic. So, the hypothesis of transitivity of Diff(M, ω) on M is not superfluous
is this proposition.
us consider p(t) = tz and F(r) be the positive rotation of angle 2πr, where r ∈ R.
The application of the formula ♦ of Subsection 9.1, computed at the point r = 0
and applied to the vector δr = 1 gives (2π/3)(x2 + y 2 )2 which is not zero. So, the
moment map μω is injective.
where (t, x) → φt (x) is a smooth real function, see [Ban78]. If, according to
this definition, f is hamiltonian then it is an element of Ham(M, ω), as defined
in Subsection 8.2. Conversely, any element f of Ham(M, ω) satisfies the condition
above. So, the definition of hamiltonian diffeomorphisms given in Subsection 8.2 is a
faithful generalization of the classical definition for symplectic manifolds. Note that
the technical requirement of compacity of the original definition op. cit. doesn’t
play any role in this characterization of hamiltonian diffeomorphisms.
Note — The moment maps μ are defined up to a constant, but the character-
istics of μ, that is the subspaces defined by μ(x) = const, are not. They are the
solutions of the equation ψ(x0 , x) = 0, where const = μ(x0 ) and ψ is the 2-points
moment map.
Proof. This is just an application of standard diffeological relations.
10.2. Symplectic homogeneous diffeological spaces. Let X be a con-
nected diffeological space and ω be a closed 2-form defined on X.
Definition. We say that (X, ω) is an homogeneous symplectic space if it is
homogeneous under the action of Diff(X, ω) and if a universal moment map μω is
a covering onto its image.
The homogeneous situation where the moment maps μω are not coverings onto
their images can be regarded as the homogeneous pre-symplectic case.
Now, let G be some diffeological group, and let ρ be a smooth action of G
on X, preserving ω. So, if the action ρ of G on X is homogeneous, then X is
This short list of examples shows how the theory of moment map in diffeology
can be applied to the folklore of infinite dimensional situations, but also to the less
familiar cases of singular spaces.
11.1. The moments of imprimitivity. Let X be a diffeological space. Let
us remind, and make some preliminary remarks on, the construction of the cotan-
gent bundle and the definition of the Liouville form [Piz05]. Let Ω1 (X) denotes the
vector space of 1-form of X, equipped with the functional diffeology. The mapping
Taut, which associates to each n-plot Q × P of the product X × Ω1 (X) the 1-form
Taut(P × Q) : r → P(r)(Q)r
of dom(Q × P), is a 1-form of X × Ω1 (X). We call it the tautological form.
Now, let us consider the value equivalence relation. Let α and α be two 1-
forms of X, let x be a point of X. We say that α and α have the same value at
the point x, and we denote value(α)(x) = value(α )(x), if and only if, for every
plot Q of X centered1 at x , α(Q)0 = α (Q)0 . Then, the cotangent bundle of X is
defined as the quotient X × Ω1 (X) by the relation value, and denoted2 by T∗ X,
T∗ X = X × Ω1 (X)/value.
This notion of value, for smooth forms on numerical domains, coincides with the
ordinary definition. So, when there will be no risk of confusion3 , we shall denote
simply by α(x) the value of α at the point x, that is α(x) = value(α)(x).
Let pr : X × Ω1 (X) → T∗ X be the canonical projection. So, there exists a
1-form on T∗ X, denoted by Liouv and called the Liouville form such that
Taut = pr∗ (Liouv) or Liouv = pr∗ (Taut), Liouv ∈ Ω1 (T∗ X).
The characteristic property of the Liouville form is the following. Let α be a 1-
form of X, let ᾱ be the section of the canonical projection π : T∗ X → X defined
by ᾱ : x → value(α)(x), so α = ᾱ∗ (Liouv). Note also that, the group Diff(X)
acts naturally on the product X × Ω1 (X) by ϕ̄(x, α) = (ϕ(x), ϕ∗ (α)), where ϕ
is a diffeomorphism of X. So, the tautological form is invariant by this action.
Moreover, this action is compatible with the relation value, and the group Diff(X)
has a natural projected action on T∗ X. By equivariance, the Liouville form is
invariant by this action. Note that, the moment map for the action of Diff(X) on
(T∗ X, dLiouv) is given by the general construction of Subsection 6.1. This can be
compared to Donato’s construction for manifolds in [Don88].
1 We say that a plot Q is centered at x if and only if 0 ∈ dom(Q) and Q(0) = x.
2 Note that, as well as for the notation G∗ of the space of momenta of a diffeological group,
the star in T∗ X do not rely to any kind of duality a priori.
3 This notation α(x) has not to be mixed up with the notation α(Q) for the value of α in the
plot Q. But the different nature of x: a point of X, and Q: a plot of X, makes the difference.
So, the exterior differentials dTaut and ω = dLiouv are invariant by the
action of C∞ (X, R).
(2) Let p be a path of T∗ X, connecting (x0 , a0 ) = p(0) to (x1 , a1 ) = p(1). So,
the paths moment map Ψ and the 2-points moment map ψ, with respect
to the 2-form ω = dLiouv, are given by
Ψ(p) = ψ((x0 , a0 ), (x1 , a1 )) = d[f → f (x0 )] − d[f → f (x1 )].
(3) For every x ∈ X, the real function [f → f (x)] is smooth. We call it the
Dirac function of the point x, and we denote it by δx .
δx = [f → f (x)] ∈ C∞ (C∞ (X, R), R).
The differential dδx = d[f → f (x)] is an invariant 1-form4 of the additive
group C∞ (X, R). Every moment map of the action of C∞ (X, R) on T∗ X
is cohomologous to the invariant moment map
μ : (x, a) → −dδx .
Note that, the moment μ is constant on the fibers T∗x X = π −1 (x). And, if
the real smooth functions separate5 the points of X, the image of the mo-
ment map μ is the space X, identified with the space of Dirac’s functions.
(4) The action of C∞ (X, R) on (T∗ X, ω) is hamiltonian and exact. That is,
Γ = {0} and σ = 0.
This example has been drawn to my attention by François Ziegler. This moment
appears informally in Ziegler’s construction of a symplectic analogue for « systems
of imprimitivity » in representation theory [Zie96]. It is why the moment map μ
will be called the moment of imprimitivity. The diffeological framework gives it so
a full formal status.
Proof. First of all let us check the variance of Taut by the action of C∞ (X, R).
Let f be a smooth real function defined on X, let Q × P be a plot of X × Ω1 (X).
We have f¯∗ (Taut)(P × Q)r = Taut(f¯ ◦ (Q × P))r = (P(r) + df )(Q)r = P(r)(Q)r +
df (Q)r = Taut(Q × P)r + df (pr1 ◦ (Q × P))r = Taut(Q × P)r + pr∗1 (df )(Q × P)r .
So, f¯∗ (Taut) = Taut + pr∗1 (df ). Now let us check that this action is compatible
with the value relation. Let (x, α) and (x , α ) be two elements of X × Ω1 (X) such
that value(α)(x) = value(α )(x ). That is, x = x and for every plot Q of X
4 This differential has nothing to do with the derivative of the Dirac distributions in the sense
of De Rham’s currents.
5 That is, f (x) = f (x ) for all smooth real function f if and only if x = x .
But, as we see again on this example, diffeology gives to this sketchy assertion a
precise meaning.
Let us remark also that, the moment map μ is linear, for all t, s reals and all α
and β in Ω1 (Σ), μ(t α + s β) = t μ(α) + s μ(β). And, the kernel of μ is the subspace
of closed 1-forms,
ker(μ) = Z1DR (Σ) = α ∈ Ω1 (Σ) | dα = 0
If we consider the orbit of the zero form 0 ∈ Ω1 (Σ) by C∞ (Σ, R), this is just
the subspace B1 (Σ, R), which is included in ker(μ) = Z1DR (Σ). The quotient
ker(μ)/C∞ (Σ, R) is just Z1DR (Σ)/B1DR (Σ) = H1DR (Σ), and the 2-form ω ker(μ)
is just the pullback of the usual intersection form on H1DR (Σ). I will discuss, in a
future work, the notion of « symplectic reduction » in diffeology.
= δα ∧ δ α
= ωr (δr, δ r).
3) Let us compute the pullback of λ by the action of f ∈ C∞ (Σ, R). Let
P : U → Ω1 (Σ) be a n-plot, let r ∈ U and δr ∈ Rn .
So, for every f ∈ C∞ (Σ, R), let us define the map ϕ(f ) : Ω1 (Σ) → R by,
ϕ(f ) : α → 1 f × dα.
2 Σ
∂ 1
d(ϕ(f ))(P)r (δr) = f × d(P(r)) (δr).
∂r 2 Σ
f¯∗ (λ)(P)r (δr) = λ(P)r (δr) − (dϕ(f ))(P)r (δr).
That is,
f¯∗ (λ) = λ − d(ϕ(f )).
Therefore, differential ω = dλ is invariant by the action of C∞ (Σ, R).
4) Let p be a path of Ω1 (Σ) connecting α0 to α1 . By definition Ψ(p) = p̂∗ (Kω).
Applying the property of the chain-homotopy operator d ◦ K + K ◦ d = 1̂∗ − 0̂∗ to
ω = dλ, we get
Ψ(p) = p̂∗ (Kdλ)
= p̂∗ (1̂∗ (λ) − 0̂∗ (λ) − d(Kλ))
= (1̂ ◦ p̂)∗ (λ) − (0̂ ◦ p̂)∗ (λ) − d[(Kλ) ◦ p̂]
= α̂1∗ (λ) − α̂0∗ (λ) − d[f → Kλ(p̂(f ))]
But, Kλ(p̂(f )) = Kλ(f¯ ◦ p) = f¯◦p λ = p f¯∗ (λ), and since f¯∗ (λ) = λ − d(ϕ(f )) we
have Kλ(p̂(f )) = p λ − p d(ϕ(f )) = p λ − ϕ(f )(α1 ) + ϕ(f )(α0 ). Therefore,
Ψ(p) = α̂1∗ (λ) − α̂0∗ (λ) − d[f → −ϕ(f )(α1 ) + ϕ(f )(α0 )]
∗ ∗
= α̂1 (λ) − α̂0 (λ) + d f → 1 f × dα1 − 1 f × dα0
2 Σ 2 Σ
And, finally we get the paths moment map Ψ given by
Ψ(p) = α̂1 (λ) + d f → 1 f × dα1 ∗
− α̂0 (λ) + d f → 1 f × dα0
2 Σ 2 Σ
For the the 2-points moment map ψ, we have clearly ψ(α0 , α1 ) = Ψ(p) for any path
connecting α0 to α1 .
5) The 1-point moment maps are given by μ(α) = ψ(α0 , α) for any origin α0 .
Let us choose α0 = 0. So,
μ(α) = α̂∗ (λ) + d f → 1 f × dα − 0̂∗ (λ).
2 Σ
But 0̂∗ (α) is not necessarily zero. Let us compute generally α̂∗ (λ). Let P : U →
Ω1 (Σ) be a n-plot. We have, α̂∗ (λ)(P) = λ(α̂ ◦ P) = λ(r → α̂(P(r)) = λ(r →
α + d(P(r))). But,
λ(r → α + d(P(r))) = 1 (α + P(r)) ∧ (α + d(P(r)))
2 Σ ∂r
= 1 (α + P(r)) ∧
2 Σ ∂r
1 ∂d(P(r)) 1 ∂d(P(r))
= α∧ + P(r) ∧ .
2 Σ ∂r 2 Σ ∂r
(α̂ (λ) − 0̂ (λ))(P) = 1
∗ ∗
α∧ .
2 Σ ∂r
μ(α)(P)r = (α̂∗ (λ) − 0̂∗ (λ))(P)r + d f → 1 f × dα (P)r
2 Σ
∂d(P(r)) ∂
= 1 α∧ + 1 P(r) × dα
2 Σ ∂r ∂r 2 Σ
= 1 α ∧ d(P(r)) + P(r) × dα
2 ∂r
= P(r) × dα .
∂r Σ
So, we get finally,
μ(α) = d f → f × dα .
variance of μ. Let f ∈ C (Σ, R), and let F(α) be the real
Now, let us express the
function F(α) : f → Σ f × dα, such that μ(α) = dF(α). We have, μ(f¯(α)) = μ(α +
df ) = dF(α + df ). But, for every h ∈ C∞ (Σ, R), F(α + df )(h) = Σ h × d(α + df ) =
h × dα = F(α)(h). So, for all f ∈ C∞ (Σ, R), we have μ ◦ fˆ = μ. The moment
map μ is invariant by the group C∞ (Σ, R). Souriau’s class vanishes. Thus, the
action of C∞ (Σ, R) is exact and hamiltonian.
Let us compute finally the kernel of the moment map μ. We have: μ(α) = 0 if
and only if dF(α) = 0. But since C∞ (Σ, R) is connected (actually contractible as
a diffeological vector space) dF(α) = 0 if and only if F(α) = const = F(α)(0) = 0.
But F(α) = 0 if and only if, for all f ∈ C∞ (Σ, R), Σ f × dα = 0. That is, if and
only if dα = 0.
g (Surf)
G = g ∈ Diff(Σ)
Surf > 0 .
The group G acts by pushforward on Ω1 (Σ). For all g ∈ G, for all α ∈ Ω1 (Σ),
g∗ (α) ∈ Ω1 (Σ), and for all pair g, g of elements of G, (g ◦ g )∗ = g∗ ◦ g∗ . And, this
action is smooth. Now,
(1) The pushforward action of G on Ω1 (Σ) preserves the 1-form λ, and thus
the 2-form ω. For all g ∈ G, (g∗ )∗ (λ) = λ, and (g∗ )∗ (ω) = ω. So, the
action of G is exact, σ = 0, and hamiltonian, Γ = {0}.
(2) The moment maps are, up to a constant, equal to the moment μ, given
∂P(r)∗ (α)
μ(α)(P)r (δr) = 1 α ∧ P(r) ∗
(δr) ,
2 Σ ∂r
μ(α)(F)0 (1) = − 1 α ∧ £F (α) = − iF (α) × dα,
2 Σ Σ
where £F (α) is the Lie derivative of α along F, and iF (α) the contraction
of α by F.
So, we find again, through the diffeological formalism of the moment map, what is
asserted informally in the literature. The vague assertion « the moment map of the
group of diffeomorphism is the Lie derivative » makes here sense.
we get
α ∧ £F (α) = α ∧ [iF (dα) + d(iF (α))]
= iF (α)dα + α ∧ d(iF (α))
= iF (α)dα + iF (α)dα − d[α ∧ iF (α)]
= 2 iF (α)dα
And finally, we have the second expression for the moment map:
μ(α)(F)0 (1) = − iF (α) × dα,
for any 1-plot of the group of positive diffeomorphisms of the surface Σ, centered
at the identity.
11.4. On the intersection 2-form of a surface III. We continue again
with the example of Subsection 11.2, using the same notations. Let us consider the
space Ω1 (Σ) as an additive group acting onto itself by translations. Let us denote
by tβ the translation tβ : α → α + β, where α and β belong to Ω1 (Σ).
(1) The 2-form ω is invariant by translation. That is, t∗α (ω) = ω for all
α ∈ Ω1 (Σ). This action of Ω1 (Σ) onto itself is hamiltonian but not exact.
(2) The moment maps of the additive action of Ω1 (Σ) onto itself are equal,
up to a constant to
μ : α → d β → α∧β .
for all (α, t) and (α , t ) in Ω1 (Σ) × R. This central extension acts on Ω1 (Σ),
preserving ω. This action is hamiltonian, but now exact. The lack of equivariance,
characterized by Souriau’s class, has been absorbed in the extension. This group
could be named as the Heisenberg group of the oriented surface (Σ, Surf).
Note also that, according to Subsection 10.2, the space Ω1 (Σ) equipped with the
2-form ω is an homogeneous symplectic space. Thus, we have a first simple example
of infinite dimensional symplectic diffeological space, avoiding any discussion on the
« kernel » of ω.
(3) The map μ is a fibration onto its image whose fiber is the kernel of μ. That
is val(μ) Rn /E, E = ker(μ). And, the map μQ is a fibration onto its
image μ(Rn )/μ(K) whose fiber is ker(μQ ) = E/(K ∩ E). If ω : Rn → Rn∗
is injective (which implies that n is even) then the moment map μQ is a
diffeomorphism which identifies Q with its image Rn∗/μ(K).
Proof. First of all, the fact that there exists a closed 2-form ωQ on R/K such
that π ∗ (ωQ ) = ω is an application of the criterion of pushing forward forms, in
the special case of a covering [Piz05]. Now, the computation of the moment map
of a linear antisymmetric form ω on Rn is well know, and independently of the
method gives the same result μ(x) = ω(x). The additive constant is fixed here by
the condition μ(0) = 0. But, the value of the paths moment map Ψ(p) can be found
as well by the method described above, applying the particular expression
Kωp (δp) = ωp(t) (ṗ(t), δp(t))dt with ṗ(t) = .
0 dt
x′ x
0 ox
x′′ x′′′
π∗ (R2 ). And the meaning of the letter π follows. Now, let us remark that, the
decomposition of Q in terms of point’s structure is given by,
Str(0, 0) = {±1}2 , Str(x, 0) = Str(0, y) = {±1} and Str(x, y) = {1},
where x and y are positive real numbers. So, since the structure of a point is
preserved by diffeomorphisms [IKZ05], there are at least three orbits of Diff(Q),
the point 0Q = (0, 0), the regular stratum Q̇ =]0, ∞[2 and the union of the two
axes, ox and oy. So, in particular any diffeomorphism of Q preserves the origin 0Q .
Actually, these are exactly the orbits of Diff(Q). Let us remark that, dim(Q) = 2
[Piz06-b]. So, every 2-form is closed. Now,
1) Every 2-form of Q is proportional to the 2-form ω defined on Q by
π ∗ (ω) : → 4xy × dx ∧ dy.
That is, for any other 2-form ω there exists a smooth function φ ∈ C∞ (Q, R) such
that ω = φ × ω.
2) The space (Q, ω) is hamiltonian Γω = {0}. And, the action of Gω is exact,
that is σω = 0. In particular, the universal moment map μω defined by μω (0Q ) = 0,
is equivariant.
3) The universal equivariant moment map μω vanishes on the singular strata
{0}, ox and oy, and is injective on the regular stratum Q̇. So, the image μω (Q) is
diffeomorphic to an open disc with a point attached on the boundary.
But, now (s, r) → φ(r)(λ(s + t)q) is a plot of the semi-axis, and thanks to the
item 1, the form ω vanishes on the semi-axis. So, the integrand vanishes and
Ψ(p)(φ)0 (1) = 0. Now, since 1-forms are characterized by 1-plots and since mo-
menta are characterized by centered plots, μω (q) = 0 for all q ∈ Q belonging to any
On the other hand, let q and q be two points of the regular stratum Q̇. Since
π {(x, y) | x > 0 & y > 0} is a diffeomorphism, and since ω̃ {(x, y) | x > 0 & y >
0} is symplectic there exists always a symplectomorphism φ with compact support
S ⊂ {(x, y) | x > 0 & y > 0} which exchange q and q . So, the image of this
diffeomorphism on Q̇ can be extended by the identity on the whole Q. Therefore,
the automorphisms of ω are transitive on the regular stratum.
11.7. The cone orbifold. Let Qm be the quotient of the smooth complex
plane C by the action of the cyclic subgroup
Zm {ζ ∈ C | ζ m = 1} with m > 1.
The space Qm is an orbifold, according to [IKZ05]. We identify Qm to the complex
plane C, equipped with the pushforward of the standard diffeology by the map
πm : z → z m . That is, a plot of Qm is any parametrization P of C which writes
locally P(r) = φ(r)m , where φ is a smooth parametrization of C. Let us remark
x x
0 0
Plane Cone Orbifold
such that ω = f × ω.
2) The space (Q, ω) is hamiltonian Γω = {0}. And, the action of Gω is exact,
that is σω = 0. In particular, the universal moment map μω defined by μω (0) = 0,
is equivariant.
3) The universal moment map μω is injective. Its image is the reunion of two
coadjoint orbits, the point 0 ∈ G∗ω , value of the origin of Qm , and the image of the
regular stratum Q̇m .
Proof. Let us first prove that the usual surface form Surf = dx ∧ dy is the
pullback of a 2-form ω defined on Qm . We shall apply the standard criterion and
prove that for any two plots φ1 and φ2 of C such that πm ◦ φ1 = πm ◦ φ2 we have
Surf(φ1 ) = Surf(φ2 ). That is, φ1 (r)m = φ2 (r)m implies Surf(φ1 ) = Surf(φ2 ).
First of all let us recall that, since we are dealing with 2-forms, is is sufficient to
consider 2-plots. So, let the φi be defined on some numerical domain U ⊂ R2 . Let
r0 ∈ U, we split the problem into 2 cases.
1) φ1 (r0 ) = 0 — Thus φ2 (r0 ) = 0, there exists a open disk B centered at r0
on which the φi do not vanishes. Thus, the map r → ζ(r) = φ2 (r)/φ1 (r) defined
on B is smooth with values in Zm . But, since Zm is discrete there exists ζ ∈ Zm
such that φ2 (r) = ζ × φ1 (r) on B. Now, Surf is invariant by U(1) ⊃ Zm . Therefore
Surf(φ1 ) = Surf(φ2 ) on B.
2) φ1 (r0 ) = 0 — Thus, φ2 (r0 ) = 0. Now, we have Surf(φi ) = det(D(φi ))×Surf,
where D(φi ) denotes the tangent map of φi . We split this case into two sub-cases:
2.a) D(φ1 )r0 is non-degenerate — Thus, thanks to the implicit function the-
orem, there exists a small open disk B around r0 where φ1 is a local diffeomor-
phisms onto its image. Since φ1 (r)m = φ2 (r)m , the common zero r0 of both φ1
and φ2 is isolated. Thus, the map r → ζ(r) = φ2 (r)/φ1 (r) defined on B − {r0 }
is smooth, and for the same reason than in the first case, ζ is constant. So,
φ2 (r) = ζ × φ1 (r) on B − {r0 }. But, since φi (r0 ) = 0, this equality extends on
B. Therefore Surf(φ1 ) = Surf(φ2 ) on B.
2.b) D(φ1 )r0 is degenerate — Let u be in the kernel of D(φ1 )r0 . We have φ1 (r0 +
su)m = φ2 (r0 + su)m for enough small real s. Then, differentiating this equality
m times with respect to s, for s = 0 we get 0 = D(φ1 )r0 (u)m = D(φ2 )r0 (u)m .
Therefore, D(φ2 )r0 is also degenerate at r0 and thus 0 = Surf(φ1 )r0 = Surf(φ2 )r0 .
So, we have proved that for any r ∈ U, Surf(φ1 )r = Surf(φ2 )r . Therefore, there
exists a 2-form ω on Qm such that πm (ω) = Surf, and this form ω is completely
defined by its pullback. Now, since the pullback by πm of any other 2-form ω on
Qm is proportional to Surf, the form ω is proportional to ω.
Now, for the same reasons than in Subsection 11.6 the universal holonomy
Γω and Souriau’s class σω vanish, and the universal moment map μω defined by
μω (0) = 0G∗ is equivariant. Moreover, the regular stratum Q̇ is just a symplectic
manifold for the restriction of ω. Any symplectomorphism with compact support
which doesn’t contain 0 can be extended to an automorphism of (Q, ω). Thus, since
the compactly supported symplectomorphisms of a connected symplectic manifold
are transitive, the regular stratum Q̇ is an orbit of Diff(Q, ω). Therefore, the
moment map μω maps Q onto two orbits, {0G∗ } and μω (Q̇).
11.8. The infinite projective space. This example of the symplectic struc-
ture of the infinite projective space is extracted from [Piz06-a], everything not
proved here can be found there. Let H be the Hilbert space of the square summa-
ble complex series.
H = Z = (Zi )i=1 Zi · Zi < ∞ .
Where the dot denotes the hermitian product. The space H is equipped with
the fine structure of complex diffeological vector space. That is, its diffeology is
generated by the linear injections from Cn to H, or if we prefer, let P : U → H be
a plot, then for every r0 ∈ U, there exists an integer n, an open superset V ⊂ U of
r0 , a finite family F = {(λ
a , Za )}a∈A , where the Za ∈ H, and the λa ∈ C (V, C )
thus Kα ◦ p̂ = tζ ◦p α = p t∗ζ (α) = p α + p d[w(ζ)] = p α + w(ζ)(Z), since
w(ζ)(0H ) = 0. So, μ(Z) = d[w(Z)] − d[ζ → w(ζ)(Z)]. But, w(ζ)(Z) = −w(Z)(ζ)
so μ(Z) = d[w(Z)] − d[ζ → −w(Z)(ζ)] = 2d[w(Z)]. Now, let Z be in the kernel of
μ, so w(Z) = const = w(0H ) = 0. But w(Z)(Z ) = 0 for all Z ∈ H if and only if
Z = 0H , we have just to decompose Z into real and imaginary parts and use the
fact that the hermitian norm on H is not degenerated. Therefore, μ is injective.
2) Since the 1-form α is invariant by U(H), this statement is a direct application
of Subsection 6.1.
11.9. The Virasoro coadjoint orbits. Let Imm(S1 , R2 ) be the space of all
the immersions of the circle S1 = R/2πZ into R2 , equipped with the functional
diffeology. For every n-plot P : U → Imm(S1 , R2 ) let us defined the 1-form α(P)
on U by
1 ∂P(r) (t)
α(P)r (δr) = P(r)
(t) (δr) dt.
P(r) (t)2 ∂r
for every r ∈ U and δr ∈ Rn . Where the prime denotes the derivative with respect
to the parameter t, and the bracket · | · denotes the ordinary scalar product of
the vector space R2 .
1. As defined above, α is a 1-form of Imm(S1 , R2 ).
Let us consider now the group Diff+ (S1 ) of positive diffeomorphisms of the circle,
and its action on Imm(S1 , R2 ) by re-parametrization. For every ϕ ∈ Diff+ (S1 ),
for every x ∈ Imm(S1 , R1 ), let us denote by ϕ̄(x) the pushforward of x by ϕ,
ϕ̄(x) = ϕ∗ (x) = x ◦ ϕ−1 .
And, let F : Diff+ (S1 ) → C∞ (Imm(S1 , R2 ), R) be the map defined, for all ϕ ∈
Diff+ (S1 ), by
F(ϕ) : x → log x (t) d log(ϕ (t))
2. The map F is smooth and for every ϕ ∈ Diff(S1 ),
ϕ̄∗ (α) = α − d[F(ϕ)].
So, the 2-form ω = dα, defined on Imm(S1 , R2 ), is closed and invariant by
the action of Diff(S1 ). Moreover, the action of Diff(S1 ) is hamiltonian.
3. Let x0 : class(t) → (cos(t), sin(t)) be the standard immersion from S1 =
R/2πZ to R2 . The moment maps for ω, of Diff+ (S1 ) on the connected
component of x0 ∈ Imm(S1 , R2 ), are translated by a constant from
x (u)2 d2
μ(x)(r → ϕ)r (δr) = − 2 log x (u) δu du.
0 x (u)2 du
Where r → ϕ is any plot of Diff+ (S1 ) defined on some n-domain U, r is
a point of U, δr ∈ Rn , u = ϕ−1 (t), and δu = D(r → u)(r)(δr).
4. With the same conventions as in item 3,Souriau’s cocycles of the Diff+ (S1 )
action on Imm(S1 , R2 ) are cohomologous to θ defined by,
2π 2
3γ (u) − 2γ (u)γ (u)
θ(g)(r → ϕ)r (δr) = δu du,
0 γ (u)2
where g ∈ Diff+ (S1 ) and γ = g −1 . We recognize the integrand of the
right hand side as the so-called Schwartzian derivative of γ.
And, since ϕ, and thus φ, is a positive diffeomorphism, after the change of variable
t → φ(t), we get
A = α(P)r (δr).
The second integral is given by
1 ∂P(r) (φ(t)) φ (t)
B= P(r) (φ(t)) (δr) dt
P(r) (φ(t))2 ∂r φ (t)
Then, we shall use the prefix δ for every variation associated to δr, that is δ =
D(r → )(r)(δr). So,
∂(x ◦ φ) (t)
(δr) = δ[x (u) · u ] = x (u) · δu · u + x (u) · δu .
A = x (u)u2 + x (u)u | x (u)u δu + x (u)δu dt
0 x (u)2 u2
2π 2π
x (u)2 x (u), x (u) u u
δu u dt +
δu +
δu dt + δu dt
0 x (u) 2
0 x (u) 2 u 0 u
∂F(ϕ)(x) ∂ F̄(φ)(x)
B= δr = − δr = −δ[F̄(φ)(x)],
∂r ∂r
2π 2π
F̄(φ)(x) = log x (φ(t)) d log φ (t) = log x (u) d log(u ).
0 0
So, after the variation with respect to δr and an integration by part, we get
2π 2π
x (u), x (u) u
B = − (u)2
dt − log x (u) δd log(u )
0 x u 0
2π 2π
x (u), x (u) u x (u), x (u)
= − δu dt + u δ log(u ) dt
0 x (u)2 u 0 x (u)2
2π 2π
x (u), x (u) u x (u), x (u)
= − δu dt + δu dt
0 x (u)2 u 0 x (u)2
Therefore, grouping the terms and integrating again by part, we get
2π 2π 2π
x (u)2 x (u), x (u) u
A+B =
δu du + 2
δu dt + δu dt
0 x (u) 2
0 x (u) 2
0 u
2π 2π 2 2π
x (u)2 d u
δu du − 2 log x (u)δu du + δu dt
0 x (u) 2
0 du 2
0 u
2π 2π
x (u)2 d2 u
= (u)2
− log x (u) 2
δu du +
δu dt
0 x du 2
0 u
Now, since x0 (t) = 1 we get the value of the 2-point moment map,
2π 2π
x (u)2 d2
ψ(x0 , x)(r → ϕ)r (δr) = − 2 log x (u) δu du −
δu du.
0 x (u)2 du 0
The second term of the right hand side of the equality is a constant momentum
of Diff+ (S1 ), so it can be avoided. And, every moment map is, up to a constant,
equal to the moment μ announced.
Souriau’s cocycles — Souriau’s cocycle associated to immersion x0 is defined
by θ(g) = ψ(x0 , ḡ(x0 )), see Subsection 5.2. So, we have to replace, in the expression
of ψ above, x by ḡ(x0 ) = x0 ◦ g −1 , that is x = x0 ◦ γ. So, θ(g)(r → ϕ)r (δr) =
ψ(x0 , x0 ◦ γ). So, note first that
(x0 ◦ γ) (u) = x0 (γ(u))γ (u) and (x0 ◦ γ) (u) = x0 (γ(u))γ (u)2 + x0 (u)γ (u).
And, let us remind that x0 = x0 = 1 and x0 | x0 = 0. We get,
x (u)2 = γ (u)2 and x (u)2 = γ (u)4 + γ (u)2 .
This gives
x (u)2 γ (u)2 d2 γ (u)γ (u) − γ (u)2
= γ (u) 2
+ and log x (u)2
= 2 .
x (u)2 γ (u)2 du2 γ (u)2
3γ (u)2 − 2γ (u)γ (u)
θ(g)(r → ϕ)r (δr) = δu du
0 γ (u)2
2π 2π
+ γ (u)2 δu du − δu du.
0 0
But, after a change of variable u → v = γ(u), we get
2π 2π 2π
γ (u)2 δu du = (δuγ (u)) γ (u)du = δv dv.
0 0 0
So the two last terms cancel each other, and we get the value announced for
Souriau’s cocycle θ.
Bott’s cocycle — The real function F(g ◦ h) − F(g) ◦ h̄ − F(h) is constant since X
is connected, and its differential is equal to (ḡ ◦ h̄)∗ (α) − h̄∗ (ḡ ∗ (α)), that is 0. Now,
to explicit β(g, g ) = F(g) ◦ ḡ + F(g ) − β(g, g ) − F(g ◦ g ), it is sufficient to compute
the right hand member on the standard immersion x0 , for which the speed norm is
equal to 1, and thus log x (t) = 0 for all real t. So we get,
β(g, h) = F(g)(x0 ◦ h−1 ) − F(h)(x0 ) − F(g ◦ h)(x0 )
= + log (x0 ◦ h−1 ) (t) d log g (t)
= + log(h−1 ) (t) d log g (t)
= − log h (h−1 (t)) d log g (t)
= − log h (s) d log g (h(s))
= + log(g ◦ h) (t) d log h (t)
And this is the standard expression of Bott’s cocycle.
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