Stage and Screen: The Interview
Stage and Screen: The Interview
Stage and Screen: The Interview
voice-over l ' v~IS ~uv~1 information or Royal Shakespeare Company
comments in a film or TV programme A British drama company which
given by a person who you do not see specializes in Shakespeare's plays
on the screen Coriolanus /con a'lemos/ one of
fringe theatre /fn ndg el~t~1 plays , often Shakespeare's lesser know
by new writers , that are unusual and plays set in Roman times
question the way people think feature film /firt]a film/ a full -
props Ipropsl objects used by actors length film with a story, i.e , not
during the performance of a play a documentary
or film sword Is~:dl a weapon with a
rehearsal /rr'hatsal/ time that is spent long metal blade
practising a play or piece of music axe lrek sl a weapon with a wooden
d 4.25 Listen and complete the phrases. What do
Dictaphone /' dlk t~f~un/ a small handle and a heavy metal blade, you think they mean?
machine used to record people also a tool for chopping wood
speaking parry I'preri! to defend yourself
oftentimes l ' of~ntaImz/ (North by stopping sb hitting you, e.g. COMMON PHRASES
American English) often with your arm or with a weapon 1 There isn't much I don't do, I guess, _
as acting goes .
b 4.23 Listen to part 1. Answer the questions with a partner. 2 You just and you're expected to
1 What kinds of acting does he do? know all your lines. (pv, informal) .
2 How did he become an actor? 3 You do it a few times and .
3 What does he find most difficult about preparing for a part? 4 It's amazing the when the
4 How does he learn his lines? writing is good.
S What kind of lines are difficult to memorize? S I gave the other guy three stitches on his fingers
_ __ __ _ point when he parried in the
c 4.24 Listen to part 2. Answer the questions with a partner. wrong place.
What does he say about.. .? 6 You get to do it _ _ and _ _ again. (idiom)
1 Coriolanus 4 the good and bad side
2 a sword and axe fight about TV and film work e Listen to the interview again with the tapescript
3 the difference between S being on a red carpet on page 126. Does he make acting sound like an
theatre acting and film acting attractive job to do?