Number System Conversion
Number System Conversion
Number System Conversion
As we know, the number system is a form of expressing the numbers. In number system conversion, we will
study to convert a number of one base, to a number of another base. There are a variety of number systems such
as binary numbers, decimal numbers, hexadecimal numbers, octal numbers, which can be exercised.
In this article, you will learn the conversion of one base number to another base number considering all the base
numbers such as decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal with the help of examples. Here, the following number
system conversion methods are explained.
Binary to Decimal Number System
Decimal to Binary Number System
Octal to Binary Number System
Binary to Octal Number System
Binary to Hexadecimal Number System
Hexadecimal to Binary Number System
Get the pdf of number system with a brief description in it. The general representation of number systems are;
Decimal Number – Base 10 – N10
Binary Number – Base 2 – N2
Octal Number – Base 8 – N8
Hexadecimal Number – Base 16 – N16
Number System Conversion Table
Binary Numbers Octal Numbers Decimal Numbers Hexadecimal Numbers
0000 0 0 0
0001 1 1 1
0010 2 2 2
0011 3 3 3
0100 4 4 4
0101 5 5 5
0110 6 6 6
0111 7 7 7
1000 10 8 8
1001 11 9 9
1010 12 10 A
1011 13 11 B
1100 14 12 C
1101 15 13 D
1110 16 14 E
1111 17 15 F
Number System Conversion Methods
Number system conversions deal with the operations to change the base of the numbers. For example, to change
a decimal number with base 10 to binary number with base 2. We can also perform the arithmetic operations
like addition, subtraction, multiplication on the number system. Here, we will learn the methods to convert the
number of one base to the number of another base starting with the decimal number system. The representation
of number system base conversion in general form for any base number is;
(Number)b = dn-1 dn-2—–.d1 d0 . d-1 d-2 —- d-m
In the above expression, dn-1 dn-2—–.d1 d0 represents the value of integer part and d-1 d-2 —- d-m represents the
fractional part.
Also, dn-1 is the Most significant bit (MSB) and d-m is the Least significant bit (LSB).
Now let us learn, conversion from one base to another.
Decimal to Other Bases
Converting a decimal number to other base numbers is easy. We have to divide the decimal number by the
converted value of the new base.
Decimal to Binary Number:
Suppose if we have to convert decimal to binary, then divide the decimal number by 2.
Example 1. Convert (25)10 to binary number.
Solution: Let us create a table based on this question.
Operation Output Remainder
25 ÷ 2 12 1(MSB)
12 ÷ 2` 6 0
6÷2 3 0
3÷2 1 1
1÷2 0 1(LSB)
Therefore, from the above table, we can write,
(25)10 = (11001)2
Decimal to Octal Number:
To convert decimal to octal number we have to divide the given original number by 8 such that base 10 changes
to base 8. Let us understand with the help of an example.
Example 2: Convert 12810 to octal number.
Solution: Let us represent the conversion in tabular form.
Operation Output Remainder
128÷8 16 0(MSB)
16÷8 2 0
2÷8 0 2(LSB)
Therefore, the equivalent octal number = 2008
Decimal to Hexadecimal:
Again in decimal to hex conversion, we have to divide the given decimal number by 16.
Example 3: Convert 12810 to hex.
Solution: As per the method, we can create a table;
Operation Output Remainder
128÷16 8 0(MSB)
8÷16 0 8(LSB)
Therefore, the equivalent hexadecimal number is 8016
Here MSB stands for a Most significant bit and LSB stands for a least significant bit.
Other Base System to Decimal Conversion
Binary to Decimal:
In this conversion, binary number to a decimal number, we use multiplication method, in such a way that, if a
number with base n has to be converted into a number with base 10, then each digit of the given number is
multiplied from MSB to LSB with reducing the power of the base. Let us understand this conversion with the
help of an example.
Example 1. Convert (1101)2 into a decimal number.
Solution: Given a binary number (1101)2.
Now, multiplying each digit from MSB to LSB with reducing the power of the base number 2.
1 × 23 + 1 × 2 2 + 0 × 2 1 + 1 × 2 0
= 13
Therefore, (1101)2 = (13)10
Octal to Decimal:
To convert octal to decimal, we multiply the digits of octal number with decreasing power of the base number
8, starting from MSB to LSB and then add them all together.
Example 2: Convert 228 to decimal number.
Solution: Given, 228
2 x 81 + 2 x 80
= 16 + 2
= 18
Therefore, 228 = 1810
Hexadecimal to Decimal:
Example 3: Convert 12116 to decimal number.
Solution: 1 x 162 + 2 x 161 + 1 x 160
= 16 x 16 + 2 x 16 + 1 x 1
= 289
Therefore, 12116 = 28910
Hexadecimal to Binary Shortcut Method
To convert hexadecimal numbers to binary and vice versa is easy, you just have to memorize the table given
Hexadecimal Number Binary
0 0000
1 0001
2 0010
3 0011
4 0100
5 0101
6 0110
7 0111
8 1000
9 1001
A 1010
B 1011
C 1100
D 1101
E 1110
F 1111
You can easily solve the problems based on hexadecimal and binary conversions with the help of this table. Let
us take an example.
Example: Convert (89)16 into a binary number.
Solution: From the table, we can get the binary value of 8 and 9, hexadecimal base numbers.
8 = 1000 and 9 = 1001
Therefore, (89)16 = (10001001)2
Octal to Binary Shortcut Method
To convert octal to binary number, we can simply use the table. Just like having a table for hexadecimal and its
equivalent binary, in the same way, we have a table for octal and its equivalent binary number.
Octal Number Binary
0 000
1 001
2 010
3 011
4 100
5 101
6 110
7 111
Example: Convert (214)8 into a binary number.
Solution: From the table, we know,
2 → 010
1 → 001
4 → 100
Therefore,(214)8 = (010001100)2
Practice Problems on Number System Conversion
1. Convert 14610 into a binary number system
2. Convert 1A716 into the decimal number system
3. Convert (110010)2 into octal number system
4. Convert DA216 into the binary number system
5. Convert 46528 into the binary number system
Question on the Number System Conversion
Why do we need the number system conversion?
One of the most important applications of the number system is in computer technology. Generally, a computer
uses the binary number system, but humans will use the hexadecimal number system, as it is easier to
understand. For this reason, the number system conversion is required.
What is meant by the base 2 number system?
The base 2 number system is called the binary number system. It uses only two digits, such as 0, 1. For
example, the number 6 is represented by 0110 (or) 110.
Write down the conversion procedure from decimal to binary number system?
The steps to convert the decimal number system to binary number system are:
Divide the given number by 2
Now, use the obtained quotient for the next iteration
Obtain the remainder for the binary number
Repeat the steps until the quotient is equal to 0
What is meant by the base 8 number system?
The base 8 number system is called the octal number system. It uses the digits such as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
What is meant by the hexadecimal number system?
The hexadecimal number system is called the base 16 number system. It uses the digits from 0 to 9, and A, B,
C, D, E, F
Question 1:
Explain octal and hexadecimal number.
Octal (base 8) was previously a popular choice for representing digital circuit numbers in a form that is more
compact than binary. Octal is sometimes abbreviated as oct. Octal counting goes as :
0,1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,20, 21 and so on.
Hexadecimal (base 16) is currently the most popular choice for representing digital circuit numbers in a form
that is more compact than binary. Hexadecimal numbers are sometimes represented by preceding the value
with ‘Ox’, as in 0x1 B84. Hexadecimal is sometimes abbreviated as hex. Hexadecimal counting goes :
0,1,2, 3,4,5, 6, 7, 8,9, A, B, C, D, E, F, and so on.
Question 2:
Explain decimal and binary number.
Decimal (base 10) is the way most human beings represent numbers. Decimal is sometimes abbreviated as
dec. Decimal counting goes :
0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 and so on.
Binary (base 2) is the natural way most digital circuits represent and manipulate numbers. Binary numbers are
sometimes represented by preceding the value with ‘Ob’, as in Ob1O11. Binary is sometimes abbreviated as
Binary counting goes as : 0,1,10,11,100,101,110,
111, 1000, 1oo1, 1010,1011, 11oo, 1101, 1110, 1111,10000,10001 and so on.
Question 3:
Convert (259)10 to binary form.
Question 4:
Convert (39286)10 to octal form.
(39286)10 = (114566)8
Question 5:
Do as directed :
(a) Covert the Hexadecimal number 3BC into its Binary equivalent
(b) Convert the Binary number 10011010.010101 to its Hexadecimal equivalent.
(c) Convert the Decimal number 345 into Octal number.
Conversion of Bases-
A given number in base x can be converted to any other base y using the following steps-
Convert the number from base x to base 10 using expansion method.
Convert the number from base 10 to base y using division & multiplication method.
Convert (1056)16 to ( ? )8
Step-01: Conversion To Base 10-
(1056)16 → ( ? )10
Using Expansion method, we have-
= 1 x 163 + 0 x 162 + 5 x 161 + 6 x 160
= 4096 + 0 + 80 + 6
= (4182)10
From here, (1056)16 = (4182)10
Step-02: Conversion To Base 8-
(4182)10 → ( ? )8
Using Division method, we have-
From here, (4182)10 = (10126)8
Thus, (1056)16 = (10126)8
Convert (11672)8 to ( ? )16
Step-01: Conversion To Base 10-
(11672)8 → ( ? )10
Using Expansion method, we have-
= 1 x 84 + 1 x 83 + 6 x 82 + 7 x 81 + 2 x 80
= 4096 + 512 + 384 + 56 + 2
= (5050)10
From here, (11672)8 = (5050)10
Step-02: Conversion To Base 16-
(5050)10 → ( ? )16
Using Division method, we have-
From here, (5050)10 = (13BA)16
Thus, (11672)8 = (13BA)16
Convert (2724)8 to ( ? )5
Step-01: Conversion To Base 10-
(2724)8 → ( ? )10
Using Expansion method, we have-
= 2 x 83 + 7 x 82 + 2 x 81 + 4 x 80
= 1024 + 448 + 16 + 4
= (1492)10
From here, (2724)8 = (1492)10
Step-02: Conversion To Base 5-
(1492)10 → ( ? )5
Using Division method, we have-
From here, (1492)10 = (21432)5
Thus, (2724)8 = (21432)5
Convert (3211)4 to ( ? )5
Step-01: Conversion To Base 10-
(3211)4 → ( ? )10
Using Expansion method, we have-
= 3 x 43 + 2 x 42 + 1 x 41 + 1 x 40
= 192 + 32 + 4 + 1
= (229)10
From here, (3211)4 = (229)10
Step-02: Conversion To Base 5-
(229)10 → ( ? )5
Using Division method, we have-
From here, (229)10 = (1404)5
Thus, (3211)4 = (1404)5
Convert (1001001100)2 to ( ? )6
Step-01: Conversion To Base 10-
(1001001100)2 → ( ? )10
Using Expansion method, we have-
= 1 x 29 + 0 x 28 + 0 x 27 + 1 x 26 + 0 x 25 + 0 x 24 + 1 x 23 + 1 x 22 + 0 x 21 + 0 x 20
= 512 + 64 + 8 + 4
= (588)10
From here, (1001001100)2 = (588)10
Step-02: Conversion To Base 6-
(588)10 → ( ? )6
Using Division method, we have-
From here, (588)10 = (2420)6
Thus, (1001001100)2 = (2420)6
Decimal to Hexadecimal | Base 10 to base 16
Before you go through this article, make sure that you have gone through the previous article on Basics of
Number System.
In number system,
It is very important to have a good knowledge of how to convert numbers from one base to another
Here, we will learn how to convert any given number from base 10 to base 16.
Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion-
A given number can be converted from base 10 to any other base using division method and multiplication
Following two cases are possible-
Case-01: For Numbers Carrying No Fractional Part-
Division Method is used to convert such numbers from base 10 to another base.
The division is performed with the required base.
Steps To Convert From Base 10 to Base 16-
Divide the given number (in base 10) with 16 until the result finally left is less than 16.
Traverse the remainders from bottom to top to get the required number in base 16.
Case-02: For Numbers Carrying A Fractional Part-
To convert such numbers from base 10 to another base, real part and fractional part are treated separately.
For Real Part-
The steps involved in converting the real part from base 10 to another base are same as above.
For Fractional Part-
Multiplication Method is used to convert fractional part from base 10 to another base.
The multiplication is performed with the required base.
Steps To Convert From Base 10 To Base 16-
Multiply the given fraction (in base 10) with 16.
Write the real part and fractional part of the result so obtained separately.
Multiply the fractional part with 16.
Write the real part and fractional part of the result so obtained separately.
Repeat this procedure until the fractional part remains 0.
If fractional part does not terminate to 0, find the result up to as many places as required.
Required Number in Base 16
= Series of real part of multiplication results obtained in the above steps from top to bottom
Convert the following numbers from base 10 to base 16-
1. (2020)10
2. (2020.65625)10
3. (172)10
4. (172.983)10
1. (2020)10
(2020)10 → (?)16
Using division method, we have-
From here, (2020)10 = (7E4)16
2. (2020.65625)10
(2020.65625)10 → ( ? )8
Here, we treat the real part and fractional part separately-
For Real Part-
The real part is (2020)10
We convert the real part from base 10 to base 16 using division method same as above.
So, (2020)10 = (7E4)16
For Fractional Part-
The fractional part is (0.65625)10
We convert the fractional part from base 10 to base 16 using multiplication method.
Using multiplication method, we have-
Real part Fractional Part
0.65625 x 16 10 = A 0.5
0.5 x 16 8 0.0
Multiply 0.65625 with 16. Result = 10.5.
Write 10 (= A in hexadecimal) in real part and 0.5 in fractional part.
Multiply 0.5 with 16. Result = 8.0.
Write 8 in real part and 0.0 in fractional part.
Since fractional part becomes 0, so we stop.
The fractional part terminates to 0 after 2 iterations.
Traverse the real part column from top to bottom to obtain the required number in base 16.
From here, (0.65625)10 = (0.A8)8
Combining the result of real and fractional parts, we have-
(2020.65625)10 = (7E4.A8)16
3. (172)10
(172)10 → ( ? )16
Using division method, we have-
From here, (172)10 = (AC)16
4. (172.983)10
(172.983)10 → ( ? )16
Here, we treat the real part and fractional part separately-
For Real Part-
The real part is (172)10
We convert the real part from base 10 to base 16 using division method same as above.
So, (172)10 = (AC)16
For Fractional Part-
The fractional part is (0.983)10
We convert the fractional part from base 10 to base 16 using multiplication method.
Using multiplication method, we have-
Real part Fractional Part
0.983 x 16 15 = F 0.728
0.728 x 16 11 = B 0.648
0.648 x 16 10 = A 0.368
0.368 x 16 5 0.888
The fractional part does not terminates to 0 after several iterations.
So, let us find the value up to 4 decimal places.
Traverse the real part column from top to bottom to obtain the required number in base 16.
From here, (0.983)10 = (0.FBA5)8
Combining the result of real and fractional parts, we have-
(172.983)10 = (AC.FBA5)16
Decimal to Octal Conversion | Base 10 to Base 8
Before you go through this article, make sure that you have gone through the previous article on Basics of
Number System.
In number system,
It is very important to have a good knowledge of how to convert numbers from one base to another
Here, we will learn how to convert any given number from base 10 to base 8.
Decimal to Octal Conversion-
A given number can be converted from base 10 to any other base using division method and multiplication
Following two cases are possible-
Case-01: For Numbers Carrying No Fractional Part-
Division Method is used to convert such numbers from base 10 to another base.
The division is performed with the required base.
Steps To Convert From Base 10 to Base 8-
Divide the given number (in base 10) with 8 until the result finally left is less than 8.
Traverse the remainders from bottom to top to get the required number in base 8.
Case-02: For Numbers Carrying A Fractional Part-
To convert such numbers from base 10 to another base, real part and fractional part are treated separately.
For Real Part-
The steps involved in converting the real part from base 10 to another base are same as above.
For Fractional Part-
Multiplication Method is used to convert fractional part from base 10 to another base.
The multiplication is performed with the required base.
Steps To Convert From Base 10 To Base 8-
Multiply the given fraction (in base 10) with 8.
Write the real part and fractional part of the result so obtained separately.
Multiply the fractional part with 8.
Write the real part and fractional part of the result so obtained separately.
Repeat this procedure until the fractional part remains 0.
If fractional part does not terminate to 0, find the result up to as many places as required.
Required Number in Base 8
= Series of real part of multiplication results obtained in the above steps from top to bottom
Convert the following numbers from base 10 to base 8-
1. (1032)10
2. (1032.6875)10
3. (172)10
4. (172.878)10
1. (1032)10
(1032)10 → (?)8
Using division method, we have-
From here, (1032)10 = (2010)8
2. (1032.6875)10
(1032.6875)10 → ( ? )8
Here, we treat the real part and fractional part separately-
For Real Part-
The real part is (1032)10
We convert the real part from base 10 to base 8 using division method same as above.
So, (1032)10 = (2010)8
For Fractional Part-
The fractional part is (0.6875)10
We convert the fractional part from base 10 to base 8 using multiplication method.
Using multiplication method, we have-
Real part Fractional Part
0.6875 x 8 5 0.5
0.5 x 8 4 0.0
Multiply 0.6875 with 8. Result = 5.5.
Write 5 in real part and 0.5 in fractional part.
Multiply 0.5 with 8. Result = 4.0.
Write 4 in real part and 0.0 in fractional part.
Since fractional part becomes 0, so we stop.
The fractional part terminates to 0 after 2 iterations.
Traverse the real part column from top to bottom to obtain the required number in base 8.
From here, (0.6875)10 = (0.54)8
Combining the result of real and fractional parts, we have-
(1032.6875)10 = (2010.54)8
3. (172)10
(172)10 → ( ? )8
Using division method, we have-
From here, (172)10 = (254)8
4. (172.878)10
(172.878)10 → ( ? )8
Here, we treat the real part and fractional part separately-
For Real Part-
The real part is (172)10
We convert the real part from base 10 to base 8 using division method same as above.
So, (172)10 = (254)8
For Fractional Part-
The fractional part is (0.878)10
We convert the fractional part from base 10 to base 8 using multiplication method.
Using multiplication method, we have-
Real part Fractional Part
0.878 x 8 7 0.024
0.024 x 8 0 0.192
0.192 x 8 1 0.536
0.536 x 8 4 0.288
The fractional part does not terminates to 0 after several iterations.
So, let us find the value up to 4 decimal places.
Traverse the real part column from top to bottom to obtain the required number in base 8.
From here, (0.878)10 = (0.7014)8
Combining the result of real and fractional parts, we have-
(172.878)10 = (254.7014)8
Decimal to Binary Conversion | Base 10 to base 2
Before you go through this article, make sure that you have gone through the previous article on Basics of
Number System.
In number system,
It is very important to have a good knowledge of how to convert numbers from one base to another
Here, we will learn how to convert any given number from base 10 to base 2.
Decimal to Binary Conversion-
A given number can be converted from base 10 to any other base using division method and multiplication
Following two cases are possible-
Case-01: For Numbers Carrying No Fractional Part-
Division Method is used to convert such numbers from base 10 to another base.
The division is performed with the required base.
Steps To Convert From Base 10 to Base 2-
Divide the given number (in base 10) with 2 until the result finally left is less than 2.
Traverse the remainders from bottom to top to get the required number in base 2.
Case-02: For Numbers Carrying A Fractional Part-
To convert such numbers from base 10 to another base, real part and fractional part are treated separately.
For Real Part-
The steps involved in converting the real part from base 10 to another base are same as above.
For Fractional Part-
Multiplication Method is used to convert fractional part from base 10 to another base.
The multiplication is performed with the required base.
Steps To Convert From Base 10 To Base 2-
Multiply the given fraction (in base 10) with 2.
Write the real part and fractional part of the result so obtained separately.
Multiply the fractional part with 2.
Write the real part and fractional part of the result so obtained separately.
Repeat this procedure until the fractional part remains 0.
If fractional part does not terminate to 0, find the result up to as many places as required.
Required Number in Base 2
= Series of real part of multiplication results obtained in the above steps from top to bottom
Convert the following numbers from base 10 to base 2-
1. (18)10
2. (18.625)10
3. (172)10
4. (172.878)10
1. (18)10
(18)10 → ( ? )2
Using division method, we have-
From here, (18)10 = (10010)2
2. (18.625)10
(18.625)10 → ( ? )2
Here, we treat the real part and fractional part separately-
For Real Part-
The real part is (18)10
We convert the real part from base 10 to base 2 using division method same as above.
So, (18)10 = (10010)2
For Fractional Part-
The fractional part is (0.625)10
We convert the fractional part from base 10 to base 2 using multiplication method.
Using multiplication method, we have-
Real part Fractional Part
0.625 x 2 1 0.25
0.25 x 2 0 0.50
0.50 x 2 1 0
Multiply 0.625 with 2. Result = 1.25.
Write 1 in real part and 0.25 in fractional part.
Multiply 0.25 with 2. Result = 0.50.
Write 0 in real part and 0.50 in fractional part.
Multiply 0.50 with 2. Result = 1.0.
Write 1 in real part and 0.0 in fractional part.
Since fractional part becomes 0, so we stop.
The fractional part terminates to 0 after 3 iterations.
Traverse the real part column from top to bottom to obtain the required number in base 2.
From here, (0.625)10 = (0.101)2
Combining the results of real part and fractional part, we have-
(18.625)10 = (10010.101)2
3. (172)10
(172)10 → ( ? )2
Using division method, we have-
From here, (172)10 = (10101100)2
4. (172.878)10
(172.878)10 → ( ? )2
Here, we treat the real part and fractional part separately-
For Real Part-
The real part is (172)10
We convert the real part from base 10 to base 2 using division method same as above.
So, (172)10 = (10101100)2
For Fractional Part-
The fractional part is (0.878)10
We convert the fractional part from base 10 to base 2 using multiplication method.
Using multiplication method, we have-
Real part Fractional Part
0.878 x 2 1 0.756
0.756 x 2 1 0.512
0.512 x 2 1 0.024
0.024 x 2 0 0.048
The fractional part does not terminates to 0 after several iterations.
So, let us find the value up to 4 decimal places.
Traverse the real part column from top to bottom to obtain the required number in base 2.
From here, (0.878)10 = (0.1110)2
Combining the results of real part and fractional part, we have-
(172.878)10 = (10101100.1110)2
Convert to Base 10 | Number System Conversions
Before you go through this article, make sure that you have gone through the previous article on Basics of
Number System.
In number system,
It is very important to have a good knowledge of how to convert numbers from one base to another
Here, we will learn how to convert any given number from any base to base 10.
Converting to Base 10-
A given number can be converted from any base to base 10 using Expansion Method.
According to expansion method, if is any given number in base x, then its value in base 10 is given as-
( = (ax2 + bx + c + dx-1 + ex-2)10
To use expansion method for conversion,
Assign position number to each digit of the given number.
Digits to the left of decimal are numbered starting from 0.
Digits to the right of decimal are numbered starting from -1.
Write a term for each digit as digit x (base of given number)position number of digit
Perform the addition of all terms to obtain the number in base 10.
This formula can be expanded for any number of digits.
Convert the following numbers to base 10-
1. (10010)2
2. (254)8
3. (AC)16
4. (10010.101)2
5. (254.7014)8
6. (AC.FBA5)16
7. (0.1402)8
8. (0.ABDF)16
1. (10010)2
(10010)2 → ( ? )10
Using expansion method, we have-
= ( 1 x 24 + 0 x 23 + 0 x 22 + 1 x 21 + 0 x 20 )10
= ( 16 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 0 )10
= ( 18 )10
2. (254)8
(254)8 → ( ? )10
Using expansion method, we have-
= ( 2 x 82 + 5 x 81 + 4 x 80 )10
= ( 128 + 40 + 4 )10
= ( 172 )10
3. (AC)16
(AC)16 → ( ? )10
Using expansion method, we have-
= ( A x 161 + C x 160 )10
= ( 10 x 16 + 12 x 1 )10
= ( 160 + 12 )10
= ( 172 )10
4. (10010.101)2
(10010.101)2 → ( ? )10
Using expansion method, we have-
= ( 1 x 24 + 0 x 23 + 0 x 22 + 1 x 21 + 0 x 20 + 1 x 2-1 + 0 x 2-2 + 1 x 2-3 )10
= ( 16 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 0.5 + 0.125 )10
= ( 18.625 )10
5. (254.7014)8
(254.7014)8 → ( ? )10
Using expansion method, we have-
= ( 2 x 82 + 5 x 81 + 4 x 80 + 7 x 8-1 + 0 x 8-2 + 1 x 8-3 + 4 x 8-4 )10
= ( 128 + 40 + 4 + 0.875 + 0.0019 + 0.0009 )10
= ( 172.8778 )10
6. (AC.FBA5)16
(AC.FBA5)16 → ( ? )10
Using expansion method, we have-
= ( A x 161 + C x 160 + F x 16-1 + B x 16-2 + A x 16-3 + 5 x 16-4 )10
= ( 10 x 16 + 12 x 1 + 15 x 16-1 + 11 x 16-2 + 10 x 16-3 + 5 x 16-4 )10
= ( 160 + 12 + 0.9375 + 0.0429 + 0.0024 + 0.0001 )10
= ( 172.9829 )10
7. (0.1402)8
(0.1402)8 → ( ? )10
Using expansion method, we have-
= ( 0 x 80 + 1 x 8-1 + 4 x 8-2 + 0 x 8-3 + 2 x 8-4 )10
= ( 0 + 0.125 + 0.0625 + 0 + 0.0005 )10
= ( 0.188 )10
8. (0.ABDF)16
(0.ABDF)16 → ( ? )10
Using expansion method, we have-
= ( 0 x 160 + A x 16-1 + B x 16-2 + D x 16-3 + F x 16-4 )10
= ( 0 x 1 + 10 x 16-1 + 11 x 16-2 + 13 x 16-3 + 15 x 16-4 )10
= ( 0 + 0.625 + 0.0429 + 0.0032 + 0.0002 )10
= ( 0.6713 )10
To gain better understanding about Conversion to Base 10,