Sudan: National Investment Profile
Sudan: National Investment Profile
Sudan: National Investment Profile
Water for
Agriculture and
December 2015
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
Sudan is endowed with many natural resources, among which cultivable land that is estimated
at 74 million hectares, only 25 percent of which is currently under cultivation. Agriculture is the
hub of economic activity and people’s livelihood in the country.
Sudan’s agriculture sector contributes around 30 percent to the GDP, provides livelihood to
approximately two-thirds of the population, employs about 60 percent of the labor force and
supplies raw material needed by the agro-based industries and generates demand for industrial
consumer goods. It supplies about all people’s requirements of sorghum and millet, which
together form the bulk of the staple food, in addition to most of the domestic needs for oil
seeds, vegetables, fruits and livestock products. Nevertheless, increasing amounts of wheat are
being imported due to short domestic supply. The agriculture contribution to exports has
drastically declined having been affected by oil production.
Both the agriculture’s current status and potential perspective largely hinge on its considerably
diversified ecosystem ranging from desert to high rainfall savannah. The agricultural sector is
commonly typified into three sub-sectors: irrigated, traditional rainfed and semi-mechanized
rainfed in addition to a livestock sector accommodated within these sectors and the natural
rangelands and forests lying therein.
Despite the huge resources, the agriculture sector performance has not lived up to its
paramount potential. This is reflected by sluggish agricultural GDP growth falling way below
other economic sectors, a declining GDP share in the economy, slowly growing cereal grains
production with high annual variability and declining per capita production. This has followed
disappointing growth in production in all three crop-based agriculture subsectors.
Agricultural productivity is low; lying below regional and global averages and is further declining
in trend. As revealed by research findings, a high potential exists for raising productivity by
many folds. Due to the disappointing performance of the agricultural sector, food insecurity is
high, with incidence averaging 33 percent but rising to 44 percent in some states.
The hunger gap varies from 249 to 389 Kcal per capita per day. It is evident that states with high
intensities of irrigation have low food insecurity; this demonstrates the importance of irrigation
and water management. Food access is partly impaired by food price surges and high poverty
incidence, averaging 46 percent but climbing to 58 percent in rural Sudan. The nutrition
situation is poor resulting in high rates of child stunting, wasting and underweight.
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
Although the agriculture sector has suffered from a legacy of anti-bias oil discovery has largely
added to its neglect. The drastic impact of South Sudan’s secession in 2011 that deprived Sudan
of 75 percent of the oil resources induced needed attention to agriculture, when its share
improved past 2011 from 25.8 to 29.1 percent. Feeling the high negative impact of inattention
to agriculture, government policies have been strongly advocating agricultural development.
Irrigated farming is a pivotal part of Sudan’s agriculture. Although it occupies only about 10% of
the total cropped area it contributes around 14 percent of the agriculture value added and as
much as 40 percent of the value added by the crop sector. Irrigation control is substantial in
gravity-irrigation and big pump schemes, more so in small private pump schemes, but
hazardous in flood basin irrigation.
Water resources comprise water from the River Nile and its tributaries, seasonal streams,
underground water and rainfall, estimated around 30 billion cubic meters. Current water use
exceeds availability by about 2 billion cubic meters, while future demand is expected to reach
59.2 billion by 2027. Given substantial potential for hydropower output, utilization is now only
10 percent and national electrification rate in 2009 stood at 35.9 percent. This means that the
country should exert efforts to develop more water resources and hydropower.
Climate change poses high challenges on account of the fragile ecosystems inducing frequent
droughts. Climate scenario analyses indicate expected rises in temperature and rainfall
decrease. In light of this, agriculture and water resources are considered as priority sectors
where urgent and immediate action is needed. In an attempt to address climate change and
related issues, Sudan has already completed several activities that are expected to reduce
vulnerability to the climate change impacts.
Sudan has developed various strategies and plans for its national and agricultural development
that accommodate modernization of the agriculture sector with substantial attention to
irrigation to reduce poverty and food insecurity. At the forefront of these plans is the Five-year
Plan 2015-2019, which has macroeconomic and sectoral dimensions. Within the Plan, the
agricultural sector is postulated to grow at 6.8% on average subject to institutional reform,
improvement of infrastructure and modernization in the agricultural sector.
Sudan’s water resources are governed by National Water Policy formulated in 2007, which
assigns water management responsibilities to relevant institutions, of which Ministry of Water
Resources and Electricity (now the Ministry of Water Resources, Electricity and Irrigation) and
the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests have high involvement. On the other hand, the Ministry
of Water Resources and Electricity has most responsibility and control of renewable energy
development in the country.
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
Sudan’s irrigation investment envelope comprises 38 on-going projects and 28 pipeline projects
with costs averaging USD127 and USD128 million per project, respectively with highly unequal
distribution of investment cost per project.
The total investment is estimated at US$9 286 million and the average annual agricultural
budget is US$929 million, which is 1.25 percent of Sudan’s GDP. As much as 40% of the
envelope is allocated to large scale hydropower projects, indicating changing priority areas of
investment from irrigation to hydropower. Only 7 percent is allocated to the development of
new small scale irrigation schemes, which defeats objectives of poverty eradication. The
analysis shows sharp negative relation between time and investment due to government
planned budget of a maximum of 8 years. This imposes an adverse effect on the sustainability
of agricultural growth. Investment in rehabilitation of existing hydropower plants is
insignificant, likely signaling underinvestment in O&M of hydropower projects with the danger
of irrigation schemes to be inoperative.
Besides the Government of Sudan, funding comes from a number of international donors and
private funding partners. Funding partners are diverse for the pipeline projects, indicating a
favorable situation for sustainability. On the other hand, high dependence on donor financing
entails risks of likely withdrawal. The investment portfolio will develop or rehabilitate about 7.8
million ha with different disaggregation per crop type between ongoing and pipeline projects.
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................................................... 6
1. CONTEXT .............................................................................................................................. 8
Agriculture ............................................................................................................................................ 8
Hydropower ........................................................................................................................................ 20
4 CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................... 39
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
This chapter will give an introduction into the contextual information of agriculture and food
security (chapter 1.1), water resources and hydropower (chapter 1.2) and climate change in
Sudan (chapter 1.3).
Although lost about one quarter of its area after South Sudan secession in 2011, Sudan still
ranks third in area among the African countries after Algeria and the Democratic Republic of
Congo. It extends over 1.86 million square kilometres and hosts a total population of 39.35
million according to the World Development Indicators (WDI 2015). Most of the population (66
percent) is rural (SUDNAIP 2015).
Sudan is blessed with enormous cultivable land, estimated at 74 million hectares, out of which
only some 19 million hectares (25 percent) are currently under cultivation. Sudan’s agriculture
is the hub of economic activity and people’s livelihood in the country. Both the agriculture’s
current status and potential perspective largely hinge on its considerably diversified ecosystem.
The pattern of its ecosystem depicts five vegetation zones contingent on the rainfall gradient
along the North-South axis (HCENR 2014). These are desert, semi-desert, low rainfall savannah
and high rainfall savannah with respective rainfall ranges of 0-75, 75-300, 300-500, 500-900 and
500-900 mm in addition to Montane vegetation in the 500-900 mm range. In the northern drier
zone and except for intermittently utilized scattered wadis, agriculture is mainly practiced along
the Nile banks, exclusively under irrigation. As rainfall increases southwards, rain-fed cropping
and livestock rearing spreads over the expanses of the country together with irrigated farming,
which is nevertheless mainly located within the reaches of the Nile and its tributaries; largely
within the 300-500 m rainfall zone. Major flood basin modes of irrigation are located in the
eastern part of the country. The sector provided forms a safeguard in the case of critical
drought conditions in the country.
Given this ecosystem distribution, the agricultural sector is commonly typified into three sub-
sectors: irrigated, traditional rainfed and semi-mechanized rainfed in addition to a livestock
sector accommodated within these sectors and the natural rangelands and forests lying
therein. Covering around 10 million ha, the traditional rainfed subsector is by far the largest
crop sector in area, largely found in the sand soils of western Sudan but also practiced in
various areas across the country. Cropping practices comprise minimal land preparation and
traditional practices with hardly any use of modern inputs. Various food and cash crops are
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
Sudan’s agriculture sector provides livelihood to approximately two-thirds of the population (as
of 2013), employs about 60 percent of the labor force and supplies raw material such as cotton
lint, oil seeds and livestock products needed by the agro-based industries and generates
demand for industrial consumer goods (SDNAIP 2015). In general, agricultural supplies about all
people’s requirements of sorghum and millet, which together form the bulk of the staple food.
Nevertheless, increasing amounts of wheat are being imported because wheat domestic
production runs short of satisfying its ever rising demand. Likewise, the sector produces most of
the domestic needs for oil seeds, vegetables, fruits and livestock products.
With a share of about 32% in the GDP in 2014 (Central Bank of Sudan 2014), agriculture is a
major contributor to the economy; coming second to services, which accounts for 52%. Before
oil discovery at the turn of this century, Sudan used to get most of its foreign exchange earnings
from agricultural exports. Statistics of the Central Bank of Sudan reveal a 57% agriculture share
in the export proceeds in 1999; decreasing to 23% in the following year and eventually
dwindling to a current contribution of around 4%. The basket of major agricultural export
commodities has continued to comprise live animals, sesame, gum Arabic, cotton, melon seed
and modest amounts of groundnuts.
Despite the tangible role of agriculture, the enormous agricultural potential that gives promise
for agriculture to take lead in the country’s economic growth and livelihood improvement has
not been adequately exploited. According to the FAO statistics, out of a total Sudan’s area of
close to 188 million ha, 109 million ha (or 58%) was agricultural area in 2011 (post South Sudan
Secession); a proxy to a huge agricultural potential. Arable land (land under temporary
agricultural crops, pasture, gardens and fallow) of 17.1 million ha made about only 16% of the
agricultural area; which signals high potential for agricultural expansion. Although South
Sudan’s secession reduced the former Sudan’s total land area by about a quarter and increased
the area classified as arid from 65% to 90% of total area, three-quarters of the former
It is currently the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
agricultural land area still remains in the country and the cultivated area remains almost
unchanged. On the other hand, it can be generalized that most of Sudan’s soil types do not face
unmanageable constraints that impair agricultural production such as high water tables or
presence of salinity (Ali, 1996).
The agriculture sector’s performance has not lived up to its paramount potential. Some of the
important performance indicators are the trends in the sector’s position in the economy and in
agricultural production and productivity. For instance, Fig. 1 traces the development of
agriculture GDP compared with that of the rest of the economy, measured in million USD at
constant 2005 USD. The poor performance of agriculture is apparent with its GDP trend value
falling way below that of the rest of the economy – measuring only 14%.
Figure 1: Agriculture and rest of economy sectors GDPs at constant 2005 USD, 2000-2014 (million USD)
Likewise, the agriculture share in the overall GDP has been on the downfall (Table 1). It has
declined from an average of 41.3
percent during 2000-2003 to Table 1: Periodic average shares of agriculture in GDP 2000-
29.1 percent over the past three
years. The pattern of the share 2000/03 2004/06 2007/11 2012/14
is closely related to the
development of the oil sector, Share in GDP (%) 41.3 32.0 25.8 29.1
which produced rising proceeds Source: Derived from World Bank, WDI
peaking in 2007 and 2008.
During the oil boom, agriculture had been left behind. The drastic effect of South Sudan’s
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
secession that deprived Sudan of 75% of the oil resources induced needed attention to
agriculture, when its share improved past 2011 from 25.8 to 29.1 percent.
The overall disappointing agriculture sector performance is obviously the product of the
performance of the individual subsectors. Except for the livestock subsector, all subsectors
revealed approximately constant shares from 2000 until 2005, after which the shares were
almost steadily declining (SDNAIP 2015). Grouping of the shares in the form of averages in two
periods, shown by Figure 2, depicts a sharp drop in the irrigated sector’s share by almost half.
This is attributable to the deterioration of the largest irrigated scheme in the country – the
Gezira Scheme – following the issuance of a ‘Gezira Scheme Law 2005’ that gave greater
decision-making powers to farmers in the administration and production process and made
shifts in the institutional setting of irrigation water delivery to the scheme. It is likely that the
shift disrupted a time-long running system without adequate preparedness. A notable rise is
evident for the livestock sector, which seems to receive more attention.
Figure 2: Average shares of the major agriculture sub-sectors in Agric. GDP (%), 2000-2005/2006-2014
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
Production patterns in the three subsectors follow a similar pattern. Table 2 reveals almost
consistently decreasing production in the irrigated system, variable and also decreasing trend in
the traditional rain-fed system, and an increasing yet highly variable mechanized rain-fed
production. Average annual trend values for the three systems could be respectively derived as
-128, -14 and 85 thousand tons (Abdelrazing and Faki 2014).
Agricultural productivity is the agriculture performance indicator that has been attracting the
highest concern; logically due its high direct consequence on the performance of the sector as a
whole and indirect ones on the livelihoods and economy. Regional and global comparison of
Sudan’s agricultural productivity is shown in Figure 4 with respect to three important products.
Sudan’s yields of sorghum, groundnuts and sesame are respectively 65, 80 and 53 percent of
the Africa average and only 44 to 48 percent of the world’s average.
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
Figure 4: Comparison of yields of sorghum, sesame and groundnuts (kg/ha), averages 2003-2012
1200 1400
Not only crop yields are low, but there are strong indications that they are rather deteriorating
over time. This is best illustrated by cereal yields under different crop subsectors in recent
years. Figure 5 portrays down-trending yields per unit area in all three main crop subsectors
and Sudan’s average. The figure reveals the superiority of irrigated agriculture compared to the
humble rainfed yields, both traditional and mechanized. The low productivity under these
systems pulled Sudan’s average closer to the dry land productivity. Yield trends can be derived
to display negatives of 74.6, 0.6 and 2.6 kg/ha annually for the irrigated, mechanized rain-fed
and traditional rain-fed systems, respectively and an overall negative of 14.0 kg/ha. Despite
higher yields of irrigated crops and a generally lower poverty incidence in dominantly irrigated
areas (PRSP 2012), the declining yield trend there signals a deteriorating situation where both
poverty and food security will be on the increase.
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
Figure 5: Average yields of cereals under main subsectors and in Sudan, 2007-2012 (kg/ha)
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
Figure 6: Yield gaps of major crops in some states, averages in the period 1985/86 -2004/2005
Irrigated farming is a pivotal part of Sudan’s agriculture. Although it occupies only about 10% of
the total cropped area it contributes around 14% of the agriculture value added and as much as
40 percent of the value added by the crop sector. Highly controlled irrigation systems exist in a
wide range of schemes under two main systems, namely gravity irrigation and water pumping
from rivers or ground water. Gravity irrigation from dams comprised the Gezira and New Halfa
Schemes with a total area of about one million ha. Rahad Scheme uses both water pumped
from the Blue Nile and water flowing in the Rahad seasonal stream. The major remainder of
irrigated agriculture exists in pump schemes in the Northern, River Nile, Blue Nile, White Nile
and Suki Scheme in Sennar State; together making some 360,000 ha. A large number of small
private pump schemes in various states. Water distribution used to be under relatively strict
control by the Irrigation ministry in most of the irrigation schemes. A hierarchical system of
canalization is in place that governs water distribution from the water source to farms. In later
years, many of these schemes underwent a restructuring regime that transferred the water
management, among other functions, to farmers’ organizations; apparently with doubtful
success. Water control seems to be more efficient in small private pump schemes. A
considerable part of irrigated agriculture is under basin irrigation, mainly in Gash and Baraka
deltas in eastern Sudan where seasonal rivers’ waters are directed to flood fields through earth
banks where water stored in the soil is used to grow annual crops. Water control under this
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
system is rather arduous and often cases of inequitable distribution of water, excess flooding,
and drought occur.
Food Security
Food availability is jeopardized by high variability and, as discussed earlier, domestic availability
of cereal grains per capita is downward trending mostly due to low productivity. Sudan has
been experiencing incidents of food shortages due to droughts and civil conflicts. Food
insecurity is largely influenced by rainfall, which supports the production of more than 70% of
staple commodities (i.e. sorghum and millet). For example, the poor harvest of 2013/2014
season was about 48% lower than the previous year’s crop and 68% lower than the five-year
Food access is partly impaired by the recurring food price surges at the global level and ever-
rising domestic food prices that are partly a consequence of local inflation. Food access is
aggravated by low incomes and high poverty, averaging 47 percent in the country, but
especially enormous in rural areas (reaching 58 percent compared with 27 percent in urban
areas). Poor food utilization is induced by high poverty, poor access to water and sanitation,
inadequate health care, low education and nutritional awareness. The country indicators show
a nutritionally poor situation where, along with diseases, inadequate dietary intake is key to
food and nutrition insecurity. In addition, low food quality, as determined by deficient
nutritional content, inadequate safety measures and poor processing attributes poses various
challenges. With nutrition deficiency, high rates of child stunting, wasting and underweight
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
have been recorded (Ministry of Agriculture 2014). Underweight among children less than 5
years old measured 29.6 percent, infant mortality rate reached 71 and maternal mortality rate
was 534. Only 65% of the population has access to clean drinking while 42 percent have access
to improved sanitation facilities. The economic crisis after the secession of South Sudan
together with seasonal shortages and ongoing conflicts resulted in worsening of the food
security and nutrition situation in 2014. The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC)
estimated people affected by food insecurity to increase from 4.2 million to 4.8 million during
August-October 2014 (FAO, 2014).
Food security challenges require concerted efforts to avail food in a sustainable manner,
diversify domestic production for expansion of high value products such as vegetables and
livestock products, increase employment and improve on the various social services of
education health care, clean water supply and sanitation.
Food Self-Sufficiency
The country’s vulnerability is evident in the fact that food self-sufficiency and food security in
Sudan is mainly determined by rainfall, particularly in rural areas. Sudan is generally self-
sufficient in basic foods, albeit with important inter-annual and geographical variations, and
with wide regional and household disparities in food security prevailing across the country.
Generally, the sector has succeeded to keep up with the increasing demand for the traditionally
staple grains sorghum and millet (Figure 7), but has failed to keep up with the rapid demand for
wheat (Figure 8). Sorghum production usually satisfies consumption with small exports in good
years and small imports in years of low production. However, for wheat, the production and
consumption situations reflect a variable and increasing gap between domestic production and
actual consumption demand (Figure 8). Such increasing gap has been catered for through
imports. Wheat imports increased from around 100,000 tons in 1971 to 2,314,200 tons in 2013.
Consequently, and according to information provided by the National Wheat Program, the
value of wheat imports increased from less than US$ 360 thousand in 1970s to over one billion
dollars in 2013 Between 2006 and 2014, the wheat self-sufficiency ranged between 10% to
about 40%, with an average of 24%.
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
Figure 7: Production and consumption of sorghum and millet (000 tons), 2006-2014
Figure 8: Wheat production, consumption (000 tons) and self sufficiency (%)
At the sector level, agriculture trade situation is showing a higher gap between imports and
exports reflected in the deficit of the agriculture trade balance (Figure 9).
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
y = 177.54x - 54.945
$ million
y = 6.0636x + 387.16
Exports Imports Linear (Imports) Linear (Exports)
Surface Water
Water resources in Sudan comprise three main categories, the Nile system; surface water from
rainfall and wadis (seasonal non-Nilotic streams), and groundwater. The average annual flow of
the Nile recorded at Aswan, Egypt, is estimated at 84 bcm (billion cubic meters). Evaporation is
estimated at 10 bcm and the balance of 74 bcm is divided between Egypt (55.5 bcm) and Sudan
(18.5 bcm at Aswan) according to the 1959 Nile Water’s Agreement between the two countries.
Flood basin waters comprise Gash and Baraka seasonal rivers as the largest basins, which
originate from Eritrea and flow between July and September. Their average annual runoffs are
estimated at 0.6 and 0.5 bcm, respectively. Wadis of Azum, Hawar, Kaja, Ebra, Toal, Elkou and
Salih are the largest wadis in western Sudan supplied from rainfall, with an estimated annual
runoffs ranging from 120 to 500 mcm (million cubic meters) (Adam 1993). Including these, the
combined total annual runoff of some 40 wadis in Sudan is estimated to vary from 5 to 7 bcm
(Eltyeb, 2002) with an average about 6.7 bcm, which is largely unutilized except for about 0.16
bcm used for domestic purposes (Republic of Sudan 2006). This was then made possible by the
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
construction of 63 barrages across the wadis to store 130 mcm and 840 (hafirs) to store about
26 mcm. However, within the last ten years or so, many expansions in water harvesting have
been made that have certainly raised the utilization of otherwise lost runoff water. Sudan’s
Agricultural Revival Program (ARP) 2008-2011 allocated 11% of its five-year budget of a little
more than SDG4.819 and was reported to have constructed 12 dams and 219 hafirs in the
rainfed sector (High Council for Agricultural Revival 2008; undated). In ARP’s second phase
2012-2014, it was envisaged to construct 45 Dams and 165 hafirs, but no information could be
sourced for actual implementation. On the other hand, the Dams Unit of the Ministry of Water
Resources, Irrigation and Electricity (MWRIE) implemented a total of 345 water harvesting
projects during 2010-2014 comprising 291 dams and hafirs in which 89.5 mcm have been
harvested, in addition to 54 projects on water services (WRIE website). Further, water
harvesting activities have been implemented by IFAD where, for example, rain-water harvesting
for crops have benefited some 6775 beneficiaries in various regions during IFAD’s COSOP 2009-
2012 and is planned to continue within the ongoing IFAD’s COSOP 2003-2018 (IFAD 2013).
Rainfall in Sudan is generally erratic, varying according to the zones identified earlier.
Renewable groundwater is estimated at 4 bcm and is found in Nubian Sandstones, Umm
Ruwaba Formation and alluvial deposits.
Irrigated agriculture is by far the major user of water in Sudan. It consumes more than 90% of
the water; human and animal consumption shares are estimated at 5% and 1% is estimated for
the industrial and other uses (Figure 10). In 2010, the total water used was estimated at 32.1
bcm and, as shown in Figure 6, is shared by irrigation (27.1 bcm), animal consumption (3.9
bcm), and other uses (1.1 bcm). The main crops grown under irrigation are cotton, sorghum,
groundnuts and wheat.
Owing to storage capacity expansion created by heightening of Roseires dam and other
irrigation development projects, and the planned expansion in irrigated areas, the irrigation
needs are projected to reach about 42.5 bcm by 2027, while human and animal usage and
other domestic and industrial needs are projected at 10.1 bcm. If evaporation from the
reservoirs of the proposed hydropower development projects is added (6.6 bcm) the total
demand would be 59.2 bcm (Abdalla and Mohamed 2002).
Sudan’s potential for hydropower output is estimated at 4,920 MW. However, only 10% of the
hydroelectric power is currently utilized. There are more than 200 suitable sites for the use of
in-stream turbines along the Blue Nile and the main Nile. The country's main hydroelectricity
generating facility is the 280-MW Roseires dam located on the Blue Nile river basin,
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
approximately 315 miles southeast of Khartoum. Recent capacity additions have included the
1,250 MW Merowe dam, commissioned in 2009 and now in full operation. In addition to Setit
and Upper Atbara dam, which is almost completed, several power generating dams along the
Nile system have being planned for and are in the pipeline (Figure 11). Significant capacity
additions have been made in recent years (1,980 MW from 2003-2011), however, the
government’s current target of 3,383 MW of total capacity by 2016 is still appearing overly
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
The national electrification rate in 2009 stood at 35.9%. Approximately 27.1 million people lack
access to electricity in the country. Urban electrification in 2009 was roughly 52% compared to
28% for rural electrification. Domestic power consumption dominates the market, with
approximately 65% of electricity consumption being attributable to the sector. The government
has announced plans to raise the country's electrification level from an estimated 35% to about
90% in the mid-term. Large investments into the medium and low voltage distribution grids are
on-going, but not sufficient to reach this ambitious goal within the government's allocated time
Sudan is a country of fragile ecosystems, frequent droughts and, as a result, pressing challenges
to address the national priorities of food security, water supply, and public health. An
examination of Sudan’s ecological zones indicates that the majority of its area is quite
vulnerable to changes in temperature and precipitation. More than two thirds of the country’s
area can be classified as desert or semi-desert and less than a quarter as arid Savannah.
Inherent vulnerability is evident from the fact that food security is mainly determined by rainfall
where 70 percent of the population lives in rural areas (MEPD 2003) with high agriculture
Factors that will exacerbate the effect of climate change include the dismantling of traditional
institutions and traditional regulations led by tribal leaders and underpinned by indigenous
knowledge, which have largely been ignored in policy formulation for climate change.
Traditional resource managers used to play important roles in the management of natural
resources through providing participation-enabling structures in response to the felt needs of
communities (Yagoub 2013). Traditional forms of collective work are deeply rooted in Sudanese
culture e. g. Nafir (collective work) under the guidance of local leaders. The local communities
willingly participate in opening fire lines, control bushfire and fight bird and locust attack. This is
based on labor contribution by members of the society to manage common property (natural
resources) for the benefit of all. Land use is organized by tribally-based management system
within which the right of use is recognized and communally managed. This applies to sedentary
and mobile pastoral communities. The system is supported by equity of use right and social
customs governing the use of common property resources. Although the traditional system has
been largely dismantled due to shifts in government policy as well as due to long-standing
conflicts, the traditional resource managers have continued to function; a situation calling for
the inclusion of this system in decision making on natural resources.
Climate scenario analyses conducted as part of the preparation of Sudan's First National
Communications indicate that average temperatures are expected to rise significantly relative
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
to baseline expectations. By 2060 projected warming ranges from 1.5 oC to 3.1o C during August
and from 1.1oC to 2.1oC during January. Results from some of the models show an average
rainfall decrease of about 6 mm per month during the rainy season (MEPD 2003).
Sudan's First National Communications identified agriculture and water resources as priority
sectors where urgent and immediate action is needed. For agriculture, climate variability and
climate change are likely to intensify the ongoing process of desertification of arable areas.
Areas in the north would become increasingly unsuitable for agriculture and crop production is
predicted to decline substantially for both millet and sorghum (main staple cereals). Regarding
water resources, reduced groundwater recharge would result from decreased precipitation or
increased temperature and evaporation. When confounded with increased water consumption
through population growth, a looming water crisis is likely to emerge.
Decision Support System for Agro-technology Transfer (DSSAT) crop simulation model was used
to compute the potential impact on the yields of main crops (Taha and Waithaka 2013). The
results of the model show a yield loss of 5 to 25 percent of baseline (2000 climate) over most of
the country’s sorghum harvest area. In the marginal cultivated areas of the semi-dry zone,
three of the four models show some loss of baseline area. These results would have serious
implications for food security as sorghum is the main staple cereal grain supporting the rural
For wheat, all four models show negative impact, ranging from a complete loss of baseline area
(area not suitable for production) to a yield loss of between 5 percent and over 25 percent of
baseline. The most affected areas will be central Sudan (Gezira scheme and along the White
and Blue Niles) and part of the River Nile state. While these areas, particularly central Sudan,
produce 75 percent of Sudan’s wheat, they are considered marginal areas for wheat production
because current temperatures are unsuitably warm for wheat growing. The challenge to
research will be to develop appropriate wheat production technology which would mitigate the
effect of climate change. Such technologies could include drought and heat stress resistant
varieties and improved water management regimes. This result judges the situation of wheat
production in Sudan as a winter crop grown in marginal areas and thus highly sensitive to
climate change, particularly temperature.
In an attempt to address climate change and related issues, Sudan has already completed
several activities. It has ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) in 2003 and submitted its initial national communication the same year. It also
completed in 2007 the development and implementation of Sudan’s National Adaptation
Programme of Action (NAPA), which focuses on major impacts and vulnerabilities. Further, the
National Adaptation Plan (NAP) was developed in 2014. The Plan intends to reduce vulnerability
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
to the impacts of climate change through building local adaptive capacity and resilience and
facilitating the integration of climate change adaptation into relevant new and existing policies,
programmes and activities. Accordingly, major adaptation activities and needs have been
identified for agriculture and water resources management. These include adaptation
technology options for water resources and others for agriculture. Those for water resources
comprise promotion of greater use of effective traditional water conservation practices,
introduction of new water harvesting/spreading techniques, rehabilitation of existing dams and
improvement of water basin infrastructure, introduction of water conservation and agricultural
land management practices, construction of dams and water storage facilities in water valleys,
improvement in access to ground water supplies (pumps), enhancement of capabilities of
regional meteorological stations, and extension services in water capture and storage
techniques for small-scale farmers. Adaptation technology options for agriculture, on the other
hand, address drought/heat tolerant and early maturing crop varieties, better water-use
efficiency, improved farming practices, alternative crops/varieties/cropping patterns, alley
cropping/intercropping, soil moisture conserving techniques, alternative crop rotations,
enhanced water requirements under different climatic change scenarios, and adopting soil and
water conservation practices (conservation agriculture).
Sudan’s overarching development agenda is realization of the MDGs which has been ratified by
the 2005 Constitution as a prerequisite for achieving socio-economic stability in Sudan. On the
road towards achieving the MDGs, Sudan has developed and implemented a number of
strategies and plan. The quarter centurial development strategy (2007 – 2031) launched in 2006
as the master development strategy included strong references and commitments to the MDGs
serves as the reference for medium and short term development plans and strategies. These
Sudan’s Poverty Reduction strategy Paper (2011-2016) having four pillars: (i)
strengthening governance and institutional capacity of the public sector; (ii)
reintegrating internally displaced persons and other displaced populations; (iii)
developing human resources; and (iv) promoting economic growth and employment
First Five-Year Development plans 2007 – 2011 and 2012 – 2016. The two Five-Year
Development Plans serve as growth oriented strategies with primary focus on
sustainable development and poverty reduction in the medium-term.
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
Under the framework of overall development policies (mentioned above) and the
Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), Sudan has
prepared different policy documents and investment plans regarding agriculture and
food security. Following the signing of CAADP Compact in July 2013, Sudan embarked on
the preparation of its National Investment Plan (SDNAIP), which is now in the process of
ratification. Sudan’s CAADP Compact was mainly based on Sudan’s Agricultural Revival
Program 2008-2011 (ARP 2008). In addition to the ARP, the SDNAIP made reference to
all plans and strategies of the country, which all put agriculture in the forefront of
development in the country to reduce dependence on oil and realize food security and
poverty reduction. Within the SDNAIP, irrigated agriculture formed a major component
due to its vital role in achieving the priority national objectives. Among other,
establishment of a modernized well-managed rain-fed, irrigated and livestock
production systems furnished with adequate infrastructural facilities formed an
important objective.
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
Based on Sudan’s long-term strategy 2007-2032, the government has formulated its Five-year
Plan 2015-2019. Beside addressing improvements in many macroeconomic indicators the Plan
encourages private sector investment and industrial progress including agricultural agro-
processing for many products including sugar, vegetable oil, flour, hides and textiles. Raising
agricultural productivity in both crop and livestock sectors to international levels and reducing
agricultural production costs formed an important objective. The government aims within the
agricultural sector to reduce the trade balance gap and achieve a tangible increase in the supply
of food commodities to reduce their prices and reduce people’s livelihood burdens. It is
envisaged that the agricultural sector grows at 6.8% on average. Policies set in the plan include
the continuation of institutional reform by restructuring the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests
as well as the administration of the irrigated agricultural schemes along with establishing
bodies to the run agricultural activities in the Nile states (Northern, River Nile, Sennar and
White Nile). Modern production systems are planned to be introduced in all of the existing
irrigation schemes in addition to the development of agriculture in the traditional and
mechanized rainfed sectors and provision of needed infrastructure such as roads, water and
improved seeds. Further, policies include expansion in field water harvesting and
supplementary irrigation in the traditional rainfed sector. The livestock sector is foreseen for
increasing livestock numbers and enhancing the output of various livestock products.
Water Resources
The National Water Policy (NWP) was formulated in 2007 coming as a single policy document
covering many aspects of water resources management, utilization and protection. It has
objectives bring together and clarify existing policy; to review and adapt water policy to meet
changing circumstances within the country; to ensure that the water resources of Sudan are
properly managed, protected, and efficiently utilized for the benefits of all; to provide the basis
for the ongoing development of water related regulations and legislations; and to strengthen
and rationalize water related institutions in both the public and private sectors in Sudan.
However, having been preceded by an earlier version in 1999, neither of the two policy
documents has been officially approved and the MWRIE as revealed in the validation workshop
of this document whereby the MWRIE is working on formulating a water policy document.
Several institutions are concerned with AWM in Sudan. The key ones are the Ministry of Water
Resources and Electricity (MWRE), and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests (MAF) and a
range of directorates falling therein, which are directly involved in AWM. Outside these
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
ministries, the Agricultural Research Corporation and the University of Gezira are conducting
research and capacity building in the water sector. The Ministry of Water Resources and
Electricity (MWRE) is mandated with the formulation of policies and plans to develop and
modernize water resources and rationalize their use. It also has the mandate of drafting
regulations and of service delivery. Such functions are performed at the national level. MWRE
also assumes the political leadership and engineers in the relevant directorate implement key
decisions for the agricultural water sector. Responsibilities of the Ministry extend to include the
management of agricultural water services, tariff collection, water quality control, water supply
network maintenance, auditing of relevant institutions, licensing and collection of users’
complaints. It is further forms the authority in risk mitigation and risk sharing mechanisms. The
Ministry of Agriculture and irrigation is mandated with creating an enabling policy and
institutional environment for agricultural development and sustainable use of land and
irrigation water resources and to promote and facilitate sustainable production in agriculture
for food security and poverty alleviation. The State’s governments usually provide water
services but at local levels.
Legislations regulating uses of water resources in Sudan, which are currently in force, are the
Irrigation and Drainage Act (1990) and the Water Resources Act (1995). The Water Resources
Act of 1995 established the National Council of Water Resources with wide functions and
authorities to regulate and monitor utilization of water resources from different sources (Nile,
non-Nile and ground water courses) for various function (irrigation, drinking water, industry,
hydro power and sanitation). In addition, there are several other pieces of legislation which
illustrate a variety of different policies and govern the use of water resources for irrigation in
Gezira scheme and the Gash Delta Agricultural Corporation.
The MWRE takes responsibility of reviewing the current status of renewable energy
development in Sudan, assessing future prospects and proposing a master plan for policy
development and systematic implementation of programs for promoting and commercialization
of renewable energy applications including appropriate institutional structure and linkages.
Moreover, the Ministry facilitates, through the master plan, a progressively increasing
contribution from renewable sources of energy as part of the national energy balance and thereby
helps to improve energy services especially in rural areas, reduce dependence on conventional
energy, and lead to environmentally sound and sustainable development.
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
The investment envelope is a matrix that presents current and planned investment in the
development of water resources for agriculture and hydropower production in a given country.
The investment envelope is produced through the application of AgWA’s Financial Diagnostic
Tool. This tool processes project-based information to derive the investment estimates at
country level. The fundamental project information to plug in the tool is: project description,
project characteristics, funding partners, time-scale, total costs and type of project.
The Financial Diagnostic Tool also incorporates a number of variables such as the project cost
distribution over time and the relevance of the water component as a percentage of the total
cost in order to develop a detailed analysis of investment. A currency conversion application
(annual average of historical foreign exchange rates) is built in this model to present the output
in a single currency.
Nonetheless, the adoption of the second pound (SDG) in 2007 and the secession of South
Sudan in 2011 limited data availability of historical foreign exchange rate to such a degree that
this analysis assumes constant SDG/US$ rates for the years 2015-2018.
2. Rehabilitation/modernization of irrigation
This tool also supports conducting complementary financial analyses such as investment by
type of project, investment by source of funding, investment by timespan of the project,
hectares to develop or rehabilitate by crop, etc. These complementary financial analyses are
presented in Figures 6 to 16.
Small scale: < 500 hectares, large scale: > 500 hectares
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
The investment envelope (Table 2) presents investment estimates according to the project
characteristics mentioned above and distributed over three time scales: short-term (less than 4
years), medium-term (between 4 and 8 years), and long-term (more than 8 years)3.
In the case of Sudan, the investment envelope has been calculated based on 38 on-going
projects and 28 pipeline projects.These projects are presented in Annex 1 (table 1.1 for on-
going projects and 1.2 for pipeline projects). The on-going projects range from a cost of about
US$250 000 to a maximum of US$1500 million (Table 1). The investment costs of pipeline
projects range between a minimum of US$220 000 and a maximum of US$1525 million. The
average investment costs of on-going projects and pipeline projects are respectively US$127
million and US$258 million.
A closer look at the distribution of costs among on-going projects (Figure 6) shows that 16
projects (42 percent of on-going projects) involvean investment of more than US$100 million. A
portfolio of 11 projects (29 percent of on-going projects) cost between US$100 million and
US$10 million; the remaining 29 percent requires an investment cost between US$8,3 million
and US$250 000. It can be observed from Figure 6 that the distribution of investment cost per
project is unequal, few projects such as the ‘upper Atbara and Setit Dams Projects: Construction
of irrigation structures to irrigate 420 000 hectares’ project (US$1500 million) and the ‘Water
harvesting project in the states’ (US$374 million) cover the major part of the investment
The baseline year considered for the analysis is 2015. Therefore, investment in the short-term would be executed from 2015 to
the end of 2018, in the medium term, from 2019 to the end of 2022 and in the long term, from 2022 onwards.
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
However, the spread of investment cost per project is relatively equal when comparing this
distribution with the investment envelopes of other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). As
mentioned before, 42 percent of on-going projects involve an investment more than US$100
million which might indicate an equal distribution of investment in irrigation in Sudan.Figure 7
displays the distribution of investment costs of the 28 pipeline projects that will be
implemented in Sudan. The construction of the Dal, Sherik and Kajabar Dam hydropower dams
require the highest investment costs of the pipeline projects with respectively US$1525 million,
US$970 million and US$940 million. These three hydropower dams will together generate a
capacity of 1528 MW of hydroelectricity.
It can be observed that nine projects (32 percent of pipeline projects) have a planned
investment cost exceeding US$100 million; 12 of the pipeline projects (39 percent) are
recognized by a planned investment between US$100 million and US$10 million. Figure 7 also
shows the higher average investment cost of pipeline projects with US$258 million.
The relevance numbers (relevance of the water component as a percentage of the total
investment cost) were not taken into account when analyzing this project cost distribution since
all components within infrastructure projects have proven to be interdependent.
Figure 6. Project Cost distribution – On-going Figure 7. Project Cost distribution – Pipeline
Projects Projects
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
The total investment envelope of on-going and pipeline projects for Sudan (Table 2) is
estimated at US$9 286 million of which US$3 730 million is allocated to the development of
large scale hydropower projects, US$3 223 million to the development of large scale irrigation
schemes, US$1 112 million to the rehabilitation and modernization of existing irrigation
schemes, US$614 million to the development of small scale irrigation projects, US$573 million
to the ‘others’ category (used for e.g. water quality control, extension services and seed
programmes), US$30 million for the development of small/medium scale hydropower projects
and US$4 million for the rehabilitation of hydropower plants.
The last on-going project is scheduled to complete in 2021 (Livestock Improvement and
Marketing project funded by IFAD) whereas the last pipeline project will be in full operation at
the end of 2023 (Dal Dam generating 748 MW of hydroelectricity funded by the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia and other Arabic funds).
Table 2 shows that the majority (40 percent of total investment portfolio) of investment in
water for agriculture and energy in Sudan is allocated to the development of large scale
hydropower projects.The second priority area of the investment portfolio of Sudan is the
development of new large scale irrigation schemes with 35 percent of the portfolio; 12 percent
is allocated to the rehabilitation and modernization of existing irrigation schemes; 7 percent to
the development of new small scale irrigation schemes; and 6 percent to the others category.
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
Table 2. Total Investment Envelope in US$ million and in percentage (On-going & Pipeline projects)
Time Frame Short-term Medium-term Long-term Total
modernization of 782 8% 330 4% 0 0% 1 112 12%
irrigation schemes
Small/medium scale
29 0.3% 2 0.02% 0 0% 30 0.3%
Rehabilitation of
2 0% 2 0% 0 0% 4 0%
hydropower plants
The total amount of funding allocated to irrigation categories in Sudan is US$4 949 million (54
percent of the envelope) while the total amount of funding allocated to hydropower categories
only amount to US$3 764 million (41 percent of the envelope).
Table 2 clearly shows that no budget is allocated for the rehabilitation of hydropower plants,
while the focus is on developing new large scale hydropower projects. This lack of investment in
rehabilitation in hydropower plants might cause a lack of investment in Operation and
Maintenance (O&M) of the existing seven hydropower dams generating 3765MW comprising
66.3 percent of the total installed capacity in Sudan (CIA, 2012). A lack of investment in O&M
entails risks for the supply of hydroelectricity.
The average annual agricultural budget is US$929 million, which is 1.25 percent of Sudan’s GDP.
This analysis has not been able to verify whether Sudan succeeded in the CAADP target of 10
percent agriculture expenditure share in total public expenditure due to limited data
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
The value added of the agricultural sector to GDP as a percentage has been fairly stable over
the last three years (2012-2014) increasing from 28.8 percent to 29.2 of GDP (annual growth
rate of 1.3 percent and 0 percent respectively) (World Bank, 2014). This means that the CAADP
target of 6 percent agricultural GDP growth has not been reached in recent years.
Cost distribution
Figures 8to 10 illustrate the distribution of project costs in time by type of project for those on-
going and in the pipeline. A lack of investment in the long-term can be observed from Figure 8
that might have a negative effect on the continuity of investment in irrigation and hydropower
in Sudan. Investment planning with a longer time-horizon exceeding four years is therefore
This trend of underinvestment in the long-term is observed in many other countries and might
be caused by governments that tend to plan their budget with a timespan no longer than eight
years. Many projects in this portfolio, such as rehabilitation and modernization projects, are
short-term but repeated continuously. The underinvestment in the long-term in this analysis
therefore does not necessarily hold up in reality.
Figure 8. Cost distribution in time per typology – All Projects (US$ million)
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
Figure 9. Cost distribution in time per Figure 10. Cost distribution in time per
typology – On-going Projects (US$ million) typology – Pipeline Projects (US$ million)
The on-going projects of this envelope account for US$3 588 million (39 percent of total
envelope) while the pipeline projects add up to US$5 631 million (61 percent of total envelope).
Figures 9 and 10 demonstrate the changing priority areas of investment from irrigation to
hydropower. It can be observed from Figure 9 that on-going projects target investment in
irrigation (US$2806 million, 78 percent of the on-going investment), while the pipeline projects
take hydropower as priority area (US$3484 million, 62 percent of pipeline investment).
Figure 9 shows a sharp negative relation between time and investment. This negative relation
imposes an adverse effect on the sustainability of agricultural growth in Sudan for both on-
going and pipeline projects.
As mentioned before, governments appear to plan their budget no longer than 8 years; this
might be the cause of this negative relation between time and investment. Nevertheless, a
longer planning horizon is advisable.
Figures 11, 12 and 13 display the distribution of cost share per typology and reveal the focus of
investment on both large scale irrigation development and large scale hydropower
development. As mentioned before, investment in rehabilitation of existing hydropower plants
is insignificant which might signal underinvestment in O&M of hydropower projects.
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
It is observed in many African countries that a lack of investment in O&M is a cause for
irrigation schemes to be inoperative; this planned budget therefore is desirable. Nevertheless, a
diversification of the investment portfolio also targeting the rehabilitation of hydropower
plants and is recommended to foster sustainability of growth of irrigation land and hydropower
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
Figure 12. Cost share per typology – On-going Figure 13. Cost share per typology – Pipeline
Projects (%) Projects (%)
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
Source of funding
The 66 projects in this portfolio are, besides by the Government of Sudan, funded by a number
of international donors and private funding partners. These donors are the: Islamic
Development Bank, Islamic Relief Organization, Association for Strengthening Agricultural
Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA), International Center For Agricultural
Research In The Dry Areas (ICARDA), Agricultural Research Corporation (ARC), International
Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Global Environmental Facility (GEF), Least Developed
Countries Fund (LDCF) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
Other significant funding partners in irrigation and hydropower in Sudan are the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia together with other unknown Arabic Funds.
The distribution of investment costs by source of financing (Figure 12) shows the predominance
of public funding in on-going projects (88 percent). The pipeline projects are funded by a
combination of donors (44 percent), private partners (44 percent) and public funding partners
(12 percent). Despite the homogeneity of funding partners for on-going projects we do observe
diversity in funding partners for the pipeline projects.
It is worth mentioning that a high dependence on donor financing entails risks since withdrawal
for any reason from financing these projects would mean a significant fallback of investment in
irrigation and hydropower projects. Policymakers should bear this in mind concerning the
history of international relations of Sudan.
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
Figure 12. Cost share per funding partner for On-going Figure 13. Cost share per funding partner for Pipeline
Projects (%) Projects (%)
Hectares to develop/rehabilitate
The 66 projects of this investment portfolio will bring changes to about 7.8 million hectares by
2023 of which 6.97 million hectares will be developed or rehabilitated through on-going
projects and 0.829 million hectares through pipeline projects.
Of these projects approximately 2.8 million hectares will be used for the cultivation of sorghum
(36 percent of total number of hectares to be developed/rehabilitated); 1.19 million hectares
for the cultivation of cotton (15 percent); and 1.13 million hectares for the cultivation of
groundnuts (14 percent) (Figure 14).
Figure 14 also demonstrates that the on-going and pipeline projects outline a different
disaggregation per crop type. As mentioned before, the priority area of investment shifts from
irrigation to hydropower in Sudan in the coming years. Figure 15 demonstrates that 5 655 500
hectares will be rehabilitated (73 percent of total area to be developed/rehabilitated).
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
Based on the information and analysis presented in this report, the following can be concluded:
a) The agricultural sector has been disadvantaged and its contribution to the economy is not
matching its potential. Negligence of the sector has resulted in high levels of food
insecurity and nutrition.
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
b) While recent developments in the irrigated sector have been highly affected by the oil
wealth, dwindling of oil resources have induced increasing attention to the agricultural
sector, which is an encouraging sign with promise for development with expected
reduction in food insecurity and poverty as well as more contribution to the economy.
c) Government’s current plans have paid attention to the agricultural sector with focus on
agro-processing in the sector. Implementation of the plans is crucial, for which foreign
investment aid is needed while the domestic private sector is required to participate.
d) The investment envelope reveals high allocation to large scale hydropower projects,
indicating changing priority areas of investment from irrigation to hydropower while
allocation to the development of small scale irrigation is low. Amendments are needed
towards boosting these projects so as to maximize the efforts to reduce poverty and
enhance food security.
e) Short-term investments reflecting on a negative relation between time and investment
entails redesign of longer-term investment portfolio.
f) Investment in rehabilitation of existing hydropower plants will need to be reconsidered for
its increase due to an expected negative effect on O&M and consequently a jeopardy to
the operation of existing irrigation schemes.
g) A positive signal from the investment envelope is the diversity of funding partners, which a
favorable situation for sustainability and should be kept and expanded.
h) High dependence on donor finance is risky because of likely withdrawal. This should be
taken into consideration with necessary precautions to be in place.
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
Upper Atbara And Setit The project aims at supporting Malawi's efforts of increasing
Dams Projects: agriculture water efficiency and strengthening the irrigation
Construction of KSA and other Arab
US$1,500.0 potential in order to increase farmers income and enhance food
1 irrigation structures to Funds 2015-2020
irrigate one 420,000 ha security in addition to mitigating the effects of climate change.
Rehabilitation of Gezira development fund; Located in Gezira state, rehabilitation of the irrigation system.
3 irrigation system foreign finance; 2015-2019 Achieve cultivation of scheme whole area
bank loans
Northern State (180 along the White Nile and 29 Schemes in Sennar State
schemes), White Nile
(129 schemes)
* Rehabilitation of
irrigation infrastructure
in Northern, River Nile,
White Nile and Sennar
* National Wheat
Programme * Promotion of wheat productivity and production to reduce
* Raising wheat Government dependence on imports and utilize unused natural resources
5 production and finances 2015-2019 * Increasing production to 3.4 million tons and productivity from
productivity in irrigated 2.9 to 3.9 t/ha
Expand wheat production to reduce dependency on imports
investments with
Wheat production in through sourcing investment means and encouraging policies of
private sector share SDG350.0
6 high terrace soils 2015-2019 seed availability, timely price announcement and marketing
and foreign
Support to the
horticultural sector and Government Increase and diversify production of vegetables and fruits and
7 promotion of promising finances 2015-2019 promising crops
horticultural crops
Sudan Sustainable Donor Finance: GEF US$8.30 World Bank shared implementation under a GEF grant to the
9 Natural resources 2014-2018 Government of Sudan (GOS) through the Ministry of
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
Promoting Use of
UNDP-shared implementation in North Sudan, PIF approved,
Electric Water Pumps Donor Finance - GEF US$5.0
11 2015-2019 project document under preparation.
for Irrigation
Enhancing the
UNDP-shared implementation under a GEF grant, Project PIF
Resilience of Donor Finance: GEF US$4.9
13 Communities Living in 2015-2019 approved, project document under preparation.
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
Vulnerable Areas of
Sudan using econ-
system based
approaches to
Sudan Rural
Livelihood's Adaptation
Donor Finance: GEF, AfDP-shared implementation under a GEF LDCF grant, Project PIF
to Climate Change in US$7.6
14 LDCF Project Grants 2015-2019 approved, project document under preparation.
the Horn of Africa -
Phase II
Control of Land GEF Grant, restoration of the gum Arabic belt, promoting
Donor Finance: GEF
Degradation in the Gum US$3.03 livelihood through agro-silvo pastoral systems, rehabilitation of
15 Grant 2015-2019
Arabic Belt degraded land in the belt.
Government and
Objective is to reduce GHG emissions by promoting the use of
donor finance from
wind energy in Sudan. Provides direct technical assistance to a
wind farm to be established in Dongola (Northern State) to aid in
Partners Ministry of
the replication of experiences to be applied to subsequent farms
Rural Electrification Environment and
US$217.486 in Red Sea State, Nyala and Khartoum. The project also aims to
16 from Renewable Energy Physical Planning; 2015-2019
put in place legislation and a framework to promote private
sector involvement in renewable energy in Sudan. Dongola Power
Ministry of Water
Farm will be developed to produce 100 KW at the end of the five
Resources and
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
Integrated Water
resources Management LCDF grant, catchment basin management for building resilience
as an Approach for Donor Finance: LCDF US$10.6 for communities in the catchment areas; ground water resources
18 2015-2019
Adaptation to Climate assessment, monitoring and management.
Change in Kordofan
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
earthy dykes.
Sustainable Agricultural
Water Productivity
Sudan is one of the seven African countries in ECA implementing
Enhancement for ASARECA,
this project in two watersheds in Sennar and N. Kordofan States
Improved Food and Government of SDG1.38
26 2014-2016 for enhancing AWP through adoption and scaling up of market -
Nutrition Security in Sudan
driven AWM technologies and innovations.
Eastern and Central
Diversification and
Sustainable The project has evolved from Sudan membership contribution to
Intensification of ICARDA, ARC SDG2.45 CGIAR, which focus on NRM in Kordofan, Gadaref, Gezira and
27 2015-2018
Production Systems River Nile and Northern States.
Improving the
In Sudan the project located in Lower Atbra area. It aims at
livelihood of Rural
improving irrigation water use efficiency, cropping intensity and
Communities in the Nile
diversification. Installation of small-scale irrigation schemes
Valley and Sub-Saharan ICARDA, IFAD, ARC SDG2.7
28 2013-2017 (digging shallow wells, provide irrigation pumping units and
Africa Region
modern irrigation systems- drip, bubbler, sprinkler and pipe
"Sustainable Crop and
Livestock Management"
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
ARP Programme Sudan Government SDG 1,180.0 Projects of the Agricultural Revival Programme.
33 2015-2019
Support to the Funds allocated to be used for various agricultural activities
Sudan Government SDG 1,720.0
34 agricultural season 2015-2019 during the agricultural season.
IFAD (principal
funder), Sudan
Countries Fund, the IFAD-funded and led programme to increase livestock
Adaptation for productivity, support value addition and marketing for more
Smallholder sustainable management and utilization of natural resources,
Livestock Improvement Agriculture improved animal health and access to animal health services, and
and Marketing Programme, the US$119.2 increased marketing of primary and secondary livestock products.
35 Central Bank of 2015-2021
Programme The project has national coverage but area-specific for direct
Sudan (CBS), community-level interventions, initially in selected Localities in
Commercial Banks the five States of West Kordofan, North Kordofan, White Nile,
and Microfinance Sennar and Blue Nile.
Beneficiaries at
grassroots level,
Public Private
Partners, and
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
participation of The
Arab Authority for
(AAAID) and Islamic
Cooperation for the
Development of the
Private Sector
Sudan Government
(Ministry of Water Project implemented by the Ministry of Water Resources,
Rural Water Projects
Resources, SDG914.0 Electricity and Irrigation to supply water in rural areas for human
38 (Hafirs and Dams) 2015-2019
Electricity and and livestock use.
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
Total Budget
# Project title Funding Partners Time Scale Description
(million US$)
Kingdom of Saudi Located in Northern state at Third Nile Cataract, 111 km north of
Kajabar Dam Arabia and other US$940.0 the Northern State's capital - Dongola. Construction of 10
1 2016-2020
Arab funds hydropower generating units for production of 360 MW.
Kingdom of Saudi Located in Dal area, Northern state at Second Nile Cataract.
Dal Dam Arabia and other US$1,525 Construction of hydropower generating units with production of
2 2018-2023
Arab funds 748 MW.
Kingdom of Saudi Located in River Nile State, at the 5th Cataract lying north of the
Sherik Dam Arabia and other US$970.0 confluence of the Nile and Atbarah Rivers. Construction of
3 2016-2020
Arab funds hydropower generating units 420 MW.
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
Raising rain-fed cotton Revival of rain-fed cotton production particularly the rehabilitation
10 production 2016-2020 of the former Nuba Mountains Public Corporation.
Located in the western bank of the White Nile in the White Nile
Sudan Government State involving a shift in an existing agricultural scheme from
and Private Sector growing field crops to sugar production in an area of 12500 ha to
Mashkour Sugar Factory most likely SDG532.0 produce 200,000 tons of sugar. An agreement was signed in
12 2015-2019
recruitment of December 2010 with two Indian companies for providing
foreign investors equipment and factory installation. The project is government
initiated, still waiting for partners and foreign finance.
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
Private company Located in Dongola area, Northern state; 180 ha; underground
Onti project SDG1.6
15 (national) 2016-2018 water – fruits, fodder and wheat.
Private company Located in Dongola area, Northern state; 84 ha, fodder, wheat,
Elrasheed project SDG10.78
16 (national) 2016-2018 fruits.
Elragihi International for Private sector Located in Eldaba locality, Northern state; 40,000 ha; underground
19 agric & Investment (Saudi) 2016-2018 water; fruits, fodders, wheat.
Private company Located in Eldaba locality, Northern state; 4,370 ha; underground
Elragihi for agriculture SDG20.0
20 (Saudi) 2016-2018 water; fruits, fodders, wheat.
Private company Located in Elgolid locality, Northern state; 6,275 ha; underground
Ibn Gahlan project SDG26.3
21 (Saudi) 2016-2018 water; fruits, fodders, wheat.
Nasr Shiekh Mustafa Private sector Located in Marawe locality, Northern state; 10,070 ha; fruits,
22 project (national) 2016-2017 fodders, wheat.
Located Guli area, white Nile state; 51,600 ha; pumps irrigation
Elsaila project Private sector US$600.0
24 2016-2020 system from the white Nile to produce sugar cane.
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
Foreign credit + Located in Rabak locality, White Nile state; 57,500 ha; pump
Gafa Sugar US$600.0
28 government funds 2016-2020 irrigation system, sugar cane production.
National Investment Profile. Water for Agriculture and Energy: Sudan
Abdelrazig Elbashir and Hamid Faki (Consultants) (2014). Poverty Reduction And Food Security
In Sudan: A Policy Background Paper. Prepared for: the Institutional Capacity Building for
Poverty Reduction and Good Governance Project (ICBPRGGP), Draft 17 February 2014.
Adam, I. (1993). Hydraulic Structures of Surface Water Resources in Darfur. Hydraulic Research
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