Call Setup Success Rate in GSM Network Using Citizen Sensing Approach: A Proposal
Call Setup Success Rate in GSM Network Using Citizen Sensing Approach: A Proposal
Call Setup Success Rate in GSM Network Using Citizen Sensing Approach: A Proposal
Abstract- Call Set-up Success Rate (CSSR) is an important apart from the Mobile Network Providers themselves
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for mobile network (Internal). However, to measure QoS, it has been the
performance analysis. However, obtaining this KPI depends practice to depend solely on data hosted and provided by
largely on data from the Mobile Network Providers (MNP). the MNPs. These data are most often unavailable to the
Owing to limitations associated with gleaning such data, recent public, except through legal permissIOn or some
trends seek new methods of gathering data independent of the cooperation. Also, fidelity and integrity of such data remain
MNP. Consequently, it is the objective of this paper to provide unguaranteed. Therefore, external measurement of QoS
an overview of the state-of-the-art techniques being used for status remains a challenge.
such a purpose and at the same time propose and discuss the In this regards, recent trends have sought new methods to
algorithm for a low cost embedded system for CSSR measure QoS independent of the MNP data. These have
measurement. Thus, this paper provides basic introduction into
been used in different reports, and have formed a recent
CSSR measurement and at the same time propose a new
area of research interest. There are several Key
architecture for CSSR measurement using citizen sensing
Performance Indicators (KPIs) used for measuring QoS
such as Call Setup Success Rate (CSSR), Call Completion
techniques where individual GSM users' has the ability to
Rate (CCR), Call Drop Rate (CDR), Call Handover Success
measure CSSR from their mobile phone and transmit the
Rate (CHSR) and Standalone Dedicated Control Channel
measured CSSR to a central server without the use of Drive
(SDCCH), but we focus here on the use of the Call Setup
Success Rate (CSSR) parameter for QoS characterization.
Therefore, it is the main objective of this paper to provide
Keywords- Call Set-up Success Rate; Embedded System;
Independent Measurement; Key Performance Indicator, Mobile
an overview of state-of-the art methods used in this regards.
Network As part of an on-going research work, this survey will
provide the different methods in use, the tools being
employed, including soft and hardware; their strengths and
I. INTRODUCTION limitations, and the future direction in this area. In addition,
an overview into the development of a comprehensive
Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) network embedded system for CSSR measurement is introduced.
performance and Quality of Service (QoS) evaluation is an
important requirement for Mobile Network Providers Consequently, the rest of the paper is structured as follows:
(MNP) operation, as it directly impacts revenue generation Section II describes the process involved in setting up a call
and customer satisfaction [1]. High QoS is a competitive in a GSM network, Section III describe drive tests and tools
advantage for an MNP. Consequently, immense effort is used for conducting drive test experiments, Section IV
made by most MNPs to monitor their respective networks describes the working principle of the proposed embedded
and maintain current, comprehensive and accurate status of system for cssr measurement and conclusion is drawn in
its quality. This status, along with new traffic demand data Section V.
is used by these operators to improve their network and
adjust its operation.
However, due to the high demand for GSM services, there II. CALL SET UP IN GSM NETWORK
has been a decline in the QoS experienced by most end
users [2]. This has resulted in both external and internal A successful Call Setup consists of two procedures, which
interest in monitoring the level of QoS maintained by most are the Immediate Assignment Procedure (lAP) and the
MNPs [3]. By external, it means independent bodies like
Assignment Procedure (AP) [4]. The lAP is used to create a
the Nigerian Communication Commission (NCC) for
signalling connection between the Mobile station (MS) and
Nigeria GSM subscribers, and other research interests,
Plot on Inap
In pu t: GPS location,
Cou D te." y,. co nnte l"" x,.
tin-. e th to, t s to p
Counte.', x CSSR
Plot on D1.ap
Fig, 2: Short call: Measuring CSSR and Rx level service in telecommunication networks" vol. II.
[4] M. KOLLAR "Evaluation Of Real Call Set Up Success
Rate In Gsm" Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica Vol.
8, No. 3, pp 53-56, 2008.
V, CONCLUSION [5] 3GPP specification: 23.108
[6] S. Kyriazakos, N. Papaoulakis, Nikitopoulos, D.
This paper provides a tutorial on the process involved in
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measuring the Call Setup Success Rate (CSSR) in a GSM
GSM and GPRS Systems under Varying Traffic
network. CSSR forms part of a set of known Key
Conditions". 1ST Mobile and Wirless
Performance Indicators (KPls) used for estimating the
telecomunications Summit, 2002, Thessaloniki -
Quality of Service (QoS) experienced by end users. A
practical approach to use low cost embedded system and
[7] S. Kyriazakos, N. Papaoulakis, Nikitopoulos, D.
citizen sensing approach have also been presented. It
Gkroustiotis "A Comprehensive Study on
should be noted that this paper forms part of an on-going
Performance Evaluation of Operational GSM and
research effort geared towards developing an embedded
GPRS Systems under Varying Traffic Conditions".
system for CSSR measurement using citizen sensing
1ST Mobile and Wirless telecomunications Summit,
2002, Thessaloniki - Greece.
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