Productionguide Polesitao
Productionguide Polesitao
Productionguide Polesitao
Title Page
Cover Page i
Table of Contents ii
List of Tables iii
List of Figures iii
The POLE SITAO Plant 1
Crop Varieties 1
Culture and Management 3
Soil and Climate Requirements 3
Varietal Selection 3
Land Preparation 3
Planting 3
Mulching 3
Cultivation 3
Trellising 3
Vine Training 4
Soil Nutrition 4
Organic fertilizer 4
Irrigation 4
Weed Management 4
Crop Protection 4
Pest and Disease Management 5
Harvesting 6
Post Harvest Handling 6
Seed Production 7
References 10
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List of Tables
List of Figures
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Pole sitao (Vigna unquiculata subsp. Sesquipedales (L.) Verdc.) has the following names:
asparagus bean, garter bean, snake bean, Chinese long bean, Yardlong bean (English); kacang panjang
(Indonesian and Malaysian); tao-fak-yao (Thai); dau-dau (Vietnamese); dau-gok (Chinese); lobia (Hindi);
and sasage (Japanese). Locally, it is known as sitaw (Tagalog), hantak (Waray), utong (Ilokano), batong
(Cebuano) and latuy (Marinduque) .
A herbaceous crop, pole sitao has trifoliate leaves. The flowers are in pairs and borne on the axil of
the leaf which vary in color depending on the variety. Calyxes are generally green and purple. It is a viny
annual crop that produces 30-60 cm long pods which hang in pairs with many seeds. Pods are either green,
dark green, light green or purple. They are quick growing and every other day harvesting is often
Pole sitao is an important crop in Asian countries like Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and the
Philippines. It is also considered as one of the most important vegetables in certain parts of Taiwan and
In the Philippines, pole sitao is the most popularly produced vegetable among edible legumes
because the pods, young shoots as well as the beans are available throughout the year. It is grown in home
gardens, on dikes around paddy fields, under partially shaded areas as a companion crop or commercial
The succulent young pods of pole sitao are eaten as whole pods and only need very light cooking. It
can also be a good supplement to infant food whether cooked singly or mixed with other vegetables. The
young leaves, shoots and sprouted seedlings can also be utilized as vegetables. Juices from the leaves are
used for some medicinal properties.
Bureau of Agricultural Statistics (BAS), 2010 showed that the total land area planted to pole sitao is
14, 681 hectares with a total volume of production of 119, 453.02 metric tons. Central Luzon has the
highest volume of production (32%), followed by Cagayan Valley (15%) and Davao Region (11%).
Pole sitao is a good source of protein, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, iron, phosphorous and
potassium. It is also a very good source of vitamin C, folate, magnesium and manganese. Table 1 shows the
summary of nutritional content per 100 g serving of edible portions.
Table 1. Nutritional content of pole sitao pods in a serving of 100
grams (g).
Properties Amount Properties Amount
Water (g) 88.9 Phosphorus (mg) 47.0
Energy (kcal) 43.0 Iron (mg) 0.9
Protein (g) 3.1 Vitamin A (ug) 42.0
Fat (g) 0.2 Thiamine (mg) 0.12
Dietary Fiber (g) 2.2 Riboflavin (mg) 0.11
Carbohydrate (g) 7.2 Niacin (mg) 1.0
Ash (g) 0.6 Ascorbic acid (mg) 22.0
Calcium (mg) 61.0
Source: The Philippine Food Composition Tables, 1997. Food and Nutrition
Research Institute- Department of Science and Technology (FNRI-DOST).
In 1975, the Bureau of Plant Industry, Economic Garden, Los Banos, Laguna developed the first
commercial variety of pole sitao known as BPI-Ps 1 and was approved by the Philippine Seedboard. At
present, BPI-LBNCRDC has six (6) varieties registered and released by the National Seed Industry Council
(NSIC) for commercialization. NSIC Ps 4 (“Hitik”) and NSIC Ps 5 (“Rikit”) (Figure 1) are the latest pole sitao
varieties approved last 2008. The green podded varieties are BPI-Ps 3 (Figure 2), BPI-Ps 4 (Figure 3) and
NSIC Ps 4 while the light green podded varieties are PSB-Ps 2 (Figure 4) and NSIC Ps 5. Seeds of these five
(5) varieties of pole sitao are available at the Center.
Figure 1. NSIC Ps5 Figure 2. BPI Ps3
Table 2. Other pole sitao varieties from the private seed companies
(DAT) Weight (g) Color
Allied Botanical Greenbelt 53 25 Apple green Year round Ideal variety for hot areas. Has
excellent shelf life
Allied Botanical Maranaw 56 24 Light green Year round Very vigorous vine. Has very
prolific and long pods
Allied Botanical Negro star 54 23 Dark green Year round Prolific and vigorous. Very ideal
with purple tip for off-season planting
Pine Valley Corp Pag-asa 50-60 25-30 Light green Year round Popular variety with vigorous
Allgrow (DAS) vines. With half-red and half-
white seeds. About 55 cm long.
Pilipinas Kaneko Arayat 60-65 30-35 Year round Light green pods, 65-75 cm long,
green (DAS) crispy
Pilipinas Kaneko Busilak 45-50 25-30 Year round Light green pod is 60-65 cm
(DAS) long, white seeded
Pilipinas Kaneko Maxi green 50-6- 25-30 Year round Yellowisg, light green pods, 60-
(DAS) 65 cm long. Long shelf life.
Allied Botanical Pole star 47 21-25 green Year round Vigorous and high yielding
Pine Vallley Corp. Tender 55-60 30-35 Light green Year round High yielding variety with
Green (DAS) vigorous and crispy pods. About
Allgrow 60 cm long with brownish red
Allied Botanical Tri Star 50 21 Dark green Year round Has long productive life very
A. Soil and Climate Requirements. Pole sitao is well suited in warm climate at a temperature range of
20-35oC. It can thrive well under full sunlight although it can tolerate partial shading. Higher
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percentage of pod set can be achieved when planted in May for wet season and in October-November
for dry season. Any type of soil is suited to pole sitao production. However, a friable fertile soil is
preferred to obtain healthy growth and high quality pods. The soil must have a pH value of 5.5-6.8.
B. Varietal Selection – Planting right varieties adapted to a specific area may increase yield by as much as
20%. In the varietal selection, there are important considerations to look into:
a. Adaptability to soil and climate
b. Maturity
c. Yield
d. Disease resistance and insect tolerance
e. Market/consumers demand
C. Land Preparation. Thorough land preparation is important
to obtain high yield since the operation renders the soil for
seed germination. Plow the field twice and harrow after
each plowing. For single row trellis, make furrows one (1)
meter apart and 0.75 meter for A-type trellis before planting.
Apply 2-3 tons dried animal manure per hectare while
preparing the field.
D. Planting. The seeding rate for pole sitao requires 10-12 kg/ha.
For hill method of planting, after basal fertilization with
organic and/or inorganic fertilizers, sow 2-3 seeds per hill
with a distance of 30 cm between hills and cover lightly with
soil. Allow only 2 plants per hill. For drill method of planting,
seeds are planted at a
depth of 2-3 cm at a rate
of 15-18 seeds per
linear meter with 100
cm spacing between
E. Mulching. Use rice straw or plastic mulch particularly during
dry season. This method helps to suppress weed growth and to
conserve soil moisture.
F. Cultivation. Off-baring and hilling-up should be done after
14 days from emergence or before the plants start to cling
G. Trellising. In hill and drill methods of planting, provide
poles after 14 days from emergence. Vertical trellis is used
for single row plot with a distance between rows of one (1)
meter. Ipil-ipil, bamboo and kakawate poles are used 3-4 m
apart with in the rows and are secured on top with GI wire
#16. Tie the top wire to the stakes at the end of the rows to
make the poles stable. Plastic straw is used at the bottom
portions in every row. Straw lines are tied vertically from
top to bottom in every hill. For double row plots, A-type trellis is spaced apart at 0.75 m. Synthetic
straw is also used for the pole sitao to cling on for the trellis.
H. Vine Training. As vines develop, train the crop to cling to the trellis by spreading them evenly across
the trellis until they reach the top.
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Single-row plot Double-row plots
I. Soil Nutrition. The general fertilizer recommendation for pole sitao is 135 kg/ha N, 135 kg/ha P205,
and 112 kg/ha K20. However, fertilization should be based on soil analysis. Before first plowing, apply 3
tons of well decomposed manure per hectare. Before planting, apply 3 bags/ha of 14-14-14 as basal
fertilizer and sidedress with 1-2 bags of urea (46-0-0) at 1 month after planting. Muriate of potash (0-0-
60) should be applied at the rate of 1-2 bags during flowering stage. Foliar fertilizers should also be
applied weekly starting at flowering stage.
J. Organic fertilizer: Fertilizer should be bio-degradable materials of microbial, plant or animal origins
produced on organic farms such as vermicompost and processed chicken manure. Basal applications of
organic compost of 5-10 tons/ha are needed for vegetable legume crops. Supplementary application of
Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ) or Fermented Fruit Juice (FFJ) should also be applied twice a week up to
fruiting stage.
K. Irrigation. Pole sitao has a relatively deep root system
which enables it to tolerate drought. Application of water
during the critical growing period of the crop particularly
during dry season is required to increase yield. Adequate
supply of water is necessary to increase flowering and pod
setting. Too much water can result in flower drop and can
cause root rot. During wet season, irrigate only when
L. Weed Management. Weeds may cause considerable yield
loss if not controlled early in the season. Hand weeding
should be done as often as necessary even after flowering.
Perform spot hand weeding.
M. Crop Protection. Insect control for pole sitao depends greatly on the use of chemicals especially
during seedling stage. Though there are attempts to practice integrated pest control especially through
cultural management practices.
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N. Pest and Disease Management
Insects Image Control
Beanfly (Ophiomyia phaseoli) Botanical control using neem
- very destructive during seedling stage seeds (50g neem seeds/gal of
of the plant water). Spray with soap solution
- adult is a minute jet black fly attacking (4tbsp soap/16L water). If
the seedlings just after germination. The needed, chemical control for
maggots feed as miners working down chewing insects.
the petiole into the stem (boring holes
on the leaves).
Severe damage – results to plant wilting
and drying-up
Aphids (Aphids craccivora) Botanical control with hot pepper
- occur usually in dense clusters on the extracts and soap solution (100g
under-surface of leaves. They feed by macerated hot pepper/16L
sucking the sap of the plants especially water). Crop rotation in severe
the tip of the vines. Plants become cases. Chemical control following
stunted and leaves curl. It transmits the recommended rates.
viral diseases.
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Fusarium wilt/ Root rot The most successful control of the
- one of the most destructive of all roots disease is crop rotation. The use of
organisms attacking beans, the disease resistant varieties is also one of
is caused by the fungus Fusarium the most economical measures.
oxysporum). Root disease prevalent Plant in well-drained soils. Spray
after prolonged rain and water logged effective fungicides to control the
condition. Causes an internal rotting and disease infection in the field.
brown discoloration of the vascular
tissue inside the stem, followed by
wilting, becomes yellow and usually die.
Rust Use resistant varieties. Prune
- disease of the leaves caused by infected plant parts.
Uromyces phaseoli. The first symptom
appears as small white spots or flecks on
the underside of the leaves. Within a few
days, the spots break open into rust-
colored pustules, about pinhead size. A
week or so after the pustules appear, the
entire leaf begins to turn yellow. Later it
turns brown, dries up, and eventually
falls off.
Source: Fliers. Pole Sitao Production Guide. PCARRD. Information Bulletin No.154-A/2009
For effective control, use resistant varieties and other measures like crop rotation, rouging and
pruning of infected plant parts and planting of repellant and companion crops. Organic pesticides such
as citronella extract, guyabano seed extract, luyang dilaw and perla soap can also be utilized to control
and minimize pests for vegetable legumes, and if needed, the use of chemicals/fungicides will be the
last resort in controlling pests and diseases of pole sitao.
O. Harvesting. The young and tender pods of pole sitao are ready for harvest 7-10 days after
flowering. Harvesting should be done at 2-3 days interval to prolong the productive life of the
plants. Harvesting is done manually. Harvest the pod by holding the stem end before twisting it
free. To avoid weight loss, harvesting should be done early in the morning or during the cooler
times of the day. The pods should be kept in a shaded area after harvest. To prolong the shelf-life,
dip the harvested pods in coconut water for 1 minute. In the Philippines, no attempt has been made
to mechanize harvesting.
P. Post Harvest Handling. Separate the marketable and non-marketable pods. Marketable pods are
tender, straight, long and unblemished. Non-marketable pods are short, curved, damaged by insects
or diseases.; and past the picking stage but can still be utilized as vegetable. Pack the harvested
pods in plastic sacks, thick lined bamboo baskets, polyethylene bags or wrap with fresh banana
leaves. If pole sitao pods cannot be sold or used for 1-3 days, store small quantities in moistened
clay jars. Store pods at 12-15oC for not more than 2 weeks at 90% relative humidity if cold storage
facilities is available. Keep the pods away from ripening fruits during transport and storage.
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Seed Production
Except for isolation and rouging, the cultural management techniques in seed production are
similar to fresh pods production.
A. Isolation. The isolation distance depends on the nature of pollination of the crop, whether self or cross
pollinated. The isolation distance of pole sitao is 10-50 meters.
B. Field Inspection. It involves identification of a variety and removal of undesirable plants from the main
crop through a process termed rouging. The undesirable plants may be weeds, plant of other crop
species, plants of another cultivar of the same species, diseased plants and other off-type plants. Rouging
should be done at least three times: first at pre-flowering stage; second at flowering; and third at pod
C. Harvesting. Select plants that are vigorous and free from pests and diseases. Harvest pods when
physiologically mature or when pods have turned brown and begin to dry. Harvested pods at 20 days
after pollination will give the best quality seeds. It may be necessary to harvest 3 times a week at peak
harvest. Dry pods should not be allowed to remain in the field to prevent shattering during sunny days
rotting or sprouting of seeds within the pods during the rainy days. When dry pods remain longer in the
field, these are also being exposed to insect pests.
Place the harvested pods under the sun for 2-4 days until brittle. Threshing is carried on by beating the
pods enclosed in net bags or sacks and manually beat with a stick. Separation of seeds from the
threshed pods is done by winnowing. Sort out small, wrinkled and seeds damaged by insect. Sun dry
the seeds for 4-5 days. Before packaging and storage, seeds must have 10% moisture content (MC).
Seeds must be packed in thick plastic, containers or aluminum foil, label with the name of the variety
and date of planting then keep in a cool or storage area. In the absence of cold storage, seeds can also be
stored in the refrigerator. If properly stored, viability of the seeds becomes longer.
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Table 3. Cost and Return Analysis of Pole sitao per hectare (seeds)
Items Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount
A. Labor (250/man-day)
Mowing 4 hrs. 1500.00 750.00
Plowing (2x) 8 hrs. 1500.00 1,500.00
Manure application 4 MD 250.00 1,000.00
Harrowing (2x) 8 hrs. 1500.00 1,500.00
Rotavation 8 hrs 1500.00 1,500.00
Furrowing 2 MAD 500.00 1,000.00
Planting/basal fertilization 8 MD 250.00 2,000.00
Thinning 2 MD 250.00 500.00
Cultivation (Off-baring and hilling-up) 4 MAD 500.00 2,000.00
Irrigation (2MD-12x) 24 MD 250.00 6,000.00
Side-dressing 2 MD 250.00 500.00
Spraying 8 MD 250.00 2,000.00
Weeding (30MD-2x) 60 MD 250.00 15,000.00
Roguing (2x) 4 MD 250.00 1,000.00
Trellising/Posting (wiring and strawing) 60 MD 250.00 15,000.00
Vine training (10-2x) 20 MD 250.00 5,000.00
Harvesting/hauling 60 MD 250.00 15,000.00
Seed extraction/cleaning/drying 50 MD 250.00 12,500.00
Seed sorting 12 MD 250.00 3,000.00
Seed packaging 2 MD 250.00 500.00
Sub-total 87,250.00
B. Supplies and Materials
Seeds 12 Kgs 420.00 5,040.00
Manure 60 bags 150.00 9,000.00
Fertilizer- Complete 6 Bag 1200.00 7,200.00
Urea 6 Bag 1300.00 7,800.00
Muriate of Potash 2 bag 2000.00 4,000.00
Foliar fertilizer 2 kg 500.00 1,000.00
Fungicide 1,200.00
Insecticide 10,000.00
Trellising materials
-Bamboo poles * 3000 pcs 10.00 15,000.00
-G.I Wire # 16 ** 300 kg 75.00 5,625.00
Plastic Twine 25 rolls 80.00 2,000.00
Harvesting/Packaging/Drying Materials
- Sacks 25 Pcs 10.00 250.00
- Sacoline* 30 Meters 50.00 750.00
- Net bag 22 in x 30 in 50 pcs 50.00 2,500.00
Sub-total 62,565.00
C. Power Cost (Electricity) 5000.00
Total Cost of Production 154,815.00
Gross Income (420/kg) 294,000.00
Net Income (P) 139,185.00
ROI% 89.9
Seed Yield- 700 kg
*may be used up to 2 seasons
** may be used up to 4 times/season
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Table 4. Cost and Return Analysis of Pole sitao per hectare (fresh pods)
Items Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount
A. Labor (250/man-day)
Mowing 4 hrs. 1500.00 750.00
Plowing (2x) 8 hrs. 1500.00 1500.00
Manure/fertilizer application 4 MD 250.00 1,000.00
Harrowing (2x) 8 hrs. 1500.00 1500.00
Furrowing 2 MAD 500.00 1,000.00
Planting/basal fertilization 8 MD 250.00 2000.00
Thinning 2 MD 250.00 500.00
Cultivation (off-baring and hilling-up) 4 MAD 500.00 2,000.00
Irrigation (2MD-12X) 24 MD 250.00 6,000.00
Side dressing 2 MD 250.00 500.00
Spraying 8 MD 250.00 2,000.00
Weeding (30 MD-2X) 60 MD 250.00 15,000.00
Trellising/Posting (wiring and strawing) 60 MD 250.00 15,000.00
Vine training (10-2x) 20 MD 250.00 5,000.00
Harvesting (Hauling, upgrading, packing) 70 MD 250.00 17,500.00
Sub-total 72,750.00
B. Materials
Seeds 12 kgs 420.00 5040.00
Manure 60 bgs 150.00 9,000.00
14-14-14 3 bgs 1,200.00 3,600.00
46-0-0 2 bgs 1,300.00 2,600.00
0-0-60 2 bgs 2,000.00 4000.00
Foliar fertilizer 2 kg 500.00 1000.00
Insecticides i 10,000.00
Fungicides 1,200.00
Plastic twine 25 rolls 80.00 2000.00
Packaging materials 500 20 x 30 10.00 5000.00
G.I. wire * 300 #16 75.00 4500.00
Trellis materials** 3,000 pcs 10.00 15,000.00
Sub-total 64,065.00
C. Power Cost (Irrigation) 5,000.00
Total cost of production 139,315.00
Net Income 74,085.00
ROI% 53.2
Marketable yield – 9,700 kg/cropping
Price is P22.00/kg
Gross income-P213,400.00
*maybe used up to 4 croppings
**maybe used up to 2 croppings
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Bureau of Agricultural Statistics, 2010.
Bureau of Agricultural Research, Philippines- AGFISHTECH
Cruz, F. N. and Y. R. Bondad. Pole Sitao Seed Production Guide.
Calingasan, M.K. August1999. Paper presented to the participants of the Vegetable Seed Production
Technology at the Agricultural Training Institute- Farmers Training Center.
Dela Cueva, M.D. et. al. Terminal Report 2010. New Developed Varieties of Pole Sitao (NSIC Ps 4 and NSIC
Fliers. Production Guide of Pole Sitao. PCARRD. Department of Science and Technology. Information
Bulletin No. 154-A/2009.
Mondragon,R.L. Production Processing and Marketing of Vegetables Legumes.
Rachie, K.O. Introduction .p-xxi-xxviii. In: S.R. Singh and K.O. Rachie (eds.) Cowpea Research, Production
and Utilization. Wiley, Chichester, England.
The Philippine Food Composition Tables, 1997. Food and Nutrition Research Institute- Department of
Science and Technology (FNRI-DOST).
Xu, S.W. et al., 1993. Yardlong Bean, In; Chomchalow, N. et al. (eds.). Potential Food Legumes in Asia, FAO,
Bangkok, Thailand. pp. 116-118.
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Editorial Team:
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