Rights of Accession With Respect To Immovable Property: Landowner (LO) and BPS Owner of Materials (OM)
Rights of Accession With Respect To Immovable Property: Landowner (LO) and BPS Owner of Materials (OM)
Rights of Accession With Respect To Immovable Property: Landowner (LO) and BPS Owner of Materials (OM)
All works, sowing, and planting are Entitled to payment for the value of the
presumed to have been made by the materials used by the landowner (Art. 447)
landowner and at his expense (Art. 446)
Right to remove the materials only in case
Right to appropriate the works, sowing, he can do so without injury to the work
and planting made in good faith after constructed, or without the planting,
payment of the indemnity provided for in constructions or works being destroyed
Articles 546 and 548. (Art. 448) (Art. 447)
Liable to the owner of materials for the Entitled to payment for the value of the
value of the materials used and is also materials used by the landowner (Art. 447)
obliged to the reparation of damages (Art.
447) Right to remove the materials in any event
even if it causes injury to the work
LO becomes owner of the materials but he constructed (Art. 447)
shall pay their value (Art. 466)
Entitled to indemnification for damages
Liable for damages to OM
All works, sowing, and planting are Entitled to payment for the value of the
presumed to have been made by the materials used by the landowner (Art. 447)
landowner and at his expense (Art. 446)
Right to remove the materials only in case
Right to appropriate the works, sowing, he can do so without injury to the work
and planting made in good faith after constructed, or without the planting,
payment of the indemnity provided for in constructions or works being destroyed
Articles 546 and 548. (Art. 448) (Art. 447) - there is no accession
Rights: Rights:
Rights: Rights:
● To become the owner of the ● To remove the works in any event,
materials/buildings/plantings/sowin whether or not injury will be caused
gs to the land; and
OBLIGATIONS: ● To be indemnified for damages.
(Art. 454 in relation to Art. 447)
● To pay for the value of the
gs; and
● To indemnify the BPS for damages.
● To choose between the ff. ● To compel the LO to exercise any
alternatives: of the two options available
● OPTION 1: To appropriate as his ● To receive reimbursement if LO
own the works, sowing or planting chooses OPTION 1
upon payment of indemnity.
● Right to retain the property (both
● OPTION 2: To oblige the B/P to land and improvement) until he has
pay the price of the land and the S been reimbursed by the LO for the
to pay the proper rent.(Art.448) necessary and useful expenses
○ If the value of the land is ○ This is applicable only when
considerably more than that private land is involved
of the improvements, B/P
● Non-liability for rentals while he
cannot be compelled to pay
retains the property
for the value of the land.
● To be reimbursed for necessary
○ Reasonable rent shall be
and useful expenses
paid by the B/P if the LO
does not choose OPTION ○ Fruits received during period
1. of retention cannot be offset
with expenses to be
● The LO can demand removal if he
reimbursed to him
chooses OPTION 2 but the BPS
defaulted in payment. OBLIGATIONS:
OBLIGATIONS: ● To pay for the value of the land
(B/P) or pay rentals (BPS) if LO
● To exercise the options available
chooses OPTION 2
and to communicate his choice to
the BPS ● To vacate the premises if the
improvements are destroyed
● To indemnify the BPS if he elects
without fault of the LO by fortuitous
● Not to compel the BPS to remove
the improvements without first
exercising any of his options
● Exemption: When the property is
"transferable" or "transitory" nature
(Alviola v. Court of Appeals) .
III. Landowner, BPS and Owner of Materials are different persons (Arts.
Landowner Builder, Planter, Sower Owner of Materials
If land < improvement, Obligations under Option 2:
•Sell the land to BP If land < improvement,
If land > improvement, •Pay the value of the land to
•Require proper rent from BP LO
For the case of S, If land > improvement,
•LO may require proper rent •Pay proper rent to LO
since sowing is a temporary
use of the land. (Art. 448) For the case of S,
• •Pay proper to rent to LO
Obligations to OM: (Art. 448)
(1) Subsidiarily liable to OM •
(Art. 455) Obligations to OM:
(1) Pay value of materials (Art.
As to the OM
3. Demolish and 3. Pay damages. (Civil Code Arts. 447, 455)
restore at the
expense of B,P,s (Civil Code 443, 449, 451)
and collect
expenses such as
cost of preservation
of land to B,P,S;