Module 2 - Computer System Servicing - Week 2
Module 2 - Computer System Servicing - Week 2
Module 2 - Computer System Servicing - Week 2
Module 2:
Creating Bootable Disk
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master the nature
of Computer Systems Servicing NC-II. The scopeof this module permits it to be used in many
different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of
students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in
which you read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using. The
module is divided into five lessons, namely:
7. A bootable media is important in a computer system because it contains the boot image, optional
prestart commands and associated files, and Configuration Manager files. How would you make a
bootable media?
a. Consider the architecture of the boot image must be appropriate for the
architecture of the destination computer
b. Make sure that the boot image contains all the files and applications
c. It should contain one distribution point and one media only
d. The drive must be detectable by the computer
8. Which of the following pertains to load the first piece of software that starts a computer?
a. Applicationsoftware c. Boot
b. Bootstraps d. Flash Drive
9. Which of the following pertains to load the first piece of software that starts a computer?
a. Applicationsoftware c. Boot
b. Bootstraps d. Flash Drive
10. Which of the following pertains to load the first piece of software that starts a computer?
a. Applicationsoftware c. Boot
b. Bootstraps d. Flash Drive
11. Which of the following means to start up a computer that is turned off. It is typically performed by
pressing the power button on the computer?
a. Cold Boot c. Bootstraps
b. Warm Boot d. Bootable disc
12. What pertains to any physical media (CD, DVD, USB flash drive or other removable media supported
by a machine BIOS as a boot device) that boots on any PC-compatible?
a. Bootable Devices c. Both A and B
b. Operating System d. Application Software
13. When does a bootable media usually is used?
a. recover an operating system that cannot start
b. back up sector-by-sector a disk with an unsupported file system
c. both A and B
d. install antivirus
14. What is also called a "hard boot"?
a. Cold Boot c. Storage Media
b. Warm Boot d. Flash Drive
15. Which of the following is a device for recording (storing) information (data)?
a. Storage Media c. Boot
b. Operating system d. Application
Creating Bootable Disk
Boot is to load the first piece of software that starts a computer. Because the operating system is
essential for running all other programs, it is usually the first piece of software loaded during the
boot process.
This module is intended for you to learn how to create bootable drive and install device drivers
in your computer system. This will also help you become familiarized in preparing customized
installers and be able to confidently use them.
Let’s get started with this! First let’s review what happened in the last module
about computer assembly. Here is a jumpstart exercise for you!
Raw or cut or download and label at least two components of a computer system unit. After
drawing and labelling discuss the function of each components. You will be graded using the
following rubrics. You can at least have a highest score of 45 in this activity.
Indicator Excellent Good Fair Score
20 15 10
Composition Shows strong Shows Shows obvious
& Design internal internal weaknesses in
integrity of integrity of the the integrity of
the visual visual the visual
elements. elements. A elements. Many
Nothing needs visual element visual elements
to be added or needs to be need to be
removed - added or added, moved or
finished piece removed. removed.
is superb.
Design 15 10 5
Attractiveness The design The design The design
project project project is
is is attractive in acceptably
exceptionally terms attractive
attractive in terms of design, layout though it may be a
of design, layout, and neatness and bit disorganized and
neatness, demonstrate an does not demonstrate a
dominance, rhythm, understanding of clear
size, etc. the use of design understanding of
tools. layout: dominance, size,
rhythm, balance,
Effort 10 8 6
Demonstrates above Demonstrates a Demonstrates some
board effort in good effort in effort in accomplishing
accomplishing the accomplishing the the activity.
activity going the activity and time
extra distance and spent to get it
time spent to get it carried out.
TOTAL / 45
Let’s Practice! This is a new activity for you to explore. This is the introductory part or
preliminary part of making bootable disk.
Listed below are the things you will be needing before doing this activity:
1. A flashdrive at least 8GB storage capacity
2. Access to a computer running Windows 7 or higher
You are tasked to make your flashdrive ready for installation of OS files. List down the
things that you observed in each step and record them in the table provided below. Don‟t forget to
check if you successfully finish the steps. Put remarks if not successful and explain what went
Just follow the ten (10) easy steps in making your flashdrive ready for installation of
operating system files. Answer the questions after each step you‟ve accomplished together with
the table below. Use a separate answer sheet for this activity.
Step 1: What do you see after clicking run administrator? Please Describe.
Step 2: What happened after encoding the word diskpart?
Step 3: How many disk-drives did you see? What are they? How did you select
the drive you need?
Step 4: Are you sure that‟s your drive?
Step 5: Be careful with this step, this will wipe out your drive.
Discuss what happened.
Step 6: In creating partition for your drive, how many did you make?
Step 7: You selected which partition?
Step 8: Was it successful? How did you know?
Step 9: How long did it take you to format the drive? Did you try to remove
„quick‟? What will happen if you do that?
Step 10: What happened after pressing enter?
Are you ready? Turn to the next page and Let‟s start!
1. Click Start > All Programs > Accessories > Right click on Command Prompt > Run as
2. Type „diskpart' and press “Enter” to start the built in Windows disk partitioning
3. Type 'list disk' and press “Enter”. Identify your USB Flash drive and make a note of the
disk number. Here in this example, My USB flash drive is Disk 2.
Note: Careful about choosing correct disk index number, failure to select right disk may
result to permanent deletion of data that may lead to catastrophic event.
6. Now to create a partition, type 'create partition primary‟ and press Enter.
9. To format the partitionusing FAT32 file system, type „format fs=fat32‟ and press the
“Enter” key.
Important: If your server platform supports Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI),
you should format the USB flash drive as FAT32 rather than as NTFS. To format the partition as
FAT32, type format fs=fat32 quick, and then click “Enter”.
10. Type 'assign' and press the “Enter” key to assign a drive letter to your USB flash drive.
Type “exit” to exit the diskpart utility.
Your USB flash drive is now ready to be used as an installation media. As part of the
competency preparation of installation for OS and software. This is the first step in fulfilling this
module‟s competencies. The next part will help you understand more on how to make bootable
drive to be used as installation media.
After you’ve made you flash drive ready for installation. Set it aside and now it‟s time
to read and absorb the following discussion. This discussion will help you make/ create a bootable
disk and make it inside the nutshell.
The following are important terms to remember, please read them and keep those terms in
mind as you get along this module.
Operating systems for The operating systems we've been talking about so
mobile devices far were designed to run
on desktop and laptop computers. Mobile devices
such as phones, tablet computers, and MP3 players
are different from desktop and laptop computers,
so they run operating systems that are designed
specifically for mobile devices.
Examples of mobile operating systems include
Apple iOS and Google Android.
A. Create a Bootable Windows USB Flash Drive
The process to create a bootable windows USB flash drive is fairly easy, however you
will have to have or download a copy of windows ISO file. You can download a trial copy of
windows ISO file over the internet. Remember we do not use a pirated copy of Windows it is
against the law. 2
Step 3: Select NTFS for File system. ( Note: Select FAT32 if your PC UEFI bios. )
Step 6: Make sure you select these three options under Format options.
Quick Format
Create a Bootable disk using.
How To Create Bootable USB Drive From Windows ISO Or Setup Without Using Any Software - Askvg",
Askvg.Com, 2020, setup-without-
Step 7: Select the dropdown menu next to Create a Bootable disk using and select ISO Image.
Step 8: Select the Drive icon next to ISO Image and then select the Windows ISO file. (you can
get a copy of this from your teacher)
Step 9: Verify all the settings and then click on the Start button.
That‟s it, now you‟ll just have to wait for a couple minutes more and the Windows
Bootable USB Flash Drive should be ready for installing Windows on your PC.
After a few minutes your Windows Bootable USB flash drive will be ready for
installation. Reboot your PC and set the bootable flash drive as a first boot priority in the bios
settings. Save the bios settings and reboot once again to continue with the windows installation
B. Driver
A driver or device driver is a software program that enables a specific hardware device to
work with a computer's operating system.
Drivers may be required for internal components, such as video cards and optical media
drives, as well as external peripherals, such as printers and monitors. But most modern
hardware is "plug and play" meaning the devices will work without requiring driver
installation. However, even if a hardware device is recognized by the operating system, installing
the correct drivers may provide additional options and functionality for the device.
For example, most mouse and keyboard work automatically when they are connected to
a PC. However, installing the appropriate mouse driver may allow you to customize the function
of each button and adjust the mouse sensitivity. Some keyboard drivers allow you to assign
functions to specific keys, such as controlling the volume or opening specific applications.
Driver is the linker of a certain hardware to computer. A hardware without driver is like
a plane without a pilot. It is still a machine but it does not act like a machine itself.3
1. The following errors may occur if device drivers are not properly installed.
1.2. If add-on devices‟ drivers are not installed, including input and output devices.
a. Devices are not possible to work properly according to its specificity. For
instance, a scanner is not able to scan without the presence of its required
Follow the steps below in order to install drivers using driver pack.
"How To Create Bootable USB Drive From Windows ISO Or Setup Without Using Any Software -
Askvg", Askvg.Com, 2020,
2. If you don‟t have driver disc, try to identify the specificity of a computer, including its
brand name and code then search over the internet the equivalent needed drivers.
3. If internet connection is not available, make it sure that you prepared the all in one (AIO)
DriverPack Solution app for you to install the required drivers for installation.
C. Choosing the Right Drivers
Always check the specific required drivers for its equivalent devices. Moreover, in choosing
the correct drivers, you must consider the following:
1. You lose your disc driver attached in your computer / laptop and you are trying to
reformat a laptop. The first thing you need to do is to obtain its hardware
specification, get the specific brand name and code of your device.
2. Search the code in the internet and find its exact specification and download the
3. Every device has an equivalent driver, except those Plug and Play (PnP) devices
which do not require drivers in order to use it.
Independent Activity 1. Let’s Drive
Compare to real life scenario a device will not perform its specific task without a device
driver or a software that acts as an activator to activate certain device in order to perform its full
In this activity, you are about to learn the definition of driver, its function and its purpose
in conducting software installation and how to prepare driver for installation. Follow the
procedure below to fulfill this activity.
If you don‟t have an internet connection you can ask your teacher for a copy of this application
** choose whether your Operating System is Windows 7, 8, or 10, between 32bit or 64 bit you
can see the bits in your computers properties. The application should look something like this.
Or you can download any driver pack solution of your choice over the internet.
2. Click Start(S) than click “Extrac” and install drivers (i) [Recommended] and Wait for the
installation to finish and restart computer.
3. After restarting your computer check if the drivers are installed correctly by going to
“computer”, right click and click “properties”.
4. From “properties” window, you will be able to see device manager at the left side of your
No error
5. From this window, you should not see any device which has exclamation point or red
error in it. If there‟s one, try installing the driver again for that certain hardware.
In what part of the activity have you experienced difficulty? Were you able to solve it? How
important is making a drive for your computer system? What are its functions and purpose in
your computer /laptop?
After you have experienced how to install / upgrade your device drivers. Let‟s see what you‟ve
learned about device drivers. Below is an assessment for you to answer to the best of your ability.
Modified True or False: Read each statement and identify if the statement is true or false. Write
F if statement is false and underline the word(s) which made it wrong otherwise, write T if
statement is true. This is with a total score of 20 pts. Good luck!
In the above activity, you have learned how to download / save a driver pack solution and install it
to your system automatically. This is why we call it the easy way. This time, what if you don‟t
have a driver pack solution at hand. This activity will teach you how to install drivers manually.
Just follow the easy steps below.
2. Find the device that you are trying to install with a driver (Video, Sound, LAN).
Are there differences in the two activities so far? Can you tell them? Well, this assessment can
help you understand it further. Fill out the blanks with words that will complete the given
sentences. Choose your answer from the word(s) inside the box below.
4. Before a driver is installed for a new device, the bus or hub driver to which
the device is connected assigns a to
the device.
5. A(n) can also define one
or more compatible IDs for the device.
How many have you gotten in the above assessment? Did you get all five
correctly? Well, this is the third option in installing drivers and/or application
software. From these three options that you got, you can choose the easiest one
for you or the one that is most appropriate for you.
2. Open the USB drive / CD drive which has the drivers separately that
came from the system manufacturer. If this is not available, you can
download one over the internet by searching the brand and version of
your hardware. The following three devices are the most important to be
installed with appropriate drivers:
a. First look for the graphics card driver/ VGA/ Video
b. Second to install is the sound driver/ audio
c. Third is the LAN driver / Ethernet controller / network adopter
How many have you gotten in the above assessment? Did you get all five correctly? Well, this
is the third option in installing drivers and/or application software. From these three options that
you got, you can choose the easiest one for you or the one that is most appropriate for you.
2. Open the USB drive / CD drive which has the drivers separately that came from the
system manufacturer. If this is not available, you can download one over the internet by
searching the brand and version of your hardware. The following three devices are the
most important to be installed with appropriate drivers:
a. First look for the graphics card driver/ VGA/ Video
b. Second to install is the sound driver/ audio
c. Third is the LAN driver / Ethernet controller / network adopter
Note: if you don’t have an internet connection at home, ask your teacher for a copy of
the said file, he/she for sure has stored one just for you.
You are expected to have done this activity successfully. You can review and repeat the
three options more than twice if necessary to be familiarized and be ready for another competency
added to your list.
How well did you do? From a scale of 10, 10 being the highest what‟s your rating? Explain your
answer briefly in a separate sheet of paper.
In the discussion part above, you have been given an example on how to create a windows
7 bootable drive. This time, you will create a Windows Server R2 2008 bootable flash drive
using Rufus with the flashdrive you have set aside earlier. You can ask a copy from your teacher
for the ISO file of the said Windows version. Use an empty flash drive for the installation of
bootable files. You will be graded according to the following rubrics. You can get a score as much
as 60 points in this performance task. Also, create a log as given in What‟s New part of this
module. Good luck!
Indicators / Excellent Good Fair Score
Prepared and 20 16 12
identified the Student correctly Student correctly Student incorrectly
needed material identified, prepared identified, prepared identified, DID NOT
/ device and the needed material the needed material prepare the needed
application for /device and selected / device and material
creating software for selected software / device and was not
bootable disk creating bootable for creating bootable able to select
disk. disk, application for
but with errors. creating bootable disk.
Created a 40 32 25
bootable flash Student created Student wasnot able
drive using bootable Student created to create bootable
Rufus WINDOWS bootable WINDOWS
server disk and is WINDOWS server installer
100% functional. server disk but with without close
errors in the guidance and
compilation assistance
Multiple Choice.
Direction. This assessment will make you employ your learned skills and knowledge about
creating bootable drive and installing software. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the
chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. It is a software program that enables a specific hardware device to work with a computer's
operating system.
a. Driver b. System software c. application software d. OS
2. It means the devices will work without requiring driver installation.
a. Driver b. OS c. Operating System d. Plug n Play
3. What is the correct sequence of diagram that describes the operation of an operating
a. Hardware – apps – user- OS c. OS – user – Apps – Hardware
b. User – Apps – OS – Hardware d. OS- User – Hardware – Apps
4. It lets you use your mouse to click icons, buttons, menu that are clearly displayed on the
screen using a combination of graphics and text.
a. CLI b. GUI c. OS d. Apps
5. The main function of a device driver is?
a. Acting as a translator between the hardware device and the application or
operating system that users it.
b. To fail Management.
c. Acting as a storage medium that can be access directly by cpu.
d. Organizes and coordinate how to multiple users access and share resources on
6. A computer‟s speaker does not sound, how are you going to check on this problem?
a. Check the LAN driver
b. Check the sound driver
c. Check the graphics driver
d. Check the PnP driver
7. The graphical user interface is a form of user interface that allows users to interact
with electronic devices through graphical icons and
audio indicator such as primary notation, instead of text-based user interfaces. Why is this
important to a computer system?
a. GUI is the layer where the digital product communicated with human and human
communicated with digital product.
b. GUI Allows you to move the cursor up and down or left and right.
c. GUI Allows you to expand the contents of a window to fill the screen.
d. GUI scans all the needed software of the computer and returns it to the main memory
to the central bus channels.
8. Copyright is the exclusive right given to the creator of a creative work to reproduce the work,
how would you follow the copyright law of a software?
a. Own full rights to use it how you wish.
b. Purchase a license to use it on one machine only.
c. Purchase a license to use it on as many machines as you like.
d. Make multiple copies and give these to anyone else for safe keeping.
9. Your cousin told you that the program he has downloaded is a shareware and told you that you
can copy this file. Would this be a violation of the copyright law?
• Yes, because this software cannot be used without payment for a set period, after which
a payment must be made.
• No, because this software can be used without payment for any length of time, so long as
you do not give it to anyone else.
• Yes, because this software cannot be used without payment for any length of time, so
long as you share it with as many people as you can.
• No, because this software can only be used once you have bought shares in the company
that created it.
10. How are you going to ensure that important data in your flashdrive / harddrive is not lost?
• Make regular backup files on the hard disk.
• Always use a password to protect file access.
• Never delete any files just in case you remove the wrong one by accident.
• Make regular backup copies onto suitable storage media and store them in a safe place.
11. How are you going to protect your bootable flashdrive from viruses?
• Always operate it at room temperature.
• Install antivirus software in your flasdrive.
• Never connect the drive to a computer unless will format the drive.
• Install a firewall in your flashdrive.
12. You want to create a bootable flashdrive for Windows 10. It says on the ISO file that it has
8GB file size, you have readied an 8GB flashdrive and upon using Rufus to create a bootable
drive it says there is not enough storage drive abort, retry, cancel? Why is this happening?
• Because there is an error in the process in making bootable drive.
• Because you did not format the drive first before making the bootable device.
• Because of the patch file permission in your computer.
• Because the ISO file is just enough to be saved in the flashdrive but it cannot save the
additional bootable files.
13. Your computer does not recognize the bootable drive that you created. Why did this happen?
• Maybe the BIOS is not configured to boot on the device.
• Maybe the flashdrive is not compatible with the computer.
• Maybe the environment of the OS is not compatible with the
• Maybe the flash drive is not working.
14. After installing your new video card for gaming, you found out that the video resolution in the
game you are playing does not far different from the onboard video card that you have. Why
is this?
• Because the onboard video card and the new video card is the same
• Because the video card‟s driver is not yet installed
• Because the video card is not compatible
• Because the BIOS is not yet setup for the setting in video card
15. How are you going to test if the new sound card you bought is working or not?
• Plug it inside the system and test your speaker.
• Plug it inside the system and install the driver then see if it sounds.
• Plug it inside the system and update the BIOS.
• Plug it inside the system and go to the manufacturer‟s website to test.
Additional Activities
In the above activity you are taught to use Rufus in making bootable drive. This time, you will
be able to use another freeware called PowerISO. Below are the steps in making a bootable drive;
different applications but with the same results.
1. Start PowerISO (v6.5 or newer version, download here or you can get a copy from your
3. Choose the menu "Tools > Create Bootable USB Drive". The "Create Bootable USB
Drive" dialog will popup. If you are using Windows Vista or above operating system,
you need confirm the UAC dialog to continue.