Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act prohibits discrimination based on disability. It requires schools to provide students with disabilities equal access to programs and activities. To be eligible, a student must have a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits a major life activity. The school district evaluates such students and develops 504 plans to provide appropriate accommodations and services so these students can participate fully in school programs. The district uses its Response to Intervention process to identify students who may need support or referrals for Section 504 evaluations.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act prohibits discrimination based on disability. It requires schools to provide students with disabilities equal access to programs and activities. To be eligible, a student must have a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits a major life activity. The school district evaluates such students and develops 504 plans to provide appropriate accommodations and services so these students can participate fully in school programs. The district uses its Response to Intervention process to identify students who may need support or referrals for Section 504 evaluations.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act prohibits discrimination based on disability. It requires schools to provide students with disabilities equal access to programs and activities. To be eligible, a student must have a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits a major life activity. The school district evaluates such students and develops 504 plans to provide appropriate accommodations and services so these students can participate fully in school programs. The district uses its Response to Intervention process to identify students who may need support or referrals for Section 504 evaluations.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act prohibits discrimination based on disability. It requires schools to provide students with disabilities equal access to programs and activities. To be eligible, a student must have a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits a major life activity. The school district evaluates such students and develops 504 plans to provide appropriate accommodations and services so these students can participate fully in school programs. The district uses its Response to Intervention process to identify students who may need support or referrals for Section 504 evaluations.
What is Section 504? What is a Major Life Activity?
♦ Any student may be referred for a 504 evaluation
by a parent, teacher, counselor, administrator, or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a Major life activities refer to functions such as, but not other District employee who is knowledgeable federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of limited to, caring for oneself, eating, sleeping, reading, about the student and has reason to believe that disability. Unlike the Individuals with Disabilities walking, seeing, hearing, bending, standing, speaking, the student has a disability that is substantially Education Act (IDEA) that governs special education, breathing, thinking, concentrating, communicating, and limiting one of life’s major activities. Section 504 is not an education, service, or funding performing manual tasks. Major life activities also ♦ All referrals must be submitted in writing to an statute. The purpose of Section 504 is to ensure that include major bodily functions of the immune system, official Campus 504 Coordinator who will prepare individuals with disabilities are given the same bladder, bowel, brain, respiratory, circulatory, and and send all required notices. opportunity to participate in programs and activities as endocrine functions, as well as, normal cell development. ♦ The District complete the evaluations within 45 are their nondisabled peers. school days following receipt of parents’ consent to Where Does RTI Fit in the 504 Process? evaluate. It is the responsibility of Katy Independent School District to identify and serve students who, within the Katy ISD uses a tiered Response to Intervention (RTI) What Constitutes an Evaluation Under Section intent of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, model as a system for gathering data to determine 504? are considered disabled and who, because of whether a student may have need for referral to 504. It disability need special services/accommodations is through the RTI process that campuses document a An evaluation under Section 504 may not involve within the general education program. student’s response to interventions for academic, testing. It may consist of a review and analysis of physical, or behavioral difficulties. existing records such as vision and hearing screening, Who is Eligible Under Section 504? test scores, attendance records, discipline records, All students receive differentiated instruction in their Students may qualify for protection under Section 504 general education classes at Tier I. A student, who educational history, current academic performance, teacher observations, and behavior. Data provided if they have a mental or physical impairment that makes minimal or no progress academically at Tier I, substantially limits one or more of life’s major from external sources is also considered but within the may be referred to an RTI Collaborative Team to context of the school. activities. A label, disability, or diagnosis, alone, does determine whether the student requires targeted not make a student eligible under Section 504. The supplementary intervention at Tier II. For elementary A 504 Committee is responsible for gathering, disability must substantially limit the student’s students, this involves a second class in a content area. reviewing and analyzing the evaluation data and for performance as compared to the performance of the Secondary students, on the other hand, may need an making decisions regarding a student’s eligibility average student in the general population. academic intervention elective. Tier II is still a part of the based upon current legal standards. general education program. If the student does not If a student does not qualify under Section 504 but make progress at this level, the student may require Who Makes Up the Membership of the 504 requires instructional and/or behavioral interventions more intensive interventions at Tier III and/or a referral to Committee? beyond those available in general education, the 504. District will meet the student’s needs through its The federal regulations governing Section 504 do not Response to Intervention (RTI) process. Students with physical and/or behavioral needs are specify the titles or classifications of individuals who typically served within the general education classroom must participate in a 504 Committee. The regulations Students may be eligible for services under Section with appropriate levels of support from an LSSP or do state that the 504 Committee must include “a group 504 even though they do not meet the eligibility campus nurse. of persons knowledgeable about the child, the criteria for one of the disabling conditions covered by meaning of the evaluation data, and the placement the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Participation in student support or Response to options.” Students eligible for services under IDEA are not Intervention systems does not exclude students from addressed in these guidelines. Section 504 referral, even if a student is successful given While parents are not required members of a 504 the intervening services. Utilization of RTI should not Committee in federal regulations, Katy ISD What is Meant by “Substantially Limits”? DELAY, DENY, or PREVENT students from access to encourages parent participation. Section 504 evaluation. Referral to Section 504 should Under judicial interpretation, a major life activity is How is Placement Defined? occur when a school or parent suspects a disability is substantially limited when a person is “unable to present (or has knowledge a disability has been perform a major life activity that the average person in In the context of 504, “placement” refers to the general identified) and the student may be in need of services the general population can perform.” education classroom or program with individually due to the disability. planned accommodations or interventions. Placement In referencing the “general population”, the intent of What are the Referral Procedures? may include such things as tutorials, math lab, block the law was to compare each person’s performance math classes, or reading improvement classes. In against the general population in the community and ♦ In most cases, students referred to a Campus 504 other words, an eligible 504 student is entitled to the the nation – not the population at a particular school. Coordinator will have been served previously through same access to programs and activities as any other the RTI process. student. The District is not required to alter requirements or standards for participation. There is (d) placement; and no modification of the essential knowledge and skills (e) any significant change in placement. Section 504: for 504 students. Eligibility under Section 504 is not intended to reduce expectations for students with 2. A right to receive a copy of this notice upon the district’s identification, evaluation, refusal to provide A Parent’s Guide disabilities. The intent of 504 is to provide eligible an evaluation, educational placement, denial of students with reasonable accommodations that will educational placement, and any significant change in KATY INDEPENDENT give them an equal chance to achieve. said placement of their child. Can Eligible 504 Students Take an Alternative 3. A right to an evaluation of their child if the District has STAAR Test? No. Unlike students with disabilities who are eligible reason to believe that the child has a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits learning SCHOOL DISTRICT under the special education umbrella (IDEA), 504 or some other major life activity students cannot be given an alternate or modified (a) before the initial placement; and STAAR test. Therefore, since graduation is (b) before any subsequent significant change in conditioned on passing STAAR and/or End-of-Course placement. exams, eligible 504 students must be held 4. A right to an opportunity to examine all relevant accountable for the same curriculum requirements records for their child. and standards as their nondisabled peers. To do otherwise would not give eligible 504 students an 5. A right to participate in an impartial hearing with equal opportunity to earn a diploma. Eligible 504 representation by counsel, concerning the students may be entitled to limited testing identification, evaluation or educational placement of accommodations as allowed by TEA or the testing their child. manufacturer, as appropriate. 6. A right to appeal the final decision of the impartial What if a Parent Refuses IDEA Services and hearing officer to a court of competent jurisdiction. Requests 504 Instead? Written requests for local mediation or impartial hearings shall be made to: The Office of Civil Rights, the agency responsible for Mrs. Bonnie Holland enforcement of Section 504 regulations, has made it Associate Superintendent for Administration, clear that students eligible for services under IDEA Governance and Legal Affairs should be served under that statute. If a parent Katy Independent School District refuses special education services for an eligible P.O. Box 159 student, Katy ISD may have no obligation to offer the Katy, Texas 77492-0159 student services and/or accommodations under (281) 396-2318 Section 504. The hearing officer for the impartial hearing will not be an What Rights Do Parents Have Under Section 504 employee of Katy ISD, shall not be a member of the in Katy ISD? Board of Trustees, and shall not be related to any member of the Board of Trustees in a degree that would Participation in student support or Response to be prohibited under the nepotism statute. Intervention systems does not exclude students from Mediation conferences and/or impartial hearings will be Section 504 referral, even if a student is successful conducted in an informal and nonadversarial manner. given the intervening services. Utilization of RTI should not DELAY, DENY, or PREVENT students OCR Complaints It is the policy of Katy ISD not to discriminate on the basis of from access to Section 504 evaluation. Referral to Parents or guardians who believe that the District has sex, disability, race, religion, color, gender, age or national Section 504 should occur when a school or parent origin in its educational programs and/or activities, including violated the provisions of Section 504 are entitled to file a suspects a disability is present (or has knowledge a career and technology program, nor in its employment complaint with the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) which has disability has been identified) and the student may be practices and to provide equal access to the Boy Scouts and jurisdiction in Texas. The address is as follows: in need of services due to the disability. other designated youth groups. Director – Department of Education 1. Parents have a right to written notification on an Office of Civil Rights, Region VI individual basis with regard to: 1999 Bryan Street, Suite 2260 (a) referral for evaluation or reevaluation; Dallas, Texas 75201 (b) decisions regarding eligibility; (214) 661-9600 (c) services available; Special Services 06/13/2016
(Cambridge Studies in Society and The Life Sciences) Celia Roberts-Messengers of Sex - Hormones, Biomedicine and Feminism-Cambridge University Press (2007)