AA Commands: Database

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AA Commands

Begin Data Trasaction
End Data Transaction
Read From
Run Stored Stored Procedure
Export to Data Table
Manage Stored Procedure


Check/uncheck checkbox To check or uncheck the checkbox by specifying

the field path
Click To click on particular object by specifying the
field path
Click Menu To select particular item from the menu by
specifying the field path
Connect To connect SAP Application by specifying the
Disconnect To Disconnect from already connected session
in SAP
Double Click To perform Double click operation on particular
object by specifying the field path
Export Table To export particular table on screen to a CSV
file or can append it to a data table
Get Cell Count
Get Children Names
Get Children Text
Get Column Count
Get Row Count
Get selected Item
Get Status
Get Table Cell Index
Get Table Cell Text
Get Text
Get Item Count
Left Click To perform left click operation on particular
object field by specifying the field path
Right Click To perform right click operation on particular
object field by specifying the field path
Select Item
Select Radio option To click on particular radio button field by
specifying the field path
Send Virtual Key To send a set of key commands for the existing
Set Table cell text
Set Text To set value to a particular field by specifying
the field path and the value to be set


Close To Close the session of already opened DLL File

Open To open a DLL file by selecting the file path
Run Function To run a particular function from the DLL by
passing the parameters


Change Status To change status of particular mail as

Check If folder exists To check weather particular folder exists in the
email server by specifying the folder details
Delete All To delete all emails by selecting the type of
email like All, Read, Unread
Delete To delete a single email inside the loop
Disconnect To disconnect from the already connected
Connect To connect to a particular email like outlook or
other Email Server by specifying the credentials
Forward To forward an email to another email address
by specifying the address details and email
format like plain text or HTML
Move all To move all the emails to the destination folder
by specifying emails server folder path and the
type of email like All, Read and Unread
Reply To reply to a particular email with same subject
Save All Attachment To save all attachments to the particular folder
by specifying the system folder path and type
of email
Save Attachments To save all of single email to a particular folder
by specifying the folder path
Save Email Save email to a particular folder
Send Send email by specifying the address and
credential details

Python Script

Close Close the session of opening file

Execute Function To Execute particular function of the script by
specifying the function name and arguments
Execute Script To execute a particular python script and assign
output to a variable
Open To Open a Python Script file by specifying the
file path

Data Table

Assign To Assign one table value to another table by

specifying rows and columns
Clear Content To clear the content of particular table by
specifying the table name
Get Number of Columns To get the total number of columns or used
column of a particular table by specifying the
table name
Delete Column To delete particular column in a table
Delete Row To delete particular row in a table
Insert Column Insert column to the table by specifying column
index or column name
Insert Row To insert row in a table by specifying the row
Join To join to table by specifying two table names
and column names
Merge To merge two tables and another table by
specifying the table names
Remove duplicate rows To remove duplicate rows of a particular table
Get Number of rows To get the total number of rows or used rows
of a particular table by specifying the table
Search for a value of a single cell To set value to a single cell in a table by
specifying the row index and column index
sort To sort a particular column in a table by
specifying the column name and sort order
Write to file To write table data to the CSV or Text file by
specifying the file name


Delete Node Delete particular node by specifying the xpath

End Session To close the existing session
Execute Xpath Function To execute xpath expression and assigning it to
Get Multiple nodes To get multiple node values of an XML file
Get Single Node To get a single node value from an XML file
Insert Node To insert a node value in an XML file
Save Session Data To save session data after inserting the node
Start Session To start session with an XML file
Update node To update particular node in an XML file
Validate XML Document To validate the format of XML document

Trigger Loop Triggering for an particular event

Handle Performing action for that event
Break Break the loop after action performed

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