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Date: February 10th,2020

To: Mr Pham Trung Kien

From: Phan Thi To Uyen, Group 10, K6


I. Abstract

This experiment is divided into 2 parts: The first part is to determine the overall heat
transfer coefficient for those two cases and the effectiveness of the heat exchanger in two cases;
The second part is to determine the overall heat transfer coefficient by using Fourier’s Law and
Newton’s Law of Cooling. In Part I, Heat flow rate of hot flow is lower than that of cold flow.
Heat flow rate of co-current is lower than that of countercurrent. Efficiency of cocurrent is higher
than that of countercurrent but the difference between values is not too large. The values of
NTU, effectiveness and Ut and Logarithmic temperatures mean difference ΔTlmtd for co-current
case are lower than that of countercurrent case. Because the transfer of heat takes place due to
temperature gradient. The gradient is a constant in the countercurrent, which leads to constant
flow of heat at each point. Although the gradient is high initially, the gradient decreases by time
in the co-current. So it leads to the difference in Q, ∆Tltmd and Ut. Ut of Part II is lower than
that of Part I because we can choose incorrectly the formula of Convection coefficient.

Level 5 Level 7 Level 9

Co-current Countercurrent Co-current Countercurrent Co-current Countercurrent

Heat flow rate of hot flow Qh (W) 1359.885 1579.508 1578.882 1767.924 1672.160 1811.417

Heat flow rate of cold flow Qc (W) 1813.300 2191.854 1968.177 2311.858 2019.760 2414.533

Heat losses Ql (W) -453.415 -612.345 -389.294 -543.934 -347.600 -603.117

Efficiency (%) H (%) 74.995 72.063 80.221 76.472 82.790 75.021

Number of transfer units NTU(-) 0.732 0.783 0.627 0.682 0.553 0.590

Effectiveness ɛ NTU (-) 0.407 0.459 0.358 0.406 0.345 0.380

Logar temp mean different ∆Tlmtd (K) 13.529 14.692 14.664 15.097 15.197 15.420

Heat transfer coe. Part 1 Ut (W/m.K) 338.582 362.130 362.668 394.450 370.639 395.676

Heat transfer coe. Part 2 Ut (W/m.K) 65.080 65.350 65932 66.236 66.485 66.832
II. Introduction and Purpose
1. Introduction

The shell and tube heat exchanger is commonly used in chemical process industries. Heat
is transferred between one fluid flowing through the tubes and another fluid flowing through the
cylindrical shell around the tubes

2. Purpose
 To perform an energy balance of a shell and tube heat exchanger
 To investigate the difference between cocurrent and countercurrent flows
 To determine the overall heat transfer coefficient for a shell and tube heat exchanger
 To investigate the effect flow rates on heat exchanger efficiency and overall heat transfer

Figure 1:Schematic of cocurrent and countercurrent flow in a shell and tube heat exchanger

III. Theory and Analysis

 Part I : Overall Energy Balance
- In this part, we base on the equations of energy (heat) transfer:
Qduty hot = mh cph ∆T (1)
m : Mass flow rate of hot stream (kg/sec)
CpThe heat capacity of water (kJ/kg.K)
∆T = Tin − Tout (˚C or K).
- The same for the cold stream equation is
Qcold = ṁc Cpc ∆T (2)
ṁc : Flow rate of the cold fluid steam (kg/sec)
Cpc : Mean heat capacity
∆T = Tc,out − Tc,in
- Next, we have to calculate the Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference (∆Tltmd) by the
∆t2 −∆t1
∆Tlmtd = ∆t (3)
ln( 2 )

For countercurrent flow: ∆t1 = Th,i −Tc,o ∆t 2 = Th,o − Tc,i

For co-current (parallel) flow: ∆t1 = Th,i − Tc,i ∆t 2 = Th,o − Tc,o
- Finally, the overall heat transfer coefficient can be found using:
Qduty hot
Ut = (4)

A (m2) is area of HEX
A=πdm L ∀ L=n×l,dm =0.5×(dod+did )
dm (m) is the arithmetic mean diameter of inner tubes;
L (m) is total heat transfer length; n is the number of tubes and l (m) is the length of one
 Part II: Traditional Analysis of Conductive and Convective Heat Transfer

In this part, we based on the Fourier’s law and Newton’s Law of Cooling in order to get
this equation to calculate Ut:
ln( od )
1 1 Did 1
= Rt = + + (5)
Ut A hh πDid L 2πLK hc πDod L
hh and hc : the convection coefficient of the cold stream and hot stream W/m2.K
K : the thermal conductivity of the separation wall (W/m.K)
L : Length of tube
Did and Dod : Diameter of inlet and outlet
IV. Experimental Methodology
- Check that the valves are opened and that we have countercurrent flow pattern.
- Check that the heating tank is filled with water above the level switch.
- Switch on pump and the resistor (equipment supply).
- Set the tank temperature in 65°C (ST16).
- Fix the hot water flow (SC1). The cold water flow rate (SC2) is 2.5 l/min
- Once steady state operating conditions have been obtained write down the temperature
and flow measurements on the experiment sheet for the countercurrent flow pattern.
- Set the valves appropriately in order to invert the cold water flow direction to produce a
cocurrent flow pattern.
- Make sure that the cold water flow rate is not altered and that the hot water flow rate and
temperature is maintained at 65°C when you change to the cocurrent flow pattern.
- Once steady state operating conditions have been obtained again write down the
temperature and flow measurements on the experiment sheet for the cocurrent flow
V. Results and Discussion

Figure 2: Temperature distribution of 2 systems (Cocurrent flow and Countercurrent flow)
Graph of temperature distributions shown in Figure 2. Each graph has 6 lines, 3
temperature lines for hot and cold fluid streams for co-current and countercurrent . In each graph,
the hot lines are overlapping and the cold lines are overlapping. These values are acceptable. The
shape of curves are consistent with the theoretical shape of temperature distributions for each
 Part I:
We have the value of Logarithmic temperatures mean difference, heat flow rate, heat
transfer coefficient and efficiency of each case as shown in Table below
Table 1 : The value ∆Tlmtd, Qh, Qc, Ut, H (%) in each case
Level 5 Level 7 Level 9
Co-current Countercurrent Co-current Countercurrent Co-current Countercurrent

Loga temp mean different ∆Tlmtd (K) 13.529 14.692 14.664 15.097 15.197 15.420

Heat flow rate of hot flow Qh (W)

1359.885 1579.508 1578.882 1767.924 1672.160 1811.417
Heat flow rate of cold flow Qc (W)
1813.300 2191.854 1968.177 2311.858 2019.760 2414.533
Heat transfer coe. Ut (W/m.K) 338.582 362.130 362.668 394.450 370.639 395.676

Efficiency (%) H (%) 74.995 72.063 80.221 76.472 82.790 75.021

Heat flow rate of hot flow is lower than that of cold flow. Heat flow rate of co-current is
lower than that of countercurrent. Efficiency of co-current is higher than that of countercurrent.
The Logarithmic temperatures mean difference in co-current is lower than that of countercurrent.
Heat transfer coefficient for co-current case are higher than that of countercurrent case.
Effectiveness is the ratio of the actual heat transfer rate for a heat exchanger to the maximum
possible heat transfer rate. That means more effectiveness,that is better. Therefore, the co-current
is more efficient. In the heat exchangers, the transfer of heat takes place due to the temperature
gradient. The gradient is a constant in the countercurrent, which leads to constant flow of heat at
each point. Although the gradient is high initially, the gradient decreases by time in the co-
current. So it leads to the difference in ∆Tltmd,Q and Ut.
Use the NTU method, we have the results below:
Table 2: The value of NTU, Cr, ɛ, Th,o ,Tc,o are calculated by NTU method
Level 5 Level 7 Level 9
Co-current Countercurrent Co-current Countercurrent Co-current Countercurrent

Number of transfer units NTU(-) 0.732 0.783 0.627 0.682 0.553 0.590

Capacity coefficient Cr 0.795 0.796 0.994 0.995 0.867 0.866

Effecttveness ɛ
0.378 0.429 0.337 0.381 0.307 0.336
Effectiveness by NTU ɛ NTU (-) 0.407 0.459 0.358 0.406 0.345 0.380

Temp hot out by real Th,o 318.75 320.45 319.05 321.35 320.75
Temp hot out by ex.effec Th,o 318.750 317.350 320.450 319.050 319.604 317.720

Tempe cold out by real Tc,o 312.95 314.75 313.75 315.75 314.05 316.75

Temp cold out by ex.effec Tc,o 310.324 311.202 311.495 312.597 310.750 311.850

Comparing the values, we have:

- The Experimental effectiveness is approximate with the effectiveness obtained by the
NTU method.
- The hot and cold water temperature at the exchanger outlet in real are approximate with
the values by experimental effectiveness.
- The NTU of Co-current and Countercurrent in the each level are appoximate
- The Cr of Co-current and Countercurrent in the each level are appoximate
The calculation is correct.
 Part II :
Table 3: The calculation of the Heat transfer coefficient

Reynolds number Nusselt number Convection coe. Heat transfer coe.

Re (-) Nu (-) h (W/m2.K) Ut (W/m2*K)

Hot para 460.197 5.432 437.105

Co-current 65.080
Cold para 502.696 16.700 70.711
Level 5
Hot CC 455.193 5.423 435.953
Countercurrent 65.350
Cold CC 497.136 16.814 71.104

Hot para 589.213 5.851 471.774

Co-current 65.932
Cold para 511.310 16.677 70.763
Level 7
Hot CC 580.266 5.846 470.776
Countercurrent 66.236
Cold CC 505.523 16.797 71.181

Hot para 688.537 6.154 496.554

Co-current 66.485
Cold para 513.153 16.680 70.802
Level 9
Hot CC 685.942 6.148 495.932
Countercurrent 66.832
Cold CC 514.125 16.781 71.256
Using the equations of the Reynolds number, Nusselt number ( in the Appendix ) to
determine the Convection heat transfer hh and hc then to calculate Heat transfer coefficient Ut.
Unluckily, the Ut in part II is too difficent Ut part I. I think I have a few incorrect calculations.
Reynolds number is lower than 2300 so the flow is laminar flow
VI. Conclusions and Recommendation
We can determine heat transfer coefficient for a shell and tube heat exchanger, heat
exchanger efficiency and overall heat transfer coefficient of co-current and countercurrent. We
can determine heat transfer coefficient of heat exchanger for both case by using Eq.4 or Eq.5.
From the result of this experiment, the Eq.4 is better method to determine heat transfer
coefficient of heat exchanger for both case than Eq.5.
I could not determine the error, because I didn’t find the suitable equation of error.
Beside, for each case each level, we only measure once, so there is no error of the temperature.
There are many formula of Nusselt number, so we have to carefullly chose equation of
Nu to calculate again the Ut in part II.
VII. References:
1. Exp 2 Heat Exchanger Handout, from Mr Pham Trung Kien.
2. Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer, Incropera-Dewitt-Bergman-Lavine, 6th
Attachments and Appendices:

Attachment 1 – Experimental data for each case.

Test 1 - Parallel Flow

x Level 5 (°C) Level 5 (K) Level 7 (°C) Level 7 (K) Level 9 (°C) Level 9 (K)

ST 16 (°C) 64.3 337.45 64 337.15 63.6 336.75

ST 1 Hot in 0.000 55.5 328.65 56.5 329.65 56.6 329.75

ST 2 Hot out 0.500 45.6 318.75 47.3 320.45 48.2 321.35

ST 3 Cold in 0.000 29.3 302.45 29.2 302.35 29.2 302.35

ST 4 Cold 0.125 34.4 307.55 35.7 308.85 35.9 309.05

ST 5 Cold 0.250 37.4 310.55 38.6 311.75 38.8 311.95

ST 6 Cold 0.375 39.2 312.35 40.1 313.25 40.4 313.55

ST 7 Cold out 0.500 39.8 312.95 40.6 313.75 40.9 314.05

SC 1 (l/min) 2 2.5 2.9

SC 2 (l/min) 2.5 2.5 2.5

Test 2 - Countercurent Flow

x Level 5 (°C) Level 5 (K) Level 7 (°C) Level 7 (K) Level 9 (°C) Level 9 (K)

ST 16 (°C) 64.2 337.35 64.1 337.25 64.1 337.25

ST 1 Hot in 0.000 55.7 328.85 56.2 329.35 56.7 329.85

ST 2 Hot out 0.500 44.2 317.35 45.9 319.05 47.6 320.75

ST 3 Cold out 0.000 41.6 314.75 42.6 315.75 43.6 316.75

ST 4 Cold 0.125 37.3 310.45 38.3 311.45 39.3 312.45

ST 5 Cold 0.250 36.2 309.35 37.2 310.35 38.2 311.35

ST 6 Cold 0.375 33.6 306.75 34.4 307.55 35.3 308.45

ST 7 Cold in 0.500 28.9 302.05 29.2 302.35 29.6 302.75

SC 1 (l/min) 2 2.5 2.9

SC 2 (l/min) 2.5 2.5 2.5

Attachment 2 – The parameters used to calculated
Number of tube Length of Ther Outer dia. Inter dia. Thickness Ah (m2) Ac (m2) Outer dia. Inter dia. Thickness
tube (m) Conductivity (m) hot (m) hot (m) hot (m) cold (m) cold (m) cold
stainless steel
21 0.5 20 0.01 0.008 0.001 0.0126 0.0157 0.16 0.148 0.006
Test 1 -
Parallel Temp. Specific Vol. Visco. (E+6 Prandtl Thermal conductivity
Flow (°C) Temp. (°K) (E+3 m3/kg) Heat Cp (kJ/kg.K) Ns/m2) Number (W/m.K)

Coe. Error Coe. Error Coe. Error Coe. Error Coe. Error Coe. Error

340.000 1.021 4.188 420.000 2.660 0.660

ST 16 (°C) 64.300 337.450 1.019 4.187 436.830

ST 16 (°C) 64.000 337.150 1.019 4.187 438.810

ST 16 (°C) 63.600 336.750 1.019 4.187 441.450

335.000 1.018 4.186 453.000 2.880 0.656

330.000 1.016 4.184 489.000 3.150 0.650

ST 1 55.500 328.650 1.015 4.183 499.530

ST 1 56.500 329.650 1.016 4.184 491.730

ST 1 56.600 329.750 1.016 4.184 490.950

325.000 1.013 4.182 528.000 3.420 0.645

ST 2 47.300 320.450 1.011 4.180 572.590

ST 2 48.200 321.350 1.012 4.181 563.770

320.000 1.011 4.180 577.000 3.770 0.640

ST 2 45.600 318.750 1.011 4.180 590.500

315.000 1.009 4.179 631.000 4.160 0.634

ST 5 37.400 310.550 1.007 4.178 687.960

ST 6 39.200 312.350 1.008 4.178 664.920

ST 7 39.800 312.950 1.008 4.179 657.240

ST 5 38.600 311.750 1.008 4.178 672.600

ST 6 40.100 313.250 1.008 4.179 653.400

ST 7 40.600 313.750 1.009 4.179 647.000

ST 5 38.800 311.950 1.008 4.178 670.040

ST 6 40.400 313.550 1.008 4.179 649.560

ST 7 40.900 314.050 1.009 4.179 643.160

310.000 1.007 4.178 695.000 4.620 0.628

ST 4 34.400 307.550 1.006 4.178 731.260

ST 4 35.700 308.850 1.007 4.178 712.020

ST 4 35.900 309.050 1.007 4.178 709.060

305.000 1.005 4.178 769.000 5.200 0.620

ST 3 29.300 302.450 1.004 4.179 812.860

ST 3 29.200 302.350 1.004 4.179 814.580

ST 3 29.200 302.350 1.004 4.179 814.580

300.000 1.003 4.179 855.000 5.830 0.613

Test 2 - Thermal
Countercurent Temp. Specific Vol. conductivity
Flow (°C) Temp. (°K) (E+3 m3/kg) Heat Cp (kJ/kg.K) Visco. (E+6 Ns/m2) Prandtl Number (W/m.K)

Coe. Error Coe. Error Coe. Error Coe. Error Coe. Error Coe. Error

340.000 1.021 4.188 420.000 2.660 0.660

ST 16 (°C) 64.200 337.350 1.019 4.187 437.490

ST 16 (°C) 64.100 337.250 1.019 4.187 438.150

ST 16 (°C) 64.100 337.250 1.019 4.187 438.150

335.000 1.018 4.186 453.000 2.880 0.656

330.000 1.016 4.184 489.000 3.150 0.650

ST 1 55.7 328.85 1.015 4.184 497.970

ST 1 56.2 329.35 1.016 4.184 494.070

ST 1 56.7 329.85 1.016 4.184 490.170

325.000 1.013 4.182 528.000 3.420 0.645

ST 2 47.600 320.750 1.011 4.180 569.650

320.000 1.011 4.180 577.000 3.770 0.640

ST 2 44.200 317.350 1.010 4.179 605.620

ST 2 45.900 319.050 1.011 4.180 587.260

ST 3 42.600 315.750 1.009 4.179 622.900

ST 3 43.600 316.750 1.010 4.179 612.100

315.000 1.009 4.179 631.000 4.160 0.634

ST 3 41.600 314.750 1.009 4.179 634.200

ST 4 37.300 310.450 1.007 4.178 689.240

ST 4 38.300 311.450 1.008 4.178 676.440

ST 4 39.300 312.450 1.008 4.178 663.640

ST 5 37.200 310.350 1.007 4.178 690.520

ST 5 38.200 311.350 1.008 4.178 677.720

310.000 1.007 4.178 695.000 4.620 0.628

ST 5 36.200 309.350 1.007 4.178 704.620

ST 6 33.600 306.750 1.006 4.178 743.100

ST 6 34.400 307.550 1.006 4.178 731.260

ST 6 35.300 308.450 1.006 4.178 717.940

305.000 1.005 4.178 769.000 5.200 0.620

ST 7 28.900 302.050 1.004 4.179 819.740

ST 7 29.200 302.350 1.004 4.179 814.580

ST 7 29.600 302.750 1.004 4.178 807.700

300.000 1.003 4.179 855.000 5.830 0.613

Attachment 3 – Total result of Part I, Part II.

Level 5:

Mass Heat Heat

Specific Heat Heat Q Efficiency ∆T1 ∆T2 ∆Tlmtd Heat Total NTU
PART 1 Viscosity flow transfer capacity Cr Effecttveness Temp,out Effectiveness (-)
Vol. Capacity (J/s=W) (%) (K) (K) (K) max area (-)
rate coe. rate
Vf (E+3 Cp µ (E+6 ṁ Ut m.Cp Qmax A
Q H% ɛ T,o ɛ NTU
m3/kg) (kJ/kg.K) Ns/m2) (kg/sec) (W/m2*K) (W/K) (W) (m2)

Hot para 1.015 4.183 499.530 0.033 1359.885 137.362 318.750

74.995 26.200 5.800 13.529 338.582 3598.888 0.297 0.732 0.795 0.378 0.407
Cold para 1.008 4.179 657.240 0.041 1813.300 172.695 310.324

Hot CC 1.015 4.184 497.970 0.033 1579.508 137.349 317.350

72.063 14.100 15.300 14.692 362.130 3680.941 0.297 0.783 0.796 0.429 0.459
Cold CC 1.009 4.179 634.200 0.041 2191.854 172.587 311.202

PART 2 Temp. (K) µ, viscosity Prandtl Number Ther.conductivity µs (surface) Reynolds number Nusselt number Convection coe. Heat transfer coe.

Tavg (K) µ (E+6 Ns/m2) Pr Kf (W/m.K) µs (E+6 Ns/m2) Re Nu h (W/m2*K) Ut (W/m2*K)

Hot para 323.700 540.740 3.511 0.644 590.500 460.197 5.432 437.105
Cold para 309.170 707.284 4.716 0.627 657.240 502.696 16.700 70.711

Hot CC 323.100 546.620 3.553 0.643 605.620 455.193 5.423 435.953

Cold CC 308.670 714.684 4.774 0.626 634.200 497.136 16.814 71.104
Level 7

Mass Heat Heat

Specific Heat Heat Q Efficiency ∆T1 ∆T2 ∆Tlmtd Heat Total NTU
PART 1 Viscosity flow transfer capacity Cr Effecttveness Temp,out Effectiveness (-)
Vol. Capacity (J/s=W) (%) (K) (K) (K) max area (-)
rate coe. rate
Cp µ (E+6 ṁ Ut m.Cp Qmax A
(E+3 Q H% ɛ T,o ɛNTU
(kJ/kg.K) Ns/m2) (kg/sec) (W/m2*K) (W/K) (W) (m2)
Hot para 1.016 4.184 491.730 0.041 1578.882 171.618 320.450
80.221 27.300 6.700 14.664 362.668 4685.162 0.297 0.627 0.994 0.337 0.358
Cold para 1.009 4.179 647.000 0.041 1968.177 172.647 311.495

Hot CC 1.016 4.184 494.070 0.041 1767.924 171.643 319.050

76.472 13.600 16.700 15.097 394.450 4634.365 0.297 0.682 0.995 0.381 0.406
Cold CC 1.009 4.179 622.900 0.041 2311.858 172.527 312.597

Reynolds Nusselt
PART 2 Temp. (K) µ, viscosity Prandtl Number Ther.conductivity µs (surface) Convection coe. Heat transfer coe.
number number
Tavg (K) µ (E+6 Ns/m2) Pr Kf (W/m.K) µs (E+6 Ns/m2) Re Nu h (W/m2*K) Ut (W/m2*K)

Hot para 325.050 527.610 3.417 0.645 572.590 589.213 5.851 471.774
Cold para 309.990 695.148 4.621 0.628 647.000 511.310 16.677 70.763

Hot CC 324.200 535.840 3.476 0.644 587.260 580.266 5.846 470.776

Cold CC 309.490 702.548 4.679 0.627 622.900 505.523 16.797 71.181
Level 9:
Mass Heat Heat
Specific Heat Heat Q Efficiency ∆T1 ∆T2 ∆Tlmtd Heat Total NTU
PART 1 Viscosity flow transfer capacity Cr Temp,out Effectiveness (-)
Vol. Capacity (J/s=W) (%) (K) (K) (K) max area (-)
rate coe. rate Effecttveness
Vf (E+3 Cp µ (E+6 ṁ Ut m.Cp Qmax A
Q H% T,o ɛNTU
m3/kg) (kJ/kg.K) Ns/m2) (kg/sec) (W/m2*K) (W/K) (W) (m2) ɛ
Hot para 1.016 4.184 490.950 0.048 1672.160 199.067 319.604
82.790 27.400 7.300 15.197 370.639 5454.426 0.297 0.553 0.867 0.307 0.345
Cold para 1.009 4.179 643.160 0.041 2019.760 172.629 310.750

Hot CC 1.016 4.184 490.170 0.048 1811.417 199.057 317.720

75.021 13.100 18.000 15.420 395.676 5394.439 0.297 0.590 0.866 0.336 0.380
Cold CC 1.010 4.179 612.100 0.041 2414.533 172.467 311.850

PART 2 Temp. (K) µ, viscosity Prandtl Number Ther.conductivity µs (surface) Reynolds number Convection coe. Heat transfer coe.
µs (E+6
Tavg (K) µ (E+6 Ns/m2) Pr Kf (W/m.K) Re Nu h (W/m2*K) Ut (W/m2*K)
Hot para 325.550 523.710 3.390 0.646 563.770 688.537 6.154 496.554
Cold para 310.190 692.568 4.603 0.628 643.160 513.153 16.680 70.802

Hot CC 325.300 525.660 3.404 0.645 569.650 685.942 6.148 495.932

Cold CC 310.350 690.520 4.588 0.628 612.100 514.125 16.781 71.256
Attachment 4 – The formula used to calculate in this memo.
Formula of Nusselt number used to determine value of h (convection coefficient)

Formula of Reynolds number

If the flow is laminar flow in circular tubes, formula of Nusselt number

* Note: All formula come from this book: Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer, Incropera-
Dewitt-Bergman-Lavine, 6th edition.
Attachment 5 – How to calculated value of NTU (-) and effectiveness (-).

The number of transfer units(NTU) is a dimen-sionless parameter that is widely used for
heat exchanger analysis and is defined as NTU=(U*A)/C_min where Cmin is equal to Cc or Ch,
whichever is smaller. Ci (heat capacity rate (W/K)) = mass flow rate (kg/sec)* heat capacity
(kJ/kg.K). By using Heat Exchanger Effectiveness Relations, we have the formula of

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