Engleski Jezik 1.god
Engleski Jezik 1.god
Engleski Jezik 1.god
1. Personal Pronouns
2. Jobs
3. The family
6. Possessive adjectives
7. Indefinite article
8. Definite article
13. Adjectives
14. Music
29. Jobs
34. Music
I Translate to English
Budim se svakog jutra oko 6. Ne ustajem odmah. Prvo ukljucim TV i ostanem jos malo u
krevetu. Onda ustanem, odem u kupatilo, umijem se, operem zube, i vratim se u sobu da
se obucem. Doruckujem, spakujem stvari i izadjem napolje. Stizem na posao oko 8,
radim do 3. Kada zavrsim, ponekad odem do grada da se vidim sa drustvom, ali obično
idem pravo kući.
___ 5p.
II Choose the best answer: a, b, c or d.
IV Reading
Steven Gerrard
Steven always starts his day with a big breakfast. He loves eggs on toast. Before he
leaves the house, he always kisses his baby Lilly- Ella for good luck. When he’s playing
for England, Steven checks his football boots before he puts them on. Why? Because the
England players often play tricks on him. “Once they put toothpaste in my boots!” says
At the end of every match, Steven always goes to the fans. He says that they help the
team: “I always say thank you to the fans. The Liverpool fans are the best. It’s like
having an another man on your team.” After the match, Steven’s dad always calls. But he
isn’t always helpful. “He tells me the mistakes I make. Sometimes I put the telephone
down - when he is still talking!”
1. How does Steven start his day?
2. What does he do before he leaves the house?
3. Why does he check his football boots before the match?
4. Who always calls him after the match?
5. What does his father tell him?