Concept Paper - Angel Louise

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Department of Education

Region III

Division of Pampanga


Bulaon Resettlement City of San Fernando, Pampanga.

Better be Chintzy!
(Each peso matters! Better be chintzy
than never)
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject

Angel Liwanag
Sheila Pangilinan
John Craste
Michelle Bacolod
Irish Lopez
Erica Garcia
Mrs. Joan Tongol

We would like to express our sincerest gratitude to those

who helped us on conducting this study. Without you, this
study will not be possible on its success. Our deepest
gratitude to our Business Ethics Instructor, Mrs. Joan
Tongol, for her patient, motivation and immense
knowledge. Without her, we could not imagine how could
we do this study and her guidance help us to do better
output. Our adviser Sir William Eligio, our sincere thanks
for your advice, motivation, encouragement and
conductive criticism which helps us to better construct our
concept paper. To our dearest classmates and co-
researchers, we would like to express our appreciation for
helping and sharing us your knowledge that helps us to be
more knowledgeable on the study. To our friends who
willingly helped us upon doing the research, accept our
sincerest thanks for your involvement and giving us time
on helping us. We would like thank our parents for their
endless support to help us to gain our objective for the
success of our research. We also like to offer this to you.
Above all, we would like to thank our Almighty God on
guiding us throughout this research and protecting us for
our safety.
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Saving money is so important for many reasons. Some of the
reasons that saving money is so important have to do with security and
safety, while other important reasons for saving money have more to do
just with the practical aspect of trying to plan ahead for major expenses.
In terms of emergencies, it is so important to be saving money.
While no one likes to think about the possibility that they will lose their
job, become disabled, or have some other sort of disastrous financial
crisis, the fact of the matter is that it happens to people all of the time. If
at all possible, you should have a savings of three months’ worth of your
expenses to help in case of emergencies.
Saving money is important for planning ahead, too. Almost every
parent would like to see their children go to college, for example.
However, many children will not be able to go to college on
scholarships. Those that do not will either have to find a way to pay for
college or to take out student loans. Student loans may not even cover all
of their expenses. Saving money is an important part of providing for
your. Education.

We envision a learner who is wise and responsible in spending,
handling and budgeting their money.

To expand the knowledge of the learners in helping them give value
in every peso they spend to assist them in managing their money
properly to have a control in every expenses may attained to achieve the
target savings to mold learners to be more responsible enough in
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budgeting money and managerial skills. And lastly, to secure their future
in giving an assurance for a prosperous life.


•To eliminate difficulties in budgeting allowance

• To learn how to handle and save money
• To know the reasons why students can't control themselves in spending
•To know the importance of handling money to students every day
• To help the learners to be more practical and wise.


Print 60
Computer Shop 20
Props 30
Total 110

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Michelle Y. Bacolod
[email protected]

Sheila Marie Pangilinan

[email protected]

Irish R. Lopez
[email protected]

Erica M. Garcia
[email protected]

Angel D. Liwanag
[email protected]

John Y. Craste
[email protected]
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