PeD Midterm

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Midterm Examination

PeD 205
(The Teaching Profession)

1. What are the seven domains of NGBTS? Explain and exemplify each.

Domain 1: Social Regard for Learning (SRFL)

The SRFL domain focuses on the ideal that teachers serve as positive and powerful role
models of the value in the pursuit of different efforts to learn. The teacher’s action,
statements, and different types of social interactions with students exemplify this ideal.

Acts as a positive role model for students. The teachers who have a deep and principled
understanding of the learning processes in their students.


1. “Can my students see and appreciate the value of pursuing learning by looking at my
various actions and statements in the classroom?”
2. “Can my students see and appreciate the value of exerting effort to learning by
looking at my various actions and statements in the classroom?”
3. “Do I demonstrate and exemplify the values of learning and efforts in the various
actions and statements I make in front of my students?”

Domain 2: Learning Environment (LE)

This domain focuses on importance of providing a social, psychological and physical

environment within which all students. Regardless of their individual differences in
learning, can engage in the different learning activities and work towards attaining high
standards of learning.

The teacher has a deep and principled understanding of how educational processes
relate to larger historical, social, cultural and political processes.

1.“Do all my students feel respected in my class, regardless of their gender, ability,
religion, socio-economic background, ethnicity, and other physical and social
2. “Do I make all my students feel that their individual strengths and resources are
recognized and appreciated in class?”
3. “Do all my students feel like they have as good a chance to learn and to achieve in my
class as their other classmates?”
4. “Do I create a social climate and organization in the classroom where all my students
can effectively engage the learning activities, regardless of their diverse capacities and
resources as individual learners?

Domain 3: Diversity of Learners (DOL)

The DOL domain emphasizes the ideal that teachers can facilitate the learning process
even with diverse learners, by recognizing and respecting individual differences and by
using knowledge about their differences to design diverse sets of learning activities to
ensure that all learners can attain the desired learning goals.

The students are expected to determine, understand and accept the learners’ diverse
background knowledge and experience


1. “Can my students see that I recognize, accept, and respect the differences in their
backgrounds and capabilities?”
2. “Am I familiar with the different backgrounds, experiences, and capacities of my
3. “Do I consider the differences in backgrounds, experiences, and capacities of my
students in designing different learning activities for them?”
4. “Do I set diverse, appropriate, and challenging learning goals for different students, in
consideration of their differences in backgrounds and capabilities?”

Domain 4: Curriculum (Curr.)

The curriculum domain refers to all elements of the teaching-learning process that work
in convergence to help students understand the curricular goals and objectives, and to
attain high standards of learning defined in the curriculum. These elements include the
teacher’s knowledge of subject matter and the learning process, teaching-learning
approaches and activities, instructional materials and learning resources.

The students are expected to have the basic higher-level literacy, communication,
numeracy, critical thinking. Communicates clear learning goals that are appropriate for
learners, makes good use of allotted instructional time, selects teaching methods,
learning activities and instructional materials or resources appropriate to learners and
aligned to the objectives of the lesson

1. “Can I clearly and accurately explain the goals, procedures, and content involved in
the lessons?”
2. “Can I clearly and meaningfully show the relationships between the different lessons
in the subject?”
3. “Can I design learning activities and assessment procedures that are truly aligned with
the important objectives of the lessons?”
4. “Can I present the subject matter in meaningful and relevant ways that engage the
students’ interest and motivation to learn?”

Domain 5: Planning, Assessing Reporting (PAR)

Planning, Assessing and Reporting, a domain of Planning, Assessing and Reporting refers
to the aligned use of assessment and planning activities to ensure that the teaching-
learning activities are maximally appropriate to the students’ current knowledge and
learning levels. In particular, the domain focuses on the use of assessment data to plan
and revise teaching-learning plans, as well as the integration of formative assessment
procedures in the plan and implementation of teaching-learning activities.

Students are expected to have direct experience in classroom like teaching assistance,
classroom observation and practice teaching. They would also become creative and
innovative in thinking of alternative teaching approaches, and evaluate the effectiveness
of such approaches in improving student learning.


1. “Do my students know about their own progress and attainment of the learning goals
in my class?”
2. “Do the parents of my students get regular and accurate feedback on their children’s
progress in my class?”
3. “Do my superiors in school know about the general progress of the students in my
class in relation to the curriculum goals?”

Domain 6: Community Linkages (CL)

The LC domain refers to the ideal that classroom activities are meaningfully linked to the
experiences and aspirations of the learners in their homes and communities. Thus, this
domain focuses on teachers’ efforts directed at strengthening the links between schools
and communities to help in the attainment of the curricular goals.

Students can reflect on the relationships among the teacher process skills, the learning
process in the students, the nature of the content and the broader social forces
encumbering the school and educational processes in order to constantly improve their
teaching knowledge, skills and practices

1. “Can my students see how the goals and activities in school relate to the values and
aspirations in their homes and communities?”
2. “Do I draw from resources, ideas, and activities from my students’ communities in my
teaching learning activities?”
3. “Do I try to involve members of the community in supporting the learning goals of my

Domain 7: Personal Growth & Professional Development (PGPD)

The PGPD domain emphasizes the ideal that teachers value having a high personal
regard for the teaching profession, concern for professional development, and
continuous improvement as teachers.

It can be able to demonstrate and practice the professional and ethical requirements of
the teaching profession and are willing and capable to continue learning in order to
better fulfill their mission


1. “Can my colleagues see in my actions and statements how I value my profession as a

2. “Do I take systematic steps to ensure that I continuously improve myself as a
professional teacher?”
3. “Am I enthusiastic about my responsibilities as a teacher?”

2. What skills should be possessed by the 21st Century teacher to become globally
 Critical thinking
 Adaptability
 Excellent communication skills
 Cultural understanding
 Initiative and drive

3. As a future teacher, what will you do if your student is always involved in cases of

If a student is always misbehaving and is always involved in cases, I would talk to this
student privately and I will ask why he is doing this and what benefit will he gain from it?
I will ask him to bring his parents with him or if he refuses, I will call them or maybe give
a visit to his home. I will tell his parents of the behavior of their son and maybe get
some inputs from his parents and their son and then come-up with a solution on how to
deal with in a better way. With this approach, I will be able to know their son better and
act accordingly.

4. How will you “face” or dialogue with:

4. a. unreceptive parents?

Unreceptive parents are hard to deal with since either they will push their own way, un-
accepting of my ideas, or just plain passive and never bother to really think of what I am
trying to suggest. I would be straight-to-the-point of the end-result of their child if not
given proper attention. However, I believe that I cannot change the parents but I can do
something to the child. This requires a lot of work from my side, since I need to mentor
her, maybe after school, especially if she is failing. This would entail knowing the child’s
psychology and developing certain corrective measures applicable to this child. This, I
hope, would somehow encourage her to learn even her household does not support it.
But still, teachers can go as far only. It is still up to the child if she really wants to learn
whatever the situation maybe.

4.b. receptive parents?

Receptive parents are easy to deal with because they are open-minded and accepting of
my ideas regarding their daughter or son. There is clarity of communication especially
the attention that the parents need to focused on to their child. I can even share to
them – in a positive and tactful way – my standards in my subject which we could work
hand-in-hand to achieve this goal. In that way, we can easily correct certain areas that
need improvement. Since they are receptive, the child would be given special attention
from their parents so as to help the child improved and for me to adjust, somehow, on
how to handle the child.

5. What are some of the desirable values that must be developed by our students in
school and at home?

 respect for elders and for the right of others.

 cooperation
 willingness to share
 deep sense of responsibility
 persistence

6. How do we give due recognition to a well-behaved student?

• Give praises
• Given recognition/special awards to deserving students
7. How do school and community officials work together in each of the following events:
7. a. Socio-cultural activities

During historic celebrations in both places, participation by each is easily elicited with such
positive and civic-consciousness activities enjoyed by the school and community, a strong
feeling of togetherness become evident.

7.b. Peace and order situation in and outside the school.

Peace and order, safety in public conveyances and compliance with ordinances afford ample
protection and disciplinary measures developed by all

8. Cite some civic, non-government and government, and academic organizations that
exist in your town city or provinces and explain how they assist the school.

Brigada Eskwela

• DepEd’s National Schools Maintenance Week meant to help schools prepare for the opening
of classes with the assistance of education stakeholder by repairing and cleaning public schools
• aims to revive the bayanihan spirit among Filipinos by engaging the participation of education
stakeholders in the community.

9. How do ABS-CBN and GMA foundations assist schools and school children

Through its educational broadcast, it provides assistance to children and teachers.

10. What advantages do our students obtain/get from government and non-government,
civic, academic organizations and foundations in the country.

The advantages of students obtain/get from government and non-government

institutions are the following:

a. will be given a scholarship as long as they maintain the required grades.

b. after graduation they can be easily be absorbed to certain available position either
government or non-government agency.

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