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SUPP PC’S Reinforced Concrete
64 B Detailing and Scheduling
Software for AutoCAD
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Your Solution
Your System

The Leading RC
Detailing Solution
CADS has established an enviable reputation for providing expertise as well as expert
software for reinforced concrete detailers. Running in AutoCAD, CADS RC has been
the market leading reinforced concrete detailing software in the UK and around the
world for more than 15 years.  CADS RC’s success is due to its advanced detailing
features and technical excellence, which include integration with design software.
CADS RC can detail anything and has been successfully used on all sorts of building, The Point
transportation, water, process and power projects including precast concrete elements. London Engineers: Pell Frischmann

CADS RC has been adapted for international markets as diverse as the USA, Canada
South Africa, Middle East and India. In the USA where CADS RC is known as
RebarCAD, it has grown to become the dominant rebar detailing software for US rebar
fabricators. Working with standards organisations across the world has enabled us
to both contribute to detailing codes, as well as ensure our software meets the latest
requirements. CADS is also a ‘total solution provider’, not only providing world leading
RC detailing software, but also training and even a detailing service to help manage
those occasional peaks in demand!

Principal Features
• Easy to use and fully integrated with AutoCAD
• Bar schedules to BS 8666:2005, Indian, US and other standards
• Detailing links from RC design software including slabs
• Powerful editing and revision features
• Reduced checking required and virtual elimination of errors
• Automatic RC detailing macros
• Advance scaling functionality (CADS Viewport Manager)
• Industry standard solution with wide user base
• Links to bar fabrication systems
• Easily configured to reflect working and corporate requirements
• International versions for North America, India and South Africa
Format Schedule Dialog

Configure Settings
Over Stock Length Dialog

Draw Bar Dialog Ranges Dialog

AutoCAD Platform an unlimited ‘user-definable SC-99’ facility that

CADS RC builds on AutoCAD, the industry provides a fast graphical definition within the
standard CAD platform. It fully exploits drawing. New shapes created by you can be
the stable 2D drawing environment of added permanently to the library for future use.
AutoCAD, tailoring a solution for RC detailing
and scheduling that meets the stringent Couplers
requirements of the industry. As an integrated CADS have established a good working
AutoCAD application, CADS RC adds relationship with manufacturers of
functionality and toolbars to your AutoCAD reinforcement couplers. CADS RC supports
system and is supported by quality user Ancon CCL, MacAlloy MSP, Lenton, Dextra
manuals and training. and other leading coupler manufacturers.
If you are a CAD Manager you will find it easy
to recruit trained and experienced technicians RC Detailing Macros
for such an industry standard solution, whilst A variety of powerful CADS RC Detailing
the level of support, advice and expertise Macros are available for stair flights, pile caps,
available through our help desk will impress pad footings and octagonal bases. You can
all users. describe your structure by entering values for
given parameters into the program. When the
Configuration and Customisation data is complete, a detail is drawn, labelled and
CADS strive to accommodate users’ scheduled in a matter of a few seconds. Such
requirements and detailing styles, which details can also be amended later with CADS
means that the software is easily configured RC’s extensive reinforcement editing tools.
to suit your company and individual detailing
needs. For instance, using the built-in report Bar Schedules to BS 8666:2005,
designer you can customise your printed Bar BS 8666:2000 and BS 4466
Bending Schedules to include such things as An impressive aspect of CADS RC is the
company logos. automatic always current bar scheduling which
can be formatted the way you want using
Bar Drawing Functionality simple sorting, combining and segregation
Drawing bars can be achieved in just a few options. As each set of bars is detailed,
steps with code compliance checked as the CADS RC adds them to the internal schedule
bar is drawn. Use members to group and database automatically. CADS RC supports
categorise your bars for easy management. linear/non-linear boundary variations and can
CADS RC detailing features include an calculate and schedule all intermediate bars.
extensive selection of bar ranges to suit every
situation. Whether you are detailing a flat slab, Whatever the status of the drawing, you can
circular tank, bridge deck or abutment, you will be sure that your bar bending schedule is ‘…an already impressive
find a detailing facility in CADS RC to meet up-to-date, correct and available to be viewed
your needs. on-screen at any time. You can use AutoCAD RC detailing system.’
Layouts to create multiple drawings and
Shape Code 99’s schedules from a single, self-contained DWG AEC Magazine
CADS RC comes complete with over 100 file. As well as being customised for corporate
pre-defined SC-99’s, which based upon presentation, schedules can also be sorted and
feedback from major consulting engineers, compacted to a minimum number of pages.
cover the majority of requirements. For shapes
that are not included in the standard list there is
A new Scheduling Interface makes it much easier to
organise, categorise or format your bar data

Schedule Print & Export Dialog

drawings to come

Schedule Dialog

Schedule and Drawing Revisions Links to Rebar Fabrication Systems

CADS RC enables you to handle revisions CADS RC is also widely used by bar
with speed and confidence. When drawing fabricators. CADS RC is able to produce the
if requirements change you can still stay on SteelPac SDI file format for exporting into
top, with a revision system that allows you to the SteelPac electronic bar supply chain,
automatically generate revisions, regardless thus providing seamless integration with
of their quantity or complexity. Changes other SteelPac technologies. The CADS
are marked and updated automatically, with bar bending schedule also links directly to
Revision clouds, tables and track change production software and machinery, such
layers generated automatically. Layouts can as Ariadis.
be issued and revised individually.
Quality Assurance
CADS RC Detail Library and Editing CADS RC maintains a reinforcement
You can use standard AutoCAD block database that always reflects exactly what
technology to build up your own libraries of is on the drawing. In addition, all new bars
commonly used CADS RC details. These and changes are instantly added to the bar
can be simply inserted into new drawings bending schedule which means that checking
when required. CADS RC’s full integration is reduced and errors virtually eliminated.
with AutoCAD’s Multiple Document Interface Additional audit commands detect incomplete
(MDI) means you can simply copy and paste or unlabelled bars and ensure compliance
CADS RC details between drawings. with the configured detailing standard.
CADS RC drawings require less manual
CADS RC Editing and Stretching checking, thus scheduling errors are virtually
CADS RC provides detailers with a unique a thing of the past!
facility to edit details quickly and easily, thus
optimising the re-use of existing information. International Footprint
All changes to the drawing are immediately CADS RC is a global player in the truest
reflected in the always current bar bending sense of the word. International versions
schedule and all bar labels, sections etc, for North America, India and South Africa
are also updated automatically. Specialist have seen the adoption of CADS RC across
commands allow you to quickly locate bars diverse worldwide markets. CADS RC is
or editing via a variety of criteria. often the default choice for many international
and prestige projects, the software having
Links from CADS Design Software earned its’ reliability and consistency
CADS RC delivers real integration via credentials.
AutoCAD - the industry leading platform.
CADS RC also links to CADS powerful
analysis and modelling tools - A3D MAX
and SCIA Engineer; the latter enabling slabs Burj Dubai -
to be easily designed and detailed. CADS RC used for
slab floor plates
In addition, the results from CADS BS 8110 and shear walls
design programs for beams, columns, bases,
slabs etc, can also be imported into CADS
RC, for instant detailing and scheduling to
configurable preset styles. Such details can
later be amended easily, as required.
Quick Feature List
• Company drawing style configuration
• Powerful schedule formatting options
• Fully configurable annotation
• Built-in printed report designer for schedules
and bar weight
CADS Viewport Manager (VPM)
Standards and Codes This product greatly simplifies the creation and editing of AutoCAD
• British Standards Layouts and Viewports so you can achieve your required plotted page.
BS 8666:2005 (ISO 4066)
BS 8666:2000 Once you have defined your Viewports and their associated scales
BS 4466 then CADS-VPM will automatically apply the required scale to CADS
• International detailing standards
North American detailing standards (RebarCAD) RC details as they are created or manipulated. VPM will automatically
India detailing standards (CADS RC India) rescale details when moved between viewports.
South African detailing standards

• Support for working in modelspace and layout/
• Details are scaled automatically Bison - Customers and Projects
• Easy reuse of details via user built library
• Drag and drop details between drawings Bison is the UK’s largest precast concrete manufacturer. CADS has worked
• Automatic grouping of over length bars into stock with Bison for over five years providing software and RC detailing services.
length groupings
• Selection of macros to automatically create The mainstay of the CADS relationship with Bison
common details has been the market leading CADS RC detailing software.
• Library of dynamic concrete outlines A special CADS RC macro was developed five years ago
• Categorise by member for stairflight detailing and then branded as Bison
Bars Stairflight Detailer. CADS has also developed the Bison
Floor Designer, an attractive, easy to use downloadable Bison’s Swadlincote Factory
• Comprehensive array of ranges offered including
tapered/vary ranges product for Hollowcore floor units supplied to Bison’s customers.
• Extensive Shape Code 99s library
• Built-in Shape Code 99 designer
Bison Managing Director Alan Clucas commented:
• Library of couplers and accessories “ CADS has always provided us with excellent products coupled with the
highest level of support and service.”
• Match and compact bar marks features to reduce CADS RC is used by small and large consultancies, detailing groups,
number of marks on drawing
• Automatic bar tagging on drawing freelancers, precast manufacturers and contractors. From Terminal 5 at
Heathrow to the New Wembley Stadium, CADS RC has been used to detail
Scheduling the most complex of projects.
• Incredible usability, clarity and configurability
• Maintains an always current schedule
• Product schedules per AutoCAD layout
• Attach all required shape diagrams
• Combine schedules

• Stretch entire details
New Wembley Stadium Jubilee Line Extension Heathrow T5
• Dynamic double click editing of bars
• Automatic generation of revision clouds and tables

Quality Control Minimum Hardware/Software

• Error and compliance checking • Microsoft ® Windows Vista Home and Home Basic
• Define and enforce company standards • Microsoft Windows Vista Business
• Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate
Import /Export
• Microsoft Windows XP Professional
• Import links from RC slabs designed by • Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
FE Analysis in SCIA Engineer • AutoCAD ® 2004 to 2007 CADS RC v8 only
• Import from CADS RC Designer software; • AutoCAD 2007 to 2010 CADS RC v9 only
RC Beam Designer
RC Column Designer Additional Autodesk ® vertical platforms supported for CADS RC v9
RC Pile Cap Designer • Architectural Desktop 2007 • Mechanical 2007 to 2010
RC Pad Base Designer • Architecture 2008 to 2010 • Building Systems 2007
RC Slab Designer • Map 3D 2007 to 2010 • MEP 2008 to 2010
• All data saved in the common DWG file format • Civil 3D 2007 to 2010
• Electronic output to;
SteelPac SDI file format For AutoCAD 2007 running on XP with CADS RC v9
PDF • Intel ® Pentium ® IV 3GHz or higher with 1GB RAM
MS Office • +1GB free disk space for installation, AutoCAD and CADS RC
CSF • Video 1024 x 768 VGA with True Colour (min)
• CD/DVD ROM drive
(Please note that a higher specification will be required for later versions of AutoCAD
• Extensive selection of weight reports and Microsoft Operating Systems)
• Custom bar bending reports
CADS is a leading international software
company specialising in civil and structural
engineering design and detailing software.
CADS applications are used worldwide by
consulting engineers, civil engineering
contractors, builders, national and local
governments, structural steelwork and rebar
fabricators. CADS employs more than 300 staff
and has been in business for over 30 years.
There are more than 4000 CADS customers
who use over 50,000 copies of CADS software
in 70 countries.

CADS offer a combination of training, support
and a maintenance contract. This ensures that
you can fully exploit all that CADS RC has to
offer your business.

CADS RC Support
CADS RC support is provided by the CADS
central helpdesk via email, fax and telephone.

Software Maintenance
FREE Upgrades are provided under
CADScover, our software maintenance and
support contract.
CADS System

CADS System is a suite of engineering

software that can be used independently
or in combination to fulfil your individual
project requirements. CADS RC links to
the following CADS System software:

SCIA Engineer
RC Beam Designer
RC Column Designer
RC Pad Base Designer
RC Pile Cap Designer
RC Slab Designer

Computer and Design Services Ltd

Arrowsmith Court, Broadstone, Dorset, BH18 8AX
Tel: +44 (0)1202 603031 Fax: +44 (0)1202 658549
email: [email protected]

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