Design Steps For DRB PDF

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Design steps for DRB

1. Basic data
Enter the values of b, clear span(L), fck, fy, clear cover,
superimposed load, Overall depth (D), dia. Of bar(∅)
and calculate effective depth provided,

dprov = D – clear cover -

2. Effective span
Leff = min. of { c/c dist. b/w supports and L+d}

3. Factored SF & BM
Self wt. of beam = b*D*unit wt. of concrete
Factored load, wu = 1.5*(S.D.L + self wt.)
𝑤𝑢 ∗𝐿2 𝑒𝑓𝑓
Factored BM, Mu =
𝑤𝑢 ∗𝐿𝑒𝑓𝑓
Factored SF, Vu =

4. Design parameters
𝑋𝑢𝑚𝑎𝑥 700
Find = &
𝑑 1100+0.87∗𝑓𝑦

𝑋𝑢𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑋𝑢𝑚𝑎𝑥
Qlim = 0.36* ∗ (1 − 0.42 ∗ ) ∗ 𝑓𝑐𝑘
𝑑 𝑑
Mulim = Qlim * b * 𝑑2

If Mu < Mulim , Design as SRB

& Mu > Mulim , Design as DRB

5. Design of tensile R/F

Find the area of tension steel required to resist Mulim
Mulim = 0.87*fy*Ast1*(d – 0.42*xumax)
𝑨𝒔𝒕𝟏 =
𝟎.𝟖𝟕∗𝒇𝒚∗(𝒅−𝟎.𝟒𝟐∗𝒙𝒖𝒎𝒂𝒙 )
Find the area of tension steel required to resist (Mu – Mulim)
Mu – Mulim = 0.87*fy*Ast2*(d – d’)
(𝐌𝐮 – 𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐦)
Ast2 =
𝟎.𝟖𝟕∗ 𝒇𝒚∗ 𝒅′

Ast = Ast1 + Ast2 < 𝑴𝒂𝒙. R/F = 0.04*b*D

ast =

No. of bars required,

Nreq =

Ast,provided = N * ast
% of R/F provided,
pt,prov. = *100

6. Determination of compression R/F

Find the compression steel to resist tensile force
C2 = T2
Fsc*Asc = 0.87*fy*Ast2
𝟎. 𝟖𝟕 ∗ 𝒇𝒚 ∗ 𝑨𝒔𝒕𝟐
𝑨𝒔𝒄 =

Where, fsc can be calculated from the following table given in SP:16
fy (N/mm2)
d’/d ratio
0.05 0.1 0.15 0.20
250 217 217 217 217
415 355 353 342 329
500 424 412 395 370
550 458 441 419 380

7. Check for shear and development length (Same as SRB)

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