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Civic Studies

Civic studies refer to education on political, practical as well as theoretical aspects of a

citizen. These studies also include the studies on the various rights and roles that the citizens

should abide with. The functions outlined in civic education include the various duties which

residents are expected to execute to each other in a political organization as well as to the

government. Civic studies encompass studies on civil codes and civil law which include the

national studies with the primary focus on duties of the citizens in operational and oversight

processes as compared to external factors. Civic education refers to teaching and educating the

civilians in an individual country on their political as well as ethical doctrines. Thus, public

education is an integral part of education that should be mainstreamed in the primary school.

The main components of civic education are voting and taxation. Voting is usually

referred to as the greatest power owned by citizens in a community. The studies tend to equip

one with the knowledge that helps them study political candidates and understand each of them.

It also enables one to understand various positions of each candidate, their duties and what is

required of them. Qualification requirements are also highlighted in different areas. The

functionality of governments is affected by direct voting through the selection of candidates to

work in a state.

Taxation is another subject of focus in civic studies. This aspect is referred by

philosophers as the price paid by citizens for a civilized community. Money pooled by the

government through taxation is spent in functional equivalents in executing various duties and

functions. These expenditure responsibilities include funding military and security forces,

protecting the public as well as private property, infrastructural development such as schools,

roads, legal tenders and contract enforcement as well as public works and helping the

government in its operations. Government services such as the provision of health care services,

schools, pensions among others are also funded using taxes.

Civic education is an important and integral part that should be mainstreamed in the school

system. With public education incorporated in primary schools, this prescriptive has the potential

of dragging teachers as well as students from their respective zones. This kind of training equips

one with political skills. Integrating civic education in primary schools will enable students to

know and develop various public skills that are essential for a civilian [ CITATION CIV \l 1033 ]

[ CITATION Ril97 \l 1033 ]. Some of the political skills gained include:

 One can read and interpret the information published in magazines and newspapers as

well as increasing ability to participate in political discussions.

 One is equipped with knowledge on their civil rights of voting their preferred political

candidate in both the local and national elections.

 One gathers knowledge in creation and signing of government petitions.

 One is also able to exercise duties such as letter writing to elected candidates, money

contributions to a candidate or party, attending meetings and gathering the information on

various issues covered as well as developing the ability to manipulate others to vote in a

certain way.

 Civic education enables one to know the various elective positions they are legible to run

for and hold.

 Public education enables one to present views in different forums to their leaders as well

as conducting demonstrations in a peaceful manner such as through boycotts, peaceful

marches, and sit-ins.

The introduction of public education will also enable the young generation to develop and

internalize the various civic dispositions that they are required to have as citizens. Civic

dispositions refer to the different characters that allow a person to be responsible and productive

in a country [ CITATION Hog88 \l 1033 ] [ CITATION Jon11 \l 1033 ]. They also enable one to

participate in constitutional issues and events actively. Civic dispositions include:

 Respecting the law and rights of other people, this includes equality in the

government voice, in law enforcement as well as airing their views. It also includes

citizen abiding with the set of law in the country.

 One can develop civility and hence the ability to treat other citizens with respect

regardless the differences that might be there of race, gender or in views.

 Civilians, with the help of public education, develop honesty which encompasses the

will in seeking and expressing the truth.

 Patriotism is also a civil disposition where one can develop loyalty principles and

values which underlie constitutional issues in the country.

 One is also, through political studies, able to be compassionate to the others and their


 Another civil disposition that comes with civic education is civic mindedness where

one can pay attention to and follow up the major concerns for the public affairs.

Other minor advantages of public education are the creation of a favorable in schools.

This enables proper training to take place as students are enlightened by various factors that

revolve in their lives. Students get to know their different rights as well as duties as citizens. This

plays a significant role in reducing truancy and cases of school dropouts. Civic educations

enhance civil equality. With well-outlined rights, functions, and expectations of every citizen,

mutual respect is developed and hence equality. The subjects in school are also diversified and

made more intensive. This enables learning of diverse fields in the public sphere. The

diversification enables the students to choose and fulfill their interests, abilities, and aptitudes.

Students also acquire different knowledge and skills through right and civic studies offered in

schools. They can learn valuable society services as well as gain career-related experience

[ CITATION LiS11 \l 1033 ] [ CITATION The14 \l 1033 ].

Despite the various advantages of public education and roles in developing a united

country with integrated rights and duties of each citizen well outlined, there are various

limitations of civic education. The main challenge of establishing public education in primary

schools is grading. The introduction of public education will call for an examination of the

subject. This can increase pressure on students since failure on the issue would deny them a

chance to join a higher learning institution. The pressure can also lead to mental and

psychological problems as students struggle with the subject. There could also be less skilled

personnel and teachers to handle the issue hence poor delivery and performance of the students

[ CITATION LiS11 \l 1033 ].

In conclusion, public education is an important aspect since it enlightens people on the

rights, laws, policies as well as the various duties they are expected to perform. Mainstreaming

public education in primary schools would play a significant role in nurturing morally upright

children as well as future patriotic citizens who will abide by the laws as well as exercise various

rights and duties expected of them. Thus, civic education should be offered in primary schools.

Works Cited


Gould, Jonathan. "Benefits of Civic Education: Increased Equality and Narrowed Civic


Hoge, John D. "Civic Education in Schools. ERIC Digest." (1988). Print.

Mak, Li Shun. "Advantages and disadvantages of systems." QCLS2DGp4 (2011). Print.

Riley, Richard W. "The Importance of Civic Education. From the Desk of the Secretary of

Education." ERIC (1997). print.

"The state of civics education." The Wireless (2014). Print.

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